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Bibliography of Village and Town Studies

of Tamil Nadu

K. Nagaraj, Rukmani

Discussion Paper No. 76

Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development

Centre for Development Studies
Bibliography of Village and Town Studies
of Tamil Nadu

K. Nagaraj, Rukmani

Discussion Paper

Rights reserved
First published 2004
Editorial Board: Prof. S. Neelakandan, Prof. P. R. Gopinathan Nair, H. Shaji
Printed at:
Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development
Published by:
Dr K. N. Nair, Programme Co-ordinator,
Kerala Research Programme on Local Level Development,
Centre for Development Studies,
Prasanth Nagar, Ulloor,
Cover Design: Defacto Creations

ISBN No: 81-87621-79-6

Price: Rs 40
US$ 5

KRPLLD 2004 0100 ENG



1. Introduction 5
2. 1. Classification of Village Studies 8
By Subject and Region Covered
2. Classification of Town Studies 11
By Subject and Region Covered.
Appendix 1.
A1.1 Village Studies Classified By 14
Subject and District
Appendix 1.
A1.2 Some Details on Village Studies 63
Appendix 1.
A1.3 Alphabetical Catalogue of Village Studies 100
Appendix 2.
A2.1 Classification of Town Studies 119
By Subject and Region Covered
Appendix 2.
A2.2 Some Details on Town Studies 161
Appendix 2.
A2.3 Alphabetical Catalogue of Town Studies 203
Annexure I.
Annotations for 31 Village Studies along 221
With a Note on Coded Statement.
Annexure 2
Annotated Index to Census Villages – 1961 259
By S. Guhan
Bibliography of
Village and Town Studies of Tamil Nadu1

K. Nagaraj, Rukmani

In the compilation of a bibliography of village and town studies of Tamil Nadu our original
plan was to attempt a thorough stock taking exercise of the studies on Tamil Nadu and also
annotate and critically review the identified studies. We had proposed to do the following:

1. To identify all the village and town studies carried out in Tamil Nadu;
2. To procure copies of these studies for a central library;
3. To prepare a bibliography along the lines of the bibliography prepared by the Institute
of Development Studies, Sussex that provides a bibliographical statement, a verbal
annotation and a coded statement for each identified study.
4. To attempt a comprehensive and critical review of the identified studies.

We have deviated from this plan as we identified a much larger number of studies than we
had anticipated. Moreover, a very large proportion of the studies we identified is Ph.D. or
M.Phil. theses and we faced enormous problems in getting them photocopied. Therefore
we have concentrated only in compiling a bibliography of village and town studies and
could not attempt to annotate and review all the studies. However we had attempted verbal
annotations for 31 studies. These annotations along with a note to the coded statement, as
given by the IDS bibliography, are provided in Annexure-1. In Annexure-2, we provide an
annotated index to the 31 Census villages, which was prepared by (late) Prof. S. Guhan of
the Madras Institute of Development Studies.

In the compilation of the bibliography we have depended on the following sources to

identify the studies:
1. Social Science Departments of Universities, Autonomous Colleges and Research centers
in Tamil Nadu;
2. The library of Madras Institute of Development Studies;
3. The Bibliography on Village Studies prepared by the Institute of Development Studies,
Sussex in 1976; and
4. Village Monograph series of the Census of 1961.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We gratefully acknowledge the funding received from Kerala Research

Programme on Local Level Development, Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram, for the
compilation of this Bibliography. We are grateful to Mr S.Paul Pandian for his meticulous efforts in
collecting the material. We would also like to thank Ms R.Hemalatha and Mr R. DharumaPerumal for the
help they have extended.

K. Nagaraj is Professor at Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai. R. Rukmani works with
M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai.

The bibliography is, however, not exhaustive as it includes only those studies that are available
in the above mentioned sources and work on Tamil Nadu which are not available in any one
of our sources gets excluded from the bibliography. A distinctive feature of this bibliography
is the inclusion of the vast body of work in the form of M.Phil and Ph.D theses.

In compiling this bibliography, a village study is identified as one that involves a primary
survey in a village, irrespective of the aspect covered. Working with this definition we
have identified and listed a total number of 678 studies as village studies. Of this a major
proportion is accounted for by Ph.D. and M.Phil theses: 70 Ph.D. and 498 M.Phil theses
have been identified. In addition to the Ph.D. and M.Phil theses, our bibliography comprises
of a total number of 79 studies (identified from the library of Madras Institute of Development
Studies and those that are listed in the IDS bibliography) and 31 Census monographs.

For the studies we have identified and collected some basic details such as the title and
author of the study, district covered by the study, and year of submission or publication of
the study. We have classified the studies into broad subject wise groups, relying purely on
their titles. The 678 village studies have been grouped into 13 broad groups. Table 1 indicates
the subject and region-wise categorisation of the 678 studies identified. While classifying
the studies subject-wise we have not resorted to any cross-classification. That is, each
title is entered in only one category.

From Table1 we find that nearly half the village studies- 334 out of 678 studies - deal with
issues relating to the primary sector. Within this a large number of studies - 17 percent
deal with aspects relating to production, yield and technology in agriculture; 16 percent
deal with allied activities - fishing, forestry, sericulture, dairy etc.; about 14 percent are
crop studies; 13 percent on agricultural labourers and 9 percent on caste, agrarian structure
and agrarian transformation. Next in importance to the primary sector are studies that
deal with government interventional programmes - these account for 60 studies or 9 percent
of all village studies. General village studies, which look at all aspects of the village economy,
like the village monographs of the Census, account for 51 studies. While a large number
of other important issues have been studied, the subject wise classification also reveals
inadequate attention received by certain areas such as, rural industries, social sectors -
health, education and housing, demography and fertility, panchayats, gender issues and
employment dimensions of rural labour. Just 43 studies - 6 percent have dealt with rural
industrialisation; 22 studies –3 percent on social sectors; 34 studies 5 percent on demography
and fertility and 8 studies, just 1 percent, on aspects relating to the panchayats. Among
studies that pertain to agriculture a majority focus on technical aspects of production and
only few studies deal with issues relating to the agrarian structure.

Classification of village studies by region covered do not indicate any great imbalance
across regions in terms of coverage though the southern districts have been studied more
extensively than the rest. The least studied region is the Coimbatore region followed by
Chengalpattu region.

In compiling a bibliography of town studies, a town study is identified as one that involves
a primary survey in a town, irrespective of the aspect covered. Using this definition we
have identified a total number of 583 town studies. A very large proportion of these
studies, nearly 96 per cent are Ph.D. and M.Phil theses. 496 M.Phil theses and 65 Ph.D.
theses have been identified as town studies. Four Census studies and 17 Studies that were
identified in the library of MIDS account for the rest. We have classified the town studies
(Table 2) and we find that one fourth of all town studies - 150 studies - deal with aspects
relating to the secondary sector. Within this category, studies dealing with specific industries
are quite prominent. There is also considerable work - 53 studies - on labour within the
secondary sector. Next in importance to studies on secondary sector, are studies relating
to the tertiary sector - 74 studies, that is 13 percent of all town studies deal with the tertiary
sector. Within this a large number deal with those employed in this sector either in the
organised sector or the unorganised, informal sector. A large number of town studies - 13
percent - also deal with attitudinal or behavioural aspects of individuals or households.
About one tenth of town studies are concerned with the social sector - education, health
and housing and slightly less than 10 percent of studies on aspects relating to population
and demography. While a whole range of issues are covered by town studies there are
certainly some prominent gaps: there are just three studies on the employment dimensions
in the urban context; infrastructure and water supply are dealt with by only 10 studies;
government interventional programmes which received a great deal of attention in the rural
context has hardly received any attention in the urban context; a major gap is also with
regard to research on urban poverty, migration, social sector development, caste issues,
etc. which have received much less attention compared to the gravity of these problems in
urban areas.

As regards regional coverage it is interesting to note that a large number of studies cover
the northern tract of Tamil Nadu comprising of the Chengalpattu and Coimbatore regions,
which is more urbanised than the rest of Tamil Nadu, while the pattern is the exact reverse
in the case of village studies.

The bibliography of village and town studies is provided in Appendix 1 and 2 respectively.

Table 1: Classification of Village Studies by Subject and Region Covered

Broad Area Subject of Study Number of Studies By Region Covered Total

of Study Number of

1.Primary 1.1. Production, Yield and 11 11 19 9 5 55

sector Technology
1.2 Cropping pattern/Land use 2 1 2 3 4 12
1.3 Single Crop studies 5 8 14 11 7 45
1.4 Irrigation 4 1 2 - 5 12
1.5 Marketing 3 7 8 7 7 32
1.6 Rural Credit 2 5 11 13 3 34
1.7 Agricultural labour
1.7.1 Employment & Wages 1 2 3 2 5 13
1.7.2 Socio-Economic Condition 3 7 10 6 4 30
1.8 Farmers / Cultivators 4 2 2 2 1 11
1.9 Caste, Agrarian Structure
and Transformation 8 1 18 2 1 30
1.10 Allied Activities
a. General 2 5 8 2 20 37
b. Workers - 1 4 2 9 16
1.11 Miscellaneous 1 1 4 1 - 7
Total 46 52 105 60 71 334
2. Secondary 2.1 Household/Village/SSI 3 2 5 1 4 15
2.2 Labour 2 3 1 3 17 26
2.3 Miscellaneous 1 - - 1 - 2
Total 6 5 6 5 21 43
3. Social 3.1 Education - - 1 1 4 6
3.2 Housing 1 - - - - 1
3.3 Health
3.3.1 General Health 2 1 - 5 2 10
3.3.2 Health services - 4 - 1 - 22
Total 3 5 1 7 6 22

Broad Area Subject of Study Number of Studies By Region Covered Total
of Study Number of

4. Popula- 4.1 Demography and Fertility 6 8 4 8 8 34

tion and
Demogra- 4.2 Migration and Urban
phic issues Growth 1 - - 1 3 5
Total 7 8 4 9 11 39
5. Poverty 14 5 7 4 1 31
& Rural (4.57)

6. Caste/ 6.1. General 5 5 7 2 2 21

Community 6.2. Socio-economic
Condition of popln. 3 3 - - 1 7
6.3 Socio-economic condition
of women 2 - 1 9 8 20
Total 10 8 8 11 11 48
7. Govt. 7.1 General 7 4 7 5 6 29
tional 7.2 IRDP 5 7 5 4 11 32
Total 12 11 12 9 17 61

8. General 9 9 12 4 17 51
village (7.52)

9. Local 2 1 - 4 1 8
Bodies (1.17)

10. Envi 6 1 - 5 1 13
ronment (1.92)

11. - 1 2 3 - 6
Religion (neg.)

12. 2 3 1 3 2 11
Women’s (1.62)

13. Media 1 - - 1 2
studies (neg.)

14. Misc. 2 2 - 1 4 9

Total 120 111 159 125 164 678

(17.69) (16.37) (23.45) (18.44) (24.18) (100.00)

1. Figures in brackets give the percentage of studies to total village studies.
2. Each region comprises of few districts. The details are as given below:
CPT - Madras, Chengalpattu, South Arcot, Villupuram,
North Arcot,Tiruvannamalai
CBE - Dharmapuri, Salem, Periyar, Coimbatore, Nilgiris
THN - Thanjavur, Tiruchirapalli, Pudukottai, Nagapattinam
MAD - Madurai, Dindigul
RAM - Kanniyakumari, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin, Virudhunagar,
Ramanathapuram, Sivanganga

Table 2: Classification of Town Studies by Subject and Region Covered

Broad Area Subject of Study Number of Studies By Region Covered Total

of Study Number of

1.Secondary 1.1 Single Industry

Sector Study

1.1.1 Handlooms 1 1 3 1 2 8

1.1.2 Hosiery - 6 - - - 6

1.1.3 Mills - 1 - 1 - 2

1.1.4 SSI 7 8 13 6 9 43

Total 8 16 16 8 11 59

1.2. Labour

1.2.1 General 8 4 7 - 9 28

1.2.2 Female labour 4 4 6 3 1 18

1.2.3 Child labour 1 2 - 1 3 7

Total 13 10 13 4 13 53

1.3 Entrepreneurship - 1 2 2 4 9

1.4 Finance - 1 2 1 1 5

1.5 Cooperatives 2 1 - - 5 8

1.6 Pollution 2 2 - 2 - 6

1.7 Miscellaneous 4 1 2 1 2 10

Total 29 32 35 18 36 150


2. Tertiary 2.1 Banking and Finance 2 - 2 5 8 17

2.2 Trade and Services 5 - 3 1 3 12
2.3 Transportation 5 1 1 3 1 11
2.4 Employees and Labour 10 4 9 8 3 34
Total 22 5 15 17 15 74
3. Primary 3.1 Marketing 1 1 - 1 1 4
3.2 Allied Activities 3 1 3 3 2 12

Broad Area Subject of Study Number of Studies By Region Covered Total
of Study Number of

3.3 Misc. - - 1 - 1 2
Total 4 2 4 4 4 18
4. Labour 1 1 1 - - 3
Market (neg.)

5. Social 5.1 Education 8 5 - 5 - 18

5.2 Housing
5.2.1 General 9 2 5 - - 16
5.2.2 Slums 6 - - - - 6
5.2.3 Finance 1 - 1 2 2 6
5.3 Health
5.3.1 General Health 3 2 - - 1 6
5.3.2 Health services 6 3 1 2 - 12
Total 33 12 7 9 3 64
6. Infra- 6.1 Water Supply 3 1 - - - 4
6.2 Miscellaneous 2 3 1 - - 6
Total 5 4 1 - - 10
7. Pop. and 7.1 Demography and 12 2 2 1 1 18
Demo- Fertility
graphy 7.2 Migration and 19 3 1 1 2 26
Urban growth
Total 31 5 3 2 3 44
8. Urban 10 3 - 2 1 16
Poor (2.74)

9. Caste/ 4 3 1 2 4 14
Community/ (2.4)
10. Town 4 - - - - 4
Panchayat/ (neg.)

Broad Area Subject of Study Number of Studies By Region Covered
of Study Number of
11.General 2 - 2 - - 4
Town (neg.)
12. Govt. 3 - - 2 3 8
Interven- (1.37)
13. Women’s 24 10 9 6 2 51
studies (8.74)
14. Energy 8 - - 5 1 14
and (2.40)
15. Religion 3 1 - 1 - 5
16. Media 1 - 2 6 - 9
studies (13.37)
17. Attitude/ 9 17 4 24 24 78
Behaviour (13.37)
18. Misc. 4 5 3 3 2 17
Total 197 100 87 101 98 583
(33.79) (17.15) (14.92) (17.32) (16.8) (100.00)

1. Figures in brackets give the percentage of studies to total town studies.
2. Each region comprises of few districts and the details are as in Table1.




1 1.PRIMARY 1.1Production 1 630 CBE Effectiveness of video teaching on Farmer’s Affective

SECTOR Yield / Congnitive and psychomotor behaviour
2 Technology 2 625 CBE Constraints in Irrigated Groundnut: An Analytical Study of yield and
Technological Gaps
3 3 624 CBE Treatment for Effective Message and Development of Readability
4 4 619 CPT Impact of High Yielding Varieties Programme in Chingleput District,
5 5 609 CPT The Impact of Chemical Fertilisers in Modern Agriculture - A Case
Study of Villivakkam PanchayatUnion
6 6 575 CPT Resource use Efficiency in Indian Agriculture with special reference
to CPT Dist.
7 7 567 DHM Distortion of Message - A Systems approach
8 8 541 DIN Productivity and Profitability of two varieties of Rice Farmers in
Pallapatti village of Dindigul Dist. - A Comparitive Study
9 9 509 KK Estimation of Agricultural Production Function : A Case Study of
Banana and Paddy in Kalkulam Taluk
10 10 473 KK A Comparative Study of High Yielding variety and Local variety of
Paddy in KK village
11 11 445 MAD Causes and Extent of Adoption of New Technologies A Comparative
Study of Two villages, Melakkal and Sandaiyur in MAD Dist.

12 12 441 MAD Planning for Development of Dryland Cultivation Through DryLand
Technology Chellampatti Block,MAD Dist.
13 13 436 MAD An Economic Study of Rice Farmers - A Case Study of I.R.20 variety in
Palani Taluk
14 14 422 MAD Size, Productivity and Returns to scale : A Case Study of Kodimangalam
15 15 415 MAD Planning for Adoption of Improved Farm Technology in Paddy
16 16 407 MAD A Comparative Study of Small and Large Farmers in Paddy Cultivation
with reference to productivity and profit in Melakkal Village
17 17 379 MAD Returns to scale in paddy cultivation in Perungudi village
18 18 376 MAD Adoption and Diffusion of Improved Agricultural Practices and their
Influencing Factors in Paddy A Study of Thiruvedagam village MAD
19 19 330 NA Threshold in Innovation - Decision on Sugarcane varieties
20 20 318 PER The Supply Response of Farmers in Thoppampalayam Panchayat, PER
21 21 298 PER The Agricultural supply Response of Farmers: A study in PER dist. of
Tamil Nadu
22 22 295 PER Rationality in Decision-Making by Small Farmers
23 23 286 PUD Adoption of New Technology Components in Agriculture - A
Comparative Study of Bore-well owning & Non-Borewell owning
24 24 247 SA Impact of High Yielding Varieties Programme in SA District, Tamilnadu
25 25 245 SA A study of fertiliser application and productivity of the farm with special
reference to Alangattan village Kattumannarkoilk taluk S A dist

26 26 240 SA An Economic Analysis of the Determinations of Fertilizer
consumption in Agriculture in SA Dist.
27 27 238 SA Economics of dry land farming with special ref,to Pichavaram village
SA dist
28 28 237 SA An Economic Analysis of Determinants of Pesticides use in
Agriculture-SA Dist.
29 29 226 SA A Study of Farm Size and Productivity with special reference to
Komaratchi village Kattumannarkoil of S.A.Dist.
30 30 225 SA Impact of Fertilizer use on Agricultural production with special
reference to Jayamkondapattinam village in Komaratchi block, South
Arcot district
31 31 222 SAL The Cost Benefit Analysis of Sugarcane Cultivation in Mohanur
Block of Namakkal Taluk, SAL District
32 32 220 SAL Modernisation of Agriculture (A Study of two villages in SAL Dist.)
33 33 217 SAL Terms of Trade Between Tapica Cultivation and SAGO Production in
SAL District (A Case Study)
34 34 201 SAL Problems in Growth of Oil Seeds: A Study of Groundnut in Tamilnadu
35 35 186 TCY Economics of Dry Farming in Alathur Block, TCY Dist.
36 36 183 TCY Productivity of Lands in “Dry Farming” in Thathanur village in
Udayarpalayam Taluk of Trichirapalli Dist.
37 37 180 TCY The Impact of New Agricultural Technology on Incomeand
Employment Among Farmers in Lalgudi Block of TCY Dist.
38 38 178 TCY Economics of Traditional and Modern Farming in Peruvalappur village

39 39 169 TCY Productivity of Lands in Dry Farming with particular reference to some
selected villages of Ariyalurtaluk Trichy dist dist.
40 40 157 TCY Surplus - Flows of Agricultural produces - A Case study of Nagar
Village in Lalgudi Taluk
41 41 156 TCY A study on the Economics of Mixed Farming Among Marginal, Small
and Medium Forms in Lalgudi Taluk
42 42 153 TCY The Cost-Benefit Analysis of Sugarcane Cultivation with reference to
Lalgudi Taluk
43 43 146 TCY Economics of Crop Enterprises in Farms of Anthanallur Block of TCY
Dist. T.N.
44 44 144 TCY Application of Modern Technology in Paddy Cultivation with special
reference to Manaparai Panchayat Union
45 45 138 TCY Fertilizer Application in Irrigated Areas - A Case Study
:Mannachanallur Block
46 46 6 TCY A study of production and productivity of Irrigated and Rainfed crops
in Tirucirapalli Dist
47 47 4 TCY Determinants of innovativeness of small farmers: relevancy of
innovations, competency of extension agents and involvement of
clients- An appraisal
48 48 120 THN Relative Profitability between Paddy and Groundnut in Neyvasal
Thenpathy - west THN Dist.
49 49 105 THN Productivity of crops with special reference to Konerirajapuram village
Mayiladuthurai taluk THN dist
50 50 104 THN Changes in the Application of Fertilizers and Economics of Fertilizer Use

51 51 91 THN Impact of Rural Electrification on Agricultural Productivity in
Perumandi village
52 52 64 THN The impact of mechanization on labour absorption and productivity in
agriculture : A study in Thirupurambiam village of THN dist
53 53 50 TIN A Comparative Study of Paddy Cultivation among Small farmers and
Large Farmers in Ravanasamudram village - Ambasamudram Tk
54 54 33 TIN Farm Size return to scale and absorption of Labour in Tamil Nadu
Agriculture - A Micro Analysis
55 55 20 TIN A Comparative Study of Two varieties of Paddy in Kulayankarisal
56 1.2. Crop 1 514 KK Economics of cropping pattern of Kanyakumari Dt ( A Case Study )
57 Pattern / 2 503 KK A macro level study of trends in the cropping pattern in KK district
Land use. during 1957-1987
58 3 367 MAD Economics of Cropping pattern in MAD District
59 4 448 MAD An Economic Study of Cropping pattern in Usilampatti Block MAD
60 5 414 MAD A Study of Cropping pattern in Lakshmipuram and Vannivelampatti
villages of MAD Dist.
61 6 296 PER Gopichettipalayam Taluk- A study in the changes in Agricultural land
62 7 676 SA Land use, Land Classification and Possibilities of re-planning of Land
use in Vanamadevi Village
63 8 195 SA,NA Economic Analysis of cropping pattern with special reference to land
allocation under uncertainity (Study in South & NA District)
64 9 160 TCY The Cropping pattern in Manikandam Block - Tirchirapalli district
65 10 181 TCY Cropping pattern in Lalgudi Block

66 11 10 TIN Changes in Cropping pattern in Tenkasi Taluk TINDistrict - A Micro
67 12 638 TUT A Study on Cropping pattern of Sethukkuvaithan village in
Chidambaranar dist.
68 1.3. Single 1 649 CBE A Study on Economics of Groundnut production in Pollachi Taluk
69 Crop Studies 2 589 CPT An Analysis of the Profitability of Rice Cultivation by Small farmer
70 3 599 CPT Flower Cultivation - A Socio-Economic Study
71 4 536 DIN An Economic Study of Cultivation of Selected Crops in Batlagundu
72 5 285 DIN Prospects of Onion cultivation in Quaid-E-Milleth Dist
73 6 511 KK An Economic Analysis of Banana Cultivation in Kulayankuarisal
74 7 465 KK The Economic Aspects of the Cultivation of Banana in
Agasteeswaram Taluk - KK Dist.
75 8 420 MAD An Economic Study of Coconut Marketing in Vadipatti Block in
MAD Dist.
76 9 413 MAD Economics of Groundnut Cultivation in MAD Dist A Case Study
77 10 377 MAD Economics of Irrigated Groundnut Cultivation in A. Kokkulam village
Panchayat of Tirumangalam Taluk, MAD Dist.
78 11 394 MAD Economics of Banana cultivation An Empirical Study with special
reference to Vadippatty Taluk MAD dist.
79 12 384 MAD Economics of cotton production with special ref. to Usilampatti in
MAD dist.
80 13 393 MAD Economics of Paddy Cultivation in Melur block in MAD Dist.

81 14 417 MAD Economics of Coconut Cultivation in Melur Taluk of MAD Dist.
82 15 380 MAD An Economic Study of Mango Cultivation in Natham Taluk
83 16 365 MAD Economics of Grape Cultivation in Dindigul and Nilakkottai Areas in
MAD District
84 17 360 NA Ground-nut Crop Production in NA Dist. A Case Study of Six Taluks
from 1974-75 to 1984-85
85 18 338 NIL An Economic Study of the Potato Cultivation in Udagamandalam Taluk
86 19 303 PER A Study on Marketed Surplus of Paddy under canal and well Irrigated
conditions [Elathur Panchayat, PER Dist.]
87 20 311 PER Diversion of Sugarcane to Jaggery Production (An Analysis with
special reference to PER dist. cane growers)
88 21 293 PUD Economics of Sugarcane Cultivation in Vallathirakottai village of
Pudukkottai District
89 22 270 RAM The Economics of IR 20 Paddy Cultivation in Thiruvengampet village,
RAM Dist.
90 23 229 SA A Study on Productivity of Sugarcane cultivation in Ko-mavidathal
village - S.A.Dist.
91 24 227 SA A Study of Productivity Trends in surgar cane cultivation in Edaiyar
village S.A.dist.
92 25 209 SAL Economics of Tapioca Cultivation in SAL Dist.
93 26 202 SAL Economics of Tapioca Cultivation in SAL Dist.
94 27 221 SAL A Study of Agro-Industrial Interaction - A Case Study of Groundnut in
Namakkal Taluk

95 28 214 SAL Impact of Tapioca Cultivation (cropping pattern) on Socio-Economic
conditions of cultivators (with special reference to Athur Block
96 29 162 TCY Economics of Banana Cultivation in Andanallur Block (TCY Dist.)
97 30 165 TCY Economics of Groundnut Cultivation with Special Reference to
Ariyalur Panchayat Union
98 31 168 TCY Economics of Tapioca cultivation in Thuraiyur taluk with special
reference to Sobanapuram and Koppampatti village
99 32 139 TCY A study on Economics of Groundnut Cultivation Compared to Millets
100 33 151 TCY Village Community and Paddy agriculture in South India
101 34 18 TCY Economics of Sugarcane Cultivation in Perambalur Taluk of TCY
102 35 16 TCY Economics of Banana Cultivation in TCY District
103 36 171 TCY Economics of paddy cultivation in Papakurichikattur village - TCY
104 37 98 THN The effect of increases in rice production on employment and income
distribution in THN district, South India
105 38 89 THN Impact of Cotton Cultivation on Income and Employment in
Papanasam Union, THN Dist.
106 39 78 THN A Study of Economics of Coconut Plantation at Vedaraniam in THN
107 40 114 THN A Study of Coconut in Tanjavur Dist. with special reference to
pattukkottai taluk
108 41 94 THN Economics of Groundnut Cultivation with Special Reference to THN
Panchayat Union

109 42 40 TIN An Economic Study of Paddy Cultivation in Ambasamudram Block -
TIN Kattabomman Dist.
110 43 42 TIN An Economic Study of Banana Cultivation in Kalliku lam village TIN
dist. T.N. - A Micro Analysis
111 44 36 TIN A Study of Area, output and cost of production of cotton in TIN
112 45 52 TIN Cost-Benefit Analysis of Water Management Systems in Udangudi
Block - A Case Study of Paddy Cultivation
113 1.4.Irrigation 1 646 CBE A study of the Impact of the River Valley Project on the Socio-
Economic structure of the regions benefited: P.A P. Region
114 2 613 CPT Minor Irrigation and the Economics of Agriculture: A Case Study of a
well irrigated village
115 3 616 CPT Tank Irrigation in T.N. - A Case Study with special reference to
productivity gains and maintenance of the system
116 4 492 KK Encroachment on Tanks in Thengamputhoor village - An Economic
117 5 508 KK Tank Irrigation in KK Dist.
118 6 357 NA Role of Water conservation and Management in Rural Areas of
Nattarampalli Panchayat Union of Tiruppattur Taluk, NA Dist.
119 7 327 NA Water in a Thirsty Land - Irrigation Development and Agraria
Structure in South India.
120 8 290 PUD Techno-Economic Aspects of Water Marketing with Special
Reference to Veeradipatti Revenue village
121 9 260 RAM Economics of well irrigation II- a case study of six farms in Uppathur

122 10 66 THN Agrarian Change and Water Management in Kumbapettai Village, THN
123 11 24 TIN Economics of Alternative Sources of Irrigation-A Comparative Study
of Well-Irrigated,Tank-irrigated & Rainfed Farming in Sevalkulam
124 12 48 TIN Economics of Pumpset Irrigation in Sivakulam village Sankarankovil
Taluk, TIN dist.
125 1.5.Marketing 1 648 CBE A Study on Production and Marketing of Coconut in Anaimalai Block
of CBE Dist.
126 2 550 DIN Marketing of Paddy - An Emprical Study in Vadipatti Block
127 3 544 DIN Planning for Onion Marketing at Oddanchatram Block Palani Taluk
DIN Quaid-E-Milleth Dist.
128 4 488 KK An Economic Study of Cashewnut Marketing in Vilavancode Taluk
129 5 400 MAD Cotton Marketing - An Emprical Study in Uthamapalayam Taluk
130 6 389 MAD Production and Marketing of Cotton - A Study with reference to
Thirumangalam Taluk
131 7 408 MAD Marketing of Groundnuts - An Emprical study in Uthamapalayam
132 8 429 MAD Betal Cultivation in Sholavandan with special reference to Marketing
133 9 390 MAD Marketing of coffee - An Emprical Study in Bodi Hills
134 10 347 NA Marketing of Agriculture produce in Tribal Economy A Case Study of
Jamanamarathur Village
135 11 309 PER A Study on Marketing of Turmeric in Erode
136 12 317 PER Marketing of Groundnut in Pollachi Taluk

137 13 292 PUD Production and Marketing of Cashew (with special reference to
Pudukkottai Dist.)
138 14 262 RAM Production and Marketing of Irrigated MCU-5 cotton in Srivilliputtur
Taluk - A Case Study
139 15 231 SA A Study on Marketing of Jack Fruits at Panruti, SA District
140 16 246 SA The Role of Regulated Market in the Marketing of Groundnut in the
SA Dist. with particularReference to Tindivanam Taluk
141 17 215 SAL A Study of Marketing of Jaggery in SAL Dist.
142 18 223 SAL Planning for regulated Marketing of Tomato in Omalur Block, SAL
143 19 206 SAL Marketing of Betel Leaves - A Study with reference to Authoor Area
144 20 205 SAL Economics of Betelvine Production and Marketing in Paramathy
Block of SAL District
145 21 323 SIV Production and Marketing problems of Paddy Cultiva tors - A Study
with reference to Sakkottai and Kallar Union of Karaikudi Taluk
146 22 325 SIV Rural Marketing Scenario at PMT dist. A Study with reference to
Marketing of Consumer softs at Selected rural pockets
147 23 5 TCY Adoption of Market Regulation for Agricultural Produce - A Farmer -
Traders Analysis
148 24 141 TCY Marketing of chillies in Ariyalur
149 25 13 TCY Production and Marketing of banana -A study with reference to the
Tiruchirappalli dist
150 26 163 TCY A Study on Economics of Banana Cultivation Production and
Marketing with special reference to Kattuputhur in TCY

151 27 115 THN A Study on Paddy Marketing at NAG Taluk
152 28 192 THN Public Distribution and rice procurement in Tamil Nadu
153 29 72 THN The Study of the Procurment Price of paddy and its Relation to cost
of Production at Kivelur Block in Tanjore dist.
154 30 27 TIN Production and Marketing of Chillies in Sankarankoil Taluk - A Case
155 31 644 TUT Production and Marketing of Chillies in Vilathikulam Taluk
156 32 526 VIR Marketing of cotton in Rajapalayam taluk
157 1.6. Rural 1 628 CBE A study on the extent of flow of institutional credit and its impact on
Credit agricultural development in Annur block of CBE district
158 2 658 CBE Attempting to reach the rural poor? The Small Farmer Development
Agency in Varandur Village
159 3 672 CBE Impact of Agri. Credit on Income,Cons. and Savings of Farmers - A
Case Study of Manupattu village in Udumalaipet block
160 4 653 CBE Economic and Social Aspects of Agriculture in India - A case study of
Chinnathadagam Village
161 5 591 CPT A Role of State Bank of India in Rural Development with particular
reference to the village adoption scheme-A Case study of Nochili
162 6 574 CPT Role of Institutional credit in poverty alleviation and Employment with
reference to chengai MGR Dist.
163 7 561 DHM Financial Assistance to Weaker Sections by Adhiyaman Grama Bank,
Dharmapurai Dist.

