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Chapter 18.



The twentieth century witnessed the advent and develop- functional imaging method most commonly used in head
ment of radiography, computed tomography (CT), and and neck cancer. 18FDG-PET is used both to stage patients
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), all of which have and to monitor their therapeutic response (or the lack
enabled physicians to visualize both pathologic and nor- thereof). With the advent of hybrid PET-CT scanners,
mal anatomy in a way that was never before possible. Major one can now combine metabolic and anatomic informa-
advances have also occurred in nuclear medicine with the tion in planning RT, including IMRT. The use of hybrid
development of positron emission tomography (PET) and scanners is likely to become more widespread in medical
single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). centers throughout the United States.
The standard radiologic images (CT, MRI) provide anatom- In this section, the role of 18FDG-PET and hybrid PET-
ic information, whereas biologic images (PET, SPECT) pro- CT scanners is described in detail. Alternative metabolic
vide metabolic, physiologic, genotypic, and phenotypic imaging methods are also discussed, namely, methods
data. Important to the practice of oncology have been the employing radiolabeled amino acids and nucleosides. The
numerous radioisotopes that have become available. For noninvasive imaging of tumor hypoxia is also presented.
nuclear medicine, these can provide critical information Interested readers should also refer to Chapter 8,“PET-CT
on the metabolism and function of different tumors. in IMRT Planning.”
Radiation oncology has been a beneficiary of the
progress in imaging technology. In particular, biologic
imaging has had a tremendous impact on intensity-
modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) because IMRT allows
the delivery of different doses of radiation to multiple tar-
gets. Important to an understanding of IMRT is the con-
cept of the biologic target volume first proposed by Ling
and colleagues (Figure 18.6-1).1 The important advantage
of IMRT is that normal tissue is spared; thus, the side effects
of radiation therapy (RT) can be reduced. For obvious rea-
sons, this capability is particularly useful in the treatment
of tumors of the head and neck.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the current appli-
cations of functional imaging in head and neck cancer IMRT
planning and the monitoring of treatment response. Future FIGURE 18.6-1. The concept of biologic target volume shown in a man-
directions in functional imaging are also discussed. ner that incorporates the different aspects of functional imaging, name-
ly, tumor hypoxia, tumor burden, and tumor growth. GTV = gross tumor
volume; IUDR = Iodine 124-iododeoxyuridine; MRI = magnetic resonance
Nuclear Medicine Modalities imaging; MRS = magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PET = positron emis-
Nuclear medicine, and in particular 18fluorodeoxyglu- sion tomography; PTV = planning target volume. (To view a color ver-
sion of this image, please refer to the CD-ROM.) Reproduced with
cose positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET), is the
permission from Ling CC et al.1

