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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

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Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

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Nanocrystalline silicon thin films from SiH4 plasma diluted by H2 and He in MARK

Subhashis Samanta, Debajyoti Das
Nano-Science Group, Energy Research Unit, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700032, India


Keywords: Systematic changes in structural, optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films
Nanocrystalline silicon prepared at 250 °C in capacitively-coupled RF-PECVD operated at 200 W of RF (13.56 MHz) power have been
RF-PECVD investigated as an effect of gas pressure variation in SiH4 plasma diluted by equal amount of H2 and He.
< 220 > crystallographic orientation Considering nanocrystallites with < 220 > crystallographic orientation arising due to thermodynamically
Raman scattering
preferred grain growth, an optimum pressure, p~0.6 Torr has been identified at which the maximum ultra-
Infrared absorption spectroscopy
Electron microscopy
nanocrystalline component fraction of crystallinity in the network with corresponding silicon di-hydride
components mostly in clusters control the growth. The H2-dilution in the plasma maintains a good crystallinity
while enhancement of secondary electron emission coefficient induced by He-ions has been attributed to
contribute a high growth-rate. The Si:H films at the onset of nanocrystallinity prepared at a high deposition rate
in the SiH4-depleted plasma condition at p~1.5 Torr, appears promising in the fabrication of efficient solar-

1. Introduction devices a few key challenges generally exist. To realize the efficient
growth of the material at relatively low temperature on large surface
Silicon based technologies are well recognised for the fabrication of area and with high deposition rate are the requirement of its cost
high-performance electronic devices. Nano-crystalline Silicon (nc- effective utilization by the industry. Further, specific growth of the
Si:H) is a mixed-phase material consisting of Si nano-crystals bound nanocrystallites e.g., towards (220) crystallographic orientation ap-
in amorphous tissue with the grain boundaries acting as potential pears beneficial for stacked layer devices like solar cells. In general, a
barriers for the carriers [1–3]. The nc-Si:H films have potential high H2-dilution to the SiH4 plasma appears to be an useful parameter
applications in optoelectronic devices, such as thin film transistors, for attaining improved crystallinity in nc-Si:H [13]. Recent studies with
solar cells as well as non-volatile memories [4–10]. The study of nc- different plasma reactors and various plasma parameters including
Si:H films is interesting because the size of the crystals and their diverse excitation frequencies for plasma ignition strongly suggest that
volume fraction affect the properties of films and their specific the amorphous to nanocrystalline phase transition is governed kineti-
orientation may appear useful for some particular device applications. cally by the arrival rate of atomic H relative to that of the SiHn growth
The nc-Si:H films are promising for the next generation of high efficient precursors in the plasma [15,16]. However, high H2-dilution signifi-
thin film solar cells because of their high electrical conductivity by cantly retards the film growth rate and stands against its commercial
virtue of high charge-carrier mobility, high stability against light viability. In this respect noble gas dilution of SiH4, e.g. with Ar, He, Xe,
induced degradation, their improved longer wavelength response and Ne and Kr, has been identified as an alternative way to produce high
the tuneability of their optical band gap by controlling the grain size of density plasma even at low electrical excitation and to increase the
nanocrystals [11,12]. Among several deposition techniques available to deposition rate [17,18]. However, samples prepared with Ar dilution
develop nc-Si:H thin films, the 13.56 MHz frequency RF plasma are predominantly amorphous and demonstrate columnar growth
enhanced chemical vapour deposition (RF-PECVD) of SiH4 and H2 characteristics, and Xe dilution generally causes surface damage [19].
mixtures has been established as the most useful one for developing He-plasma exposure exhibits similar role as that of atomic hydrogen
large area thin film devices on low cost substrates such as glass, steel, exposure to initiate crystallization in a Si network. Moreover, an
or polymer, even for industrial applications [13,14]. enhanced deposition rate at relatively low substrate temperature and
Towards optimizing and utilizing nc-Si:H films in the fabrication of RF power in the case of helium dilution has been attributed to the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: erdd@iacs.res.in (D. Das).