164 8 530 DIN A study of Commission Agents in DIN with special reference to
producer credit
165 9 528 DIN Structure and flow of crop loan in Tamil Nadu: A case study of Natham
Taluk of Dindigul Anna District
166 10 538 DIN An Economic Analysis of Overdues in Primary Agri. credit societies
with special reference to Nillakkottai Block - Anna Dist.
167 11 458 KK A Study of Growth and Agricultural Financing of Primary Agri. Co-op.
Societies in Mathusoothanapuram revenue village
168 12 450 MAD A Study of Primary Co-operative Land Development Bank in Sedapatti
Block MAD District
169 13 438 MAD A study of the MAD Agricultural Development Branch of the State
Bank of India
170 14 370 MAD A Critical Study of Small Farmers Credit and the Role of Small Farmers
Development Agency In MAD District.
171 15 425 MAD The Impact of Industrial Lending on Farm production income, savings
and investment in Vadipatti Block, MAD Dist.
172 16 387 MAD A Study of Agricultural Finance of Canara Bank with special reference
to Sholavandan - MAD Dist.
173 17 381 MAD Development of Landless Agricultural Labourers in
Thirupparankundram Block with special reference to Dairy Loan
174 18 439 MAD A Study on the Role of Co-op. Agri. Bank in Financing Agriculture with
special reference to Vadivelkarai Co-op. Agricultural bank, Madurai
175 19 382 MAD A Study on Structure and Performance of Primary Agricultural Credit
Societies in Usilampatti Block , MAD dist.
176 20 437 MAD Rural Credit in Two Villages in MAD District

177 21 403 MAD A Study of Utilization of Crop Loan by Sugarcane Growers in
Alanganallur Block
178 22 255 RAM Finance of Agriculture and Other Allied Activities By Commercial
Banks in RAM District since 1969
179 23 155 TCY Role of the State Bank of India on Agricultural Credit Facilities in
Suthamalli village, Trichy district
180 24 8 TCY Liquidity Management of Farms under Risk in Alathur Block TCY
Dist. in Tamil Nadu - A micro analysis
181 25 170 TCY A Study of institutional Finance and Agricultural Development in
Rajapuram vilage in Trichy Dist. with special reference to scheduled
182 26 137 TCY Credit and Capital formation in the agricultural development of four
Trichy Villages, M State of India.
183 27 173 TCY Deposit Mobilisation and Priority sector Lending by Banks during
1970-78 with special reference to five selected Banks in Trichy Town
184 28 102 THN Agricultural Credit Plan in Kumbakonam Block - A Micro Level Study
185 29 124 THN Impact of Commercial Banks on Small Farmers in THN Dist.
186 30 85 THN Impact of Financing by Land Development Bank on Agriculture in
Thiruvidaimarudhur Block
187 31 77 THN Impact of Land Development Bank Loan on Agriculture in
Cholanmaligai village of Kumbakonam Block
188 32 194 THN The impact of institutional financing on the Agricultural development
of TN with special reference to Tanjur District
189 33 68 THN A Study of the Impact of Bank Financing of Milch animals on Rural
Development with special reference to Thiruppanandal Block THN Dist

190 34 523 VIR Indian Overseas Bank and Agricultural Finance in Virudhunagar and
around villages
191 1.7Agri.Labor 1 652 CBE Employment Pattern of Labour Force in CBE Taluk
192 1.7.1.Emp & 2 584 CPT Male - Female Wage Differentiation in Agriculture An Emprical Study
193 Wages 3 478 KK Rural Labour Market in KK dist.
194 4 494 KK Sex Discrimination in farm wages - Case Study of a village in KK Dist.
195 5 490 KK Female labour force participation : An empirical study in Arumanai
village Kanyakumari dist
196 6 388 MAD A study of the level of wages and employment of agricultural labour in
Thimmanatham village Usilampatti taluk MAD dist
197 7 433 MAD A Study of Employment, Income, Expenditure and Indebtedness among
Agricultural Labourers in Ethakoil village, MAD Dist.
198 8 307 PER A Study on Farm Mechanization and its impact on Farm Employment in
PER Dist. T.N.
199 9 174 TCY Wage Structure of Landless Agricultural labourers in Andanallur Village
(Trichy Taluk)
200 10 19 TCY Mininimum wage for farm labour : An Economic analysis in TCY
District Tamilnadu
201 11 121 THN A study of the leval of wage and emloyment pattern of women labour in
agriculture in Sirkali block in THN dist
202 12 22 TIN A study on the level of wages and employment of agricultural labour in
Palamadai village TIN Tk & Dist
203 13 34 TIN A Study of Employment and Income pattern of Agricultural Labourers in
Kalakad Town Panchayat in TIN Kattabomman Dist.

204 1.7.2.Socio 1 621 CBE A study of Status and Role of Rural Farm Women in CBE district of
Economic Tamil Nadu
205 Condition 2 667 CBE A Study on Rural Poverty among the Landless Agri. Labourers in
Sulur Block, CBE Dist.
206 3 582 CPT A Study of Landless Female Agricultural Labourers in Paruthipattu
village (Chengelput dist.)
207 4 583 CPT Socio-Economic conditions of Women Agricultural Labour in
Kadampathur village, Thiruvallur Taluk Chengalpet dist.
208 5 565 DHM Socio-Economic conditions of landless Agricultural labourers in
& SAL DHM and SAL dt A case study
209 6 281 DIN Socio-Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers in Natham
panchayat union (Quaid-E-Millet Dist.)
210 7 375 MAD Agricultural Child Labourers in Thirumangalam Taluk During 1994-
1995 - A Study
211 8 372 MAD A Study onf Economic conditions of marginal Farmers and
Agricultural labourers in Kodaikanal upper hill region in Tamilnadu
212 9 391 MAD Socio-Economic conditions of Agricultural Labourers in Melur in
MAD Dist.
213 10 442 MAD Socio-Economic conditions of Landless Agricultural Labourers in
Melur Taluk MAD Dist.
214 11 369 MAD Wage Labour and Unfreedom in Agriculture: An Indian Case Study
215 12 349 NA Socio-Economic conditions of Landless Agricultural Labourers in
Tirupattur Taluk NA Dist.
216 13 306 PER A Study on Farm Women with special reference to four villages in PER
Dist. of T.N.

217 14 289 PUD Economic conditions of Agricultural Labourers A Case study of
Vallathirakottai Revenue village in Pudukkottai District
218 15 259 RAM Socio-Economic conditions of Agricultural Labourer in Tiruppatur
Panchayat Union (RAM Dist.)
219 16 207 SAL A Study of Socio-Economic Conditions of Agricultur al Labour in
SAL Dist.-with special reference toThippampatti village
220 17 203 SAL A Study of the Socio-Economic conditions of Casual and Attached
Agricultural Labourers in Kandampalayam and Vegarai village
221 18 632 SAL A Study of the Soci economic conditions of female agricultural
labourers in Nalikalpatti, Salem District
222 19 136 TCY Conditions of living of Landless Agricultural Labourers in Selected
villages of Lalgudi Taluk
223 20 172 TCY A study on poverty among the Agricultural Labourers in T.Palur
Block in Trichy District
224 21 185 TCY Economic conditions of Agricultural Labourers - A Case Study of
Kulumani village in Trichy Dist.
225 22 71 THN Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers: A Case Study of Two
Revenue Villages in Tanjavur district
226 23 88 THN Socio-Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers in Ammapet
Block of THN District
227 24 90 THN Economic Conditions of Landless Agricultural Labour in THN District
228 25 97 THN Economic Conditions of Landless Agricultural Labourers : A Case
Study of Patteeswaram Village in THN District
229 26 129 THN The Economic conditions of landless agricultural labourers in THN

230 27 75 THN Socio-Economic conditions of Agricultural Labour in Needamangalam
block(Taluk) THN Dist.
231 28 51 TIN Socio-Economic Conditions of Landless Agricultural Labourers in
Cheranmahadevi Block (TIN dist.)
232 29 39 TIN A Study of Economic Conditions of Agricultural Labourers in
Ammanpuram village - TIN Dist
233 30 47 TIN The Socio-Economic Profile of Agricultural women Labourers in
Tharuvai in TIN Kattabomman dist.
234 1.8.Farmers / 1 578 CPT Income and Expenditure pattern of small farmers in Kaveri Rajapuram,
Cultivators Tiruttani Taluk, CPT Dist.
235 2 585 CPT A Study on Poverty among Small Farmers in Palayaperunkalathur
villege of Chengai MGR Dist.
236 3 411 MAD A Study on the Indebtedness of Small and Marginal Farmers in
Sholavandan Revenue village
237 4 412 MAD An Economic Study of cotton Farmers with special Reference to
MCU-5 variety in Kovilpatty village MAD dist.
238 5 315 PER A Study on Rural Households saving behaviour in PER Dist. T.N.
239 6 313 PER Economy and Family Management : An Anthropological Study of
Peasant Community in Palayur, PERDist
240 7 243 SA A Comparative Study on the Entrepreneurial Behaviour ofMarginal
and Small Farmers (A Case Study of Mangalur Block in SA Dist.)
241 8 228 SA Rural investment behaviour :A study in two South Arcot villages
242 9 167 TCY Comparative Analysis of Socio Eco. Conditions of Agri. Labour
Households and Cultivator households - A Case Study of
243 10 111 THN Social Factors and Peasant behaviour in a South Indian Village

244 11 518 VIR Income, Expenditure and Saving pattern of Agri.
Households,Pudukkottai Revenue village in Kamarajar Dist.
245 1.9. Caste / 1 668 CBE Changes in Land Ownership patterns in a Decade Tamilnadu
246 Agrarian 2 600 CPT Verkadu : A study of a Backward Agricultural Village in Tamilnadu
247 Structure / 3 581 CPT Mechanization of Agriculture and the Dynamics of caste and class in
Transformation Rural Tamil Nadu
248 4 608 CPT Caste and the Agrarian Structure : A study of Chingleput District,
Tamilnadu, South India
249 5 601 CPT Agro-economic Transformation in Tamilnadu - A case stud
Enathimelpakkam Village
250 6 595 CPT Enanthimelpakkam Revisited : 1993-94
251 7 612 CPT Verkadu : A resurvey
252 8 493 KK Factors influencing Tenancy - A Study of Two villages in KK dist.
253 9 371 MAD Land and caste - A sociological study of Kottaipatty village in MAD
254 10 392 MAD A study of agrarian social sturcture in Tamilnadu : A study of
Madapuram village
255 11 9 NA Aspects of market inter-relationships in a changing Agrarian Economy
(A case study from Tamilnadu)
256 12 326 NA Poverty affluence and Agrarian structure- The study of a village in
257 13 142 TCY Studies in Sociocultural change in rural villages in TCY District
258 14 166 TCY Impact of Land Ceiling on Beneficiaries Pitchandar Koil -
Mannachananllur Block Trichy

259 15 158 TCY Barriers Broken : Production Relations and Agrarian Change in
260 16 7 TCY Gender, Caste & class in Rural South India
261 17 150 TCY Studies in Sociocultural change in rural villages in TCY District
262 18 70 THN Caste, Class and Power : Changing Patterns of stratification in a
Tanjore Village
263 19 119 THN Peasant Organisation in THN Dist.
264 20 110 THN Unionism among Landless Labourers of East THN - A Case Study
265 21 80 THN The Role of Temple Lands in the Economic Development of THN
266 22 135 THN Income Saving and the Pattern of Investment in th Rural Sector - A
Study in the New Deltaic Region of THN District
267 23 193 THN The sources of Agrarian Redicalism -A study of THN Dist -South
268 24 132 THN A Village Economy in Transition: A study of the processes of change
in Iluppakkorai, Tamilnadu 1960-1985
269 25 101 THN Agrarian Tension in THN
270 26 125 THN The Social Structure of a Tanjore Village, ‘ in M.N. Srinivas ed., India’s
271 27 128 THN Income, Saving and Investment of Rural Households A Case Study of
Paravakkottai village, Mannargudi Taluk, THN Dist.
272 28 108 THN Rural Society in South East India, 1950s to 1980s
273 29 79 THN Rural Society in South East India

274 30 106 THN, Commodity Production and Differentiation of the
CBE Peasantry in Madras Presidency - Thanjavur and Coimbatore dist.
275 1.10. Allied 1 665 CBE Impact of ‘Operation Flood’ at the village level in CBE Dist.
276 Activities 2 627 CBE Diagnostic study on Agroforestry in Research. Extension and clientele
1.10.1.General perspectives
277 3 611 CPT Three Fishing Villages in Tamilnadu
278 4 572 CPT Role of Social Forestry in Forest Management A Case Study of
village Manimangalam in the dist. of Chingleput
279 5 564 DHM Social Forestry performance and Constraints in Paiyur village in DHM
280 6 455 KK A Study on Income and Employment Generation of Bee-keeping at
Arumanai village -KK Dist. .
281 7 483 KK An Economic Study of Fishing Industry in Kanniya kumari dist.
282 8 459 KK A Study on Income and Employment Potentially of Beekeeping at
Marthandam, KK dist.
283 9 504 KK Interlinkage of Credit Labour and Marketing Relations in Traditional
Marine Fishing - A Case Study of Colachel (KK Dist.)
284 10 477 KK Marketing of Marine Fish - An Emprical Study in Costal villages in KK
285 11 516 KK Political Economy of Fishing: A Study of an indigenous social system
in Tamilnadu
286 12 495 KK Employment Potential in Sericulture in Marungoor village of KK dist.
287 13 451 MAD Economics of Social Forestry in MAD Dist

288 14 401 MAD Sericulture Industry in MAD Dist. - An Emprical Study
289 15 284 NAG Aquaculture - A Sociological Study
290 16 314 PER An Economic Analysis of Fish Culture in Ponds of Bhavani Taluk
(PER Dist.)
291 17 287 PUD A study on fisheries industry in pudukkottai dist
292 18 294 PUD Economics of Sericulture in Saveriarpuram village Pudukkottai district
293 19 267 RAM A case study of fisheries in Ramnad dist with special reference to
294 20 277 RAM Social Forestry in Tamil Nadu since 1975 - A Study of the impact on
the Beneficiaries with reference to Ramnad Dist.
295 21 263 RAM An Economic Study on Sericulture in Ramnad Dist.
296 22 198 SAL A study on production and marketing of poultry products in
Vennandur block Salem dist
297 23 319 SIV Planning for Income Generation Through Dairy Devel opment in
Vagudy village Panchayat, Manamadurai Block
298 24 177 TCY Economics of Sericulture with special Reference to Manachanallur
Block in Tirchy District
299 25 76 THN A study of Marine Fishing in Vedaranyam Taluk (production and
300 26 73 THN Promotion of Prawn Farming by MPEDA - A Study with reference to
Tanjore Regional Centre
301 27 130 THN A Study of Marine Fishing Industry in THN District
302 28 63 THN Coastal Village Development in Four Fishing Communities of
Adiramapattinam, Tamilnadu

303 29 54 TIN Working of the Milk Co-operative Socities Situated at
Ambasamudram and in the Nearby Villages
304 30 30 TIN Dairy Farming as a Subsidiary occupation in Agri. A Case Study of
Kovilpatti Taluk
305 31 44 TIN Role of Credit in Traditional Fishing - A Case Study of Uvari village in
TIN dist
306 32 25 TIN Dairy Farming and Rural Employment : A Case Study of Levenjipuram
village of TIN Kattabomman dist.
307 33 32 TIN An Economic Criterion of Investment in Crossbred cows in one
Lactation period - A Case Study in Pettai- TIN Dist.
308 34 58 TIN Modernization of Fishing Craft in TIN Kattabomman dist.
309 35 642 TUT The Economics of the Chank-Fisheries at Tuiticorin in the Gulf of
Mannar, T.N.
310 36 639 TUT A Study on Poultry Farming in Tuiticorin Taluk
311 37 678 VIR Economic Impact of the Agro Forestry Schemes Implemented in
Kariapatti Block of Kamarajar Dist.
312 1.10.2.Workers 1 671 CBE A Study of the working and Living Conditions of Coffee Plantation
Workers at Valparai
313 2 545 DIN Socio-Economic conditions of women wage earners in sericulture:A
Study of Erramanaickanpatti village in Anna Dist.
314 3 556 DIN A Study on Socio-Economic Conditions of Landless Plantation
Labourers at Kodaikanal Hills
315 4 491 KK Socio-Economic Status of plantation Labourers in Kannyakumari Dist.
316 5 512 KK Socio-Economic conditions of small fishermen in selected fishing
villages in Agasteeswaran taluk of KK dist.

317 6 501 KK The Rubber Plantation Workers in KK Dist. - An Economic Study
318 7 467 KK Economic Conditions of Rubber Plantation Workers A case study of
KK District
319 8 485 KK Levels of Living of Labour in Rubber Plantations with special
reference to Kalkulam and Vilvancode Taluks, Kanniyakumar Dist.
320 9 283 NAG Socio Economic Conditions of Fishermen in Keechamkupam village
(NAG Taluk)
321 10 276 RAM Development of Marine Fishing in Rameswaram
322 11 81 THN The Socio Economic conditions of Small Fishermen in NAG Taluk of
THN District
323 12 93 THN Economic Conditions of Fisher men in Adirampattina
324 13 109 THN A Study on the Socio-Economic conditions of Fisherman in T.N. with
special reference to THN Dist.
325 14 31 TIN Employment, Earnings and living conditions of women workers in Tea
Plantation with special reference to Manjolai Tea Estate
326 15 46 TIN Fisher Women in Karaichchuttu Uvari - TIN Kattabomman Dist.
327 16 645 TUT A Micro Level Plan:The Socio-Eco. Devpt. of Small Fishermen in
Tiruchendur Bl w.r.t. Motorisation of Indigeneous Fishing crafts
328 1.11.Misc. 1 623 CBE Farm Leadership for Agricultural Development - A Critical Analysis
329 2 368 MAD Agricultural Development in MAD District
330 3 341 NA A Study on Occupational Experience of Women in Agriculture
331 4 69 THN A Study of Small Scale Farming with special ref. to Arivalur village of
THN dist.

332 5 92 THN The Impact of Farmer’s Training on Agricultural Development in THN
333 6 123 THN Terms of Trade in the Agriculture Sector - A Case Study of THN Dist.
334 7 122 THN Tractor-trailer transport in THN dist-its importance in the movement
of agriculture produce in Orathanad taluk
335 2. SECONDARY 2.1 House 1 596 CPT Growth and Problems of Handicrafts in Chengalpet dist.
SECTOR hold/
336 i. HH/SSI/ 2 560 DIN A Study of the Marketing problems of Handloom Art Silk Saree
Village / SSI Manufacturers of Chinnalapatti
337 industry 3 502 KK The Economics of Tile Industry in Thuckalay Block
338 4 344 NA The Economic profile of Sericulture Industry in T.N. with special
reference to Poongulam village N.A.Dist.
339 5 291 PUD A Study on the Production and Marketing of Jelly Stones (Blue
Metal) in Tirumayam Taluk
340 6 256 RAM Impact of Palmyrah Industry on Income and Employment of Rural
People in RAM Dt
341 7 235 SA A Study of Ghani Oil Industry and its impact on Income and
Employment in Pudupettai Village, Panruti Taluk
342 8 199 SAL Impact of private finance on the organisational pattern of powerloom
industry with special reference to Kumarapalayam, SAL Dist.
343 9 213 SAL Industrial Co-operative Weaving Society for Scheduled Castes in
Tamil Nadu
344 10 321 SIV A Study on Rice Milling Industry in Puduvayal PMT Dist.
345 11 12 TCY A study of khadi and village industries in Tirucirappalli dist

346 12 143 TCY A Sociological Study of Small Scale Industries and Rural Development
with particular reference to Musiri Taluk, TCY Dist. T.N.
347 13 149 TCY A Study on The Problems Faced by Small Scale Mechanised
Koraimat Industries in Musiri Taluk
348 14 184 TCY A case study of oil production and marketing at Melanikuly Trichy
349 15 640 TUT Production and Marketing of Bricks (Chidambaranar Dist.)
350 2.2.Labour 1 661 CBE Socio-Economic conditions of Palm Product artisans A case study of
Bodipalayam, CBE Dist.
351 2 626 CBE A Sociological Study of Child Labour in Bidi making works in CBE
District of Tamil Nadu
352 3 484 KK The Socio-Economic conditions of women and child Labour in the
small scale Industries in Thovalai Taluk KK Dist.
353 4 489 KK Health Conditions of Women Workers in Cashewnut Industry - A
Study of selected units in Kaliyakavilai village of KK dist.
354 5 475 KK The Position of Pot Making Women at Thalakulam in KK Dist.
355 6 479 KK Employment Income Generation in Palmyrah Industry A Case Study of
Pacode village in KK Dist. .
356 7 469 KK Some Aspects of Capital and Labour in Brick Industry - A Case Study
of Melpuram block in KK Dist.
357 8 461 KK The Position of Women workers in Cashew Factories in Keezhkulam
(KK Dist.)
358 9 457 KK The Position of women in the Banana Fibre Article Making Units in
Verkizambi (Kanyakumari Dist.)

359 10 505 KK Wages and Living conditions of Coir workers in Agasteeswaram
Block of Kanyakumari dist.
360 11 397 MAD An Economic Study of the Working and Living Conditions of Brick
Workers at Virahanur, MAD
361 12 402 MAD An Economic Study of Living and Working Conditions of workers in
Alanganallur sugarmills B.Mettupattivillage - MAD dist.
362 13 378 MAD Working and Living conditions of Weavers at T. Subbulapuram
village, Andipatti Taluk
363 14 361 NA A Comparative Economic Study of village potteries in Chunkankadai
and Thezhakudi and A Socio-Economic Analysis of potters
364 15 282 NAG A study on Socio-Economic conditions of Rural Artisans in NAG
365 16 249 SA A study on the Economic Conditions of village Artisans in
Thiyagadurgam Block SA Dist.
366 17 197 SAL Status of Devanga Community Women Weavers in Ponnamapet SAL
367 18 35 TIN A Socio-Economic Study of the Women Mat-Weavers of Pattamadai
Village - TIN Kattabomman Dist.
368 19 41 TIN The Position of Muslim Women of Mat - Industry in Vilacheri
369 20 37 TIN An analysis of Economic conditions of Handloom Weavers in
Valliammanipuram Village, TIN Kattapomman dist.
370 21 634 TUT A Study of the problems of Uppalam Labourers with special reference
to Tuiticorin V.O.C. Dist.

371 22 636 TUT Rural Children in Urban Match Industries of Kovilpatti : An
Anthropological Study
372 23 635 TUT A Study of the working and living conditions of women workers in the
match units at ettayapuram
373 24 525 VIR Living and Working Conditions of Handloom Weavers in Punalvelli
village in Rajapalayam Block
374 25 522 VIR Socio-Economic conditions of women match workers at Sankarapuram
in Upparthur Panchayat Kamarajar dist.
375 26 521 VIR Child Labour - A Study at Sattur Match Industries
376 2.3.Misc. 1 432 MAD Planning for Cotton Based Industries in Chenllampatty Block, MAD
377 2 2 VIL Rural Industrialisation - A Case Study of Sulur Block
378 3.SOCIAL 3.1. Education 1 531 DIN A Plan to Minimize Drop-outs at Primary School Level in Natham
SECTOR Block-Anna District
379 2 513 KK Education and the Changes in the Structure of Rural Labour Market in
KK Dist.
380 3 463 KK The Study of the Impact of in-service Teacher Training given under
National Education Policy to School Teachers
381 4 486 KK Female Literacy in KK dist. - A Case Study of 2 villages
382 5 472 KK Relative Deprivation among PG Assistants in Higher Secondary
383 6 14 TCY Education and socio-economic changes in the rural areas of TCY
384 3.2.Housing 1 615 CPT Housing in an Indian Village

385 3.3.Health 1 622 CBE A study of Communication and community Health in the villages of
CBE District
386 3.3.1.General 2 573 CPT Pills against poverty : A study of the introduction of Western
Health Medicine in a Tamil Village
387 3 510 KK Nutritional Status of Households at Kottaram KK dist.
388 4 398 MAD Immunization of children : A study from mother’s perspective in
vadivelkarai village - MAD district
389 5 404 MAD Immunization of children : A study from mother’s perspective in
Vadapalanji village
390 6 406 MAD Immunization of children : A study from mothers perspective in
chekkanurini village
391 7 428 MAD A Study on the problems of hygiene, sanitation and morbidity in
Achampathu village
392 8 447 MAD Immunization of children: A study from mothers perspective in
Elumalai village
393 9 331 NA Socio-Demographic Determination of Meternal and child malnutrition
in K.V.Kuppam Block of rural Tamilnadu :A Sociological Study
394 10 53 TIN Folk Medicine Among Kanikkars in TIN Dist.
395 3.3.2.Health 1 670 CBE Patterns of Health Care support and Educational Goals for Male and
Services Female children in rural Scheduled Caste Families
396 2 663 CBE Beneficiary Assessment of Health care services - A Case Study of Rural
Population at Periyanaickenpalayam panchayat union in CBE dist.
397 3 666 CBE Educational and Healthcare support for children A Study of Sex
Discrimination in Rural Communities

398 4 418 MAD Health Care Service in Rural Village - A Case Study of Thevaram
399 5 300 PER Patterns of Health Care and Educational Support for Male and Female
Children in Rural Landless Families
400 4.POPLN & 4.1Demography 1 656 CBE A Study of Family size and sex preference in a village community
401 DEMO- & Fertility 2 660 CBE The Process of Decision Making on Family Size the effect of
GRAPHY demographic and socio-economic characteristics of couples in a
village of T.N.
402 3 657 CBE Contraceptive Behaviour and its Determinants in a Tamil Nadu Village
403 4 674 CBE Old Age Security and Fertility Behaviour in a Rural Society - A Study
in a village of CBE Dist.
404 5 650 CBE Cultural Factors influecing age at Marriage in a village in T.N.
405 6 607 CPT Population and Social Change in an Indian Village
406 7 604 CPT Mangadu : A Demographic Study of an Indian Village
407 8 562 DHM Family type and fertility : A study in Krishnagiri area- DHM District
408 9 534 DIN A Study on the Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Family Planning-
among the women of V.Pappanampattivillage - DIN Anna Dist.
409 10 527 DIN; MAD;PUD;RAM;THN
Demographic transition in Tamilnadu
410 11 454 KK Community development and fertility behaviour in Thiruvattar
Panchayat union area in Kanyakumari dist Tamilnadu
411 12 500 KK Relationship Between Education and Population in KK Dist. - A Case
412 13 498 KK A Study of the Practice of Family Planning Devices in selected
villages of KK Dist.

413 14 515 KK Infant Mortality: An analysis of its determinants in two villages of
kanyakumari district
414 15 517 KK Determination of Fertility in Rural Areas A Study of selected villages
in Kanyakumari Dt Tamilnadu (India)
415 16 419 MAD A Study on the Knowledge and Adoption of Family Planning
Practices among selected couples of Vadipatti Village MAD Dist.
416 17 449 MAD A Study of Psychosocial Factors on Fertility regulation & their impact
on Family Planning methods in selected villages
417 18 431 MAD Caste, Status and Fertility in a Rural Area of Tamilnadu
418 19 409 MAD A study of the relationship between sex preference and family size in
cumbum area- MAD District
419 20 446 MAD Determination of Fertility in Rural Areas - A case study of Theni
Panchayat union
420 21 444 MAD A study of attitude of rural women towards family planning
421 22 308 PER Socio-Cultural Determinants of Fertility Behaviour among the
scheduled castes and caste Hindus in a T.N. Village
422 23 3 PER; Factors contributing to fertility transition in Tamilnadu
423 24 239 SA Family size: its impact on development - A case study in Karkudal and
sirvvarappur villages- Virudachalam Taluk SA District

424 25 242 SA Demographic economic and social determinates of KAP of family
planning among the Harijans of the K.Adoor village S A dist
425 26 241 SA Socio-Economic conditions and Fertility : A comparative study in
Pichavaram and Sivapuri villages Chidambaram taluk
426 27 232 SA Fertility behaviour among migrant and non-migrant tribs-A case study
in SA District
427 28 189 TCY Fertility behaviour among the christians in Vardarajanpet area, Trichy
428 29 118 THN Working women and Fertility in Tanjore area
429 30 133 THN A Study of Knowledge Awareness and practice of family welfare
planning among rural folk in THN District
430 31 67 THN A study on relationship between family size and sex preference in
Porayar area Tanjore dist
431 32 45 TIN Determinants of Infant and child mortality in rural settings - A study
in Tenkasi Taluk TIN District Tamilnadu
432 33 26 TIN Motivation and Adoption of Family Planning Practices among selected
Families in Kayamozhi village Thirunelveli Dist.
433 34 637 TUT Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Planning Measures
among women in the village of Manakkad and Pallathoor V.O.C.Dist
434 4.2.Migration 1 618 CPT Mudichur
435 & Urban Gr. 2 487 KK Labour Migration and Economic prosperity - A Case Study of
Fishermen Community of Rajakamangalam Thurai village of KK Dist.
436 3 460 KK Labour Migration to Gulf countries - An Economic Study of a village -
Azahappapuram in Kanniyakumar

437 4 677 M Urban Fringe Settlement : A case study
438 5 257 RAM Rural Migration : A case study in four RAM Villages
439 5.POVERTY & RURAL 1 669 CBE A study on transfer of Tecnology and rural development with special
DEVELOPMENT reference to Selakkarichal village CBE dt
440 2 647 CBE A Study of the Urban Impact on Rural Life in Okkilipalayam village in
CBE Dist.
441 3 659 CBE A study on the Physical Quality of Life - A case study of
Rasipalayam Village in CBE District
442 4 629 CBE Motivating Youth for rural development
443 5 580 CPT Rural Transformation in Somangalam village 1951-1986
444 6 570 CPT Technology and Scoio-Economic Changes in a T.N. village - A Case
445 7 605 CPT Behind Poverty : The Social Formation in a Tamil Village
446 8 633 CPT Economic processes and weaker sections a comparative study of two
villages in Tamilnadu
447 9 593 CPT Vadagarai : A Tank Village in Southern India, in N. Pye ed. Asian
Sample Studies
448 10 603 CPT Economics of Rural Poverty - A Case Study of Otteri Village
449 11 554 DIN Family characteristics of the rural poor- A case study
450 12 480 KK An Economic Study of the Hutment Dwellers in Thadikkaranconam -
A Hill Side village in Kanniya Kumari Dist.
451 13 396 MAD A Study on Economic Position of the Families in
Keelachokkanathapuram, MAD Dist.

