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TELEPHONES: WORTH 2-4155 -------- WORTH3-6925


April 2, 1964


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration will

begin the £light phase of a new manned space flight program
with the launch of an unmanned Gemini capsule no earlier
than Apr. 7 from Cape Kennedy, Fla.

Gemini is a bridge between the Mercury program, which

was completed May '.6,1963 with the 22-orbit flight by
Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, and the Apollo manned lunar
landing mission scheduled in this decade.

Gemini is a two-man spacecraft capable of Earth-crbital

flights of as long as two weeks. It also will be used in
development of space renedzvous and docking techniques.

.3/30/ '4

The upcoming unmanned flight, designated Gemini-Titan I

(GT-l), is a test of the Titan II (GLV) launch vehicle system,

Gemini spacecraft structural integrity and spacecraft-launch

vehicle compatibility.

The spacecraft will be equipped with instrumentation,

communicatiin, electrical and coolant systems. IV will not

be separated from the second stage of the Titan II; the two

components will orbit as a single vehicle. No recovery is


Orbital life of the vehicle is difficult to predict

but it will range from hours to as long as three weeks.

Flight Plan

GT-l will take off from Launch Complex 19, Cape Kennedy,

Fla., at an azimuth of 72 degrees. The combined CGamini cap-

sule and second stage of the Titan I1 will be placed into an

elliptical orbit with an apogee of about 183 miles and a per-

igee of about 99 miles. It will be tracked by NASA's world-

wide network of tracking stations until the electrical power

of boai-d the spacecraft is depleted about the end of the first


Network stations participating are at Cape Kennedy;

Bermuda; Australia; Point Arguello, Calif.; White Sands, N.M.;

and Eglin Air Force Base, Fola.


Primary objectives of GT-1 are to:

-- Demonst:-ate structural compatability of spacecraft

and launch vehicle from lift-off through orbital insertion.

-- Determine launch heating conditions on both space-

craft and launc> vehicle.

-- Demonstrate lau.,ch veh-iicle performance and qualify

the vehicle subsystems for future flights.

-- Demonstrate structural integrity of spacecraft from

launch through orbital insertion.

-- Demonstrate ability of the launch vehicle and ground

guidance systems to accurately achieve orbital insertion con-


-- Monitor launch vehicle flight control system switch-

over circuits (from primary to secondary programs) for an

evaluation of their sufficiency for mission requirements. An

inertial guidance system will be used in the spacecraft in

later Gemini missions.

-- Demonstrate Malfunction Detection System (MDS), a

wcarning to alert astronauts of impending failures.


Secondary objeztives are to:

- Evaluate operational procedures used in establish-

ing GLV trajectory and engine shutdown or cutoff conditions.

-- Demonstrate performance of the launch and tracking

ground network.

-- Verify orbital insertion conditions by tracking the

C-band beacon in the spacecraft.

-- Provide training for flight dynamics, guidance

switchover, and MDS flight controllers.

-- Demonstrate operational capability of prelaunch and

launch facilities.

Sequence of Events

Engine start is followed by a 1.8-second period in

which thrust builds to 77 percent of total. Two seconds

later the four tiedown nuts explode and the vehicle lifts

off and rises vertically for approximately 20 seconds,

During this rise, guidance toward the desired launch azimuth

is begun by starting the roll program (turning oi' the vehicle

about its longitudinal axis).

The GLV uses the Titan HI "fire-in-the-hole" technique

for stage separation -- the second stage is ignited prior

to exploding the nuts which hold the two stages together.

Second stage flight is guided by a closed-loop radio

guidance system. When orbit insertion speed is reached, a

signal cuts off the sustainer engine. The guidance system
also transmits an auxiliary sustainer cutoff signal through

the ground command transmitter and range safety receivers

as a backup to the SECO command. The Range Safety Officer

can shut down the engine and destroy the vehicle if necess-



Approximate time Event

T-1 day Partial propellent loading of GIV

T-360 minutes GLV propellent loading completed
T-330 minutes GLV and spacecraft power ON, GLV
flight pressurization begins
T-300 minutes Start countdown
T-290 minutes Spacecraft telemetry ON
TP-260 minutes Range readout of GLV telemetry
(/1 )
T-24O minutes Mission Control Center telemetry
T-230 minutes GLV simulated flight test