Received 25 November 2016; Received in revised form 20 January 2017; Accepted 13 February 2017
Available online 27 February 2017
0022-3697/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

enhancement of secondary electron emission coefficient induced by He tion analysis using a conventional Cu-Kα X-ray radiation of λ=1.5418 Å
ions [20–22]. The defects and disorders still remaining in the network as a source and a Bragg diffraction setup (Seifert 3000P). The optical
could further be eliminated by the addition of small amounts of H2 into density data of the films (1.5×1.5 cm−2 area) were obtained using a
the moderately He-diluted SiH4 plasma, where H2 plays a role to Hitachi 330 double-beam spectrophotometer. Electrical conductivity
encourage crystalline features of the films and He serves as a primary measurements were performed by a Keithley 6517A electrometer and
diluent to increase deposition rate [23,24]. Increasing RF power by applying dc voltage within the Ohmic resistance region on films
applied to dissociate the SiH4 molecules in the reactor is another (1×1 cm−2 area) prepared on glass substrates, using a coplanar Al
critical parameter which favors a higher growth rate by raising the electrode (3 mm separation) configuration at room temperature, in a
density of the growth precursors, and simultaneously facilitates high vacuum of ~10−6 Torr. Electrodes were deposited on the samples
nanocrystallization by increasing the atomic hydrogen density in the by thermal evaporation after attaining a background vacuum of
plasma. However, higher RF power causes surface damage by high- ~10−6 Torr. Photoconductivity of the samples were measured at room
energy ion bombardment which makes the process unfavorable for temperature under AM1 while light illumination by a tungsten halogen
device fabrication. Suppression of ion energy is crucial in improving the lamp. Raman backscattering measurement was performed using a
crystallinity particularly at higher growth rates [25]. The ion density in Renishaw inVia Raman Microscope with excitation wavelength of
the plasma is determined by the electron density, whereas the kinetic 514 nm from air-cooled Ar+ laser source operating at a low power
energy of the ions is determined by the electron temperature. Using a density ~2 mW cm−2. The silicon hydrogen bonding structure of the
particular excitation frequency in a reactor of particular geometric films was investigated by a FTIR spectrometer (Nicolet Magna-IR 750).
configuration and electrode separation, the ion energy exerted on the Spectroscopic ellipsometry was carried out using spectroscopic ellips-
growing surface of the films could be minimized by reducing the mean ometer (JobinYvon, Horiba) operating at a fixed angle of incidence.
free path of the precursors in a dense plasma produced at a relatively High-resolution transmission electron microscopy was done by JEOL-
high gas pressure in the reactor, which in turn could facilitate JSM 2010 transmission electron microscope operating at 200 kV.
increasing the growth rate, in particular. However, particle formation
in the plasma is an obvious consequence that restricts its usability in
device fabrication [26,27]. An improvement on the electronic proper- 3. Results
ties of the polymorphous silicon (pm-Si) films was revealed with an
optimum in the pressure range of 0.8–1.6 Torr, depending on tem- A set of nc-Si:H films were prepared by changing the working gas
perature, dilution, RF power, etc., i.e., on how fast powder forms in the pressure (p), in the range 0.3–1.5 Torr, of the SiH4 plasma diluted by
reactor [28]. It has been identified that the powder formation enhances equal amount of H2 and He with a gross dilution ration, D ~99%, as
by the product between the inter-electrode distance and the residence shown in detail in Table 1, and characterized by various structural,
time of the SiHn precursors in the reactor. By reducing the inter- optical and electrical studies.
electrode distance, the powder formation has been minimized by The deposition rate (Rd) of the films increased very rapidly from
effectively promoting surface reactions on the electrode instead of ~10 nm/min to 16.5 nm/min for increasing p from 0.3 to 1.0 Torr
volume reactions in the plasma [29]. Keeping all these in consideration, above which, however, a shallow saturation was attained in the growth
the present investigation deals with the optimization in the growth of process and Rd ~18.3 nm/min was obtained at p=1.5 Torr, from a very
nc-Si:H films by systematic variation of gas pressure in the SiH4 low flow rate (0.5 sccm) of the feedstock (SiH4), as shown in Fig. 1.
plasma diluted by a combination of H2 and He, at moderate RF power Gradual changes in the crystalline nature of Si–Si bond toward
and substrate temperature. An increased growth rate is expected by amorphous dominated network were investigated by Raman studies.
virtue of He-dilution at elevated gas pressure in the plasma, H2- Fig. 2(a) shows the normalized Raman spectra of the set of nc-Si:H
dilution remains effective in maintaining the nanocrystallinity even at a films. In general, each spectrum reveals asymmetric sharp peak at
low RF power and low substrate temperature; simultaneously, refrain- ~520 cm−1 corresponding to the crystalline silicon (c-Si) phase, along
ing the plasma together from particle formation even at a sufficiently with its elongated tail towards lower wave-number as the signature of a
high gas pressure in the reactor with the optimum separation of its fraction of accompanying amorphous component (a-Si) in the network.
parallel plate capacitor electrodes. Maintaining tiny size of the nano- In practice, each spectrum can be deconvoluted into three Gaussian
crystallites with (220) oriented growth direction for facilitating device components; the section on the higher frequency side represents the
applications are also looked into, in course of the optimization of the nanocrystalline part of the material (nc-Si) and the lower frequency
parameters. section at around 480 cm−1 is assigned to a-Si, while the intermediate
one at around 510 cm−1 corresponds to unc-Si, the ultra-nanocrystal-
2. Experimental line and/or the grain boundary component [30]. Because of the
presence of the Si-ncs of a wide range of diameters and the variation
Intrinsic Si:H thin films were deposited by capacitively coupled RF- of their average size in different sample, a gross shift in the peak
PECVD reactor of cylindrical shape with 30 cm diameter and 20 cm position of the envelop spectrum has been noted in Fig. 2(a). The
height, operated at 200 W of RF (13.56 MHz) power applied to the deconvolution of the individual components of the Raman spectrum for
lower disc of parallel plate circular electrodes of 20 cm diameter placed
at an inter electrode separation of 2 cm. The electrodes were placed in
horizontal configuration. The lower electrode was simultaneously used
as the gas shower and the upper electrode held the substrates with Table 1
surface of the growing films facing downwards and heated externally Deposition parameters for growing nc-Si:H films by RF-PECVD.
from the back. A dense plasma produced by only 0.5 sccm of SiH4 as
the precursor gas and H2 and He each of 25 sccm as the diluent gases. Substrate temperature, Ts (∘C) 250
RF power, P (W) 200
Films were grown on Corning® Eagle 2000TM glass and silicon < 100 > SiH4 (sccm) 0.5
wafer and the carbon coated Cu microscope grids as the substrates He (sccm) 25.0
maintained at 250 °C temperature. A set of films were prepared by H2 (sccm) 25.0
systematically varying the gas pressure in the plasma from 0.3 to D [(H2+He)/(SiH4+H2+He)] (%) 99
Deposition pressure, p (Torr) 0.3–1.5
1.5 Torr, by throttling the gas flow at the outlet of the reactor. The
Background vacuum level of the reactor (Torr) 1.0×10−6
thickness of the films, typically around 500 nm, was measured by Deposition time (min) 30–50
Dektak 6 M profilometer. Samples were characterized by X-ray diffrac-