452 14 443 MAD A Socio-Economic Study of the Agricultural Indebetedness in
Kidarippatty village, Melur TalukMAD Dist.
453 15 440 MAD Employment pattern and Income Level in Virattipattu
454 16 355 NA Drought and its Effects on Thiruppathur Block - A Case Study
455 17 346 NA Rural Development in Tamil Nadu - A Case Study of Thalikkal Village
456 18 352 NA Mahammadupuram : A Piedmont Village
457 19 356 NA Planning for Rural Tourism - A Study with special Reference to
458 20 339 NA; SA; TIN; THN; RAM
Economics of development in Village India
459 21 335 NIL Role of voluntary agencies in rural development with particular
reference to Kothagiri taluk of Nilgri Dist
460 22 233 SA Block level Planning and Development in South Arcot dist (with
special reference to Bhuvanagiri block )
461 23 250 SA Psycho-Social aspects of Economic development in rural India (with
particular reference to Avinangudi village in S A dt)
462 24 244 SA A study on the inequalities in income distribution relating to rural
areas with special reference to Parangipettai block of SA
463 25 176 TCY Income and Expenditure pattern of Rural Households in
Thanthiengarpet village, TCY Dist.
464 26 179 TCY Basic needs attainment : An evaluative study with special reference to
Varadarajanpet village in Trichy dist
465 27 15 TCY Changing patterns of Economic and Political structures in a Tamilnadu

466 28 96 THN In equalities in Income distribution of Rural people with special
Reference to Thiruvaiyaru Panchayat Union of Tanjavur District
467 29 116 THN A study on the development experience in rural Areas of THN dist
during 1961-1988
468 30 126 THN Nature and Extent of Rural Indebetedness - A Re-examination with
special ref. to Vadagari village of Tiruvarur Taluk in THN dist.
469 31 117 THN A study of rural poverty - With special reference to Valakkarai THN dist
470 6. CASTE /TRIBE 6.1.General 1 651 CBE The Komutti Chettiyar: Position and Change of Position of a Merehant
COMMUNITY Caste in a South Indian Village.
471 2 588 CPT A Tamil Village : Changing Socio economic Structure in Madras State
in K. Ishwaran ed. Change and Continuity in India’s Villages
472 3 569 CPT Changing Social and Occupational patterns among the Adi-Dravidas
of Kalyanakuppam village in CHengai MGR dis.
473 4 551 DIN Resolving the Caste conflict through the Gandhian Techniques at
Kosavapatty village, Shanarpathi Block, DIN Quaid-E-Milleth Dist. T.
474 5 499 KK Socio-Economic Inequalities and group tension in KK Dist. - A Case
Study of 2 villages
475 6 423 MAD Social Contours of a South Indian Village
476 7 345 NA The Idea of a conflict free society - a case study of a Tamilnadu village
477 8 329 NA Culture population and Resources - A study of Malayali of Javadhi
hills in Tamilnadu
478 9 334 NIL Technology, Credit and Culture in a Nilgiri Village, in India’s Villages
479 10 332 NIL Developmental communication with specil reference to Agro-
Husbandary practices among the Irula of NIL Tamilnadu

480 11 316 PER The attitude of caste Hindus towards untouchables in Nanjanapuram
village in Thanthai PER Dist
481 12 253 SA The Social Structure of a Multicaste village (Nanjaloor - A village in
SA District)
482 13 196 SAL Integrated Socio Economic and Cultural Transformat ion of a Tribal
Community - A systems approach
483 14 191 TCY Caste discrimination against Christian of scheduled caste origin with
in Christian communities:A studyof two villages in Tamilnadu
484 15 159 TCY A Study of Poverty and Destitution among the Harijans of
Veerayakkiyam village, Kulithalai Taluk Trichirapalli Dist.
485 16 188 TCY A Study on the Inter-Caste Marriage in Thanthonri Panchayat Union
of Karur Taluk
486 17 17 TCY A case study of the tribal economy of malayalis of Pachamalai hills-
TCY District Tamilnadu
487 18 95 THN Caste in a Tanjore Village in E.R. Leach ed. Aspects of Caste in South
India Ceylon and North-West Pakistan
488 19 131 THN Changing socio-economic conditions of scheduled castes in THN dt -
Tamilnadu - A case study
489 20 103 THN When Caste Barriers fall : A Study of Social and Economic Change in a
South Indian Village.
490 21 1 VIL Political orientation of scheduled castes towards the Natioal political
system :A study in Kolianur panchayat union VIL Dist TN
491 6.2. Socio 1 587 CPT Socio-Eco. status of Irula S.T. in Cpt Taluk with special reference to
Economic Irula Tribal Snake Catchers, Industrial co-op.soc.Ltd. in Vadane

492 2 563 DHM Tribal Economic Organization : A Study of Malayalies in Sithery hills
of Tamil Nadu
493 Cond.of Pop. 3 566 DHM Socio-Eco. conditions of Malayali Tribes in Sitheri-Hills of Dhm. Dist.
Impact of Devpt Schemes
494 4 481 KK Socio-Economic conditions of S.C. people with special reference to
MarukalThalaivilai of KK Dist.
495 5 348 NA Changing Socio-Economic Conditions of A Tribal Community : A Case
Study of Malayali Tribs in Yelagiri Hills, T.N.
496 6 351 NA A socio-economic study of the Scheduled Tribes: A case study of the Yelagiri hills
497 7 200 SAL Socio-Economic conditions of Scheduled Tribes : with special
reference to the Malaiyalis of Peddanaicken palayam in SAL Dist.
498 6.3. Socio 1 577 CPT Position of Pariah Women in Perumalpattu village in Chengalput Dist.
499 Economic 2 547 DIN Women of Chakkiliya Community in Kodaikannal
500 Cond. Of 3 280 DIN The Position of Kappiliya Gowda Women in Kolingipatty village in
Women Quied-E-Milleth Dist.
501 4 553 DIN Status of Girl children in the Paliyan Community of Kodaikanal
502 5 532 DIN The Position of Women in Paliyan Community of Kodai Hills
503 6 559 DIN Status of Kongu Vellala Women in Kappilapatti village
504 7 470 KK Position of Women in Mukkuva Community at Muttam
505 8 456 KK The Position of Mukkuva Women in Marthandam
506 9 468 KK The Position of Nadar Women in Vadalivilai village
507 10 427 MAD The Position of women of Tottiya Nayakar Community in Periyakulam
Taluk with special reference to Gollavar

508 11 374 MAD The Position of Muslim women in Seeliyampatti Village
509 12 395 MAD The Position of Piramalai Kallar Women of Pappapatti village in
MAD Dist.
510 13 386 MAD A Study of position of women in Oddar Community of Periyakulam
511 14 340 NA The Study of Chakkiliya women in Kammavarpalayam
512 15 320 SIV Position of Protestant Christian Nadar Women at Idaiyankudi before
and after independence
513 16 187 TCY Women of Vanniyakula Kshatriyar Community in Maruvathur village -
Ariyalur Taluk
514 17 43 TIN Position of Pallan Women in Melapattam village
515 18 29 TIN Nadar women working in Beedi Industry in Poovalasamudram - Nellai
Kattabomman dist.
516 19 49 TIN Position of Marava Women of Ukkirankottai Panchayat (TIN Taluk-
517 20 524 VIR A Study on the women of Reddi Community at Panthalgudi in
Kamarajar Dist.
518 7.GOVT. 7.1.General 1 617 CPT Impact of National Rural Employment Programme on the Rural
PROGRAMMES Landless Agricultural Labourers in Villivakkam Block, Chengalpet Dist.
519 2 539 DIN Employment Generation Through Panchayat Level Planning - A
Resource Based Study in Nariyuthu Cluster - Nilakkottai Block
520 3 557 DIN A Study on Government (BDO)&NGO’s Organisation Prog. for
uplifting the rural poor-w.r.t. Natham Bl&Taluk
521 4 464 KK Housing Programmes and scheduled castes

522 5 385 MAD A study of the impact of National rural employment programme with
special reference to Cumbam block MAD dist
523 6 434 MAD An Economic Study of Jawahar Rozhar-Yojana in
Thirupparankundram Block of MAD District, T.N.
524 7 373 MAD The impact of nutrious noon meal scheme on school going children in
three schools at Usilampatti taluk
525 8 342 NA Economy and Tribal Development Programmes among the Malayalies
of Jawadhu Hills in T.N.
526 9 354 NA Welfare Programms under Rural Landless Employment Guarantee
Programme - A Case Study in Peranmbut
527 10 364 NA Meals and Noon Meals in South India : Food and Nutrition Policy in
the Food Economy of Tamilnadu state
528 11 353 NA Impact of Training to Rural Youth for Self Employment - scheme in
K.V. Kuppam Block (Keelvalithunayang Kuppam), NA
529 12 336 NIL Impact of Development Programmes on Tribal economy with Special
reference to Coonoor block the NIL
530 13 333 NIL A Study on the Institutional Assistance to Tribal people in NIL dist.
531 14 271 RAM Wage Employment Programmes and Scheduled Castes
532 15 230 SA A study of small farmers Development agency (with special reference
to Keel Kumaramangalam Cuddalore block)
533 16 251 SA Welfare programmes :People’s Attitude- A study in Tamilnadu with
particular reference to Kammapuram Block SA District
534 17 219 SAL Plan for the Development of Tribals (Malayar) of Palai Hill in Kolathur
Block, Salem Dist.

535 18 288 SAL Tribal Welfare Administration- A Study
536 19 322 SIV An Evaluation of Trysem Prog. in Pasumpon Thevar Thirumaganar
537 20 152 TCY Planning for Economic Development of Weaker Sections A case study
among the Scheduled Tribe of Patchamalai in Trichirapalli District
538 21 161 TCY An Assessment of NREP in Andanallur Block of TCY Dist
539 22 175 TCY Evaluation of NREP A study in Ariyalur Block of TCY district
540 23 154 TCY A Study on the National Rural Employment Prog. (NREP) in
Andanallur Block, Trichy Dist.
541 24 182 TCY A study of self-sufficiency scheme in Mannachanallur Panchayat
542 25 164 TCY An Economic Analysis of Trysem Programme in Lalgudi Block
543 26 62 THN Impact of rural landless employment guarantee programme on income
& emloyment generation-with spl Ref: to Mannargudi block
544 27 57 TIN Poverty alleviation programmes and scheduled caste
545 28 519 VIR A Study on the Impact of National Rural Employment Programme in
the Virudu Nagar Block of Kamarajar Dist. of Tamil Nadu
546 29 520 VIR Impact of Community Well Irrigation Scheme under brought - prone
Area Prog. in Sattur Block of Kamarajar dist.
547 7.2.IRDP 1 664 CBE Development of an Alternative Plan for the Economic Upliftment to
IRDP women Beneficiaries in a Selected Area
548 2 576 CPT The Role of State Bank of India in IRDP - A Study with particular
reference to Tiruttani Taluk of Chengai Anna Dist.
549 3 610 CPT Integrated Rural Development Prog. - A Study of St. Thomas Mount Block

550 4 568 DHM Integrated Rural Development - An approch for Block level Planning
in Nallampalli block DHM Dist Tamilnadu
551 5 548 DIN A Study on Integrated Rural Development Prog. in Natham Taluk, DIN
Anna Dist.
552 6 497 KK A Study on the Impact of Integrated Rural Develop. Prog. in
Thiruvattar Block of KK dist.
553 7 482 KK The IRDP Programme - A Case Study of Pattanam village
554 8 496 KK Integrated Rural Development Prog. and Rural Women A Case Study
of Agasteeswaram Block in KK Dist.
555 9 506 KK The Impact of the Integrated Rural Development Prog. on Rural
Poverty - A Case of Antharapuram village
556 10 366 MAD The Impact of Anti-Poverty Programmes on the Weaker sections with
special reference to IRDP (Dairy Scheme) in MAD District
557 11 430 MAD The Impact of Integrated Rural Development Prog. on the Eradication
of poverty in Theni Block of MAD Dist.
558 12 416 MAD A Study on Dairy Loan under integrated Rural Devel opment
Programme in Uthamapalayam Block MAD
559 13 350 NA Role of State Bank of India in IRDP in selected villages and its impact
on the living conditions of the people
560 14 363 NA A Study of the Integrated Rural Development Programme in
K.V.Kuppam Block NA Dist.
561 15 312 PER Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Absorption of Development
Prog.with special reference to IRDP in Thanthai Periyar Dist,
562 16 302 PER The Working of IRDP with special reference to provision of credit to
weaker sections in Nambiyur village

563 17 310 PER A Study of the Impact of IRDP on Rural poor w.r.t Chithode Panchayat
Erode Block
564 18 299 PER A scciological study of Rural development programmes in PER dist
565 19 304 PER People’s participation in Rural Development (with particular reference
to Integrated Rural Development Programme in PER Distric
566 20 266 RAM Caste and Rural development (with particular reference to Integrated
Rural Development Programme)
567 21 269 RAM A study of the impact of IRDP on income and employment generation
- With particular reference to Thiruchuli block in RAM di
568 22 236 SA The Impact of IRDP on the Development of the Rural Poor in
Cuddalore Block
569 23 324 SIV The Impact of Integrated Rural Development Prog. on employment
and Income Generation in Kallal Block
570 24 140 TCY Integrated Rural Development (A case study of the Mekkudy village
Trichy District)
571 25 87 THN A Study on the Impact of Integrated Rural Development Programme
in Tiruvarur Panchayat Union
572 26 82 THN Implementation of Integrated Rural Development Programme - A Case
Study at Sikkal
573 27 134 THN Integrated Rural Development Programme - An Impact Study with
reference to Mayiladurai Block
574 28 86 THN Impact of Integrated Rural Development Programme in Sirkazhi
Panchayat Union, THN Dist.
575 29 11 TIN The Impact of IRDP on the Eradication of poverty among weaker
section in TIN District of Tamilnadu

576 30 38 TIN A Study of Dairy Under IRDP in Palayamkottai Block
577 31 28 TIN The Impact of IRDP on the weaker sections in AmbaSamudram Block
with special reference to DairyLoan during 1984-85 and 1985-86
578 32 643 TUT Normative pattern and rural development (with particular reference to
579 8.GENERAL 1 655 CBE A Socio Economic Survey of Puduputhur Village
580 VILLAGE 2 654 CBE Village Survey Monographs : No - 23, Nellithorai
581 STUDIES 3 673 CBE Village Surveys : Keeranathan
582 4 592 CPT Nolambur : A Valley Village
583 5 590 CPT Village Survey Monographs : No-1, Ayyangarkulam
584 6 586 CPT Village Survey Monographs : No - 23, Sunnambukulam
585 7 476 KK Village Survey Monographs : No - 16, Kaduthachery
586 8 462 KK Village Survey Monographs : No - 19, Kottuthal Azhamkulam
587 9 466 KK Village Survey Monographs : No - 13, Kadukkara
588 10 452 KK Village Survey Monographs : No - 8, Kootumangalam
589 11 435 MAD Village Survey Monographs : No - 5, Vilapatti
590 12 424 MAD Village Survey Monographs : No - 30, Thiruvalavayanallur
591 13 426 MAD Village Survey Monographs : No - 24, Periyur
592 14 421 MAD Village Survey Monographs : No - 29, Sirumalai
593 15 362 NA Village Surveys : Dusi Village
594 16 675 NA Comparing twelve south Indian Villages: in search of practical
theory,’in B.H. Farmer ed. Green Revolution? Technology and change

595 17 359 NA Dusi : A resurvey
596 18 337 NIL Village Survey Monographs : No - 20, Hallimoyar
597 19 258 RAM Vadamalaipuram : A resurvey
598 20 274 RAM Village Survey Monographs : No -12, Athangarai
599 21 268 RAM Village Surveys : Aralikottai Village
600 22 275 RAM Village Survey Monographs : No - 25, Golwarpatti
601 23 265 RAM Resurvey of Aralikottai - a dry village in RAM District
602 24 272 RAM Village Surveys : Rajagambiram Village
603 25 261 RAM Village Surveys : Vppattur Village
604 26 278 RAM Village Survey Monographs : No - 14, Visavanoor
605 27 264 RAM Village Surveys : Vadamalaipuram Village
606 28 254 SA Iruvelpattu revisited
607 29 252 SA Village Survey Monographs : No 9, Thadagam
608 30 248 SA Village Survey Monographs : N0 - 27, Arkavadi
609 31 224 SAL Village Survey Monographs : No - 17, Iswaramoorthipalayam
610 32 210 SAL Village Survey Monographs : No - 3, Arkasanahalli
611 33 208 SAL Village Survey Monographs : No - 18, Aladipatti
612 34 218 SAL Village Survey Monographs : No - 6, Kanakagiri
613 35 211 SAL Village Survey Monographs : No - 22, Pappanaickenpatti
614 36 148 TCY Village Survey Monographs : No - 2, Thanbaranadu
615 37 147 TCY Village Survey Monographs : No - 31, Ariyur

616 38 145 TCY Village Survey Monographs : No - 4, Thiruvellarai
617 39 107 THN Sengiapatti : A Resurvey of a Dry Village in the Fertile THN district
618 40 127 THN Ichchangudi : An Agricultural Village in India, ‘ in R.M. Highsmith ed.,
Case Studies in World Geography
619 41 65 THN Village Survey Monographs : No - 15, Kadambangudi
620 42 84 THN Village Survey Monographs : No - 25, Vilangulam
621 43 112 THN Resurvey of a Tanjore Village : Madigai
622 44 100 THN Village Surveys : Madigai
623 45 74 THN Village Surveys : Sengipatti Village
624 46 113 THN Palakurichi : A resurvey
625 47 83 THN Village Survey Monographs : No - 11, Kunnalur
626 48 56 TIN Gangaikondan 1916-1984 : Change and Stability
627 49 60 TIN Village Survey Monographs : No - 21, Kilakottai
628 50 61 TIN Village Survey Monographs : No - 10, Pudukulam
629 51 59 TIN Village Survey Monographs : No - 7, Ravanasamudram
630 9.LOCAL BODIES 1 594 CPT A Study of Revenue and Expenditure pattern of selected
villagePanchayats in Pozhal Panchayat Union from 1974-75 to 1981-82
631 2 602 CPT Impact of Gram Sabha on the Development of Adopted villages of the
ASSEFA - plan project in Uthiramerur Area Chengai Anna Dist.
632 3 546 DIN A Study on the Functions of GramSabha and its Role in Attaining
gram swaraj w.r.t. the Adopted villages of Assefa in Natham Block
633 4 543 DIN Model Panchayat Level Employment Plan for a Watershed Region of
Athoor Block in DIN Quaid-E-Milleth Dist.

634 5 540 DIN A Micro Study on the Functional inter-links between and among the V.
Panchayat,VPC,Youth Club&the Madhar Sangam
635 6 533 DIN Functioning of village Panchayats in Dindigu Anna Dist. - A Micro
636 7 273 RAM Some Successful Panchayats : Case Studies
637 8 212 SAL Panchayat Level Planning Imbedded in a Watershed Planning - A Case
Study of three Panchayats in Athoor Block
638 10: ENVIRONMENT 1 662 CBE Energy Consumption in the Rural Household A Study in Karamadai
639 2 571 CPT River sand Depletion for Commercial use and its impact on
Environment and Ecology : A Study of thePalar River in Chengalpet
Dist., T.N.
640 3 606 CPT Ecological Consequences of the Reclamation and Devpt. of wasteland
in Tiruvallur taluk
641 4 579 CPT Ecological & Economic Assessment of the Wasteland plant ‘prosopis’
for rural energy:A Case Study in Thalampur village
642 5 597 CPT House hold consumption of Energy in the selected villages in
Kattankolathur Block in 1985
643 6 555 DIN A Study on the Palani Hills Conservation councils (PHCC’s)
Environment Movement in Kodaikanal DIN QEM Dist.
644 7 558 DIN Energy Scenario of Kambiliampatti village (Anna dist.)
645 8 535 DIN Planning for Rural Energy at Micro Level with special reference to
Kannimanuthu village
646 9 507 KK The Performance of Magan Chulha in 2 villages of KK Dist.

647 10 405 MAD An Economic Study of Animal Energy in Two villages in Usilampatti
648 11 399 MAD Planning for household energy consumption in Villacheri village -
Tirupparankundram Block MAD Dist.
649 12 328 NA Rural Regional Development Energy and Environment -A case study
of NA Dist
650 13 234 SA Rural energy consumption pattern with special reference to Sivayam
651 11.RELIGION 1 549 DIN A Case Study of Conflict in an Inter-Religious Community - in
Mettuppatti, DIN Municipality Anna Dist., T.N.
652 2 410 MAD Religion as an Impediment to modernization an analysis of rituals
among farmers
653 3 383 MAD Religion among the Naidu Community at Theni - Allinagaram (MAD
654 4 305 PER Customs and Rituals among the Lambadis of Komarayanur PER Dist.
655 5 190 TCY A Study on Religious conflict Resolution among Hindus & Muslims
of Puthanatham village Trichy Dist.
656 6 99 THN A Study of the Religion and Society Among Kattunaykans
(Scheduled Tribe) in Mayiladuturai Taluk, THN Dist. T.N.
657 12.WOMEN’S STUDIES 1 598 CPT Women in a Traditional Fishing Society A Study of Pattinavar
658 2 614 CPT Rural Women As a Human Resource (A Sociological Study in CPT
659 3 537 DIN A Plan for Organising Development Activities for Rural Women
through voluntary agencies in Dindigul Quaid-e- Milleth Dist.

660 4 542 DIN Employment Plan for women through sericulture: A Comparative study
of sericulture adopters and non adopters in Kanakkanpatti District
661 5 552 DIN Problems of the Wives of Alcoholics in selected villages of DIN
Anna Dist. T.N.
662 6 453 KK The Position of woman in the Toddy Tappers Families of Vilavancode
663 7 279 NAG Role of women in Irrigation Management in Saliperi village, T.N.
664 8 297 PER Social Network and Social support for widows in a Rural setting in
Tamil Nadu
665 9 301 PER Employment Status of Women in Gobichettipalayam block PER dist
666 10 216 SAL A Plan for Upgrading Entreperenurial skill among rural women
entrepreneurs in Athoor Block
667 11 21 TIN A Study of Employment Opportunity for Rural Women Through
Dairying in Melaneelithanallur village - Sankarankovil Taluk
668 13.MEDIA STUDIES 1 631 CPT Communication and Development: A Sociological study of contextual
functions of mass media in a Tamilnadu village.
669 2 55 TIN Villuppattu : A Study of a Traditional Folk Medium with reference to
its Application in Development Communication
670 14.MISCELLANEOUS 1 620 CBE Motivating Rural poor for Better Family Living
671 2 529 DIN Role of Leadership in village Development with referene to
Narasingapuram villge, A.Vellodu Panchayat DIN Block, DIN Anna Dist.
672 3 474 KK A sociological study of the political behaviour of the voters of
Paraseri village in KK. dist
673 4 471 KK Economic Study of Encroachment of Poramboke Lands in
Eraviputhoor village in KK Dist.

674 5 358 NA A Comparative Study of Housing Neighbourhood Relation & Social
participation among village and Farm Residents
675 6 343 NA Intra Family Food Distribution among selected Families in a Low
Socio-Economic Community
676 7 204 SAL Income and Expenditure Study of Bullock-cart owners in Velur
panchayat Area
677 8 23 TIN Determinants of Interest Rate in Rural Area - A Case Study of Two
Situations in TIN Dist.
678 9 641 TUT Lottery Tickets Market in Tiruchendur taluk - A Study of Buyers




Main Ref.
S.No. No. Year
of of of
Table Table Type of Department/ submission/
A1. A.1.1 Author Study University / Publisher Institution Publication Available at

1 630 Selvaraj G. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1990 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
2 625 Lakshmanan K. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1987 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
3 624 Oliver J. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1985 CARDS,TNAU
4 619 Arputharaj C. and Rural Sociology
Rupchand A.J. Report University of Madras AERC 1979 Library- MIDS
5 609 Prakash S.K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
6 575 Balasubramanian N. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
7 567 Sundararajan R. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1985 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
8 541 Ayyappan P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
9 509 Krishnan M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1982 Library - M.K.University
10 473 Kuruswamy A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
11 445 Sadasivam K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
12 441 Raja R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI

13 436 Duraisamy A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
14 422 Viswanathan P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1981 Library - M.K.University
15 415 Senapathy M. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated 1989 Library - GGRI
Rural Devpt
16 407 Jeyakumar M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1985 Library - M.K.University
17 379 Palaniappan C.T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
18 376 Nagaraja Murugan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University
19 330 Arulraj S. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1984 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
20 318 Subramanian M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1983 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
21 298 Subramanian M. Ph.D Bharathiar University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
22 295 Nanjaiyan K. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1985 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
23 286 Narayanamoorthy A. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1993 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
24 247 Arputharaj, C. Report University of Madras AERC 1978 Library- MIDS
and Rajagopalan, R
25 245 Pugazhendi P M.Phil Annamalai University Development 1986 Library (Dept)
Studies Annamalai univ.
26 240 Sivakumar D. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
27 238 Rengarajan S M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1991 Library - Annamalai univ.
28 237 Viswanathan S M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
29 226 Ramu K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.

30 225 Vimalan M. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
31 222 Jayammal M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
32 220 Pramodhkumar O.B. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
33 217 Jeyamani M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1979 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
34 201 Agricultural Economics Report University of Madras 1984 Library- MIDS
Research Centre
35 186 Rajalakshmi M.K.P. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s College
36 183 Appathurai C. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1987 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
37 180 Arokiasamy S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library -St.Joseph’s
38 178 Thenmozhi K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
39 169 Chinadurai P.E. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1985 Library - Annamalai univ.
40 157 Kaliyamurthy K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan
41 156 Naganathan S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
42 153 Arokiadoss K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library -St.Joseph’s
43 146 Arul Jeganatharaj D. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1980 Library -St.Joseph’s
44 144 Dorai Rajan M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1987 Library -St.Joseph’s

45 138 Angela A.J. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1980 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
46 120 Rajendran R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1985 Library - Madras Univ.
47 105 Krisnamoorthy A M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
48 104 Rajagopalan, R. Article Agricultural situation in India, 1963 Library - Madras Univ.
and others November
49 91 Sadagopan G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
50 64 Karuppaiyan E. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.
51 50 Duraipandi M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
Jabbakumar T.
52 33 Chelladurai S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
53 20 Sutharsanam T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
54 6 Srinivasan C. Ph.D N.A. Economics 1996 Library(Dept.) - S.T.Hindu
55 4 Subramanyan V.S. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & Rural 1981 CARDS,TNAU
56 514 Peter D. Ph.D N.A. Economics 1979 Library (Dept) Scott
Christian College ,Nagerkoil
57 503 Wilson R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1988 Library - Madras Univ.
58 367 Manonmoney N. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
59 448 Ponnuram R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1992 Library - M.K.University
60 414 Vijayalakshmi A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library - M.K.University
61 296 Palanivelu C. Ph.D University of Madras Geography 1976 Library - Madras Univ.

62 676 Arunachalam, B Article Bombay 1959 Library-Presidency
63 195 Mythili G. Ph.D University of Madras Econometrics 1988 Library- MIDS
64 160 Subramanian C. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
65 181 Vijayan C. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
66 10 Prasanna Kumari K. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
67 638 Theivanai P. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library - S.T.Hindu
68 649 Murali B.V. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1980 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
69 589 Zahara Begum M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
70 599 Kutty Babu P. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1995 Library - Madras Univ.
71 536 Somasundaram A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University
72 285 Abdul Hakeem A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Commerce 1990 Library - M.K.University
73 511 Helen Ratna E. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1994 Library(Dept.) - S.T.Hindu
74 465 Balamirtham P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
75 420 Indumathy M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
76 413 Balasubramanian P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library - M.K.University
77 377 Jothirajan A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
78 394 Arivalagan R. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa Univ.
79 384 Raja S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.

80 393 Nainan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1996 Library - M.K.University
81 417 Kamal Basha S. M.phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library-St.Joseph’s
82 380 Durairaju A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1996 Library - M.K.University
83 365 Srinivasan S. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library - M.K.University
84 360 Kamalakkannan P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
85 338 Nakkeeran V. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1992 Library - M.K.University
86 303 Tamil Selvi S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1987 Library - GGRI
87 311 Sugunambal M. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1995 Library - Alagappa University
88 293 Kunjammal R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1994 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
89 270 Arul Pragasam T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
90 229 Sangilidevan L. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.
91 227 Govindarajulu K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
92 209 Manimekalai A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
93 202 Manickam S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1991 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
94 221 Amutha Rani R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
95 214 Jayaraman A. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
96 162 Sangili V. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1980 Library-St.Joseph’s
97 165 Chidambaram K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.

98 168 Ravichandran G. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1985 Library - Annamalai univ.
99 139 Ravichandran K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
100 151 Nakamura, H. Article Developing Economics 10 (2) 1972 Library-IDS, Sussex
101 18 Lakshmi S. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
102 16 Semban T. Ph.D Bharathidasan university Economics 1991 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
103 171 Rajasekaran K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
104 98 Swenson,C Book Michigan State University 1973 Library-IDS, Sussex
105 89 Kulandaivelu P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
106 78 Gnanaprakasam K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.
107 114 Syed Ahamed M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
Kabeer M.
108 94 Robert Wilson S M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
109 40 Rajalakshmi V. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
110 42 Josephine Christy A. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1987 Library-St.Joseph’s
111 36 Valli nayagam K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1980 Library - M.K.University
112 52 Stephen Rodriquez R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
113 646 Agricultural College Report Agri.College & Research Inst. n.d. Library-TNAU
& Research Institute
114 613 Senthamizharasu N. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
115 616 Ramanathan S. M.Phil Centre for Development Studies 1985 Library - CDS
116 492 Monikantan Nair S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian

117 508 Ponnian K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
118 357 Annadurai R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
119 327 Meinzen Dick Ph.D Cornell University 1989 Library- MIDS
Ruth Suseela
120 290 Ramadasu M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1994 Library- MIDS
121 260 Yeshwanth, T.S. Article Agricultural Situation in India, 20(2) 1965 Library - Madras Univ.
122 66 Asokan, S. Report Anna University Irrigation 1992 Library- MIDS
Water Management
123 24 Ramadoss S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
124 48 Radakrishnan N. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
125 648 Latha P. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1991 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
126 550 Aliyar M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library - M.K.University
127 544 Allan Jeevagan T. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
128 488 Stanly Jones A. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library -Scott Christian
129 400 Pandiaraj S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library - M.K.University
130 389 Meera Athirai R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1995 Library - M.K.University
131 408 Mohideen M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library - M.K.University
Abdul Kadhar S.
132 429 Muniammal M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library(Dept.) - S.T.Hindu

133 390 Rajakumaran T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library - M.K.University
134 347 Basheer Ahmed A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
135 309 Elango M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1986 Library - M.K.University
136 317 Kamalam C. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
137 292 Sahabuddin M.G. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
138 262 Senthamarai M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
Kannan N.K.
139 231 Rangasamy M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1986 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
140 246 Doraswamy S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
141 215 Subramanian G. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
142 223 Mani C. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
143 206 Jaya Baskaran P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library - M.K.University
144 205 Rajamani K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1982 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
145 323 Kumaran M. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1994 Library - Alagappa University
146 325 Anuradha G. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1993 Library - Alagappa University
147 5 Somu T. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & Rural 1982 CARDS,TNAU
148 141 Ramachandran T M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.
149 13 Tamilarasan M. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerce 1993 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
150 163 Sivaprasad S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
151 115 Mythili S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1986 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
152 192 Prabha T. Ph.D University of Kerala Economics 1982 Library,Kerala University
153 72 Ravi T. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.

154 27 Subbiah M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
155 644 Sankarappan R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
156 526 Ramer E L M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Commerce 1993 Library - M.K.University
157 628 Uduman Mohideen K.S.S. Ph.D University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
158 658 Heyer, Judith Report MIDS,Working paper - 22 1981 Library- MIDS
159 672 Amaladhas R. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s
160 653 Backstrand, Goran Report Royal Institute of Technology 1983 Library- MIDS
and Turesson, Anders
161 591 Rajagopalan A.V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
162 574 Arumugam K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
163 561 Rajasankar S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1995 Library - Sacred Heart
164 530 Rogaly, B.N. Report University of Reading 1985 Library- MIDS
165 528 Kumarasamy K. Ph.D Bharathiar University Commerce 1992 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
166 538 Thanmizhmani P. M.Phil Kerala University Economics 1985 Library - Kerala University
167 458 Suseelabai M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
168 450 Pandian K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
169 438 Wellard, Kate Report University of Reading 1985 Library- MIDS
170 370 Thanikal A. Rosy Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1982 Library - M.K.University
171 425 Jannath Beevi M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
172 387 Swaminathan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University

173 381 Ramachandran A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
174 439 Ivy Jeno S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
175 382 Palanichamy C. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1993 Library - GGRI
176 437 Swaminathan, Report University of Reading 1986 Library- MIDS
177 403 Rengarajan L. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library - M.K.University
178 255 Srinivasan N. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
179 155 Neelameghan R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
180 8 Puhazhendhi V. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri. Economics 1985 CARDS,TNAU
181 170 Kamalam S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
182 137 Arunachalam, R.M. Ph.D. Purdue University 1966 Library-IDS, Sussex
183 173 Rangarajan R. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1980 Library - St.Joseph’s
184 102 Madhavan K. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
185 124 George Mathew M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
186 85 Sivagnanam G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
187 77 Marimuthu P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
188 194 Sathyavathi Manuel Ph.D University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - Madras Univ.
189 68 Sekar S. M.Phil Kerala University Economics 1985 Library - Kerala University
190 523 Vijayrathiam D. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
191 652 Aiyasamy, P.K. Report TamilNadu Agricultural University 1980 Library- MIDS
and Natarajan, B.

192 584 Chandrasekaran R. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
193 478 Kumari Latha Devi P. M.Phil Kerala University Economics 1984 Library - Kerala University
194 494 Geetha C.K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
195 490 Geethanjali Devi C S M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
196 388 Swamikannan D M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.
197 433 Veerakumar U M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University
198 307 Sowmya R. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
199 174 Vasundara Devi D. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
200 19 Mariaraj A. Ph.D N.A. Economics 1984 Library (Dept ) St.Joseph’s
College ,Tiruchirapalli
201 121 Thiyanayaki C M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
202 22 Murugan S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
203 34 Arichandran M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1993 Library - M.K.University
204 621 Kaliappan U.R. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1985 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
205 667 Mohan V. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1986 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
206 582 Saithilakam C. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
207 583 Malathi K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
208 565 Sivaraj M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
209 281 Vellaichamy R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
210 375 Sekar A. M.Phil N.A. Labour Studies 1995 Library - S.T. Hindu

211 372 Kalaimathy A. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1992 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
212 391 Sundaravelu M+C411 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
213 442 Gnanaraj S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
214 369 Ramachandran V.K. Book Oxford, Clarendon Press 1990 Library- MIDS
215 349 Thamizharasan K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
216 306 Sheela Margaret M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1992 Library - Madras Christian
Rajkumar College
217 289 Narayanamoorthy A. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
218 259 Lakshmanan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1984 Library - M.K.University
219 207 Elakkina Kumaran A. M.Phil N.A. Labour Studies 1995 Library - S.T. Hindu
220 203 Thirumoorthy P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
221 632 Kalpanadevi N.K M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1989 Library-Mother Teresa Univ.
222 136 Pasupathy G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
223 172 Soundarajan P M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
224 185 Kumar S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s
225 71 Atchayalingam N. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
226 88 Krishnanmoorthy A. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
227 90 Kathaiyan S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1979 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
228 97 Rajeswari K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
229 129 Kathaiyan S. Ph.D Bharathidasan university Economics 1991 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
230 75 Thangarasu P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.

231 51 Selvaganapathy P. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Economics 1992 Library - M.S.University
232 39 Kamsa Mohideen M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1979 Library - M.K.University

233 47 Magadalene pandiyan M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
234 578 Girija K.P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
235 585 Vijaya V. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1996 Library(Dept.) - S.T.Hindu
236 411 Lilly Kutty T.L. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University
237 412 Murthy C. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
238 315 Loganathan L.S. M Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathiar University
239 313 Karpagam K. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1994 Library - Madras Univ.
240 243 Abdul Hameed N. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
241 228 Rathinasabapathi M M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
242 167 Ramalingam N. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
243 111 Thamarajakshi, R Article Agricultural Situation in India, 24 (5) 1961 Library-IDS, Sussex
244 518 Dhavamani P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
245 668 Arputharaj, C. Report University of Madras AERC 1980 Library- MIDS
and Vallinayagam, S.S.
246 600 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. Report MIDS, 1992 Library- MIDS247
Working paper - 109
247 581 Devanesan P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
248 608 Sundari, T.K. Book Oxford and IBH 1991 Library- MIDS
Publishing Co., and CDS

249 601 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. Report MIDS, 1988 Library- MIDS
Working paper - 86
250 595 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. Report MIDS, 1995 Library- MIDS
Working paper - 127
251 612 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. Report MIDS, 1995 Library- MIDS
Working paper - 128
252 493 Saseendra Kumaradhas M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library -Scott Christian College
253 371 Karuppiah A. Ph.D University of Madras Sociolgy 1994 Library - Madras Univ.
254 392 Kannappan P M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1983 Library - M.K.University
255 9 Janakarajan S. Ph.D University of Madras MIDS 1986 Library- MIDS
256 326 Arunachalam R. Ph.D University of Madras Econometrics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
257 142 Hara, Tadatiko Report Inst.for study of Lang.& 1981 Library- MIDS
258 166 Udaya Sankar A.R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
259 158 Athreya, B. Venkatesh Book Sage Publications 1990 Library- MIDS
260 7 Kapadia, Karin Ph.D University of London LSE 1990 Library- MIDS
261 150 Subbiah, S Report Inst.for study of Lang.& 1981 Library- MIDS
262 70 Beteille, A Book University of California Press 1965 Library- MIDS
263 119 Rajendran G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
264 110 Arichandran A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
265 80 Sivaprakasam V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1986 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.

