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Dictionary of Ship Hydrodynamics

Version 2011


Page No.
CONTENTS........................................................................................................................................ II
1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 DEFINITION OF GENERAL TERMS OF WIDE APPLICATION............................... 1-1
1.2 LIQUID PROPERTIES AND PHYSICAL CONSTANTS..............................................1-2
2 SHIP GEOMETRY...................................................................................................................2-1
3 RESISTANCE.......................................................................................................................... 3-1
4 PROPELLER............................................................................................................................4-1
5 CAVITATION..........................................................................................................................5-1
6 SEAKEEPING..........................................................................................................................6-1
7 MANOEUVRABILITY............................................................................................................7-1
8 PERFORMANCE..................................................................................................................... 8-1
9 OVERALL INDEX OF TITLES.............................................................................................. 9-1


This Dictionary is intended for a broad The order of entry for each item is: title,
readership including practising naval architects symbol, dimensions, followed by the definition.
who wish to acquire and apply knowledge of In each section the titles re arranged in alpha-
hydrodynamics and also physicists and theoret- betical order. In this way, having found the item
ical hydrodynamicists who wish to apply their required, perusal of the section will indicate
particular knowledge to the solution of ship other related items which may be of interest.
problems. For general reference, there is an overall alpha-
betical index of all titles and against each is
Engineering, physical and nautical terms in given the section and page where the item is to
common use have not been included when did be found.
not require special definition in the context of
ship hydrodynamics or when their meanings The symbols given are in accordance with
were self evident. The work is arranged in the those in the latest ITTC list which is comple-
following sections prefaced with a brief refer- mentary document.
ence to the nature if their content:
In a number of instances, the list give al-
1. General ternative symbols and these are generally in-
2. Ship Geometry cluded except where a definite preference is in-
3. Resistance dicated.
4. Propeller (including propeller geometry)
5. Cavitation
6. Seakeeping
7. Manoeuvrability
8. Performance ( in the context of speed
and power)

As an adjective, pertains to motion as the result
GENERAL of force, or to bodies and system in motions; in
this respect it is opposite of static (which see)
Dynamic stability
1.1 DEFINITION OF GEN- That property of body which cause it, when
ERAL TERMS OF WIDE slightly disturbed from a steady motion, to re-
APPLICATION sume that the same steady motion, usually
Under this heading is listed a number of gen- along a different path, without any corrective
eral terms frequently encountered in the field of control being applied.
naval architecture and marine engineering. To Equilibrium
ensure that their general meanings are retained A state of balance, between opposing forces or
and that they are employed in the proper man- actions.
ner, their definitions are given here. Specific
As an adjective, often applies in English-speak-
Axes co-ordinate ing countries to the ratio between some quant-
Generally a system of rectangular Cartesian co- ity to be defined and a standard quantity having
ordinates and in particular: the same characteristics, which is take as a ref-
Body axes (x, y, z) A right hand orthogonal erence. The best known term of this kind is the
system fixed in the body or ship. The x axis expression “specific gravity”. Here the specific
is forward and parallel to the reference or gravity is the dimensionless ratio of weight of
baseline used to define the body’s shape. unit volume of the designated substance to the
For dynamic considerations the origin weight of unit volume of fresh water. In other
should be at the centre of the gravity of the countries the term “specific” generally refer to
body and the z axis vertically downwards. absolute values per unit volume and is not ex-
The y axis is to starboard. pressed in terms of properties of a reference
Fixed axes (x0, y0, z0) A right hand ortho- substance, such as water.
gonal system nominally fixed in relation to Stability
the earth; the positive z0 axis is vertically The property, quality, or characteristic of a
downwards and the x0 axis lies in the direc- body, which cause it, when its equilibrium is
tion of initial motion. disturbed, to develop forces or moments acting
Control to restore its original condition.
As a noun, is applied to the act o controlling or Static
directing, such as when controlling the move- As an adjective, pertains to bodies or system at
ments of body or directing a ship in the steer- rest or forces in equilibrium; in this respect it is
ing, turning, and diving manoeuvres. the opposite of dynamic (which see)
Control surface Steady state
The rudders, hydroplanes, and other hinged or This applies to a condition may be static, but is
movable device used for controlling the mo- generally dynamic, in which there is no change
tions of body or ship. with time. A ship moving in a straight line at
Controllability uniform speed and a ship in a steady turn at
That quality of a body or ship which determ- uniform speed both represent steady state con-
ines the effectiveness of movement of the con- ditions.
trols in the producing any desire change, at a Unsteady or transient
specified rate in the attitude or position of the These apply to a condition which is invariably
moving body or ship dynamic, in which the motion of body or the
Controls flow of a liquid changes with time, with refer-
The means or system provided to enable the ence to an assumed set of axes.
crew of a ship to control its speed, power, atti-
tude, direction of motion, and the like.

1.2 LIQUID PROPERTIES The property of the interface between two im-
AND PHYSICAL CON- miscible fluids of behaving as if it were a film
under tension.
Vapour pressure
Under this heading definitions or descriptions The pressure of vapour in equilibrium with its
are given of a number of liquid properties and liquid state. It is also called the saturated va-
physical constants concerned of ship hydro- pour pressure or vapour tension, which for a
dynamics. given substance depends only upon the temper-
Capillarity (phenomenon) Viscosity, coefficient of dynamic (µ) [L-1 M
A form of surface tension, by which a molecu- T-1]*
lar force exist between the surface of a liquid The ratio of the shearing stress in a fluid to its
and a solid. The surface of the liquid may rate of shear deformation. See also: Resistance
thereby be elevated or depressed. section.
Capillarity (σ) [M T-2] Viscosity, coefficient of kinematic (ν) [L2 T-
Surface tension per unit length. 1]*
Compressibility, coefficient of ( - ) [LM-1 T2 ] The ratio of the coefficient of dynamic viscos-
The reciprocal of the volume or bulk modulus ity to the mass density of a fluid. See also: Res-
of elasticity. (See: Modulus of elasticity, istance section.
volume or bulk)
Density, mass (ρ) [L-3 M] * For standard values of fresh water and salt
The mass per unit volume of a substance. * water at 15° C (59° F) see: Performance Sec-
Density, weight (w) [L-2 M T-2] tion under “Water standard fresh and salt”. For
The weight per unit volume of a substance. values over a range of temperature in S.I units
Gravitational acceleration (g) [L T-2] see in “Metrication Ship Research and Design”,
The acceleration, due to earth’s gravity field, of Paffett, J.A.H. Trans. RINA, 1971; for corres-
a freely falling body in a vacuum. This is not ponding values in Imperial Unit see Proceed-
strictly constant\and over the earth’s surface it ings 10th International Towing Tank Confer-
varies by as much as ½%. For most terrestrial ence, London 1963 or National Physical Labor-
engineering purposes it is usual to disregard atory, Ship Division Report No. 81 (1966).
this variation and for convenience the follow-
ing international standard value has been
agreed: 9.80665 m/s2 (32.1737 ft/s2).
Modulus of elasticity, volume or bulk ( E) [L-
1 M T-2]

The ratio of the stress, or force per unit area, to

the corresponding change of volume per unit
Relative mass or weight (γ) [-]
The ratio of density of any substance to the
density of fresh water at 4° Centigrade. In Eng-
lish speaking countries the concept expressed is
called Specific gravity.
The relative capability of being dissolved
Specific volume (L3M-1)
The volume of a substance per unit mass; the
reciprocal of mass density (See: Density ,
Specific weight or specific gravity (-) [-]
See: Relative mass or weight.
Surface tension

See: Manoeuvrability Section
This section is concerned with ship and hull The intersection of the baseplane with the plane
geometry generally. Propeller geometry is of symmetry of the hull (see Figure 2-5).
given in the Propeller Section. Baseplane
See: Planes, principal co-ordinate
Amidships (sometimes contracted to midship) Beam (B) [L]
( ) [-] A dimension expressing breadth or width of a
body or ship in a transverse horizontal direc-
Near the centre of ship length, specially, the tion. When not otherwise defined the beam is
section of the ship at mid length (See Figure 2- the breadth moulded of a ship, measured amid-
14) ships at the design waterline. According to the
Angle of entrance position were the breadth is measured, it is
See: waterline named:
Angle of run Beam, extreme: maximum beam wherever
See: waterline it occurs on the hull above or below water.
Angle, deadrise (β) [rad] Beam, immersed: maximum: maximum
See: Deadrise angle. beam of underwater body
Appendage Beam, maximum section (BX): beam meas-
An additional structure or fitting to the main ured on the designed waterline at the max-
underwater hull of a ship, which generally res- imum section area.
ults in a discontinuity in the fair surface of the Beam, midlenght (BM): beam at the mid-
main hull. section of the designed waterline.
Examples of appendages are: rudders, boss- Beam of design water line (BWL) [L]: max-
ings, struts, shafts, bilge keels, stabilizing fins, imum moulded breadth at design water line
etc. (See appropriate items) For a hard chine hull the beam refers to the
Area, bulbous bow in longitudinal plane breadth or width of the planing bottom. Ac-
(ABL) [L2] cording to the position were the breadth is
The area of the ram projected onto the centre- measured, it is named:
plane forward of the fore perpendicular. Beam, over chines (BPC) [L]: beam over
Area, transverse cross section of a bulbous chines, excluding external spray strips (See
bow (ABT) [L2] Figure 2-3).
The cross sectional area (full section port and Beam, mean over chines (BPA) [L]: mean
starboard). Where the water lines are rounded breadth over chines; defined as the ratio
so as to terminate on the fore perpendicular ABT between planing bottom area and projected
is measured by continuing the area curve for- chine length (See Figure 2-4).
ward to the perpendicular, ignoring the final
rounding. BPA =
Area, maximum section (AX) [L2] LPR
See: Section Beam, transom (BPT) [L]: Breadth over
Area, midship section, or midlenght section chines at transom, excluding external spray
(AM) [L2] strips (See Figure 2-3).
See: Section Beam, maximum over chines (BPX) [L]:
Area, planing bottom (APB) [L2] Maximum breadth over chines, excluding
Horizontally projected planing bottom area (at external spray strips (See Figure 2-3).
rest), excluding area of external spray strips Bilge
(See Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-6) The submerged transversally curved portion of
Area, wind exposed (AV) [L2] the ship between the side and bottom. This re-
Area of the portion of ship above the waterline gion is also called the turn of the bilge. The
projected to the direction of relative wind.
Aspect ratio
minimum radius of the bilge at the section of ii.Long, enclosing the entire propeller shaft,
maximum area is called bilge radius. shaft bearings, and the supporting frame
Bilge keel from the hull to the propeller.
See: Keel A long bossing is called contra or deflection
Block coefficient (CB, formerly δ) [-] type when its end is shaped to direct the flow
The ratio of displacement volume ∇ to the of water against the direction of rotation of pro-
volume of a rectangular block having length L, peller (See Figure 2-1).
beam equal to the waterline beam BX an Bossing, angle
draught TX : Angle of bossing with the plane of symmetry
(See Figure 2-1).
C B= ∇
Boundary plate
A plate at, or near, the tip of a hydrofoil, or of
If it is referred to length, beam or draught other an element acting as a hydrofoil, to suppress or
than those defined above, they should be reduce the tip vortex.
clearly defined. Bow
Body The forward end of a ship
Any hull or form which may be immersed or Bowline
floating in a fluid, if a ship, usually its under- Intersection of a plane parallel to the centre
water portion. Particular parts of the body of a plane with the moulded form of the forebody of
ship are: the ship, both above and below the waterline.
Forebody: the part forward of the midsec- Similar intersections in the afterbody are called
tion buttocks.
Afterbody: the part aft of the midsection Breadth
Parallel middle-body, length of, (LP): the A length dimension expressing beam or width.
midship portion having the same transverse (See: beam)
section throughout. Breadth coefficient of, R.E: Froude (BC) [-]
Entrance, length of, (LE): the portion ex- The ratio of the maximum breadth to the cube
tending from the maximum area section, or root of the volume displacement of a ship.
from the fore end of the parallel middle- BX
body, to the forward extremity of the under- BC =
water body.
Run, length of, (LR ): that portion extending in a consistent system of units.
from the maximum area section, or from the Breakwater
after end of the parallel middle-body, to the A protection erected on the weather deck, gen-
after extremity of the underwater body. erally forward, normally V-shape in planform,
See Figure 2-18 for illustrations of these items. to prevent water shipped over the bow from
Body plan running aft.
The transverse sections of the ship projected on Bulb
to a vertical transverse plane. The sections are An appreciable swelling of the ship form gen-
generally equally spaced. erally below the waterline, involving increase
Bossing of section area; frequently at the forward end
The part of the underwater hull of a ship which lying just above the keel (bulbous bow), some-
is carried outward beyond the fair form to en- times with increase of length beyond the for-
close the propeller shafts or other external ward perpendicular (ram bulb), sometimes the
items. Bossing are of two general forms: after end near the keel or at the level of the pro-
i.Short, intended only to house the after- peller shaft (stern bulb). The ram bulb dimen-
most hull bearing of a propeller shaft or to sions are characterised by the transverse cross
form a faring where the propeller shaft section area at the fore perpendicular (ABT), and
emerges from the hull the ram area in the longitudinal plane (ABL),
which is the area of ram ahead of the fore per-

pendicular projected on to the centerplane. In as ratios of length of the ship or ,
non dimensional form: FB AB
Taylor sectional area coefficient for
and of the draught respectively.
bulbous bow (fBT) [-] :
fBT = BT
AX Centre of flotation (F) [-]
Area coefficient for ram bow (fBL) [-]: The geometric centroid of the area of water-
A plane of any waterline. Its position measured as
fBL = BL the distance from midships or from the fore or
LT after perpendicular, is called Longitudinal
When the waterlines are rounded so as to ter- centre of flotation, and is generally expressed
minate on the forward perpendicular, ABT is as a ratio of the waterline length.
measured by continuing the area curve forward Centre of gravity (G) [-]
to the perpendicular, ignoring the final round- The centre through which all the weights con-
ing. In some instances, the stem contour re- stituting the ship and its contents may be as-
cedes aft the fore perpendicular below the load sumed to act. The distance measured from mid-
waterline before projecting forward to define ships, from the fore perpendicular ( ) or
the outline of the ram or fore end of the bulb. FG
In such instances this area should be calculated from the after perpendicular ( ), and from
using as datum the aftermost vertical tangent to AG
the contour instead of the fore perpendicular. the baseline or keel ( ) are called Longitud-
Buttok KG
The intersection of a plane parallel to the inal and Vertical centre of gravity respectively.
centreplane with the moulded form of the ship, They are generally expressed as ratios of the
both below and above the waterplane. Specific- ship length or and of the ship
ally, all such intersections in the afterbody, as FG AG
distinguished from similar intersections in the L L
forebody, called bowlines. depth respectively.
Camber KG
Generally applied to decks, where it represents Centreplane
the curvature in an athwartship or transverse See: Planes, principal, co-ordinate.
vertical plane; the height of the deck at the Chine (See Figure 2-2)
centreline above the height at side. (See Figure A more or less sharp corner or knuckle in the
2-12). hull form, continuous over a significant length
Camber (of a foil section) (f) [L] of the ship, as in the junction of side and bot-
The maximum separation of the mean line and tom in planing craft. The chine is known as
nose-tail line. (SeeFigure 4-7). “soft” when the corner is rounded, and “hard”
Centre of buoyancy (B) [-] otherwise.
The geometric centroid, B of the submerged Chine angle (See Figure 2-2)
volume of a body or ship through which the The angle at the junction between the two parts
total buoyancy may be assumed to act. Its posi- of a section, on either side of a chine or the
tion, measured as the distance from midship or angle between the tangents to these two parts,
from the fore ( ) or after perpendicular ( measured in a transverse plane.
FB Chine line (See Figure 2-2)
) is called the Longitudinal centre of buoy- The actual (in a “hard” chine), or imaginary (in
AB a “soft” chine), locus of the intersections of the
ancy and from the base line or keel ( ) the two parts of the hull form at the chine.
Chord (of a foil section) (c) [L]
Vertical centre of buoyancy. In non dimen-
The length of the chord line which is the
sional form these distances are often expressed
straight line connecting the extremities of the
mean line of a hydrofoil section. It passes
through, or nearly through, the fore and aft ex- Depth, moulded of a ship hull (D) [L]
tremities of the section. Synonymous with The moulded depth of a ship, defined as the
nose-tail line (see Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7). height above the baseplane of the lowest point
Clearances, propeller (See Figure 2-7) of a deck where it joins the side of ship.
The clearances as indicated between the sweep Diagonal
line of a propeller and the hull or aperture in The trace on the outside of a body marking the
which is placed. As shown, the fore and aft intersection of a plane passing through it at an
clearances are generally measured at 0.70 of angle other than 90° to the baseplane. Specific-
the propeller radius above and below the shaft ally for a ship of normal form, the diagonal
centreline. plane is generally parallel to the baseline.
Coefficient, block Dihedral, Angle (-) [-]
See: Block coefficient. The complement of the acute angle between the
Coefficient, prismatic plane of symmetry of a craft or body and the
See: Prismatic coefficient. axis of a hydrofoil attached to it projected on to
Coefficient, prismatic, vertical a transverse plane.
See: Prismatic coefficient, vertical. Drag (-) [L]
Coefficient, maximum transverse and mid- A designed trim. (American usage – See: Trim)
ship section Draught (T) [L]
See: Sectional area coefficient. The vertical distance, from the water surface to
Coefficient, waterplane, designed load the bottom, of the underwater body of a ship.
See: Waterplane coefficient, designed load. Specifically, the draught moulded, at midships
Coefficient, waterplane, inertia to the designed waterplane. When different, the
See: Waterplane inertia coefficient. draught at the transverse section having max-
Counter imum area is indicated as TX
The overhanging portion of stern of a ship Entrance
which lies between the designed waterplane See: Body.
and deck and which project abaft the waterline Even Keel
termination. See also Stern, Counter or Fantail This term is used to define the condition in
and Figure 2-23 a). which the ship has its keel parallel to the water
Cutaway (See Figure 2-8) surface. For vessels in which the keel is not
A volume cut out of a body, specifically at the straight or normally parallel to the water sur-
forward or after end of a ship. face its use is not recommended: “zero trim” or
Cutwater “level trim” are preferred.
A narrow sharp portion of the stem of a ship at Fin
the waterline, or an appendage added to the A fixed or moveable hydrofoil, attached to a
stem to reduce the spray. ship generally in a longitudinal direction, to
Deadrise angle (β) [rad] improve the dynamic stability or manoeuvrab-
Angle between a straight line approximating ility, or to provide a lift force to windward, as
the bottom part of a body section and the inter- in the fin keel of a sailing yacht.
section between basis plane and section plane Flap (See Figure 2-10)
(See Figure 2-2). A hinged, movable, auxiliary hydrofoil, form-
According to the position were the deadrise ing the aftermost portion of a main hydrofoil.
angle is measured, it is named: Flare (See Figure 2-11)
Deadrise , angle at midship (βM) [rad]: The slant upward and outward from the vertical
deadrise angle at midship section of a transverse section of a hull above the
Deadrise , angle at transom (βT) [rad]: design waterline. Flare is opposite of tumble-
deadrise angle angle at transom home; its slope measured with respect to the
See also: Floor, rise of - or deadrise horizontal, generally in the entrance and gener-
Deadwood (See Figure 2-9) ally less than 90°, is called Angle of flare.
See: Skeg. Floor, rise of - or deadrise (-) [L] (See Figure
The vertical distance above the baseline of the may be raked or sloped in the fore and aft
intersection point of the prolongation of the flat direction (see Figure 2-5).
of the bottom at the maximum section area ii.The keel as the central longitudinal girder.
with a vertical straight line at half-beam from This may be of the flat type (Flat keel) or
the centreplane. a heavy bar extending beyond the fair
Forefoot form of the bottom (Bar keel – See Figure
The part of the bow of a ship at or near the in- 2-13).
tersection of the stem with the keel. iii.Appendages to improve the directional
Frame section stability or reduce rolling: Bilge keel, an
The intersection of the hull form with a vertical appendage, generally in the form of one
transverse plane, at the position of a transverse or more long narrow fins, fitted along the
frame of the ship. side of a ship at the turn of the bilge to re-
Freeboard (f) [-] duce rolling (See Figure 2-13).
The vertical distance between the surfaces of Keel, fin
the undisturbed water, in which a ship is float- A deep, relatively thin, generally fixed plate or
ing, and the edge of a reference deck (Free- hydrofoil, attached to the underside of a ship
board deck) or other reference point. In certain (generally a sailing ship), to reduce the leeway
governmental load line rules, a minimum free- and improve the directional stability. This fin
board is specified at midship. keel can be on, or parallel to, the longitudinal
Girth (-) [L ] centreplane.
The distance around the perimeter of any trans- Knuckle
verse station, section, or frame, between two See: Chine.
selected points. For wetted surface calculations, Leeward side of a ship
these two points are generally the waterplane The side of a ship opposite to that the wind
intersections. blows. It is opposite to the windward side.
Half-siding (-) [L] (See Figure 2-12) Length (L) [L] (See Figure 2-14)
The half breadth, at any section, of the portion The principal longitudinal dimension of a ship
of the bottom, in the vicinity of the keel that is or body; specifically for a ship it can be defined
perpendicular to the centerplane, i.e. parallel to in a number of ways as follows:
the baseline. Length overall (LOA) [L]
Hull Length overall submerged (LOS) [L]
The body of a ship, including the above water Length between perpendiculars (LPP) [L]
and the underwater portions. It is used to ex- Length on waterline (LWL) [L]
press either its form or its structure. When not defined, the length between perpen-
Hull, naked diculars is generally assumed. See also Amid-
The condition of a ship or model in which the ships for and Perpendiculars for AP and FP.
fair form and the surface are represented
without appendages or additions of any kind; it For a planing hull the following definitions of
is also called bare hull. length are used: (See Figure 2-15)
Hydrofoil, span (b) [L] Length, chine wetted under way of plan-
The length of a hydrofoil from tip to tip, from ing craft (LC) [L]: the length of the wetted
root to tip if cantilevered, or from end support part of the chine
to end support, measured normal to the direc- Length, keel wetted under way of planing
tion of relative liquid motion. craft (LK) [L]: the length of the wetted part
Keel of the keel
The term is used, alone or characterised with an Length, mean wetted, of planing craft
appropriate adjective, to indicate: (LM) [L]: the mean length of the portion of
i.The intersection of the plane of symmetry the bottom of a planing craft actually wetted
with the moulded hull surface at the bot- when under way
tom which is called the “keel line”. It may
be parallel to the designed waterline or
. is said to have metacentric stability; that is,
LC + LK on inclination to a small angle a restoring
LM =
2 moment arises which acts to return the ship
Length, projected chine (LPR): Length of to the vertical.
chine projected in a plane containing the Metacentric radius, transverse ( ) and
keel and normal to longitudinal centre plane BM
(See Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-6). longitudinal ( ) [L]. The height, meas-
Length coefficient of Froude, or length – dis- BM L
placement ratio (MC) [-] ured vertically, of the transverse or longitud-
The ratio of the ship length to the cube root of inal metacentre above the centre of buoy-
the volume of displacement: ancy of a ship in the upright position. Geo-
L metrically, is the radius of curvature of
M C= ∇
3 the locus of the centre of buoyancy related
in a consistent system of units. to transverse inclinations, and the ra-
Lines BM L
A drawing, depicting the form of a ship to the dius of curvature of the locus of the centre
moulded shape and dimensions, showing the of buoyancy related to longitudinal inclina-
stations (transverse section or frames) water- tions. They are given by:
lines, bowlines, buttocks and profile. (This in- IT
cludes a Body Plan which see.) ̅ BM=