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

estimated in each case following relation [31–33]:

⎛ Γ ⎞2 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 2
(ωL − ω0 )2 + ⎜ 0 ⎟ ≅ ⎜ ⎟ × e−(π )
⎝2⎠ ⎝ 3L ⎠

where ω0 is the natural frequency and Γ0 is the natural line width of c-Si
which are 520 and 3.5 cm−1, respectively and ωL is the frequency of the
nc-Si mode of size L.
A gradual reduction in the size of the Si-ncs from ~15.6 nm to
~4.2 nm has been identified for systematic increase of p from 0.3 to
1.5 Torr, as plotted in Fig. 2(c). The gross crystalline volume fraction
XC has been estimated considering the intermediate ultra-nanocrystal-
line component as the part and portion of crystallinity and calculated
following equation [34,35]:
I520 + I510
Xc =
I520 + I510 + I480

where Ii is the integrated area under the corresponding deconvoluted

Fig. 1. Variation of the deposition rate of nc-Si:H thin films with changes of gas satellite component with peak centred at i. On increase in p the
pressures (p) in the plasma. crystalline volume fraction reduced systematically from ~80 to ~51.6%;
however, the unc-Si component in the network has been found to have
three typical samples prepared at p=0.3, 0.6 and 1.5 Torr are presented its maximum contribution corresponding to sample prepared at
in Fig. 2(b). The deconvoluted nc-Si components for the set of samples p=0.6 Torr, as demonstrated in Fig. 2(c).
have been found to systematically shift towards a lower wave number Variations in the nature of crystallinity in terms of different
from which the average grain size of the Si nano-crystals has been crystallographic orientations were investigated by X-ray diffraction
studies. Three most dominant peaks corresponding to the (111), (220)

Fig. 2. (a). Normalized Raman spectra of nc-Si:H thin films deposited at different pressures (p). (b) The deconvolution of the Raman spectrum into three satellite components for three
typical samples prepared at p=0.3, 0.6 and 1.5 Torr. (c) The variation of crystalline volume fraction, mean crystal size and relative strength of ultra nanocrystalline component at
different process pressures.

