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Unit test no.


Academic Year -2018-2019 Sem/scheme-IV

Course Title- DEM Course code-22421
Duration- 1Hour Marks- 20
1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate the answer with neat sketches whether wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q .1 (A) Attempt any TWO of the following (4 Marks)

a) Define (1)fan in (2)fan out ?
b) Define combinational logic circuit?
c)Draw the symbol and truth table of OR gate?
Q .1 (B) Attempt any TWO of the following (4 Marks)
d) Mention the classification bipolar logic families?
E) Define pair, quad, octet?
f) Draw and explain three variable k-maps with all possibilities?

Q.2 (A) Attempt any ONE of the following (4 Marks)

a)State and prove Demorgan’s theorem?
b) Define Minterm and maxterm?

Q.2 (B) Attempt any TWO of the following (8 Marks)

c) Reduce A(A+B)
d) Convert given expression into its standard SOP form
Y  ( A  B).( A  C )  ( B  C )

e) Simplify following expression

Y=(A+B)(A+C’)(B’+C’) Where ‘ symbol represents bar ?

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