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Taylor’s Crush

It was the fourthteen of July when summer ended in Taylor’s school.

Taylor and her bestfriend Meadow went back to school.

One day Taylor met the new boy at school, named Scott.Scott is
a smart, kind, and handsome boy. Because of that Taylor fell in love
with him. But when Taylor told Meadow that she likes Scott, Meadow
wanted to help, so Taylor asked Meadow’s help to bake an I Love You
cake. Taylor’s plan is to put the cake in Scott locker,while Meadow
distracts him.

The next day Scott went to practice football in the field. Taylor
put the cake in Scott’s locker so he could see it after practice. When
school ended Taylor’s locker had a note attach to it that says “not
interested”, then when Taylor opened her,her locker was filled with
frostings from the cake, she felt so sad because she tought Scott was
kind and will never do such a thing. Taylor told Meadow what happened
then Meadow started talking about revenge, but Taylor refused all of
Meadow’s plans. However, Taylor’s sister Frankie who’s an expert on
pranks was spying and listening to them, and when Taylor left the room
Frankie decided to help Meadow,without Taylor’s permission. Meadow
and Frankie started planning a revenge prank because and Scott loves
playing football so much. They switched his football that would
explode and cover Scott’s face with mayonaise when he plays with it
and a note that says “from Taylor Hathaway”.
The next day at school a boy named Jason walked to Taylor and
said “im still not interested in you”. Then Taylor saw him putting his
backpack in Scott’s locker and that was how Taylor found out that she
put the cake in the wrong locker. She told Meadow all about it then
Meadow started worrying and told Taylor that she was pranking Scott,
Meadow was so very sorry and didnt know what to do, but Taylor
forgave her because she knew Meadow was only triying to help. Both
of them started making a plan to stop it and they decided to dress up as
a boy in a football uniform and pretend that they were new students
joining the team, so that way they can steal Scott’s football.

Things just went wrong when Scott and his friends started
throwing Scott’s football. When Taylor reached for the ball before it
exploded her football helmet came off. All of them was confused, when
Taylor grabbed the ball the mayonaise started covering her face. She
ran away before anybody recognized her and Meadow. After practice
Scott came to Taylor and said “Thank you” and Taylor was confused
why he said that. It turns out that he was definitely alergic to mayonaise
and because of that Scott started asking Taylor out on a date. When
Scott left the room Taylor and Meadow was so excited. And that was
how Taylor got a date with Scott.


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