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

Fig. 3. (a) XRD spectra of nc-Si:H films prepared at different pressures. (b) The variation in grain size of Si-ncs of < 220 > and < 111 > orientation and the relative changes in
corresponding peak intensities, I < 220 > / I < 111 > , on increasing gas pressure.

and (311) crystallographic orientations of c-Si, at 2θ=28.3°, 47.2° and tively, shown in Fig. 4(c) [37]. The relative strength of the (SiH2)n poly-
56.2°, respectively, were identified in sample prepared at p=0.3 Torr. hydride wagging complex plotted in Fig. 4(d) identifies its maximum
Fig. 3(a) demonstrates that with increase in p the < 311 > peak intensity at around 0.6–0.8 Torr above which the network becomes less
disappeared while the < 220 > peak became relatively sharp and poly-hydrogenated, although overall bonded H-content increases.
intense. However, at p above 1 Torr the overall crystallinity gradually The absorption band around 1900–2200 cm−1 identified three
turned weak and went beyond the XRD detection limit. Considering < satellite components corresponding to the monohydride SiH config-
220 > and < 111 > as the two commonly available crystallographic uration at 2000 cm−1, the di- and poly-hydride (SiH2)n mode at
features of this current set of samples, changes in their intensity ratio, I 2100 cm–1 and an intermediate bond-centred hydrogen, Si–H–Si,
< 220 > /I < 111 > , has been estimated and plotted in Fig. 3(b). The identified as hydrides in a platelet-like configuration at 2060 cm−1 that
average grain size (d), as estimated from the FWHM (β) of each is not commonly observable in the case of nanocrystalline silicon, as
individual peak in the XRD spectra has also been estimated, using shown in Fig. 4(e) [38,39]. Fig. 4(f) shows the variation of the
Scherer's formula: microstructure factor (R), defined as the fraction of poly-hydride
d =0. 9λ /β cosθ , component in the matrix,
R = I2100 / (I2000 + I2060 + I2100).
and plotted in Fig. 3(b). The size of the Si-ncs of (111) orientation, d <
111 > , reduced monotonically on increasing p, however, that of (220) The fraction of Si–H–Si component, termed as surface passivation
orientation, d < 220 > , demonstrated a maximum in its magnitude at index,
around p=0.6 Torr which has been markedly noted to correspond to
the associated similar maximum of the intensity ratio, I < 220 > /I < 111 > . S = I2060 / (I2000 + I2060 + I2100)
Investigation on the changes in different bonding configurations
has also been plotted in Fig. 4(f). It is significant to note that the sharp
between Si and H was pursued by infrared absorption spectroscopy.
decrease in the microstructure factor (R) that generally identifies fast
The absorption spectra of the films identify major absorption peaks
removal of structural imperfections from the network corresponds to
mainly in three different spectral ranges around 540–750 cm−1, 800–
the rapid increase in the surface passivation index (S) of the matrix at
950 cm−1 and 1900–2200 cm−1. The spectra in Fig. 4(a), around 540–
p > 1 Torr, corresponding to the transformation from highly crystalline
750 cm−1 can be deconvoluted into two well resolved peaks centred at
toward the amorphous dominated network prepared at a relatively high
~630 cm−1 and 670 cm−1, corresponding to the Si–H wagging and SiHn
growth rate.
(n≥2) rocking modes of vibration, respectively. The bonded hydrogen
In spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) studies the measured dielectric
content (CH) in each network has been estimated from the integrated
function, called ‘pseudo-dielectric function’, < ε > , usually involves
absorption of the Si-H wagging mode component at 630 cm−1, follow-
information about the entire thin film system: the substrate, the bulk of
ing [36]:
the film, including the interfaces and surface over-layers. Fig. 5
CH = (A ω / NSi ) ∫ αd ω/ω × 100 at%, presents the imaginary part of pseudo-dielectric function < ε2 >
obtained from the ellipsometry data, for the set of films. In general,
where Aω=1.6×1019 cm–2 is the wagging mode oscillator strength and the oscillations of < ε2 > at low energies < 2.5 eV are related to the
NSi=5×1022 cm–3 is the c-Si atomic density. The proportional inte- composition of incubation layer and the film thickness, while at high
grated intensity of the SiHn (n≥2) rocking mode absorption compo- energies the magnitude of < ε2 > is largely controlled by bulk
nent, composition and surface roughness [40].
For the film prepared at p=0.3 Torr, the pseudo-dielectric function
ΔI 670 = I 670 / (I 630 + I 670)
identifies two distinct shoulders at around 3.4 and 4.2 eV correspond-
basically presents the relative strength of the polyhydride component ing to the critical points (CP) of the band structure of crystalline silicon,
in the network. The nature of variations in the magnitude of CH and E1 and E2, respectively. The prominent dual shoulders in the spectrum
ΔI670 plotted in Fig. 4(b) demonstrate a sharply increased bonded H- demonstrate adequate crystallinity present in the film structure. In
content along with simultaneous gross reduction in poly-hydrogenation general, higher magnitude of < ε2 > indicates higher density of the
of the network at increased gas pressure in the plasma, p≥1.0 Torr. network and the difference between intensities of these two shoulders
Furthermore, the deconvolution of the spectra in the range, 800– corresponds qualitatively to the degree of crystallinity of the network.
950 cm−1 identify two components: the (SiH2)n poly-hydride wagging The < ε2 > spectra gradually reduced in magnitude accompanied by
complex and isolated SiH2 di-hydrides at 850 and 895 cm−1, respec- two separate shoulders demonstrating the reduced crystallinity in the