308 / Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

18FDG-PET of the study was to determine if hybrid 18FDG-PET–CT

improves treatment planning. The second was to deter-
The long half-life of 18-fluorine (18F) has made 18FDG-
mine if hybrid 18FDG-PET–CT reduces interobserver vari-
PET the most popular metabolic imaging modality. Its pop-
ation. Three radiation oncologists contoured the GTV on
ularity is also due to the fact that, because tumor growth
the basis of CT alone; they then did GTV contouring using
requires energy, the marker can be used to determine the
PET-CT data, after which separate treatment plans were
degree of tumor proliferation.
generated on the basis of each GTV. Comparison of the
The use of 18FDG-PET in RT planning has been eval-
resultant treatment plans revealed that the plans were
uated in several studies. Rege and colleagues noted that
changed in seven patients (23%) when metabolic infor-
local control and survival were improved in patients with
mation was incorporated. In particular, the fused images
head and neck cancer whose tumors had a metabolic rate
provided better target volume definition owing to the detec-
greater than that in the cerebellum.2 These results suggest
tion of lymph node involvement and distant metastases by
that pretreatment 18FDG-PET could be used to predict
PET not seen on CT. Hybrid 18FDG-PET–CT was associ-
which irradiated patients will attain local control. It may
ated with reduced interobserver variation, as evidenced by
also help identify which patients require combined-
a reduction in the mean ratio of the largest to smallest GTV
modality therapy or adjusted fractionation schedules.
from 2.31 (CT alone) to 1.56 (hybrid). It was concluded
Brun and colleagues noted that a low metabolic rate of
that hybrid 18FDG-PET–CT more consistently defines the
glucose in primary and metastatic lesions was associated
GTV in these patients.
with local complete response in patients with squamous
To corroborate these findings, Ciernik and colleagues
cell carcinoma of the head and neck undergoing RT.3 Allal
studied 39 patients with different solid tumors.6 All under-
and colleagues found that patients with head and neck can-
went CT and FDG-PET using a hybrid scanner. Initially,
cer who showed a high initial FDG uptake may require
the GTV was delineated by two radiation oncologists based
more aggressive treatment (Figure 18.6-2).4
on CT alone. The 18FDG-PET information was then incor-
In a recent Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)
porated into the CT data, and GTV was again delineated.
symposium, the application of hybrid 18FDG-PET–CT
The GTV was modified in more than half (56%) of the
imaging to RT was highlighted.5 An important point made
patients once the 18FDG-PET information was incorpo-
at this symposium was that delineation of the gross tumor
rated. Moreover, variability in the volumes delineated by
volume (GTV) is a critical step in RT treatment planning.
the two radiation oncologists decreased from an average
However, the visualization of primary and abnormal lymph
of 25.7 to 9.2 cm3 (Figure 18.6-3).
nodes and observer variation are key limitations when using
Given that multimodality imaging is becoming more
CT alone, as shown by a study of 30 patients with non–small
widespread, feasibility and quality assurance issues regard-
cell lung cancer presented at the symposium. The first goal
ing the coregistration of images have been raised. To address
these issues, Daisne and colleagues studied the accuracy,
reproducibility, and consistency of the coregistration pro-
cedure using a phantom and four patients with pharyngo-
laryngeal tumors.7 In particular, they studied the translation
and rotational displacements relative to a reference CT scan
and found that the coregistration accuracy ranged from 0.8
to 6.2 mm for the phantom and from 1.2 to 4.6 mm for the
patients. The accuracy was only slightly worse in the z-axis,
and inter- and intraobserver variations were small. These
results suggest that the coregistration of anatomic (CT, MRI)
and functional (PET) images is accurate in patients with
head and neck cancer (Figure 18.6-4).
In addition to its utility in treatment planning, 18FDG-
PET has also been shown to be useful in predicting treat-
ment response. Greven and colleagues studied 45 patients
with head and neck cancer who underwent 18FDG-PET
and CT or MRI prior to RT.8 Follow-up studies were
FIGURE 18.6-2. Disease-free survival curves in patients with head and obtained at 1 month (36 patients), 4 months (28 patients),
neck carcinoma who showed a standardized uptake value (SUV) of ≤ 12 months (19 patients), and 24 months (15 patients). At
5.4 versus ≥ to 5.5 and hence the ability of the SUV to predict the out- 4 months, none of the 18 patients with a negative pre-
come of radiation therapy in head and neck carcinoma. Reproduced with treatment 18FDG-PET had persistent tumor, whereas 6 of
permission from Allal AS et al.4 7 patients with positive pretreatment findings had persis-
tent tumor and 2 of 3 with equivocal findings had positive
Functional Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Technology / 309

FIGURE 18.6-3. Treatment plans for a patient with supraglottic carcinoma generated based on computed tomography (CT) alone (A) and positron
emission tomography (PET)-CT (B). Axial section through tumor showing gross tumor volume delineated from CT alone (C) and PET-CT (D). (To view
a color version of this image, please refer to the CD-ROM.) Reproduced with permission from Ciernik IF et al.6

biopsy results. It was felt that PET is excellent for the ini- patients). 18FDG-PET was then repeated in 27 patients (34
tial visualization of head and neck cancers and that 4 months more scans). When scans were collectively analyzed, posi-
after RT is the best time to repeat scans to determine tumor tive scans were found in 45 of 48 patients (94% sensitivity).
response (Figure 18.6-5). The PPV was 67% (45/67). False-positive results were attrib-
Terhaard and colleagues evaluated 18FDG-PET in detect- uted to extensive speaking or swallowing after 18FDG admin-
ing local recurrence in irradiated patients with laryngeal istration and to inflammation, radionecrosis, and edema.
and pharyngeal cancer.9 Of 75 patients studied, local recur- The authors concluded that 18FDG-PET should be the first
rence was noted in 37 on the basis of biopsy findings. All diagnostic scan when local recurrence is suspected. If the
patients with recurrent tumor also had a positive 18FDG- scan results are negative, no biopsy is required. However,
PET scan. The 18FDG-PET findings were positive in the first if the results are positive, a biopsy should be performed; if
set of scans in 34 of the 37 patients, for a sensitivity of 92%. the biopsy is negative and a follow-up scan shows decreased
The positive predictive value (PPV) was 71% (34 of 48 18FDG uptake, local recurrence is unlikely (Figure 18.6-6).
310 / Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

