What Is The Fate of The Universe

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What is the fate of the universe?

Will continually expand or will

it contract because of gravity? Answer this with an essay.

- The word "expand" means to become or make larger and more

extensive, based on internet. The fate of the universe undergo a continuous

change called "expanding." Many famous scientists said that they found out
that the galaxies are moving away from each other as the years passes by.
There's a theory that observed by Edwin Hubble that supports this idea
which is called "The Big Bang Theory." The Big Bang Theory suggests that
the universe began a very small and very dense, and it has expanded and
become less dense ever since. The expansion of the universe also affected
by the gravitational force. The process of the expansion of the universe will
be slowed because of the gravity. The higher the density of the universe, the
greater the gravitational force. Based on scientists, the universe will stop
expanding and starts contracting if the density is greater than the critical
limit. So if it's less than the critical limit, then the universe will expand
forever. There are things about the universe that's hard to explain but one
thing is for sure: God's creation amazes us and His love will never change
even the whole universe will disappeared.

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