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

Fig. 4. (a) Deconvoluted SiH wagging mode and SiHn rocking mode IR absorption components. (b) Variation in the bonded hydrogen content, CH, and the proportional strength of the
SiHn (n≥2) rocking mode absorption component, ΔI670, with increasing pressure. (c) The deconvoluted SiH2 bending and (SiH2)n wagging mode IR absorption components. (d)
Variations of the proportional strength of (SiH2)n poly-hydride wagging absorption component with pressure. (e) IR stretching mode absorption coefficient spectra deconvoluted into
components of Si-H mono-hydride and dihydride components and an intermediate bond-centred hydrogen, Si–H–Si, configuration with increasing pressure. (f) Effect of operating
pressure on the microstructure factor, R, and surface passivation index, S, of the nc-Si:H network.

films when prepared with increasing p. Furthermore, the difference in p~1.5 Torr, the ε2-spectrum, with the absence of sharp critical points,
the intensities of the two shoulders, [I(E1)–I(E2)], reduced significantly identifies the film network grossly deviating from its dominant crystal-
at higher operating pressure in the plasma. Such lowering in the line structure. The results closely resemble the data obtained from
intensity difference is closely related to the decreasing crystallinity and Raman and XRD-studies, both in crystalline volume fraction as well as
continuously enhanced void in the bulk layer. It can also be related to changing size of the nanocrystals issues.
the reduced size of the Si nanocrystals, as when the diameter of the Si- The structural properties of the films have further been investigated
ncs reduces the oscillator strength changes between the lower and in detail by transmission electron microscopy. Various TEM features of
higher energy states [40,41]. At a high pressure in the plasma, the films prepared at low, middle and high pressure, p=0.3, 0.6 and

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

1.5 Torr, have been shown in Fig. 6(a)–(c), respectively. The plan-view
bright field TEM micrographs identify clusters of crystalline grains
which are randomly distributed within the amorphous matrix. The
volume density of the crystallites has been identified to reduce with
increase in pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 Torr and the matrix turned
towards an amorphous dominated one in samples prepared at
p=1.5 Torr, as observed from Fig. 6(a-i), (b-i) and (c-i), respectively.
The selected area diffraction patterns at the corresponding insets
identify < 111 > , < 220 > and < 311 > as the prominent crystal-
lographic planes in the nanocrystals. The corresponding high resolu-
tion images demonstrate lattice planes of silicon crystals with both <
111 > and < 220 > crystallographic orientations in Fig. 6(a-ii) and (b-
ii), while in Fig. 6(c-ii) hardly any such lattice plans are visible. Fig. 6(a-
iii), (b-iii) and (c-iii) represent the dark field scanning tunnelling
electron microscopy (DF-STEM) images of the samples prepared at
p=0.3, 0.6 and 1.5 Torr, respectively. In the images the darker contrast
identifies regions having lower atomic number or density which
Fig. 5. Nature of variations of the imaginary part of pseudo-dielectric function < ε2 > at generally includes amorphous silicon matrix and voids present in the
different operating pressures. Inset represents the variation of [I(E1)–I(E2)] with
material. Bright areas are related to higher atomic number or density
increasing pressure.
which could be associated to Si-rich regions and mostly the clusters of
crystalline grains and a few isolated Si nanocrystallites [42].
The optical properties of the nc-Si:H films have been obtained from