266 135 Baskara Doss K. Ph.D Annamalai University Economics 1981 Library - Annamalai univ.
267 193 Marshall M Bouton Ph.D University of Chicago Economics 1980 Library- MIDS
268 132 Jeyaranjan J. Ph.D University of Madras MIDS 1993 Library- MIDS
269 101 Alexander, K.C. Report National Institute of Community 1975 Library- MIDS
270 125 Gough, K Book Asia Publishing House 1960 Library- MIDS
271 128 Baskaradoss K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1977 Library - Madras Univ.
272 108 Gough, Kathleen Book Oxford University Press 1989 Library- MIDS
273 79 Gough, Kathleen Book Cambridge University Press 1981 Library- MIDS
274 106 Paul Kurian M.Phil Jawaharlal Nehru University Centre For Historical 1980 Library - MIDS
275 665 Vigneshwari V M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
276 627 Venkatapirabu J. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & Rural 1993 CARDS,TNAU
277 611 Drewes, Edeltraud Report BOBP,WP-14 1982 Library- MIDS
278 572 Vincent Santhanam M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
Jayakumar X.
279 564 Pari Murugan K. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
280 455 Murugesan M. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.
281 483 Vimala Jayanthi T. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1994 Library -Scott Christian
282 459 Bright Juni R. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1985 Library - Annamalai univ.

283 504 Eugine T. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
284 477 Ganesan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1987 Library - M.K.University
285 516 Thomson K.T. Ph.D University of Madras MIDS 1989 Library- MIDS
286 495 Amala Selin W. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
287 451 Solomon Paul R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library - M.K.University
288 401 Arumugam M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1986 Library - M.K.University
289 284 Albun Gurusu.M. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1996 Library - Madras Univ.
290 314 Elango P M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1993 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
291 287 Sheik Mohamed M. Ph.D Bharathidasan university Commerce 1993 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
292 294 Subramanian P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
293 267 Duraisingam P M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
294 277 Chockalingam V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
295 263 Kusalavan K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1993 Library - M.K.University
296 198 Manickam P M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.
297 319 Lakshmi R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI
298 177 Anandi T.V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1986 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
299 76 Vijayan S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
300 73 Thazhkuzhali S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa Univ.
301 130 Durairaj N. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1981 Library - M.K.University
302 63 Blase, F.W. Report BOBP,WP-19 1982 Library- MIDS

303 54 Viswa Sarojini Devi K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library - M.K.University
304 30 Kaliraj S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - Madras Univ.
305 44 Regis Joe Ananth R M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library - St.Joseph’s
306 25 Thiagaraj D. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library - Scott Christian
307 32 Paramasivan A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1994 Library - M.K.University
308 58 Salvadore Victor S.J. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
309 642 Maragatha Meena M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library (Dept.) - S.T.Hindu
310 639 Santhi Salomi R M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa University
311 678 Nagalingam G. M.Phil Madras University Econometrics 1991 Library - Madras University
312 671 Anandan K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1981 Library - Bharathiar University
313 545 Vasanthi K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
314 556 Bhuvanendiran R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1996 Library - M.K.University
315 491 Usha Rajakumar C M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
316 512 Mary Rose M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library - M.K.University
Vimochana D.
317 501 Michel Antony K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1993 Library -Scott Christian
318 467 Zathik Ali M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1985 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
319 485 Sivarajan M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - Madras Univ.

320 283 Kunchithapatham V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
321 276 Muthuveera M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1985 Library - Madras Univ.
ganapathy M.
322 81 Suresh Kumar M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
323 93 Mohamed Abdul M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
Khader A.
324 109 Annathurai K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
325 31 Murugiah M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
326 46 Esther Rajam B. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
327 645 Chinnaraj Joseph T. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural 1986 Library - GGRI
328 623 Muthiah M. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & Rural 1981 CARDS,TNAU
329 368 Subburaj S.M. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj university Economics 1982 Library - M.K.University
330 341 Arulnesam M. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
331 69 Sambasivam K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
332 92 Krishnaveni V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
333 123 Chinnammai S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
334 122 Murugesan S M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.
335 596 Parthiban V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
336 560 Eswaramoorthy S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library - M.K.University
337 502 Rajagopal K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library - S.T.Hindu

338 344 Manoharan P.K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1982 Library - Madras Christian
339 291 Krishnamoorthy G. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa University
340 256 Kannathal Ve. Ph.D Annamalai University Economics 1984 Library - Annamalai univ.
341 235 Magesan R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
342 199 Shanmugam, G Report University of Madras 1991 Library- MIDS
343 213 Jayapalan.M M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1985 Library - Madras Univ.
344 321 Chidambaram S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1989 Library - Alagappa University
345 12 Subramani N. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerce 1992 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
346 143 Marudaiveeran M. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
347 149 Dhanapal K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1992 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
348 184 Arumugam M M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1979 Library - Annamalai univ.
349 640 Sudalai S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library - M.K.University
350 661 Ravi D. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1986 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
351 626 Venkatachalam C. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1988 Library - Bharathiar Uni.
352 484 Habeeb M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library -Scott Christian
353 489 Darish Padmavathy S.C. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
354 475 Prema Latha T.R. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
355 479 George P. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
356 469 Ananthy A. M.Phil Jawaharlal Nehru University Centre for 1988 Library - CDS
Development Studies

357 461 Jamesin Rajini S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
358 457 Thankalet E. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1988 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
359 505 Visaha Perumal T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
360 397 Johnson Sundararaj J. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
361 402 Rukmani C. M.Phil N.A. Labour Studies 1990 Library - S.T. Hindu
362 378 Jeya Poobathi M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
363 361 Anne Perpet Sophy S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library - M.K.University
364 282 Jagadeesan M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
365 249 Arunachalam P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
366 197 Rani Jayakumar N. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
367 35 Mathangi N. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
368 41 Mallika Devi R. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
369 37 Athisaya M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
Panimaya Xavier S.
370 634 Chellapandi R. M.Phil N.A. Labour Studies 1996 Library - S.T. Hindu
371 636 Ramalingam V. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
372 635 Prema Joyce D. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1988 Library - Madras Univ.
373 525 Arputhamani J. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
374 522 Grana Vasantha Bai M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library-Mother Teresa Univ.
375 521 Raja M. M.Phil N.A. Labour Studies 1995 Library - S.T. Hindu

376 432 Karuppu M. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1988 Library - GGRI
377 2 Ganesan P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
378 531 Manimegalai R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1988 Library - GGRI
379 513 Sundararaj P. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library -Scott Christian
380 463 Mahalekshmi C. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Sociology 1988 Library - M.S.University
381 486 Dulcy Pushbarani S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
382 472 Balasundaram A. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Sociology 1992 Library - M.S.University
383 14 Lalitha A. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Sociology 1995 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
384 615 Masters A Article Population Review, July 1957 Library-IDS, Sussex
385 622 Anuradha M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Communication 1994 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
386 573 Djurfeldt, G. Book Studentlitteratur.Curzon Press 1975 Library- MIDS
and Lindberg, S.
387 510 Sri Renganayahi T M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
388 398 Reg No : 1050 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1986 Library - M.K.University
389 404 Reg No : 1047 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1986 Library - M.K.University
390 406 Reg No : 1049 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1986 Library - M.K.University
391 428 Reg No : 1046 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1986 Library - M.K.University
392 447 Register Number:1055 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1986 Library - M.K.University
393 331 Sampathkumar V. Ph.D University of Madras Sociology 1995 Library - Madras Univ.

394 53 Adaline Jebathai M. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1990 Library - Madras Univ.
395 670 Raju S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
396 663 Manonmani T. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1994 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
397 666 Lalitha A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1991 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
398 418 Muniyandi M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1995 Library - M.K.University
399 300 Sampath Kumar S. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
400 656 Thangaraju M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Population Studies 1986 Library - Bharathiar Uni.
401 660 Thangaraju M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Population Studies 1989 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
402 657 Shakilarani R. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
403 674 Kannan K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Population Studies 1991 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
404 650 Rani S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Population Studies 1988 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
405 607 Aiyappan, A. Book Mittal Publications 1988 Library- MIDS
and Mahadevan, K
406 604 Chandrasekhar, S Article Population Review, July 1957 Library-IDS, Sussex
407 562 Vasanthi S M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1984 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
408 534 Rajeswari M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1994 Library - GGRI
409 527 Sumangala, P. Report Gandhigram Rural Institute 1995 Library- MIDS
and Nagarajan, B.S.
410 454 Indira Mabel G M.Phil Annamalai University Development Studies 1987 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
411 500 Kalaiselvi V. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1991 Library -Scott Christian
412 498 Raja Sekar C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
413 515 Loyola Regini E M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library-Scott Christian

414 517 Sali Kumar P.N. Ph.D University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
415 419 John Selvaraj P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University
416 449 Benjamin, R.E. and Report Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library- MIDS
Varagunasingh T.V.
417 431 Mahadevan Pillai Article GGRI, Bulletin Vol. VII, No.1 1972 Library- MIDS
& D N Namboothiri
418 409 Murugesan P M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1985 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
419 446 Rathinam V.S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
420 444 Madhavikutty, M. Report University of Nagpur 1968 Library - Madras Univ.
421 308 Gnana Mani C. M.Phil Bharathiar University Population Studies 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
422 3 Ravindran, Sundari Report Centre for Development Studies 1995 Library- MIDS
423 239 Thirunavukarasu T M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1986 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
424 242 Natarajan K M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1979 Library - Annamalai univ.
425 241 Kuppusamy S M.Phil Annamalai University Development Studies 1990 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
426 232 Varadarajan A M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1988 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
427 189 Ubagarasamy M M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1986 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
428 118 Mary M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1985 Library (Dept) Annamalai
Gnanapokkiyam G univ.
429 133 Manoharan T. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1991 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
430 67 Vijayalakshmi S M.Phil Annamalai University Population Studies 1987 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
431 45 David Packiaraj C M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1988 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
432 26 Raseenthal T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
433 637 Nalatham J. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
434 618 Scarlett, D Article Man in India 41(1) 1961 Library - Madras Univ.

435 487 Joseph Arul M.Phil N.A. Economics 1993 Library -Scott Christian
Suresh A. College,Nagerkoil
436 460 Maria M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library - M.K.University
John Kennedy M.
437 677 Narayanan, R Report Journial of Social Research 3 (1) 1960 Library-IDS, SUSSEX
438 257 Yeshwanth, T.S. Report Agricultural Situation in India, 17(6) 1962 Library - Madras Univ.
439 669 Vidhyashree N M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
440 647 George M.Phil Bharathiar Univ. Sociology 1985 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
Rajamanickam I.
441 659 Sarojini K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1983 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
442 629 Thangamani K. Ph.D University of Madras Sociology 1982 Library - Madras Univ.
443 580 Kamini Sundararajan M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
444 570 Yogalaxmi S.N. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
445 605 Djurfeidt, Goran Book Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. 1975 Library- MIDS
and Lindberg, Staffan
446 633 Chandrasekara Naidu V. Ph.D University of Madras MIDS 1991 Library- MIDS
447 593 Senathirajah N. Report Geographical Association, Sheffield 1968 Library-Presidency
448 603 Ponnappan C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
449 554 Elanchezhian N M.Phil Annamalai University Development Studies 1990 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
450 480 Krishnan T. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library -Scott Christian

451 396 Velmurugan I. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Economics 1993 Library - GGRI
452 443 Singaram I. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1978 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
453 440 Chellamani S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1995 Library - M.K.University
454 355 Vijaya M. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1989 Library - Annamalai univ.
455 346 Jacob Stanley Inbaraj J. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1995 Library - Madras Univ.
456 352 Ramachandran, R. Report Indian Geographical Journal 35(3-4) 1960 Library-Presidency
457 356 Malarvizhi C.A. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI
458 339 Haswell, M.R. Book Routledge and Kegan Paul 1967 Library- MIDS
459 335 Christuraj P M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
460 233 Vedhantha Desikan G M.Phil Annamalai University Development Studies 1991 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ
461 250 Saravanan M. M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1991 Library - Annamalai univ.
462 244 Jayakumar R M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1984 Library - Annamalai univ.
463 176 Jeyaraman S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
464 179 Periyanayagasamy A M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai univ.
465 15 Chellaperumal A. Ph.D University of Madras Anthropology 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
466 96 Thirughanam M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
467 116 Venkata subramanian S M.Phil Annamalai University Development Studies 1990 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
468 126 Mala K. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library - St.Joseph’s
469 117 Elango R M Phil Annamalai University Economics 1980 Library - Annamalai univ.
470 651 Den Ouden, J.H.B. Article Tropical Man 2 1969 Library- Library-IDS, SUSSEX

471 588 Mencher, J.P. Book Columbia University Press 1970 Library- MIDS
472 569 Ragu C. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
473 551 Selvam D. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
474 499 Sahaya Anitha T. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1994 Library -Scott Christian
475 423 Abraham M.F. Article Inter-Discipline 3(3) 1966 Library-IDS, SUSSEX
476 345 Murugesan S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
477 329 Xavier Raj A. Ph.D University of Madras Anthropology 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
478 334 Mandlebaum, D.G. Book West Bengal Govt. Press 1955 Library- MIDS
479 332 Thamizoli P. Ph.D University of Madras Anthropology 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
480 316 Edward Sundararaj S M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1981 Library - Annamalai univ.
481 253 Selvaraju D M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1981 Library - Annamalai univ.
482 196 Thiagarajan R. Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural University Agri.Ext & 1989 CARDS,TNAU
Rural Sociology
483 191 Poornam Demel M X M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
484 159 Santhanam K. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
485 188 Parthiban A. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1991 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
486 17 Swaminatha Ratnam R. Ph.D Annamalai Univ. Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
487 95 Gough, K Book Cambridge University Press 1962 Library- MIDS
488 131 Subramanian C. Ph.D Bharathidasan university Sociology 1995 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
489 103 Sivertsen, D. Book Allen and Unwin 1963 Library- MIDS

490 1 Ramesh D M.Phil Annamalai University Political science 1995 Library - Annamalai univ.
491 587 Harichandran C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
492 563 Maran V. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
493 566 Kesavan M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1985 Library - Madras Univ.
494 481 Pushpalatha C. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1994 Library -Scott Christian
495 348 Vinayaga Moorthy C. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
496 351 Meganathan M.Phil N.A. Economics 1995 Library (Dept) Sacred Heart
497 200 Saravanan V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
498 577 Annapoorani V. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1988 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
499 547 Jayalakshmi A. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
500 280 Kamathchi S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
501 553 Senthamarai P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
502 532 Leelavathi P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1988 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
503 559 Saraswathi S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library-Mother Teresa Univ.
504 470 Shyamala G.S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
505 456 Meena U. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
506 468 Praba Gandhi T. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
507 427 Vetharani I. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
508 374 Mathina Begum M M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
509 395 Malarvizhi P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1993 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.

510 386 Tamil Selvi A. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1988 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
511 340 Saraswathi K. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
512 320 Pommi Sulochana M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
Sundari S.
513 187 Malathi B. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
514 43 Beulah Rajakumari J. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1990 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
515 29 Alice Elizabeth M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
Nesamani M.
516 49 Jeyanthi Esther C. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
517 524 Thilagavathi K.R. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library-Mother Teresa Univ.
518 617 Kannan K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
519 539 Murugan S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1994 Library - GGRI
520 557 Murugan S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
521 464 Sundaram S. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Sociology 1991 Library - M.S.University
522 385 Balakrishnan T M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
523 434 Sumathi N. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1996 Library - M.K.University
524 373 Rajasekaran A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1984 Library - M.K.University
525 342 Chandra Kumar C. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
526 354 Sampangi M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
527 364 Harriss, Barbara Report University of East Anglia 1986 Library- MIDS
528 353 Gnanaprakasam K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1994 Library - Madras Univ.
529 336 Ravinthiran N M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai univ.
530 333 Devan K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1992 Library - Bharathiar Univ.

531 271 Parthasarathi S. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Sociology 1991 Library - M.S.University
532 230 Kannan N M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1981 Library - Annamalai univ.
533 251 Kumaran T M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
534 219 Kamalanathan G. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1993 Library - GGRI
535 288 Marcelin Pushpa S M.Phil N.A. Public Admn 1990 Library-Madras Christian College
536 322 Tamil Selvi R. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa University
537 152 Edwin Chandra M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
Sekaran Jeyaseeli
538 161 Santhakumari Victoria M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Economics 1988 Library - GGRI
539 175 Rajendran R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
540 154 Raja Rathnam R. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s
541 182 Julius T.A. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1985 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
542 164 Karunaharan K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
543 62 Poongodi A M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1989 Library - Annamalai univ.
544 57 Prabakaran S.W.P. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Sociology 1991 Library - M.S.University
545 519 Perumalsamy G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
546 520 Kulanthaivel Pandian G. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj Univ. Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
547 664 Rajashree R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
548 576 Munirathnam T. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
549 610 Thirunavukkarasu P. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public Admn 1986 Library - Madras Christian

550 568 Varadarajan Sivam Ph.D TamilNadu Agricultural Univ. Agricultural Economics 1979 Library- MIDS
551 548 Perumalkone K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library - M.K.University
552 497 Sreekantan Nair K M.Phil N.A. Economics 1987 Library -Scott Christian
553 482 Karpagam K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
554 496 Pappa M. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
555 506 Chidambaram S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
556 366 Bernard Shaw R. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1992 Library - M.K.University
557 430 Venkatachalapathi M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1996 Library - M.K.University
558 416 Theenathayalan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library - M.K.University
559 350 Sadasivan Nair K. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
560 363 Anandan R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
561 312 Senthilnathan V. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1987 Library - Madras Univ.
562 302 Chandrasekaran A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - Madras Univ.
563 310 Vijayakumar A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
564 299 Thirumurthy R. Ph.D Annamalai University Sociology 1992 Library (Dept) Annamalai univ.
565 304 Srinivasan N. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1987 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
566 266 Tamil Raju S M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1995 Library - Annamalai univ.
567 269 Chandrasing S M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1984 Library - Annamalai univ.
568 236 Arikrishnan A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1995 Library - Madras Univ.
569 324 Mariya Rathinam S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library - M.K.University

570 140 Sulochana K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1978 Library (Dept.) -
Bharathidasan Univ.
571 87 Purushothaman B. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
572 82 Valli B. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
573 134 Bhanumathi Winston Ph.D Bharathidasan university Economics 1992 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
574 86 Natarajan T. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
575 11 Esakky S. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library - M.K.University
576 38 Muthusamy P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1985 Library - M.K.University
577 28 Chandrasekaran P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library - M.K.University
578 643 Sterling Lalitha Kumari J M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1990 Library - Annamalai univ.
579 655 R.K. Mission Report R.K. Mission Vidyalaya Rural Inst. 1966 Ramakrishna
Vidyalaya Rural Inst. Mission,Coimbatore
580 654 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
581 673 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1964 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
582 592 Thiru, A.V. Article Indian Geographical Journal, 35(3-4) 1960 Library - Madras Univ.
583 590 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
584 586 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
585 476 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
586 462 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
587 466 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 ,1961 Library- MIDS
588 452 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
589 435 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS

590 424 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
591 426 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
592 421 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
593 362 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1962 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
594 675 Chambers, R. Book Macmillan 1982 Library- MIDS
and Harriss, J.
595 359 Guhan, S. and Report MIDS, Working paper - 52 1984 Library- MIDS
Bharathan, K.
596 337 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
597 258 Athreya, V.B. Report MIDS, Working paper - 50 1984 Library- MIDS
598 274 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
599 268 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1960 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
600 275 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
601 265 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1969 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
602 272 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1958 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
603 261 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1959 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
604 278 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
605 264 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1960 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre

606 254 Guhan. S. and Report MIDS,Working paper - 28 1982 Library- MIDS
Mencher P. Joan
607 252 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
608 248 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
609 224 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
610 210 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
611 208 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
612 218 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
613 211 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
614 148 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
615 147 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
617 107 Agro Economic Report University of Madras AERC 1969 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
618 127 Highsmith, R.M. Book Prentice Hall 1964 Library - Madras Univ.
619 65 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
620 84 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
621 112 Yeshwanth, T.S. Report University of Madras AERC 1966 Library - Madras Univ.
622 100 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1957 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
623 74 Agro Economic Report University of Madras 1958 Library - Madras Univ.
Research Cenre
624 113 Guhan, S. Report MIDS,Working paper - 42 1983 Library- MIDS

625 83 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
626 56 Athreya, V.B. Report MIDS,Working paper - 56 1985 Library- MIDS
627 60 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
628 61 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
629 59 Census Census Census of India, Vol.IX, Part-6 1961 Library- MIDS
630 594 Soundaraj S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - Madras Univ.
631 602 Kalainesan A. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
632 546 Paul Raj C. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
633 543 Mani R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI
634 540 Dharmangat Sharma M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1991 Library - GGRI
635 533 Dayanandan R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1994 Library - GGRI
636 273 PEO, Planning Report Indian Govt. Publications 1960 Library-Planning Commission
Commission, India
637 212 Kasimayan K.P. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI
638 662 Prakash P.R. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
639 571 Velu R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
640 606 Prabahar Gnanakkan V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Madras Univ.
641 579 Udayakumar J. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
642 597 Vanitha M M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Madras Univ.
643 555 Sundaram S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1989 Library - GGRI
644 558 Kubendran C. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Futurology 1991 Library - GGRI
645 535 Unnikrishnan P. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1988 Library - GGRI

646 507 Savarimuthu A. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -Scott Christian
647 405 Murugavel V. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1992 Library - M.K.University
648 399 Krishnan S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Micro Level Planning 1987 Library - GGRI
649 328 Bhavani R. Ph.D University of Madras Geography 1993 Library - Madras Univ.
650 234 Munusamy K M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1993 Library - Annamalai univ.
651 549 Murugasamy A. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1987 Library - GGRI
652 410 Reg No :1041 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj university Sociology 1984 Library - M.K.University
653 383 Munisamy P. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
654 305 Meera S. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1994 Library - Madras Univ.
655 190 Chellamani M. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1988 Library - GGRI
656 99 Samarasam R. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1984 Library - Madras Univ.
657 598 Deepa Raghavan M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1992 Library - Madras Univ.
658 614 Ramavani I. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1980 Library - Madras Univ.
659 537 Dorothy Malarvizhi V. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
660 542 Valarmathi M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
Vatchala Rani K.
661 552 Pushpa K.S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
662 453 Ruckmoni N. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1988 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
663 279 Sophia J.D. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1994 Library - Madras Univ.
664 297 Malathi K.S. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1995 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
665 301 Ramasamy K M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai univ.

666 216 Vaidehi Raju M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1989 Library - GGRI
667 21 Ramesh S. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1990 Library - GGRI
668 631 Albones Raj S. Ph.D University of Madras Sociology 1995 Library - Madras Univ.
669 55 Venkataraman S. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1989 Library - Madras Univ.
670 620 Leelavathy K.C. Ph.D Bharathiar University Education 1990 Library - Bharathiar Univ.
671 529 Namachivayam J. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Integrated Rural Devpt 1993 Library - GGRI
672 474 Ravi S M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1982 Library - Annamalai univ.
673 471 Sankaran pillai C. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library - M.K.University
674 358 Nagaraju K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1986 Library - Bharathiar Uni.
675 343 Lalitha Jeyakar M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1986 Library - Mother Teresa Univ.
676 204 Mohan N.M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1987 Library - Bharathidasan Univ.
677 23 Thiruramalingam S. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1989 Library - Scott Christian
678 641 Baba Gnanakumar P. M.Phil Mononmaniam Sundaranar Univ. Commerce 1991 Library - M.S.University
Abbreviations used in the table :
AERC - Agro Economic Research Centre
BOBP - Bay of Bengal Programme
CARDS - Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies
CDS - Centre For Development Studies
GGRI - GandhiGram Rural Institute
IDS - Institute of Development Studies
LSE - London School of Economics
M.K.University - Madurai Kamaraj University
M.S.University - Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
N.A. - Not Available
n.d. - not dated
TNAU - Tamilnadu Agricultural University



Main S.No Ref.No.

S.No Author IN IN
Table A1.1 Table A1.1
& Table A1.2 & Table A1.2

1 Abdul Hakeem A 72 285

2 Abdul Hameed N. 240 243
3 Abraham, M.F. 475 423
4 Adaline Jebathai M. 394 53
5 Agricultural College & Research Institute 113 646
6 Agricultural Economics Research Centre 34 201
7 Agro Economic Research Cenre 623 74
8 Agro Economic Research Cenre 622 100
9 Agro Economic Research Cenre 617 107
10 Agro Economic Research Cenre 603 261
11 Agro Economic Research Cenre 605 264
12 Agro Economic Research Cenre 601 265
13 Agro Economic Research Cenre 599 268
14 Agro Economic Research Cenre 602 272
15 Agro Economic Research Cenre 593 362
16 Agro Economic Research Cenre 581 673
17 Aiyappan, A. and Mahadevan, K 405 607
18 Aiyasamy, P.K. and Natarajan, B. 191 652
19 Albones Raj S. 668 631
20 Albun Gurusu.M. 289 284
21 Alexander, K.C. 269 101
22 Alice Elizabeth Nesamani M. 515 29
23 Aliyar M. 126 550
24 Allan Jeevagan T. 127 544
25 Amala Selin W. 286 495
26 Amaladhas R. 159 672
27 Amutha Rani R. 94 221
28 Anandan K. 312 671
29 Anandan R. 560 363

30 Anandi T.V. 298 177
31 Ananthy A. 356 469
32 Angela A.J. 45 138
33 Annadurai R. 118 357
34 Annapoorani V. 498 577
35 Annathurai K. 324 109
36 Anne Perpet Sophy S. 363 361
37 Anuradha G. 146 325
38 Anuradha M. 385 622
39 Appathurai C. 36 183
40 Arichandran A. 264 110
41 Arichandran M. 203 34
42 Arikrishnan A. 568 236
43 Arivalagan R. 78 394
44 Arokiadoss K. 42 153
45 Arokiasamy S. 37 180
46 Arputhamani J. 373 525
47 Arputharaj C. and Rupchand A.J. 4 619
48 Arputharaj, C. and Rajagopalan, R 24 247
49 Arputharaj, C. and Vallinayagam, S.S. 245 668
50 Arul Jeganatharaj D. 43 146
51 Arul Pragasam T. 89 270
52 Arulnesam M. 330 341
53 Arulraj S. 19 330
54 Arumugam K. 162 574
55 Arumugam M 348 184
56 Arumugam M. 288 401
57 Arunachalam P. 365 249
58 Arunachalam R. 256 326
59 Arunachalam, B 62 676
60 Arunachalam, R.M. 182 137
61 Asokan, S. 122 66
62 Atchayalingam N. 225 71
63 Athisaya Panimaya Xavier S. 369 37
64 Athreya, B. Venkatesh 259 158
65 Athreya, V.B. 626 56
66 Athreya, V.B. 597 258

67 Ayyappan P. 8 541
68 Baba Gnanakumar P. 678 641
69 Backstrand, Goran and Turesson, Anders 160 653
70 Balakrishnan T 522 385
71 Balamirtham P. 74 465
72 Balasubramanian N. 6 575
73 Balasubramanian P. 76 413
74 Balasundaram A. 382 472
75 Basheer Ahmed A. 134 347
76 Baskara Doss K. 266 135
77 Baskaradoss K. 271 128
78 Benjamin, R.E. and Varagunasingh T.V. 416 449
79 Bernard Shaw R. 556 366
80 Beteille, A 262 70
81 Beulah Rajakumari J. 514 43
82 Bhanumathi Winston 573 134
83 Bhavani R. 649 328
84 Bhuvanendiran R. 314 556
85 Blase, F.W. 302 63
86 Bright Juni R. 282 459
87 Census 629 59
88 Census 627 60
89 Census 628 61
90 Census 619 65
91 Census 625 83
92 Census 620 84
93 Census 616 145
94 Census 615 147
95 Census 614 148
96 Census 611 208
97 Census 610 210
98 Census 613 211
99 Census 612 218
100 Census 609 224
101 Census 608 248
102 Census 607 252
103 Census 598 274

104 Census 600 275
105 Census 604 278
106 Census 596 337
107 Census 592 421
108 Census 590 424
109 Census 591 426
110 Census 589 435
111 Census 588 452
112 Census 586 462
113 Census 587 466
114 Census 585 476
115 Census 584 586
116 Census 583 590
117 Census 580 654
118 Chambers, R.and Harriss, J. 594 675
119 Chandra Kumar C. 525 342
120 Chandrasekara Naidu V. 446 633
121 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. 250 595
122 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. 246 600
123 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. 249 601
124 Chandrasekara Naidu, V. 251 612
125 Chandrasekaran A. 562 302
126 Chandrasekaran P. 577 28
127 Chandrasekaran R. 192 584
128 Chandrasekhar, S 406 604
129 Chandrasing S 567 269
130 Chelladurai S. 52 33
131 Chellamani M. 655 190
132 Chellamani S. 453 440
133 Chellapandi R. 370 634
134 Chellaperumal A. 465 15
135 Chidambaram K. 97 165
136 Chidambaram S. 344 321
137 Chidambaram S. 555 506
138 Chinadurai P.E. 39 169
139 Chinnammai S. 333 123
140 Chinnaraj Joseph T. 327 645

141 Chockalingam V. 294 277
142 Christuraj P 459 335
143 Darish Padmavathy S.C. 353 489
144 David Packiaraj C 431 45
145 Dayanandan R. 635 533
146 Deepa Raghavan 657 598
147 Den Ouden, J.H.B. 470 651
148 Devan K. 530 333
149 Devanesan P. 247 581
150 Dhanapal K. 347 149
151 Dharmangat Sharma 634 540
152 Dhavamani P. 244 518
153 Djurfeidt, Goran and Lindberg, Staffan 445 605
154 Djurfeldt, G. and Lindberg, S. 386 573
155 Dorai Rajan M. 44 144
156 Doraswamy S. 140 246
157 Dorothy Malarvizhi V. 659 537
158 Drewes, Edeltraud 277 611
159 Dulcy Pushbarani S. 381 486
160 Duraipandi Jabbakumar T. 51 50
161 Durairaj N. 301 130
162 Durairaju A. 82 380
163 Duraisamy A. 13 436
164 Duraisingam P 293 267
165 Edward Sundararaj S 480 316
166 Edwin Chandra Sekaran Jeyaseeli 537 152
167 Elakkina Kumaran A. 219 207
168 Elanchezhian N 449 554
169 Elango M. 135 309
170 Elango P 290 314
171 Elango R 469 117
172 Esakky S. 575 11
173 Esther Rajam B. 326 46
174 Eswaramoorthy S. 336 560
175 Eugine T. 283 504
176 Ganesan P. 377 2
177 Ganesan S. 284 477

178 Geetha C.K. 194 494
179 Geethanjali Devi C S 195 490
180 George Mathew 185 124
181 George P. 355 479
182 George Rajamanickam I. 440 647
183 Girija K.P. 234 578
184 Gnana Mani C. 421 308
185 Gnanaprakasam K. 106 78
186 Gnanaprakasam K. 528 353
187 Gnanaraj S. 213 442
188 Gough, K 487 95
189 Gough, K 270 125
190 Gough, Kathleen 273 79
191 Gough, Kathleen 272 108
192 Govindarajulu K. 91 227
193 Grana Vasantha Bai 374 522
194 Guhan, S. 624 113
195 Guhan, S. and Bharathan, K. 595 359
196 Guhan. S. and Mencher P. Joan 606 254
197 Habeeb M. 352 484
198 Hara, Tadatiko 257 142
199 Harichandran C. 491 587
200 Harriss, Barbara 527 364
201 Haswell, M.R. 458 339
202 Helen Ratna E. 73 511
203 Heyer, Judith 158 658
204 Highsmith, R.M. 618 127
205 Indira Mabel G 410 454
206 Indumathy M. 75 420
207 Ivy Jeno S. 174 439
208 Jacob Stanley Inbaraj J. 455 346
209 Jagadeesan M. 364 282
210 Jamesin Rajini S. 357 461
211 Janakarajan S. 255 9
212 Jannath Beevi 171 425
213 Jaya Baskaran P. 143 206
214 Jayakumar R 462 244

