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Receiving(attending) Example:Listens to others with
Phenomena: respect;listens for the
-Awareness, willingness to hear, members the name of the
selected attention newly introduced people
-at this level, the student is aware Key Words:
of the existence of a condition or chooses,describes,follows,gives
problem and is willing to at least ,holds,identified,locates,names
listen attentively to what others ,points to
have to say about it
Responding to Phenomena: Example:Participates in class
-active participation on the part discussion; gives a
of the learners; attends reacts to presentation; questions new
a particular phenomenon ideals,concepts,models,
-at this level, the student is willing fully understand them
to go along with an idea or a Key words:
value, such as being willing to Answers, assist,
follow school rules, actively aids,complies,conforms,discuss
volunteers to respond, and takes es,
satisfaction in the response greets,helps,labels,performs,pr
Valuing: the worth or value a Example:proposes a plan for
person attaches to a particular social improvement and
object,phenomenon or behavior follows through with
Organization:organizesvalues Example:spending more time
into priorities by contrasting studying then playing sports,
different values, resolving, recognizing the need for
conflicts between them, and balance between work and
creating a unique value system; famly,or prioritizing time
emphasis is on comparing, effectively to meet goals.
relating and synthesizing values Key Words:adheres,
Internalizing values Example: recognizes the need
(characterization) –has a value for balance between freedom
system that controls behavior; and responsible behavior
behavior is pervasive, consistent accept responsibility for one
predictable and most behavior.
importantly, a characteristic of Key words: adhere, arranges,
the learner. combines,compares,complete
defend,explain, formulate

-concerned with the development of motor skill and
neuromuscular control. Objectives in the phychomotor
domain often contain elemnts of the cognitive and affective
domains and vice versa,but the dominant characteristic and
intent of the students response is physical movement.
-speaking,gesturing,writing,and eye-hand coordination are
the examples of phychomotors domain skills

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