A commercial name applied to a certain type of IL
hull form with pronounced V sections at the ̅ B M L=

fore end.
Maximum transverse section coefficient
IT = transverse second moment of area (or
See: Sectional area coefficient.
moment of inertia ) of the waterplane [L 4]
Metacentre, transverse (M) and longitudinal
(which see)
(ML) [-]
IL = longitudinal second moment of area (or
The intersection of the vertical through the
moment of inertia) of the waterplane [L4]
centre of buoyancy of an inclined body or ship
(which see)
with the upright vertical when the angle of in-
clination approaches to zero as limit, for trans- ∇ = volume of displacement [L3]
verse or longitudinal inclinations respectively. (See Figure 2-16 for illustration of the trans-
Metacentre, transverse and longitudinal; verse parameters.)
height above the baseline, and ( Midship
KM See: Perpendiculars
) respectively [L]. The height, meas- Midship section coefficient
KML See: Sectional coefficient
ured vertically, of the transverse or longitud- Midstation plane
inal metacentre above the baseplane of a See: Planes, principal co-ordinate
ship in the upright position. Moment of area, second (or moment of iner-
Metacentre height, transverse ( ) and tia) [L4]
GM The summation of the products of the elements
longitudinal ( ) [L]. The distance of an area or surface squares and the squares of
GM L their distances from a given axis, generally in
between the centre of gravity and the trans- the surface. Especially for a ship:
verse or longitudinal metacentre, measured Second moment of the waterplane area
vertically in the equilibrium position. It is (or moment of inertia) longitudinal (IL)
positive when M is above G when the ship about the transverse axis through the centre
of flotation.
Second moment of the waterplane area generally through the lowest point of the
(or moment of inertia), transverse (IT) midsection.
about the longitudinal axis through the Centreplane or x-z plane. The vertical lon-
centre of flotation, generally the intersection gitudinal plane, which coincides with the
of the intersection of the waterplane and the plane of symmetry.
centerplane. Plane, midstation, or y-z plane. The ver-
Second moment of free-water surface (or tical plane at midstation, perpendicular to
moment of inertia) generally within a ship, the baseplane and the centreplane or plane
calculated about an axis passing through the of symmetry.
centre of area of that surface, parallel to the Plane of symmetry
expected heeling or rolling axis. See: Planes, principal co-ordinate.
Moulded Plane, transverse
An adjective used to indicate the generally fair Any vertical plane orthogonal to the baseplane
form and dimensions of the hull as determined of a ship.
by the lines to the inside of the shell plating. Planform, projected
For wooden ship it is taken to the outside of the The contour of a ship, a hydrofoil, or append-
planking. age projected orthogonally on to a plane paral-
Offset lel to the baseplane.
One of a series of distances, measured from Prismatic coefficient (CP, formerly φ) [-]
reference planes (normally from the center- The ratio of the volume of displacement to the
plane), used for defining the size and the shape volume of the cylinder having the length L and
of a body or ship. cross section of the maximum section of the
Overhang ship. This sometimes called the longitudinal
Any portion of the abovewater hull of a ship prismatic coefficient and is given by:
which when projected downward on to the de- C P= ∇ / ( L A X )
signed waterplane, lies outside that designed
waterline; it may be at the bow or stern or any- The prismatic coefficient can also be referred
where along the side. to the different parts of ship, such as afterbody,
Perpendiculars (See Figure 2-14) forebody, entrance and run. In any case the as-
Straight lines perpendicular to the designed sumed length, as well as the cross section area
load waterline of a ship through a fixed point if different from the above, is to be clearly in-
as stated by classification rules: specially: dicated.
Aft or after perpendicular (AP). Through Prismatic coefficient, vertical (CVP, formerly
a fixed point at the stern; generally the aft φV) [-]
side of the stern post, or centerline of the The ratio of the volume of displacement to the
rudder stock in ship without a stern post. volume of a vertical cylinder having as hori-
Fore or forward perpendicular (FP). zontal section the waterline and as height the
Through a fixed point at the bow; generally draught at midships. It given by:
the intersection of the fore side of the stem C V P =∇ / ( T AW )
with the load waterline.
Midship perpendicular or midship (MP, When different, the draught of the transverse
formerly ). section having maximum area is used (TX).
Through the point in the middle of LPP. The outline of a ship when projected on to the
Planes, principal co-ordinate centerplane; also the outline of parts of the
The co-ordinate planes, formed by an ortho- ship, such as the stem, stern, and rudder, when
gonal co-ordinate system of axes x, y, z fixed in similarity projected. For different shapes and
the ship to define the hull shape (see Axes, co- types of stem and stern profile, see Stem and
ordinate in General Section): Stern. (See also Manoeuvrability Section)
Baseplane or x-y plane. The horizontal Raked Keel
plane, parallel to the designed waterline and See: Keel and Trim.
Ram bulb or bow C X = AX B T
See: Bulb and Stem X X
Ratio, fineness, of a body where AX is the area of a maximum transverse
The ratio of the length L to the maximum dia- section; BX and TX are the beam and draught at
meter D of a body of revolution, or to the max- this section respectively.
imum breadth in other bodies. The midship section coefficient CM is given by
Ratio, slenderness, of a ship (MC) [-] A
CM = M B T
See: Length coefficient of Froude. M
Run where AM is midship section area; BM and TM
See: Body are the beam and draught at midship respect-
Scoop ively.
An opening in the surface of the underwater Sectional area curve (See Figure 2-18)
body of a ship, which may or may not be fitted A diagram of transverse section areas up to the
with a projection extending beyond that sur- designed waterline plotted on a base of length
face, designed for catching and taking water L, representing the distribution of underwater
into a ship. volume along the length of a ship; this diagram
Section may be made dimensionless by plotting each
The intersection of a plane with a body or ship ordinate as the ratio of area A of any section to
which it passes through in any position or dir- the area AX of the maximum section and by
ection; specifically for a ship, any transverse plotting the position of that section as a fraction
section perpendicular to the designed water- of a ship length L along the base from selected
plane such as: reference points (generally forward and after
Area, maximum section (AX) [L2] perpendicular or midships). The intercept of the
Area, midship section, midlength section, tangent to the sectional area curve at the bow
midsection or midstation section (AM) [L2] on the midship ordinate expressed as a ratio of
Section, ship shape a midship ordinate is called the Taylor tangent
Any shape of transverse section considered tot the area curve or midperpendicular inter-
typical in the development of ship forms. Some cept ratio or terminal value of Taylor “t”. If
of this are: the sectional area at the end ordinate is not zero
Blister (See Figure 2-17 a)), in which an (e.g. when there is a bulbous bow) both inter-
excrescence is added, near the waterline, to cept should be diminished by that area in eval-
a more or less standard type of section. uating t. The midperpendicular intercept ratio
Bulb (See Figure 2-17 b)), in which there is was originally related to the tangent at the for-
a local swelling below the waterplane gener- ward perpendicular only, but it can also be re-
ally at bow or stern. (For details and vari- ferred to the after perpendicular; therefore, the
ations see special entry Bulb) terms tE and tR may be used to indicate respect-
Peg – top or battered (See Figure 2-17 c)), ively the midperpendicular intercept ratio for
in which there is a marked slope of the ship entrance and the midperpendicular intercept
side outward and upward, generally but not ratio for run respectively.
necessarily above the designed waterline. Shaft bracket or strut
U-shaped (See Figure 2-17 d)), rounded at See: Strut or Shaft bracket.
the bottom and with sensibly straigth, nearly Sheer line
vertical sides. The projection on to the plane of symmetry of
V-shaped (See Figure 2-17 e)), relatively the intersection of deck with the side, or the in-
sharp at the bottom and with sensibly tersection of a deck with the plane of symmetry
straight but flaring sides. of a ship when the deck has no camber (See Fi-
Sectional area coefficients (CX), (CM, gure 2-19). The amount of rise of a sheer line
formerly β) [-] above its lowest point is called the Sheer, for-
The maximum transverse section coefficient, ward or aft.
CX, is given by Shoulder

The portion of a ship, at the junction of the Raked, a straight profile inclined forward.
middle body with the entrance or the run, (See Figure 2-21 c)).
where the waterlines approach or reach their Ram, in which the underwater stem profile
maximum width. extends beyond the forward perpendicular.
Skeg (See Figure 2-21 d), Figure 2-21 e) and also
The thin portion of the hull at the stern of a Bulb)
vessel immediately forward of or in the vicinity Vertical (plumb) , a straight profile coincid-
of the rudder. A skeg is usually of large lateral ing with, or almost coinciding with, the for-
area compared to its transverse thickness, is ward perpendicular. (See Figure 2-21 f))
provided for the support of a propeller shaft, Step
for structural strength, for docking support, for The abrupt discontinuity in the profile of the
protection when grounding or to increase the bottom of a planing craft, designed to diminish
lateral area and give increased roll damping resistance, to lessen the suction effects and to
and course keeping ability to the hull or for improve control of the longitudinal attitude.
other reasons. It is placed generally at the aft (See Figure 2-22)
end, but not necessarily on the centreline. (See Step angle
Figure 2-20). Angle projected upon the designed waterline,
Spray – strip between the lower corner of a step or a planing
A relatively narrow strip, of small cross-sec- craft and the centreline. (See Figure 2-22)
tion, attached to the hull of a ship for the pur- Stern
pose of controlling or diverting spray. The extreme after end of a ship from the keel
Spread (-) [L] line to the top of the hull. Different names are
The transverse horizontal distance between the given to various types and shapes of stern pro-
centreplanes or the other designed plane or line file, such as:
of the two hulls of a catamaran or other mul- Counter or fantail, in which the deck ex-
ti-hulled craft. tends abaft the rudder post forming an
Station elongated extension with appreciable over-
An imaginary transverse plane, passing through hang. With this type of stern the deck line is
a ship, perpendicular to the baseline, to define generally broad and full, but the waterlines
the shape and the position of the various parts. are generally fine. (See Figure 2-23 a))
Generally the length between perpendiculars is Cruiser, in which the stern profile as a con-
divided by intermediate stations into 10 or 20 vex shape, as indicated in Figure 2-23 b).
equal intervals. Specifically: Transom, in which the buttocks and the
Maximum area station, the station at waterlines, above and below the designed
which the transverse section has the max- waterline, terminate abruptly in a transverse
imum area; flat or convex surface or transom. The
Midstation, the station at midlength. transom may be vertical or slightly raking
Stem aft. (See Figure 2-23 c))
The extreme forward end of a ship from the Stern, contra type
keel line to the top of the hull. Different names A curved non symmetrical form of stern, or
are given to various types and shapes and pro- skeg ending just a head of a screw propeller,
file, such as: designed to impart a rotation to the propeller
Clipper, in which the stem profile forms a inflow against the direction of rotation of a pro-
concave curve which projects forward above peller.
the designed waterline, which a relatively Sternpost
large overhang. (See Figure 2-21 a)) A strong, rigid member forming the after end
Icebreaker, in which the stem profile be- of the structure of some ships, and supporting
low the designed waterline slops angle of the rudder.
much less than 45° which the baseplane. Sternwheel
(See Figure 2-21 b))

A paddle-wheel mounted at the stern of a ves- See: Stern
sel which is called a stern-wheeler, as distin- Trim (-) [L]
guished from a side wheeler. The difference between the draught forward TF
Stock and the draught aft TA for a ship with a de-
The shaft or spindle upon which a rudder, signed level keel:
diving plane, or equivalent control surface is Trim = TF - TA
mounted. The rudder or plane is generally, but In non dimensional form the trim is expressed
not necessarily, turned by the stock. as a fraction of the ship length, i.e. (TF - TA)/L
Strut or shaft bracket (See Figure 2-24) and is called the trim ratio. It is referred to as
A bracket supporting the outboard end of a pro- trim by the bow or head if the forward draught
peller shaft in twin or multiple–screw vessels is the greater, level trim if both are the same
having propeller shaft fitted off the centre- and trim by the stern if the draught aft is the
plane. This is sometimes referred to as an “A” greater. If the ship has a designed initial trim
bracket. It usually consists of a barrel fitted (raked keel or drag) the trim is generally meas-
with a bearing for the shaft, connected to the ured with respect to this initial longitudinal in-
shell by one or two streamlined arms (Strut clination.
arms) Tumblehome
Strut–arm angle (See Figure 2-24) The slant inward from the vertical of a trans-
The angle between the axis of any strut arm verse section of a hull above the designed wa-
and the baseplane of a ship when projected on terline. It is the opposite of flare.
to a transverse plane. Turtleback or turtleback deck
Strut-arm section angle (See Figure 2-24) A form of weather deck with large camber
The angle between the meanline of a strut arm which is rounded over at the sides in order to
section normal to its axis at any selected point shed the water rapidly in heavy weather; also
along the arm and a line lying in the plane of called turtle deck.
that section parallel to the centreplane or base- Waterline
plane. This term is used to indicate:
Strut-vee angle (See Figure 2-24) i.The intersection line of the free water sur-
The angle between the axes of the two arms of face with the moulded surface of a ship,
a V-shaped strut, when projected on to a trans- either in still water or when it is surrounded
verse plane. by waves of its own making.
Surface, wetted (S) [L2] ii.The intersection line of any selected
The surface area of the underwater body of a plane, parallel to the baseplane, with the
ship. This generally includes the area of the ap- moulded surface of a ship. (See )
pendages which give an appreciable contribu- The angle of the waterline at the bow in the ho-
tion to the frictional drag, such as bilge keel, rizontal plane neglecting local shape at stern is
propeller bossing, and rudder. It is usually ex- the Angle of entrance. This is generally desig-
pressed in non dimensional form viz: nated as the Half angle of entrance (iE) [-] i.e.
i.Wetted surface coefficient (CS) [-] with respect to the centreplane - See .
C S =S / √ ∇ L where: S = wetted surface area, The angle of the waterline at the stern in the
horizontal plane neglecting local shape of stern
L = ship length, and ∇ = volume of dis-
frame is the Angle of the run. This is generally
placement or
designated as Half angle of run (iR) [-] i.e. with
ii.Froude’s wetted surface coefficient (SC)
respect to the centreplane – See .
iii. S C =S / ∇ 2 /3
Any selected plane through a ship from and a
Tilt parallel to the baseplane, specifically:
An inclination of ship or its parts from the ver- Designed Waterplane, corresponding to the
tical or upright position, generally in a trans- designed waterline.
verse or athwartship plane.
Maximum waterplane, corresponding to
the waterline of a ship at the draught at
which the waterplane area is maximum.
Waterplane area (AW) [L2]
The area enclosed by a waterline.
Waterplane area coefficient, designed load
(CWP, formerly α) [-]
C W P = AW L B W L
L = LWL = Length on the waterline
BWL = maximum breadth of the waterline.
See Figure 2-26.
Waterplane inertia coefficients
Longitudinal CIL =12 IL/BL3
Transverse CIT = 12 IT/B3L
IL = longitudinal second moment of area (or
moment of inertia) of the waterplane.
IT =transverse second moment of area (or
moment of inertia) of the waterplane.
Windward side
The side of a ship on which the wind blows. It
is the opposite to the leeward side.

Figure 2-1: Propeller shaft bossings

Figure 2-2: Hull form with chine

Figure 2-3: Beam definitions for a hard chine hull

Figure 2-4: Mean beam over chines

Figure 2-5: Baseline and Keel Line

Figure 2-6: Planing bottom area

Figure 2-7: Propeller clearances

Figure 2-8: Cutaway at fore end of ship

Figure 2-9: Deadwood at aft end of ship

Figure 2-10: Hydrofoil with flap

Figure 2-11: Transverse ship section with flare

Figure 2-12: Geometrical characteristics of midship section

Figure 2-13: Bilge and bar keels



= =



Figure 2-14: Characteristic ship lengths

Spray root line


B Keel




Figure 2-15: Characteristic lengths for a planing hull under way






Figure 2-16: Transverse metacentric parameters

a) blister b) bulb

c) peg-top or battered

d) U shaped e) V shaped

Figure 2-17: Typical shapes of transverse ship sections

Figure 2-18: Characteristics of sectional area curve

Figure 2-19: Definition of Sheer Line

Figure 2-20: Example of hull with skeg

a) Clipper b)Icebraaker

c) Raked d) Ram bow

e) Bulbous bow f) Vertical
Figure 2-21: Types of stem profile

Figure 2-22: Step in planing craft hull

a) Counter or Fantail b) Cruiser

c) Transom
Figure 2-23: Types of stern profile

Figure 2-24: Characteristics of propeller strut or shaft bracket

Figure 2-25: Waterline characteristics

Figure 2-26: Waterplane area coefficient quantities

the rate transport of momentum due to the
RESISTANCE boundary layer. For two dimensional flow:
This section is concerned with fundamental as-
̅ U ̅ U
( )
pects of the resistance of a ship, or body, to θ=∫y=0 1− dy
motion through calm water without considera- Uδ Uδ
tion on the effects of the method of propulsion. Energy thickness (θ∗, δ∗∗): A parameter
such that quantity 1 ρ U 30 θ is the defect in the
Angle of diverging waves 2
See: Wave, angle of diverging rate of transport of kinetic energy due to the
Blockage boundary layer. This is given by:
The effects of the boundaries of channel or tun-
̅ U ̅ U²
( )
nel on the flow around a body θ *=∫ y=0 1− dy
Blockage correction Uδ Uδ²
A correction made to the results of a hydro- Doublet
dynamic experiments made in a channel or tun- A source-sink pair where the axial spacing
nel of one cross-section in order to estimate the tends to zero as the product of axial spacing
equivalent results for another cross-section. and the source strength remains constant. The
Specifically a correction made to the results of value of that product is the “moment” of the
a resistance experiment in a towing tank in doublet, and the direction from the sink to the
other to estimate the equivalent results in source is the “axis” of the doublet. Con-
unrestricted water. sequently, a doublet of moment M (dimension
Boundary layer L4T-1) and of axis x located in a point A gener-
The region of fluid close to a solid body where, ates at any point P a velocity potential:
due to viscosity, transverse gradient of velocity
are large as compared with longitudinal vari- −M ∂ r −M
ϕ= = co sθ
ations, and shear stress is significant. The 4π r
∂ x 4πr

boundary layer may be laminar, turbulent, or Where r = AP and θ = angle between AP and
transitional. See also Flow, regime. axis x(1). If M< 0, the axis of the doublet would
Boundary layer thickness (δ, δ∗ or δ1 , θ, θ∗ be in the negative x-direction. In two dimen-
or δ∗∗) [L] sional problems, the definition holds. But the
Boundary layer thickness (δ995): The dis- potential generated by a doublet of moment M
tance normal to the surface of a body at (dimension L3T-1) and of axis x is:
which the speed attains that in an equivalent −M ∂ r − M
inviscid flow. For practical purposes this is ϕ= = c os θ
2π r ∂ x 2π r
sometimes taken as 99.5% of the inviscid
flow speed or 99.5% of the total head . where r = AP and θ = angle between AP and
Displacement thickness (δ∗, δ1: the dis- axis x.
tance normal to the surface of a body by
(1)See: Potential function or Velocity potential.
which streamlines outside the boundary
layer are displaced. For two-dimensional Drag (D) [LMT-2]
flow: The fluid force acting on a moving body in
̅ U such a way as to oppose its motion; the com-
( )
δ =∫y=0 1− dy ponent of the fluid forces parallel to the axis of

motion of a body. Drag is the preferred term in
where Uδ = the velocity at the edge of the aerodynamics and for submerged hydro-
boundary layer and = velocity in the dynamic bodies, while resistance is generally
used in ship hydrodynamics. The various forms
boundary layer.
of drag are defined in relation to resistance. See
Momentum thickness (θ):A parameter also Resistance.
such that the quantity ρU 20 θ is the defect in Drag coefficient (CD) [-]