FIGURE 18.6-4. Upper three views of computed tomography–determined volume overlaid on lower three views of positron emission tomography
(PET) –determined volume. Interactive translations and rotations enable fusion of the two images. (To view a color version of this image, please refer
to the CD-ROM.) Reproduced with permission from Daisne JF et al.7

Rogers and colleagues studied the use of 18FDG-PET in sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and negative predictive value
12 irradiated patients with stage III–IV head and neck can- (NPV) of 18FDG-PET were 45%, 100%, 100%, and 14%,
cer who underwent 18FDG-PET imaging before and 1 respectively. These results suggest that whereas positive PET
month after RT.10 A planned neck dissection and patho- findings after RT might accurately indicate the presence of
logic correlation with post-RT scans were performed. The residual disease, negative PET scans after RT cannot be

FIGURE 18.6-5. A patient with head and neck cancer who underwent FIGURE 18.6-6. Fluorodeoxyglucose–positron emission tomography
pretreatment positron emission tomography (left), which was nega- study obtained in a patient with glottic squamous cell carcinoma 19
tive 1 month after radiotherapy (middle) and positive 4 months after months (left) and 30 months (right) after radiation therapy. Reproduced
radiotherapy (right). Reproduced with permission from Greven KM et with permission from Terhaard CH et al.9
Functional Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Technology / 311

relied on to indicate absence of disease. More data are clear- described above. More studies of these markers are also
ly necessary before 18FDG-PET should be used as the sole required to assess their predictive value in head and neck
basis for deciding whether to omit post-RT neck surgery. cancer.
With the increasing use of hybrid scanners, 18FDG-PET
will likely have an increasing role in the planning of IMRT. Radiolabeled Nucleosides
However, the two studies just described also demonstrate Radiolabeled nucleosides may also prove useful for meta-
the utility of 18FDG-PET in monitoring treatment response. bolic imaging for IMRT planning. This modality directly
assesses the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
Radiolabeled Amino Acids Several of these radiopharmaceuticals have been studied.
Although 18FDG is the most commonly used metabolic [11C]-Thymidine and [methyl-11C]-thymidine have
imaging marker, radiolabeled amino acids have also been been found to achieve high uptake in head and neck car-
studied. The advantages of amino acids over 18FDG in PET cinomas.14 However, although [11C]-thymidine achieved
include less uptake in inflammatory tissue and that the total substantial uptake in patients in early studies, consistent-
amino acid signal corresponds to the extent of tumor pro- ly high levels were not achieved in numerous patients.
liferation.11 Because of the 20-minute half-life of the [11C]-
Leskinen-Kallio and colleagues studied the efficacy of thymidines, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), a thymidine ana-
[11C]-methionine ([11C]-MET)–PET in head and neck log, is being used instead to label cells undergoing DNA
tumors.12 In 46 patients evaluated, tumors were visualized synthesis. BrdU has been labeled with 76Br for imaging
by [11C]-MET–PET in 42 patients. In 3 patients, the tumor tumors in mice.15 More work needs to be done, however,
was not well delineated owing to tracer accumulation in to make the uptake of this reagent more DNA specific.
adjacent structures. Only one tumor was not visualized. High expression of thymidine phosphorylase has been
These results suggest that [11C]-MET may be effective in associated with decreased survival in patients with head and
imaging malignant head and neck tumors. The disadvan- neck cancer. An inhibitor of this enzyme, 5-chloro-6-(2-
tages of [11C]-MET include a short half-life and its ten- iminopyrrolidin-1-yl)methyl-2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione,
dency to accumulate in the salivary glands. has been shown to shrink tumors in mice.16 This has
Recently, de Boer and colleagues used L-[1-11C]-tyro- prompted the use of radiolabeled analogs of this inhibitor
sine (TYR)–PET to evaluate treatment response in 19 irra- to image tumors expressing the enzyme at high levels.
diated patients with laryngeal cancer.13 These patients Commonly used isotopes in this setting are 125,131I and 211At.
underwent a TYR-PET scan before RT (PET1) and at 3 Recently, Cobben and colleagues compared 18F-3´-fluoro-
months (PET2). Patients who had suspected recurrence on 3´-deoxy-L-thymidine (FLT) and FDG imaging of laryn-
physical examination then underwent a third TYR-PET geal cancer.17 In this study, 11 patients with suspected
scan (PET3). If recurrence was suspected, CT and biopsy recurrence and 10 with histologically confirmed primary
were also performed. All 19 patients had a positive PET1 laryngeal cancer underwent biopsy after PET. Mean stan-
scan. Of 15 who agreed to have the PET2 scan, 7 had resid- dardized uptake values (SUVs), maximum SUVs, and tumor
ual disease suspected on physical examination. Of these, to nontumor (TNT) ratios were determined. Both modal-
4 had a positive PET2 scan and 3 had a negative PET2 scan, ities correctly detected laryngeal cancer in 15 of 17 patients.
all of which were confirmed by histologic studies. The other However, the uptake values were higher for FDG. Namely,
8 had no residual disease on physical examination; 1 had the maximum SUVs were 3.3 for 18FDG versus 1.6 for FLT.
a positive PET2 scan, and the remaining 7 had a negative Corresponding mean SUVs and TNT ratios were 2.7 ver-
PET2 scan, with, again, all findings confirmed by histolog- sus 1.2 and 1.9 versus 1.5, respectively. In one patient, FLT-
ic studies. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of PET showed only faint uptake of the marker, whereas
the PET2 were all 100%. Of 6 patients with a suspected 18FDG-PET showed intense uptake. FLT may thus not be

