CA1 Not Scratch Codes

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Not Scratch Codes


04 JCL specified EXPDT=98000, operator replied M in response to

IECTMC2 console message. The tape is demounted

08 The tape mounted is not in the TMC and EXPDT=98000 was not
specified, or the volser was in delete status in the TMC.

12 The JCL specified 98000 and the operator replied M to the

IECTMS4 message. The tape is demounted. The HDR1 label
showed that the file was unexpired

16 The operator replied to the IEC TMS1 message with an incorrrect

volume serial number to that specifically requested by JCL for
a NL tape. The tape is demounted , so the correct ytape can be

18 CA-1 has detected a recording technique change from 18 tracks to

36 tracks and the system option TCHG has been set to disallow
TRTCH changes. The volume is demounted. Mount a 36 track cartri
to satisfy the request. Ensure that the TRTCH in the TMC for the
TMC volume is correct.

20 The volume mounted for output processing has an expiration date

of 99365 or 99366 (PERMANENT). The tape is demounted

28 The last 17 characters of the dsn stored in the HDR1 label on

the volume do not match the DSN17 field in the TMC record.
Demount the tape and cancel the job. Consult CA1 Message manual

32 The volume record in the TMC has an expiration date in the

future or the scratch indicator is not on. Demount the tape
and remove the tape from the scratch pool until it can be set to
scratch with the TMSCLEAN utility.

36 The same volume has been mounted for EOV processing. The tape
is demounted. Mount another volume.

40 The volume that has been mounted is already part of a valid

multi volume chain. Demount the tape and mount another volume.

44 The specific volume was not mounted. Demount the tape and mount
the correct one.

48 An attempt has been made to recreate the first file on a tape

where are secondary datasets. CA1 will abend the job 7xx-04,
as this would destroy the secondary datasets. Only the last
dataset on a volume can be recreated.

52 An attempt was made to create a secondary file on a tape when

the file before this one did not exist. IE trying to create
file 5 without file 4 existing. CA1 issues a 2xx-08 system

56 An attempt was made to create a secondary datasset and a dataset

exists on the tape with that sequence number. CA1 issues a
system 2xx-08 abend.

60 An attempt has been made to create a secondary dataset and a

a dataset exists on that tape with that file sequence number.
CA1 abends the job with a 2xx-08 abend.

64 An attempt has been made to recreate a dataset with DISP=NEW.

A dataset can only be recreated using DISP=OLD or DISP=SHR.

For Not Scratch 60 and 64 refer to CA1 Messages manual.

68 An attempt has been made to change the label type or density

on a file sequence higher than 1.

72 An attempt has been made to change the label type or density

on a volume that is being protected by CA1 Dataset Security
feature. Demount the tape and cancel the job.

76 An attempt was made to recreate a nontemporary dataset with

RETPD=0. The volume is demounted. A recreation of a dataset
will cause the expiration date to the system default or to
expiration date in the JCL.

80 A request for output required a specific scratch pool, but the

volume mounted was not assigned to the required pool. Demount
the volume and mount a tape assigned to the specified scratch

84 The request for output required no specific scratch pool, but

volume mounted was assigned to a specific pool. Demount the
tape and mount one assigned to the specified scrathc pool.

88 A label or density change was requested, but the CA1 system

options have been set to disallow label editting

96 DISP=OLD has been specified in the JCL for an output recreation

request, but the DSN in the TMC does not match the DSN in the
JCL. Correct the JCL by specifying DISP=NEW for the DSN.

Note: If you receive a code other than the ones listed above, the most
likely reason is a tape dismount due to code in user exits.

Another common error message that can be issued is:


The expiration date in the HDR1 record of an output tape that is
not controlled by CA1 (EXPDT=98000) is greater than the current
date. Enter M to demount the tape. Enter U to override and
write on the tape.

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