The non-dimensional ratio of the drag per unit A flow in which there are rapid and apparently
of a representative area of a body to the dy- random fluctuations both in the magnitude and
namic pressure far ahead of the body. in the direction of velocity. The velocity fluctu-
Dynamic pressure ations may also be described by a random spec-
See Pressure, dynamic trum of vortices of varying size and strength.
Equipotential line Turbulent resistance is higher than that in lam-
A line in a potential flow field along which the inar flow at the same Reynolds number, be-
velocity potential φ is constant. cause of the high momentum exchange by
Flow, laminar transverse fluctuations.
The flow of a viscous liquid in which layers of Flow, uniform
laminae of fluid appear to slide smoothly past Flow in which all velocity vectors are parallel
each other. Momentum transfer and shear and equal.
between neighbouring layers of fluid are due to Flow, viscous
molecular interactions only. The flow of a fluid where the flow characterist-
Flow, potential ics include the effects of the shear forces acting
A flow field in which the fluid velocity is on the fluid, and within it.
U Fluid, perfect or ideal
equal to the gradient of a scalar velocity poten- A hypothetical fluid which is homogeneous, in-
tial φ, = grad φ, i.e. in which no vorticity is viscid and incompressible.
U Frictional resistance
present, curl = 0. See also Potential function. See: Resistance
U Froude number (Fr) [-]
Flow, regime A dimensionless parameter expressing the con-
A term referring to the state of the flow in any ditions of dynamical similarity for flow sys-
region; the principal recognised regimes are tems influenced by gravity and inertia alone. In
laminar, transitional, turbulent and separated particular it defines the speed at which geomet-
flows. rically similar models and ship will develop
Flow, reversed wave systems which are geometrically similar.
Flow occurring in an eddy or separated zone in It is given by:
which the local flow has a component opposite V
in direction to that of the main flow. Fr =
Flow, secondary
A transverse flow induced by the boundary The length term L is usually the length of the
layer geometry and by pressure conditions ex- ship. Other forms of the Froude number use
isting in the main flow. some other characteristic dimension, such as
Flow, separated the cube root of volume of displacement, the
The detachment of the main fluid flow from a submergence depth or the depth of water in re-
solid surface due to an adverse longitudinal stricted waterways.
pressure gradient sometimes caused by a sud- Head (h) [L]
den change of the direction or the curvature of The height of a given fluid which the pressure
the surface. The fluid in the separated flow in question would support.
contains eddies, and may be nearly static or Irrotational flow
may contain a region of reversed flow. See Flow, potential.
Flow, steady Laminar sublayer
Flow in which the velocity pattern is independ- See Sublayer, laminar.
ent of time. Line, equipotential
Flow, transitional See Equipotential line.
An unstable state of viscous flow between the Number, Froude
laminar and turbulent regimes. See Froude number.
Flow, turbulent Number, Reynolds
See Reynolds number.
Potential flow The component of resistance obtained by integ-
See Flow, potential. rating the normal stresses over the surface of a
Potential function or Velocity potential (φ) body in the direction of motion.
[L2 T-1] Resistance, residuary (RR) [LMT-2]
In irrotational motion of a fluid, the velocity at A quantity obtained by subtracting from the
any point may be derived from a single func- total resistance of a hull, a calculated friction
tion φ such that its derivative with respect to resistance obtained by any specific formula-
distance in any direction is equal to the velocity tion.
component in that direction. See also Flow, po- Resistance, spray (RS) [LMT-2]
tential. The component of resistance associated with
Pressure, dynamic (q) [L-1MT-2] the expenditure of energy in generating spray.
The pressure change corresponding to the re- Resistance, viscous (RV) [LMT-2]
duction of the momentum of a fluid element to The component of resistance associated with
zero, q= 1 ρ U 2 . the expenditure of energy in viscous effects.
Resistance, viscous pressure (RPV) [LMT-2]
Pressure, stagnation [L-1MT-2] The component of resistance obtained by integ-
The total pressure measured at a stagnation rating the components of the normal stresses
point. due to viscosity and turbulence. This quantity
Pressure, static (p) [L-1MT-2] cannot be directly measured except for a fully
The static pressure, p, at a point in a stream submerged body when it is equal to the pres-
flow is that which would be recorded by a pres- sure resistance RP.
sure gauge advancing with the speed of the Resistance, wave pattern (RWP) [LMT-2]
local fluid and thus static with respect to it. A resistance component deduced from meas-
Pressure, total urements of wave elevations remote from ship
This is the sum of the static and dynamic pres- or model where it is assumed that the sub sur-
sures. face velocity field, and hence the momentum of
Resistance (R) [LMT-2] the fluid, can be related to the wave pattern by
The fluid force acting on a moving body in means of linearised theory . The resistance so
such a way as to oppose its motion; the com- deduced does not include wavebreaking resist-
ponent of the fluid forces acting parallel to the ance.
axis of motion of a body. Resistance is the pre-
ferred term in ship hydrodynamics, while drag
is generally used in aerodynamics and for sub- Resistance, wavebreaking (RWB) [LMT-2]
merged bodies. Total resistance is denoted by A resistance component associated with the
RT and various (not mutually exclusive) com- break down of the ship bow wave.
ponents of resistance are defined below. See Resistance, wavemaking (RW) [LMT-2]
also Drag. The component of resistance associated with
Resistance coefficient (CF, CR, CS, CT, CV, the expenditure of energy in generating gravity
CW, etc.)[-] waves.
The non dimensional ratio of any specific com- Reynolds number (Re) [-]
ponent of resistance per unit area, to the dy- A dimensionless parameter expressing the con-
namic pressure far ahead of the body. dition of dynamical similarity for flow systems
Resistance, frictional (RF) [LMT-2] influenced by viscosity and inertia alone. For
The component of resistance obtained by integ- equal values of Reynolds number and the same
rating the tangential stresses over the surface of orientation to the flow, the specific resistance
a body, in the direction of motion. coefficients of all geometrically similar smooth
Resistance, frictional specific (CF) [-] surfaces are identical as long as the uninflu-
An alternative name for the coefficient of fric- enced speed field are similar and the flow is in-
tional resistance, in which the reference area is fluenced by viscosity and inertia alone.
taken to be the wetted area under consideration. It is given by:
Resistance, pressure (RP) [LMT-2]
VLρ VL linear motion below the free surface of a per-
R e= =
μ ν fect fluid.
Speed, hump (in high speed craft) [LT-1]
The length term L is usually the length of the
The speed at which the resistance reaches a
surface, but the distance from the leading edge
maximum before a planing craft enters the
of the surface to a specific point, the diameter
planing phase, or a hydrofoil craft enters the
of a body, or the thickness of the boundary
foilborne phase. (See Figure 3-1).
layer are sometimes used as length terms.
A line in a fluid such that its tangent at any
See Flow, separated
point is parallel to the instantaneous velocity of
Shear stress (τ) [L-1MT-2] the fluid at that point.
In a viscous fluid, the shear stress is the tangen- Sublayer, laminar
tial resisting force per unit area acting on any A very thin layer of laminar flow, within a tur-
boundary within the fluid. The specific value of bulent boundary layer and adjacent to a solid
the shear stress at a wall is denoted by τw. surface.
Sink Velocity potential
A point at which fluid is assumed to be with- See Potential function.
drawn symmetrically from all directions. The Viscosity, coefficient of dynamic (µ) [L-1MT-
velocity potential due to a sink has the same 1]
form as the potential due to a source, but the The quantity expressing the resistance of a
strength Q is negative. See also Source. fluid to internal shear; the ratio of tangential
Source stress to rate of shear deformation in flow of an
A point from which fluid is assumed to flow incompressible Newtonian fluid. For unidirec-
symmetrically in all directions. The strength Q tional shear flow:
of a source is defined in a three dimensional
flow as the volume of fluid issuing in unit time; τ
its dimensions are L3T-1. (Some authors use dU /d y
σ =Q/ 4 π volume flow as source strength). A Viscosity, coefficient of kinematic (ν) [L-1MT-
source at a point A generates at any point P a 1]

velocity potential: The ratio of the coefficient of dynamic viscos-

ϕ=−Q / ( 4 π r )
ity to the mass density of the fluid:
where r = AP. ρ
In a two dimensional flow parallel to a plane, a See also General Section under “Liquid Prop-
source at a point A is in fact a uniform distribu- erties and Physical Constants”
tion of sources on a straight line passing Wave, angle of diverging
through A normal to the plane. The velocity The acute angle, measured in the horizontal
potential due to such a source of strength Q is: plane, between axis of motion of a body and
Q the normal to the crest or trough line.
ϕ= ln ⁡ r

where r = AP and ln = natural logarithm.
Q is the volume of fluid issuing per unit time
and per unit length in the direction normal to
the plane. The dimension of Q is L2 T-1. An ir-
rotational flow of perfect fluid may be repres-
ented as due to distributions of source and
sinks, or doublets, on some set of points.
Source, Kelvin
A Kelvin source is defined by the potential
generated by a constant source in uniform recti-
Figure 3-1: Resistance curve of a planing craft.

r is the radius of the blade section, ω the angu-
PROPELLER lar rate rotation and θ the angular position of
This section is concerned with propeller per- the blade section.
formance and various factor related thereto to- A simpler definition, also in use is:
gether with propeller geometry. Except where β=t a n−1 ( V A / ω R )
stated, the entries refer generally to screw pro-
pellers. where R is the propeller radius and VA the ad-
vance speed.
Active rudder The induced velocities are not included in the
See: Rudder, active determination of the advance angle (See Figure
Advance angle (of propeller blade section) 4-1).
See: Angle, advance Angle of attack (α) [-]
Advance angle, effective The angle measured in the plane containing the
See: Angle, effective advance lift vector and the inflow velocity vector,
Advance coefficient (J) [-] between the velocity vector representing the rel-
A parameter relating the speed of advance of ative motion between a body and a fluid and a
propeller, VA to the rate of rotation, n, given by characteristic line or plane of the body such as
, where D is the propeller dia- the chord line of an airfoil or hydrofoil. Syn-
J = V A nD onymous with angle of incidence.
meter. The advance coefficient may also be Angle of attack, effective (αE) [-]
defined in term of ship speed, V, in which case The angle of attack relative to the chord line in-
it is given by: . cluding the induced velocities. See Figure 4-1.
J V = V nD Angle of attack, geometric (αG) [-]
The angle of attack relative to the chord line of
Advance coefficient, Taylor’s (δ)
a section neglecting the induced velocities. See
A parameter defined as:
Figure 4-1.
δ =n D /V A=101.27/ J Angle of attack, ideal (αI) [-]
where n is the rate of propeller rotation in re- Angle of attack for thin airfoil or hydrofoil for
volution per minute, D is the propeller diameter which the streamlines are tangent to the mean
in feet, and VA is the speed of advance in knots. line at the leading edge. This condition is usu-
Advance ratio (λ) [-] ally referred to as a “shock free” entry or
A non dimensional speed parameter relating “smooth”.
the speed of advance, VA and the rotational tip Angle, effective advance (β∗) [-]
A propeller inflow angle defined by the equa-
speed, πnD, given by:
λ=V A / π n D= J / π
β *=t a n−1 ( V A / 0.7ω R )
where J is the advance coefficient, D is pro-
where VA is the speed of advance, n is the rate
peller diameter and n its rate of rotation.
of rotation, and D is the propeller diameter.
Advance, speed of
Angle, hydrodynamic flow (βI) [-]
See: Speed of advance.
The inflow angle to a propeller blade section
Analysis pitch
including the axial and tangential induced velo-
See: Pitch, analysis.
cities given by the equation:
Angle, advance (of a propeller blade section)
(β) [-] V X ( r , θ )+U A ( r )
The inflow angle to a propeller blade section
β I =t a n−1
( ω r−V θ ( r , θ ) −U T ( r ) )
determined by the rotative speed, ω r, the axial
velocity of the fluid, VX, and the tangential ve- UA and UT are induced axial and tangential ve-
locities respectively (which see). For other
locity of the fluid Vθ, according to the equation:
items see Angle, advance. See also Figure 4-1.
β=t a n−1 ( V X ( r , θ ) / ( ω r−V θ ( r , θ ) ) ) Angle of incidence
Synonymous with Angle of attack.
Angle, shaft [-]

The angle or angles made by a shaft axis with side of the blade is also known as the suction
the centre-plane and/or the baseplane of a ship. side of the blade because the average pressure
If a craft significantly changes attitude at there is lower then the pressure on the face of
speed, the shaft angle may, if so indicated, be the blade during normal ahead operation. This
measured between the shaft axis and the direc- side of the blade corresponds to the upper sur-
tion of motion. face of an airfoil or wing.
Angle of zero lift ( ) [-] Blade
α0 Element of a propeller, extending out radially
The angle of attack relative to the chord line for from the hub. (see Figure 4-3).
which the lift is zero. Blade area ratio [-]
Area, developed (AD) [L2] A term used to denote the ratio of either the de-
An approximation to the surface area of the veloped or expanded area of the blades to the
propeller equal to the area enclosed by an out- disc area. The terms expanded area ratio or de-
line of a blade times the number blades. The veloped area ratio are recommended in order to
outline of a blade is constructed by laying off, avoid ambiguity.
at each radius r, the chord length along an arc Blade outline
whose radius of curvature, r1, is equal to the ra- The line that marks the outer limits of the
dius of curvature of the pitch helix given by blade. (see Figure 4-4).
where ϕ is the pitch angle at that Blade root
r1 = r cos2 j Zone of transition from blade to hub. (see Figu-
re 4-3).
radius. The outline is formed by the locus of
Blade section
the end points of the chord lines laid out in the
Most commonly taken to mean the shape of a
above manner.
propeller blade at any radius, when cut by a cir-
Area, disc (AO) [L2]
cular cylinder whose axis coincides with the
The area of the circle swept out by the tips of
shaft axis. (see Figure 4-5 and Figure 4-6).
the blades of a propeller of diameter D:
Blade section reference point
AO = π D

4 See: Reference point, blade section

Area, expanded (AE) [L ] 2 Blade thickness fraction [-]
An approximation to the surface area of the If the maximum thickness of the propeller
propeller equal to the area enclosed by an out- blade varies linearly with radius, then this vari-
line of a blade times the number of blades. The ation of thickness may be imagined to extend
outline of a blade is constructed by laying off at to the axis of rotation. The hypothetical thick-
each radius r, the chord length along a straight ness at the axis of rotation, t0, divided by the
line. The outline is formed by the locus of the diameter, is known as the blade thickness frac-
end points of the chord lines laid out in the tion or blade thickness ratio. If the thickness
above manner. (See Figure 4-2: Expanded area does not vary linearly with radius, then the
of a propeller blade) blade thickness fraction is not uniquely
Area, projected (AP) [L2] defined.
The area enclosed by the outline of the pro- Blade tip
peller blades outside the hub projected on to a Extreme part of the blade. (see Figure 4-3).
plane normal to the shaft axis. The outline is Bollard pull [MTL-2]
constructed by laying off, along each radius r, The pull force exerted by a ship at zero ship
the extremities of each section as determined in speed. It is the sum of the propeller thrust and
a view along the shaft axis. The locus of the the interaction force on the hull.
end points of the chord lines laid out in the Boss
above manner is the required outline. See: Hub.
Axial induced velocity Camber (f) [L]
See: Induced velocity, axial. The maximum separation of the mean line and
Back (of blade) the nose-tail line (see Figure 4-7).
The side of a propeller blade which faces gen- Camber ratio (δF) [-]
erally in the direction of ahead motion. This The camber divided by the chord length, f/c
Cap, propeller
See: Cone, propeller Effective pitch
Centrifugal spindle torque See: Pitch, effective.
See: Spindle torque, centrifugal Efficiency, mechanical (ηM) [-]
Chord (c) [L] The ratio between the power output and the
The length of the chord line. Sometimes used power input of any machinery installation.
synonymously with chord line (see Figure 4-6 PS
ηM =
and Figure 4-7). PI
Chord, leading part ( ) [L] or
ηM =
The part of the Chord delimited by the Leading PI
Edge and the intersection between the Gener- where PS and PB are the shaft and brake powers
ator Line and the pitch helix at the considered respectively and PI is the indicted power
radius (see Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9). (which see).
Chord, trailing part ( ) [L] Efficiency, propeller, behind hull (ηB) [-]
cTE The ratio between the power PT, developed by
The part of the Chord delimited by the Trailing the thrust of the propeller and the power PD ab-
Edge and the intersection between the Gener- sorbed by the propeller when operating behind
ator Line and the pitch helix at the considered a model or ship:
radius (see Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9).
Chord length, mean ( ) [L] η B= = =η0 η R
cM PD 2π Qn
The quotient obtained by dividing the expan- where T is the thrust, VA speed of advance, Q
ded or developed area of a propeller blade by shaft torque and n rate of propeller rotation;
the span from the hub to the tip. η0 and ηR are the open water propeller and rel-
Chord line ative rotative efficiencies respectively.
The straight line connecting the extremities of Efficiency, propeller, open water (η0) [−]
the mean line. The length of this line is called The ratio between the power developed by the
the chord length or simply the chord. It passes thrust of the propeller PT and the power ab-
through, or nearly through, the fore and aft ex- sorbed by the propeller PD when operating in
tremities of the section. Synonymous with open water with uniform inflow velocity VA:
nose-tail line. (see Figure 4-6 and Figure 4-7)
Cone, propeller η0 = =
The conical-shaped cover placed over the after P D 2 π Q0 n
end of the propeller shaft for the purpose of T is the thrust, QO the torque in open water and
protecting the nut and forming a hydrodynamic n the rate of propeller rotation.
fairing for the hub. Also known as a propeller Efficiency, quasi-propulsive or quasi-
fairwater or a propeller cap. propulsive coefficient (ηD) [-]
Contrarotating propeller The ratio between the useful or effective power
See: Propeller Types. PE and the power delivered to the propeller or
Cycloidal propeller the propulsion device PD.
See: Propeller Types. ¿
Developed area ηD=
=η 0 η H η ¿
See: Area, developed. PD

Developed area ratio (aD)[-] where η0, ηH and ηR are the open water pro-
The ratio of the developed area of the propeller peller, hull and relative rotative efficiencies re-
blades to the disc area. spectively (which see).
Ducted propeller Efficiency, propulsive (ηP) [-]
See: Propeller Types. The ratio between the useful or effective power
Effective advance angle PE and the brake power PB.
See: Angle, effective advance.
Effective angle of attack PE
ηP= = η0 η H η R ηS η ¿
See: Angle of attack, effective. PB

where ηO, ηH ηR ηS and ηG are the open water shaft axis at the same point when extended
propeller, hull relative rotative shafting and thereto. Because of ambiguities which can arise
gearing efficiencies respectively (which see). in so extending the generator line and blade
Efficiency, relative rotative (ηR) [-] reference line when non linear distribution of
The relative rotative efficiency is the ratio of rake and skew angle are used, it is recommen-
the propeller efficiencies behind the hull and in ded that these lines be defined each to originate
open water, as already defined. at the reference point of the root section (see
Figure 4-20 and Figure 4-21). The rake and
η R= skew angle of the root section will thus be
defined to be zero and the propeller plane will
Emergence, tip [L] pass through the reference point of the root sec-
The vertical distance from the top of the pro- tion.
peller tip circle to the at-rest water surface Geometric angle of attack
when the tips are exposed. See: Angle of attack, geometric
Expanded area Geometric pitch
See: Area, expanded. See: Pitch, geometric
Expanded area ratio (aE)[-] Hub
The ratio of the expanded area of the blades to The central portion of a screw propeller to
the disc area. which the blades are attached and through
Face (of blade) which the driving shaft is fitted. Also known as
The side of the propeller blade which face the boss.
downstream during ahead motion. This side of Hub diameter (dh) [L]
the blade is also known as the pressure side be- The diameter of the hub where it intersect the
cause the average pressure on the face of the propeller reference line. (see Figure 4-11).
blade is higher than the average pressure on the Hub diameter, fore (dhf) [L] – Fore dia-
back of the blade during normal operation. The meter of the hub, not considering any
face corresponds to the lower surface of an air- shoulder
foil or wing. Hub diameter, aft (dhf) [L] – Aft diameter
Face pitch of the hub, not considering any shoulder
See: Pitch, face Hub length (lh) [L]
Fillet The length of the hub, including any fore and
The transition region (fairing) between the pro- aft shoulder (see Figure 4-12).
peller hub and the blades at the blade root. Hub length, aft (lha) [L] – Length of the
Fully cavitating propeller hub taken from the propeller plane to the aft
See: Propeller types. end of the hub including aft shoulder.
Gap (GZ) [L ] Hub diameter, fore (lhf) [L] – Length of the
The distance between the chord lines of two hub taken from the propeller plane to the
adjacent propeller blade sections measured nor- fore end of the hub including fore shoulder.
mal to the chord. This distance is given by the Hub ratio (xB) [-]
formula: The ratio of the diameter of the hub to the max-
G Z= ( 2 π r s i n φ ) / Z imum diameter of the propeller, dh /D.
Hydrodynamic flow angle
where r is the radius in question, ϕ is the pitch See: Angle, hydrodynamic flow.
angle of the chord line at the radius r (geomet- Hydrodynamic pitch
ric pitch) and Z is the number of blades. See: Pitch, hydrodynamic.
Generator line Hydrodynamic pitch angle
The line formed by the intersection of the pitch Synonymous with hydrodynamic flow angle.
helices and the plane containing the shaft axis See: Angle, hydrodynamic flow.
and the propeller reference line. The distance Hydrodynamic spindle toque
from the propeller plane to the generator line in See: Spindle torque, hydrodynamic.
the direction of the shaft axis is called the rake. Hydrofoil
The generator line, the blade reference line, and
the propeller reference line each intersect the
A structure externally similar to an airplane A propeller which rotates in the counterclock-
wing designed to produce lift and which oper- wise direction when viewed from astern.
ates in water. Lift (L) [MTL-2]
Hydrofoil section The fluid force acting on a body in a direction
The cross-section shape of a hydrofoil. perpendicular to the motion of the body relative
Ideal angle of attack to the fluid.
See: Angle of attack, ideal. Mean chord length
Immersion (h0) [-] See: Chord length, mean.
The depth of submergence of the propeller Mean line
measured vertically from the shaft axis to the The mean line is the locus of the midpoint
free surface. between the upper and lower surface of an air-
Immersion ratio [-] foil or hydrofoil section. The thickness is gen-
The depth of submergence of the propeller axis erally measured in the direction normal to the
divided by propeller diameter. chord rather to the mean line. The maximum
Inboard rotation distance between the mean line and the chord
A propeller which is not located on the line, measured normal to the chord line, is
centreline of the ship is said to have inboard ro- called the camber. The term camber line is of-
tation if the blade moves toward the centreline ten used synonymously with mean line. (See
as they pass the upper vertical position. The op- Figure 4-7)
posite direction of rotation is called outboard Mean pitch
rotation. Also called inward and outward rota- See: Pitch, mean.
tion respectively. Mean width ratio [-]
Induced velocity, axial (UA) [LT-1] Mean expanded or developed chord of one
The change in the velocity component in the blade divided by the propeller diameter. Equal
direction parallel to the propeller axis due to to the inverse of one half the aspect ratio for a
the presence of the propeller but not including wing.
any change in the wake field due to pro- Median line
peller/hull interactions. Positive upstream. (See Synonymous with generator line.
Figure 4-1) Nominal pitch
Induced velocity, radial (UR) [LT-1] See Pitch, nominal.
The change in the velocity component in the Nose-tail line
radial direction due to the presence of the pro- Synonymous with chord line.
peller but not including any change in the wake Nozzle
field due to propeller/hull interactions. Positive The duct portion of a ducted propeller. Syn-
outward onymous with duct or shroud.
Induced velocity, tangential (UT) [LT-1] Ogival section
The change in the velocity component in the A type of an airfoil or hydrofoil section having
tangential direction due to the presence of the a straight face, a circular arc or parabolic back,
propeller but not including any change in the maximum thickness at the mid chord, and relat-
wake field due to propeller/hull interactions. ively sharp leading and trailing edges.
Positive clockwise looking forward. . (See Fi- Outboard rotation
gure 4-1) A propeller which is not located on the
Inward rotation centreline of the ship is said to have outboard
See: Inboard rotation. rotation if the blades move away from the
Kort nozzle centreline as they pass the upper vertical posi-
See: Propeller types (ducted). tion. The opposite direction of rotation is called
Leading edge [-] inboard rotation. Also called outward and in-
Blade edge directed to the inflow under normal ward rotation respectively.
operating conditions starting from the blade Outward rotation
root and ending at the blade tip. ( See Figure 4- See: Outboard rotation.
13). Pitch (P) [L]
Left handed propeller

The pitch of a propeller blade section at the ra- varied pitch. A propeller which has the same
dius r is given by: P=2π r t a nφ where ϕ is pitch at all radii is said to be a constant pitch
the angle between the intersection of the chord propeller.
line of the section and a plane normal to the Plane rotation
propeller axis. This angle is called the pitch See: Propeller plane.
angle. Also called geometric pitch (which see). Power coefficient, delivered (KP) [-]
(See Figure 4-10). The delivered power at the propeller, PD, ex-
Pitch analysis pressed in coefficient form:
Advance per revolution at zero thrust as de- K P = P D / ρ n3 D 5
termined experimentally.
where ρ is the mass density of the fluid, n is the
Pitch angle (ϕ) [-]
rate of the propeller rotation, and D is the dia-
See: Pitch.
meter of the propeller.
Pitch, effective
Power coefficient, Taylor’s (BP)
Weighted value of geometric pitch when pitch
The horsepower absorbed by the propeller, PD,
is not constant. Both the radius and the thrust
expressed in coefficient form:
distribution (if known) have been used as 1 5