<111> <220>
a-i a-ii a-iii

0.249 nm
0.3 Torr
0.3 Torr

b-i 0.189 nm b-iii


0.6 Torr
0.6 Torr b-ii

c-i c-ii c-iii

1.3 Torr 1.3 Torr

Fig. 6. TEM micrograph of nc-Si:H films prepared at (a) low p=0.3 Torr, (b) middle p=0.6 Torr and (c) high p=1.3 Torr. Insets show corresponding selected area diffraction patterns. (a-
ii), (b-ii) and (c-ii) High resolution images demonstrating extremely well defined c-Si planes of < 111 > and < 220 > orientations. (a-iii), (b-iii) and (c-iii) are the dark field TEM images
of corresponding films prepared at increased pressure.

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

Fig. 7. (a). The optical absorption spectra in Tauc's plots, (αhν)1/2 vs. hν, for nc-Si:H films prepared at different pressures. (b) Variation of optical gap, Eg and Tauc's constant, B, with
increasing pressure.

the wavelength dependent absorption coefficient calculated using both increase in its magnitude at higher operating pressure. In general, the
the absorbance and reflectance spectra in the UV–vis region. constant B changes inversely with the width of the tail states, which is
Considering the indirect-band gap nature of the material, Tauc's larger for higher degree of disorder in the films. Accordingly, the film
equation, as grown at higher p > 1.0 Torr with enhanced magnitude of B consists of
lower defects and disorders as a consequence of increased amorphous
(αhν )1/2 = B(hν − Eg ), volume fraction in the matrix, as obtained from the structural studies
[44]. At increased p, the diminished crystalline volume fraction of the
has been employed to estimate the optical band gap of the films [43]. In nanocrystallites decreases the contribution of the surrounding grain
the above expression α, hν, and Eg are the absorption coefficient, boundary defects.
photon energy and Tauc's optical band gap, respectively, while the Fig. 8 shows the variation of room temperature dark conductivity
proportionality constant B is termed as the Tauc constant. The (αhν)1/2 (σD), photoconductivity (σph), and the photosensitivity (G) of the films
vs. hν plots for the film have been represented in the Fig. 7(a), which with the increase of gas pressure (p) in the plasma. The film prepared
identify a linear region over a reasonable span of photon energy axis for at p=0.3 Torr exhibits a relatively high σD~8×10−4 S cm−1 consistent
each spectrum, confirming the relevance of the Tauc's law in the mixed- with its highly nanocrystalline structure. With the increase in p, σD
phase materials. A gradual widening of the band gap from 1.77 to monotonically reduces simultaneously exhibiting some photosensitiv-
1.785 eV happens to takes place on increase in p from 0.3 to 1.0 Torr. ity. The Si:H films prepared at p=1.5 Torr, structurally at the virtual
However, for further increase in p beyond 1.0 Torr Eg increases termination of nanocrystallinity, demonstrates a low σD~10−9 S cm−1
relatively faster and attains a magnitude of 1.82 eV at p=1.5 Torr with corresponding photosensitivity, G~600, by virtue of its nearly 50%
where a prominent structural transformation of the films from highly amorphous component in the network.
crystalline to the amorphous prone network has been identified both
from XRD and Raman study.
4. Discussion
The Tauc constant B in the Tauc's equation, in general, corresponds
to the disorder in the mixed-phase matrix in terms of deviation in the
In general, it has been identified that the growth of the films
bond angle and bond length of the silicon network which sharply
gradually increases with the increase in the operating gas pressure in
controls the band edges. The constant B as obtained from the slope of
the plasma; however, reaches at a virtual saturation with ~18 nm/min
the (αhν)1/2 vs. hν plots are plotted in Fig. 7(b) which show a gradual
at p≥1.3 Torr where the film network becomes amorphous-dominated
and consequently for which the usual growth rate should be further
accelerated. Accordingly, it is concluded that at p≥1.3 Torr the reactor
attained a SiH4 depleted plasma condition. At such high pressure the
electron temperature happens to be very low. Accordingly, the SiH4
dissociation energy is very small compared to both excitation and
ionization of H2 and He. So, the SiH4 dissociation appears significantly
high due to enhanced power coupling to the SiH4 and the growth rate
acquires saturation because of its limited supply in the reactor. In such
a state of affairs the nc-Si:H films of ~79% of crystallinity at a typical p
~0.6 Torr [Fig. 2(c)] obtained at ~13 nm/min appears to be reasonably
high compared to a similar crystalline material from only H2-diluted
plasma, reported in literature. The H2-dilution in the plasma maintains
a good crystallinity while the high deposition rate appears to be a
contribution from the He dilution and has been attributed to the
enhancement of the secondary electron emission coefficient induced by
He ions [22,23]. Formation of metastable helium (He*) and ionic
helium (He+) require comparatively low amounts of energy (20 eV and
24 eV, respectively). On de-excitation of metastable and ionic helium,
Fig. 8. Variations of room-temperature dark conductivity (σD), photo conductivity (σPh) electronic energy is transferred to the reacting precursors and enhances
and the photosensitivity of nc-Si:H samples prepared under different gas pressures in the their mobility on the growing surface. Again, the atomic weight of
plasma. helium being much lower, ionic or metastable helium bombardment is