T-215 min:ltes GLV range destruct and engine

shutdown checks

T-140 minutes Malfunction Detection System

tank sensor check

T-135 minutes Range readout of GLV telemetry

T-90 minutes Lift-off pulse check

T-55 minutes Spacecraft seal and leak check

T-35 minutes Erector lowering

T-222 minutes Auxiliary sustainer engine cut-

off check

T-20 minutes Range engine shutdown test

T-10 minutes Spacecrafttelemetry ON internal


T-6 minutes Final status check of GLV and

T-90 seconds GLV power ON

T-47 seconds Open GLV prevalves to allow

propellants to flow to thrust

T-15 seconds GLV destruct initiators armed

T-O Start first stage engines. Space-

craft upper umbilical released

T+1.8 seconds Thrust chamber pressure switch,

calibrated for 77 percent of
engine thrust, is activated,
starting two-second timer

T+3 seconds Spacecraft lower oilbilicals re-

T+3.8 seconds Tiedown nuts explode


T+4 seconds Lift-off begins. Flight control

timer starts after two inches of
vehicle travel
T+'0.48 seconds Roll programmer is started for
72-degree launch azimuth
T+20.48 seconds End of roll program
T+23.04 seconds Start first pitch programmer rate
(gradual tilting from vertical to
near horizontal flight. This
activity is accomplished in three
separate increments in order that
proper trajectory may be achieved
as programmed.)
T+88.02 seconds End first pitch programmer rate
and start second pitch programmer
T+119.04 seconds End second pitch programmer rate
and start third pitch programmer
T+153.34 seconds First stage engine shut down,
booster engine cutoff, start se-
cond stage engine, explode stage
separation explosive nuts
T+154.37 seconds "Fire-inithe-hole" staging accom-
T+162.56 seconds End third pitch programming
T+335.23 seconds Terminate radio guidance command
T+337.23 seconds Sustainer engine cutoff signal

The GT-I Test Vehicle

Overall size --
Height: 108 feet; first stage 70 feet, including engines;
second stage 19 feet; spacecraft and adapter 19 feet.

Diameter: GLV first and second stages, 120 inches;

Adapter, 120 inches at base, 90 inches at top; Spacecraft.9

90 inches at base, 31 inches at top.

Launch weight: Vehicle and spacecraft, 300,000 pounds;

GLV, approximately 293,000 pounds; Spacecraft and adapter,

approximately 7,000 pounds (adapter structural weight -

181 pounds).
Gemini Launch Vehicle

The Gemini launch vehicle is a Titan II ICBM with sev-

eral modifications. They are:

1. Addition of a secondary flight control system and

switchover capability (switchover from primary to

secondary control system).

2. A fully redundant malfunction detection system has

been added.

3. Redundant electrical signals are provided to the

second stage start cartridges.

4. A 120-inch-diameter cylindrical skirt is provided

forward of the second stage oxidizer tank for space-

craft adapter attachment.

5. A redundant electrical system is provided.

6. The Titan II inertial guidance system is replaced by

a radio guidance system.

7. The three-axis reference guidance system is added

for attitude stabilization during the first stage


Gemini Launch Vehicle Systems include:

1. Primary system, consisting of radio guidance

system and three-axis reference system.

2. Secondary system, consisting of spacecraft iner-

tial guidance system (none in GT-1) and Titan

II autopilot.

3. Electrical system consisting of the power

distribution system (auxiliary power system and

instrumentation power system) and electrical

sequencing system, consisting of a relay and

motor driven switch logic, supplying required

electrical functions such as first stage shut-

dowvn, firing separation nuts, and second stage


4. Range safety airborne system, consisting of two

command destruct receivers, missile trajectory

measurement transponder (rate and position),

destruct circuitry and self-powered destruct

system in first stage which will activate if

first stage inadvertently separates from second

stage in powered flight.

Gemini Launch Vehicle Engines are pump-fed using hyper-

golic propellants.

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First stage has two J-7 engines developing a total of

430,000 pounds thrust at lift-off (seven million horsepower

at terminal velocity).

Second stage has one J-5 engine developing 100,000 pounds


The engines are started with cartridges (small solid

fuel gas generators to start powering the turbine-driven

pumps). Propellant tanks are gas pressurized to provide con-

tinuous uniform propellant flow and to sustain the integrity

of the launch vehicle structure.