B P = n ( PD ) (V A )
2 2
weighting factors.
Pitch, face where n is revolution per minute and VA is the
The pitch of a line parallel to the face of the speed of advance in knots.
blade section. Used only for flat faced sections Power coefficient, Taylor’s (BU)
where offsets are defined from a face reference The thrust horsepower delivered by the pro-
line. peller, PT, expressed in coefficient form:
Pitch, geometric 1 5

B U = n ( PT ) (V A )
2 2
The pitch of the nose-tail line (chord line). It is
equal to the face pitch if the setback of the where n is the revolution per minute and VA is
leading and trailing edges of the section are the speed of advance in knots.
equal. Power loading coefficient (CP) [-]
Pitch, hydrodynamic The power absorbed by the propeller, PD, ex-
The pitch of the streamlines passing the pro- pressed in coefficient form:
peller including the velocities induced by the
propeller at a radial line passing through the C P=
ρ 3( 2
=( K Q / J 3 ) ( 8/ π )
V A D /4)
midchord of the root section. See: Angle, hy- 2
drodynamic flow.
where ρ is the fluid density, VA is the speed of
Pitch, mean
advance, and D is the propeller diameter. This
i.Generally synonymous with the effective
coefficient may be defined in terms of the ship
speed V and is then denoted by the symbol CPS.
ii.The pitch of a constant pitch propeller
KQ and J are the torque and advance coefficient
which would produce the same thrust as a
respectively (which see).
propeller with radially varying pitch when
Pressure side
placed in the same flow.
The side of the propeller blade having the
Pitch, nominal
greater mean pressure during normal ahead op-
Synonymous with face pitch. (See: Pitch, face).
eration. Synonymous with the face of the
Pitch ratio (p)[-]
blade. Analogous to the lower surface of a
The ratio of the pitch to the diameter of the
wing. (see Figure 4-14)
propeller. Generally, the face pitch or geomet-
Projected area
ric pitch at the 70 percent radius is used to
See: Area, projected.
compute the pitch ratio. Any measure of pitch
Projected area ratio (aP)[-]
can be used with the diameter to form a pitch
The ratio of the projected area to the disc area.
Pitch, variable
Most generally, any device which will produce
A propeller blade for which the pith is not the
thrust to propel vehicle. The most common
same at all radii is said to have variable pitch or
form is the screw propeller, which basically
consists of a central hub and a number of fixed Contrarotating propeller - Two propeller
blades extending out radially from the hub (see rotating in opposite directions on coaxial
Figure 4-15). Lift is generated by the blades shafts.
when the propeller is rotated. One component Controllable pitch propeller - A propeller
of the lift force produces the desired thrust and having blades which can be rotated about a
the other component creates torque which must radial axis so as to change the effective pitch
be overcome by the engine to sustain rotation. of the blade while the propeller is operating.
Propeller diameter (D)[L] This allows full power to be absorbed for all
The diameter of the propeller disk. (See Figure loading conditions. If the pitch can be adjus-
4-16) ted to the extent that reverse thrust can be
D = 2R achieved without reversing the direction of
rotation of the shaft then the propeller is
Propeller disk sometimes called a controllable reversible
The disk enclosed by the circle passing through pitch propeller.
the tips of the blades. (See Figure 4-16) Cycloidal propeller - A propeller consist-
Propeller plane ing of a flat disc set flush with the under sur-
The plane normal to the shaft axis and contain- face of the vessel with a number of vertical,
ing the propeller reference line, i.e. contain the rudder-like blades projecting from it. The
reference point of the root section. Also called disc revolves about a central axis and each
the plane of rotation. (See Figure 4-10 and Fi- of the blades rotates about its own vertical
gure 4-20). axis. The axis of each blade traces a cyc-
Propeller radius (R)[L] loidal path. The blade motion can be varied
The largest distance from the shaft axis (x axis) so as to produce a net thrust in any desired
of the extreme point of a blade (i.e. blade tip). direction in a plane normal to the axis of ro-
Half the diameter of the propeller disk. (See Fi- tation. It is used where excellent manoeuv-
gure 4-17). rability is required.
D Ducted propeller - A propeller with a short
R= duct mounted concentrically with the shaft.
The duct, or nozzle is shaped so as to con-
Propeller reference system, cylindrical trol the expansion or contraction of the slip-
θ angular coordinate, originating from z axis of stream in the immediate vicinity of the pro-
the rectangular reference system, directed in peller. In one form (the Kort nozzle) the
the same direction as the direction of rotation flow is accelerated, whereas in the other
of the propeller; r radial coordinate; x axis co- form (pump jet) the flow is decelerated. A
incides with that of the rectangular reference pump jet is sometimes also defined as a duc-
system. (See Figure 4-18). ted propeller with stator vanes regardless of
Propeller reference system, rectangular whether the flow is accelerated or deceler-
x axis along the shaft centre line, directed for- ated.
ward; y axis normal to x and directed to port; z Fully cavitating propeller - A propeller de-
axis normal to x and y in order to form a right signed to operate efficiently at very low
handed Cartesian system, directed upward. The cavitation numbers where a fully developed
z axis is positioned to pass through the refer- cavity extends at least to the trailing edge of
ence point of the root section of a blade. This the blade. The blade sections of such pro-
reference system is unchanged for right handed pellers have relatively sharp, leading edges
and left handed propellers. (See Figure 4-19). for more efficient supercavitating operation
Propeller types and thick trailing edges for strength. Also
The basic screw propeller may be de- known as supercavitating propeller.
scribed as fixed pitch, subcavitating, open Interface propeller - A propeller of the
(unducted), and fully submerged. Variations fully cavitating ventilated type designed to
on this basic type are listed below. operated with only a portion of the full disc
Adjustable-pitch propeller - A propeller area immersed. These propellers are con-
whose blades can be adjusted to different sidered for high speed applications to
pitch settings when the propeller is stopped. vehicles such as surface effect ship where
the appendage drag associated with the and is given by: r θ S t a n φ , where r is the local
shafts and struts of a fully submerged pro- radius, θS is the local skew angle, and ϕ is the
peller would result in a considerable in- local pitch angle. It is positive when the gener-
crease in resistance. Also known as partially ator line is forward of the blade reference line.
submerged or surface propellers. Rake total (iT) [L]
Ring propeller - A propeller with a very The sum of the rake and skew-induced rake
short duct attached to the tips of the blades (See Figure 4-10)
and rotating with the propeller. Also called a Reference line, blade
banded propeller. The locus of the reference points of the blade
Steerable ducted propeller - A ducted pro- sections (See Figure 4-20 and Figure 4-21).
peller in which the duct can be pivoted Sometimes used synonymously with generator
about a vertical axis so as to obtain a steer- line.
ing effect. Reference line, propeller
Supercavitating propeller - See: Fully The straight line, normal to the shaft axis,
cavitating propeller. which passes through the reference point of the
Tandem propeller - Two propellers fitted root section (See Figure 4-20 and Figure 4-21).
to the same shaft, one behind the other, and It lies in the plane containing the shaft axis and
rotating as one. the generator line.
Ventilated propeller - A propeller of the Reference point, blade section
fully cavitating type, but with provision to The point on the pitch helix to which the blade
introduce air into the cavities in order to section offsets are referred. It usually the mid-
achieve fully developed, stable cavities at point of the chord line. The point of maximum
lower speed than would otherwise be im- thickness and the location of the spindle axis
possible. for controllable pitch propeller, as well as other
Vertical axis propeller - Synonymous with points, have also been used as blade section
cycloidal propeller. reference points. (See Figure 4-6)
Pumpjet Right handed propeller
See: Propeller Types (ducted) A propeller which rotates in the clockwise dir-
Race, propeller ection when viewed from astern.
The accelerated, turbulent column of water Root
forming the outflow from a screw propeller. The part of the propeller blade adjacent to the
Radial induced velocity propeller hub.
See: Induced velocity, radial Rudder
Radius (r)[L] See Ship Geometry section.
Radius of any point on propeller Rudder, active
Rake (iG, Rk (ISO)) [L] A propulsion device installed in the rudder for
The displacement, iG, from the propeller plane ship manoeuvring at low or zero speed.
to the generator line in the direction of the shaft Screw propeller
axis. Aft displacement is considered positive See: Propeller.
rake (See Figure 4-10 and Figure 4-20). The Set back (-) [L]
rake at the blade tip or the rake angle are gener- The displacement of the leading edge or trail-
ally used as measures of the rake. ing edge of a propeller blade section from the
Rake angle face pitch datum line when the section shape is
The rake angle is defined as: referenced to that line. Also called wash-up. It
θ=t a n−1 ( i G ( r ) / r ) is called wash-down if negative. The set back
ratio is the set back divided by the chord
where r is the radius (See Figure 4-20).
Rake, skew induced (iS) [L]
Shock free entry
The amount of axial displacement (rake) of a
See: Angle of attack, ideal.
blade section which results when skew-back is
used (See Figure 4-10). It is the distance, meas-
The duct portion of a ducted propeller concent-
ured in the direction of the shaft axis, between
ric with the axis of rotation of the propeller
the generator line and the blade reference line
blades. In some cases the duct may be rotated Spindle torque, hydrodynamic (QSH) [ML2T-
about a vertical axis to provide steering forces. 2]

Synonymous: duct, nozzle. The torque acting about the spindle axis of a
Singing controllable-pitch propeller blade resulting
Intense discrete frequency sound radiated from from the hydrodynamic forces exerted on the
the propeller due to resonant vibrations of the blade. This torque is positive if it tends to ro-
blades. Generally thought to be due to the shed- tate the blade toward a higher positive pitch.
ding of Karman vortices from the trailing edge Spindle torque coefficient, centrifugal (KSC)
of the blades at a resonant frequency of the [-]
blade vibration. The centrifugal spindle torque, QSC, expressed
Skew (-) [L] in coefficient form:
Synonymous with skew-back but sometimes K S C =Q S C / ( ρ P n D
2 5
used (incorrectly) to denote the skew angle.
Skew angle (θS) [-] where ρP is the mass density of the propeller
The angular displacement about the shaft axis blade material, n is the rate of propeller rota-
of the reference point of any blade section rel- tion, and D is the propeller diameter.
ative to the generator line measured in the Spindle torque coefficient, hydrodynamic
plane of rotation (See Figure 4-21 and Figure (KSH) [-]
4-10). It is positive when opposite to the direc- The hydrodynamic spindle torque, QSH, ex-
tion of ahead rotation. This angle is the same as pressed in coefficient form:
the warp. The skew angle at the blade tip is of- K S H =Q S H / ( ρ n 2 D 5)
ten used as a measure of the skew-back of a pro-
peller. where ρ is the mass density of the fluid, n is the
Skew-back (-) [L] rate of propeller rotation, and D is the propeller
The displacement of any blade section along diameter.
the pitch helix measured from the generator Spindle torque index, hydrodynamic () [-]
line to the reference point of the section (See The hydrodynamic spindle torque, QSH, ex-
Figure 4-10). Positive skew-back is opposite to pressed in coefficient form:
the direction of ahead motion of the blade sec-
tion. Also called skew.
QS H / ( 12 ρ ( V 2
A + ( 0.7 n D )
) ( π D3 / 4 )
Skew-induced rake where ρ is the density of the fluid, VA is the
See: Rake, skew induced. speed of advance, n is the rate of propeller rota-
Slipstream tion, and D is the diameter. This form of the
See: Race. spindle torque coefficient is useful when
Span (b) [L] presenting propeller spindle torque character-
The distance from tip to tip of a hydrofoil. The istics over a range of advance coefficient ex-
distance from root to tip is the semi-span. (See tending from zero (VA = 0) to infinity (n = 0).
Figure 4-22). Usually presented as a function of
Speed of advance (VA) [LT-1]
The translational speed of the propeller in rela- β *= tan −1 ⁡ ( V A / ( 0.7 n π D ) )
tion to the body of water into which it is advan- Stacking line
cing. See also: Performance Section. Synonymous with generator line. Also used to
Spindle axis denote the blade reference line.
The axis about which a controllable-pitch pro- Static thrust coefficient
peller blade is rotated to achieve a change in See: Thrust coefficient, static
pitch. Steerable ducted propeller
Spindle torque (QS) [ML2T-2] See: Propeller Types.
The torque acting about the spindle axis of a Suction side
controllable-pitch propeller blade resulting The low pressure side of a propeller blade.
from the hydrodynamic and centrifugal forces Synonymous with the back of the propeller
exerted on the blade. This torque is positive if blade. Analogous to the upper surface of a
tends to rotate the blade toward a higher posit- wing. (see Figure 4-14)
ive pitch.
Supercavitating propeller unity, i.e. no diffusion or contraction, the limit
See: Propeller Types. is 21/3 = 1.26; ρ is the fluid density, D propeller
Tangential induced velocity diameter, PD delivered power; KT and KQ are
See: Induced velocity, tangential. the thrust and torque coefficients respectively
Taylor’s advance coefficient (which see).
See: Advance coefficient, Taylor’s Thrust index (CT*) [-]
Taylor’s power coefficient (BU, BP) The thrust, T, produced by the propeller ex-
See: Power coefficient, Taylor’s. pressed in coefficient form:
Thickness, local (tX) [L] * T
The thickness of a propeller blade section at 1 2 2 2
ρ ( V A + ( 0.7 n D ) ) ( π D / 4 )
any location along the X axis of the section ref- 2
erence system, generally measured in the direc- where ρ is the density of fluid, VA is the speed
tion normal to the chord line. (See Figure 4-7). of advance, n is the rate of rotation and D is the
Thickness, maximum (t) [L] propeller diameter. This form of the thrust
The maximum thickness of a propeller blade coefficient is useful when presenting propeller
section, generally measured in the direction thrust characteristics over a range of advance
normal to the chord line. (See Figure 4-7). coefficients from zero (VA = 0) to infinity (n =
Thickness ratio (δ) [-] 0). Usually presented as a function of
The ratio of the maximum thickness, t, of a foil
section to the chord length, c, of that section. β *=t a n−1 ( V A / ( 0.7 π n D ) ) .
Thrust (T) [MLT-2]
Thrust loading coefficient (CTh) [-]
The force developed by a screw propeller in the
The thrust, T, produced by the propeller ex-
direction of the shaft.
pressed in coefficient form:
Thrust breakdown
T KT 8
The phenomenon of loss of thrust due to ex- C T h= = 2
ρ 2 π D2 J π
cessive cavitation on a subcavitating type pro- V
2 A 4
peller. The torque absorbed by the propeller is
affected similarly and is called torque break- where ρ is the mass density of the fluid, VA is
down. Both the thrust and torque coefficient the speed of advance, D is the propeller dia-
may increase slightly above noncavitating val- meter, ( the symbol CTS is used when this coeffi-
ues near the initial inception of cavitation. In cient is based on ship speed instead of speed of
general, the changes in thrust and torque are advance).
such that propeller efficiency is reduced. Where KT and J are the thrust and advance
Thrust coefficient (KT) [-] coefficient respectively (which see).
The thrust, T, produced by propeller expressed Thruster
in coefficient form: A propulsion device for zero or low speed
2 4 manoeuvring of vessels.
K T =T / ( ρ n D )
Torque (Q) [ML2T-2]
where ρ is the mass density of the fluid, n is the The torque delivered to the propeller aft of all
rate of propeller rotation, and D is the propeller bearings.
diameter. Torque breakdown
Thrust coefficient, static () [-] See: Thrust breakdown.
A figure of merit for comparing the relative Torque coefficient (KQ) [-]
performance of propulsion devices at zero The torque, Q, delivered to the propeller ex-
speed given by the equation: pressed in coefficient form:
= 2 K Q=
ρ n2 D 5
( ρ π / 2) ( PD D ) ( K Q ) 21
3 3 3 3
where ρ is the density of the fluid, n is the rate
The ideal upper limit for unducted screw pro- of propeller rotation, and D is the propeller dia-
pellers is 1.0, while for ducted propellers the meter.
upper limit depends upon the area ratio of the Torque index (CQ*) [-]
down stream diffuser. When the area ratio is
The torque, Q, absorbed by the propeller ex-
pressed in coefficient form:
* Q
1 2 2 3
ρ ( V A+ ( 0.7 n D ) ) ( π D / 4 )

where ρ is the density of fluid, VA is the speed

of advance, n is the rate of rotation and D is the
diameter. This form of the torque coefficient is
useful when presenting propeller torque charac-
teristics over a range of advance coefficients
from zero (VA = 0) to infinity (n = 0). Usually
presented as a function of
β *=t a n−1 ( V A / ( 0.7 π n D ) ) .

Total rake
See: Rake, total.
Trailing edge [-]
Blade edge opposite to the inflow under normal
operating conditions starting from the blade
root and ending at the blade tip. ( See Figure 4-
Variable pitch
See: Pitch, variable.
Velocity, induced
See: Induced velocity (axial, tangential, and
Ventilated propeller
See: Propeller Types.
Vertical-axis propeller
Synonymous with cycloidal propeller. See:
Propeller Types.
Warp () [-]
Synonymous with skew angle.
See: Set-back.
See: Set-back.
See: Set-back.
Water jet
A form of propulsion in which water is taken
into hull of the ship by means of ducting and
energy is imparted to the water with a pump.
The water is then ejected astern through a
The rotation of a propeller caused by flow past
the propeller without power being applied to
the propeller shaft. This action may take place
while the ship is moving under its own mo-
mentum, while it is being towed, or while it is
being propelled by other means of propulsion.
U A (r)

UT (r)

α E (r)

Chord line extended

VX (r,θ)

αG (r,θ) φ (r)


(ωr-Vθ (r,θ))

Figure 4-1: Typical velocity diagram for a propeller blade section at radius r

Figure 4-2: Expanded area of a propeller blade

Figure 4-3: Propeller Blade

Figure 4-4: Propeller blade outline

Figure 4-5: Propeller blade section

Figure 4-6: Unrolled generic propeller blade section

Figure 4-7: Blade section characteristics

Figure 4-8: View of unrolled cylindrical section at radius r of a right-handed propeller (looking down) showing
subdivisions of the Chord, Skewback and Rake.

Figure 4-9: Portion of an expanded blade of a right handed propeller, showing Chord subdivision.

Reference point of blade Pitch angle

root section and of section
propeller reference line at radius r
Blade root section φ
Propeller plane Y
Plane of rotation Z

Rake ( iG )
Intersection of generator line
and cylinder at radius r
rake ( iT )
Blade section
at radius r
Skew induced Plane containing shaft axis

rake ( iS ) and propeller reference line


r θs θ s = skew angle

Intersection of blade
reference line (locus of blade
section reference points)
and cylinder at radius r

Figure 4-10: View of unrolled cylindrical sections at blade root and at any radius r of a right-handed propeller
(looking down) showing recommended position of propeller plane.

Figure 4-11: Hub diametres

Figure 4-12: Hub length

Figure 4-13: Leading and Trailing edges of a propeller blade

Figure 4-14: Propeller blade surfaces

Figure 4-15: Screw propeller

Figure 4-16: Propeller disk, looking forward

Figure 4-17: Propeller radius

Figure 4-18: Propeller reference system, cylindrical, looking forward

Figure 4-19: Propeller reference system, rectangular

Generator line
Propeller reference line
Propeller plane

Blade reference
line θ

iG Reference point
of root section

Propeller hub
Forward Hub
Down radius

Shaft axis

Figure 4-20: Diagram showing recommended reference lines (looking to port)

Propeller reference line

and generator line
Blade reference line
(locus of blade section
reference points)
Projected blade
Trailing edge θs

r Leading edge
Propeller hub

Reference point
of root section
Shaft axis Starboard

Figure 4-21: Diagram showing recommended reference lines (looking forward)

Figure 4-22: Foil span

Regrowth, after initial collapse, of a transient
CAVITATION cavity that contains considerable permanent
In this section the term cavitation is defined as gas, due to energy storage in the compressed
the process of formation of the vapour of liquid gas. Several growth and rebound cycles have
when it is subjected to reduced pressure at con- sometimes been observed.
stant ambient temperature. It is used in the en- Bubble surface stability
gineering context of liquid flow around bodies The stability of the bubble surface. Expanding
generally and, in particular, screw-propellers bubbles are stable. Collapsing bubbles are un-
and hydrofoils. stable, being subject to Taylor instability (light
fluid accelerated toward a heavier fluid) or dis-
Acceleration zone tortions produced by body forces in a pressure
In the sequence of cavitation erosion, the zone gradient.
of the curve of weight loss versus time in Cavitating flow
which a rapid increase in weight loss occurs A two-phase flow composed of a liquid and its
(the region between the incubation zone and vapour is called a cavitating flow when the
the deceleration zone which see). Formerly phase transition is a result of a hydrodynamic
called the Accumulation zone. pressure change.
Air content Cavitating wakes
The term used loosely to describe gas content Cavitation that occurs in the low pressure cores
(which see) when gas content is composed of of the turbulent eddies which make up the
components of air in the liquid. wake of a moving body.
Air content ratio Cavitation
See: Gas content ratio. In the most engineering contexts, cavitation is
Attached cavities defined as the process of formation of the va-
Term applied to cavitation region with fairly pour phase of a liquid when it is subjected to
well defined line of attachment to the body reduced pressure at constant ambient temperat-
about which it is formed. It may be a Fully de- ure. In general, a liquid is said to cavitate when
veloped cavity or Partial cavity (which see). vapour bubbles are observed to from and grow
Back cavitation as a consequence of pressure reduction. (See
Cavitation occurring on the suction side (back) also: Vaporous cavitation and Gaseous cavita-
of a propeller blade. tion).
Base-vented flow or bodies Cavitation damage
Flow in which the body has a fully ventilated, Deformation and/or erosion of materials in
blunt trailing edge while the body itself is fully cavitated regions, associated primarily with the
wetted. high pressures developed during cavity col-
Bubble collapse lapse.
The final phase in the life history of a transient Cavitation inception
cavitation bubble that enters an increasing pres- Inception of cavitation takes place when nuclei
sure field collapses and, unless containing con- subjected to reduced pressure reach critical size
siderable foreign gas, disappears. The total life and grow explosively. It is generally described
of a transient cavitation bubble is measured in by the ambient pressure at which cavitation
times of the order of milliseconds, starts, or more precisely, by the Critical cavita-
Bubble growth tion number (which see).
The initial phase in the life history of a cavita-
tion bubble in which a nucleus become un-
stable under a pressure reduction and grows ex-
plosively (vaporous cavitation) or which grows
under quasi-equilibrium conditions by diffu- Cavitation number (σ) [-]
sion of gas (gaseous cavitation).
Bubble rebound