recurrence, 4 had a positive PET3 scan and 2 had a nega- ideal for clinically detecting laryngeal cancer and for RT
tive PET3 scan. These results were also verified by histo- treatment planning.
logic studies. Thus, for the PET3 scan, the sensitivity, Although, to date, radiolabeled amino acids and nucleo-
specificity, PPV, and NPV were all 100%. The results of this sides have not been used for planning IMRT in head and neck
small study suggest that TYR-PET is highly accurate in cancer, the future may see their use as alternatives to FDG.
determining the response to RT in laryngeal cancer.
However, larger studies are needed to further corroborate Functional Imaging of Tumor Hypoxia
these results and to determine whether TYR-PET is pre- In 1955, Thomlinson and Gray first described the phe-
dictive in other tumor sites. nomenon of tumor hypoxia.18 Over the next half-century,
Other radiolabeled amino acids that remain to be tested researchers established that tumor hypoxia is associated
include L-3-iodo-a-methyltyrosine, O-(2-[18 F] fluoroethyl- with radioresistance and hence the poor locoregional con-
L-tyrosine, and [18F-α-methyl]-TYR. These two radioiso- trol of locally advanced cancers. This prompted efforts to
topes have longer half-lives than the two amino acids visualize tumor hypoxia in a noninvasive way.
312 / Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

Iodinated azomycin arabinoside for SPECT and fluo- them on the PET image. These contours were within 2 mm
romisonidazole for PET were among the first markers used of each other on the two images.
to image tumor hypoxia.19 Because of limitations in spatial Second, 60Cu-ATSM–PET and CT images were obtained
resolution, however, neither gained widespread acceptance. and fused. Patients underwent CT scanning wearing a ther-
In 1997, Fujibayashi and colleagues reported that Cu (II) moplastic immobilization head mask, with the markers
diacetyl-bis-(N4- methylthiosemicarbazone), or 60Cu-ATSM, described above used to assist in image fusion. For PET scan-
was selectively retained in ischemic myocardial tissue but ning, the patients were first injected intravenously with 13 mCi
washed out of normoxic myocardium.20 Lewis and colleagues of 60Cu-ATSM. Patients then underwent 60 minutes of dynam-
confirmed this selective uptake in rat tumor models.21 The ic PET scanning in the thermoplastic masks. The respective
partial pressure of oxygen in tissue was measured via a nee- images were sent to an imaging workstation for image seg-
dle oxygen electrode. Some animals breathed 100% O2 to mentation and fusion using the AcQSim software (Philips
mimic normoxic conditions; hydralazine was administered Medical Systems, Andover, MA) (Figures 18.6-8 and 18.6-9).
in others to simulate hypoxic conditions. 60Cu-ATSM uptake Third, target determination and delineation were per-
was increased by 37% in the rats administered hydralazine. formed. GTV and clinical target volume (CTV) were demar-
Chao and colleagues evaluated the feasibility of this non- cated per International Commission on Radiation Units
invasive hypoxia tumor marker in guiding head and neck and Measurements reports 50 and 62.9,10 To subdelineate
cancer IMRT planning.19 Specifically, a subvolume of hypox- the hGTV, tumor volumes shown by 60Cu-ATSM PET to
ic tumor within the GTV (hGTV) was determined using have a minimum threshold intensity were designated as
60Cu-ATSM-PET. This image was then fused with a cor- ATSM-avid. 60Cu-ATSM uptakes in normoxic muscle in
responding CT image, and an IMRT treatment plan was the contralateral neck were also examined, and this involved
generated. This process involved several steps. the calculation of the average normoxic muscle intensity.
First, the quality of the image fusion needed to be eval- Volumes with a tumor to muscle (T:M) ratio of 2 or greater
uated in terms of image integrity after transfer, spatial tar- were deemed hypoxic. No normal tissues in the neck exhib-
get alignment, image fusion accuracy, and system ited T:M ratios of 2 or greater. Thus, the volume within the
functionality. A custom-made head phantom with CT and GTV with a T:M of 2 or greater was considered hypoxic.
PET visible targets was fabricated to determine the spatial After the volumes and subvolumes were demarcated, these
accuracy of target volume mapping (Figure 18.6-7). The images were transferred to a planning computer to generate
spatial accuracy was then confirmed after coregistration by IMRT plans (Figure 18.6-10). The dose prescription strate-
containing visible targets on the CT scans and checking gy for hypoxia imaging-guided IMRT was modified. Dosing