Gemini Launch Vehicle staging takes place at L15 miles

altitude and 45 miles downrange when first stage propellant

depletion occurs. An electrical signal will automatically

arm a second stage squib to ignite and fire the second

stage start cartridge.

GT-1 Spacecraft

T'ne Gemini spacecraft is basically conical consisting

of two major assemblies -- a re-entry module and an adapter

section. It is designed to shield the crew cabin from exces-

sive heating, noise and meteorite penetration. During flight,

the spacecraft adapter section faces aft with respect to

direction of travel. Except for actual hardware to be tested

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and instrumentation to be used, the assemblies of the space-
craft will be ballast to simulate normal weight and center
of gravity of items simulated for this mission.

Re-entry module includes:

Nose fairing.
Rendezvous and recovery section, a truncated cone in
shape, is attached to re-entry control system by 24 bolts.
External surface is beryllium shingles.
Re-entry control section, cylindrical in shape, located
between and fitted to the rendezvous and recovery section arid
the cabin section of the spacecraft. Outer skin is beryllium0
Cabin section located between the re-entry control
section and adapter. Section has internal pressure vessel
shaped to provide adequate crew station with proper water
flotation attitude. Shape also allows space bebween pressure
compartment and outside conical shell for installation of
equipment. It is covered by heat-resistant shingles and has
pressure bulkheads at each end of cabin. Two hatches on top
side of cabin provide for entry and egress from cabin. Two
equipment bays are on each side of cabin between pressure
vessel and outer walls and three additional bays are beneath
the pressure vessel floor. These bays are structurally
designed for mounting equipment not requiring pressurization

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and for components having self-contained pressurization. Each

of the hatches has a visual observation window with an inner

and outer glass assembly. (The outer assembly is a single

flat pane; the inner assembly has two flat panes). Two heat
sensors are installed between the outer and inner glass

assemblies for the GT-l to monitor thermal radiation on the

outer window.

Adapter section is a truncated cone-shaped structure

consisting of aluminum rings spliced together with magnesium

stringers to form the basic structure. The forward end of the

adapter is coupled to the re-entry module by three restraining

rings. Actual GT-l equipment mounts are included in the

adapter and simulated real weight for each piece of equip-

ment. During the GT-1 flight the adapter section functions

only as a vehicle to attach the spacecraft to the launch

vehicle. The retrograde section at the forward end oft the

adapter is fitted to the bottom of the re-entry module. This

section encloses the retrograde rockets. (Dummy rockets are
used for the GT-l flight.) The spacecraft is fitted to the

launch vehicle by an aluminum ring 120 inches in diameter.

This ring is attached to a similar launch vehicle ring by 20

bolts, and in later flights will be separated by explosive

charges which sever the adapter skin.

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GT-l spacecraft instrumentation and systems include:

1. Instrumentation pallets (in place of crew couches),
pressvre transducers, temperature sensors and accelerometers
are ins.,alled inside the cabin. The instrumentation equip-
ment permits flight data to be telemetered to the ground
stations. The cabin is purged and sealed prior to flight.
The pallets are essentially platforms in which instrumentation
and communications equipment is mounted. The instrumentation
provides a means of monitoring the condition of the space-
craft. There will be .a total of 104 measurements, concerning
temperature, acceleration, and pressure, telemetered to ground
stations during the flight. These include 14 temperature, two
acceleration and one pressure measurement of the rendezvous
and radar-reentry control sections; 29 temperature, nine
acceleration and six pressure measurements of the conical
section; and 36 temperature, five acceleration and two pres-
sure measurements of the adapter section. (All pressure
measurements will be made inside the compartments). Instru-
mentatLon on Pallet No. 1 weighs 212 pounds and on Pallet No. 4

2, 188 pounds. Additionally, 992 pounds of ballast are

mounLted on the pallets. Instrumentation pick-up devrices are
located throughout the spacecraft, Sound level measurements
will be made inside the cabin.

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2. The environmental control system functions only
to establish and maintain a differential pressure between
the interior of the cabin and ambient atmosphere.

3. Cooling system consists of a series of coldplates

installed on the instrumentaion pallets in the cabin. Equip-
ment requiring cooling is mounted directly on the coldplates.