The ratio of the difference between absolute Cavity thickness (δC) [L]
ambient pressure p and cavity pressure pC to Maximum dimension of a fully developed cav-
the free stream dynamic pressure q: ity normal to the length dimension.
p− p C Visible light produced in the gas vapour of cav-
q ities in an ultrasonic field (see: Sono-lumines-
When the cavity pressure is assumed to be the cence) caused by chemical reactions associated
vapour pressure pV the term is generally called with high pressure and/or temperatures.
Vapour cavitation number (which see as Cavit- Choked flow
ation number, vapour). This is defined as the flow condition in which
Cavitation number, critical the drag of a body is directly proportional to
Often used as an alternate to Inception cavita- the square of the upstream velocity and is not a
tion number (which see as Cavitation number, function of the cavitation number. The pressure
inception). coefficient at any point on the body is inde-
Cavitation number, inception(σI) [-] pendent of the cavitation number.
The inception cavitation number σI is the value Choking cavitation number
of the cavitation number σ at which the incep- This is defined as that value of σ at which a ter-
tion of cavitation occurs in a flowing system. minal, minimum value of the drag coefficient is
found for a cavitating body.
When σI > σ, cavitation will not occur; thus σI
Collapse pressure (pAC) [L-1MT-2]
is the characteristic of the flow geometry while
The pressure produced in the field of a col-
σ is characteristic of the liquid gas system. (In
lapsing cavitation bubble estimated to be of the
practical system, the definition of σ is usually order of thousands of atmospheres at the min-
based on the vapour pressure.) Sometimes also imum radius reached before the process stops
called Critical cavitation number (which see as or rebound begins.
Cavitation number, critical). Critical cavitation number
Cavitation number, vapour (σV) [-] See: Cavitation number critical.
The ratio of the difference between absolute Critical pressure (pAI) [L-1MT-2]
ambient pressure p and vapour pressure pV to The absolute pressure at which cavitation in-
the free stream dynamic pressure q: ception takes place, in either a flowing system
p− pV or an imposed pressure field (as in ultrasonic
σV =
q cavitation). In turbulent flow, the critical pres-
sure will be a function of the average hydro-
See also: Cavitation number.
dynamic pressure and the pressure fluctuations
Cavity drag (DC) [LMT-2]
associated with turbulence. Sometimes also
The energy expended in forming a fully-
called Inception pressure. (See also: Gaseous
developed cavity, which cannot be recovered at
and Vaporous cavitation.)
cavity closure and hence is exhibited as drag on
the body. It is equal to the energy in the re-
Critical velocity (UI) [LT-1]
entrant jet which is dissipated.
In a flowing system (or its equivalent: a body
Cavity length (lC) [L]
moving through a liquid), the free stream velo-
The streamwise dimension of a fully developed
city at which cavitation inception takes place in
cavitating region, extending from its leading
a field of constant ambient pressure. In a turbu-
edge (point of attachment) to the point of clos-
lent flow, the critical velocity is also dependent
on the velocity fluctuations associated with tur-
bulence. Sometimes also called Inception velo-
Cavity pressure (pC) [L-1MT-2]
Actual pressure within a steady (or quasi-
Deceleration zone
steady) cavity. Approximately equal to the sum
In the sequence of cavitation erosion, the zone
of the partial pressure of vapour and other
of the curve of weight loss versus time in
gases diffused and entrained into the cavity.
which the rate of weight loss decrease (the re- equal to both the dissolved and undissolved
gion following the acceleration zone, which gas. “Free” and “entrained” gas content are al-
see). Formerly called the Attenuation zone. ternate terms for undissolved gas content, but
Desinent cavitation the latter term is preferred.
Cavitation under conditions of pressure and ve- Gas content of the saturated liquid (αS)
locity such that cavitation will be suppressed The gas content of the saturated liquid at stand-
by a slight change in the ambient conditions: ard temperature and pressure.
pressure increase and /or velocity reduction. Gas content ratio (aS) [-]
Electrolytic effects The ratio of the content (dissolved and undis-
Enhancement of cavitation erosion by electro- solved) in a test liquid to the gas content of the
chemical interactions due to local differences saturated liquid at standard temperature and
in the liquid or metal structure. pressure: a S =α / α S
Entrained gas content Gas injection, protection by
See: Gas content. Small amounts of gas injected into the cavitat-
Face cavitation ing region to reduce the pressure through a
Cavitation occurring on the pressure side (face) “cushioning” effect during compression by the
of a propeller blade. It is generally a result of collapsing cavitation bubbles.
operation such that the local blade angle of at- Gaseous cavitation
tack is excessively negative. Depending upon the magnitude of the pressure
Foam cavitation reduction and the rate of application, a bubble
A cavitated region formed entirely of a mass of may grow slowly by diffusion gas into the nuc-
transient cavities so as to resemble foam leus (which see) and contain mostly gas rather
(formerly called burbling cavitation). than vapour. Such bubble growth is defined as
Free gas content gaseous cavitation. Such cavitation may occur
See: Gas content. at pressure greater or less than vapour pressure
Free streamline flow aided by the process of Rectified diffusion
Fully developed cavity flow. For steady flows, (which see).
the cavity walls are stream surfaces of the flow
with the unique feature that the pressure is con-
stant on the free streamlines. The term origin- Hub cavitation
ates in the mathematical problem that the See: Hub vortex cavitation.
boundaries are “free” to be determined by the Hub vortex cavitation
known condition of constant pressure. Cavitation in the vortex produced by the blades
of a propeller at the hub.
Fully developed cavity Hysteresis, cavitation
A cavity formed on a body which terminates Difference between critical cavitation numbers
sufficiently far downstream so that the flow at for incipient and desinent cavitation. Also, the
the downstream region does not influence the difference between the angle of attack of a lift-
body itself. For example, the cavity is fully de- ing surface for initiation or fully developed
veloped when the re-entrant jet formed at the cavitation during angle of attack increase and
downstream end of the cavity is dissipated the much lower angle of attack at which a fully
without impinging on the body. See also: Su- developed cavity can still be maintained once it
percavitating flows. has been formed.
Gas content (α) Inception of cavitation
The gas content of a liquid may be in either a See: Cavitation inception.
dissolved or undissolved state. The quantity of Inception cavitation number
dissolved gas will vary according to Henry’s See: Cavitation number, inception.
law, but it is now generally agreed that cavita- Inception pressure
tion inception is associated with the gas con- See: Critical pressure.
tained in nuclei in an undissolved state (see: Inception velocity
Nuclei and Nucleation). Total gas content is
See: Critical velocity. See: cavitation inception
Incipient cavitation Orange peel surface appearance
Cavitation which just begins with a slight Description of a surface moderately damaged
change in ambient conditions: pressure de- by the cavitation in which the appearance is
crease and/or velocity increase. that of the surface of the Jaffa or California or-
Incubation zone ange.
In the sequence of cavitation erosion, the initial Partial cavities
zone of the curve of weight loss versus time in Quasi-steady cavities that extend only partially
which the material undergoes changes (e.g. along the bodies about which they are formed.
work hardening in ductile metals) due to re- Pitted surface appearance
peated bubble collapse pressures, but in which Description of a surface damaged by cavitation
the material suffers little or no weight loss. in which pits are formed either by crater-like
Intensity damage deformation (especially as in lead) without loss
The power absorbed per unit eroded area of a of material or by actual loss of material follow-
specimen undergoing erosion. ing work hardening or fatigue.
Intermittent cavitation Propeller-hull vortex cavitation
A type of cavitation that respectively originates Propeller tip vortex cavitation that extends in-
and disappears from a discrete point on a solid termittently to the surface of hull.
Internal jets
Jets sometimes formed by the unsymmetrical Protective coating
collapse of transient cavities. Also sometimes Metallic and non-metallic materials applied to
called microjets. reduce surface damage by cavitation. They may
be welded, sprayed or bonded to the surface.
Jet cavitation Pseudo cavitation
Cavitation formed in the low pressure eddies Growth and collapse of gas filled bubbles
associated with the turbulent fluctuations in the whose size is at all times in static equilibrium
high shear region of jet flows. with the surrounding pressure field.
Laminar cavitation Pulsating cavity
See: Sheet cavitation. A “pulsating” cavity is a ventilated cavity
Microjets which exhibits self excited oscillations of the
See: Internal jets. cavity surface as a resonance phenomenon of
Non-stationary cavities the gas-liquid (cavity-jet) system; i.e. for self
Free-streamline (cavitating) flows in which the sustained oscillations, the frequency of the
cavity size is a function of time. The cavity sur- volume changes due to travelling surface
face is a boundary surface, but not necessarily a waves on the cavity wall (and, hence, corres-
stream surface. Cavities trailing a body enter- ponding pressure changes) must be equal to the
ing a water surface are characteristic of non- natural frequency of the gas liquid system.
stationary cavities. Rate of weight loss
Nucleation The primary criterion for cavitation erosion.
The process of formation of nuclei in liquid. The weight loss per unit time from a test speci-
Also, sometimes used to refer to the process of men.
stabilisation of nuclei to account for their per- Rectified diffusion
sistence in undersaturated and saturated liquids. Term applied to the net mass transport into a
Nucleus, nuclei bubble of gas dissolved in a saturated liquid
Small bubbles, often sub-microscopic in size, when the liquid is subjected to an oscillating
containing permanent gas and/or the vapour of pressure field.
the liquid, which are required for inception of Re-entrant jets
cavitation at the pressure near vapour pressure. The re-entrant (upstream) flow at the trailing
(See also: Nucleation). edge of steady (quasi-steady) cavities. Also, the
Onset cavitation re-entrant flow associated with the closure of
non stationary cavities formed about missiles Streak cavitation
entering a water surface. Narrow quasi-steady cavities formed about ex-
Root cavitation crescences or isolated roughness near the lead-
Cavitation in the low-pressure region of the ing edge of a hydrofoil or other body. Such
blade roots on a marine propeller. cavitation may also be associated with pressure
Screening effect variations in unstable laminar boundary layers.
Effect associated with the “screening” of nuclei Stream nuclei
by the pressure gradient about the body to Undissolved gas nuclei existing in a stabilised
which the nuclei are being convected, thus de- condition (either on dust particles or otherwise)
termining which nuclei will be repelled from which are convected by the stream into regions
and which nuclei will be swept into regions of low pressure where they form cavitation
where the pressure are such as to enable cavita- sources.
tion inception to take place. Supercavitating flows
Sheet cavitation Cavity flows in which attached, fully de-
A term applied to describe relatively thin, veloped cavities extend beyond the trailing
steady or quasi-steady cavities. (Also, formerly edge of the body about which the cavity is
called laminar cavitation) formed. (See also: Attached cavities and Fully
developed cavities).
Sono-luminescence Supercavitation
Visible light produced in the gas or vapour of Term sometimes used as synonymous with Su-
cavities generated in the alternating pressure of percavitating flow (which see).
an ultrasonic field. This phenomenon is be- Superventilation; Superventilated flow
lieved to be associated with high temperatures Terms analogous to Supercavitating flow to de-
resulting from compression of the gases within note a ventilated flow in which the cavity ex-
the bubble. tends beyond the trailing edge of the body
Spongy surface appearance about which the cavity is formed.
Description of a surface badly damaged by Thoma number (Th)[-]
cavitation in which erosion has taken place to a The ratio of the difference between total head
considerable depth and has the appearance of a and the vapour pressure (upstream of the im-
sponge. This description is particularly charac- peller of rotating machinery) to the total head
teristic of brittle materials and other materials produced or absorbed by the machine.
after long exposure. Tip cavitation
Spot cavitation Surface cavitation which occurs near the tip
A general term for narrow quasi-steady cavities propeller blade.
attached to a surface. Tip vortex cavitation
Steady quasi-steady cavities Cavitation occurring in the low-pressure core
Cavitating flow may be composed of individual of the tip vortex of a hydrofoil or propeller.
transient cavities or of large cavities attached to Total gas content
the body on which cavitation has been induced See: Gas content.
(particularly if the detachment point is sharply Trailing vortex cavitation
defined, as for hydrofoil with sharp leading Persisting cavitation in the low-pressure core of
edge). The envelope of the bubbles in the trailing vortices downstream of hydrofoils or
former case and the cavities in the latter case propellers. (See also: Tip vortex cavitation and
are quasi-steady in the sense that envelope or Hub vortex cavitation).
cavity surface is stationary on a temporal aver- Transient cavities
age. Cavitation bubbles that grow from nuclei,
Steady zone sometimes oscillate (if containing a high
In the sequence of cavitation erosion, the final volume of permanent gas component) and
zone of the curve of weight loss versus time, in eventually collapse and disappear.
which the rate of weight loss is nearly constant. Trapped gas
(Also called steady-state zone).
Undissolved gas trapped in the cavities of for- weight loss by using the density of the speci-
eign particles or the crevices of the boundary men material.
under study. Vortex cavitation
Unsteady cavities See: Hub vortex cavitation, Tip vortex cavita-
Attached cavities which alternately grow (re- tion and Trailing vortex cavitation.
sembling steady cavities at any instant) – ex- Wall nuclei
tending downstream from the point of attach- The undissolved gas nuclei which may exist in
ment and collapse (i.e. sudden reduction in equilibrium in the crevices of the boundary
length), presumably by cyclic filling by the re- wall material.
entrant flow and subsequent re-evaporation.
Vapour cavitation number Weight loss (WL)
See: Cavitation number, vapour. [LMT-2]
Vaporous cavitation Weight of material actually eroded from a spe-
A nucleus (which see) that grows explosively cimen during a specified time while undergo-
(after reaching critical size) contains mostly va- ing erosion damage. The most widely used
pour phase, the diffusion time being too short measure of cavitation damage.
for any significant increase in gas volume. This
process, which depends upon evaporation of
the liquid into the growing bubble, is a true
cavitation and is called vaporous cavitation,
For such cavitation to occur, pressure below
vapour pressure are required.
Ventilated flow
A ventilated flow is one in which a “cavity” is
formed entirely with air (or other permanent
Process by which a ventilated flow is formed
and maintained. Natural ventilation is applied
to a ventilated flow which derives a continuous
flow of gas by means of the pressure created by
the flow itself, as from the free surface in the
case of a surface piercing, ventilated strut.
Forced ventilation is applied to a ventilated
flow in which the permanent gas is continu-
ously supplied into the cavity by auxiliary
means such as a pump.
Ventilation inception
Ventilation inception is defined as the condi-
tion at which air (or permanent gas) is drawn
into the low-pressure region in a non-cavitating
flow, from an external source, as at the free
surface of a liquid.
Ventilation index
The ratio of the volumetric air feed rate to the
product of free stream velocity and an area pro-
portional to the cavity cross sectional dimen-
sion or to some typical body dimension.
Volume loss (VL) [L3]
An alternative criterion to weight loss for as-
sessing cavitation damage, often derived from
SEAKEEPING An involuntary and dangerous change of head-
In this section the term seakeeping covers, in ing produced by a severe following sea.
general, the behaviour and performance of a Celerity
ship in a seaway including, in particular, ship See: Wave speed.
motions and the sea states which cause them. Coherency
A measured of the linear dependency of two
Added mass [M] random functions of time, or space, analogous
The total hydrodynamic force, per unit acceler- to a correlation coefficient.
ation, exerted on a ship or other body in phase Coupling
with and proportional to the acceleration. Influence of one mode of motion on another
Added mass coefficient (Aij) [-] mode of motion, for instance, coupling
A non-dimensional coefficient expressing ad- between heave and pitch.
ded mass (which see) in ith mode due to jth mo- Covariance
tion. Average of squares of the deviations from the
Amplitude mean value.
Extreme value of a sinusoidal quantity with re- Cross-correlation
spect to the mean value. The correlation between two random functions
Angle of drift or sideslip of time, or pace, with one shifted in relation to
See: Drift or sideslip, angle of. the other by a “lag” τ.
Angle of heel or list Damping
See: Heel or list, angle of. A characteristic property of a dynamic system,
Angle, leeway which dissipates energy and reduces the mo-
See: Drift or sideslip, angle of. tion.
Angle, pitch Damping coefficient
See: Pitch angle. Ratio of damping force or moment amplitude
Angle, roll as a function of frequency.
See: Roll angle. Drift
Angle of trim That motion, or component of motion, caused
See: Trim, angle of by some action other than that of the main
Angle of wave direction propulsion devices of a ship, such as wind,
See: Wave direction, angle of waves, current and like. See also: Sideslip.
Angle of wave encounter Drift or sideslip, angle of (β) [-]
See: Wave encounter, angle of The horizontal angle between the instantaneous
Angle, yaw direction of motion of the centre of gravity of a
See: Yaw angle. ship and its longitudinal axis. It is positive in
Apparent the positive sense of rotation about the vertical
Referring to wave characteristics, a visible body’s axis.
property of an irregular wave record as distin- Emergence () [L]
guished from a property of the components The relative vertical distance of a part (usually
waves. Thus, an apparent wave height is a par- the bow) of an oscillating ship above the water
ticular peak-to-trough distance. surface; opposite to submergence.
Auto correlation
The correlation between a random function of Factor, magnification
time, or space, and the same function shifted in The ratio of the output amplitude at a certain
time, or space, by a specified “lag” τ. The nor- frequency to the static response.
malised auto correlation function is the auto co- Factor, tuning (Λ) [-]
variance divided by the variance. Ratio of excitation frequency to natural fre-
Bilge keel quency or ratio of natural period of a motion to
See: Ship geometry section under Keel.

