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Volkswagen Sales CEM 2019 survey

Dealer Name Bangalore Motors

Dealer Code 41523
Report Event Month Jun-19
Report Generated On 5-Jul-19 11:10 AM

Break up of database Total %

Total Database Received 3 100.00%
Usable Data 3 100.00%
Non-usable Data 0 0.00%

Usable Disposition Non - Usable Disposition

Disposition heads Total % Disposition heads Total
Actual Survey Done 0 0.00% Survey Done In Last 6 Months 0
Duplicate Survey Done 0 0.00% Invite Sent In Current Event Month 0
In Progress 0 0.00% Invalid Mobile 0
Terminated 0 0.00% Invalid Email 0
Bounce Back 0 0.00% Missing Emails 0
Not clicked 1 100.00% Missing Mobile 0
Unsubscribed 0 0.00% Invalid Or Missing Dealer Codes 0
Total Dispatched 1 100.00% Invalid Or Missing Event Dates 0
Dealer Not In List 0
Total Dispatched 1 33.33% Invalid Or Missing Model Code 0
Scheduled For Sending 2 66.67% Invalid Email Contains Brand Name 0
Total usable database 3 100% Invalid VIN 0
Invalid Name 0
*Realized & Unsubscribed 0 0.00% Previously Unsubscribed 0
Rate %
Response Rate 0.00%
s Contact Rate 0.00%


Actual Surveys Done ÷ (Invitations Dispatched - Bounce Backs -Terminated Surveys)
Actual Surveys Done ÷ Total Database Received



Usable Data Disposition Heads




Non Usable Data Disposition Heads




What does this report mean?

In the CEM program, we receive data from the dealers of those customers who have a recently got their new cars delivered
serviced. We then send out the CEM survey to these customers (basis on the data eligibility). The purpose of this report is t
received in total, how much of that was usable (i.e. surveys could be sent to customers) and how much was unuable (data
those who got the surveys: what is the breakdown (how many answered, how many left it midway, etc).
individual terms used in this report.

What does Total Database Received mean?

It is the total number of customer data we get from dealers. I.e all those customers who have got their new cars delivered

What is Usable and Unusable data?

The Total Database includes Usable and Non Usable data. Usable data is clean and validated customer data, to whom surve
factors like valid email id, phone number, VIN number, Dealer Code, Car Model and Event Date. Unusable data is unclean d
surveying. The reason why a records was marked unclean is given under the Unusable disposition heads.

Usable Data Disposition Heads

What does " Actual Survey done" mean?

Usable data is further broken down into several heads. Actual Survey done is all those actual customers who have complet

What does "Duplicate Survey done" mean?

Duplicate Surveys done are all those interview cases where there are duplicate fingerprints or interviews are submitted fro

What does "In Progress" mean?

Surveys which have been started but not been completed are "In Progress".

What does Terminated mean?

There are some business rules in the survey . If the business rules are not satisfied, the Survey is terminated. These busines
dealer/service center they visited and the correct person etc. If the respondent says that the details are not correct mid wa

What is "Bounce Back"?

Email or SMS invites with Survey link are sent out to customers who have bought or serviced their cars. Sometimes they em
email Id was deleted or the customer's inbox was full or the email account isn't valid anymore. etc. And reasons for SMS ca
the time of delivery. These are marked as bounce backs.

What does "Not Clicked" mean?

Not Clicked shows the count of customers who have received an invite but not clicked on the link yet. It could also mean th

What does "Unsubscribed" mean?

Email and SMS invites with Survey links are sent out to customers who have bought or serviced their cars. An option to uns
the customer has clicked on the Unsubscribe link (at the bottom of the page), he does not get any further invites for taking
people who got a link but clicked on unsubscribe without completing the survey.
What is "Total Dispatched"?
The total number of invites (email and SMS) that have gone to the customers for taking the Survey.

What is "Scheduled for Sending"?

The total number of invites which have not been sent yet but which are scheduled to be sent to the customers on a later d

What is "Total Usable Database"?

Total Usable database is the validated data which is fit/ Eligible for surveying. It is therefore the sum of Total Dispatched an

What does "Realized and Unsubscribed" mean?

Customers who have completed the survey and then clicked on Unsubscribe. These customers will not get any more invites

Non Usable Data Disposition Heads

What does "Survey done in last 6 months" mean?
Non Usable data is further broken down into several heads. If a customer has done a survey in the last 6 months, he is not
unusable data.

What is "Invite sent in current Event Month"?

If a customer has already received a survey in the current Event Month, he should not be allowed to receive another surve
and not eligible for sending survey. E.g. two visits to the workshop in one month.

What does "Invalid Mobile" mean?

The mobile number is validated against various rules to check whether it is a valid mobile number. If these checks fail it is t

What does "Invalid Email" mean?

The email Id is validated against various rules to check whether it is a valid email address. If these checks fail, it is tagged as

What is "Invalid or Missing Dealer Codes"?

The Dealer Code identifies a Dealer i.e. numeric KVPS code. This code needs to follow a certain pattern to be considered a
will be considered as Invalid or missing and hence classified under unusable data.

What is "Invalid or Missing Event Dates"?

Event Date is the date the customer bought his new car or serviced his car. If this Event Date is blank or not in the correct d
unusable data.

What is "Dealer not in List"?

The Dealer Code identifies a Dealer. We also maintain a list of valid dealer codes on our side. If the code present in the data
from the brand), then it is marked as "Dealer not in List" and the data is not used

What is "Invalid or Missing Model Code"?

The Model Code identifies the Model of the car. This code needs to follow a certain pattern to be considered a valid one. I
considered as Invalid or missing and hence classified under unusable data.

What is "Invalid Email Contains Brand Name"?

If the email id contains the brand name like "VW" or "Audi", it will be marked as "Invalid Email Contains Brand Name" and,

What is "Invalid VIN"?

VIN is a unique identifier which needs to follow a particular format for being validated. For example, it needs to be a 17 dig
not follow this format, it is tagged as "invalid VIN" and considered as unusable data.

What is "Invalid Name"?

If the Customer Name comes with Brand Name or Dealer Name, the record is classified under unusable data.

What is "Previously Unsubscribed"?

We check all the records we get from dealers against the unsubscribed list (i.e. people who have unsubscribed from taking
then we tag that as "Previously Unsubscribed"

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