215 Jayalakshmi A. 499 547
216 Jayammal Eswaramoorthy 31 222
217 Jayapalan M. 343 213
218 Jayaraman A. 95 214
219 Jeya Poobathi 362 378
220 Jeyakumar M. 16 407
221 Jeyamani M. 33 217
222 Jeyanthi Esther C. 516 49
223 Jeyaraman S. 463 176
224 Jeyaranjan J. 268 132
225 John Selvaraj P. 415 419
226 Johnson Sundararaj J. 360 397
227 Joseph Arul Suresh A. 435 487
228 Josephine Christy A. 110 42
229 Jothirajan A. 77 377
230 Julius T.A. 541 182
231 Kalaimathy A. 211 372
232 Kalainesan A. 631 602
233 Kalaiselvi V. 411 500
234 Kaliappan U.R. 204 621
235 Kaliraj S. 304 30
236 Kaliyamurthy K. 40 157
237 Kalpanadevi N.K 221 632
238 Kamal Basha S. 81 417
239 Kamalakkannan P. 84 360
240 Kamalam C. 136 317
241 Kamalam S. 181 170
242 Kamalanathan G. 534 219
243 Kamathchi S. 500 280
244 Kamini Sundararajan 443 580
245 Kamsa Mohideen M. 232 39
246 Kannan K. 518 617
247 Kannan K. 403 674
248 Kannan N 532 230
249 Kannappan P 254 392
250 Kannathal Ve. 340 256
251 Kapadia, Karin 260 7

252 Karpagam K. 239 313
253 Karpagam K. 553 482
254 Karunaharan K. 542 164
255 Karuppaiyan E. 50 64
256 Karuppiah A. 253 371
257 Karuppu M. 376 432
258 Kasimayan K.P. 637 212
259 Kathaiyan S. 227 90
260 Kathaiyan S. 229 129
261 Kesavan M. 493 566
262 Krishnamoorthy G. 339 291
263 Krishnan 9 509
264 Krishnan S. 648 399
265 Krishnan T. 450 480
266 Krishnanmoorthy A. 226 88
267 Krishnaveni V. 332 92
268 Krisnamoorthy A 47 105
269 Kubendran C. 644 558
270 Kulandaivelu P. 105 89
271 Kulanthaivel Pandian G. 546 520
272 Kumar S. 224 185
273 Kumaran M. 145 323
274 Kumaran T 533 251
275 Kumarasamy K. 165 52
276 Kumari Latha Devi P. 193 478
277 Kunchithapatham V. 320 283
278 Kunjammal R. 88 293
279 Kuppusamy S 425 241
280 Kuruswamy A. 10 473
281 Kusalavan K. 295 263
282 Kutty Babu P. 70 599
283 Lakshmanan K. 2 625
284 Lakshmanan S. 218 259
285 Lakshmi R. 297 319
286 Lakshmi S. 101 18
287 Lalitha A. 383 14
288 Lalitha A. 397 666

289 Lalitha Jeyakar 675 343
290 Latha P. 125 648
291 Leelavathi P. 502 532
292 Leelavathy K.C. 670 620
293 Lilly Kutty T.L. 236 411
294 Loganathan L.S. 238 315
295 Loyola Regini E 413 515
296 Madhavan K. 184 102
297 Madhavikutty, M. 420 444
298 Magadalene pandiyan 233 47
299 Magesan R. 341 235
300 Mahadevan Pillai & D N Namboothiri 417 431
301 Mahalekshmi C. 380 463
302 Mala K. 468 126
303 Malarvizhi C.A. 457 356
304 Malarvizhi P. 509 395
305 Malathi B. 513 187
306 Malathi K. 207 583
307 Malathi K.S. 664 297
308 Mallika Devi R. 368 41
309 Mandlebaum, D.G. 478 334
310 Mani C. 142 223
311 Mani R. 633 543
312 Manickam P 296 198
313 Manickam S. 93 202
314 Manimegalai R. 378 531
315 Manimekalai A. 92 209
316 Manoharan P.K. 338 344
317 Manoharan T. 429 133
318 Manonmani T. 396 663
319 Manonmoney N. 58 367
320 Maragatha Meena M. 309 642
321 Maran V. 492 563
322 Marcelin Pushpa S 535 288
323 Maria John Kennedy M. 436 460
324 Mariaraj A. 200 19
325 Marimuthu P. 187 77

326 Mariya Rathinam S. 569 324
327 Marshall M Bouton 267 193
328 Marudaiveeran M. 346 143
329 Mary Gnanapokkiyam G 428 118
330 Mary Rose Vimochana D. 316 512
331 Masters A 384 615
332 Mathangi N. 367 35
333 Mathina Begum M 508 374
334 Meena U. 505 456
335 Meera Athirai R. 130 389
336 Meera S. 654 305
337 Meganathan 496 351
338 Meinzen Dick Ruth Suseela 119 327
339 Mencher, J.P. 471 588
340 Michel Antony K. 317 501
341 Mohamed Abdul Khader A. 323 93
342 Mohan N.M. 676 204
343 Mohan V. 205 667
344 Mohideen Abdul Kadhar S. 131 408
345 Monikantan Nair S. 116 492
346 Muniammal M. 132 429
347 Munirathnam T. 548 576
348 Munisamy P. 653 383
349 Muniyandi M. 398 418
350 Munusamy K 650 234
351 Murali B.V. 68 649
352 Murthy C. 237 412
353 Murugan S. 202 22
354 Murugan S. 519 539
355 Murugan S. 520 557
356 Murugasamy A. 651 549
357 Murugavel V. 647 405
358 Murugesan M. 280 455
359 Murugesan P 418 409
360 Murugesan S 334 122
361 Murugesan S. 476 345
362 Murugiah M. 325 31

363 Muthiah M. 328 623
364 Muthusamy P. 576 38
365 Muthuveeraganapathy M. 321 276
366 Mythili G. 63 195
367 Mythili S. 151 115
368 Nagalingam G. 311 678
369 Naganathan S. 41 156
370 Nagaraja Murugan S. 18 376
371 Nagaraju K. 674 358
372 Nainan S. 80 393
373 Nakamura, H. 100 151
374 Nakkeeran V. 85 338
375 Nalatham J. 433 637
376 Namachivayam J. 671 529
377 Nanjaiyan K. 22 295
378 Narayanamoorthy A. 23 286
379 Narayanamoorthy A. 217 289
380 Narayanan, R 437 677
381 Natarajan K 424 242
382 Natarajan T. 574 86
383 Neelameghan R. 179 155
384 Oliver J. 3 624
385 Palaniappan C.T. 17 379
386 Palanichamy C. 175 382
387 Palanivelu C. 61 296
388 Pandian K. 168 450
389 Pandiaraj S. 129 400
390 Pappa M. 554 496
391 Paramasivan A. 307 32
392 Pari Murugan K. 279 564
393 Parthasarathi S. 531 271
394 Parthiban A. 485 188
395 Parthiban V. 335 596
396 Pasupathy G. 222 136
397 Paul Kurian 274 106
398 Paul Raj C. 632 546
399 PEO, Planning Commission, India 636 273

400 Periyanayagasamy A 464 179
401 Perumalkone K. 551 548
402 Perumalsamy G. 545 519
403 Peter D. 56 514
404 Pommi Sulochana Sundari S. 512 320
405 Ponnappan C. 448 603
406 Ponnian K. 117 508
407 Ponnuram R. 59 448
408 Poongodi A 543 62
409 Poornam Demel M X 483 191
410 Praba Gandhi T. 506 468
411 Prabahar Gnanakkan V. 640 606
412 Prabakaran S.W.P. 544 57
413 Prabha T. 152 192
414 Prakash P.R. 638 662
415 Prakash S.K. 5 609
416 Pramodhkumar O.B. 32 220
417 Prasanna Kumari K. 66 10
418 Prema Joyce D. 372 635
419 Prema Latha T.R. 354 475
420 Pugazhendi P 25 245
421 Puhazhendhi V. 180 8
422 Purushothaman B. 571 87
423 Pushpa K.S. 661 552
424 Pushpalatha C. 494 481
425 R.K. Mission Vidyalaya Rural Inst. 579 655
426 Radakrishnan N. 124 48
427 Ragu C. 472 569
428 Raja M. 375 521
429 Raja R. 12 441
430 Raja Rathnam R. 540 154
431 Raja S. 79 384
432 Raja Sekar C. 412 498
433 Rajagopal K. 337 502
434 Rajagopalan A.V. 161 591
435 Rajagopalan, R. and others 48 104
436 Rajakumaran T. 133 390

437 Rajalakshmi M.K.P. 35 186
438 Rajalakshmi V. 109 40
439 Rajamani K. 144 205
440 Rajasankar S. 163 561
441 Rajasekaran A 524 373
442 Rajasekaran K. 103 171
443 Rajashree R. 547 664
444 Rajendran G. 263 119
445 Rajendran R. 46 120
446 Rajendran R. 539 175
447 Rajeswari 408 534
448 Rajeswari K. 228 97
449 Raju S. 395 670
450 Ramachandran A. 173 381
451 Ramachandran T 148 141
452 Ramachandran V.K. 214 369
453 Ramachandran, R. 456 352
454 Ramadasu M. 120 290
455 Ramadoss S. 123 24
456 Ramalingam N. 242 167
457 Ramalingam V. 371 636
458 Ramanathan S. 115 616
459 Ramasamy K 665 301
460 Ramavani I. 658 614
461 Ramer E L 156 526
462 Ramesh D 490 1
463 Ramesh S. 667 21
464 Ramu K. 29 226
465 Rangarajan R. 183 173
466 Rangasamy M. 139 231
467 Rani Jayakumar N. 366 197
468 Rani S. 404 650
469 Raseenthal T. 432 26
470 Rathinam V.S. 419 446
471 Rathinasabapathi M 241 228
472 Ravi D. 350 661
473 Ravi S 672 474

474 Ravi T. 153 72
475 Ravichandran G. 98 168
476 Ravichandran K. 99 139
477 Ravindran, Sundari 422 3
478 Ravinthiran N 529 336
479 Reg No : 1046 391 428
480 Reg No : 1047 389 404
481 Reg No : 1049 390 406
482 Reg No : 1050 388 398
483 Reg No :1041 652 410
484 Regis Joe Ananth R 305 44
485 Register Number:1055 392 447
486 Rengarajan L. 177 403
487 Rengarajan S 27 238
488 Robert Wilson S 108 94
489 Rogaly, B.N. 164 530
490 Ruckmoni N. 662 453
491 Rukmani C. 361 402
492 Sadagopan G. 49 91
493 Sadasivam K. 11 445
494 Sadasivan Nair K. 559 350
495 Sahabuddin M.G. 137 292
496 Sahaya Anitha T. 474 499
497 Saithilakam C. 206 582
498 Sali Kumar P.N. 414 517
499 Salvadore Victor S.J. 308 58
500 Samarasam R. 656 99
501 Sambasivam K. 331 69
502 Sampangi M. 526 354
503 Sampath Kumar S. 399 300
504 Sampathkumar V. 393 331
505 Sangili V. 96 162
506 Sangilidevan L. 90 229
507 Sankaran pillai C. 673 471
508 Sankarappan R. 155 644
509 Santhakumari Victoria 538 161
510 Santhanam K. 484 159

511 Santhi Salomi R 310 639
512 Saraswathi K. 511 340
513 Saraswathi S. 503 559
514 Saravanan M. 461 250
515 Saravanan V. 497 200
516 Sarojini K. 441 659
517 Saseendra Kumaradhas M. 252 493
518 Sathyavathi Manuel 188 194
519 Savarimuthu A. 646 507
520 Scarlett, D 434 618
521 Sekar A. 210 375
522 Sekar S. 189 68
523 Selvaganapathy P. 231 51
524 Selvam D. 473 551
525 Selvaraj G. 1 630
526 Selvaraju D 481 253
527 Semban T. 102 16
528 Senapathy M. 15 415
529 Senathirajah N. 447 593
530 Senthamarai Kannan N.K. 138 262
531 Senthamarai P. 501 553
532 Senthamizharasu N. 114 613
533 Senthilnathan V. 561 312
534 Shakilarani R. 402 657
535 Shanmugam, G 342 199
536 Sheela Margaret Rajkumar 216 306
537 Sheik Mohamed M. 291 287
538 Shyamala G.S. 504 470
539 Singaram I. 452 443
540 Sivagnanam G. 186 85
541 Sivakumar D. 26 240
542 Sivaprakasam V. 265 80
543 Sivaprasad S. 150 163
544 Sivaraj M. 208 565
545 Sivarajan M. 319 485
546 Sivertsen, D. 489 103
547 Solomon Paul R. 287 451

548 Somasundaram A. 71 536
549 Somu T. 147 5
550 Sophia J.D. 663 279
551 Soundaraj S. 630 594
552 Soundarajan P 223 172
553 Sowmya R. 198 307
554 Sreekantan Nair K 552 497
555 Sri Renganayahi T 387 510
556 Srinivasan C. 54 6
557 Srinivasan N. 178 255
558 Srinivasan N. 565 304
559 Srinivasan S. 83 365
560 Stanly Jones A. 128 488
561 Stephen Rodriquez R. 112 52
562 Sterling Lalitha Kumari J 578 643
563 Subbiah M. 154 27
564 Subbiah, S 261 150
565 Subburaj S.M. 329 368
566 Subramani N. 345 12
567 Subramanian C. 488 131
568 Subramanian C. 64 160
569 Subramanian G. 141 215
570 Subramanian M. 21 298
571 Subramanian M. 20 318
572 Subramanian P. 292 294
573 Subramanyan V.S. 55 4
574 Sudalai S. 349 640
575 Sugunambal M. 87 311
576 Sulochana K. 570 140
577 Sumangala, P. and Nagarajan, B.S. 409 527
578 Sumathi N. 523 434
579 Sundaram S. 521 464
580 Sundaram S. 643 555
581 Sundararaj P. 379 513
582 Sundararajan R. 7 567
583 Sundaravelu M+C411 212 391
584 Sundari, T.K. 248 608

585 Suresh Kumar M. 322 81
586 Suseelabai M. 167 458
587 Sutharsanam T. 53 20
588 Swamikannan D 196 388
589 Swaminatha Ratnam R. 486 17
590 Swaminathan S. 172 387
591 Swaminathan, Madhura 176 437
592 Swenson,C 104 98
593 Syed Ahamed Kabeer M. 107 114
594 Tamil Raju S 566 266
595 Tamil Selvi A. 510 386
596 Tamil Selvi R. 536 322
597 Tamil Selvi S. 86 303
598 Tamilarasan M. 149 13
599 Thamarajakshi, R 243 111
600 Thamizharasan K. 215 349
601 Thamizoli P. 479 332
602 Thangamani K. 442 629
603 Thangaraju M. 400 656
604 Thangaraju M. 401 660
605 Thangarasu P. 230 75
606 Thanikal A. Rosy 170 370
607 Thankalet E. 358 457
608 Thanmizhmani P. 166 538
609 Thazhkuzhali S. 300 73
610 Theenathayalan S. 558 416
611 Theivanai P. 67 638
612 Thenmozhi K. 38 178
613 Thiagaraj D. 306 25
614 Thiagarajan R. 482 196
615 Thilagavathi K.R. 517 524
616 Thiru, A.V. 582 592
617 Thirughanam M. 466 96
618 Thirumoorthy P. 220 203
619 Thirumurthy R. 564 299
620 Thirunavukarasu T 423 239

621 Thirunavukkarasu P. 549 610
622 Thiruramalingam S. 677 23
623 Thiyanayaki C 201 121
624 Thomson K.T. 285 516
625 Ubagarasamy M 427 189
626 Udaya Sankar A.R. 258 166
627 Udayakumar J. 641 579
628 Uduman Mohideen K.S.S. 157 628
629 Unnikrishnan P. 645 535
630 Usha Rajakumar C 315 491
631 Vaidehi Raju 666 216
632 Valarmathi Vatchala Rani K. 660 542
633 Valli B. 572 82
634 Valli nayagam K. 111 36
635 Vanitha M 642 597
636 Varadarajan A 426 232
637 Varadarajan Sivam 550 568
638 Vasanthi K. 313 545
639 Vasanthi S 407 562
640 Vasundara Devi D. 199 174
641 Vedhantha Desikan G 460 233
642 Veerakumar U 197 433
643 Vellaichamy R. 209 281
644 Velmurugan I. 451 396
645 Velu R. 639 571
646 Venkata subramanian S 467 116
647 Venkatachalam C. 351 626
648 Venkatachalapathi M. 557 430
649 Venkatapirabu J. 276 627
650 Venkataraman S. 669 55
651 Vetharani I. 507 427
652 Vidhyashree N 439 669
653 Vigneshwari V 275 665

654 Vijaya M. 454 355
655 Vijaya V. 235 585
656 Vijayakumar A. 563 310
657 Vijayalakshmi A. 60 414
658 Vijayalakshmi S 430 67
659 Vijayan C. 65 181
660 Vijayan S. 299 76
661 Vijayrathiam D. 190 523
662 Vimala Jayanthi T. 281 483
663 Vimalan M. 30 225
664 Vinayaga Moorthy C. 495 348
665 Vincent Santhanam Jayakumar X. 278 572
666 Visaha Perumal T. 359 505
667 Viswa Sarojini Devi K. 303 54
668 Viswanathan P. 14 422
669 Viswanathan S 28 237
670 Wellard, Kate 169 438
671 Wilson R. 57 503
672 Xavier Raj A. 477 329
673 Yeshwanth, T.S. 621 112
674 Yeshwanth, T.S. 438 257
675 Yeshwanth, T.S. 121 260
676 Yogalaxmi S.N. 444 570
677 Zahara Begum 69 589
678 Zathik Ali M. 318 467

Appendix 2 Bibliography of Town Studies

Table A2-1 Town Studies Classified by Subject and District

Main Broad Subject of Sl. Ref. Dist. Title of the Study

Sl.No. Area Study No. No.

1 1.SECONDARY 1.1. SINGLE INDUSTRY 1 28 CBE A Study of Handloom Industry with particular reference
SECTOR to its problems and prospects in Coimbatore District
2 1.1.1. HANDLOOMS 2 51 CPT The Silk Weaving Industry of Kancheepuram
3 3 9 MAD Handloom Industry in Madurai City
4 4 243 TCY Functioning of Handloom Industry at Karur
5 5 19 TCY Economics of Textile Industry in Tiruchi District (with
special reference to the Handloom Industry in Karur
Taluk) (1980-90)
6 6 258 THN A Case Study of Silk Weaving Industry at Thirubuvanam
7 7 420 TIN Production and marketing of Handloom products in
Ambasamudram Town (Tirunelveli Kattabomman Dist)
8 8 540 TIN An Economic Study of Powerloom Weaving Industry in
Sankarankoil in Tirunelveli Dist.
9 1.1.2.. HOSIERY 1 73 CBE Job satisfaction in the Hosiery Industry. A study with
special reference to Tiruppur
10 2 22 CBE A study of cotton hosiery knitting industry in Tiruppur
11 3 274 CBE An Analysis of Hosiery Industry at Tiruppur with
reference to Investment and Modernisation
12 4 224 CBE An Export - oriented Hosiery Industrial Unit in Tiruppur
- A Case Study

13 5 245 CBE A Study on the Financial performance of Hosiery Units
at Tiruppur
14 6 30 CBE A Study on Pricing Policies and Practices among Hosiery
Units in Tiruppur
15 1.1.3..SPINNING AND 1 69 MAD An Economic Study of Profits in Spinning and Weaving
WEAVING MILLS Mills in Madurai City
16 2 562 PER Economics of the Production of Man-Made Fibres - A
Case Study of Subbathaal Spinning Mills Ltd. Erode
17 1.1.4.HOUSEHOLD / 1 339 CBE Export Credit for Industries in Coimbatore with specific
COTTAGE / SMALL reference to Engineering Industry
18 SCALE INDUSTRY 2 68 CBE Small scale engineering industry in coimbatore region A
study of Interrelationship with large scale Industry
19 3 238 CBE A Study on the Profitability of Steel Furniture Units in
20 4 271 CBE An Economic Analysis of selected paper product
Industries in Coimbatore Dist.
21 5 270 CBE A Study on the problems of small scale foundries in
22 6 244 CBE A Study on Financial performance of Foundries in
Coimbatore city
23 7 11 DHM Small Scale Sector in a Growth Pole: A Case Study of
24 8 227 DIN Economic Survey of Brick Industry (A study with
special reference to Dindigul Anna Dist.)
25 9 490 DIN Energy Consumption pattern of Small Scale Industries in
Dindigul Taluk, Anna District
26 10 168 KK Sickness in the Match Industry in Kanniyakumari dist. -
An Economic Study

27 11 170 KK An Economic Study of Brick Industry in
28 12 174 KK Location and organisation of Small Scale Enterprises in
Kanniyakumari Dist.
29 13 446 KK A study of Brass metal industry in Nagerkoil
30 14 572 M Economics of the Technology and Modernisation of
Printing Industry - in the city of Madras 1970-1985
31 15 566 M Study of Small Scale Units of Industrial Estates in the city
of Madras with special reference to Rules-Regulations and
32 16 419 M Book-Publishing Industry - An analysis with reference to
Madras city
33 17 375 M Problems of Leather Product Exports in Madras
34 18 29 M Nature and Characteristics of Labour Market in Building
Industry in Madras City
35 19 534 M Brick Industry - A Case Study of Brick and Tiles
Manufacturers Industrial Co-operative Society in the city
of Madras
36 20 463 MAD Growth trend of small scale industries in Madurai city
37 21 406 MAD Steel furniture industry in Madurai City
38 22 493 MAD Sickness of Small Scale Industries in Madurai City with
special reference to Engineering Industry
39 23 508 MAD Economics of Match Industry with Special Referenceto
Match Factories at Thirumangalam Town
40 24 288 NAG A Study on Economics of Printing Industry at
41 25 266 PUD A Study of Small-scale Industries in Pudukkottai Town

42 26 209 PUD Role of DIC in the promotion of SSI Units - A Study
with reference to Pudukkottai Dist.
43 27 415 SA Problems of Gold covering jewellers in Chidambaram town
44 28 423 SAL A study on lorry body bulding units in Namakkal town
45 29 502 SIV An Economic Study of pottery Industry at Manamadurai
46 30 500 TCY Beedi Industry - A Study in Tiruchirapalli
47 31 47 TCY Rehabilitation of the sick small scale industrial units in
Tirucirappalli dist
48 32 528 TCY An Enquiry into the Nature of Ancillary Industries of
BHEL in Thiruverumbur, TCY Dist.
49 33 31 TCY Synthetic Gem Industry in Tiruchirapalli dt - A study
of the pattern and problems of distribution
50 34 494 TCY An Economic Analysis of Industrial Sickness in Small
Scale sector in Trichirappalli District
51 35 573 TCY Small Scale Industries in Thiruverumbur block an
Economic Study
52 36 193 TCY Employment Potentiality in Synthetic Diamond Industry -
In Tiruchirapalli and its Suburbs - A Case Study
53 37 511 THN An Economic Analysis of Art Plate Making in Thanjavur
54 38 324 THN Economic Viability of Coir Industry in Thanjavur Dist.
55 39 259 THN An Economic Survey of Cottage Industries at Sirkali Block
in Tanjore District
56 40 533 TUT A study of Quarry Industry in Tuticorin Taluk
57 41 206 VIR Receivable Management in the Match Industry of Sivakasi

58 42 409 VIR A Study of localisation of fire workers industries in
59 43 461 VIR Computerisation of information system in Printing units at
60 1.2. LABOUR 1 125 CBE Organisational climate and Dual Commitment among the
Textile workers of Coimbatore
61 1.2.1. GENERAL 2 6 CBE Studies of Small Scale Enterprise and Urban Labour in
South India
62 3 187 CBE Socio-Economic Study of the Textile workers in
63 4 346 CPT Socio - Economic conditions of Handloom weavers with
reference to Kanchipuram Town
64 5 131 KK Wages and Economic Conditions of construction workers
in Punnai Nagar Area : Kanyakumari Dist.
65 6 232 KK A Study on Employee counselling in Kanniyakumari
dist.Co-operative spinning Mills Ltd.Aralvaymozhi
66 7 366 M Unorganised Labour in Metropolitian city - A Study of
Socio-Economic conditions of Beedi workers at Vallalar
Nagar in Madras
67 8 306 M A Socio-Economic Study of Industrial Accidents with
special reference to Hand Injuries of Factory workers in
68 9 8 M Study of Beedi Workers in the Ice House Area of Madras
69 10 207 NA A Study on Enforcement of Industrial Employment
(standing orders) Act-1946 Relating to Absenteeismin
Sugarmills in N.A.dist.

70 11 364 NA Industrial Relations in Tannery Industry - A Case Study
with special reference to Ranipet Tannery industry in
NA Dist.
71 12 322 NA Socio-Economic conditions of workers in
GudiyattamTown - A Case Study
72 13 264 NA Living conditions of Beedi Workers at Rayagiri Town
73 14 442 PER Comparative study of the living conditions of Handloom
& Powerloom workers in the private & Co-op. sectors in
Erode town
74 15 190 SIV A Study of the Socio-Economic Conditions of
Construction workers in Karaikudi Town
75 16 49 TCY Labour welfare and industrial peace in Tirucirappalli
76 17 541 TCY Labour Welfare Measures at B.H.E.L. TCY
77 18 526 TCY A Study of the Socio-Economic Conditions of the
Weavers in Woriur - Tiruchy forthe period 1987-88
78 19 513 TCY;NA A study on level of living of the Physically Handicapped
Workers in WORTH Industry at TCY and Katpadi
79 20 537 THN Economic conditions of Building Construction Workers in
80 21 550 THN Socio-Economic Conditions of Silk-weavers of Tanjavur
Town (A case study)
81 22 569 THN Economic Conditions of Coir-Industry Workers in
Pattukkottai Block
82 23 295 TUT A Study of Income Expenditure and Employment pattern
of the Workers of Coconut Oil Industry in Tuticorin
83 24 398 TUT The Socio-Economic problems of construction workers in

84 25 389 VIR A study of working conditions of labour in Printing
industry at Sivakasi
85 26 492 VIR Economic and Social Condition of the Match Workers in
86 27 523 VIR Wage and Working conditions of powerloom workers in
Aruppukkottai Town
87 28 557 VIR A Study on the working and living conditions of the
workers of the Ginning units of Rajapalayam
Municipality, Kamarajar Dist.
88 1.2.1.FEMALE 1 225 CBE A Study on Women workers in selected spinning mills at
LABOUR Udamalpet, Coimbatore Dist., T.N.
89 2 294 CBE Alientation and Deference among Industrial Women
Workers : A Micro-Level Study
90 3 171 KK An Economic Study of the Women Weavers in Handloom
Industry in Nagercoil circle-I
91 4 112 M Attitude Towards Society, Education and Employment and
Aspiration of women working in Industries
92 5 177 M An Economic Study of Women Employment in Export
Garment Industry - A Case Study
93 6 343 M Socio-Economic Conditions of Women Workers in
Unorganaised Sector with special reference to construction
industry A Case study of Chrompet Area
94 7 220 MAD A Study on Socio-Economic Conditions of Women
workers at Pharmaceuticals in Madurai City
95 8 519 MAD Socio-Economic Conditions of the Handloom Saree
Weavers in Madurai City with Special Reference to
Krishnapuram Colony
96 9 191 MAD A Study of Socio-Economic conditions of women Labourers
in Silk cotton industry at BodinayakanurMadurai dist.

97 10 496 NA Wages, Living and Working conditions of women workers
in Leather Industries in Ranipet
98 11 81 SAL Women’s Employment in Textile Industry in Salem Dist.:
An Empirical Analysis of sex segrgation relative wages
and Technical Conditions of Production
99 12 54 SAL Women Labour absenteeism in spinning mills Salem Taluk
100 13 221 TCY Women Beedi Workers in Tiruchirapalli Town - An
Economic Study
101 14 219 TCY A Study on the Economic Conditions of Women Workers
in Tiruchirapalli Town during the Period (1987-1988)
102 15 542 TCY A Profile of Women Beedi Workers in Tiruchirapalli Town
103 16 152 TCY The Position of Muslim Women Beedi Workers in
Kajamalai (Tiruchirapalli Dist.)
104 17 87 TCY Women workers in Small Scale Printing (with special
reference to Tiruchirapalli)
105 18 85 TCY Occupational Problems of women workers in Handloom
Industry at Woriyur
106 1.2.3. CHILD LABOUR 1 175 KK Factors Responsible and Working Conditions of Child
Labour in Unorganised industries of Kanniyakumari Dist.
107 2 192 MAD Socio-Economic conditions of Working Children in
Madurai City - An Analysis
108 3 568 NA Child Labour in Industrial and Commercial Establishments
- A Case Study of Child Labour in Thirupattur Town -
N.A. Dist.
109 4 301 PER A Sociological Study of Child Labourers in Small Scale
Industries (with particular reference to Erode, Periyar

110 5 189 SAL A Study of some Aspects of child labour in silver chain
industries in SAL
111 6 521 TIN Child Labour in Beedi Industry at Tenkasi
112 7 560 VIR A Study on Child Labour in Sivakasi Match Industries
113 1.3.ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 122 CBE A Sociological Study of Small Scale Entrepreneurs and
their networks
114 2 501 MAD Entrepreneurship in Small Scale Industries with special
reference to Engineering Industries in Madurai city
115 3 43 MAD Growth of entrepreneurship in small scale industry (An
empirical study of Madurai region)
116 4 41 PUD Growth of entrepreneurship in small scale industries - A
study with reference to Pudukkottai district
117 5 543 RAM Entrepreneurship in Small Scale Industries in Paramakudi
118 6 40 SIV Entrepreneurial development in small scale industrial units
in Pasumpon Muthuramalinga ThevarDistrict
119 7 268 SIV Growth and Problems of Small Entrepreneurs in Karaikudi
Taluk of PMT dist. - A Study .
120 8 525 TCY Socio Economic Background of Entrepreneurship in TCY
121 9 104 VIR Growth of Entrepreneurship in small scale industry: A
Study with particular reference to Aruppukottai Region
122 1.4. FINANCE 1 72 CBE A Study on the Sources and Utilization of Finance with
special reference to the small scale engineering units in
123 2 39 MAD Working of financial incentives in small scale industrial
units in composite madurai dt

124 3 229 SIV Bank Lending to Small Scale Industrial Units - A Study
with reference to Karaikudi Based Bank Branches
125 4 48 TCY A study of financial management of small scale
Industries in Tirucirappalli dist Tamilnadu
126 5 253 THN Bank Financing and Functioning of Small Scale
Industries with reference to pattukottai taluk, Thanjavur
127 1.5. CO-OPERATIVES 1 80 CBE Weavers co-operative societies in coimbatore dt A study
of utilisation by members
128 2 457 CPT Performance Evaluation of Primary Cotton Handloom
Weaver’s Co-operative Societies in Kancheepuram
129 3 470 KK Coir industrial co-operative societies in Kanyakumari dist -
An appraisal
130 4 361 M Role of Co-op. Industrial Estates in the Development of
Small Scale Industries (with particular reference to
Vyasarpadi Co-op.Industrial Estate,MS
131 5 575 RAM A Study of performance evaluation of handloom co-
operative societies in Paramakkudi town
132 6 106 SIV A Study of the Production and Marketing Problems of
Handloom weavers co-operatives societies, Paramakudi
133 7 477 TIN Performance evaluation of the Shencottai cane and bamboo
workers co-op cottage industrial socity Ltd
134 8 460 VIR A Study of handloom weavers Co-operative societies in
Arupukkottai town
135 1.6. POLLUTION 1 126 CBE A Sociological Study of Noise Pollution in Industries
136 2 52 CBE A Sociological study of Noise pollution with special
reference to Industrial workers in Coimbatore

137 3 214 DIN Occupational Health Hazards in and Environmental
Pollution by Tanneries at Dindigul
138 4 36 DIN Economics of pollution: A study of the impact of Leather
Tannery Pollution in Dindigul Anna Dist. Tamil Nadu
139 5 199 M Air Pollution Control in selected Industries in Madras city
140 6 23 NA Environmental impact assessment- A case study of
Tanneries in NA Ambedkar Dist Tamilnadu India
141 1.7. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 78 M A microsociological analysis of worker alienation and
worker participation in a worker organisation
142 2 340 M A Study of the Problems of Sick Units in the Industrial
Estate of Guindy, Madras
143 3 387 M A Study of Industrial Estates with special reference to
144 4 407 MAD A study of remarketing activities of ice machine service
centres in Madurai city
145 5 71 PUD Impact of Incentives on Industrialisation in a Backward
region - A study with reference to Pudukkottai dt
146 6 76 RAM A study of Industrial development in the (composite)
Ramnad dt
147 7 348 SA Industrial Estates and Regional Development with
Reference to ‘SIPCOT’, Cuddalore
148 8 372 SAL The Economics of a Fund Resource with particular
reference to extractive industries magnesite in SAL - A
Case Study
149 9 178 THN Socio-Psyshological Obstacles to Industrial Peace : An
Analysis selected Industries in Thanjavur Dist.
150 10 158 VIR Edible oil consumption pattern and effect of salestax on
cost, price and sales of edible oils - A Study w.r.f. to
Edible oil Industry of Virudhunagar

