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Role of Business in Social Development

The role of a business is to produce and distribute goods and services to satisfy the society’s
needs, wants and demand.

Provides people with 1. income for living expenses, 2. source of satisfaction and
achievement and 3. sense of identity and pride


Competition delivers products which are better, cheaper or more convenient.
Technology is the key to lower costs, improve quality and the delivery of goods/services more

Because of business many aspire to run their own.
Gives you the feeling of independence and control
Can achieve dramatic success and build substantial wealth
Place where people meet, interact more than anywhere else outside of family
Take people overseas or into situations they otherwise would not experience.
A strong economy is built on performance of business
Business success effects entire society
Increase wealth and economic activity
There are some Philippine enterprises with social development thrusts are the following:
• Jollibee Corporation’s Family Values Awards.
• National Book Store’s Project Aral Kit
Support for nutrition improvement:
• Alaska Milk Corporation’s ‘Gatas for Breakfast Movement’


A practice in a business involving the participation in initiatives that benefits the society.
Putting certain funds toward organizations or people who are in need of aid.


The Philippines are not short or men and women who are stewards. Some whose reason for
being is not only to create wealth, but to do so in the service of their fellow men

There are some Filipino enterprises are recognizable from their CSR Programs:
Jollibee’s Maaga ang Pasko Project
Aboitiz Group of Companies school-building projects
Many students do not proceed to secondary education levels due to scarce family resources
and insufficient government support and resources. The CSR stewards step in to fill this lack.
SM College Scholarship Program by
Henry Sy, Sr.
This scholarship grants full matriculation and monthly stipend to its scholars in the following
Accountancy Elementary Education
CE, ECE, Com. Eng., ME Secondary Education
Computer Science
Elementary Education
Information Mgt.

The National Book Store Foundation, Inc. (NBSFI)

by Socorro C. Ramos
Balik Aklat Mobile Library
Buklat Aklat Leave Behind Library
Project Aral
Social School Project Yolanda


Social responsibility frequently practices direct enterprises to deal with the natural environment.
Recent natural disasters in the local and international arena have also raised awareness on the responsibilities
of governments and business organizations toward the natural environment.

The Department of Energy in the Philippines has encouraged the return to the natural environment through a
policy statement on the use of renewable energy (RE). The government’s rural electrification programs include
other renewable sources such as solar, micro-hydro, wind, and biomass sources. Other than reducing the
country’s dependence on imported fossil fuels. RE harnesses environmentally-sound technologies.

The Bangui Windmills in Ilocos Norte are not just inspiring sights, but also serve as proofs that the Philippines’
location in the Asia-Pacific monsoon belt allows it to exploit wind power power density.

Alfredo Moser is credited with the “bottle light” In the Philippines Angelo ‘Illac’ Diaz of the My Shelter
Foundation adopted the Moser method in 2011. It is estimate that 140,000 Philippine homes are fitted with
Moser lights. My Shelter Foundation and it’s project ‘Liter of Light’ uses recycled plastic bottles as solar lights.

Ecology is the science that studies the relationship of life on earth and the process linking each living thing to
the physical and chemical environment. The science refers to the study of the ecosystem, which is a system
made up of a community of animals, plants, and bacteria, and the physical and chemical environment with
which it is interrelated. Degradation lowers the grade or type of a system.

Laws that the EMB- DENR administers.

Philippine businesses and industries have been stewards in agriculture that augment these environmental
protection efforts.

SL Agritech Corporation (SLAC) was formally incorporated by Henry Lim Bon Liong on September 11, 2000.
The primary purpose of the enterprise is that of ‘promoting the development, commercialization, and growth
of hybrid rice technology’.

The use of renewable energy reduces Philippine dependence on fuel producing countries. The resulting
decrease in fuel imports is expected to impact the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product
(GNP) values of the country. Further, the use of alternative fuel offers higher potential for poverty alleviation
and sustainable development.

The Department of Energy provides energy and power statistics in the Philippines, based on existing power
plants. Selected DOE statistics data show minimal contribution from renewable energy sources, such as wind,
solar, and biomass.