FIGURE 18.6-7. An anthropomorphic head phantom is used to confirm the accuracy of image registration and the fusion process. Plastic ampules,
serving as fiducial markers, were placed to help assess the accuracy of coregistration of computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomog-
raphy (PET) images. Reproduced with permission from Chao KS et al.19
Functional Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Technology / 313

FIGURE 18.6-8. Computed tomography (CT)–positron emission tomography (PET) image fusion done using fiducial markers in a patient with squa-
mous cell carcinoma of the right tonsil and neck nodes. Reproduced with permission from Chao KS et al.19

FIGURE 18.6-9. Using the fused image shown in Figure 18.6-8, the hypoxic tumor fraction (hypoxic gross tumor volume [GTV]) is subdelineated with-
in the GTV. CT = computed tomography; 60Cu-ATSM = Cu (II) diacetyl-bis-(N4- methylthiosemicarbazone). (To view a color version of this image, please
refer to the CD-ROM.) Reproduced with permission from Chao KS et al.19
314 / Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

is unclear. The relationship between 60Cu-ATSM intensity

and radiocurability through the correlation of pathologic
and imaging findings needs to be more closely examined. In
addition, the tumor target uncertainty of the hGTV within
the GTV needs to be better ascertained. Last, we need to bet-
ter understand tumor reoxygenation kinetics.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI Fusion
MRI is very useful in target volume delineation. Emami and
colleagues evaluated eight patients with nasopharyngeal car-
cinoma who underwent CT with T1- and T2-weighted MRIs.22
Three treatment plans were generated: (1) a three-dimen-
sional conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT) plan based on
CT, (2) a 3DCRT plan based on fused CT and MRI targets,
and (3) an IMRT plan based on fused CT and MRI targets
(Figure 18.6-12). The first plan achieved adequate target cov-
erage and critical structure sparing. However, because MRI-
based targets were larger and more irregularly shaped, some
of the target might not have been incorporated. The second
plan led to underdosing of the GTV and the exposure of crit-
FIGURE 18.6-10. Flow chart summarizing the overall process used to coor- ical structures to increased doses. The last plan achieved both
dinate hypoxia imaging-guided intensity-modulated radiation therapy
better PTV coverage and critical structure sparing.
(IMRT). CT = computed tomography; Cu-ATSM = Cu (II) diacetyl-bis-(N4-
methylthiosemicarbazone); DICOM = Digital Imaging and Communication
Quantitative Tissue Perfusion
in Medicine; GTV = gross tumor volume; hGTV = hypoxic gross tumor vol-
ume; PET = positron emission tomography; T/M = tumor to muscle. Tissue perfusion can significantly affect tumor respon-
Reproduced with permission from Chao KS et al.19 siveness to RT; thus, it is important to gauge perfusion to
improve treatment planning. A noninvasive MRI spin-
labeling technique has been studied to see if it could accu-
was as follows: 80 Gy in 35 fractions to the hGTV, 70 Gy in rately show tissue prefusion.23 Specifically, the long
35 fractions to the GTV, 60 Gy total to the CTV, and no more relaxation time T1 was measured with segmented snapshot
than 30 Gy total to the parotid glands (Figure 18.6-11). fast low-angle shot (FLASH) imaging. Using a two-com-
This study demonstrated the utility of hypoxia imaging- partment tissue model, perfusion values were determined
guided IMRT. However, several issues remain. First, the dose pixelwise. Perfusion images with a slice thickness of 10 mm
needed to overcome radioresistance owing to tumor hypoxia and an in-plane resolution of 1.9 × 2.8 mm2 were acquired.