4. Communications system (consisting of a C-bend radar

beacon, phase shifter, DC-AC inverter, three C-band antennas,
three telemetry transmitters, and a UHF antenna) sierves as
an instrumentation signal and spacecraft position link between
the spacecraft and the ground.

5. Electrical system consists, basically, of one main

battery, several control relays and interconnecting wiring.
It supplies power for all instrumentation and communications

6. Functional systems not required for GT-1 are simu-

lated with dummy packages where necessary for structural pur-
poses. These packages are approximately the same weight as
their manned flight counterparts.

Spacecraft Umbilicals

All three spacecraft-to-ground umbilicals are ejected

during launch sequence. Two of these are active for the GT-1

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mission. The electrical umbilical to the re-entry module

contains blockhouse control circuits, and the coolant ur.,ilical
to the adapter provides ground cooling for the critical space-
craft components. The electrical umbilical tc the adapter
is actual equipment but used only to qualify its umbilical-
eject system.

Mission Computation

The NASA Goddard Space Flight Ceni-cr Computer Center

is used from launch through mission termination to process
and provide data to the Mission Control Center at Cape

Malfunct lon Detection System

The malfunction detection system monitors critical launch

vehicle areas, including: propellant tanks (required pressure
level), turning rates (pitch, yaw and roll), hydraulic pres-
sure, actuator limit system, thrust chamber pressure, and
proper staging.

Gemini Background

As Project Mercury moved into its manned flight phase

in 1961, it was clear to NASA management that a program was
needed to bridge the flight experience gap between the fairly

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short-duration Earth-orbital-only Mercury missions and the

complex long-duration lunar-landing missio.s of Apollo.
Gemini, a two-man spacecraft which would serve for flights
as long as two weeks and permit development of rendezvous and
docking techniques, was the answer.

Project Mercury proved certain engineering concepts that

will be used in Gemini.

For one, it was decided to use the basic shape of the

Mercury spacecraft for the two-man program. (The Gemini
spacecraft is 152 inches wider in diameter at the base, 121
inches longer, and has about 50 percent more volume). This
allowed engineers to take full advantage of the lessons learned
in the early days of Project Mercury. It eliminated the need
for many wind tunnel test', similar to those run for Mercury
at Langley Research Center, Ames Research Center, and other
research installations. It also eliminated the need for
several series of test flights to study aerodynamic and heating

It was determined that this spacecraft concept would

offer the required flexibility demanded to permit a variety
of missions as compared to the single-purpose Anission of the
Mercury spacecraft which was designs only for Earth orbit
and return.

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The Gemini spacecraft can be used for rendezvous and
docking, extended Earth-orbit missions and to experiment with
men climbing out of the spacecraft for short times while i,
orbit. It may be considered for other purposes such as
ferrying missions, space station activity, or as a base fo-
more extended extra-vehicular activities,

One of the major differences in design philosophy between

the Mercury and Gemini programs is the greater reliance on
astronaut control of the Gemini spacecraft. Manual control
increases reliability through simplified sequencing.

The T.tan II launch vehicle, a second-generation missile,

was chosen as Gemini's booster, mainly for its weight-lifting
ability. Certain changes were required to modify the Titan
II to fit the needs of the program.

The Agena D was picked as the target vehicle for later

Gemini rendezvous and docking flights because of its proven
maneuvering capability. It provides a stabilized target and
can maneuver itself into the desired rendezvous position.
The principal modifications for Gemini missions consist of a
multiple restart capability, a special command system, and
installation of a visual status display to aid the astro-
nauts during docking procedures,

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The National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration hmb

assigned certain objectives for the overall Gemini pnogram.

They include:

To subject two men and their supporting equipment to

long-duration flights in space.

To achieve rendezvous and docking with an(ther orbiting


To maneuver the spacecraft in space after docking to a

new propulsion system.

To experiment with men climbing out of the spacecraft

for short periods of time while in orbit, a necessary step

in building up more difficult extra-vehicular tasks in

later projects.

To fly a controlled re-entry wherein the spacecraft is

navigated to a specific landing area.

Attainment of these objectives will greatly enhance the

Apollo mission and Gemin "lights will serve as training

missions for the astronauts who will fly in the Apollo program.

- end -

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