A Harvey Key, a columnist from the Philippine daily inquirer defines social entrepreneurship as
developing innovative, scalable, and sustainable means of solving social problems, like the skills that are also
used by an entrepreneur.
Comprehensive descriptions of social entrepreneurship are offered by leading social sector organizations in
the world--- Ashoka and the Schwab foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.

Philippine enterprises included in the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneur list are the following:
1. Gawad kalinga (GK)- working in the enterprise development, environment, health, homelessness, and
housing sectors.
2. Hapinoy Micro Ventures- concerned with the enterprise development and women sectors.
3. Human Nature- involve in agriculture, labor conditions , and unemployment.
4. Hybrid Social Solutions- concerned with matters of energy and rural development
5. Rags2Riches- concerned with matters in environment, labor conditions and unemployment.

The Filipino social entrepreneurs for the aforementioned organizations are:

1. Antonio Meloto and Jose Luis M. Oquinena, for Gawad kalinga
2. Paolo Benigno Aquino IV, for Hapinoy Micro ventures
3. Anna Meloto-Wilk and Dylan Wilk, for human nature
4. Jaime I. Ayala, for Hybrid Social Solutions
5. Therese Fernandez-Ruiz, for Rags2Riches

Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, Inc. (GK), which is considered as the pioneer for social
entrepreneurship in the Philippines, and deals with enterprise development, environment, health,
homelessness, and housing sectors.

The Hapinoy Micro Ventures, identified with Paolo Benigno Aquino IV, is concerned with enterprise
development and women sectors and started its Hapinoy Sari-sari store program in 1997.

Sari-sari stores are small neighborhood retail shops usually started and ran by women-micro entrepreneurs
from their homes. Since 2007, the program has trained and partnered with 3,000 Nanay-micro-entrepreneurs.
Most Nanays (mothers) engage in the sari-sari store business to augment their family’s income.

Human Nature is teamed up with Gawad kalinga and other organizations like the Aid Foundation, Inco.
(AIDFI) and the Philippine Federation for Environmental Concern (PFEC), to develop world class organic farms
and other enterprises that help multiply the income of the Filipino people.

Human Nature’s Balik Bote, Bigay Buhay program supports R.A. 9003, known as Philippine Ecological Waste
Management Act of 2000, which calls for the institutionalization of a national program that will manage the
control, transfer, transport, processing, and disposal of solid waste in the country. The program is
simultaneously a microfinancing project for farmer-communities and an advocacy for the reduction of solid
waste in Philippine communities.

Hybrid Social Solutions (HSSI) is concerned with energy and rural development. It is partnered with
microfinance institutions, such as Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Inc. (ASKI) and Center for Community Transformation
(CCT) Group of Ministries, to provide access to electricity to communities in remote, rural villages, isolated in
coastal or mountainous areas.
A for profit social enterprise, Rags2Riches (R2R) creates eco-ethical fashion and home accessories from
upcycled scrap cloth, native fabrics, and unprocessed materials. R2R began its mission in Payatas, Quezon City
in 2007.

“Unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this explicitly or implicitly affects an
individual’s employment unreasonably interferes with an individual work performance, or
creates unintimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.


The way in which men and women were brought up to see themselves and others
strongly influences their behaviour. Various viewpoints could create a climate that allows
sexual harassment.

Some men feel threatened by the career advancement of women Other men who have
recently gained positions of power (possibly after decades of discrimination) may also try to
prove themselves by harassing women subordinates.
The prevalence of marital stress and divorce in our society cultural differences about
what is, or isn’t, acceptable in our rapidly-changing society could make them vulnerable to
sexual harassment.


The credibility (The quality of being believable or trustworthy) of the victim is often
called into question, as it is usually her word against that of the harasser/s.

Men in groups often behave differently from how they would as individuals. This can
explain some of the “gang harassment” that occurs when a woman enters a plant.

Impact of Sexual Harassment on Job Performance and Individual

 Loss of confidence in superiors
 Deteriorating relationships with co-workers
 Increased absenteeism
 Increased turnover
 Decreases in productivity

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