FIGURE 18.6-11. Dose distribution of hypoxia imaging-guided intensity-modulated radiation therapy. The yellow line corresponds to 80 Gy, the green
line corresponds to 70 Gy, and the blue line corresponds to 50 Gy. (To view a color version of this image, please refer to the CD-ROM.) Reproduced
with permission from Chao KS et al.19
Functional Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Technology / 315

needed to develop a technique to measure apoptosis and

recognized the annexin V–phosphatidylserine complex that
is expressed on the extracellular membrane when a cell
undergoes apoptosis as a potentially useful marker. One
resulting imaging method, technetium 99m (99mTc)-rh-
annexin V PET-SPECT, has been used as a way to measure
apoptosis in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.24
Currently, 99mTc-rh-annexin V uptakes in human tumor
after RT are also being studied.

Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor

Several studies have shown that the antagonism of growth
factor receptors may promote radiosensitivity. Most atten-
tion has focused on the epidermal growth factor (EGF)
pathway. The monoclonal antibody IMC-225, which blocks
FIGURE 18.6-12. Schematic demonstrating magnetic resonance and
computed tomography (CT) image fusion as part of three-dimensional ligand binding and inhibits autophosphorylation and down-
conformal radiation therapy and intensity-modulated radiation thera- stream intracellular signaling, has been shown to improve
py treatment planning in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. CT = computed tumor response to RT.25
tomography; CTV = clinical target volume; GTV = gross tumor volume; The in vivo visualization of the EGF receptor EGFR may
MR = magnetic resonance imaging. Reproduced with permission from thus enable clinicians to determine which patients should
Emami B et al.22 concurrently receive IMC-225. Several radiopharmaceuti-
cals have been tested for this purpose. A 99mTc-labeled anti-
EGF antibody has been shown to accurately gauge EGFR
expression both in tumor-bearing animal models and in
This spin-labeling technique visualizes tumor and normal
a patient with head and neck carcinoma.26 Other radioiso-
tissue perfusion plus changes in perfusion during RT.
topes being tested include 123I-EGF and 111In–diethylen-
However, the technique needs further refinement before it
etriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-EGF.27,28 However,
can be used for IMRT planning (Figure 18.6-13).
more studies need to be done before these drugs can be
used clinically.
Future Trends in Functional Imaging
Molecular Imaging and Radiobiologic Phenotyping
Apoptosis Assessment
Several strategies are being developed that make use of mol-
Apoptosis has recently been studied as a marker of tumor ecular imaging and that may be useful in IMRT planning.
response to chemotherapy24 and is also a major form of cell These strategies use nuclear magnetic resonance or nuclear
death that occurs in response to RT. Researchers therefore medicine techniques for the actual imaging.

FIGURE 18.6-13. A patient with head and neck

carcinoma with right-sided lymph node neck
metastasis. (A) Fast low-angle shot (FLASH)
image before radiation therapy; enhanced per-
fusion values are observed at the edge of the
tumor, (D) (A) FLASH image obtained after 54 Gy
of treatment shows a moderate reduction in
the size of the tumor with high perfusion in the
center of the tumor (E); (C) and (f) show decreas-
es in areas of poor perfusion. (To view a color
version of this image, please refer to the CD-
ROM.) Reproduced with permission from
Schmitt P et al.23
316 / Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

