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Can't see printers from CUPS print server in Windows


You say you created a CUPS printer server yet you use the word "browse" implying your using
Samba to get to cups so let's start with some basics first.

You need to tell CUPS to share the printer:

Administration > Printing > Right Click the attached printer > Properties > Policies
Check Enabled, Accepting Jobs, and Shared
You need to tell cups to publish the printer:
Administration > Printing > Server > Settings > Check "Publish Shared Printers connected to this
Now you need to tell Samba to allow guest access to the CUPS printers:
gksu gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
Look for this section:
comment = All Printers
browseable = No
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = yes
guest ok = no
create mask = 0700
And change "guest ok = no" to "guest ok = yes":
comment = All Printers
browseable = No
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = yes
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0700
Then restart samba:
sudo service smbd restart
Adv Reply
 September 21st, 2010 #3
Re: Can't see printers from CUPS print server in Windows
Hi Morbius1

I can see the printers now, however I am having another issue. everytime try to connect to the
server it prompts me for username and password for the windows domain. If I am inside the
domain it does not ask me for usermane or password but if I am in a workgoup (which is
connected to the same network) then it does. I need to be able to connect from a workgroup,
install the printer on the computer. I can do this entering a password however when the computer
reboots it will lose the connection and prompt the users for username and password again.
Adv Reply
 September 21st, 2010 #4


Join Date
Nov 2008
Metro Boston
Kubuntu Development Release

Re: Can't see printers from CUPS print server in Windows

I've found it's sometimes easier in mixed networks to connect the printers to Windows machines
and use CUPS to talk to them from the Ubuntu clients. Is that an option for you?
Adv Reply
 September 21st, 2010 #5

A Carafe of Ubuntu
Join Date
Apr 2008

Re: Can't see printers from CUPS print server in Windows

Hi Senjisensei

"connect to windows machines and talk to them from the Ubuntu clients." I am not sure what
you are trying to say.

Al of my machines are windows (domain machines and workgroup machines), Ubuntu is my

print server, I have another Windows print server, but I think it is easyer to make the ubuntu
server stop asking for password than to do it for the windows server, I have done it before so I
know it can work.

I ran a litle program in one of my Windows workgroup machines which told me that, whenever I
get asked for username and password the protocols trying to connect are:


Right there is when I get asked for username and password. The only thing I am doing is going
to "my computer" entering the IP of the server \\ and I get asked for username and
password. Is the Windows domain considering the Ubuntu server as being part of the domain
somehow? Where is this coming from?
Adv Reply
 September 21st, 2010 #6


A Carafe of Ubuntu
Join Date
Apr 2008
Re: Can't see printers from CUPS print server in Windows

I happened to stumble upon the answer in another forum, I just had to enter the followinf
information on my smb.conf file


security = share

I then saved and closed the file and restarted samba isuing a simple

restart smbd

at the command prompt, that that was it!! it worked like a charm
Re: Sharing a Windows 7 Printer with an Ubuntu 12.04

After exhaustive googling and research, I finally resolved the issue. Regarding my post where I
received the following error message

"Connection failed: NT_STATUS_Unsuccessful"

The resolution posted to solve the "adding a printer" issue is incorrect.

If your Windows 7 computer does not have a password (If your Windows 7 computer boots to
the desktop screen, then your Windows 7 computer does not have a password) and you receive
the follow error message (please see the very first post):

"Not authorized"

"The password may be incorrect"

Then what you need to do is turn off "password protected sharing" on your Windows 7
computer. The navigation is as follows:

Windows 7 Computer Navigation:

- Control Panel
- Network and Internet
- Network and Sharing Center
- Change advance sharing settings (look at top left of screen)
- Turn off password protected sharing (note: scroll down a bit)
Last edited by DZDB; September 14th, 2013 at 12:25 PM.

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