151 2.TERTIARY 2.1. BANKING & 1 524 KK A Study of Personal Income Tax Assesses in Nagercoil
SECTOR FINANCE: Town in Kanyakumari District with Special Reference to
Individual Assesses
152 2 90 M Quality of Customer Service in Banks (A Study based
on selected Banks in Madras city)
153 3 473 MAD A Study on organisational climate of commercial Banks
(with special reference to Indian Overseas Bank,
Madurai city branches)
154 4 390 MAD Investors attitude and behaviour towards new issues -
A study with reference to Madurai city
155 5 394 MAD Investor’s attitude towards stockinvest - A study with
reference to primary capital market in Madurai City
156 6 472 MAD Investment in mutual fund by investors An emprical
study at Madurai city
157 7 445 MAD A Study on the new issue market in India and its
investor behaviour in Madurai city
158 8 453 NA An Analytical Study of the LIC Policyholders Service
Department in NA Dist.
159 9 200 SIV A Study on the Administration of Central Excise Law in
Karaikudi Range
160 10 205 SIV A Study on Service Marketing with special reference to
General Insurance Companies at Karikudi
161 11 197 SIV Bank Marketing in Karaikudi Town
162 12 208 SIV Marketing approaches and Practices of Commercial
Banks - A comparative analysis of Public and Private
sector Bank Branches at Karaikudi
163 13 549 TCY An Empirical Study on the services by Commercial
Banks in Tiruchirapalli Town

164 14 417 TCY Fire-Insurance business - An appraisal with reference
to Trichi Town
165 15 564 TIN An Economic Study of the Impact of Differential Interest
Rate Credit provided by SBI - Tirunelveli Town Branch
between 1979-80 & 1983-84
166 16 482 TIN;KK;TUT Productivity efficiencey of commercial banks- A study
with reference to Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Ltd
167 17 38 VIR An investigation of the marketing of fire insurance service
in Kamarajar dt
168 2.2. TRADE AND 1 451 M Distribution Trade in the Pharmaceutical Goods (A Study
SERVICES with special reference to selected units in Madras city)
169 2 94 M Organisation and Management of Road side catering by
women slum Dwellers in Madras city
170 3 452 M Sales pattern in cut-piece shops with special reference
to North Madras
171 4 408 MAD Small-By-Night hotels in Madurai city - A study of
owners and workers
172 5 418 SA Business practices of photocopy units in Chidambaram
173 6 157 SIV Small Business Management - A Case Study of
Functioning of Retail outlet in Karaikudi
174 7 289 TCY A Study of the Economic Aspects of Tailoring Job shops
in Tiruchirapalli Municipality Area .
175 8 503 TCY Hotel Industry in TCY - A Study
176 9 491 THN An Economic Analysis of Hotel Industries in Thanjavur -
A Study
177 10 55 TIN Role of Boarding and Lodging Sector of
TirunelveliKattabomman Dist in Tourism

178 11 113 VIL Trade and Urbanization-A Case Study of VIL Town
179 12 430 VIR Promotional and financial problems of small retailers in
Aruppukottai town
180 2.3.TRANSPORT 1 509 DIN Problems of Small Lorry Operators in Periyakulam Town
181 2 188 M The Role of Auto Rickshaws in the peripheral
Development of Tambaram
182 3 539 M An Economic Analysis of the working result of the
Madras Metropolitan Bus Transportation System during
183 4 345 M Economics of Auto Rickshaw Trasport in Madras City
184 5 161 M Organisation and Management of Regional Transport
Office with special reference to west Madras Region
185 6 578 MAD A study on urban transportation in Madurai city with
special reference to passengers attitude towards various
modes of transport
186 7 401 MAD A study on the Pandiyan Roadways Corporation city bus
services in Madurai city
187 8 329 NA An Analysis of Road Traffic Accident in Vellore and its
Environs (1984 - 1986)
188 9 198 SAL A Study on Lorry Service Broker Business at Namakkal
189 10 107 SIV A Study of Small Road Transport Operators (SRTOs)
Financing by the Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment
Corporation Ltd.(TIIC)(A Study with ref. PMT Dist)
190 11 488 TCY Operational Efficiency of Small Bus Operators at
Tiruchirapalli with Special Reference to Town Bus Service
191 2.4. EMPLOYEES 1 135 CBE A Study on women school teachers in coimbatore city

192 AND LABOUR 2 137 CBE Living and Working conditions of child labourers in small
hotels and tea-stalls in Coimbatore city
193 3 308 CBE Wages and Working Conditions of Employees in Cheran
Transport Corporation Ltd., Coimbatore
194 4 143 M A Study on women Lawyers in Madras city
195 5 440 M Job Satisfaction - A Study based on Women Lecturers
196 6 358 M Labour Welfare Measures in Indian Railways - A Case
Study of the carriage and wagon works, perambur,
Madras (1975-85)
197 7 315 M Cycle Rickshaw Drivers in the city of Madras A Sample
Survey of Urban Poor
198 8 359 M Socio-Economic Conditions of Hand-Cart Pullers with
special reference to Madras city
199 9 360 M Socio-Economic Conditions of Auto Rickshaw Driversin
Madras city
200 10 298 M The Running Crew of Madras City Bus Services
201 11 547 M Socio Economic Conditions of Dhobies in the city of
Madras (A sample study in Urban Poverty)
202 12 388 M Economics of Income, Leisure and Work (with reference to
service sector employees in MMDA)
203 13 341 M A Study of the Life and Working Conditions of the Last
Grade Government Servants in Madras City
204 14 548 MAD Labourers in the Urban Informal Sector - A Case Study
of Rickshaw Drivers in Madurai City
205 15 425 MAD Role adjustment of nurses in the hospitals
206 16 395 MAD Women in police force - Role analysis of women police
in Madurai city

207 17 27 MAD Wages and working conditions of Hotel workers in
Madurai City
208 18 120 MAD Status and Problems of Domestic workers in Maduraicity
209 19 530 MAD A study of Urban Informal Sector with Special Reference
to Wage Level, Working Conditions and Standard of Living
of the Loadmen of Madurai City
210 20 561 MAD Wages, Working and Living conditions of Hotel Waiters
in Madurai City
211 21 487 MAD Socio-Economic Study of Women Domestic Labourers iin
Madurai City
212 22 254 NAG A Study on the problems of informal Woman Labour with
reference to Nagapattinam
213 23 262 SAL Working of Labour Welfare Measures in Anna Transport
214 24 506 TCY Child Labour in Hotel Industry of Tiruchy city
215 25 291 TCY Socio-Economic Conditions of Conservancy Workers in
Lalgudi Town
216 26 218 TCY A Study on Child Labour in Tiruchirapalli Town
217 27 377 TCY A Study on child Labour in Trichirapalli town
218 28 512 THN A Study on wage structure of Cholan Roadways
219 29 186 THN Occupational Hazards and working conditions of Child
Labour in Unorganised sector in Thanjavur and
Kumbakonam cities
220 30 515 THN Socio-Economic Status of Bus Transport Workers in
Thanjavur Town

221 31 556 THN Economic Conditions of Hotel Labourers in
Kumbakonam Town
222 32 469 TIN Hotel industry in Tirunelveli city - A study of the
working conditions of workers
223 33 405 TUT Socio-economic conditions of the cycle rickshaw drivers
in Tuticorin city
224 34 536 TUT A study of Tuticorin Port Labour
225 3. PRIMARY 3.1.MARKETING 1 276 CBE Marketing of Hill vegetables in Coimbatore
226 SECTOR 2 203 DIN A Study of production and marketing of flowers in
Dindigul Anna District - A Study with special
reference to Nilakkottai Union
227 3 422 SA Marketing of flowers in Chidambaram town
228 4 121 SIV Primitive Marketing - A Study on Functioning of
Weekly (Monday) Market at Karaikudi
229 3.2. ALLIED 1 5 CBE Profitability of Broiler Production in the environs of
ACTIVITIES Coimbatore City
230 2 447 CPT A Study of Poultry Farming in Chengai Anna Dist.
231 3 172 KK The Growth of Milk Co-operative Societies of
Agasteeswaram Taluk
232 4 370 M A Study of Poultry Farming - case study of Broiler
production in Madras city
233 5 476 MAD A Study of economics of poultry industry in the city of
234 6 553 MAD An Enquiry into Economics of Marketing Problems
inMadurai Milk Project, Madurai-20
235 7 579 MAD A study on marketing of Aavin milk in Madurai city -
with special reference to consumer’s buying behaviour
towards loose milk

236 8 484 NA A Study of Milk Producers in Cheyyar (with
specialreference to Co-operative Milk Supply Society
Ltd.Cheyyar, N.A. Dist.
237 9 507 NAG A Study on Marine Fishing in Nagapattinam
238 10 256 THN A Study of Economics of Fishing Industry at
239 11 516 THN A Study on the production and marketing performance of
Dairy-Co-Operatives in Thanjavur District
240 12 60 TUT A Study of Marine Fishing Industry in Tuticorin
241 3.3. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 565 KK An Empirical Study of Timber Trade in Nagercoil
242 2 529 TCY Productivity and Cropping pattern of the Dry Land
Cultivation in Ariyalur Town
243 4. LABOUR MARKET 1 10 CBE Urban Labour Market Structure and Job Access in India:A
Study of Coimbatore
244 2 386 M Labour Market Segmentation : A Case Study of Madras
245 3 216 TCY An Economic Analysis of Dual Characteristic of Labour
Force Around Tiruchirapalli Town of T.N.
246 5. SOCIAL 5.1. EDUCATION: 1 318 CBE Educational Service Facilities - college level A Case Study
SECTOR of Coimbatore Region
247 2 272 CBE Education and Social changes - A Case Study of Pollachi
248 3 74 CBE Impact of the preschool education component in Integrated
Child Development Services Programme on the Congnitive
Development of Children
249 4 56 CBE Intelligence of Child Workers and Cohorts Attending
School and an Exploratory Attempt at Educational
Intervention to Child Workers

250 5 165 CPT Students’ Academic Performance in Higher
SecondarySchools (with reference to Kancheepuram
Educational Dist.)
251 6 338 M Economics of Education in Higher Secondary
Schoolswith particular reference to city of Madras
252 7 326 M A Geographical Analysis of Corporation Schools in
Madras city
253 8 323 M Cost of Higher Education:Non-Professional Collegesin
Madras city
254 9 319 M Cost of High School Education in Madras City
255 10 145 M Removal of Illiteracy among women in T.N. with special
reference to the city of Madras
256 11 320 M Cost of Medical Education in Madras city
257 12 567 MAD A Study on the Socio-Economic Background of the D-
Pharm Students in Madurai City
258 13 255 MAD A Study on the Problem of Unemployemnt Among the
Educated Youth in Madurai city
259 14 117 MAD Scientific Temper Among Higher Secondary Girls in
Madurai Ctiy
260 15 435 MAD Marketing of student’s note books in Madurai city
261 16 428 MAD Functioning of college autonomy A comparative study
of two Autonomous institutions in Madurai city
262 17 429 NA Ambivalence of scientists in the context of scientific
263 18 571 SAL A Study of the Impact of Economic Standard upon the
Standard of Educational performance - A Case Study of
X Std. Students in SAL Town

264 5.2. HOUSING 1 269 CBE Housing conditions in Pollachi - A Case Study
265 5.2.1. GENERAL 2 305 M Impact of Public Housing on Household Saving and
Productivity - A Case Study of Madras city
266 3 285 M A Study of Middle Class Housing in Purasawakam Area
Madras city .
267 4 546 M Problem of Shelter in Madras Metropolitan Area
268 5 166 M Housing Development in South Madras Suburbs
269 6 37 M An Economic Analysis of low income group public
housing programme in Madras City
270 7 356 NA A Study on Urban Land Value in Tirupattur Town in NA
Ambedkar District
271 8 242 NAG A Study on Urban Housing Problem in Mannargudi Town,
Nagai Quaid-E-Milleth Dist., T.N.
272 9 235 NAG A Study of Urban House Rent in Nagapattinam Town
273 10 282 SA A Study of Urban House Rent with special referenceto
Chidambaram Town, S.A.Dist.
274 11 287 SA A Study on Urban Land values (with Special ref. to
Chidambaram Town)
275 12 75 SA Urban House prices in SA District,Tamilnadu: An Analysis
of Trends and spatial variations
276 13 333 SAL ; M Locational Preferences of Service Personal in SAL and
277 14 350 TCY Study on Real Estates in Trichy District : Problems and
278 15 485 TCY Some Economic Aspects of Land Market in TCY Town
279 16 336 THN Analysis of Housing Facilities in Kumbakonam
280 5.2.2.SLUMS 1 86 M Participation of Women in the Shelter projects of Madras
city Slums in Comparision with men

281 2 334 M Resettlement of Slum Population in Madras
282 3 15 M Slum Area Survey:Report on the Survey of the Slum areas
and labour intensive areas in Madras city
283 4 7 M Slum Improvement and Community Participation in
Madras:Preliminary Research Report
284 5 1 M Slum Improvement in Madras:A Case Study with Special
Reference To Cost Recovery
285 6 293 SA Squatter Settlements in Chidambaram Town
286 5.2.3.. FINANCE 1 357 M Economics of Hire Purchase of Land and Housing with
special reference to selected institutions inMadras
287 2 109 MAD Role of LIC in Urban Housing Finance with special
reference to Madurai
288 3 249 MAD The Impact of the Utilisation of LIC housing loan in
Udumalpet Town
289 4 111 SIV Evaluation of selected Housing Finance Schemes (A
Study with reference to Middle Class Beneficia ries)
290 5 531 TCY Housing Finance (A Case Study with reference to TCY
291 6 582 VIR A study on institutional finance for housing at VIR
292 5.3. HEALTH 1 155 CBE A Sociological Study of Physically Handicapped in
293 5.3.1. GENERAL 2 134 CBE Urban Community Health with special reference to
HEALTH Gandhipuram - A Middle Class Residential Area in
294 3 160 KK Health Status of Women Beedi Workers in Vellichandai
Town Panchayat of Kanniyakumari dist.
295 4 91 M Nutritional and Health Knowledge, Dietary Practices and
Attitude of Mothers in ICDS projects of Madras City

296 5 383 M Differential Health Status of working women with
special reference to Ambattur Industrial Estate
297 6 365 M Environment and Public Health problem - A Case study
of Saidapet slum, Madras
298 5.3.2. HEALTH 1 114 CBE Utilisation of Health Services by Household
SERVICES Characteristics an Urban Slum Study
299 2 260 CBE Marketing of Services - A Study with reference to
Private Hospitals in Coimbatore
300 3 24 CBE A Study of Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Medical
Services and patient care
301 4 362 M Socio Economic perspective of the Health Care
Services of the Andhra Mahila Sabha (Adyar)
Madras with special reference to
302 5 456 M Marketing of Siddha Medicine: A Study with special
reference to Madras City
303 6 317 M Health Services Administration in Madras city A Case
Study of Tiruvottiyur
304 7 98 M Nutrition knowledge, Attitudes and practices of women
medical practitioners and women medical students in
Madras city
305 8 380 M Municipal Health Services by the Corporation of
Madras with special reference to maternity and child
Health Service
306 9 393 MAD Pharmacy as a profession - A study of the
subjective assessment of pharmacist in Madurai city
307 10 444 MAD A Study of Marketing hospitable services in
Madurai City
308 11 337 NA The Spread Effect of Health Services in NA District -
with special reference to Vellore Town

309 12 483 TCY Health Services and Expenditure
310 6. INFRA- 6.1.WATER 1 124 CBE A Comparative Study of Water use and Management in
STRUCTURE SUPPLY central city and suburban areas in Coimbatore
311 2 309 M Water Supply in the Slums of Madras city Women’s
point of view
312 3 376 M Management of Urban Water Supply in selected Areasof
Madras City (Chetpet, Manali)
313 4 378 M Sustainable Utilisation of Ground Water at
Thiruvanmiyur Belt.
314 6.2. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 278 CBE A Study of Creches for Children of Working and Ailing
Mothers in Coimbatore city
315 2 437 M Infrastructure Development for T.N. Industrial Growth
(with special reference to Guindy Industrial Estate
316 3 331 M Perceptions and Preferences of Shoppers and shop-
keepers and Development of Retail Centre in a City
Residential Area : A Case Study of T.Nagar
317 4 307 SAL Economics of Marriage Halls in SAL
318 5 559 SAL Cost - Return Analysis of Cinema Theaters in SAL Town
319 6 35 THN A study on the sales management of the consumers co-
operative wholesale stores in Thanjavur dist
320 7.POPULATION AND 7.1.DEMOGRAPHY 1 139 CBE Response Towards Natural Family Planning in and
DEMOGRAPHY AND FERTILITY around Coimbatore city
321 2 66 CBE Status of Women and Fertility in An Indian Urban Setting
322 3 93 M Attitude Towards Family Planning and Adoption
Status in Madras city
323 4 101 M Attitude of Working Women Staying in Hostels Towards
Education and Employment

324 5 96 M A Study of population Education Message given
through functional Literacy Prog. conducted by
voluentary Agencies in Madras city
325 6 304 M An Analysis of Infant Mortality Rate Differentialsin
Selected I.C.D.S. Urban Slums of Madras city
326 7 347 M Knowledge, Awarness and Practice of family planning
among female informal sector workers in Madras city
327 8 169 M Impact of Urbanisation and Modernization on Fertility
and Family Planning Among Slum Dewellers
328 9 4 M Report on a Survey of Attitudes of Married Couples
Toward Family Planning in the Pudupakkam Area of the
City of Madras
329 10 314 M Factors Affecting Fertility in an Urban Setting - A Socio-
Cultural Study
330 11 354 M Socio-Economic Correlates of Fertility in Urban Areas -
A Case Study of North Madras
331 12 127 MAD Demographic Socio-Economic Profile of selected
Families with infant Mortality Experience in Madurai city
332 13 92 RAM Nutritional Status and Food pattern of Muslim
Housewives in Kilakarai - Ramnad Dist.
333 14 241 SA Breast-feeding habits and their impact on post- partum
amenorrhoea -A case study in Chidambaram Tamilnadu
334 15 277 SA Differential family planning performance by religion
in cuddalore town Tamilnadu
335 16 240 SA Evaluation of population Education : An opinion survey
among school students,and teachers in Viruddachalam
area SA District

336 17 102 TCY Iron and Folic Acid suppliementation on the pregnant
women beneficiaries of Indian Population Project V - A
Study in Alandur
337 18 150 THN An Enquiry on the causes of Infant Mortality in
Kumbakonam town, T.N.
338 7.2. MIGRATION AND 1 133 CBE A Sociological Study of Migrants to Palladam- A
URBAN GROWTH Marketing Town in Coimbatore District
339 2 70 CBE Telegu Boya Migrants in Coimbatore city: A
Geographical Analysis
340 3 128 CBE A Sociological Study of Migrants to
341 4 65 CPT Sociological analysis of Kalpakkam township
342 5 335 M The Image of the City - Case of South Madras
343 6 53 M In-Migrants of Madras City- Their plase of Origin
Temporal Aspects Socio-Economic profiles and
Residential Preferences
344 7 552 M Some Studies in the Evolution of the city of Madras
345 8 45 M Urban Fringe to Urban- A case study of Residential
Change in Metropolitan Area
346 9 325 M Urban Growth and its Socio-Economic Porblems - A
Case Study of Tiruvottiyur
347 10 330 M Impact of Industrialisation on the Neighbouring Areas :
A Case Study of Ambattur Industrial Area
348 11 46 M Some Aspects of Rural migrant labour in Madras City
349 12 50 M Migration and Development -A case study of Socio-
Economic Conditions of migrent workers of Two
Industrial Estates in Tamil Nadu
350 13 332 M Development of Residential Areas in Madras City - A
Case Study of Anna Nagar

351 14 355 M Socio-Economic Conditions of urban migrants with
special reference to construction workers in Madras City
352 15 33 M AN Economic Analysis of Causes and Consequences of
in Migration to Madras City
353 16 321 M A Critical Analysis of Migration of Telugu
Population to Madras city
354 17 367 M Rural Migration - A Case Study of Shastri Nagar Slum,
Tondiarpet, Madras
355 18 12 M Migration and Ethnicity in Urban India:Kerala Migrants
in the city of Madras 1870-1970
356 19 14 M Process of Migration:An Analysis of Sample Migrants in
Madras Urban Agglomeration
357 20 382 M Impact of Urbanisation on the Environment of Rural
Agglomeration - A Case Study of Sembakkam Block
1980-81 to 1981-90
358 21 13 M & CPT Migration and Development
359 22 433 MAD Social Integration of malayalee migrants in the city of
360 23 222 RAM Temple based Economy - A Case Study of Rameswaram
361 24 311 SA Urbanization Trends in Neyveli Town Ship
362 25 82 TCY Migration and modernization- A study of migrant
families in an urban community
363 26 67 VIR Economic Development of the Twin Towns:Sivakasi and
364 8. URBAN POOR 1 129 CBE Pavement Dwellers in Coimbatore city
365 2 123 CBE Multiple Depriviation among slum dwellers
366 3 273 CBE Savings and Investment of Slum Dwellers - A Case Study
of Vivekanda Road Slum - Coimbatore City

367 4 194 M A Study of Indebtedness in Madras Slums
368 5 344 M Socio-Economic Conditions of Pavement Dwellers in
Madras city
369 6 16 M Tenants and Trustees: A Study of the poor in Madras
370 7 64 M Income Formation And Expenditure Pattern of Urban
Poor -A Study of Slum Dwellers in Madras City
371 8 17 M Report on the Beggar Survey in Madras City
372 9 88 M Slums of Madras City
373 10 517 MAD Socio - Economic conditions of Ambedkar Nagar Slum
in Periyakulam Town
374 11 554 MAD A Study on the Economic Problems of Ansari Nagar
Slum Dwellers, Arasaradi Madurai City
375 12 371 NA A Study on the Nature of poverty of vellore slum
dwellers, NA Dist., T.N.
376 13 563 SA A Sociological Study of the Slum People in
Chidambaram Town
377 14 116 SA Beggary in Chidambaram Town

378 15 248 SA A Study of Slum and Poverty in Vriddachalam Town

379 16 480 TUT Self employment programme for urban poor-A study of
women borrowers in Tuticorin
380 9. CASTE / 1 154 CBE A Study of the Family pattern among the Devanga
COMMUNITY / TRIBE Chettiars (Telugu speaking) in Coimbatore city
381 2 57 CBE Residential Segregation and Residential Preferences of
Scheduled Castes in Coimbatore city

382 3 20 CBE A Micro-Sociological Study of Social Mobility among
Urban Scheduled Castes in Pollachi, a Premier Market
Town in Tamil Nadu
383 4 167 KK Income Expenditure and Savings Pattern of the
Household of different caste in Kanyakumari Dist.
384 5 144 M An Appraisal of Tamil Smartha Brahmin Women of
385 6 327 M Levels of Aspirations and Attitudes of Scheduled
Caste and Scheduled Tribe Students on Education in
Madras city
386 7 299 M The Narikuravers - A Study of their Migratory Life and
Adjustment to the Urban Complex of the Metropolitan
city of Madras
387 8 303 M A Tribe in a Metropolitian city - a Study of
SocioCultural Dynamics of Irulas in Madras
388 9 431 MAD The impact of higher education among the Scheduled
Caste students
389 10 147 MAD Status of Paraya Women in Periyakulam Madurai Dist
390 11 149 THN Silk Weaving Women of the Sourashtra Community in
Manambhuchavadi A Thanjavur Town
391 12 146 TIN The Position of Yadava Women in Palayamkottai
392 13 136 TUT The pattern of residential segragation in Tuticorin Town
393 14 141 VIR The Woman of Raju Community in Rajapalayam
394 10.TOWN PANCHAYAT AND NGO 1 162 CPT Panchayat Administration in T.N. - A Case Study of
Perungalathur Town Panchayat
395 2 176 M Leadership Study in a Voluntary Organisation
396 3 558 M Role of Voluntry Organisation in the upliftment of women
and children -with special reference to Madras City

397 4 163 VIL Tirukoilur Town Panchayat - A Study
398 11. GENERAL TOWN STUDIES 1 584 SA Special survey reports on selected towns : Chidambaram
399 2 587 SA Town survey report : Neyveli
400 3 586 TCY Town survey report : Kallakudi
401 4 585 THN Special survey reports on selected towns : Mannargudi
402 12.GOVT. INTERVENTIONAL 1 449 MAD An Evaluation of workers’ education scheme in Madurai city
403 PROGRAMMES 2 499 MAD A study on Impact of Self Employment Scheme on
Educated Unemployed Youth in Madurai City
404 3 352 NA Role of Commercial Banks in the Self-Employment
Scheme in NA Dist., Tamil Nadu (with reference to
Cheyyar Town)
405 4 261 SA A Study on the working of the Nutritious Noon Meal
Scheme with particular reference to Cuddalore Town
406 5 441 SA A Study of Public distribution system, Civil Supplies and
its Uitlity to Society with special reference to
407 6 230 SIV Scheme for Providing Self-Employment to Educated
Unemployed Youth (Seeuy) A Study on the Problems of
Beneficiaries and Bankers in Karaikudi
408 7 228 SIV Self-Employment Prog. for Urban-poor (SEPUP) its
performance in Karaikudi Town
409 8 42 VIR working of self-employment for educated unemployment
youth scheme in Kamarajar dt Tamilnadu - An
exploratory study
410 13. WOMEN’S STUDIES 1 280 CBE A Study on Women Post-Graduate Students in
411 2 140 CBE Women Entrepreneurship in Urban Roadside Food

412 3 156 CBE Conflict, Satisfaction and Cochesiveness among
Working women
413 4 77 CBE A study of Women Entrepreneurs as an instance of
manifest vocational choice mediated by personality
414 5 138 CBE Role Conflict of working women (married) A Study of
School and College Teachers of Coimbatore city
415 6 34 CBE Women, Employment and Household Role Structure: A
Network Analysis of Working Class Families
416 7 25 CBE An Exploratory study of working women in Coimbatore
417 8 59 CBE Role Conflict among working women in Coimbatore city
418 9 21 CBE Sex Role Stereotype, Role Conflict, Social support and
satisfaction Among Women Entrepreneurs in A South
Indian City
419 10 455 CPT A Study of Entrepreneurial Development in women
Entrepreneurs with special reference to
ChengalpetMGR Dist. of Tamil Nadu
420 11 63 DIN An enquiry in to the relationship between women’s
education emloyment and family size
421 12 300 M Gender Role and Conflicting values among working
women in Madras City
422 13 142 M Energy Conserving Techniques Adopted in Performing
Household Tasks by Urban Working Women in
Madras City
423 14 439 M A Study of Women Technocrats
424 15 89 M A Focus on Fisher Women in selected Areas in Madras city
425 16 379 M Women and work (A case study of Teachers & Nurses)

426 17 95 M Profile of women practising Yoga in Madras city
427 18 118 M A Study of Political Aspiration of Women Students in
Post-Graduate Courses of Arts and Science Colleges
in Madras city
428 19 100 M A Study on the Home Climate of working women
429 20 342 M Unemployed women Graduates in the city of Madras
430 21 97 M A Study on work simplification Techiques adopted by
women in performing selected Household Tasks in
Madras city
431 22 119 M Knowledge, Attitude and practices of mothers in
providing play materials for their children
432 23 369 M Socio Economic conditions of working women in the
organised sector (A case study in the city of Madras)
433 24 374 M Economic Role of Women in the Family and the Society :
A Case Study of Educated Married Women in Madras
434 25 313 M A Study of the Inter play of the Dual Roles in the Life
of Educated Women in Some Muslim Familiesof Madras
435 26 44 M Women’s Allocation of Time to Market and Non-Market
Work (A study of Married Women in Madras City)
436 27 99 M A Study on Adjustment problems of pre adolescents of
Gainfully Employed mothers
437 28 2 M Class and Gender in India: Women and their Organisation
in a South Indian City
438 29 3 M Women’s Organisations in Madras City,India”, in Patricia
Caplan and Janet M.Bujra ed.,Women United,Women

439 30 538 MAD Estimation of Labour Supply Function for Married
Women, Hushand Present in Madurai city
440 31 84 MAD An Economic Analysis of the Managerial Efficiency of
women Entrepreneurs in Food Processing Industries (A
Case Study - Madurai Dist.)
441 32 518 MAD Consumption Savings pattern of Teaching Faculty in the
Women’s Colleges of Madural City
442 33 283 MAD The Changing Status of Women : A study on Urban
Working Women in Madurai
443 34 474 MAD Women Enterpreneurs in Madurai city: An Empirical
444 35 368 NA A Study of Unemployment Problem Among Educated
Women in Vellore Municipal Town
445 36 148 NA A Study on Women in Prison
446 37 495 NAG Women’s Allocation of Time to Market and non-market
Activities in Nagapattinam Town
447 38 151 PER A Study on the Status of Employed Women at Bhavani
448 39 281 SA A Study of Women Awareness and Attitude Towards
Their Rights (with particular reference to educated
working women in Vridachalam Town)
449 40 247 SA Unemployment Problem among Educated Women in
450 41 83 SA A Sociological study of status of muslim women in
Chidambaram Town - Tamilnadu
451 42 110 SIV A Study on Women Entrepreurs in Karaikudi town
452 43 62 TCY Profile of women college teachers in Tiruchirapalli : An
exploratory study

453 44 544 TCY Socio-Economic Status of Working Women in
Thiruchirappalli Town
454 45 545 TCY Education and Employment of Women in Thiruchirappalli
455 46 514 TCY Saving Habits of the (Educated) Employed Women of
456 47 532 TCY Economic Status of Women in Trichirapalli Town
457 48 284 TCY A Case Study of Women’s Higher Education in selected
colleges in TCY city with Individual cost and
Return for Higher Education
458 49 489 TCY A Study of Women Entrepreneurs in Tiruchirapalli
459 50 498 THN A Study on the Problem of Unemployment among
Educated Women in Nagapattinam Town, Thanjavur
460 51 504 TIN A Study on the Status of Women Employees of Govt.
Department in Tirunelveli Kattabomman Dist.
461 14.ENERGY & 1 384 CPT Mahabalipuram Development - Environmental
ENVIRONMENT Considerations
462 2 497 DIN Environmental Health - A Case Study of Nilakottai Town
463 3 328 M Solid Waste Management and Community Attitude
North Madras - A Case Study
464 4 373 M Motor Vehicle Emission and Pollution in India with
particular reference to Madras City
465 5 363 M Economic Effects of Sewage Pollution on Fisheries in open
and closed conditions (Madras City)
466 6 381 M High-rise Buildings and their Environmental impact with
special reference to the Madras Metropolitan Area

467 7 349 M Disposal of Solid Waste and Re-Cycling of paper in
Triplicane, Madras
468 8 486 MAD Cost Benefit Analysis of Bio-gas plants in
Tirumangalam Town
469 9 267 MAD Economics of Water Pollution at Madurai - A Case
Study .
470 10 522 MAD A Study on Solid Waste Management in East gate in
Madurai City
471 11 130 MAD Sociological Study of Environmental Pollution with
special reference to central city area in Madurai
472 12 223 RAM Energy demand of Kamuthi Block of Ramnad dist. by
2002 A.D. - A prognostic study
473 13 257 SA Economic Analysis of Airpollution caused by Chemical
Industries at Cuddalore
474 14 286 SA A Study on Residential Demand for Electricity in
Chidambaram taluk, S.A.Dist. .
475 15. RELIGION 1 233 CBE A Sociological Study of Labbai and Pathan Muslims in
Coimbatore - A Comparative city
476 2 296 M Sikhs in Madras city : The Socio-Cultural Adaptations
of an immigrant Community
477 3 252 M A Study of the Economic condition of the Anglo-Indian
Community in Madras
478 4 79 M Sikhs in Madras City - A stuty of their Religious
Cultural and socio-Economic Institutions
479 5 427 MAD Sociological study of the religious practices of the
Sourashtra community -An exploratory study of their
Religious Rituals Cermonies & Festivals
480 16. MEDIA STUDIES 1 448 M Advertising - its impact on consumer through Television

481 2 411 MAD Radio listening after the introduction of TV in Madurai
city with particular reference to Thirunagar area
482 3 397 MAD An evaluation of the perception of cinema by Madurai
483 4 310 MAD A Study of the Impact of Manai Matchi Prog. on women
484 5 481 MAD A study of Advertising media selection by retailers and
the attitude of target audience in Madurai city
485 6 400 MAD Manai Matchi - Women’s programme of Madras
Doordarshan Kendra - Content analysis
486 7 410 MAD Impact of television programmes on children : A study
based on the childresn’s programmes of Madras
doordarshan in Madurai city
487 8 164 PUD Entertainment Marketing- A Study of Cable T.V. System
in Pudukottai Town
488 9 555 TCY The Impact of Doordarshan on College Students (A
Study conducted in TCY)
489 17.ATTITUDE / BEHAVIOUR OF 1 279 CBE A Study on Job Satisfaction and Self-Esteem of College
PERSONS / HOUSEHOLDS Teachers in Coimbatore dist.
490 2 239 CBE A Study on Mixie Market with special reference to
Consumer preference and perception
491 3 250 CBE A Study on the Personal Relations of Clerical Staff and
Officers in Commercial Banks, Coimbatore
492 4 251 CBE A Study on Buyer’s Preference for a Particular Brand of
100cc Bike in Coimbatore city
493 5 153 CBE A Study of Buyer Behaviour on a Consumer Durable
product in Coimbatore
494 6 159 CBE A Sociological Study of TV Channels and Prog.
preferences of working class in Coimbatore city