The first strategy is “indirect” or reporter gene imaging. Another molecular imaging method uses as its basis P-
Hackman and colleagues29 and Blasberg and Gelovani30 glycoprotein, the product of the multidrug-resistance gene
transfected W256 tumor cells with adenovirus containing MDR1, which belongs to a group of energy-dependent
the Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase (CD)–herpes sim- efflux transporters. Pgp is overexpressed in numerous
plex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) fusion malignant tumors. The imaging of Pgp expression to pre-
(CD/TK) gene. Noninvasive imaging to monitor CD/TK dict resistance to both chemotherapy and RT has been
gene expression was performed with [124I]2´-fluoro-2´- investigated using the myocardial perfusion agents 99mTc-
deoxy-1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-5-iodouracil (FIAU)–PET. tetrofosmin and 99mTc-furifosmin (Figure 18.6-14).33
HSV1-tk activity was monitored with [124I]-FIAU–PET, However, these SPECT agents need to be examined fur-
and CD activity was determined by the CD enzyme assay. ther in clinical settings.
[124I]-FIAU accumulation was found to be directly related
to CD/TK expression. CD enzyme activity was also direct-
ly related to CD/TK expression. Further, a significant lin- Conclusions
ear relationship between [124I]-FIAU accumulation and The field of radiation oncology is at a key crossroad.
CD enzyme activity was observed. Thus, it was concluded Throughout the twentieth century, RT was planned based
that individual elements of CD/TK gene expression can be on anatomic imaging. However, with the advent of IMRT
measured by noninvasive imaging, in particular [124I]- and functional imaging, the era of physical conformity is
FIAU–PET. coming to an end. We are now entering the era of biolog-
The second strategy is “direct” imaging of endogenous ic conformity.1 Biologic imaging, which includes imaging
molecules, such as cell surface receptors. An example of such tumor hypoxia, tumor proliferation, and tumor burden,
“direct” imaging involves the use of antisense ribonucleic will enable radiation oncologists to define a “biologic tar-
acid (RNA) targeting the messenger ribonucleic acid get” volume. Use of the biologic target volume, in con-
(mRNA) of key oncogenes.31 This strategy entails the use junction with IMRT, can vastly enhance target delineation
of radiolabeled oligonucleotides (RASONs), which are small and dose delivery. Such multidimensional RT may improve
oligonucleotide sequences complementary to target mRNA the success of cancer treatment.
or DNA. RASON probes directly image gene expression at Similarly, Coleman has advocated a molecular approach
the point of transcription. However, critical issues with to RT. In this approach, radiation is viewed as an instiga-
RASONs are generating a sufficient amount of antisense tor of molecular events (Figure 18.6-15).34 In short, this
RNA, stabilizing the antisense RNA, confirming the acces- novel approach could enable scientists to study radiation’s
sibility of the binding domain, and ensuring sufficient effects on molecular damage and molecular treatment.
amounts of target mRNA. Such molecular profiling could be performed before and
The third strategy is “surrogate” or biomarker imag- after RT and over time. Ultimately, the combination of
ing.30 Surrogate imaging is best defined as monitoring of molecular and functional imaging with molecular profil-
the downstream events that result from molecular-genetic ing and novel therapeutics holds great promise.
processes. This method may be useful in the development
of biochemical pathway–specific drugs. In particular, it may
be useful for monitoring the response to antiangiogenesis
treatment. However, a key drawback of the method is its
decreased specificity owing to the number of other mole-
cular-genetic processes.
These molecular imaging strategies are still very new,
and more work is needed to make them useful for the plan-
ning of different RT modalities.

Future Trends in Molecular Imaging

Many other novel approaches to molecular imaging that
may find application in RT planning and monitoring are
also being pursued. One method is to assess angiogenesis
by imaging the binding motif on integrin, a proangiogenic
factor that binds to numerous ligands in the extracellular FIGURE 18.6-15. The changing view of radiation oncology as the insti-
matrix. This binding motif is composed of –Arg-Gly-Asp- gator of molecular events. Molecular profiling can be performed before
(RGD). The imaging of cyclic RGD peptides, using 18F, and after radiation therapy and after chemotherapy. Linac = linear accel-
99mTc, and 111In, has been used to gauge angiogenesis.32 erator; Rx = treatment. Reproduced with permission from Coleman CN.34
More studies of this approach are needed.
Functional Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Emerging Technology / 317

FIGURE 18.6-14. Imaging of P-glycoprotein

expression with technetium 99m (99mTc)-tetro-
fosmin and 99mTc-furifosmin in lung cancer to
predict response to radiation therapy and
chemotherapy. In the future, similar modali-
ties may be used in head and neck cancers.
Tx = therapy. (To view a color version of this
image, please refer to the CD-ROM.)
Reproduced with permission from Fukumoto
M et al.33

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