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

not as harmful as the bombardment of ionic precursors at the growing moderately higher pressure that enables preparing Si:H films at a high
surface. Moreover, helium bombardment increases the effective tem- deposition rate at the onset of nanocrystallinity which is reported to be
perature of the growing surface. All together accelerate the structural highly useful in the fabrication of efficient solar cells.
relaxation and sustains a compact and ordered network [21]. He dilution to the SiH4 plasma in RF (13.56 MHz) PECVD has been
From the XRD study it has been identified that the nc-Si:H films utilized effectively in the suppression of powder growth during high
prepared at p~0.6 Torr have the maximum I < 220 > /I < 111 > ~1.1, i.e., rate deposition of mostly the a-Si thin films [51]. The a-Si:H films
the dominant < 220 > crystallographic orientation. The Si-ncs have having 7 at% H and an optical band gap of 1.73 eV were grown at
the maximum size, d < 220 > ~15 nm, while the d < 111 > ~11 nm which 12 nm/min [52]. An increase in nc-Si component up to a volume
gradually reduces with p [Fig. 3(b)]. The average grain as estimated fraction of 32% at a deposition rate ~14.5 nm/min was reported by
separately from Raman study, d~12 nm, lies exactly in between d < 220 Cheng et al. [53]. By critically optimizing the parametric conditions in
> and d < 111 > obtained from XRD, identifying an excellent agreement purely He-diluted SiH4 plasma a nanocrystalline network with a high
in between. Notably, this dominant < 220 > crystallographic orienta- crystalline volume fraction (77%) and well-aligned crystallographic
tion could be associated to the maximum of the ultra-nanocrystalline lattice distribution attained in Si:H was reported by us for the first time
component fraction of crystallinity, (Xunc/Xnc), in the network obtained [54,55]. A high crystallinity of ~77.8% in the Si:H network at a growth
in Raman study [Fig. 2(c)] [12,39]. It has been reported in literature rate of ~12 nm/min was attained by Kim et al. [56] from an extremely
that the nanocrystallites with < 220 > crystallographic orientation high He-diluted SiH4 plasma (3 sccm SiH4 in 500 sccm He) at a very
arises due to thermodynamically preferred grain growth, while the < high gas pressure ~7 Torr where powder formation is likely to happen.
111 > orientation occurs from random growth [45]. The nc-Si films A wide optical gap of ~2.53 eV was demonstrated for such a material.
with preferred < 220 > orientation are conducive to carrier transport On the contrary, a narrowing of the optical gap to ~1.50 eV was also
and are optimally suitable for use in the fabrication of stacked layer been reported for the a-Si:H film prepared by He dilution to the SiH4
devices e.g., solar cells [7]. Best values of open-circuit voltage (VOC) in plasma [57]. The present article accounts nc-Si network of ~80%
solar cells demonstrate low recombination losses in < 220 > textures crystallinity with average size of nanocrystals ~15 nm, by virtue of
[46]. In this consideration, the nc-Si films prepared at p~0.6 Torr that introducing controlled addition of H2 to the He-diluted SiH4 plasma in
exhibit dominant < 220 > orientation, have been identified as the RF PECVD. A high fraction of the ultra-nanocrystalline component of
optimum from the present set of samples. crystallinity, (Xunc/Xnc), in the film has been correlated to its dominant
Films prepared at p < 0.6 Torr are highly crystalline with mostly < < 220 > crystallographic orientation which are significantly important
111 > crystallographic orientation and are associated with highly in the performance of stacked layer devices like solar cells.
defective poly-hydride networks at the grain-boundary regions
[Fig. 4(b) and (d)], which are further evident from its relatively high
5. Conclusion
microstructure factors (R) [Fig. 4(f)]. At p=0.6 Torr the optimum H-
content in the network corresponds to a relatively lower R and
A detail study has been performed to elaborately investigate the
increased S which identifies H attached to Si in a platelet like
impact of variation of gas pressure in the SiH4 plasma diluted by an
configuration. The insertion of H into the stressed Si–Si bonds, during
