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Mod 10 » Extrasensory Perception

What is ESP?
Extrasensory Perception (ESP) literally means perception that cannot be accounted for by the use of the known senses. It
refers to events and communications that are completely independent of the visual, auditory, or any other sensory system. The
term parapsychology refers to the study of such events, known collectively as psi phenomena which is a generic term used
to denote such anomalous processes or outcomes.

Types of ESP

People concerned with extrasensory phenomen have categorized them into 4 major types.

1. Telepathy
2. Precognition
3. Clairvoyance
4. Psychokinesis


Telepathy refers to communication between people via the direct transfer of thoughts
between minds. It is also referred to more popularly as "mind-reading" or "mind-to-mind
communication". It is the claimed ability to receive someone's thought patterns and/or to
transmit thoughts to someone else.


In telepathy experiments, a
"mind-reader" tries to guess the
thoughts of the sender.


Clairvoyance refers to the claimed ability of a

"psychic" to acquire knowledge about an object,
situation, or event by paranormal means. It is
also sometimes referred to as "remote viewing".
It differs from telepathy in that the clairvoyant's
information gain is assumed to derive directly
from the source rather than another person's


Clairvoyants don't need a crystal

ball to see distant objects.


Precognition refers to a form of clairvoyance or telepathy in which a person can foresee events before they happen (pre-
cognitive clairvoyance) or predict another person's future thoughts (pre-cognitive telepathy). A dream that came true could
be an example of pre-cognitive clairvoyance, presuming of course, that it was not simply
based on current thoughts, reasoning or knowledge.


The process of moving or causing some

physical change (e.g., motion, distortion) in an
object using only the "power of the mind" is If only we always listened to our
known as psychokinesis. It has also been second insight. Poor stick man.
called telekinesis. Presuming that they cannot Rollover to see.
be accounted for by normal physical processes,
levitation (i.e., floating objects, other people, or
even one's self), or causing something to move
location, or change its shape are possible Psychokinesis
examples of psychokinesis.

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