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Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized

X-ray tomography (CT)

Article  in  Engineering Geology · February 2009

DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011


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3 authors, including:

János Geiger Zoltan Hunyadfalvi

University of Szeged NKFIH


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ENGEO-02832; No of Pages 7
Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

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Engineering Geology
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / e n g g e o

Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray

tomography (CT)
Janos Geiger a, Zoltan Hunyadfalvi a,⁎, Peter Bogner b
Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, 6701 Szeged P.O. Box: 658, Hungary
Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Oncoradiology, University of Kaposvar, 7401 Kaposvar P.O. Box: 16, Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is to recognize the basic clastic rock types on the basis of Hounsfield Units (HUs) by using
Accepted 3 June 2008 statistical methods (hypothesis tests, distribution fitting, and confidence intervals). How does this recognition
Available online xxxx depend on depositional history of samples tested? Does the numerical pattern of HUs obtained from small-scale
analyzing of some particular sedimentary structures coincide to the textural expectations of those sedimentary
structures? Are the HU values provided by the CT measurements capable of evidencing micro-cycles belonging to
Clastic sediments
a particular depositional history?
CT scanning For testing the numerical recognition, we analyze macroscopically homogeneous argillaceous marl, siltstone and
Hounsfield Unit fine sandstone samples with similar depositional background, age, and degree of diagenesis. The preliminary
Bulk density research shows that the Hounsfield Units can identify different sedimentary rocks considerably well. There are
Geostatistics significant differences among the confidence intervals belonging to the different rock types. However, there also
have been some slight overlaps among them.
For analyzing the effects of the depositional processes in case of a particular rock type, samples from channel
sandstone, distributary mouth-bar, massive (structureless) sandstone from a delta-fed turbidity fan, and channel
sandstone with traction carpet origin from a delta-fed turbidity fan (all coming from Pannonian basin filling
series) are used. The results prove again the significant differences in the terms of both confidence intervals and
distribution-types; however, some overlapping also occurs.
© 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction resolution of a medical CT is appropriate for the size of a hand-specimen. It

seems to us, that the fast technical evolution has left the medical CT
Recently, the applications of CT technique in the geosciences were measurements alone without gaining all possibilities from this solution.
widespread because of the non-destructive evaluation of rocks. Most of However, because of the scale similarity, the medical CT measurements
the papers from this field have dealt with such rock properties, which compared with the core sample measurements or at least this comparison
drawn back to the macro-porosity or (macro-) pore structure. The may be more reliable than in the case of micro-CT. Geophysical well-log
applications are coming partly from the soil-sciences or petroleum interpretations have shown that there are strong genetic relationships
geology because a solid and open-pore are easily recognized on a CT between depositional processes and rock density.
image (Crain, 1992; Mees et al., 2003). However, the resolution of these The aims of this study are to get data about the following questions:
instruments does not allow the direct visualization of the pore structure. How the basic clastic rock types are recognized on the bases of
The so-called micro-tomography introduced to the rock and a pore Hounsfield Units (HUs) by using statistical methods (hypothesis tests,
structure analysis overcomes this limitation (Wellington and Vinegard, distribution fitting, and confidence intervals). How does this recognition
1987; Cazaux et al.,1989; Coles et al.,1994,1996; Rosenberg et al.,1999a). depend on depositional history of samples tested? Whether the nume-
Since that time quite a wide range of studies have been published both rical pattern of HUs obtained from small-scale analyzing of some
for the pore space visualization (e.g. Rosenberg et al., 1999b; Mees et al., particular sedimentary structures coincide to the textural expectations
2003) and applications for analysis of microstructures of rocks and of those sedimentary structures. Are the HU values provided by the CT
fossils (Van Geet et al., 2000; Stock and Veiss, 2002; Mees et al., 2003). measurements capable of evincing micro-cycles belonging to a parti-
The effectiveness of micro-tomography for analyzing sub-microscopic cular depositional history?
characters of the rocks is naturally beyond all doubt. It is also a fact that the
2. CT principals
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Geiger), X-ray computer tomography based on the attenuation of X- or
(Z. Hunyadfalvi), (P. Bogner). gamma rays emitted from an X-ray tube. Gamma rays interact with the

0013-7952/$ – see front matter © 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
2 J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

matter by four effects: Raleigh scattering, photoelectric effect, Compton single slice. The original image consisted of 512 × 512 voxels and thus the
Effect, and pair generation (Siegbahn, 1967). All these interactions field of view (FOV) is 512 × 0.33 mm that is approx. 16.98 cm. The highest
depend on photon energy and the atomic number of the matter. A thin, resolution of Somatom Plus 40 is 0.1 × 0.1 × 1 mm. The instrument
well-collimated beam of X-ray attenuates following Beer's law: operates at 140 kV, with a 189 mA current, and 1.5 s exposure.

