Final Test Pak Fatih

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Name : Zhintya Dewi Intan Permata Sari

Nim : 1703406010

1. The definition of
a. A word class is a group of words that have the same basic behaviour, for example
nouns,adjectives, or verbs.
b. Word families. They are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They
have the same letter combinations,a similiar sounds,and they are a wonderful tool for
those new to spelling.
c. Word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation is sometimes contrasted
with sematic change, wich is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary
between word formation an sematic change can be difficult to define : a new use of an
old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form.
Word formation can also be contrasted with the formation of idiomatic exspressions,
although words can be formed from multi word phrases.
2. 5 example off the following
a. Compounding  bullfrog
 snowball
 no one
 ice cream
 two-fold, check-in.
b. Clipping  ad ( advertisement )
 phone ( telephone )
 maths ( mathematics )
 op art ( optical art)
 exam ( examination )
c. Blend  docudrama ( documentary + drama )
 emoticon ( emot + icon )
 blog ( web + log )
 camcorder ( camera + recorder )
 infotainment( information + entertainment )
3. My opinion how to present vocabulary.
When we teaching vocabulary,first we must explain the maining of new word or create a
word map. Second, we can use some image and even sounds to present a new word. Then,
associate the new word to synonym or antonym that the students already to know. Music
for memorization. Personalized list. You can ask student to remind the word by word.
4. My opinion about short text,books and readers,dictionaries, and corpus data.
 Short text is very usefull for all student. In the short text we not only found the new
vocab, but we can sharpen our spoken and writting. Short texts are useful for focusing on
spesific ord for acvtive study, the point has been made that the learner needs plentiful
opportunities for incidental learning to occur as well.
 books is extensive reading is the reading of long texts, and for pleasure rather than for
information. Extensive reading is provides the opportunity to meet words in their context of
use, and also supplies repeated encounters with many of these word.
 readers are idely available, and at a variety of levels. They are graded both in terms of
their grammar complexity and their vocabulary load.
 dictionaries There are two kind of dictionary :
1. Bilingual dictionary (there is to kind language,english and indonesia or just the opposite).
2. Monolingual (only there is one language,english).
 corpus data A corpus (plural corpora) is a collection of texts that has been assembled for
purpose of language study. Modern corpora are stored electronically and consist of many
millions of words of text, both spoken and written.

5. All of the topic that had been presented, wich one is the most interesting? Give your reason
First I like the material about Classroom sources of words . because, that is my material for
presenting. And I am very know about the topic more than another topic.
Second is what’s in a word. Because, the topic is very easy and easier to understand and
memorize. And easy to use or practice.

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