period of encounter. The tuning factor in heave, Frequency of wave encounter, circular (ωE)
pitch and roll have the symbol [T-1]
ωE ωE ωE
ΛZ = Λθ = Λφ = 2π
ωZ ωθ ωφ ωE = =2 π f E
TZ Tθ Tφ Frequency, natural, of heave, pitch or roll of
ΛZ = Λθ = Λφ = a ship (fZ, fθ, or fϕ) [T-1]
The frequency of the periodic heaving, pitching
respectively or rolling motion of a ship.
Flare Frequency, natural circular, of heave, pitch
See: Ship Geometry Section. or roll (ωZ, ωθ or ωϕ) [T-1]
Force, damping Frequency, natural circular, of heave, pitch or
A force which tends to reduce the motion and, roll has the following definitions respectively:
if assumed to be linear, is proportional to the 2π 2π , and 2π , where TZ , Tθ and Tϕ are
velocity. ,
Force exciting
TZ Tθ Tφ
A fluctuating external force that causes motion the natural periods (which see).
of body, as for instance, a ship when encoun- Green water
tering a train of waves. Water shipped on the deck of a ship in heavy
Force, restoring seas, as distinct from spray.
A force tending to return a body to its initial Group velocity
condition when displaced by an external force. The average rate of advance of the energy of a
Freeboard (f) [L] finite train of gravity waves.
See: Ship Geometry Section. Gyradius (radius of gyration) (kX, kXX, kY,
Frequency (f) [T-1] kYY, kZ, kZZ) [L]
The number of cycles occurring per unit of The square root of the ratio of mass moment of
time. inertia (referred to body axes) to the mass of a
Frequency, circular (ω) [T-1] body. See General Section for body axes under
In any cyclic motion, or in any periodic motion Axes, co-ordinate.
which may be represented by a cyclic motion, Harmonic
the circular frequency is the angular velocity. If Sinusoidal, in referring to a function or motion.
ω is in radiant per second, then Heading (ψ) [ ]
2 π and ω The instantaneous direction of the projection of
ω= f= the forward longitudinal axis of a ship in a ho-
T 2π
where T is the period and f is the frequency. rizontal plane, defined by degrees of the com-
Frequency of wave (fW) [T-1] pass or degrees azimuth. See also Figure 7-7.
The number per unit time of successive crests Heaving
of a train of waves at a fixed angle of en- The vertical oscillatory motion of a specified
counter, µ; the reciprocal of the wave period point in a vessel, usually the centre of gravity.
TW . Although the heaving of a ship is a motion
Frequency of wave encounter (fE) [T-1] which is confined to operation in waves, it is
The number per unit time of successive crests possible with a high-speed planing craft for
of a train of waves meeting a fixed point of a such motion to occur in calm water under some
ship, at a fixed angle of encounter, µ; the recip- conditions. (See Porpoising)
rocal of the period of encounter TE. In deep wa- Heave to
ter: To maintain control of a ship, especially in ex-
tremely heavy weather, with minimum possible
2π 2 speed through the water.
f E= f W + V f W co s μ
g Heel or list
where fW is wave frequency and V ship speed.
A steady inclination of a ship about a longitud- The summation of products of elementary
inal axis; to be distinguished from rolling, masses and the squares of their distances from
which is an oscillatory motion. the respective body axes through the centre of
Heel or list, angle of (φ) [-] gravity – equal to the mass times the square of
The angle, measured about a longitudinal axis, the gyradius or radius of gyration (which see).
between a static inclined position of a ship and See General Section for body axes under Axes,
its normal upright position. co-ordinate.
Hydroelasticity Moment, pitching
Analogous to aeroelasticity. The study of the Exciting moment in pitch.
interaction between the inertial, hydrodynamic Moment, restoring or righting
and elastic forces in a structure subjected to hy- A moment tending to return a body to its initial
drodynamic loading. Divided into dynamic hy- condition after being displaced by an external
droelasticity, where these three forces are co- moment.
existent, or static hydroelasticity where inertial Moment, rolling
forces are absent. Exciting moment in roll.
Impact Moment, stabilising
The sudden contact of body or ship, or any part Moment associated with a displacement from a
thereof, with the surface of a liquid. position of equilibrium and tending to decrease
Leeway this displacement.
The down wind or down sea motion of a ship. Moment, wave bending, horizontal or lateral
More specifically, the lateral distance the ship (MB3 or ML, formerly MBH) [L2MT-2]
has been forced off the desired path. That part of the inertial lateral bending moment
Leeway angle acting on a cross section of a hull which is
See: Drift, angle of. caused by the action of waves and ship mo-
List tions.
See: Heel Moment, wave bending, vertical (MB2 or MN ,
Long crested seas formerly MBV) [L2MT-2]
A wave system in which all components ad- That part of the internal vertical bending mo-
vance in the same direction. ment acting on a cross section of a hull which
Lurch is caused by the action of waves and ship mo-
A more or less isolated large roll amplitude. tions.
Mass, added Moment, wave, torsional (MT or MT) [L2MT-
See: Added mass
Mass, added, coefficient That part of the internal torsional or twisting
See: Added mass coefficient. moment acting on a cross section of a hull
Moment, damping which is caused by the action of waves and
A moment which tends to reduce the motion ship motions.
and, if assumed to be linear, is proportional to Motions, ship
the angular velocity. The all inclusive term to describe the various
Moment, destabilising dynamic motions which may be made by a ship
A moment associated with a displacement from including the following which are defined sep-
a position of equilibrium and tending to in- arately:
crease this displacement. i.Rolling, Pitching and Yawing (angular)
Moment, exciting ii.Heaving, Surging and Swaying (translat-
A fluctuating external moment that causes mo- ory)
tion of a body or ship when encountering a These motions may occur while the ship is sta-
train of waves. tionary in the water or travelling through it.
Moments of inertia or roll, pitch and yaw Natural period of motions: heave, pitch, roll
moment of inertia (IX ,IXX, IY ,IYY, IZ ,IZZ) (TZ, Tθ, Tϕ) [Τ]
[L2M] The time for one complete cycle of the motion
resulting when a body or ship is displaced in
calm water from its equilibrium position by an The mean increase in power in wind and waves
external force, then released. as compared with the water at the same mean
Oscillator speed.
A mechanism used to impose a controlled, Pressure, impact
known, oscillatory motion on a body. Also A local pressure experienced by a hull when
used to describe any oscillatory body. subjected to impact with the water. Usually as-
Period (T) [T] sociated with slapping, slamming or pounding
The time for one complete cycle of a periodic (which see).
quantity or phenomenon. (See also: Natural Radius of gyration
period of motions). See: Gyradius.
Wave encounter period (TE) [T] Resistance in waves, mean increase in (RAW)
The time between successive crests of a train of [LMT-2]
waves passing a fixed point in a ship, at a fixed The mean increase in resistance in wind and
angle of encounter µ; the reciprocal of the fre- waves as compared with the still water resist-
quency of encounter fE (which see). ance at the same speed.
Phase angle (ει) [-] Resonance
The angle between two vector representing si- The dynamical condition of a simple, un-
nusoidal quantities of the same frequency. coupled system where the excitation frequency
Phase response operator is equal to the natural frequency.
Phase angle between output and input of a lin- Note: In a coupled system, the dynamic condi-
ear system performing forced motion, as a tion where the excitation frequency cor-
function of frequency. responds to the frequency of maximum
Pitch angle (θ) [-] response to unit exciting force over a
The angle, measured about the transverse body range of frequencies.
axis, between the instantaneous position of the Response
longitudinal axis of a ship when pitching The reaction of the system to an excitation.
(which see) and its position of rest. (Positive Response amplitude operator
bow up). The square of the ratio of response amplitude
Pitching to excitation amplitude of a forced harmonic
The angular component of the oscillatory mo- motion applied to a linear system, as a function
tion of a hull about a transverse axis. Although of frequency.
pitching of a ship is a motion confined to oper- Response function
ation in waves, it is possible with a high-speed A complex function of which the modulus is
planing craft for such motions to occur in calm equal to the response amplitude operator and
water under some conditions. (See: Porpoising) the argument is equal to the phase response op-
Porpoising erator.
The cyclic oscillation of a high-speed craft Revolutions, mean increase in rate of, in
primarily in calm water in which heaving mo- waves (nAW) [Revs. T-1]
tion is combined with pitching motion. The The mean absolute increase in rate of revolu-
motion is sustained by energy drawn from the tion (usually per minute), as compared with
thrust. those in smooth water, necessary to maintain
Pounding speed in wind and waves.
Described broadly as impacting between a wa- Roll angle (φ) [-]
ter surface and the side or bottom of a hull. The angle measured about the longitudinal
Pounding can perhaps be differentiated from body axis, between the instantaneous position
slamming in that the impact, while heavy, is of a ship when rolling (which see) and its nor-
not in the nature of a shock. (See: Slamming) mal upright position. (Positive starboard
Power in waves, mean increase in (PAW) down).
[L2MT-3] Rolling
The angular component of the oscillatory mo-
tion of a hull about a longitudinal axis.
Sea direction The steady state lowering of a ship’s position
Beam sea - A condition in which a ship and of flotation in the water; to be distinguished
waves, or the predominant wave compon- from heaving, which is an oscillatory motion.
ents, advance at right angles, or nearly so. Slamming
Bow sea - A condition in which a ship and A phenomenon described broadly as severe im-
the waves, or the predominant wave com- pacting between a water surface and the side or
ponents, advance at oblique angles. This bottom of a hull where the impact causes a
condition covers the direction between a shock-like blow. (See also: Pounding and
head sea and beam sea. Whipping).
Following sea - A condition in which ship Slapping
and the waves, or predominant wave com- A phenomenon described broadly as light im-
ponents, advance in the same, or nearly the pact between the water and the hull. A clas-
same direction. sification for impacts less severe than those as-
Head sea - A condition in which a ship and sociated with pounding. (See also: Pounding).
the waves, or the predominant components, Smith effect
advance in opposite, or nearly opposite dir- The difference between actual pressure at a
ections. point under a wave profile and the static pres-
Quartering sea - A condition in which a sure corresponding to the actual distance below
ship and the waves, or the predominant the surface.
wave components, advance at oblique
angles. This condition covers the directions
between a beam sea and a following sea. Spectral density, one dimensional (S(ω))
A function of frequency whose integral over
any interval represent the energy contribution
Seakeeping of all the component waves of a random func-
In general, a term covering the study of the be- tion in that interval; the Fourier transform of
haviour and performance of ship in a seaway. the auto-covariance function.
As an adjective, a term signifying a ship’s abil-
ity to maintain normal functions at sea. S ζ ( ω ) d ω=∑ ζ 2A n
Seakindliness dω 2
The quality of behaving comfortably in a sea-
way; that property of ship which produces easy 1 2
S θ ( ω ) d ω=∑ θ ζ A n
motions in a seaway. dω 2
Force, wave shearing, horizontal or lateral
(FL) [MLT-2]
The subscript n denotes a particular component
That part of the inertial lateral shearing force
acting on a cross section of a hull that is caused
Spectral density, two dimensional (S(ω,µ))
by the action of waves and ship motions.
A function of frequency and wave direction
Force, wave shearing, normal or vertical
whose integral over any interval represents the
(FN) [MLT-2]
energy contribution of all the component waves
That part of the inertial vertical shearing force
of a random function in that interval.
acting on a cross section of a hull that is caused
by the action of waves and ship motions.
Amplitude - A function of frequency whose
Short-crested sea
integral over any interval represents the
An irregular wave system in which the com-
squared amplitude of a wave at the central
ponents advance in various directions.
frequency having the same energy as all the
Sideslip, angle of
component waves in that interval.
See: Drift or sideslip, angle of.
Co-spectrum - The real part of a cross-
Significant wave height
spectrum (which see).
See: Wave height, significant.
Cross-spectrum - A complex function of The longitudinal oscillatory motion of a spe-
frequency expressing the mutual properties cified point in a ship, usually the centre of grav-
of two random functions; the Fourier trans- ity (or origin of body axes).
form of the cross-covariance function, The Swaying
real part, or co-spectrum, indicates the rela- The transverse oscillatory motion of a specified
tionship between in-phase frequency com- point in the ship, usually the centre of gravity.
ponents; the imaginary part, or quadrature Thrust in waves, mean increase in (TAW)
spectrum, indicates the relation between 90° [MLT-2]
out-of-phase frequency components. The mean increase in thrust, as compared with
Quadrature spectrum - The imaginary part that in smooth water, necessary to maintain
of a cross-spectrum. speed in wind and waves.
Speed loss Torque in waves, mean increase in (QAW)
The decrease in speed, as compared with that in [ML2T-2]
smooth water, caused directly by wind and The mean increase in torque as compared with
waves at a constant setting of the main propul- that in smooth water, necessary to maintain
sion plant. Usually speed loss is determined at speed in wind and waves.
constant power (turbine plant) or constant Transfer function
torque (diesel plant). See: Response function.
Speed reduction Transient
The decrease in speed, as compared with that in Irregular or non-harmonic, such as the free vi-
smooth water, caused mainly by reducing the bration of a damped mechanical system.
setting of the main propulsion plant in order to Trim
minimise the adverse effects ion the ship of The steady-state longitudinal angular position
wind and waves. of a ship; to be distinguished from pitching,
Springing which is an oscillatory motion.
The continuous ship-hull vibration induced by Trim, angle of (θ) [-]
the non-impulsive hydrodynamic forces acting The angle, measured about a horizontal axis,
on the ship hull. In particular, the vibratory re- between the position of the longitudinal axis of
sponse of the ship hull girder to short waves a ship at rest and the horizontal plane.
with frequencies of encounter close to the Virtual mass
lower structural modes of vibration of the ship. The combined effect of the mass of he ship and
See also: Whipping. added mass corresponding to the hydro-
Stabiliser dynamic forces in phase with and proportional
Equipment to reduce the rolling (or pitching) to the acceleration. (See also: Added mass.)
motions of a ship. Wave
Standard deviation A disturbance of the surface of a fluid that usu-
The square root of the average of the squares of ally progresses across the surface as the result
the deviations from the mean value; the square of circular or other local motions of the fluid
root of the variance. components. A standing wave is special case of
Steepness ratio, wave a wave that does not advance.
See: Wave steepness ratio. Amplitude (ζA) [L] - The radius of orbital
Stiffness motion of a surface wave particle, equal to
The property of a ship that causes a short one half of the wave height .
rolling period. Components - The infinity of infinitesimal
Submergence () [L] waves of different frequencies and direc-
The relative vertical distance of a part (usually tions which are found by spectral analysis to
the bow) of an oscillating ship below the water compose an irregular sea, or the large of fi-
surface; opposite to emergence. nite wave used to approximate such an ir-
Surging regular sea.

Direction, angle of (µ) [-] - The angle Slope of surface - The surface slope of a
between the direction of a component wave wave profile perpendicular to the crest in
and the x0 axis. space co-ordinate. Maximum wave slope of
Encounter, angle of (µ) [-] - The angle a regular harmonic or trochoidal wave is π/2
between the longitudinal axis of the ship and x steepness ratio.
the direction of the wave encounter. Speed celerity (cW) [LT-1] - The phase velo-
Encounter, period (TE) [T] - The time city of a surface gravity wave in deep water.
between successive crests of a train of
waves passing a fixed point in a ship, at a cW =
√ g LW

fixed angle of encounter µ; the reciprocal of
the frequency of encounter fE (which see). Steepness ratio - The ratio of wave height
Frequency (f) [T-1] The reciprocal of wave to length.
period = 1/T, or circular frequency = 2π/T. Train - A continuous sequence of wave
Height (HW) [L] - The vertical distance crests and hollows.
from wave crest to wave trough, or twice the Trochoidal - A profile closely approximat-
wave amplitude of a harmonic wave. ing that of a regular surface gravity wave in
Height, apparent (HWV) [L ] - The vertical a fluid; it can be geometrically constructed
distance between a successive crest and by tracing the path of a point on the radius
trough, estimated by visual observation. of a circle as the circle rolls along the under-
Height, significant (HW1/3)- The average side of a horizontal line.
apparent height of the 1/3 highest waves in Wetness
an irregular pattern. The quality of a part of the ship, usually the
Instantaneous elevation (η) [L] - The in- weatherdeck forward, with respect to its liabil-
stantaneous elevation of a point in a wave ity of being wet as a result of motions of ship
system above the level of the undisturbed and waves.
surface. Whipping
Length (LW, λ) [L] The horizontal distance The transient ship-hull vibration which is in-
between adjacent wave crests in the direc- duced by impulsive excitation forces. For ex-
tion of advance. ample, fore-bottom slamming, bow-flare slam-
Length, apparent ( ) [L] - The hori- ming, shipping of water and stern slamming.
L WV (See also: Springing).
zontal distance between adjacent wave Yaw, angle (χ) [-]
crests of an irregular sea in the direction of The angle, measured about the vertical body
advance. axis, between the instantaneous position of the
Number (κ) [L-1] longitudinal centreplane of a ship when yawing
(which see) and its mean heading. (Positive
2π 2π bow to starboard).
κ= or
λ LW Yawing
Period (TW) [T] - The time between the pas- The angular component of the oscillatory mo-
sage of two successive wave crests passed a tion of a hull about a vertical axis.
fixed point.
Period, apparent (TWV) [T] - The time
elapsing between the occurrence of two suc-
cessive crests of an irregular sea, or between
two successive upward crossing of zero in a
record, estimated by visual observation.
Profile - The elevation of the surface
particles of a wave plotted as a function of
space in a fixed time.

See: Neutral angle.
In this section the term Manoeuvrability is See: Pitch angle.
used to define the quality which determines Angle, roll
the ease with which the speed, attitude and dir- See: Roll angle
ection of motion of a ship or body can be Angle, rudder
changed or maintained by its control devices. See: Rudder angle and Rudder angle
Advance Angle, toe, of an offset rudder
The distance by which the centre of gravity The angle of a rudder, offset from the centre-
(CG) of a ship advances in the first quadrant plane, when in its zero lift or neutral position,
of a turn. It is measured parallel to the ap- it does not lie parallel to that plane. The rud-
proach path, from the CG position at rudder der “toes in” when its forward portion points
execute to the CG position where the ship has inward toward the centreplane. To avoid am-
changed heading by 90 degrees (See Figure 7- biguity the terms “trailing edge out” or “trail-
1). Maximum advance is the distance, meas- ing edge in” are often used.
ured parallel to the approach path from the CG Angle of trim
position at rudder execute to the tangent to the See: Trim, angle of.
path of the CG normal to the approach path. Angle, vertical path or angle, flight path
The first of these terms is that most commonly (θf) [-]
used. The vertical angle between the underwater
Advance maximum (in stopping) path of the centre of gravity of a submerged
The distance travelled by a ship, in the direc- body or submarine in motion and horizontal
tion of the approach path, before coming to plane through that centre. The path angle is a
rest after having executed a crash-back man- combination of the trim angle and the angle
oeuvre from a steady, straight-line motion of attack.
ahead; it is also called Headreach. (See Figure Angle, yaw
7-2). See also: Transfer, maximum (in stop- See: Yaw angle
ping). Approach speed
Angle of attack (α) [-] See: Speed, approach
The angle to the longitudinal body axis from Area, control surface
the projection into the principal plane of sym- See: Control surface area.
metry of the velocity of the origin of the body Area, lateral of the hull (AHL, formerly AL)
axes relative to the fluid, positive in the posit- [L2]
ive sense of rotation about the y-axis. (See: The area of the profile of the underwater hull
Axes, co-ordinate in General Section). of a ship when projected normally upon the
Angle, control surface vertical, longitudinal centreline, including the
See: Control surface angle. area of skegs, deadwood, ect. Usually areas
Angle, downwash or sidewash which lie abreast of one another, such as
See: Downwash or Sidewash angle. those of multiple skegs, are included once
Angle of drift or sideslip only. Lateral area can refer not only to the
See: Drift or sideslip, angle of whole body, but also to forebody, afterbody,
Angle of heel or list entrance, run, ect. Thus AHLF, AHLA, AHLE,
See: Heel or list, angle. AHLR, ect.
Angle of heel or roll, projected (or angle of Aspect ratio
attack in roll) (γ) [-] See: Ratio, aspect.
The angular displacement about the x0 axis of Centre of lateral area
the principal plane of symmetry from the ver- The centre of the lateral area of the immersed
tical, positive in the positive sense of rotation portion of a ship or body, taken generally in
about the x0 axis. (See: Axes, co-ordinate in the plane of symmetry.
General Section). Centre of lateral force
Angle, neutral The point in the plane of symmetry through
which the resultant force would act to pro-
duce an effect equal to that of the total lateral See: Ship geometry section
hydrodynamic force on a vessel. Derivatives, stability and control
Coefficient of lateral area (CAL, formerly The hydrodynamic forces and moments
CLA) [-] which enter into the equations of motion are
The ratio of the lateral area of the bare hull of usually classified into three categories: static,
a ship to the area of a rectangle having the ship rotary, and acceleration. The static derivat-
length L and a constant depth equal to draft TX ives are due to the components of linear velo-
at the station of maximum area. city of the body relative to the fluid. Rotary
Control devices derivatives are derived from angular velocity
Control devices comprise all the various of the body and acceleration derivatives are
devices that are used to control a body or ship, from either linear or angular acceleration of
such as control surfaces, thruster, jets, ect. the body.
Control surfaces Diameter, steady-turning
Control surfaces are the rudders, hydroplanes The diameter of the circular arc described by
and other hinged or movable devices used for the centre of gravity of a ship when it has
controlling the motion of a body or ship. achieved a steady-turning state.
Control surface angle (δFB, δR ect) [-] Diameter, tactical (See Figure 7-1)
The angular displacement of any control sur- The distance travelled by the centre of grav-
face about its hinge or stock, such as that of a ity of the ship normal to its original approach
bow fin δFB, or rudder δR. Positive hen turning path in turning through 180 degrees. Tactical
in the positive sense of rotation of the ship, re- diameter is equal to the transfer at 180 de-
gardless of the effect this angle may have on grees change of heading.
the ship. See also: Rudder angle. Directional stability
Control surface area ( AFB, AFS, AR, ect) [L2] See: Stability, directional.
The plan form area of any active or movable Downwash or sidewash
control surface, such as that of bow fins AFB, The deflection of a stream of fluid by any hy-
stern fins AFB or rudder AR, measured on the drofoil producing lift or thrust.
reference plane (generally the plane of sym- Downwash or Induced angle (αIND,
metry). See also: Rudder area. formerly ε) [-]
Course made good The angle of downwash (which see) meas-
The mean direction in which a ship is moving. ured in a plane through the nose-tail line of
This is defined by degrees of the compass or the hydrofoil and perpendicular to the hydro-
degree of azimuth in a horizontal plane. (See. foil axis.
Figure 7-7). Drag coefficient (CD) [-]
Course, steered (ψO) [-] A relationship between the drag D of a ship
The mean heading of a ship, defined by de- or body and the dynamic pressure times a
grees of the compass or degree of azimuth in a specified area. It is customary to express it as
horizontal plane (See Figure 7-7). . (See also: Drag and Drag coef-
Crash-back C D = D qA
A ship manoeuvre in which, while going ficient in Resistance Section).
ahead at normal or some other speed, the Drift
propulsion devices are reversed in the shortest That motion, or component of motion, caused
possible time. by some action other than that of the main
Cross force (C ) propulsion devices of a ship, such as wind,
See: Force, cross waves, current and the like. See also:
Cross force coefficient (CC) [-] Sideslip.
The ratio of the cross force C on a ship or Drift or sideslip, angle of (β) [-]
body to the force corresponding to the dy- The horizontal angle between the instantan-
namic pressure times a specified area. It is eous direction of motion of the centre of
customary to expressed it as . gravity of a ship and its longitudinal axis. It
C C = C qA
is positive in the positive sense of rotation
Deadwood about the vertical body axis.
Dynamic stability The angle, measured about a longitudinal
See: Stability dynamic. axis, between a static inclined position of a
Edges, leading and trailing ship and its normal upright position.
The upstream and downstream edges, respect- Lift coefficient (CL) [-]
ively, of a hydrofoil, propeller blade, rudder or A relationship between the lift force L de-
similar device. veloped by a ship or body and the dynamic
Fin pressure times a specified area. It is custom-
A fixed or movable hydrofoil, attached to a ary to express it as .
ship, generally in a longitudinal direction, to C L = L qA
improve the dynamic stability or the manoeuv- Manoeuvrability
rability, or to provide a lift force to windward, Manoeuvrability is that quality which de-
as in the fin keel of a sailing yacht. terminates the ease with which the speed, atti-
Force components, hydrodynamic (X,Y, Z) tude and direction of motion of a body can be
[LMT-2] changed or maintained by its control devices.
The components of the total hydrodynamic Manoeuvring
force on a body or ship as resolved along its The process of executing various voluntary
x-, y- and z-axes respectively. Related to the evolutions with a ship, such as starting, stop-
flow over the body, the components are the ping, backing, steering, turning, diving,
drag component, D or R, in the direction of the rising, circling, zigzagging, dodging and the
relative flow; the lift component, L, in the like.
principal plane of symmetry normal to the rel- Mass, added
ative flow; the cross force, C, on the body nor- See: Seakeeping Section.
mal to lift and drag. Mass, added, coefficient
Force, cross (C) [LMT-2] See: Seakeeping Section.
A force exerted on a body, a hydrofoil, or a Moment, turning
ship, with or without an angle of attack, at A moment applied to a ship to cause it to as-
right angles to both the direction of lift and the sume angular dynamic motion about a ver-
direction of drag. tical axis through the centre of gravity.
Note: This is to be carefully distinguished Moment, yaw (N) [L2MT-2]
from the lateral force; see: Force, sway. A hydrodynamic moment due to environ-
Force, sway (Y) [LMT-2] mental conditions acting on a ship which will
The component of the total hydrodynamic tend to produce yawing in the form of an an-
force exerted by liquid on a body, acting per- gular dynamic motion about the vertical or z-
pendicular to the plane of symmetry. Specific- axis through the centre of the ship.
ally, the force developed on a ship, acting nor- Neutral angle
mal to the plane of symmetry, when the ship is The angle between any characteristic line or
caused to move sidewise in a horizontal plane, plane of a body or ship and any other inter-
as in drifting, skidding or crabbing. secting line or plane taken as reference, when
Heading (ψ) [ ] the forces, moments or other actions on or by
The instantaneous direction of the projection the body or ship have a value of zero.
of the forward longitudinal axis of a ship in a Overshoot
horizontal plane, defined by degrees of the A state of motion of a body or liquid in
compass or degrees azimuth. See also Figure which, following a disturbance of the equilib-
7-7. rium conditions, the body or liquid returns to-
Headreach ward equilibrium and passes beyond it, be-
See: Advance, maximum (in stopping). cause of kinetic energy stored up in the sys-
Heel or list tem as it passes through the equilibrium posi-
A steady inclination of a ship about a longitud- tion (See Figure 7-6). See also: Zigzagging.
inal axis; to be distinguished from rolling, Pitch angle (θ) [-]
which is an oscillatory motion. The angle, measured about the transverse
Heel or list, angle of (φ) [-] body axis, between the instantaneous position
of the longitudinal axis of a ship when pitch-
ing (which see) and its position of rest. (Posit- bow or at the stern of a ship, or at both ends,
ive bow up) to apply a turning moment to the ship.
Pitching Rudder angle (δR) [-]
The angular component of the oscillatory mo- The angular displacement of the rudder about
tion of a hull about a transverse axis. Although its stock relative to the neutral position and
pitching of a ship is a motion confined to oper- measured in a plane normal to the stock. Pos-
ation in waves, it is possible with a high speed itive when turning in the positive sense of ro-
planing craft for such motions to occur in calm tation of the ship, regardless of the effect this
under some conditions. (See: Porpoising) angle may have on the ship. See also: Con-
Porpoising trol surface angle.
The cyclic oscillation of a high-speed craft Rudder angle, ordered (δRO) [-]
primarily in clam water in which heaving mo- The ordered angle set on the steering control
tion is combined with pitching motion. The apparatus. This may differ from the rudder
motion is sustained by energy drawn from the angle δR, depending on the lag and lost mo-
thrust. tion in the steering control and gear.
Rudder area, total (AR, ART) [L2]
Positional motion stability The total lateral area of the rudder (including
See: Stability, course fixed and movable parts) measured in the ref-
Profile erence plane (generally the plane of sym-
The outline of a ship when projected on the metry). See also: Control surface area.
fore-aft vertical centreline plane; also the out- Rudder area, fixed (AX) [L2]
line of parts of the ship, such as the stem, The lateral area of the sole fixed part of the
stern, and rudder, when similarly projected. rudder. See also: Control surface area.
Note: This definition also covers the contour Rudder area, movable (ARmov) [L2]
of any flat or curved surface which acts as a The lateral area of the sole movable part of
hydrofoil or as a control surface; examples are the rudder. See also: Control surface area.
the profiles of diving planes on submarines, Rudder directions
fitted generally in a horizontal plane, and the Right or starboard rudder signifies that the
profile of the blades on a screw propeller. main portion of the rudder aft of the stock has
Ratio, aspect (Λ)[-] moved to the right or to starboard of the
The ratio between the span of a hydrofoil, centreline, to cause the ship to turn to the
measured at right angles to the liquid flow, to right or to starboard in forward motion. Sim-
the chord c of the hydrofoil, in the direction of ilarly, left or port rudder signifies movement
flow. When the chord varies in length across in the opposite direction.
the span, the aspect ratio is the span b divided Rudder post
by the mean chord c obtained generally divid- A vertical or nearly vertical member of the
ing the hydrofoil projected area AP into the ship’s structure upon which the steering rud-
square of the span b, i.e. b2/ AP der is hung or supported.
Roll angle (φ) [ - ] Rudder span (bR) [L]
The angle measured about the longitudinal The maximum distance from root to tip of the
body axis, between the instantaneous position rudder. (See Figure 7-3).
of a ship when rolling (which see) and its nor- Rudder stock
mal upright position. (Positive starboard That portion of the rudder, concentric with
down). the axis of rotation, which provides bearing
Rolling support and also transmits the operating
The angular component of the oscillatory mo- torque.
tion of a hull about a longitudinal axis. Rudder, thickness ratio
Rudder The ratio of the maximum thickness of any
A control surface, which by its action or horizontal section of a rudder to the corres-
movement, controls the steering or the turning ponding chord length.
of a ship in horizontal plane. Specifically, Rudder types
hinged or movable control-surface appendage See Figure 7-4
in the form of a hydrofoil, placed either at the
Balanced or semi-balanced: A control sur- usually fitted in a vertical plane, and is in the
face in the form of a swinging rudder in after part of the vessel.
which a small fraction of the area, generally Speed, approach
about one-fifth, is placed forward of the The speed of a body or ship along the straight
vertical turning axis to reduce the operating approach path, just prior to entry into a turn.
torque in the ahead direction. Spoiler
Compound: A control device in the form Any device ancillary to a hydrofoil or control
of a fixed vertical appendage, to the after surface or stabiliser to disturb the flow, in or-
edge of which is hinged a movable or der to diminish the lift.
swinging rudder; see also: Rudder, flap- Stability, course
type. A body is said to have course stability if,
Contra: A rudder with a curved blade, de- when slightly disturbed from steady motion
signed to be mounted abaft a propeller to on a straight path, it returns to its original
take advantage of the rotation in the slip- path, without any corrective control being ap-
stream and to produce a forward thrust on plied. See Figure 7-5. Course stability in the
the rudder. horizontal plane does not normally exist, but
Flap: A control device in the form of a a submarine can have it in the vertical plane.
moving rudder which is hinged for practic- This is also known as positional motion sta-
ally its entire vertical height to the hull, to a bility.
skeg, or to a fin which has an area large in Stability, directional
proportion to that of the rudder. This type A body is said to be a directionally stable if,
of rudder takes its name from the flaps on when slightly disturbed from steady motion
airplane wing; both function by building up on a straight path, it returns to it original dir-
large pressure differentials on the fixed ection, but not necessarily its original path,
parts of the ship or airplane to which they without any corrective control being applied.
are attached. See Figure 7-5. Directional stability in the
Offset: A rudder which is offset from the horizontal plane does not exist, but a submar-
centreplane of a ship either to port or star- ine can have it in the vertical plane.
board. Note: The term directional stability is also
Spade: A control device in the form of a commonly used to describe the more general
moving appendage which projects below case of straight-line stability (which see).
the stern of the ship without any fixed sup- Stability, dynamic
ports in front of it or below it. A body is said to be dynamically stable on a
Sideslip straight course or on a turn constant curvature
The motion of a ship resulting from the pro- if, when slightly disturbed from a steady mo-
peller thrust, drag forces, hydrodynamic side tion, it resume that same motion, but not ne-
forces on rudder and hull or centrifugal forces cessarily along its original path, without any
in a turn, may have a component at right corrective control being applied. See Figure
angles to the vertical plane through the longit- 7-5.
udinal axis of the ship. This is called the Stability, straight-line
sideslip. See also: Drift. A body is said to have straight-line stability if
Sideslip, angle of it is dynamically stable on a straight course.
See: Drift or sideslip, angle of. That is, when slightly disturbed from steady
Sidewash motion on a straight course, it resumes steady
See: Downwash motion on a straight course, but not necessar-
Skeg ily in its original direction, without any cor-
A projection from or a fixed appendage ap- rective control being applied. Figure 7-5.
plied to the underwater hull of a ship, gener- Note: Straight-line stability is a special case
ally to increase the lateral area an give in- of dynamic stability (which see); directional
creased swing damping and dynamic stability stability (which see) is a special case of
to the hull. A skeg is usually of large lateral straight-line stability; and course stability
area compared to its transverse thickness, is (which see) is a special case of directional
Stability, weathercock As applied to a movable appendage or con-
The directional or inherent stability of a body trol surface, that condition in which the sur-
which is so restrained that its only freedom of face aligns itself with the surrounding flow,
motion is that of rotation about an axis perpen- leading end foremost when all control force
dicular to the direction of relative liquid mo- or moment is removed. An unbalanced rud-
tion. The body tends to align itself with the der pivoted at its forward edge always trails
direction of flow after being disturbed. when going ahead.
Note: In some quarters, as in wind tunnel es- Transfer
tablishments, this is also known as “static sta- The lateral offset of the CG of a body or ship
bility”. in the first quadrant of turn, measured later-
Steering or course keeping ally from the extended approach path to the
In its general sense, the guiding of vessel in a CG position when the body or ship has
horizontal plane by a rudder on control device; changed course 90 degrees. See Figure 7-1.
specifically, keeping a vessel on, or as close as Transfer maximum (in stopping)
practicable to, a given or designated course, The lateral offset of the centre of gravity of a
despite various disturbances. As distinguished body or ship before coming to rest after hav-
from turning and manoeuvring, the term steer- ing executed a crash-back manoeuvre from a
ing means keeping a vessel travelling in a steady, straight-line motion ahead. See Figure
given direction in a straight line. 7-2
Straight-line stability Trim
See: Stability, straight line. The steady state longitudinal angular position
Swaying of a ship; to be distinguished from pitching,
The transverse oscillatory motion of a spe- which is an oscillatory motion.
cified point in the ship, usually the centre of Trim, angle of (θ) [-]
gravity. The angle, measured about a horizontal axis,
Tab between the position of the longitudinal axis
A small auxiliary foil, movable or fixed, at- of a ship at rest and the horizontal plane.
tached to a control surface such as a rudder or Turning
diving plane, generally at its after edge, to re- That phase of manoeuvring in which a body
duce the control force or moment by applying or ship while moving ahead or astern,
local differential pressure to the main control changes course or direction. The beginning of
surface. a turn, starting with the initial deviation from
Toe angle of an offset rudder the approach path, is known as the “entry”
See: Angle, toe, of an offset rudder. into the turn; the end of a turn terminating in
Torque or moment, hinge or stock, of a con- a new straight course, is known as the
trol surface (QR, QFB, QFS, etc.) [L2MT-2] “sortie”. See Figure 7-1.
The torque applied to the stock or actuating Turning, steady
mechanism of a control surface by the hydro- That phase of the turning in which the rate of
dynamic forces acting upon it. Also the torque change of heading steadies to a constant
applied to the control surface through the value.
stock or actuating mechanism to change the Weathercock stability
position or attitude of that surface, e.g. rudder See: Stability, weathercock.
torque QR, bow fin torque QFB, stern fin torque Yaw, angle (χ) [-]
QFS, etc. The angle, measured about the vertical body
Tow point axis, between the instantaneous position of
The point at which the towing force is applied the longitudinal centreplane of a ship when
on a ship which is towing or on a craft which yawing (which see) and its mean heading.
is being towed. (Positive bow to starboard).
Track Yawing
The path at which the centre of gravity of a The angular component of the oscillatory
ship is moving. See Figure 7-7. motion of a hull about a vertical axis.
Trail, trailing Zigzagging