495 7 180 CBE The Efficacy of Behaviour Therapy on different
behavioural problems
496 8 275 CBE Attitude of Women Towards Divorce
497 9 234 CBE A study of the effect of concentrative and mindfulness
meditation on sense of well-being
498 10 58 CBE A study of Motivation and personality of the unemployed
499 11 32 CBE An Expectancy - Valence Analysis of the unemployed the
Employed and the Entrepreneur
500 12 61 CBE Members satisfaction in Consumer’s co-operative stores -
A study with special reference to Coimbatore Dist.
501 13 132 CBE Supervisory Behaviour, Organisational Climate and Job
Satisfaction among Textile Workers of Coimbatore
502 14 412 DIN Biscuit Market in Dindigul town - A study on consumer
503 15 576 DIN A study of buyer behaviour towards readymade
garments in Dindigul town
504 16 468 KK A study on brand preference of Television buyers in
Nagercoil town-with reference to post-purchase Behaviour
505 17 195 KK The Pattern of Commercial Energy consumption in
Household Sector of Agasteeswaram Taluk - An
Economic Study
506 18 403 KK Consumer protection - A study on the awareness of
consumer rights and legal provisions in Nagercoil town
507 19 115 KK ; TIR Consumption patterns and consumer prices: A
comparative study of Factors in Kanniyakumari and
Tirunelveli dist. in T.N.
508 20 438 M Customer satisfaction in Natiolnalised Banks (with special
reference to Madras city)

509 21 353 M A Study on Consumer Behaviour Towards AAVIN
MILK and Milk Products - with special reference to
south Madras
510 22 458 M Consumert Behaviour : Women Moped Users in Madras
511 23 535 M A study of Family Income Consumption and Saving
pattern with special reference to posts and telegraphs
employees in Madras city
512 24 312 M The Study of Divorce in the city of Madras - A
Sociological perspective
513 25 454 M Bank Credit Card Culture in Madras City
514 26 424 MAD Teaching as a profession - A study of the subjective
assessment of college teacher’s in Madurai city
515 27 413 MAD Consumer behaviour with special reference to
cosmetics in Madurai City
516 28 201 MAD Consumer Grievance Redressal Method - Awareness
ofconsumers in Madurai city
517 29 426 MAD Subjective understanding of professional status of
Graduate Engineers in Madurai city (private
518 30 434 MAD Impact of advertising on consumer behaviour (with
special reference to toilet soaps)
519 31 18 MAD Voting behaviour and political participation with
reference to Madurai City
520 32 236 MAD Utilisation of consumer co-operatives by public - A
Study with specific reference to Udumalpet Town
521 33 392 MAD A study of marketing of micro computers in Madurai city
522 34 436 MAD A study on the sales promotion schemes with
spcialreference to Textile goods at Madurai city

523 35 391 MAD A Study of Buying Behaviour of Consumers of
Handloom Products in Madurai city
524 36 471 MAD A study of Consumer’s brand preference towards
footwear in Madurai city
525 37 399 MAD Brand preference for passenger car tyres - A study in
Madurai city
526 38 396 MAD Subjective under standing of professional status by the
Government Engineers in Madurai city
527 39 464 MAD A Sudy on Job Satisfaction of Employees in General
Insurance Companies at Madurai city
528 40 465 MAD Coustomers attitudes towards self service stores :A
study with reference to Madura Coats’ Workers Co-op
stores Ltd
529 41 581 MAD A study on Customer’s attitude towards self-service
retail shops in Madurai city
530 42 583 MAD Marketing of video cassetts in Madurai city - A study
with special reference to consumer’s behaviour towards
video cassettes
531 43 505 MAD Income and Consumption pattern of the Household
sector in Thiruparankundram town panchayat
Madurai Dist.
532 44 432 MAD Impact of western culture on the professionals in
Madurai city
533 45 574 MAD T.V.Marketing - A consumer attitude survey in
Madurai city
534 46 462 MAD A study on the buying behaviour of Foreign Tourist at
Madurai city
535 47 211 MAD; A Study on Buyer Behaviour with special reference to
THN;SIV Textiles

536 48 265 PER Consumer preference for Refrigerators (A Study with
reference to Erode Town)
537 49 246 PER A Study on the Factors Influencing Consumer Behaviour
538 50 237 PER Self-Perception as a Function of Consumer Behaviour
with special reference to Television sets
539 51 475 RAM A Study on job satisfaction of employees in handloom
weavers co-operative societies Parmakkudi town in
Ramanathapuram district
540 52 450 RAM Employees Saving Behaviour
541 53 290 SA Consumption pattern of Police Personal at
Chidambaram Town .
542 54 421 SA Job satisfaction of the Bureacracy at the grass - root
level:A study of developmental functionaris in SA
district Tamil nadu
543 55 416 SA Buyer behaviour with reference to household
appliances in Chidambaram town
544 56 443 SAL Personality charcteristics and choice of Ready-Made
545 57 213 SIV A Study on Job satisfaction of Bank Employees in Public
and Private sector Banks in Karaikudi
546 58 105 SIV Store Preference among consumers: Extent and
547 59 231 SIV Placing of Deposits in Companies - A Study with
special Reference to Depositors in Karaikudi Town
548 60 215 SIV A Study on Investors preference to corporate securties (A
Survey in Karikudi and Devakottai) Towns
549 61 103 SIV A study on awareness of Life Insurance policy holders of
Karaikudi town

550 62 108 SIV Sales person - prospect/customer interaction process
551 63 212 SIV;TCY Buyer Behaviour as to Baby care Toiletry Products
552 64 570 TCY Consumer - Behaviour with special reference to
cosmetics in Thuraiyur
553 65 527 TCY A Study on Consumer Behaviour towards soft-drinks in
TCY Town
554 66 26 TCY A Study of the Time use and household production of
families in Tiruchirapalli
555 67 414 THN Investment Pattern of personal savings with ref to
salaried people in Thanjavur Town
556 68 478 TIN A study of attitude of policyholders towards postal
insurance in Tirunelveli city
557 69 402 TIN A study of the impact of advertising on the purchase
decisions of consumers of house hold appliances in
Tirunelveli city
558 70 173 TIN Advertising Media preference and consumer
attitudetowards the consumption of washing powder
with reference to women in Palayamkottai
559 71 479 TIN Commuters of railways-An attitude study with
reference to Tirunelveli-Nagercoil section
560 72 459 TIN A study of Job satisfaction of women employees in
public and private sector banks in Tirunelveli town
561 73 577 TUT Purchase behavioural pattern - A study on husband -
wife interaction and inter-relationship in the purchase
of consumer durables at Tuticorin
562 74 466 TUT A study on consumer preference for consumer durables
with reference to Tuticorin city

563 75 580 TUT Consumer attitude towards fair price shops - A study
with reference to Tuticorin town
564 76 404 VIR Impact of advertising on the behaviour of television
buyers in VIR
565 77 210 VIR Buying Behaviour of colour Television Buyers
566 78 467 VIR Investment pattern of professionals- An emprical study
in Aruppukottai
567 18. MISCELLANEOUS 1 184 CBE Learning process of English as Second Language at the
Higher Secondary Level - with special reference to
coimbatore city
568 2 185 CBE Language use of Linguistic Minorities at Coimbatore city
with reference to Malayalis
569 3 183 CBE Learning process of English by Higher Secondary
Students with special reference to CBE city - A
psycholinguistic approach
570 4 181 CBE A study of Mediated interpersonal communication with
reference to the nature of Home Telephone use in CBE
571 5 179 CBE A Study on functional English of English Medium
Students at the Higher Secondary School Level
572 6 217 DIN An Analysis on the status of sports activities in Dindigul
Anna Dist. with futuristic view
573 7 302 M The Sociological Aspects of Martial Arts in the City of
574 8 292 M The Causes of Juvenile Delinquency among the
Institutionalized Senior Approved Deliquent Females in
Madras City
575 9 351 M A Study of the theory and practice of the institutions
devoted to music in the city of Madras
576 10 385 M Urban Deprivation and NGO intervention - A Case
Study of Rotary Nagar, Madras

577 11 551 MAD An Economic Study of Mutton Marketing in Madurai
578 12 196 MAD A Study on Juvenile Delinquents at Madurai Children’s
Aid Society - Madurai
579 13 510 PUD Tourism and Employment Generation in Pudukkottai
District - A Study
580 14 204 RAM A Study on Tourism Development at Rameswaram
581 15 520 TCY Income Distribution - An Economic Analysis in Karur
582 16 226 THN A Study on the Functioning of Dist. consumer
disputes redressal forum Thanjavur
583 17 202 TIN Employment Relations in the Domestic sector






Main Ref. Author Type of University/Publisher Department/ Year of Available at

S.No. no. of Institution sub-
of of study mission/
Table Table publi-
A.2.1 A.2.1 cation

1 28 Jayaram P. Ph.D Bharathiar University Commerce 1990 Library - Bharathiar

2 51 Ramalaksmi M. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library- MIDS
3 9 Sundar Singh,John D.K. Report Madurai Kamaraj University 1981 Library- MIDS
4 243 Karuppannan K.K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1987 Library - Bharathiar
5 19 Balasubramaniam R. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1993 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
6 258 Jayachandran S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1981 Library - Annamalai
7 420 Saravanan S M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1992 Library - Annamalai
8 540 Muruganathan M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library- M.K.
9 73 Ponnusamy P.R. Ph.D Bharathiar University Commerce 1993 Library - Bharathiar
10 22 Sennakesavan P. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.

11 274 Balasubramaniam N.E. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1985 Library - Bharathiar
12 224 Suriyapraba P. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Economics 1994 Library - GGRI
13 245 Gopi M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1987 Library - Bharathiar
14 30 Govindaraju V. Ph.D Bharathiar University Management 1994 Library - Bharathiar
Science+E4+E408 University
15 69 DhulasiBirundha K. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1985 Library- M.K.
16 562 Latha G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1993 Library - University
of Madras
17 339 Annapoorani K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
18 68 Thanulingom nadar N. Ph.D University of Madras Commerce 1982 Library - University
of Madras
19 238 Rajasekaran R. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1993 Library - Bharathiar
20 271 Immanuel J.A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1990 Library - Bharathiar
21 270 Palaniswamy S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1991 Library - Bharathiar
22 244 Nirmala R. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1995 Library - Bharathiar
23 11 Knorrings,Peter Report University of Amsterdam 1987 Library- MIDS
24 227 Narayana Samy P. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Economics 1995 Library - GGRI
25 490 Subburaj S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1994 Library- M.K.

26 168 Christoper Danial G. M.Phil N.A Economics 1990 Library -

27 170 Arul John Bennet S. M.Phil N.A Economics 1988 Library -


28 174 Baby Leela Bai R. M.Phil N.A Economics 1990 Library -


29 446 Nagarajan S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1987 Library- M.K. Uni.

30 572 Raman V.S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Univ. of

31 566 Padmalakshmi M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Univ. of


32 419 Meenakshisundaram R M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1985 Library - Annamalai


33 375 Mohamed Tahir Ahamed T. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Univ. of

34 29 Ramani S. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1992 Library -

Bharathidasan Univ.

35 534 Venkataraman M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1985 Library - Univ. of


36 463 Rajamani K M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K. Univ.

37 406 Maran B M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K. Univ.

38 493 Ganesan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library- M.K. Univ.
39 508 Amudharani R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1981 Library- M.K. Univ.
40 288 Barani V. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai
41 266 Meera T. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1980 Library - Annamalai
42 209 Ganesan R. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1988 Library - Alagappa
43 415 Shanmugam S M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1992 Library - Annamalai
44 423 Vijaya Raju S M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1990 Library - Annamalai
45 502 Geetha Rani P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library- M.K. Univ.
46 500 Gulam Mohamed S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1985 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
47 47 Antony Valasamma Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerse 1995 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
48 528 Raj Kumar S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
49 31 Anantharaman M.G. Ph.D University of Madras Commerce 1985 Library - Univ. of
50 494 Mathialagan M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
51 573 Rajendran M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
52 193 Asokan P. M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1986 Library - Madras
Christian College

53 511 Jansi Rani S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
54 324 Ilangovan K. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1978 Library - University
of Madras
55 259 Samithurai M. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1989 Library - Annamalai
56 533 Baby Saroja Irene M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1985 Library- M.K. Univ.
57 206 Sivakumar M. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
58 409 Ramesh A S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University commerce 1991 Library- M.K. Univ.
59 461 Magesan A A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library- M.K.
60 125 Gajendran M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1991 Library - Bharathiar
61 6 Harriss,John Report Univ.of East Anglia,OP-19 1982 Library- MIDS
Devpt Studies
62 187 Amirtham C. M.Phil N.A Economics 1996 Library (Dept.) -
63 346 Palani Raj N. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
64 131 Arunachalam V. M.Phil N.A Economics 1989 Library (Dept.) -
65 232 Shalini Rani T. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1992 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
66 366 Adikesavan K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - University
of Madras

67 306 Latha R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
68 8 Ghulam Mustafa Badsha Report Madras School of Social Work 1980 Library- MIDS
69 207 Kumaraguru K.M. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1995 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
70 364 Hariharan G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
71 322 Ponnambalam K.M. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1982 Library - University
of Madras
72 264 Selvakumar T. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1989 Library - Annamalai
73 442 Saravanan M.Phil N.A Economics 1994 Library (Dept) Sacret
74 190 Chidambaram V. M.Phil N.A Labour Studies 1995 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil
75 49 Sathya Murthy U. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerce 1992 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
76 541 Faustina Mallika P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
77 526 Geetha C.B. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
78 513 Sellathambi P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
79 537 Thirunavukkarasu R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1985 Library (Dept )
Bharathidasan Univ.
80 550 Krishna Murthy P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1984 Library (Dept )
Bharathidasan Univ.

81 569 Chithra A.G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
82 295 Paramasivam A. M.Phil N.A Economics 1991 Library (Dept.) -
83 398 Kasirajan G M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
84 389 Balasubramanian M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
85 492 Rajkumar D. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1980 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
86 523 Anbalahan M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library- M.K.
87 557 Pichaimani S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library- M.K.
88 225 Revathi N. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Economics 1995 Library - GGRI
89 294 Jayalakshmi M.K. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1985 Library - University
of Madras
90 171 Johana Thamayanthi S. M.Phil N.A Economics 1990 Library -
91 112 Vijay V. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Dept. of 1992 Library - Mother
Education Teresa Univ.
92 177 Edwin Thomson J. M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1986 Library - Madras
Christian College
93 343 Jayagandhi K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - Univ. of

94 220 Gnana Soundari P. M.Phil N.A Economics 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s
95 519 Suguna Sheela A.R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library- M.K.
96 191 Eswari S. M.Phil N.A Labour Studies 1995 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil
97 496 Amsaveni G. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library- M.K.
98 81 Sasikala L. Ph.D University of Madras Economics 1993 Library- Univ. of
99 54 Pandian Ponnammal K. Ph.D Mother Teresa University Economics 1991 Library- Mother
Teresa University
100 221 Ajmal Khan M.R. M.Phil N.A Economics 1992 Library - St.Joseph’s
101 219 Chamane Unus Rodrigues M.Phil N.A Economics 1989 Library - St.Joseph’s
102 542 Kalaiselvi M. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
103 152 Vimala Margaret Kalaiselvi C. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s 1989 Library - Mother
Studies Teresa Univ.
104 87 Shanthi D. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
105 85 Mythily P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Sociology 1986 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
106 175 Tamil Selvi R. M.Phil N.A Economics 1993 Library -
107 192 Parthasarathy N. M.Phil N.A Labour Studies 1995 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil

108 568 Joseph Raj T M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - University
of Madras
109 301 Ganesan P. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1984 Library - University
of Madras
110 189 Anbumani K. M.Phil N.A Labour Studies 1995 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil
111 521 Ramachandran P.K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1988 Library- M.K.
112 560 Selvendran K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
113 122 David Raj B. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1993 Library - Bharathiar
114 501 Shanmuganandan S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1990 Library- M.K.
115 43 Sounthara pandian C. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
116 41 Ganesan R. Ph.D Alagappa university Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa
117 543 Soundara Nageswaran M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library- M.K.
118 40 Sivaprakasam D. Ph.D Alagappa university Commerce 1993 Library - Alagappa
119 268 Ramu U. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1993 Library - Annamalai
120 525 Iyyampillai S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1982 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
121 104 Palanichamy S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa

122 72 Mohan S. Ph.D Bharathiar University Commerce 1995 Library - Bharathiar
123 39 Upaulthus Selvaraj M. Ph.D Alagappa university Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa
124 229 Sathiyaseelan G. M.Phil Alagappa University Bank Management1990 Library - Alagappa
125 48 Kanagamony K. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerce 1994 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
126 253 Dhanapalan V. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai
127 80 Shanmugasundaram S. Ph.D University of Madras Commerce 1980 Library - University
of Madras
128 457 Balaji W.V. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1988 Library - University
of Madras
129 470 Nagarajan A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library- M.K.
130 361 Gulam Dastagir A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
131 575 Gurumoorthy T R M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1986 Library- M.K.
132 106 Jeyaraman S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1993 Library - Alagappa
133 477 Mariappan V M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
134 460 Jabarullahan J M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1985 Library- M.K.
135 126 Ganesan N. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1994 Library - Bharathiar

136 52 Karunakaran T. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1994 Library - Bharathiar
137 214 Gomathy P.R. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1990 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
138 36 Manickavasagam S. Ph.D Bharathiar University Economics 1994 Library - Bharathiar
139 199 Silva A. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1993 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
140 23 Suresh V. Madha Ph.D University of Madras Geograpy 1994 Library - University
of Madras
141 78 Joseph Jerome Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1981 Library - Bharathiar
142 340 Imbaraj G.R. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1992 Library - University
of Madras
143 387 Shahul Hameed S.A. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1986 Library - University
of Madras
144 407 Vanaja N M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
145 71 Abdul Razak P. Ph.D University of Madras Commerce 1982 Library - University
of Madras
146 76 Balasubramanian V. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
147 348 Suresh K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras
148 372 Girija M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
149 178 Senthil Kumar S. M.Phil N.A Social Dynamic 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s

150 158 Valarmathy P.S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
151 524 Sampoornam K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library- M.K.
152 90 Lekha M.S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
153 473 Senthilvelan M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
154 390 Hemalatha M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
155 394 Sadhana N M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
156 472 Inbalakshmi M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
157 445 Thirmavalavan P M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1987 Library- M.K.
158 453 Kumar S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1986 Library - University
of Madras
159 200 Kumaresan V. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1993 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
160 205 Steward Doss G. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa
161 197 Ravichandran C. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
162 208 Kalyani S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1995 Library - Alagappa
163 549 Manoharan P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.

164 417 Kandhappan A M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1989 Library - Annamalai
165 564 Deva Irakkam S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library- M.K.
166 482 Vairamani K M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
167 38 Nagarajan N.R. Ph.D Alagappa university Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
168 451 Duraipandian K. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1986 Library - University
of Madras
169 94 Hemalatha Raju A.K. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
170 452 Premavathy N. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1986 Library - University
of Madras
171 408 Periyasamy S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
172 418 Gopalakrishnan M M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1994 Library - Annamalai
173 157 Joseph Soris N. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa
174 289 Kamarajahan K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1984 Library - Annamalai
175 503 Sujatha V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
176 491 Sathyabama D. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
177 55 Kumarasami E.Thirumalai Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Labour Studies 1993 Library- M.K.

178 113 Moses B.C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1980 Library- MIDS
179 430 Thulasiraman K M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1985 Library - Annamalai
180 509 Shahul Hameed S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
181 188 Lalitha Thilagarathi J. M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1992 Library - Madras
Christian College
182 539 Indira Gandhi S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - University
of Madras
183 345 Govindasamy P.M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
184 161 Alexander Devakumar R.D. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public 1992 Library - Madras
Administration Christian College
185 578 Martin David A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
186 401 Raghavendran L M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
187 329 Jacinta Santha Kumari P. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1987 Library - University
of Madras
188 198 Venkatachalam R. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa
189 107 Subramanian A. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1994 Library - Alagappa
190 488 Appavu C. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1985 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
191 135 Janpreet Kaur M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1995 Library - Bharathiar

192 137 Damodaran A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1987 Library - Bharathiar
193 308 Saraswathi K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1985 Library (Dept )
Studies Bharathidasan Univ.
194 143 Vathani P.K. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
195 440 Rathi S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1987 Library - University
of Madras
196 358 Anvar S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
197 315 Syed Mohammed S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - University
of Madras
198 359 Veerasekaran R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1984 Library - University
of Madras
199 360 Ilanchizhian J. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras
200 298 Radha Thiyagaraj P. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1986 Library - University
of Madras
201 547 Ganesan K.K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
202 388 Vedachalam G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
203 341 Kadhirvel P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
204 548 Nazeer Sheriff K. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library- M.K.
205 425 Padmini M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1980 Library- M.K.

206 395 Reg no : 1032 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1984 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
207 27 Peter S. Michael John Ph.D N.A. Economics 1994 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil
208 120 Gandhimathi Selvi M. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
209 530 Rajapandi T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library- M.K.
210 561 Suguna Ramdas M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library- M.K.
211 487 Rani R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library- M.K.
212 254 Santhi S A M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai
213 262 Arivazhagan P. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1993 Library - Annamalai
214 506 Balamurugan B. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
215 291 Kalaichelvi G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1983 Library (Dept )
Bharathidasan Univ.
216 218 Baby Gulnaz M.Phil N.A Economics 1989 Library - St.Joseph’s
217 377 Thiagarajan S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
218 512 Sivakumar S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
219 186 Poorni Selvan R. M.Phil N.A Labour Studies 1995 Library- S.T.Hindu
college ,Nagerkoil

220 515 Veerapandian S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
221 556 Krishnasamy P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library (Dept )
Bharathidasan Univ.
222 469 Venkateswaran R M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
223 405 Rupakumar R M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
224 536 Pictchaiah P.N. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1985 Library- M.K.
225 276 Niranjana L. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1995 Library - Bharathiar
226 203 Selvendran S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1994 Library - Alagappa
227 422 Thiyagu R M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1993 Library - Annamalai
228 121 Anbalagan V. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa
229 5 Devarajan,S Report TamilNadu Agricultural Univ. Agri. Economics 1980 Library- MIDS
230 447 Shameem S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1990 Library - University
of Madras
231 172 Kalai Selvi L. M.Phil N.A Economics 1995 Library -
232 370 Indira V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - University
of Madras
233 476 Chellam S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.

234 553 Ganesan P. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1977 Library- M.K.
235 579 Boopathi Manickam P S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
236 484 Mohamed Jamal A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
237 507 Ramanathan G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
238 256 Selvaraju A. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai
239 516 Chandrasekaran R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
240 60 Mathiarjunan N. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library- M.K.
241 565 Pragasam Antony V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1986 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
242 529 Ravichandran R. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
243 10 Harriss,John Report International Institute for Labour Studies 1989 Library-
244 386 Muralikannan M. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
245 216 Irudayaraj G. M.Phil N.A Economics 1990 Library - St.Joseph’s
246 318 Vijayalakshmi K. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - University
of Madras
247 272 Krishna Thulasimani P M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1987 Library - Bharathiar

248 74 Pandey Hema Ph.D Bharathiar University Education 1988 Library - Bharathiar
249 56 Yamuna T.V. Ph.D Bharathiar University Child Development1989 Library - Bharathiar
250 165 Swarnalatha D. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public Administration 1987 Library -
Madras Christian
251 338 Francis C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
252 326 Sethulakshmi K. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - University
of Madras
253 323 Kalyani K.N. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1979 Library - University
of Madras
254 319 Boominathan N M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
255 145 Renganayaki N. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1987 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
256 320 Thangarathinam M. M.Phil University of Madras Econometrics 1979 Library - University
of Madras
257 567 Register Number 48 M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1987 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
258 255 Rajamurugan R. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai
259 117 Dhyaneswari E.S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Dept. of 1989 Library - Mother
Education Teresa Univ.
260 435 Rajeswari K M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1994 Library- M.K.
261 428 Nagalakshmi S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1983 Library- M.K. Univ.

262 429 Sherine John M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1984 Library- M.K.
263 571 Balachandran T.V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
264 269 Rani A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1987 Library - Bharathiar
265 305 Dhasarathan C. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
266 285 John Vellakkan J. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1979 Library - Annamalai
267 546 Renganathan G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
268 166 Pugazhendi V. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public 1989 Library - Madras
Administration Christian College
269 37 Stella Bai C. Nancy Ph.D University of Madras Econometrics 1981 Library- University
of Madras
270 356 Kumaravelu M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
271 242 Vimala N. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1995 Library - Annamalai
272 235 Jayakumar T. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1993 Library - Annamalai
273 282 Vasanthi G.L. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1988 Library - Annamalai
274 287 Kalavathi M.S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1984 Library - Annamalai
275 75 Kalavathi M.S. Ph.D Annamalai University Economics 1991 Library - Annamalai

276 333 Madha Suresh V. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - University
of Madras
277 350 Muthulingam P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras
278 485 Suseela S M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
279 336 Hajeeran Beevi N. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1989 Library - University
of Madras
280 86 Buvana R. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Sociology 1993 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
281 334 Padmavathi S. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1990 Library - University
of Madras
282 15 National Coop.Cons.Fed.of India Ltd. Report National Coop. 1985 Library-
India Ltd. MIDS
283 7 Dewit,Joe W Report Free University of Amsterdam 1989 Library- MIDS
284 1 Borst,Frank Jan and Report University of Amsterdam Planning & 1988 Library-
de Jong Cor Demography MIDS
285 293 Lakshmi R. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1992 Library - University
of Madras
286 357 Kanagaraj A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
287 109 Beulah Vijaya Rani C. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
288 249 Narayanasamy K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1994 Library - Bharathiar
289 111 Pon Ranjini Jeya P. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa

290 531 Rajagopalan S. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
291 582 Appasamy A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
292 155 Girija S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1986 Library - Bharathiar
293 134 Jothi Mani T. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1980 Library - Bharathiar
294 160 Hepzibai A. M.Phil Scott Christian College, Nagercoil Economics 1997 Library -
295 91 Radhika Rajasekharan M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
296 383 Easwari S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras
297 365 Nimala H. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
298 114 Surekha Garimella M.Phil Jawaharlal Nehru University CDS 1989 Library - CDS
299 260 Sumathi Rathnam S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1995 Library - Bharathiar
300 24 Jothimani T. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar
301 362 Vara Guna Valli V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
302 456 Krishnan A. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1992 Library - University
of Madras
303 317 Malathy S. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1984 Library - University
of Madras
304 98 Surekha Sriram M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.

305 380 Navaroji Punithavathi J. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - University
of Madras
306 393 Reg No : 1037 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology NA Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
307 444 Lata Fenn M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1987 Library- M.K.
308 337 Gowhar Jhan M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1982 Library - University
of Madras
309 483 Basha M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1981 Library - University
of Madras
310 124 Ananthi S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1991 Library - Bharathiar
311 309 Don Bosco A. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1995 Library - University
of Madras
312 376 Padmanand V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
313 378 Mahalakshmi R.V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
314 278 Tamil Selvi S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Social Work 1988 Library - Bharathiar
315 437 Balaji R. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - University
of Madras
316 331 Panneerselvan K. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - University
of Madras
317 307 Kesavan S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - University
of Madras
318 559 Pandian A. Jothi M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1985 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.

319 35 Sakkaravel G. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Commerce 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
320 139 Joseph Felix G. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1984 Library - Bharathiar
321 66 Thenmozhi N. Ph.D Bharathiar University Population Studies 1993 Library - Bharathiar
322 93 Devasena B. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Dept of Education 1993 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
323 101 Chendurkani M. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Dept. of 1992 Library - Mother
Education Teresa Univ.
324 96 Elizabeth Margaret M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Ranjitham A Teresa Univ.
325 304 Nalini V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
326 347 Devika K.S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1993 Library - University
of Madras
327 169 Jesus Arul Christella J M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1991 Library - Madras
Christian College
328 4 Chandrasekhar,S. Report Govt.of Madras 1959 Library- MIDS
329 314 Kalyani V. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1990 Library - University
of Madras
330 354 Darly S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1989 Library - University
of Madras
331 127 Hilda Devi R.C. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1984 Library - Bharathiar
332 92 Gayathiri Devi P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.

333 241 Nirmala P M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1980 Library (Dept)
Annamalai univ.
334 277 Premkumar Raja S M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1987 Library (Dept)
Annamalai univ.
335 240 Sellamuthu M M.Phil Annamalai University Population studies 1987 Library (Dept)
Annamalai univ.
336 102 Indira Rajasekaran M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
337 150 Rosalin Fathima Celine A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1986 Library - Bharathiar
338 133 Selvakumari K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1983 Library - Bharathiar
339 70 Kumarasamy K. Ph.D Bharathiar University Geography 1992 Library - Bharathiar
340 128 Anbu Raj R. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1993 Library - Bharathiar
341 65 Malini G.Josephine Ph.D University of Madras Sociology 1990 Library - University
of Madras
342 335 Geetha R. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1991 Library - University
of Madras
343 53 Ananthi J.Maria Anitha Ph.D University of Madras Geography 1993 Library - University
of Madras
344 552 Selvaraj K. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
345 45 Rani senthamarai S. Ph.D University of Madras Geography 1989 Library - University
of Madras
346 325 Mariaprakasam E. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1989 Library - University
of Madras

347 330 Chitraleka R. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1978 Library - University
of Madras
348 46 Santha V. Ph.D University of Madras Econometrics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
349 50 Darmaraj S. Ph.D University of Madras Economis 1982 Library- MIDS
350 332 Irshad Banu H. M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1990 Library - University
of Madras
351 355 Jyothilingam R.P. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
352 33 Jebamalai Raja A. Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1993 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
353 321 Radha Janaswamy M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1992 Library - University
of Madras
354 367 Pirithivitajan R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
355 12 Lewandowski,Susan Book Manohar 1980 Library- MIDS
356 14 Nagaraj,K and Majumdar,S. Report MIDS,Working Paper-33 1983 Library- MIDS
357 382 Srinivasan T.S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
358 13 Dharmaraj,S Book Emerald Publishers 1993 Library- MIDS
359 433 Presanna M G M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1980 Library- M.K.
360 222 Thenmozhi R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Gandhian Thought 1990 Library - GGRI
361 311 Nirmala S. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1992 Library - University
of Madras
362 82 Shanmugam K. Ph.D Annamalai University Sociology 1991 Library (Dept)
Annamalai univ.

363 67 Pitchaimuthu S. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1981 Library- M.K.
364 129 Paranjothi Ramalingam J. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1987 Library - Bharathiar
365 123 Selvaraj B. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1982 Library - Bharathiar
366 273 Purushothaman Jayasri M.Phil Bharathiar University Economics 1987 Library - Bharathiar
367 194 Shanthi V. M.Phil Madras Christian College Economics 1985 Library - Madras
Christian College
368 344 Goperundevi V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - University
of Madras
369 16 Wiebe,Paul D Book Macmillan India Ltd. 1981 Library- MIDS
370 64 Chandra Mohan B.P. Ph.D University of Madras Economics 1992 Library- University
of Madras
371 17 Madras School of Socialwork Report Madras School of Socialwork 1956 Library- MIDS
372 88 Rukmani Ramani Report MIDS, Intern’s Report-3 1985 Library - MIDS
373 517 Josephine Mary Pappu M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1987 Library- M.K.
374 554 Sundara raj N. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1978 Library- M.K.
375 371 Arumainayagam Jayakumar M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
376 563 Ambrose P. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
377 116 Muthukumar R M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1985 Library - Annamalai

378 248 Shanthi M.T. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1995 Library - Annamalai
379 480 Satya Gunaseelan A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
380 154 Govindarajulu A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1979 Library - Bharathiar
381 57 Sekar G. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1987 Library - Bharathiar
382 20 Radhakrishnan V. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1987 Library - Bharathiar
383 167 Gnanadas P. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1990 Library -
384 144 Lakshmi A.V. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1993 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
385 327 Pragathi V. M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1989 Library - University
of Madras
386 299 Lucia Gnanaoli M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1987 Library - University
of Madras
387 303 Gregory S M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1989 Library - University
of Madras
388 431 Sridharan S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1980 Library- M.K.
389 147 Mariammal P. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
390 149 Jayamani D. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.

