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Field Readiness Program: E-Business Tax Unsupervised Hands-

One of the exercises we recommend you doing is detailed in the pages below. It
basically consists of the following actions:
i. Run a Payables transaction in the Tax Simulator to retrieve an existing
(R12) tax.
ii. Run a Receivables transaction in the Tax Simulator to retrieve an
existing (R12) tax:
iii. Run essentially the same cases as above using the AP and AR
iv. Create a new tax in E-Business Tax (7 steps).
v. Retrieve the transactions entered above, update the document dates,
save the details and you should be able to see your new tax in addition
to the original tax.

This exercise will give you a good basic insight into R12 tax setup and running
transactions using the Tax Simulator and the workbenches. Very detailed
screenshots are available for all the steps.

Access the hands-on environment (f12x9hon) and login with:

User Name: detax
Password: welcometax1

You will see the following responsibilities:

Select the OracleTax Simulator responsibility. Click on the Tax Simulator link (not
Tax Simulator Web).
Enter the following details in the Main section (create your own Document

Enter the following details in the Party section:

Enter the following details in the Sites section:

Note: you will need to do a search on London to select the Ship From/Bill From

The Currency section is not required. Please ignore.

Enter the following details in the Lines section:
Product = DE_UK_CM31556
Save the details.
Click on the Tax Lines Button to review the Tax Details:
Click on the Tax Rules button to review the Rule Results for the current Tax line

Exit the current screen and go back into the Tax Simulator to create a new
Receivables transaction, as follows:
Note: you will need to do a search on London to select the Ship To/Bill To

Save the details.

Click on the Tax Lines Button to review the Tax Details:
Go into the ‘Payables, DETAX_Vision Operations’ responsibility
Entry: Invoice
Trading Partner = DE_UK_Advantage Corp
Enter an Invoice Num

Click the Calculate Tax button:

Click the Tax Details button:

Go into the ‘Receivables, DETAX_Vision Operations’ responsibility

Transactions: Transactions

Source = MANUAL–OTHER DETAX_Vision Operations

Click on the Line Items button:

Item = DE_UK_CM31556
UOM should be blank
No other fields are required after Unit Price.

Click on the Tax button to review the tax details:

The next step is to create a new tax.

Go into the ‘Tax Managers’ responsibility.

Select Tax Regimes which is in the Tax Configuration section. Click on the
Create button.

An example of a ‘new’ Regime that was created is detailed below. For your new
Regime and related details, we suggest you use your initials or name (to replace
the prefix EBTAX) in order to try and ensure the codes are unique. In addition,
use an Effective From between 1 Jan 2006 and 31 Aug 2006. Apart from the
code, name, and Effective From date, copy the other details.
Note, whichever date you choose, use the same date wherever you see 11-May-
2005 on the subsequent screenshots.
Click on the Show Controls and Defaults link:

Click on the Show Controls and Defaults link:

Click the Continue button and enter the following details:

Click Apply

In the Tax Regimes Search page, enter United Kingdom in the Country Name
field (and optionally your newly created Regime Code in the Code field) and click
Go. You should see a row with your Tax Regime.

On your Tax Regime row, click on the icon in the Regime to Rate Flow column.

Click on the icon under Create Tax:

Enter the relevant details as below keeping the same code/name and Effective
From date convention and Effective From date that you used for your Tax
Regime. Many of the details default from the Regime details.
Click on Show Controls and Defaults:

Click Apply

Click on the icon under Create Tax Status:

Click Apply.

Click on the icon under Create Tax Rate:

Click the icon under Rate Details:

Click Apply. It returns you to the first Tax Rate page. Click Apply.

Click on the Tax Jurisdictions Menu Option near the top:

Click the Create button:

Enter the relevant details. Precedence Level will return a value so that doesn’t
need to be entered.
Click on the Tax Rules Menu Option near the top:

Enter Global Configuration Owner and your Tax Regime Code and Tax, then
click on Go.

Set the Default values as below except for the default Tax Status and Tax Rate.
These should already appear as long as you created your Tax Status and Rate
as defaults. For each Rule Type default value, you’ll need to enter or select the
correct one and click on Apply.
Click on the Taxes Menu Option near the top. Enter Country Name and your Tax.

Click on Go:
Click on the Update icon, then check the Make Tax Available for Transaction
checkbox. Note, this can only be checked sucessfully if all the required tax setup
is complete. Also set the Effective To date to be the same as your Effective From
date (so that the tax is only effective for 1 day). Click Apply.

Click the Home link (next to Diagnostics) at the top.

Select the OracleTax Simulator responsibility. Click on the Tax Simulator link (not
Tax Simulator Web).

Query on your original Payables document number. Update the Document to be

the same as your new Tax effective date. Do the same on the Line details for
Line Date and GL Date. Save and then click on the Tax Lines button. You should
now see the original DE_UK VAT details plus your new tax.
Similarly, query on your original Receivables document number. Update the
Document to be the same as your new Tax effective date. Do the same on the
Line details for Line Date and GL Date. Save and then click on the Tax Lines
button. You should now see the original DE_UK VAT details plus your new tax.

In Payables, DETAX_Vision Operations Responsibility, query up your original

transaction and update the dates to be the same as your new Tax effective date.

Click on the Calculate Tax button:

Similarly as in the Simulator, you can click on the Tax Details button to review all
the details. You should now see the original DE_UK VAT details plus your new

Go into the ‘Receivables, DETAX_Vision Operations’ responsibility and enter a

new transaction with the original AR details and use your Effective From date.
You should see the original DE_UK VAT details plus your new tax.

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