A ship manoeuvre in which the course of a
ship is deliberately changed at frequent inter-
vals, as a deceptive or evasive manoeuvre, or
as a trial manoeuvre, in accordance with a pre-
determined or specified plan, while the aver-
age course made good remains approximately
the same as if the ship were not zigzagging.
See Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-1: Geometry of turning circle

Figure 7-2: Crash stop manoeuvre

Figure 7-3: Rudder span

a) unbalanced b) balanced (two pintles)

c) balanced (upper bearing in hull) d) semibalanced (two bearings)

e) balanced (spade) f) semibalanced (on horn)

Figure 7-4: Rudder types.

Figure 7-5: Illustration of stability items.

Figure 7-6: Zigzagging

Figure 7-7: Course characteristics

See: Efficiency, propulsive, and Efficiency,
2 PERFORMANCE Coefficient, wind resistance
This Section is concerned essentially with per- See: Resistance coefficient, wind.
formance in the context of power required to
propel a ship at a given speed and various
factors and matters related thereto. The pro- Correlation allowance, model-ship (RA)
pelling device is generally understood to be a [LMT-2]
screw propeller. This is the addition which has to be made to the
resistance of the “smooth” ship, as predicted
Admiralty coefficient from the model results, to bring it into agree-
A quasi-dimensionless coefficient used for as- ment with the actual ship performance determ-
sessing or comparing the performance of ship. ined from full scale trial or service result. The
Admiralty coefficient ¿ Δ V / P , where ∆ is
3 correlation allowance depends upon the method
used to extrapolate the model results to the
the displacement, V speed and P any corres- “smooth” ship, the ship length and type, the ba-
ponding power. sic shell roughness of the newly-painted ship,
Advance, speed of fouling, weather conditions at the time the ship
See: Speed of advance. measurements were taken and scale effects on
Air, still, resistance the factor making up the model and ship
See: Resistance, wind. propulsive coefficients.
Angle, rudder Correlation allowance coefficient
See: Rudder angle and Rudder angle ordered. See: Resistance coefficient, incremental, for
Apparent slip ratio model-ship correlation.
See: Slip ratio, apparent. Correlation factor, ship-model, for propeller
Appendage scale effect factor (β) [-] rate of evolution (K2) [-]
A factor taking account of the effect of scale The scale effect between the rate of propeller
between model and ship on the resistance of rotation of model nM and ship nS is defined by
appendages. It is defined by a factor β, where: the factor K2, such that
=β K 2= √λ
1/2 ρ S V S SS 1/ 2 ρ M V 2M S M nM
Where RAP is the appendage resistance (See: where λ is the scale factor.
Resistance, appendages), ρ the fluid density, V Correlation factor, ship-model, for propuls-
the speed and S the wetted surface. ive or quasi-propulsive efficiency (K1) [-]
Approach run The scale effect between the propulsive effi-
See: Run, approach. ciencies of the model and ship is defined by the
Area, above-water projected factor K1, such that
The area of the above-water hull, superstruc- ηDS
ture, deck erections, funnels, masts, and like, as K 1=
projected onto either the vertical x-z or y-z
plane of the ship. (See: General Section under where the efficiencies ηDS and ηDM for ship and
Axes, co-ordinate). model respectively are derived at correspond-
Augment fraction, resistance ing speed and propeller loading.
See: Resistance augment fraction. Course made good
Brake power The mean direction which a ship moving. This
See: Power, brake. is defined by degrees of the compass or degrees
Coefficient, Admiralty of azimuth in a horizontal plane. (See Figure 7-
See: Admiralty coefficient. 7).
Coefficient, quasi-propulsive Course measured

A straight measured course, which is used for and wF are the wake fractions according to
speed trials of a ship. When such a course is Taylor and Froude respectively (which see).
one nautical mile in length it is often referred to Efficiency, mechanical (ηM) [-]
as a measured mile. The ratio between the power output and the
Course steered ( ) [-] power input of any machinery installation.
The mean heading of a ship, defined by degrees PS
ηM =
of the compass or degrees of azimuth in a hori- PI
zontal plane. (See Fig. 24). or
Course, original (ψ0) [-] PB
The course at the beginning of a manoeuvring ηM =
test, defined by degrees of the compass or de-
gree of azimuth in a horizontal plane (See Fi- where PS and PB are the shaft and brake powers
gure 7-1 and Figure 7-2). respectively and PI is the indicted power
Current, tidal (which see).
A current in the water caused by the tide and Efficiency, propeller, behind hull (ηB) [-]
influenced by the coastline and contours of the The ratio between the power PT, developed by
seabed. the thrust of the propeller and the power PD ab-
Current, wind sorbed by the propeller when operating behind
A surface or near-surface current in a body of a model or ship:
water induced by wind. PT TV A
Delivered power η B= = =η0 η R
PD 2π Qn
See: Power, delivered.
Effective power where T is the thrust, VA speed of advance, Q
See: Power, effective. shaft torque and n rate of propeller rotation; η0
Effective wake fraction and ηR are the open water propeller and relat-
See: Wake fraction, effective. ive rotative efficiencies respectively.
Efficiency, gearing (ηG) [-] Efficiency propeller, open water (ηO) [-]
The ratio of the power output to the power in- The ratio between the power developed by the
put of a set of reduction – or multiplying – thrust of the propeller PT, and the power ab-
gears between an engine and propulsion sorbed by the propeller PD when operating in
device: open water with uniform inflow velocity VA:
ηG = S η0 = =
PB P D 2 π Q0 n
where PS and PB are the shaft and brake powers
where T is the thrust, Q0 the torque in open wa-
respectively (which see).
ter and n the rate of propeller rotation.
Efficiency, hull (ηH) [-] Efficiency, quasi-propulsive or quasi-
The ratio between the useful work done on the
propulsive coefficient (ηD) [-]
ship and the work done by the propeller or
The ratio between the useful or effective power
other propulsion devices in a given time that is
PE and the power delivered to the propeller or
effective power PE and thrust power PT re-
the propulsion device PD.
P E RT V 1−t in Taylor notation ηD=
=η 0 η H η ¿
ηH = = = PD
PT T V A 1−w
where ηO, ηH and ηR are the open water pro-
peller, hull and relative rotative efficiencies re-
η H = ( 1+w F ) ( 1− t ) in Froude notation spectively (which see).
Where RT is the total resistance, V the ship Efficiency, propulsive (ηP) [-]
speed, T the propeller thrust and VA the speed The ratio between the useful or effective power
of advance; t is the thrust deduction fraction; w PE and the brake power PB.

olds number. It may be expressed in two ways,
= η0 η H η R ηS η ¿
C - C F0
where η0, ηH ηR ηS and ηG are the open water k= V
C F0
propeller, hull relative rotative shafting and
gearing efficiencies respectively (which see). or
Efficiency, relative rotative (ηR) [-] C - CF
k= V
The relative rotative efficiency is the ratio of CF
the propeller efficiencies behind the hull and in Fraction overload
open water, as already defined. See: Power prediction factor.
ηB Fraction, resistance augment
η R= See: Resistance augment fraction.
Fraction, thrust deduction
Efficiency, shafting (ηS) [-] See: Thrust deduction fraction.
The shafting efficiency is a measured of the Fraction, wake
power lost in shaft bearings and stern tube: See: Wake fraction.
PD Fresh water, standard
ηS= See: Water, standard fresh.
Frictional wake
where PD and PS are the delivered and shaft See: Wake, frictional.
powers respectively (which see). Gearing efficiency
Factor, appendage scale effect See: Efficiency, gearing.
See: Appendage scale effect factor. Geosim
Factor, form One of a series of models which differ in abso-
See: Form factor. lute size but are geometrically similar. It is a
Factor, load contraction of the expression “geometrically
See: Power prediction factor. similar model” and was first used by Dr. E. V.
Factor, ship-model correlation Telfer.
See: Correlation factor. Ground speed
Friction deduction force in self propulsion See: Speed, ground.
test (FD) [LMT-2] Heading (ψ) [ ]
The towing force applied to a model to com- The instantaneous direction of the projection of
pensate for the increased specific frictional res- the forward longitudinal axis of a ship in a ho-
istance of the model and to achieve the ship- rizontal plane, defined by degrees of the com-
point of self-propulsion. pass or degrees azimuth. See also Fig.24.
Form effect Hull efficiency
The difference between the viscous resistance See: Efficiency, hull.
of a model or a ship and the two dimensional Hydraulically smooth surface
friction resistance of a flat plate of the same See: Surface, smooth.
length and wetted area and at the same speed in Indicated power
a given fluid. The difference arises because of See: Power, indicated.
the augmented speed of flow around the ship Load factor (1+x) [-]
form as compared with along a flat plate and See: Power prediction factor.
the pressure resistance of viscous origin. See Load fraction in power prediction (x) [-]
also: Form factor.
Form factor (k) [-] x=η D −1
The ratio between the total viscous resistance PE
coefficient of a model or a ship CV and the two where PD and PE are the delivered and effective
dimensional frictional resistance coefficient of powers respectively and ηD the quasi-propuls-
a flat place CF0 at the same free stream Reyn- ive efficiency (which see).
See also: Power prediction factor.
Measured course is sometimes known as the load factor and the
See: Course, measured. factor x as the load fraction (which see).
Mechanical efficiency Power, shaft (PS) [L2MT-3]
See: Efficiency, mechanical. The power delivered to the shafting system by
Mile, measured. the propelling machinery.
See: Course measured. Power, thrust (PT) [L2MT-3]
Overload fraction The power developed by the propeller thrust T,
See: Power prediction factor. at the speed of advance VA:
Potential wake PT = T V A
See: Wake, potential.
Power, brake (PB) [L2MT-3] Power in waves, mean increase in (PAW)
The power measured at the engine coupling by [L2MT-3]
means of mechanical, hydraulic or electrical The mean increase in power in wind and waves
brake. as compared with the power in still water at the
Power, delivered (PD) [L2MT-3] same mean speed.
The power delivered to the propeller: Propeller efficiency
P D=2 π n Q See: Efficiency, propeller.
Propulsive coefficient or efficiency
Power, effective (PE) [L2MT-3] See: Efficiency, propulsive.
The power required to tow a ship, usually Quasi-propulsive coefficient or efficiency
without its propulsive device, at constant speed See: Efficiency, propulsive.
V in unlimited undisturbed water: Ratio, slip
P E = R TV See: Slip ratio.
The power may be for ship either with or Relative rotative efficiency
without appendages. If the latter, it is usually See: Efficiency, relative rotative.
known as the naked or bare hull, effective Relative wind
power. See: Wind, relative.
Power, indicated (PI) [L2MT-3] Resistance, appendages (RAP) [LMT-2]
The power developed in the cylinders of a re- The increase in resistance relative to that of the
ciprocating engine, either steam or diesel, as naked, or bare hull resistance, caused by ap-
determined from the pressure measured by an pendages such as bilge keels, rudders, boss-
indicator or similar device. ings, struts, etc.
Power prediction factor (1+x) [-] Resistance augment fraction (a) [-]
A factor based on the correlation of ship and The thrust T required to propel a model or ship
corresponding model data, which is introduced at speed V is greater than the resistance RT of
in estimating ship power to allow for the the hull when towed at the same speed. The in-
method of extrapolating model results to ship, crease is called the augment of
scale effects on resistance and propulsion and ( T - R T)
the effects of hull roughness and weather con- resistance, and the resistance augment fraction
ditions such that: is:
P E ( 1+ x ) T - RT
P D= a=
T = ( 1 + a) R T
where PD and PE are the delivered and effective
powers respectively and ηD the quasi-propuls- Resistance coefficient, incremental, for mod-
ive efficiency (which see). el-ship correlation (CA) [-]
The results of model propulsion experiments The model-ship correlation allowance RA
are analysed for a propeller loading equivalent (which see) expressed in coefficient form:
to the power prediction factor. The factor (1+x) C A=
1 2
ρV S