I ¼ I0 expð−μxÞ 5. Methods

where I0 is the integral current of incident X (gamma) photons; I is the The statistical analyses are subdivided into: (1) data-preparation,
integral current transmitted by the sample; μ is the linear attenuation (2) mathematical statistical description, (3) analyses of cyclic patterns,
coefficient of the sample; x is the sample width. (4) analyses of lateral pattern (i.e. sedimentary structures), and (5) revea-
Three of the four interacting effects (Raleigh scattering, photoelectric ling the possible flow patterns within the core samples.
and Compton effects) occur between 30 and 200 keV, which is the In data-preparation phase, instead of the traditional way, i.e. ana-
operating range of the present day CTs. In case of predominance of lyzing the CT images “as is”; we analyze the raw ASCII data. The
Compton effect (above 100 keV), the μ depends only on the density of measurement provides attenuation coefficient values arranged in a
the sample and not on its chemical composition. This is the case for most 512 × 512-size grid. Each grid is easily visualized by any surface model-
of the present day medical CTs. On the other hand, when photoelectric ling software, and ‘Nearest Neighbor’ method could be used to calculate
effect dominates, the μ coefficient depends also on the chemical com- contour lines. Thus, you can visualize the real CT data, and the image has
position of the absorbent. For inhomogeneous samples, like clastic better resolution. Among several advantages of this solution, the most
sedimentary rocks, the attenuation coefficient has different values at important ones are as follows: (1) the grid/extract command in Surfer
different points of the sample. Hence, the linear attenuation coefficient μ 8.0 creates a subset of an existing grid file to focus on some important
depends on both effective atomic number and the density of the object data geometry at the so-called data-level. (2) The grid/blank command
(Curry et al., 1990). removes grid node data from a grid in areas where you do not want to
At the end of CT image reconstruction process, the result is a display contours on a map, and data of blanked grid can be easily
numerical map consisting of all the attenuation coefficients corre- exported to any statistical programs (in this paper SPSS 11.0, and Stat-
sponding to each volume element (voxel). The values expressed as graphic 3.0 were used). (3) The grid representation is appropriate for
non-dimensional CT number (Hounsfield Units or HUs), according to studying the spatial continuity of HU values (e.g. by counting the grid
the following relation: correlogram), or to search for some repetitive pattern by computing the
grid periodogram; (4) this solution provides a direct way to connect the
ðμ − μ water Þ data-preparation, the mathematical statistical analyses, and the spatial
HU ¼  1000:
μ water analyses phases.
There are two kinds of slicing method to generate cross-sections of core
Fixed values of this scale take −1000 for the air and 0 for the water. samples. One creates cross-sections that are parallel to the longitudinal
The greater is the value of μ, the higher is the corresponding HU. The axis of the core sample, and the other the perpendicular counterparts.
degree of attenuation is conventionally expressed in Hounsfield units Parallel cross-sections are easy to display, and the visualization of textural
normalized by the attenuation coefficient of pure water (e.g. Kawamura, and structural inhomogeneity does not require additional procedures, so
1990; Colletta et al., 1991; Inzaki et al., 1995; Ohtani et al., 2000). we use them to analyze textural variability of clastic sedimentary rocks.
Reconstructed CT images usually displayed as negative images First, we compare the images of cross-sections displayed by OSIRIS (www.
where lighter tones represent higher HU values and, in contrast, lower or grids generated by Surfer 8.0 (www.ssg-surfer.
HU values correspond to darker regions of the image. com) with the macroscopic core descriptions or the core samples. OSIRIS is
a viewer for Papyrus/DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in
3. Basic sedimentological principals Medicine) images; developed at the Digital Imaging Unit (UIN) of the
Service for Medical Computing (SIM) of the Radiology department of the
Different Hounsfield Units, concerning to different rock types of University Hospitals of Geneva (Switzerland).
different ages, can identify alterations in sedimentary texture and bulk All regions of interest are highlighted and blanked on the grid, and
density. However, different attenuation coefficient values may corre- the corresponding data set is exported for testing modality of the
spond to rocks of equivalent grain size but of different degree of dia- data-distribution. If distribution of data set is unimodal and the shape
genesis. The characteristic properties of clastic sedimentary rocks reflect of density curve is symmetrical, the hypothesis is accepted, and we
the general effect of the various physical, chemical and biological pro- can count a confidence interval with 0.05 of significance. Confidence
cesses. Synsedimentary and post-sedimentary processes, diagenesis, intervals exclude outlier and extreme data. We applied this process for
primary and secondary porosity and geological time play primary role in Holocene clay, argillaceous marl, channel, distributary mouth-bar,
affecting texture, fabric, and the bulk density of sedimentary rocks. structureless sandstone, and channel sandstone with traction carpet
origin with Pannonian age.
4. Samples studied and instruments used We investigate cross-laminated sand ripple for testing the coin-
cidence between the traditional textural interpretation and the spatial
Most of core samples analyzed are coming from the collection of variation of HU values of sedimentary structures (Fig. 1).
Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged, Hungary We study the cyclic nature of a homogeneous argillaceous siltstone
and MOL (Hungarian Oil and Gas Co.). The collection contains samples with oxbow-lake origin. HU values obtained with using profiler tool of
from the Pannonian basin (Central-Europe) filled with sediments ori- OSIRIS (Fig. 2). We apply the geological principle that time is not else
ginated from a delta-fed turbidity fan, with Pannonian age (Pannonian than thickness in a homogeneous clastic rock. Thus, the HU values
sensu lato 12.6–2.4 Ma). The fan morphologically fits in the Walker- plotted in an equidistant scale can be interpreted as time-series (Fig. 3).
type fan model (Walker, 1978), and satisfies the criteria of a point source So, the repetitive thickness can be analyzed by the mean of auto-
mud/sand-rich submarine fan (Reading and Richard, 1994). correlation and periodogram (Fig. 4).
CT measures have been performed on a Siemens Somatom Plus 40 Finally, we investigate a sample from deep-water fan with Pannonian
instrument provided by the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and age to reveal the possible flow paths within the sample (Fig. 5). We
Oncoradiology, University of Kaposvar, Hungary. The slice thickness is regard all the factors affecting the HU values to be constant except the
2 mm; the pixel size is 0.33 × 0.33 mm, and the measurements made for grain size and consequently the effective porosity. There is a well-known

Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Cross-laminated sand ripple in sample A-248 (photo shown above). You can
obtain raw ASCII data out of CT images displayed by OSIRIS. (Indicated laminae detailed
later; see Fig. 9).

practical observation saying that significant exponential regression

Fig. 3. Plot of HU values shows the positions of data points along the line created by the
exists between the effective porosity and permeability. So, in this case, profiler tool. Trend line represents quasi-symmetrical sedimentation (on the right).
the HU values used in an indirect way for expressing the permeability
variations. The permeability gradient, which is preferably for flow,
shows from lower to higher values. The lateral distribution of the flow
consequently, in this case, difference in statistical parameters means
path, namely the lateral distribution of the flow-in and flow-out parts of
significant difference in grain size.
the sample has been revealed by the second derivative of the HU units of
Confidence interval for sandstone with distributary mouth-bar
the grid arrangement, implemented by the so-called Laplacian operator
origin, sample A-216, shows relatively lower bounds than for sandstone
(Fig. 6) (Akai 1994).
in sample A-100, because these environments generate completely
different textures, although they represent almost the same geologic
6. Results
HU values of structureless (massive) sandstone (Bouma “A” unit)
There are significant differences among the confidence intervals
from sample A-248 show uniform regularity. However, the sandstone
belonging to the basic clastic rock types; however, there also have been
is macroscopically homogeneous there is difference in HU values
some slight overlaps among them (Table 1). Silty clay and argillaceous
between the middle part of the layer and the upper and lower marginal
marl represent nearly the same phi (Φ) units but different degree of
parts (Fig. 9). Beside the change of grain size, this might be the result of
diagenesis. Thus, the confidence interval for argillaceous marl is higher
increased pore space. According to the grain size analysis, the particle
then for silty clay. The confidence interval of HUs belonging to siltstone is
size of massive sandstone does not change within this sample. Thus,
different from the confidence interval of HUs belonging to sandstone
the pore space has become wider. Confidence interval bounds are
due to significant difference in grain size and pore space of each sedi-
relatively high for the sandstone this might be the result of higher
ment, with the same depositional history and age.
diagenetic stage or high content of carbonate cement.
We use core samples from environments of delta-fed turbidity fan
Fig. 1 shows sand ripple with cross-laminated unit in sample A-248.
system to reveal the significant differences in confidence intervals. Silt
Analysis of the HU values of the laminae shows decreasing trend from
ribbons and fine-coarse sandstone make up sample A-100 with shallow
the bottom to the crest in contrast to theoretical inner structure of a
channel origin represents a remarkable example of alteration of coarse
particular lamina (Fig. 10). The reason for this phenomenon could be
and fine sediments due to change in sediment influx (Fig. 7). Higher
Hounsfield Units for siltstone and lower HUs for sandstone reflect the
different grain size distribution (Fig. 8). Non-dimensional HU values
represent bulk density, bulk composition, age, and diagenetic stage;

Fig. 2. Photo of macroscopically homogeneous oxbow-lake sediment is on the left. CT Fig. 4. Autocorrelation plot proves the assumption that data might not be random. The
image is on the right. Inset shows a serrated line that represents X-ray attenuation third highest peak on periodogram plot represents a certain grain size that appears
coefficient values as appeared on CT image displayed by OSIRIS. repetitively.

Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
4 J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

Table 1
There is significant difference between confidence intervals of HU values belonging to
basic clastic rock types however, some overlapping occurs

Silty clay (Holocene age, Hungary)

Number of HU values 2940
Minimum HU value 1201
Maximum HU value 3206
Confidence interval Lower bound 1901
Upper bound 1927

Argillaceous marl (Pannonian age, Hungary)

Number of HU values 1993
Minimum HU value 2579
Maximum HU value 3116
Confidence interval Lower bound 2870
Upper bound 2881

Siltstone (Pannonian age, Hungary)

Number of HU values 3261
Minimum HU value 2179
Maximum HU value 3286
Confidence interval Lower bound 2860
Upper bound 2877

Fig. 5. “Thin-bedded” turbidite in sample A-248 with delta-fed turbidity origin. Sandstone (Pannonian age, Hungary)
Structureless (massive) sandstone overlies inclined ripple bands with traction carpet Number of HU values 4504
origin. Arrow indicates erosional surface between them. Minimum HU value 1959
Maximum HU value 3031
Confidence interval Lower bound 2555
Upper bound 2570
increasing grain size or presence of organic substance, which largely
Confidence interval bounds are counted for data sets excluded outlier and extreme data.
decrease the bulk density of the rock (Fig. 11).
Oxbow-lake environments consist of macroscopically homogeneous
and fine-grained deposits, mostly fine silt and mud, introduced into the
lake during overbank flooding. According to the macroscopic descrip-
ness, seasonality, or autocorrelation in a data series. In the current
tion, the sample is homogeneous, but on the CT image, it shows
implementation of the periodogram, there is no smoothing, no tapering,
considerable heterogeneity (Fig. 2). The time-sequence plot generated
and no filtering.
from the data supports this assumption (Fig. 3). High attenuation
The fitted time-period reveals the trend cycle and a quasi-symmetrical
coefficient values could be the result of a more compact rock, the en-
sedimentation. The time-period is 64 measured units long, and the basis
richment of fine particles, or smaller pore space. A change in grain size
for further estimations. The unit is heterogeneous; it is set up by shorter
might correspond to a change of flow regime.
cycles (Fig. 12). The significant autoregressive integrated moving average
After analyzing the periodogram, we can mark a time-period out that
(ARIMA) model verifies that the selection of the theoretical unit is correct.
perfectly fits the time-sequence plot (Fig. 3). Periodogram is a decom-
Since the rock column contains coarser sediments as well, an erosional
position of the data set into the weighted sum of many sinusoids. This
hiatus should take into consideration; therefore, the 180-cm-long column
operation shows hidden periodicity or repeating patterns that might not
may be not representative of the 6000-year age. For a convenient esti-
otherwise be evident. A periodogram is useful for identifying random-
mation of the duration of the time-period, let us suppose that the rock
column is homogeneous, if the fine sand at 0.5 m below the top does not
represent a considerable hiatus. This is quite reasonable, since its thickness
is negligible. Consequently, the time-period of 64 measured units re-
presents a 2-cm-thick bed (Fig.13), and these sediments accumulated over
a period of approximately 66 years.

Fig. 7. Sample A-100 with shallow channel origin is a remarkable example of alteration
of coarse and fine sediments due to change in sediment influx. Siltstone and sandstone
Fig. 6. Lateral distributions of the flow-in and flow-out parts of sample A-248. Darker represented by significantly different confidence intervals of HU values (see Table 1 for
gray indicates recharge or flow into areas or connected pores. (See text for details). details).

Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 5

Fig. 10. Trend of HU values of individual laminae shows decreasing characteristics from
the bottom up to the crest of the ripple (indicated by ‘up’), which is in contradiction with
Fig. 8. Plotting HU values of coarse grains versus HU values of fine grains of sample A-100 the traditional theoretical characteristics. Increasing grain size or presence of organic
shows the statistical significant difference between descriptive statistics. Figures from substance could cause such phenomenon.
above are Box-Wishker plot, density trace plot, and histograms.

could outline different flow units in the sample, and these units coincide
In the analyses of flow characteristics of a Bouma series, on the with the structural characteristics of the core sample.
resulting grid, the positive values of the Laplacian operator show the
recharge while the negative ones the discharge areas (Fig. 6). Within the 7. Discussion and conclusions
structureless sandstone part, the recharge and discharge parts are highly
variable; the flow paths are discontinuous and vertical, which derived The preliminary research have showed that different characters of
from the genetics of massive sandstone. In contrast, the cross-laminated the different sedimentary rocks can be well identified by the X-ray
lower part has a definite flow path: the upper bedding surface — the attenuation coefficient values or non-dimensional Hounsfield Units
surface to which all of the laminae incline — is regarded as the main obtained by a larger resolution medical CT. The analyzed CT images
recharge area, which collects the flows. It is also very characteristic that can be applied to express small-scale sedimentary structures, and
the thin interbedded siltstone pretends to block the vertical flow com- with certain mathematical treatments of the HU values the inside
munication, that seems to be a local seal. According to these features, we heterogeneity of sedimentary rocks can be revealed.
Many parameters affect rock densities. The pore space and its fluid
content, as well as the homogeneity or inhomogeneities of diagenetic
processes, originate in the alteration of depositional environments. Thus,
quantitative comparisons can involve samples from similar depositional

Fig. 11. The lower part of sample A-216 contains large quantities of organic substance
Fig. 9. Plot of HU values reveals inhomogeneity of structureless sandstone. Braces show (dark ribbons) that decreases the bulk density of the rock. Light grey spot on the upper
the denser middle part of massive (structureless) sandstone. left corner is silty clay intraclast. Scale is in HUs.

Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
6 J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx

case of sample A-248 the calcite is a post-genetic mineral and its evo-
lution increases pore space. The data show that there is a difference of
nearly 100 HUs between middle the part of the sample on the one hand,
and the marginal parts on the other (Fig. 9). The dome-like shape of
vertical series of HU values along the line analyzed assumes some kind of
lamination. Although, there is nothing else to indicate macroscopic
lamination, the orientation of the particles could cause such a fluc-
tuation in X-ray attenuation coefficient. Turbidity currents generate
experimentally in the laboratory showed that the central part of the
head moved faster than the marginal areas above and below it, which
Fig. 12. The chosen theoretical unit is heterogeneous indicating there are shorter cyclic
components in the core sample caused possibly by grain size variation.
agrees with our observation.
Cyclic phenomenon of Late-Holocene silty clay sample could be the
result of the frequent returning of some certain silt-laden current. The
post-lithification or in broader sense post-depositional ion migration
of solutions, for example the de-cementation, could cause relatively
low, localized change in composition, and consequently, decrease in
bulk density and HU values. If this process repeats in time, the result is
a periodical cycle. The secondary cementation, the porosity and mi-
neral replacement, could cause similar periodicity, as well, although
certain physical and chemical conditions must be presented. The
criteria for these conditions are absent in this sample, so we accept the
depositional origin of the cycles revealed.
In the case of flow path features, the results are unambiguous. It is
because this analysis based on the porosity-type interpretation of the
HU values. In fact, the obtained grid (Fig. 6) shows different flow units
in their general sense: flow units are that parts of a rock body which
have an impact for the flow characters. This definition unambiguously
reflects in the grid showing the Laplacian transformations of the HU
Consequently, the result may prove that the medical CT with its
particular resolution is appropriate for the analyses of hand-specimens.
These analyses may give such results, which coincide with the
traditional expectations. The results based on a well-defined quantita-
tive platform, and can fill the gap between the micro- and macro-scaled
sedimentological researches.


Authors wish to thank Tamas Foldes, MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas
Company for the consultations, and to the staff of Institute of Diagnostic
Imaging and Radiation Oncology, University of Kaposvar, Hungary for
their collaboration. This research was carried out with the financial
Fig. 13. Considering the hiatus negligible, the theoretical unit represents a 2-cm-thick assistance of the Scientific Contract between the Department of Diag-
bed, which accumulated over about 66 years. Inset on the right shows forecasted values
nostic Imaging and Oncoradiology, University of Kaposvar and the
of CT data. Numbers are in HUs.
Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged.

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J. Geiger et al. / Engineering Geology xxx (2008) xxx–xxx 7

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Please cite this article as: Geiger, J., et al., Analysis of small-scale heterogeneity in clastic rocks by using computerized X-ray tomography (CT),
Eng. Geol. (2008), doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2008.06.011
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