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Graduation Script

Students/Parents please proceed to your respective line (fall in Line)

T. Cath: Ladies and Gentleman, Let us now witness the entrance of our
graduates together with their parents for Batch 2018-2019. Let’s start from
Kinder 2- Daniel.
T. Angel: Let us now witness the entrance of Grade 6- Timothy together with
their parents.
T. Cath: Let us now witness the entrance of Grade 10- Ezekiel together with
their parents.
T. Angel: Let us welcome the stakeholders in education, PTA officers and
pillars of this institution the faculty members (Teachers, PTA, Admin) of
Shekinah Christian Academy of Bulacan together with the honored guests.
Teachers: Good afternoon and Welcome to the 4th Moving up Ceremony
and 19th Commencement Exercises. I’m Catherine R. Villalon and I’m
Angelita C. De Jesus and we are your masters of ceremony for today.
T. Cath: Everybody, Please be seated.
T. Angel: The month of March is one of the most awaited month on the part
of the pupils as well as these parents who are very excited to see their sons
and daughters to be one of these members of the graduating class.
T. Cath: To formally begin our programme today, let us all stand as we pay
tribute, honor and glory to our Almighty God through a prayer to be lead by
T. Maricris Bernardo.
T. Angel: Please Remain standing for the singing of our National Anthem to
be conducted by T. Catherine Bernardo followed by our School Hymn to be
lead by T. Jessica Basco. (Kakanta) (Thank you teachers) (Please be seated)
T. Cath: Today, another history slowly unfolds, as we come to an end of the
school year 2018-2019. To do the honors of presenting this year graduating
students, may we have on the stage our exemplary principal none other
than Madame Nerlyn H. Francisco, to be follow by the acceptance and
confirmation of graduates by our respective Administrator OIC Sir Alexander
Torillas. (Let’s give them around of applause)
(Please place the tassel of your cup to the left side. Congratulations
graduates. Kay Sir alex ituuu..)
T. Angel: A certificate of Graduate is a tangible evidence of being a graduate
in a certain level of education. This is now the fruit of each pupils endeavor
so to distribute the certificate to our graduates, may we have on the stage
once more Madame Nerlyn Francisco, Sir Alexander Torillas and our PTA
President Michael Acar together with PTA Vice President George Bernardo.
So may we call on the adviser of Kinder t. Janeth Jatulan
T. Cath: Next may we call on the adviser of Grade 6 T. Ma Lyza Alcantara.
T. Angel: And now may we call on the adviser of Grade 10 T. Babylyn Gallo.
T. Angel: Today affairs is being graced by our special guest speaker who will
deliver his words of wisdom to our young graduates and to their as well. To
get to know more of his achievements, may we call on our respective
administrator Sir Alexander Torillas to do the honor in introducing our 2019
guest speaker.
(Speech of the Guest)
T. Cath: Thank you Pastor Florante. That was truly inspiring message, and it
serves as a piece of advice to be more motivated with ourselves.
T. Angel: Yes, and bear in your minds that when you put God first in
everything you do, everything shall follow, and always remember our theme
Teachers: “Unity in diversity can have quality education for all”.
T. Cath: To give an appreciation to our guest speaker, may we have on the
stage once more our principal Madame Nerlyn Francisco, Sir Alexander
Torillas, PTA President Michael Acar together with PTA Vice President
George Bernardo and specially our guest speaker PTR. Florante Nuevo.
T. Angel: And now, for the most awaited part of our programme, especially
for the parents and pupils who will be awarded let us move on to the
awarding of medals and certificates to the deserving pupils. PTA President
Michael Acar, Vice President George Bernardo and Madame Nerlyn H.
Francisco to give the awards. May we call on the adviser of Kinder T, Janeth
Jatulan to do the honor of presenting our awardees.
T. Angel: To give the awards for Grade 6 Students, may we have on the
stage Mr. Vicente Alix, Mrs. Susana Alix, and our principal Madame Nerlyn
H. Francisco. May we call on the adviser of Grade 6 T. Ma. Lyza Alcantara, to
do the honor of presenting our awardees.
T. Cath: And now for the Grade 10 Students, Madame Nerlyn H. Francisco,
Mr. Alexander Torillas and our guest speaker PTR. Florante Nuevo to give
the awards. May we call on the adviser of Grade 10 students, T. Baby Lyn
Gallo to do the honor of presenting our awardees.
T. Angel: To entertain us, may we call on our Kinder 2 students to sing their
graduation song entitled “When You Wish Upon a Star” (Pagkatapos
kumanta) Let’s give them a round of applause for their cute performance.
T. Cath: Next to the Kinder 2 is Grade 6 students, to sing us their graduation
song “Glowing Inside” (Pagkatapos kumanta) That was an touching
performance, let’s give them a round of applause.
T. Cath: And last but not the least to sing their graduation song “A Million
Dreams” let’s us all welcome the grade 10 students. (Pagkatapos kumanta)
Let’s give them a round of applause for their lovely voices.
T. Angel: Thankyou students for that wonderful performances….. To lead the
pledge of Loyalty of our graduates, may we have on stage Shena Clarine C.
Antonio, Grade 10 student..
T. Cath: Let’s us hear the song of all graduates by the tune of “Count on Me”
T. Angel: Thankyou Graduates!
T. Cath: Before we end our programme, let us reminisce the special photos
and events this year’s batch of graduates.
T. Angel: Our programme is about to end, to have a closing prayer may we
have on the stage T. Jenna Aira Mangarin.
T.Cath: As we end our programme please be reminded of this Verse.
Teachers: “Bilang pagtatapos, mga kapatid, lagi ninyong isaisip ang mga
bagay na karapat-dapat at kapuri-puri; mga bagay na totoo, marangal,
matuwid, malinis, kaibig-ibig, at kagalang-galang” –Filipos 4:8
Teachers: Again, Congratulations Graduates of Batch 2019..
T.Angel: I’m T. Angel De Jesus, and I’m T. Catherine, signing off..
Graduates, please return your toga to your respective adviser before
anything else.
REMINDERS: The release of card is on April 5, 2019.. 8:00am-10am..

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