where ρ is the water density, V speed and S See: Surface, rough.
wetted surface. Roughness allowance (∆CF) [-]
Resistance coefficient, wind (CAA) [-] Now obsolescent, See: Resistance coefficient,
The ratio between the air or wind resistance on incremental for model-ship correlation (CA)
a ship or body RAA, and the force correspond- Roughness, equivalent sand (KS) [L]
ing to the dynamic pressure times a specified Equivalent sand roughness is used as a con-
area. It is customary to expressed it as : venient measure of the roughness of a surface
R AA and is determined by equating the frictional
C A A=
1 2
ρV R S
resistance of a surface of random roughness
2 with that of a flat plate completely covered
Where A is the appropriate above water area of with sand grains of a sensibly uniform size as
the ship, VR the relative wind velocity (which in Nikuradse’s experiments. It is the average
see) and ρ the air density. diameter of the Nikuradse sand grains.
Resistance, roughness (RAR) [LMT-2] Roughness, height or magnitude (k) [L]
The increase in resistance relative to the resist- A length dimension expressing the height of a
ance of a hydraulically smooth hull due to the roughness element on a surface exposed to li-
effect of roughness. The hull roughness may be quid flow. It is often expressed as some form of
of different types such as: average such as root mean square or mean ap-
Structural roughness caused by method of parent amplitude.
shell construction, waviness of plating, Roughness, resistance
scoops, valve openings etc. See: Resistance, roughness.
Paint roughness depending on the type of Rudder angle (δR) [-]
paint as well as how it is applied. The angular displacement of a rudder about its
Corrosion roughness due to breakdown of stock relative to the neutral position and meas-
the paint film and corrosion of the shell plat- ured in a plane normal to the stock. See also:
ing. Manoeuvrability Section.
Fouling roughness caused by marine or- Rudder angle, ordered (δRO) [-]
ganisms depositing shell, grass etc. The ordered angle set on the steering control
Resistance, still air apparatus. This may differ from the rudder
See: Resistance, wind. angle δR, depending on the lag and lost motion
Resistance in waves, mean increase in (RAW) in the steering control and gear.
[LMT-2] Run approach
The mean increase in resistance in wind and The path taken by a ship when accelerating
waves as compared with the still water resist- during the approach to a measured course to at-
ance at the same mean speed. tain a steady speed corresponding to give en-
Resistance, wind (RAA) [LMT-2] gine setting.
The fore and aft component of the resistance of Salt water, standard
above water form of a ship due to its motion re- See: Water, standard salt.
lative to still air or wind. When there is no nat- Scale effect
ural wind, this is called the still air resistance. The change in any force, moment or pressure
See also: Resistance coefficient, wind. coefficients, flow pattern, or the like, due to a
Restricted water change in absolute size between geometrically
See: Water, restricted. similar models, bodies or ships. These vari-
Revolutions, rate of, mean in waves (nAW) ations in performance due to differences in ab-
[ T-1] solute size arise from the inability to satisfy
The mean absolute increase in rate of revolu- simultaneously all the relevant laws of dynam-
tions (usually per minute), as compared with ical similarity (e.g. gravitational, viscous and
those in smooth water, necessary to maintain surface tension).
speed in wind and waves. Shaft power
Rough surface See: Power, shaft.
Shafting efficiency waves at a constant setting of the main propul-
See: Efficiency, shafting. sion plant. Usually speed loss is determined at
Shallow water constant power (turbine plant) or constant
See: Water, shallow. torque (diesel plant).
Slip ratio, apparent (sA) [-] Speed reduction
This is similar to the real slip ratio (which see) The decrease in speed, as compared with that in
except that the ship speed V is used instead of smooth water, caused mainly by reducing the
the speed of advance VA, that is: setting of the main propulsion plant in order to
Pn - V V minimise the adverse effects on the ship of
sA = = 1- wind and waves.
Pn Pn Speed, true water
Slip ratio, real (sR) [-] The speed of a ship relative to the surrounding
This is defined by the ratio: water.
P n - VA V Still air resistance
sR = = 1- A See: Resistance, wind.
Pn Pn Surface, rough
where P is the nominal, geometrical pitch, or A surface marked by sensible or visible irregu-
the effective pitch of the propeller (i.e. advance larities
per revolution at zero thrust), VA is the speed of Surface, smooth
advance and n the rate of propeller rotation. A surface free from irregularities sensible to
Smooth surface the touch or visible to the naked eye. A surface
See: Surface, smooth. is called hydraulically smooth when there is no
Speed of advance of a propeller (VA) [LT-1] increase of resistance due to the surface irregu-
Speed of advance of a propeller in open water. larities.
When a propeller behind a ship or model is Surface, wavy
producing the same thrust at the same rate of A surface, which may be either smooth or
rotation as in open water the corresponding rough, in which there are undulations of relat-
speed VA determined from the open water pro- ively large curvature.
peller characteristic is termed the speed of ad- Thrust deduction factor (t) [-]
vance of the propeller. This is usually less than It is logical to view the effect of the propeller
the ship speed V. (See also: Wake fraction, ef- behind the hull as causing an increase in resist-
fective). This is based on thrust identity. There ance- See: Resistance augment fraction. How-
is another corresponding speed based on torque ever, it is also common practice to look upon
identity. this increase in RT as a deduction from the
Speed, corresponding thrust T available at the propeller, i.e. to as-
The speed of a ship VS related to that of a sume that of the total thrust T only RT is avail-
model VM, or vice-versa, according to Froude’s able to overcome resistance. This “loss of
Law of comparison: thrust” , expressed as a fraction of the
(T - R T )
V S =V M √ λ
thrust T, is called the thrust deduction fraction,
where λ is the scale factor. t, where
Speed, ground T - RT
The speed of a ship relative to the ground, that T
is the speed including the effects of tide and or
currents. When the ship is moving through still RT = ( 1 - t ) T
water the ground speed id the same as the true
water speed. Thrust power
Speed loss See: Power, thrust.
The decrease in speed, as compared with that in Towing force, for model at ship-point of self-
smooth water, caused directly by wind and propulsion
See: Force, model towing.
Track V - VA
wT =
The path along which the centre of gravity of a V
ship is moving (See Fig. 24).
Trial, measured mile This depends on identity of thrust.
A trial carried out on a measured mile course to
determinate the performance characteristics of Wake fraction, nominal [-]
a ship, namely ship speed, corresponding rate Wake fractions calculated from speed meas-
of rotation of propeller shaft, power, and also ured at the propeller position by Pitot tube,
thrust where practicable. vane wheels, etc. in the absence of the pro-
True wind direction or velocity peller are called nominal wakes.
See: wind direction or velocity, true. Wake, frictional
Wake The component of the wake which results from
The wake is a term used to describe the motion the frictional action of the water when moving
imparted to the water by the passage of the along the solid surface of a body or ship.
ship’s hull. It is considered to be positive if its Wake, potential
direction is the same as that of the ship. The component of the wake due to the potential
Wake fraction (w, wF) [-] flow around a body or ship, with velocity and
The difference between the ship speed V and pressure relationship in accordance with
the speed of advance VA is called the wake Bernoulli’s Theorem.
speed . Froude expressed the wake Wake, wave or orbital
(V - V A ) The component of the wake set up by the or-
bital motion in the waves created by a body or
speed at the position of the propeller as a frac- ship.
tion of the speed of advance, calling this ratio Water, restricted
the wake fraction wF, such that A term describing a body of water in which the
and boundaries are close enough to the ship to af-
V - VA V fect its resistance, speed, attitude, manoeuv-
wF = VA =
VA 1 + wF ring, and other performance characteristics, as
compared with the corresponding characterist-
Taylor expressed the wake speed at the position ics in an open, unlimited, body of water. Prin-
of the propeller as a fraction of the ship speed, cipally, “restricted” applies to the proximity of
such that the water boundaries in a horizontal direction.
and . Water, shallow
V - VA V A = V ( 1 - w) A term describing a body of water in which the
V boundaries are closed enough to the ship in a
vertical direction to affect its resistance, speed,
Wake fraction, torque (wQ) [-] attitude, manoeuvring, or other performance
A propeller will develop the same torque Q at characteristics as compared with its corres-
the same revolutions per unit time, n, when ponding characteristics in water of unlimited
working behind a hull advancing at speed V depth.
and in open water at a speed of advance VA. Water, standard fresh
The torque wake fraction will then be Water having zero salinity and a temperature of
V - VA
wQ = 15°C (59°F) with:
V density ρ = 999.00 kg/m3 (1.9384 lb s2/ft4.)
This depends on identity of torque. Kinematic viscosity ν = 1.13902 * 10-6 m2/s.
Wake fraction, thrust (wT) [-] (1.22603 10-5 ft2/s)*
A propeller will develop the same thrust T at Water, standard salt
the same revolutions per unit time, n, when Water having 3.5 per cent salinity and a tem-
working behind a hull advancing at speed V perature of 15°C (59°F) with:
and in open water at a speed of advance VA. density ρ = 1,02587 Kg/m3 (1.9905 lb s2/ft4)
The thrust wake fraction will then be
Kinematic viscosity ν = 1.18831*10-6 m2/s. Wind resistance
(1.27908*10-5ft2/s)* See: Resistance wind.
*See also relevant items in General Section un- Wind velocity, relative (VWR ) [LT-1]
der “Liquid Properties and Physical Constants” The velocity of the wind relative to the ship. It
Wavy surface is the resultant of the wind induced by the
See: Surface, wavy. ship’s motion and the true wind, if any.
Wind, angle apparent (βAW) [-] Wind velocity, true (VWT ) [LT-1]
The direction of the relative wind with respect The velocity of a natural wind relative to the
to a ship’s heading. The resultant direction of ground.
the wind induced by the ship’s motion and the Yaw, angle (χ) [-]
true wind, if any. The angle, measured about the vertical body
Wind, angle true (βTW) [-] axis, between the instantaneous position of the
The direction of the wind , if any, with respect longitudinal centreplane of a ship when yawing
to a ship’s heading. (which see) and its mean heading. (Positive
Wind direction (θW) [-] bow to starboard).
The direction of any natural or atmospheric
wind blowing over the ground or over the sur-
face of the sea, measured from the true North.

Acceleration zone......................................5-1
Active rudder............................................4-1
Added mass................................................6-1
Admiralty coefficient................................8-5
angle (of propeller blade section)...........4-1
angle, effective........................................4-1
coefficient, Taylor’s................................4-1
maximum (in stopping)...........................7-1
speed of............................................4-1, 8-5
content ratio............................................5-1
still, resistance.........................................8-5
Analysis pitch............................................4-1
advance (of a propeller blade section)....4-1
control surface........................................7-1
downwash or sidewash...........................7-1
effective advance....................................4-1
hydrodynamic flow.................................4-2
of attack...........................................4-1, 7-1
of attack, effective..................................4-1
of attack, geometric................................4-1
of attack, ideal.........................................4-1
of diverging waves..................................3-1
of drift or sideslip............................6-1, 7-1
of entrance..............................................2-1
of heel or list....................................6-1, 7-1
of heel or roll, projected..........................7-1
of incidence.............................................4-2
of run.......................................................2-1
of trim..............................................6-1, 7-1
of wave direction....................................6-1
of wave encounter...................................6-1
of zero lift...............................................4-2
pitch.................................................6-1, 7-1
roll...................................................6-1, 7-1
rudder...............................................7-1, 8-5
toe, of an offset rudder............................7-1
vertical path or angle, flight path............7-1
yaw..................................................6-1, 7-1
slip ratio..................................................8-5
scale effect factor....................................8-5
above-water projected.............................8-5
bulbous bow in longitudinal plane..........2-1
control surface........................................7-1
lateral of the hull.....................................7-1
maximum section....................................2-1
midship or midlength section..................2-1
planing bottom........................................2-1
transverse cross section of a bulbous bow2-1
wind exposed..........................................2-1
Aspect ratio........................................2-1, 7-2
Attached cavities.......................................5-1
Augment fraction, resistance...................8-5
Auto correlation........................................6-1
Axial induced velocity...............................4-2
(of blade).................................................4-2
Base-vented flow or bodies.......................5-1
maximum over chines.............................2-2
maximum section....................................2-1
mean over chines....................................2-1
of design water line.................................2-1
over chines..............................................2-1
area ratio.................................................4-2
section reference point............................4-2
thickness fraction....................................4-2
Block coefficient........................................2-2
Entrance, length of..................................2-2
Parallel middle body, length of...............2-2
run, length of...........................................2-2
Bollard pull................................................4-3
displacement thickness.......................3-1
energy thickness..................................3-1
momentum thickness..........................3-1
Brake power..............................................8-5
coefficient of R. E. Froude.....................2-2
surface stability.......................................5-1
Area coefficient for ram bow..................2-3
Taylor sectional area coefficient for bulbous bow 2-3
Camber...............................................2-3, 4-3
of a foil section.......................................2-3
Cap, propeller...........................................4-3
of buoyancy............................................2-3
of flotation..............................................2-3
of gravity.................................................2-3
of lateral area..........................................7-2
of lateral force.........................................7-2
Centrifugal spindle torque.......................4-3
Choked flow...............................................5-2
Choking cavitation number.....................5-2
(of a foil section).....................................2-4
length, mean............................................4-3
maximum transverse and midship section2-4
of lateral area..........................................7-2
prismatic, vertical...................................2-4
waterplane, designed load.......................2-4
waterplane, inertia...................................2-4
wind resistance........................................8-5
Collapse pressure......................................5-2
Compressibility, coefficient of.................1-2
Cone, propeller..........................................4-3
Contrarotating propeller..........................4-3
allowance coefficient..............................8-1
allowance, model-ship............................8-1
factor, ship-model, for propeller rate of evolution 8-1
factor, ship-model, for propulsive or quasi-propulsive efficiency 8-1
made good.......................................7-2, 8-1
cavitation number...................................5-2
Cycloidal propeller...................................4-3
angle at midship......................................2-4
angle at transom......................................2-4
Deadwood...........................................2-4, 7-2
Deceleration zone......................................5-3
Delivered power........................................8-1
moulded of a ship hull............................2-4
Derivatives, stability and control.............7-2
Desinent cavitation....................................5-3
area ratio.................................................4-3
Dihedral, Angle.........................................2-4
Directional stability..................................7-2
or Induced angle.....................................7-3
or sidewash.............................................7-2
Drag....................................................2-4, 3-1
coefficient........................................3-2, 7-3
Drift.....................................................6-1, 7-3
or sideslip, angle of.........................6-1, 7-3
Ducted propeller.......................................4-3
stability............................................1-1, 7-3
Edges, leading and trailing.......................7-3
advance angle..........................................4-3
angle of attack.........................................4-3
wake fraction..........................................8-1
mechanical.......................................4-3, 8-2
propeller, behind hull......................4-3, 8-2
propeller, open water.......................4-3, 8-2
propulsive........................................4-4, 8-2
quasi propulsive or quasi-propulsive coefficient 4-3, 8-2
relative rotative................................4-4, 8-2
Electrolytic effects.....................................5-3
Entrained gas content...............................5-3
Equipotential line......................................3-2
Even Keel...................................................2-5
area ratio.................................................4-4
(of blade).................................................4-4
appendage scale effect............................8-2
ship-model correlation............................8-2
Fin.......................................................2-5, 7-3
Flare....................................................2-5, 6-2
Floor, rise of - or deadrise........................2-5
Fluid, perfect or ideal...............................3-2
Foam cavitation.........................................5-3
components, hydrodynamic....................7-3
wave shearing, horizontal or lateral........6-5
wave shearing, normal or vertical...........6-5
resistance augment..................................8-3
thrust deduction......................................8-3
Frame section............................................2-5
gas content..............................................5-3
streamline flow.......................................5-3
Freeboard...........................................2-5, 6-2
natural circular, of heave, pitch or roll. . .6-2
natural, of heave, pitch or roll.................6-2
of wave....................................................6-2
of wave encounter...................................6-2
of wave encounter, circular.....................6-2
Fresh water, standard..............................8-3
Froude number.........................................3-2
breadth coefficient..................................2-2
length coefficient....................................2-6
wetted surface coefficient.....................2-11
Fully cavitating propeller.........................4-4
Fully developed cavity..............................5-3
of the saturated liquid.........................5-3
injection, protection by...........................5-3
Gaseous cavitation....................................5-3
Gearing efficiency.....................................8-3
Generator line...........................................4-4
angle of attack.........................................4-4
Gravitational acceleration........................1-2
Green water...............................................6-2
Ground speed............................................8-3
Group velocity...........................................6-2
Gyradius (radius of gyration)..................6-2
Heading.......................................6-2, 7-3, 8-3
Heave to.....................................................6-3
Heel or list..........................................6-3, 7-3
angle of............................................6-3, 7-3
vortex cavitation.....................................5-4
Hydraulically smooth surface..................8-3
flow angle...............................................4-4
pitch angle...............................................4-5
spindle toque...........................................4-5
Hysteresis, cavitation................................5-4
Ideal angle of attack..................................4-5
cavitation number...................................5-4
of cavitation............................................5-4
Incipient cavitation...................................5-4
Incubation zone.........................................5-4
Indicated power........................................8-3
Induced velocity
Intensity damage.......................................5-4
Intermittent cavitation.............................5-4
Internal jets...............................................5-4
Inward rotation.........................................4-5
Irrotational flow........................................3-2
Jet cavitation.............................................5-4
Kort nozzle................................................4-5
Leeward side of a ship..............................2-6
Left handed propeller...............................4-5
between perpendiculars..........................2-6
chine wetted, of planing craft.................2-6
coefficient of Froude, or length – displacement ratio 2-6
keel wetted, of planing craft...................2-6
mean wetted, of planing craft.................2-6
on waterline............................................2-6
overall submerged...................................2-6
projected chine........................................2-6
Line, equipotential....................................3-3
fraction in power prediction....................8-3
Long crested seas......................................6-3
Maier form................................................2-6
added...............................................6-3, 7-4
added, coefficient............................6-3, 7-4
Maximum transverse section coefficient 2-6
chord length............................................4-5
width ratio...............................................4-5
Measured course.......................................8-3
Mechanical efficiency...............................8-3
Median line................................................4-5
height above the baseline........................2-6
Metacentric radius....................................2-6
section coefficient...................................2-7
Midstation plane.......................................2-7
Mile, measured..........................................8-3
Modulus of elasticity, volume or bulk.....1-2
restoring or righting................................6-3
wave bending, horizontal or lateral........6-3
wave bending, vertical............................6-3
wave, torsional........................................6-3
Moment of area, second...........................2-7
of free water surface...............................2-7
of the waterplane area, longitudinal........2-7
of the waterplane area, transverse...........2-7
of inertia..................................................6-3
Motions, ship.............................................6-4
period of motions, heave, pitch, roll.......6-4
Nominal pitch............................................4-5
Non-stationary cavities.............................5-4
Nose-tail line..............................................4-5
Nucleus, nuclei...........................................5-4
Ogival section............................................4-5
Onset cavitation........................................5-4
Orange peel surface appearance.............5-4
Outboard rotation.....................................4-5
Outward rotation......................................4-6
Overload fraction......................................8-3
Partial cavities...........................................5-4
aft or after...............................................2-7
fore or forward........................................2-7
response operator....................................6-4
angle.........................................4-6, 6-4, 7-4
Pitching...............................................6-4, 7-4
Pitted surface appearance........................5-4
of symmetry............................................2-8
Planes, principal co-ordinate...................2-7
Baseplane or x-y plane............................2-7
Centerplane or x-z plane.........................2-7
Plane, midstation, or y-z plane...............2-7
Planform, projected..................................2-8
Porpoising...........................................6-4, 7-4
Positional motion stability........................7-4
function or Velocity potential.................3-3
coefficient, delivered..............................4-6
coefficient, Taylor’s (BP)........................4-6
coefficient, Taylor’s (BU)........................4-6
in waves, mean increase in..............6-4, 8-4
loading coefficient..................................4-6
prediction factor......................................8-4
coefficient, vertical.................................2-8
Profile.................................................2-8, 7-4
area ratio.................................................4-7
fully cavitating........................................4-7
-hull vortex cavitation.............................5-4
steerable ducted......................................4-8
vertical axis.............................................4-8
Propulsive coefficient or efficiency..........8-4
Protective coating......................................5-5
Pseudo cavitation......................................5-5
Pulsating cavity.........................................5-5
Quasi-propulsive coefficient or efficiency8-4
Race, propeller..........................................4-8
Radial induced velocity............................4-8
of gyration...............................................6-4
skew induced..........................................4-8
Ram bulb or bow......................................2-8
Rate of weight loss....................................5-5
fineness, of a body..................................2-8
slenderness, of a ship..............................2-8
Rectified diffusion.....................................5-5
Re-entrant jets...........................................5-5
point, blade section.................................4-8
mass or weight........................................1-2
rotative efficiency...................................8-4
augment fraction.....................................8-4
coefficient, incremental, for model-ship correlation 8-4
coefficient, wind.....................................8-4
frictional specific....................................3-3
in waves, mean increase in..............6-4, 8-5
still air.....................................................8-5
viscous pressure......................................3-3
wave pattern............................................3-3
amplitude operator..................................6-4
Restricted water........................................8-5
mean increase in rate of, in waves..........6-5
rate of , mean in waves...........................8-5
Reynolds number......................................3-4
Right handed propeller............................4-8
angle................................................6-5, 7-4
Rolling.................................................6-5, 7-4
Rough surface............................................8-5
equivalent sand.......................................8-5
height or magnitude................................8-5
Rudder................................................4-8, 7-4
angle................................................7-4, 8-5
angle, ordered..................................7-5, 8-5
area, movable..........................................7-5
area, total.................................................7-5
thickness ratio.........................................7-5
balanced or semi-balanced..................7-5
Salt water, standard..................................8-5
Scale effect.................................................8-5
Screening effect.........................................5-5
Screw propeller.........................................4-8
Sea direction..............................................6-5
beam sea..................................................6-5
bow sea...................................................6-5
following sea...........................................6-5
head sea...................................................6-5
quartering sea..........................................6-5
area, maximum.......................................2-8
area, midlength.......................................2-8
area, midship...........................................2-8
ship shape................................................2-8
peg-top or battered..............................2-8
Sectional area
Set back......................................................4-8
bracket or strut........................................2-9
Shafting efficiency.....................................8-5
Shallow water............................................8-5
Shear stress................................................3-4
Sheer line...................................................2-9
Sheet cavitation.........................................5-5
Shock free entry........................................4-9
Short-crested sea.......................................6-5
angle of............................................6-5, 7-5
Significant wave height.............................6-5
Skeg.....................................................2-9, 7-5
-induced rake..........................................4-9
Skin friction
correction in self propulsion test.............8-2
ratio, apparent.........................................8-5
ratio, real.................................................8-6
Smith effect................................................6-5
Smooth surface..........................................8-6
weight or specific gravity.......................1-2
density, one dimensional........................6-6
density, two dimensional........................6-6
quadrature spectrum................................6-6
loss...................................................6-6, 8-6
of advance...............................................4-9
of advance of a propeller........................8-6
reduction..........................................6-6, 8-6
true water................................................8-6
coefficient, centrifugal........................4-9
coefficient, hydrodynamic..................4-9
index, hydrodynamic..........................4-9
Spongy surface appearance.....................5-5
Spot cavitation...........................................5-5
Spray – strip..............................................2-9
Stacking line............................................4-10
Standard deviation....................................6-6
Static thrust coefficient...........................4-10
maximum area........................................2-9
Steady quasi-steady cavities.....................5-5
Steepness ratio, wave................................6-6
Steerable ducted propeller.....................4-10
Steering or course keeping.......................7-6
contra type............................................2-10
counter or fantail...................................2-10
Still air resistance......................................8-6
Straight-line stability................................7-6
Streak cavitation.......................................5-5
–arm angle............................................2-10
–arm section angle................................2-10
–vee angle.............................................2-10
Sublayer, laminar.....................................3-4
Suction side..............................................4-10
wetted, coefficient.................................2-10
Swaying...............................................6-6, 7-6
Tangential induced velocity...................4-10
Taylor’s advance coefficient..................4-10
Taylor’s power coefficient......................4-10
Thoma number..........................................5-6
coefficient, static...................................4-10
deduction factor......................................8-6
in waves, mean increase in.....................6-6
loading coefficient................................4-10
vortex cavitation.....................................5-6
Toe angle of an offset rudder...................7-6
in waves, mean increase in.....................6-6
or moment, hinge or stock, of a control surface 7-6
gas content..............................................5-6
Tow point...................................................7-7
Towing force, for model at ship-point of self-propulsion 8-6
Track...................................................7-7, 8-6
Trail, trailing.............................................7-7
Trailing vortex cavitation.........................5-6
maximum (in stopping)...........................7-7
Trapped gas...............................................5-6
Trial, measured mile.................................8-6
Trim...........................................2-11, 6-7, 7-7
angle of............................................6-7, 7-7
True wind direction or velocity...............8-7
Turtleback or turtleback deck...............2-11
or transient..............................................1-1
Vaporous cavitation..................................5-6
cavitation number...................................5-6
Variable pitch..........................................4-11
Vertical-axis propeller............................4-11
Virtual mass..............................................6-7
coefficient of dynamic.....................1-2, 3-4
coefficient of kinematic...................1-2, 3-4
Volume loss................................................5-6
Vortex cavitation.......................................5-6
fraction, nominal.....................................8-7
fraction, thrust.........................................8-7
fraction, torque........................................8-7
wave or orbital........................................8-7
Wall nuclei.................................................5-6
standard fresh..........................................8-7
standard salt............................................8-7
Water jet..................................................4-11
area coefficient, designed load.............2-11
inertia coefficients................................2-11
angle of diverging...................................3-5
direction, angle of...................................6-7
encounter period..............................6-4, 6-7
encounter, angle of..................................6-7
height, apparent.......................................6-7
height, significant...................................6-7
instantaneous elevation...........................6-7
length, apparent.......................................6-7
period, apparent......................................6-7
slope of surface.......................................6-7
speed celerity..........................................6-8
steepness ratio.........................................6-8
Wavy surface.............................................8-8
Weathercock stability...............................7-7
Weight loss.................................................5-7
angle apparent.........................................8-8
velocity, relative.....................................8-8
velocity, true...........................................8-8
Windward side........................................2-11
angle.........................................6-8, 7-7, 8-8
Yawing................................................6-8, 7-7


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