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Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

Movie Appreciation

For Tutors:

1. Stick to the teaching material even if you have never seen the movie before. Do not
change the topic of the lesson arbitrarily.

2. Follow the time given to each part. Do not spend too much time on any particular

3. Please pay attention to the teaching instruction (TI) on the lower left corner of each

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Movie Appreciation Lesson 15
Movie Appreciation

Before Sunrise
Lesson 15

© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

Movie Appreciation Lesson 15


Info & Plot Exploration
3 mins 9mins

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

Warm up Expressions Review

2 mins 8 mins 3 mins

In the following pages, TI = teaching instruction, T = teacher and S = student. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

1 Warm up (2 mins)

If a stranger asks you to spend a day with him/her in a

strange city, would you agree? Why?

TI: T asks S to answer the question above. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

2 Information & Plot (3 mins)

Before Sunrise (爱在黎明破晓时) is a 1995 American

romantic film directed by Richard Linklater. The story is about
Jesse, a young American man, and Céline, a young French
woman, who meet on a train in Europe. After a brief chat,
they decide to disembark (下车) together in Vienna, where
they spend the whole night walking around the city and
discuss about love, life and religion. They make the night so
romantic that neither of them can ever forget.

Question: Where do Jesse and Céline disembark?

TI: T guides S through the passage quickly and answers the question.
Ask S if he/she has got any question about this part. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

3 Expressions (2 mins)

What a drag
- Mostly used for
something that disrupts
pleasurable things, and can
be used after any major
request or statement.

I have to work overtime this
“You get off here, no?” week. What a drag!
“Yeah, what a drag.”

Try to make your own sentence with this expression.

TI: T teaches S the expression and asks him/her to make a new sentence with it. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

3 Expressions (2 mins)

Put sb. out of business

- To make someone go
bankrupt, lose their shop or

The government put us out of
business after the news was
leaked to the media.
“It would put them out of business.”

Try to make your own sentence with this expression.

TI: T teaches S the expression and asks him/her to make a new sentence with it. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

3 Expressions (2 mins)

Bug sb.
- To
make someone angry or
annoyed; to bother someone.

It really bugs me when
people smoke in restaurants.

“Something about me bugs you?”

Try to make your own sentence with this expression.

TI: T teaches S the expression and asks him/her to make a new sentence with it. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

3 Expressions (1 min)
A. To make someone go bankrupt,
lose their shop or company.
1. What a drag
B. To make someone angry or
annoyed; to bother someone.
2. Put sb. out of business

C. Mostly used for something that

3. Bug sb. disrupts pleasurable things, and can
be used after any major request or

Match the expressions with the correct meanings.

3-B 2-A 1.C

TI: T asks S to do the exercise. The answers are on the lower right corner. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

3 Expressions (1 min)

A. what a drag B. put sb. out of business C. bug sb.

1. I left my key in my room! __________!

2. It __________ when people are making loud noises in the bus.

3. If you don’t ask for help, you will __________.

Fill in the blanks with the right expressions.

3-B 2-C 1-A

TI: T asks S to do the exercise. The answers are on the lower right corner. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

4 Cultural Exploration (1 min)

Jesse and Céline go into a record

shop to find the music they like.

Jesse buys a Eurail Pass and travels

around Europe by train. He has been
riding the train for two or three weeks.

TI: T asks S to look through the passage and pay attention to the words in pink. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

4 Cultural Exploration (4 mins)

Eurail Pass (/ˈjʊreɪl pɑ:s/), is a train pass that allows

pass holders to travel in 28 European countries on nearly
all European railroads ① and some shipping lines ②.
The product was launched in 1959 and is owned by a
group of European rail carriers and shipping companies.
A Eurail Pass is available for non-Europeans, while
European residents can travel with an Interrail Pass.

① Railroad: a railroad on which locomotives and ② Shipping line: A shipping line is a business that
cars are run for the transportation of passengers, transports passengers, cargo and mail with ships.
freight, and mail.

Question: If you have a Eurail Pass, where do you want to go?

TI: T guides S through the passage and asks the question. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

4 Cultural Exploration (3 mins)

A record store(/ˈrekɔ:d stɔ:(r)/) is a store that sells recorded

music. In the late 19th century and the early 20th century,
record shops only sold vinyl records(黑胶唱片), but during
the 20th century, record stores started to sell new formats
such as compact discs (CDs). Today in the 21st century, record
stores sell many types of products including CDs, vinyl
records and sometimes DVDs of movies, TV shows, cartoons
and concerts. Some record stores also sell music-related
items such as posters of bands.

Discussion: Have you ever been in a record store before?

TI: T guides S through the passage and does the discussion. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

4 Cultural Exploration (1 min)

1. Europeans can travel with an __________ in Europe.

2. You can buy a __________ before you go to Europe.

3. I have a part-time job in a __________, so I can listen to music at work.

4. This town got bigger, so people built __________ in the 1860s.

Fill in the blanks according to what you have learned.

TI: T asks S to do the exercise. The answers are on the next page. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

5 Review (1 min)

In this lesson you have learned:

1. The basic information of the movie

2. Three expressions
• what a drag
• put sb. out of business
• bug sb.
3. Two things related to the movie
• Eurail Pass
• record store

Answers to the previous page:

1. Interrail Pass 2. Eurail Pass 3. record store 4. railroads
TI: T goes through this part with S and asks if he/she has got any question. 14
© 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

5 Review (2 mins)

Summarize the plot in your own words using the key words below. You can
compare your answer with the passage on page 4 later.

romantic film

meet on a train


spend the night

TI: T asks S to do the exercise and assists S as necessary. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15

After Class (for the student only)

A more detailed summary of the plot of Before Sunrise:

The story begins on a train, where Jesse meets Céline and starts a conversation with her. Jesse is going to
catch a flight back to the US after his long journey in Europe, while Céline is returning to Paris after visiting
her grandmother in Budapest. When they reach Vienna, Jesse asks Céline to disembark with him, and Céline
surprisingly agrees. He has to catch his flight the next morning and does not have enough money to rent a
room for the night, so they decide to walk around the city all night. After visiting a few tourist sites in Vienna,
they share a kiss at the top of the Wiener Riesenrad and start to build up a romantic connection. They begin
to talk more openly with each other about love, life, religion, and their observations of the city. They can feel
how much they are attracted to each other, but they know that they will probably never see each other again.
They simply decide to leave no contact information to each other and make it the only night they are
together. The film ends the next day at the train station. Just as Céline's train is about to leave, the couple
decides that, instead of losing contact forever, they should meet each other again at the same place six
months later. In the end, Céline leaves Vienna by train heading to Paris and Jesse goes to the airport to fly
back to America.

TI: This part is not necessary for the class. Let S read by himself/herself after class. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Movie Appreciation Lesson 15
Movie Appreciation


© 2017 Acadsoc Limited

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