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Can you guys imagine for me a little girl with an oversized uniform and a bag wadding down to those

gate, a gil full of wonder, happiness, excitement, motivation and courage. She seems like a little girl with
an extremely bright future doesn't she. Little did she know she wouldn't stay that long. From the
moment she walk into those gate, from the minute she talk to one of her classmates she was instantly
targeted and didn't know why. She was told she was worthless, she was told she is just a nobody, she
was told she doesn't belong to these school, she was told that she should not try because she's a failure
and she could never achieve anything, she was told she was ugly, idiot, annoying and stupid. This girl was
only 6 years old. Yet these words left a very distinct imprint to her mind for years. This girl is 15 now. This
girl was me.

From the different experienced that I had encountered and listen to, being bullied by the people around
really change one's lifestyle and perception in life. According to Republic Act no. 10627 known as the
"Anti-Bullying Act of 2013" bullying refer to any severe or repeated use by one or more student of a
written, verbal or electronic expression, or any physical act or gesture, or ay combination thereof,
directed at another student that has the effect of actually causing emotional harm and damage to his
property; creating a hostile environment for the other student, infringing the rights for the other
students at school or materially and substantially disrupting the educational process or the orderly
operation of the school.

Bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. It has numerous effect to the victims. You might say
your just playing around, throwing nasty joke that makes the person feel humiliated and powerless. Little
did you know that you are already hurting someone by the words you have thrown into them and these
words can be imprint into their mind. Until such time that they can't already handle the harshful words
they received from the other people to the point they would just decide to end their lives.

How many more numbers of suicide have to take place before society realized that bullying kill people?
How many more kids should be victimized by bullying to the point they would do their best to hide and
not be seen because they are so scared to walk outside and face the harshful words people had to say to
them? So scared to face the sick and cruel environment. How many more students should cry for
themselves to sleep at night just because they don't want to go to school the next day anymore? How
many more number of students would commit suicide because they are already tired living in this kind of

Bullied person didn't ask for it and doesn't do any thing to deserve it. It is an unwanted aggressive
behavior among school-age children that is real or more perceived by Power Imbalance. Being bullied is
not only having a physical contact between the bully like pushing, kicking, slapping or any physical act
that can hurt someone physically, bullying can also take place through the used of technology and
electronic devices. Bullies tent to post negative thoughts that leads to have a bad image to the person
they want to bully.

As I mentioned before, bullying can put a person in a state of constant fear. Studies show that the people
who are abused by the people around him is at risk for mental problem such as low self-esteem, stress,
depression, anxiety and worst having a suicidal thoughts. But there are ways to overcome bullying. First
practice confidence. Practice how to respond the bully verbally and even if you have to fake it a first,
practice feeling good about yourself. Second is ignore the bully and walk away. Walking doesn't mean
you're being a coward it only means your telling them that you don't care. Third is ask for guide and for
help. Ask someone who can help you and sustained the support that you need. Lastly, take charge of
your life. Think about ways to feel your best and strongest.

Both bullies and the victim may have a serious, lasting problem. Bullies also have a psychological
problem of their own. They don't bully people just to act cool. They are attention seeker who wanted to
be noticed and noted as a superior in a society or at school. Or to feel that they are powerful by insulting
and mocking someone. They want to have the attention their families did not give them. They are
If someone is alone on the playground offer him to be your friend, if someone is push down push lift
them back up, if someone is sad because of a mean text or message send some kind words to make her
smile. If someone puts you down don't believe them instead believe in yourself. I have the people who is
there for me and brought me back from that edge. Because of these people whom I called my friends I'm
still here. Proudly saying I had overcome bullying.

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