equal amount of H2 and He with a gross dilution ratio of 99% on
the process of H induced crystallization of silicon thin film, leads to the
various changes in the structural, optical and electrical properties of
formation of bond-centred hydrogen, Si–H–Si forming platelet-like
the nanocrystalline silicon films prepared at 250 °C temperature in a
hydrides within the nc–Si:H films [39,47–49]. At higher pressure the
capacitively coupled RF-PECVD operated at 200 W RF (13.56 MHz)
H-insertion into the network takes place at a higher intensity of mono-
power. In general, the nc-Si films prepared at a low pressure, p
hydride mode accompanied by its platelet-like configuration. The H-
~0.3 Torr are highly crystalline, ~80%, with grains of dominant <
insertion reactions into the bond–centred location facilitate reorienta-
111 > crystallographic orientation and of average size > 15 nm, < 5 at
tion of the Si network which results in elimination of strained Si–Si
% of bonded H which are mostly polyhydride in nature with high
bonds and rigid atomic rearrangements [50]. However, it has been
microstructural factor R and a low surface passivation factor S, an
identified that at such pressure, reduced di-hydride components of
optical band gap of ~1.77 eV and a high σD~8×10−4 S cm−1. At an
silicon are assembled mostly in the form of clusters of di-hydrides,
optimum pressure, p~0.6 Torr, a dominant < 220 > crystallographic
(SiH2)n [Fig. 4(d)], and the minimization of internal strain thereof
orientation in the film has been correlated to the maximum ultra-
induces preferred < 220 > orientation of growth in the network
nanocrystalline component fraction of crystallinity, (Xunc/Xnc), in the
[Fig. 3(c)]. At further high pressure similar changes in R and S are,
network which contains di-hydrides mostly in clusters and are grown at
however, associated to rapid shift of the network structure towards an
~13 nm/min growth rate. The H2-dilution in the plasma maintains a
amorphous dominated configuration.
good crystallinity while the high deposition rate appears to be a
With increase in deposition pressure from a low magnitude of
contribution from the He dilution and has been attributed to the
0.3 Torr, the width of sheath region is reduced, which results in
enhancement of the secondary electron emission coefficient induced by
reduced energy of the ions bombarding on the growing surface. The
He ions. At much higher pressure, p~1.5 Torr, the network approaches
reduced ion bombardment is important in the development of device
towards the nanocrystalline to amorphous transition zone with ~51%
quality film. However, with further increased deposition pressure
crystallinity, ~4 nm size of grains, a wide band gap, Eg~1.82 eV, and
beyond a certain optimum, say 0.6 Torr in the present context, the
demonstrates a low σD~10−9 S cm−1 with corresponding photosensi-
chemistry of the species reaching the substrate gets altered at reduced
tivity, G~600 obtained at a high growth rate, d~18.3 nm/min, from
mean free path of the species in the plasma region. At lower Pressure,
only 0.5 sccm flow of the feedstock SiH4. The Si:H films at the onset of
the radicals reaching the surface are mainly SiH3+/SiH3 and H. Thus,
nanocrystallinity prepared at a high deposition rate in the SiH4
the growth surface is well covered with SiH3 and H radicals. They
depleted plasma condition, appears promising in the fabrication of
diffuse in the growing surface and result in the growth of nano-
efficient solar cells.
crystallization. At increased pressure, the density of SiHx (x < 3)
radicals reaching the growth surface increases and thereby, limits the
growth of the nano-crystallites [13,24]. This is amplified in the form of Acknowledgement
reduction of average crystallite size in the films and increase in
amorphous content, along with its subsequent increase in growth rate. The work has been done under nano-silicon projects funded by
In contrary to the solely H2-diluted SiH4 plasma condition, (H2 + He)- Department of Science and Technology (Nano-Mission Program) and
diluted SiH4, in the present case, produces dust-free plasma at Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India.

S. Samanta, D. Das Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 105 (2017) 90–98

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