391 146 Pitchammal R. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
392 136 Ladislaus Rodrigo F. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1983 Library - Bharathiar
393 141 Jayalakshmi S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1987 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
394 162 Ravichandran P. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public Administration 1990 Library - Madras
Christian College
395 176 Rooparani S. M.Phil Madras Christian College Public Administratio 1992 Library - Madras
Christian College
396 558 Lakshmi A M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1993 Library - University
of Madras
397 163 Angel Elizabeth M.Phil Madras Christian College Public Administration 1991 Library - Madras
Prabhavathi P. Christian College
398 584 Census Census Census of India,1971, 1971 Library- MIDS
399 587 Census Census Census of India,1981, 1981 Library- MIDS
400 586 Census Census Census of India,1981, 1981 Library- MIDS
401 585 Census Census Census of India,1971, 1971 Library- MIDS
402 449 Murugesan S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj Univ. Commerce 1988 Library- M.K.
403 499 Gokilavani M. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj Univ. Economics 1989 Library- M.K.
404 352 Manoharan V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1988 Library - University
of Madras

405 261 Villisamy K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1985 Library - Annamalai
406 441 Riaz Iqbal R.M.D. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1989 Library - University
of Madras
407 230 Christy David D. M.Phil Alagappa University Bank Management 1990 Library - Alagappa
408 228 Dunstan Rajkumar A. M.Phil Alagappa University Bank Management 1990 Library - Alagappa
409 42 Caroline J. Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
410 280 Beena Aleyamma Joseph M.Phil Bharathiar University Social Work 1992 Library - Bharathiar
411 140 Lalitha K. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1989 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
412 156 Padmapriya D. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar
413 77 Balakrishnan Devi Ph.D Bharathiar University Psychology 1995 Library - Bharathiar
414 138 Sylaja Kumari M.K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1986 Library - Bharathiar
415 34 Maruthakutti R. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1993 Library - Bharathiar
416 25 Ramalingam J. Paranjothi Ph.D Bharathiar University Social work 1996 Library - Bharathiar
417 59 Velumani K. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1988 Library - Bharathiar
418 21 Manoranjitham D.R. Ph.D Bharathiar University Sociology 1993 Library - Bharathiar

419 455 Mahajabeen S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - University
of Madras
420 63 Innocentia A.J.M. Ph.D Mother Teresa University Education 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
421 300 Bhargavi Ddvaithi M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1991 Library - University
of Madras
422 142 Dhanalakshmi D. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1993 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
423 439 Sukanya R. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - University
of Madras
424 89 Prema D. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1988 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
425 379 Rajalakshmi N. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1981 Library - University
of Madras
426 95 Kanjana K. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
427 118 Mayadevi B. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Dept. of Education 1989 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
428 100 Jayanthi Sivaraman M.Phil Mother Teresa University Sociology 1993 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
429 342 Vasantha M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1977 Library - University
of Madras
430 97 Prema S. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
431 119 Vasugi A. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
432 369 Shanthini R. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - University
of Madras

433 374 Shoukathara Aslam M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1987 Library - University
of Madras
434 313 Zubeeda Banu M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1979 Library - University
of Madras
435 44 Malathi R. Ph.D University of Madras Econometrics 1983 Library - University
of Madras
436 99 Subhashree Govindan M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
437 2 Caplan,Patricia Book Tavistock Publications 1985 Library- MIDS
438 3 Caplan,Patricia Book Tavistock Publications 1978 Library- MIDS
439 538 Gunamalai A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1986 Library- M.K.
440 84 Gloria Daya Samuel M.Phil Mother Teresa University Economics 1991 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
441 518 Gomathy T. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1979 Library- M.K.
442 283 Soorya vennila M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1992 Library - Annamalai
443 474 Vanajamani V M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
444 368 Chandra Bai A. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
445 148 Amudha N. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1992 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.
446 495 Lakshmi G. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
447 151 Jayalakshmi A. M.Phil Mother Teresa University Women’s Studies 1987 Library - Mother
Teresa Univ.

448 281 Velvizhiyal P M.Phil Annamalai University Socology 1989 Library - Annamalai
449 247 Sivakama Sundari A. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1979 Library - Annamalai
450 83 Ansiya Begum S M.Phil Annamalai University Sociology 1989 Library - Annamalai
451 110 Leema Rosy A. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1994 Library - Alagappa
452 62 Umesh Samuel Ph.D Bharathidasan University Socialwork 1995 Library (Dept )
Jebaseelan A Bharathidasan Univ.
453 544 Susila N. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
454 545 Kamala K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
455 514 Gomathi N. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
456 532 Devi S. Shanthi Getzit M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1986 Library -
Ranjini Bharathidasan Univ.
457 284 Rajakumari R M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1987 Library - Annamalai
458 489 Sundaravalli K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
459 498 Shanthi B M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
460 504 Shanthi S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library- M.K.
461 384 Sudha S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras

462 497 Nirmala A. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1996 Library- M.K.
463 328 Zarina Rahim M.Phil University of Madras Geography 1986 Library - University
of Madras
464 373 Rajyalakshmi V. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1991 Library - University
of Madras
465 363 Jacqueline J. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
466 381 Shanthi E.G. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - University
of Madras
467 349 Subramanian M. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1990 Library - University
of Madras
468 486 Fathima Baby D. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1989 Library- M.K.
469 267 R.S. Ramasamy M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1986 Library - Annamalai
470 522 Revathy S. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1997 Library- M.K.
471 130 Karunakaran T. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1990 Library - Bharathiar
472 223 Moorthy R. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Futurology 1993 Library - GGRI
473 257 Usha R. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1989 Library - Annamalai
474 286 Kathiresan S. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1990 Library - Annamalai
475 233 Munira Beebi E.K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar
476 296 Satwant Kaur M.Phil University of Madras Anthropology 1982 Library - University
of Madras

477 252 Shley Stephenson A. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1995 Library (Dept.) -
478 79 Kaur Satwant Ph.D University of Madras Anthropology 1990 Library - University
of Madras
479 427 Reg No : 1039 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1985 Library- M.K.
480 448 Grace Joseph M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1987 Library - University
of Madras
481 411 Reg No : 1304 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1989 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
482 397 Reg No : 1301 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1989 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
483 310 Agnes Stephen M.Phil N.A. Sociology 1990 Library (Dept.) -
484 481 Hamil A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
485 400 Reg No : 567G M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1990 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
486 410 Reg No : 567A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1989 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
487 164 Selladurai M M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa
488 555 Irudayaraj M. Joseph M.Phil Bharathidasan University Sociology 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
489 279 Ponnusamy A. M.Phil Bharathiar University Social Work 1992 Library - Bharathiar

490 239 Mubarak Ali K.M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1993 Library - Bharathiar
491 250 Suma Devi S. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1990 Library - Bharathiar
492 251 Murali G. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1994 Library - Bharathiar
493 153 Sankara Narayanan S. M.Phil Bharathiar University School of 1991 Library - Bharathi
Management University
494 159 Sarulatha J. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1994 Library - Bharathiar
495 180 Milly Rachel Thomas M.Phil Bharathiar University Psychology 1995 Library - Bharathiar
496 275 Shyamala M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Social Work 1994 Library - Bharathiar
497 234 K. Gopu kumar M.Phil Bharathiar University Psychology 1993 Library - Bharathiar
498 58 Sajjan Rao K. Ph.D Bharathiar University Psychology 1995 Library - Bharathiar
499 32 Yuvaraj S. Ph.D Bharathiar University Psychology 1993 Library - Bharathiar
500 61 Annamalai R. Ph.D Bharathiar University Commerce 1994 Library - Bharathiar
501 132 Mahendiran P. M.Phil Bharathiar University Sociology 1992 Library - Bharathiar
502 412 Osborn S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
503 576 Stephen Anthony Dhanaraj I M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.

504 468 Janet poorna chandirika J M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
505 195 Joseph Perinba Das J. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1995 Library -
506 403 Velammal U M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
507 115 Kamalabhai Samuel M.Phil Kerala University Economics 1986 Library - Kerala
508 438 Dilshath A. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1992 Library - University
of Madras
509 353 Athya S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1994 Library - University
of Madras
510 458 Sugantha S. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1989 Library - University
of Madras
511 535 Kumar S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - University
of Madras
512 312 Kalaiselvi N. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1995 Library - University
of Madras
513 454 Shankari L. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1992 Library - University
of Madras
514 424 Reg No : 1036 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1985 Library- M.K.
515 413 Rajasekaran R M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1988 Library - Annamalai
516 201 Sivasailam S. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1991 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
517 426 Reg No : 54 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1987 Library- M.K.

518 434 Kalaivanan G M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
519 18 Johnson Albert Ph.D Madurai Kamaraj University Political Science 1983 Library- M.K.
520 236 Chinnadurai M. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1994 Library - Bharathiar
521 392 Devakumar M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
522 436 Lourdu Initha S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1994 Library- M.K.
523 391 Balaj R R M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
524 471 Mary Amala Shanthi K M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
525 399 Arunachalam M S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
526 396 Reg No ; 47 M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1987 Library (Dept.)-
M.K. University
527 464 Joseph Emmanuel Thamba S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
528 465 Julia Samraj M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
529 581 Vasuki V M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.
530 583 Athmanadam B K M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
531 505 Sannasi R. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1991 Library- M.K.

532 432 Nalini B M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Sociology 1981 Library- M.K.
533 574 Natarajan C M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
534 462 Sampathkumar M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
535 211 Kudaiyogamani R. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1993 Library - Alagappa
536 265 Sundaram N. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1994 Library - Bharathiar
537 246 Savithiri M.K. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1989 Library - Bharathiar
538 237 Natarajan N. M.Phil Bharathiar University Commerce 1995 Library - Bharathiar
539 475 Rengachari N R M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
540 450 Govindaraj M. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - University
of Madras
541 290 Suseela S.K. M.Phil Annamalai University Economics 1982 Library - Annamalai
542 421 Rajendiran D R M.Phil Annamalai University Political Science 1989 Library - Annamalai
543 416 Murugan S.K. M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1990 Library - Annamalai
544 443 Suseela P. M.Phil University of Madras Commerce 1991 Library - University
of Madras
545 213 Joseph Arockiyaraj S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1995 Library - Alagappa

546 105 Alexander Devadoos C. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1992 Library - Alagappa
547 231 Ananthi M.S. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. Secretaryship1992 Library - Alagappa
548 215 Soma sundaram V.K. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. Secretaryship1990 Library - Alagappa
549 103 Eswari E M Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa
550 108 Usha L.N. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa
551 212 Shanthi S. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1993 Library - Alagappa
552 570 Yasotha N. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1989 Library (Dept )
Bharathidasan Univ.
553 527 Premila Samraj M.Phil Bharathidasan University Commerce 1989 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
554 26 Fernandez Anne Mary Ph.D Bharathidasan University Economics 1992 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
555 414 Saral Rajamani C M.Phil Annamalai University Commerce 1992 Library - Annamalai
556 478 Karunanithi A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
557 402 Annapornan S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K.
558 173 Bernoali Panimalar D. M.Phil N.A. Economics 1992 Library -
559 479 Jeganathan C M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K.

560 459 Gomathi V M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1988 Library- M.K.
561 577 Jasmin A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1991 Library- M.K.
562 466 Kahja M M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1993 Library- M.K.
563 580 Padrakali A M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1990 Library- M.K.
564 404 Banumathy S M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1989 Library- M.K. Univ.
565 210 Ravichandran B. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1989 Library - Alagappa
566 467 Adeline Getzie W M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Commerce 1992 Library- M.K. Univ.
567 184 P.C. Pushpalatha M.Phil Bharathiar University Linguistics 1990 Library - Bharathiar
568 185 M. Kishore Kumar M.Phil Bharathiar University Linguistics 1996 Library - Bharathiar
569 183 S. Girila M.Phil Bharathiar University Linguistics 1990 Library - Bharathiar
570 181 P.E. Thomas M.Phil Bharathiar University Communication 1994 Library - Bharathiar
571 179 R. Manoharan M.Phil Bharathiar University Linguistics 1996 Library - Bharathiar
572 217 Ilavarasan I. M.Phil Gandhigram Rural Institute Futurology 1995 Library - GGRI
573 302 Krishnamurthy A.S. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1994 Library - Univ. of
574 292 Prema G. M.Phil University of Madras Sociology 1980 Library - Univ. of

575 351 Akhila S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1986 Library - Univ. of
576 385 Prasannaparvathi K.S. M.Phil University of Madras Economics 1992 Library - Univ. of
577 551 Catherine evi B.C. M.Phil Madurai Kamaraj University Economics 1983 Library- M.K. Univ.
578 196 Amalraj Augustine M.Phil N.A. Social Dynamic 1988 Library - St.Joseph’s
579 510 Sivaraju V. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1990 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
580 204 Kannan T. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1991 Library - Alagappa
581 520 Elango K. M.Phil Bharathidasan University Economics 1988 Library -
Bharathidasan Univ.
582 226 Punitha K. M.Phil Alagappa University Corp. 1995 Library - Alagappa
Secretaryship University
583 202 Soundararajan K.V. M.Phil Alagappa University Commerce 1990 Library - Alagappa

Note:- Abbreviations used in the table are as follows:

BOBP - Bay of Bengal Programme
CDS - Centre for Development Studies
GGRI - Gandhi Gram Rural Institute
M K University - Madurai Kamarajar University
M S University - Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
MIDS - Madras Institute of Development Studies



Main S.No. Ref.No.

S.No. Author IN IN
Table A1.1 Table A1.1
& Table A1.2 & Table A1.2

1 Abdul Razak P. 145 71

2 Adeline Getzie W 566 467
3 Adikesavan K. 66 366
4 Agnes Stephen 483 310
5 Ajmal Khan M.R. 100 221
6 Akhila S. 575 351
7 Alexander Devadoos C. 546 105
8 Alexander Devakumar R.D. 184 161
9 Amalraj Augustine 578 196
10 Ambrose P. 376 563
11 Amirtham C. 62 187
12 Amsaveni G. 97 496
13 Amudha N. 445 148
14 Amudharani R. 39 508
15 Anantharaman M.G. 49 31
16 Ananthi J.Maria Anitha 343 53
17 Ananthi M.S. 547 231
18 Ananthi S. 310 124
19 Anbalagan V. 228 121
20 Anbalahan M. 86 523
21 Anbu Raj R. 340 128
22 Anbumani K. 110 189
23 Angel Elizabeth Prabhavathi P. 397 163
24 Annamalai R. 500 61
25 Annapoorani K. 17 339
26 Annapornan S 557 402
27 Ansiya Begum S 450 83

28 Antony Valasamma 47 47
29 Anvar S. 196 358
30 Appasamy A 291 582
31 Appavu C. 190 488
32 Arivazhagan P. 213 262
33 Arul John Bennet S. 27 170
34 Arumainayagam Jayakumar 375 371
35 Arunachalam M S 525 399
36 Arunachalam V. 64 131
37 Asokan P. 52 193
38 Athmanadam B K 530 583
39 Athya S. 509 353
40 Baby Gulnaz 216 218
41 Baby Leela Bai R. 28 174
42 Baby Saroja Irene 56 533
43 Balachandran T.V. 263 571
44 Balaj R R 523 391
45 Balaji R. 315 437
46 Balaji W.V. 128 457
47 Balakrishnan Devi 413 77
48 Balamurugan B. 214 506
49 Balasubramaniam N.E. 11 274
50 Balasubramaniam R. 5 19
51 Balasubramanian M 84 389
52 Balasubramanian V. 146 76
53 Banumathy S 564 404
54 Barani V. 40 288
55 Basha M. 309 483
56 Beena Aleyamma Joseph 410 280
57 Bernoali Panimalar D. 558 173
58 Beulah Vijaya Rani C. 287 109
59 Bhargavi Ddvaithi 421 300
60 Boominathan N 254 319

61 Boopathi Manickam P S 235 579
62 Borst,Frank Jan and de Jong Cor 284 1
63 Buvana R. 280 86
64 Caplan,Patricia 437 2
65 Caplan,Patricia 438 3
66 Caroline J. 409 42
67 Catherine evi B.C. 577 551
68 Census 398 584
69 Census 401 585
70 Census 400 586
71 Census 399 587
72 Chamane Unus Rodrigues 101 219
73 Chandra Bai A. 444 368
74 Chandra Mohan B.P. 370 64
75 Chandrasekaran R. 239 516
76 Chandrasekhar,S. 328 4
77 Chellam S 233 476
78 Chendurkani M. 323 101
79 Chidambaram V. 74 190
80 Chinnadurai M. 520 236
81 Chithra A.G. 81 569
82 Chitraleka R. 347 330
83 Christoper Danial G. 26 168
84 Christy David D. 407 230
85 Damodaran A. 192 137
86 Darly S. 330 354
87 Darmaraj S. 349 50
88 David Raj B. 113 122
89 Deva Irakkam S. 165 564
90 Devakumar M 521 392
91 Devarajan,S 229 5
92 Devasena B. 322 93
93 Devi S. Shanthi Getzit Ranjini 456 532

94 Devika K.S. 326 347
95 Dewit,Joe W 283 7
96 Dhanalakshmi D. 422 142
97 Dhanapalan V. 126 253
98 Dharmaraj,S 358 13
99 Dhasarathan C. 265 305
100 DhulasiBirundha K. 15 69
101 Dhyaneswari E.S. 259 117
102 Dilshath A. 508 438
103 Don Bosco A. 311 309
104 Dunstan Rajkumar A. 408 228
105 Duraipandian K. 168 451
106 Easwari S. 296 383
107 Edwin Thomson J. 92 177
108 Elango K. 581 520
109 Elizabeth Margaret Ranjitham A. 324 96
110 Eswari E 549 103
111 Eswari S. 96 191
112 Fathima Baby D. 468 486
113 Faustina Mallika P. 76 541
114 Fernandez Anne Mary 554 26
115 Francis C. 251 338
116 Gajendran M. 60 125
117 Gandhimathi Selvi M. 208 120
118 Ganesan K.K. 201 547
119 Ganesan N. 135 126
120 Ganesan P. 109 301
121 Ganesan P. 234 553
122 Ganesan R. 116 41
123 Ganesan R. 42 209
124 Ganesan S. 38 493
125 Gayathiri Devi P. 332 92
126 Geetha C.B. 77 526

127 Geetha R. 342 335
128 Geetha Rani P. 45 502
129 Ghulam Mustafa Badsha 68 8
130 Girija M. 148 372
131 Girija S. 292 155
132 Gloria Daya Samuel 440 84
133 Gnana Soundari P. 94 220
134 Gnanadas P. 383 167
135 Gokilavani M. 403 499
136 Gomathi N. 455 514
137 Gomathi V 560 459
138 Gomathy P.R. 137 214
139 Gomathy T. 441 518
140 Gopalakrishnan M 172 418
141 Goperundevi V. 368 344
142 Gopi M. 13 245
143 Govindaraj M. 540 450
144 Govindaraju V. 14 30
145 Govindarajulu A. 380 154
146 Govindasamy P.M. 183 345
147 Gowhar Jhan M. 308 337
148 Grace Joseph 480 448
149 Gregory S 387 303
150 Gulam Dastagir A. 130 361
151 Gulam Mohamed S. 46 500
152 Gunamalai A. 439 538
153 Gurumoorthy T R 131 575
154 Hajeeran Beevi N. 279 336
155 Hamil A 484 481
156 Hariharan G. 70 364
157 Harriss,J. 61 6
158 Harriss,John 243 10
159 Hemalatha M 154 390

160 Hemalatha Raju A.K. 169 94
161 Hepzibai A. 294 160
162 Hilda Devi R.C. 331 127
163 Ilanchizhian J. 199 360
164 Ilangovan K. 54 324
165 Ilavarasan I. 572 217
166 Imbaraj G.R. 142 340
167 Immanuel J.A. 20 271
168 Inbalakshmi M 156 472
169 Indira Gandhi S. 182 539
170 Indira Rajasekaran 336 102
171 Indira V. 232 370
172 Innocentia A.J.M. 420 63
173 Irshad Banu H. 350 332
174 Irudayaraj G. 245 216
175 Irudayaraj M. Joseph 488 555
176 Iyyampillai S. 120 525
177 Jabarullahan J 134 460
178 Jacinta Santha Kumari P. 187 329
179 Jacqueline J. 465 363
180 Janet poorna chandirika J 504 468
181 Janpreet Kaur 191 135
182 Jansi Rani S. 53 511
183 Jasmin A 561 577
184 Jayachandran S. 6 258
185 Jayagandhi K. 93 343
186 Jayakumar T. 272 235
187 Jayalakshmi A. 447 151
188 Jayalakshmi M.K. 89 294
189 Jayalakshmi S. 393 141
190 Jayamani D. 390 149
191 Jayanthi Sivaraman 428 100
192 Jayaram P. 1 28

193 Jebamalai Raja A. 352 33
194 Jeganathan C 559 479
195 Jesus Arul Christella J 327 169
196 Jeyaraman S. 132 106
197 Johana Thamayanthi S. 90 171
198 John Vellakkan J. 266 285
199 Johnson Albert 519 18
200 Joseph Arockiyaraj S. 545 213
201 Joseph Emmanuel Thamba S 527 464
202 Joseph Felix G. 320 139
203 Joseph Jerome 141 78
204 Joseph Perinba Das J. 505 195
205 Joseph Raj T 108 568
206 Joseph Soris N. 173 157
207 Josephine Mary Pappu M. 373 517
208 Jothi Mani T. 293 134
209 Jothimani T. 300 24
210 Julia Samraj 528 465
211 Jyothilingam R.P. 351 355
212 K. Gopu kumar 497 234
213 Kadhirvel P. 203 341
214 Kahja M 562 466
215 Kalai Selvi L. 231 172
216 Kalaichelvi G. 215 291
217 Kalaiselvi M. 102 542
218 Kalaiselvi N. 512 312
219 Kalaivanan G 518 434
220 Kalavathi M.S. 275 75
221 Kalavathi M.S. 274 287
222 Kalyani K.N. 253 323
223 Kalyani S. 162 208
224 Kalyani V. 329 314
225 Kamala K. 454 545

226 Kamalabhai Samuel 507 115
227 Kamarajahan K. 174 289
228 Kanagamony K. 125 48
229 Kanagaraj A. 286 357
230 Kandhappan A 164 417
231 Kanjana K. 426 95
232 Kannan T. 580 204
233 Karunakaran T. 136 52
234 Karunakaran T. 471 130
235 Karunanithi A 556 478
236 Karuppannan K.K. 4 243
237 Kasirajan G 83 398
238 Kathiresan S. 474 286
239 Kaur Satwant 478 79
240 Kesavan S. 317 307
241 Knorrings,Peter 23 11
242 Krishna Murthy P. 80 550
243 Krishna Thulasimani P 247 272
244 Krishnamurthy A.S. 573 302
245 Krishnan A. 302 456
246 Krishnasamy P. 221 556
247 Kudaiyogamani R. 535 211
248 Kumar S. 158 453
249 Kumar S. 511 535
250 Kumaraguru K.M. 69 207
251 Kumarasami E.Thirumalai 177 55
252 Kumarasamy K. 339 70
253 Kumaravelu M. 270 356
254 Kumaresan V. 159 200
255 Ladislaus Rodrigo F. 392 136
256 Lakshmi A 396 558
257 Lakshmi A.V. 384 144
258 Lakshmi G. 446 495

259 Lakshmi R. 285 293
260 Lalitha K. 411 140
261 Lalitha Thilagarathi J. 181 188
262 Lata Fenn 307 444
263 Latha G. 16 562
264 Latha R. 67 306
265 Leema Rosy A. 451 110
266 Lekha M.S. 152 90
267 Lewandowski,Susan 355 12
268 Lourdu Initha S 522 436
269 Lucia Gnanaoli 386 299
270 M. Kishore Kumar 568 185
271 Madha Suresh V. 276 333
272 Madras School of Socialwork 371 17
273 Magesan A A 59 461
274 Mahajabeen S. 419 455
275 Mahalakshmi R.V. 313 378
276 Mahendiran P. 501 132
277 Malathi R. 435 44
278 Malathy S. 303 317
279 Malini G.Josephine 341 65
280 Manickavasagam S. 138 36
281 Manoharan P. 163 549
282 Manoharan V. 404 352
283 Manoranjitham D.R. 418 21
284 Maran B 37 406
285 Mariammal P. 389 147
286 Mariappan V 133 477
287 Mariaprakasam E. 346 325
288 Martin David A 185 578
289 Maruthakutti R. 415 34
290 Mary Amala Shanthi K 524 471
291 Mathialagan M. 50 494

292 Mathiarjunan N. 240 60
293 Mayadevi B. 427 118
294 Meenakshisundaram R 32 419
295 Meera T. 41 266
296 Milly Rachel Thomas 495 180
297 Mohamed Jamal A. 236 484
298 Mohamed Tahir Ahamed T. 33 375
299 Mohan S. 122 72
300 Moorthy R. 472 223
301 Moses B.C. 178 113
302 Mubarak Ali K.M. 490 239
303 Munira Beebi E.K. 475 233
304 Murali G. 492 251
305 Muralikannan M. 244 386
306 Murugan S.K. 543 416
307 Muruganathan M. 8 540
308 Murugesan S 402 449
309 Muthukumar R 377 116
310 Muthulingam P. 277 350
311 Mythily P. 105 85
312 Nagalakshmi S 261 428
313 Nagaraj,K and Majumdar,S. 356 14
314 Nagarajan A 129 470
315 Nagarajan N.R. 167 38
316 Nagarajan S 29 446
317 Nalini B 532 432
318 Nalini V. 325 304
319 Narayana Samy P. 24 227
320 Narayanasamy K. 288 249
321 Natarajan C 533 574
322 Natarajan N. 538 237
323 National Coop.Cons.Fed.of India Ltd. 282 15
324 Navaroji Punithavathi J. 305 380

325 Nazeer Sheriff K. 204 548
326 Nimala H. 297 365
327 Niranjana L. 225 276
328 Nirmala A. 462 497
329 Nirmala P 333 241
330 Nirmala R. 22 244
331 Nirmala S. 361 311
332 Osborn S 502 412
333 P.C. Pushpalatha 567 184
334 P.E. Thomas 570 181
335 Padmalakshmi M. 31 566
336 Padmanand V. 312 376
337 Padmapriya D. 412 156
338 Padmavathi S. 281 334
339 Padmini M 205 425
340 Padrakali A 563 580
341 Palani Raj N. 63 346
342 Palanichamy S. 121 104
343 Palaniswamy S. 21 270
344 Pandey Hema 248 74
345 Pandian A. Jothi 318 559
346 Pandian Ponnammal K. 99 54
347 Panneerselvan K. 316 331
348 Paramasivam A. 82 295
349 Paranjothi Ramalingam J. 364 129
350 Parthasarathy N. 107 192
351 Periyasamy S 171 408
352 Peter S. Michael John 207 27
353 Pichaimani S. 87 557
354 Pictchaiah P.N. 224 536
355 Pirithivitajan R. 354 367
356 Pitchaimuthu S. 363 67
357 Pitchammal R. 391 146

358 Pon Ranjini Jeya P. 289 111
359 Ponnambalam K.M. 71 322
360 Ponnusamy A. 489 279
361 Ponnusamy P.R. 9 73
362 Poorni Selvan R. 219 186
363 Pragasam Antony V. 241 565
364 Pragathi V. 385 327
365 Prasannaparvathi K.S. 576 385
366 Prema D. 424 89
367 Prema G. 574 292
368 Prema S. 430 97
369 Premavathy N. 170 452
370 Premila Samraj 553 527
371 Premkumar Raja S 334 277
372 Presanna M G 359 433
373 Pugazhendi V. 268 166
374 Punitha K. 582 226
375 Purushothaman Jayasri 366 273
376 R. Manoharan 571 179
377 R.S. Ramasamy 469 267
378 Radha Janaswamy 353 321
379 Radha Thiyagaraj P. 365 298
380 Radhakrishnan V. 382 20
381 Radhika Rajasekharan 295 91
382 Raghavendran L 186 401
383 Raj Kumar S. 48 528
384 Rajagopalan S. 290 531
385 Rajakumari R 457 284
386 Rajalakshmi N. 425 379
387 Rajamani K 36 463
388 Rajamurugan R. 258 255
389 Rajapandi T. 209 530
390 Rajasekaran R 515 413

391 Rajasekaran R. 19 238
392 Rajendiran D R 542 421
393 Rajendran M. 51 573
394 Rajeswari K 260 435
395 Rajkumar D. 85 492
396 Rajyalakshmi V. 464 373
397 Ramachandran P.K. 111 521
398 Ramalaksmi M. 2 51
399 Ramalingam J. Paranjothi 416 25
400 Raman V.S. 30 572
401 Ramanathan G. 237 507
402 Ramani S. 34 29
403 Ramesh A S 58 409
404 Ramu U. 119 268
405 Rani A. 264 269
406 Rani R. 211 487
407 Rani senthamarai S. 345 45
408 Rathi S. 195 440
409 Ravichandran B. 565 210
410 Ravichandran C. 161 197
411 Ravichandran P. 394 162
412 Ravichandran R. 242 529
413 Reg no : 1032 206 395
414 Reg No : 1036 514 424
415 Reg No : 1037 306 393
416 Reg No : 1039 479 427
417 Reg No : 1301 482 397
418 Reg No : 1304 481 411
419 Reg No : 54 517 426
420 Reg No : 567A 486 410
421 Reg No : 567G 485 400
422 Reg No ; 47 526 396
423 Register Number 48 257 567

424 Rengachari N R 539 475
425 Renganathan G. 267 546
426 Renganayaki N. 255 145
427 Revathi N. 88 225
428 Revathy S. 470 522
429 Riaz Iqbal R.M.D. 406 441
430 Rooparani S. 395 176
431 Rosalin Fathima Celine A. 337 150
432 Rukmani Ramani 372 88
433 Rupakumar R 223 405
434 S. Girila 569 183
435 Sadhana N 155 394
436 Sajjan Rao K. 498 58
437 Sakkaravel G. 319 35
438 Samithurai M. 55 259
439 Sampathkumar M 534 462
440 Sampoornam K. 151 524
441 Sankara Narayanan S. 493 153
442 Sannasi R. 531 505
443 Santha V. 348 46
444 Santhi S A 212 254
445 Saral Rajamani C 555 414
446 Saraswathi K. 193 308
447 Saravanan 73 442
448 Saravanan S 7 420
449 Sarulatha J. 494 159
450 Sasikala L. 98 81
451 Sathiyaseelan G. 124 229
452 Sathya Murthy U. 75 49
453 Sathyabama D. 176 491
454 Satwant Kaur 476 296
455 Satya Gunaseelan A 379 480
456 Savithiri M.K. 537 246

457 Sekar G. 381 57
458 Selladurai M 487 164
459 Sellamuthu M 335 240
460 Sellathambi P. 78 513
461 Selvakumar T. 72 264
462 Selvakumari K. 338 133
463 Selvaraj B. 365 123
464 Selvaraj K. 344 552
465 Selvaraju A. 238 256
466 Selvendran K. 112 560
467 Selvendran S. 226 203
468 Sennakesavan P. 10 22
469 Senthil Kumar S. 149 178
470 Senthilvelan M 153 473
471 Sethulakshmi K. 252 326
472 Shahul Hameed S. 180 509
473 Shahul Hameed S.A. 143 387
474 Shalini Rani T. 65 232
475 Shameem S. 230 447
476 Shankari L. 513 454
477 Shanmugam K. 362 82
478 Shanmugam S 43 415
479 Shanmuganandan S. 114 501
480 Shanmugasundaram S. 127 80
481 Shanthi B 459 498
482 Shanthi D. 104 87
483 Shanthi E.G. 466 381
484 Shanthi M.T. 378 248
485 Shanthi S. 551 212
486 Shanthi S. 460 504
487 Shanthi V. 367 194
488 Shanthini R. 432 369
489 Sherine John 262 429

490 Shley Stephenson A. 477 252
491 Shoukathara Aslam 433 374
492 Shyamala M. 496 275
493 Silva A. 139 199
494 Sivakama Sundari A. 449 247
495 Sivakumar M. 57 206
496 Sivakumar S. 218 512
497 Sivaprakasam D. 118 40
498 Sivaraju V. 579 510
499 Sivasailam S. 516 201
500 Soma sundaram V.K. 548 215
501 Soorya vennila 442 283
502 Soundara Nageswaran M. 117 543
503 Soundararajan K.V. 583 202
504 Sounthara pandian C. 115 43
505 Sridharan S 388 431
506 Srinivasan T.S. 357 382
507 Stella Bai C. Nancy 269 37
508 Stephen Anthony Dhanaraj I 503 576
509 Steward Doss G. 160 205
510 Subburaj S. 25 490
511 Subhashree Govindan 436 99
512 Subramanian A. 189 107
513 Subramanian M. 467 349
514 Sudha S. 461 384
515 Sugantha S. 510 458
516 Suguna Ramdas 210 561
517 Suguna Sheela A.R. 95 519
518 Sujatha V. 175 503
519 Sukanya R. 423 439
520 Suma Devi S. 491 250
521 Sumathi Rathnam S. 299 260
522 Sundar Singh,John D.K. 3 9

523 Sundara raj N. 374 554
524 Sundaram N. 536 265
525 Sundaravalli K. 458 489
526 Surekha Garimella 298 114
527 Surekha Sriram 304 98
528 Suresh K. 147 348
529 Suresh V. Madha 140 23
530 Suriyapraba P. 12 224
531 Suseela P. 544 443
532 Suseela S 278 485
533 Suseela S.K. 541 290
534 Susila N. 453 544
535 Swarnalatha D. 250 165
536 Syed Mohammed S. 197 315
537 Sylaja Kumari M.K. 414 138
538 Tamil Selvi R. 106 175
539 Tamil Selvi S. 314 278
540 Thangarathinam M. 256 320
541 Thanulingom nadar N. 18 68
542 Thenmozhi N. 321 66
543 Thenmozhi R. 360 222
544 Thiagarajan S. 217 377
545 Thirmavalavan P 157 445
546 Thirunavukkarasu R. 79 537
547 Thiyagu R 227 422
548 Thulasiraman K 179 430
549 Umesh Samuel Jebaseelan A 452 62
550 Upaulthus Selvaraj M. 123 39
551 Usha L.N. 550 108
552 Usha R. 473 257
553 Vairamani K 166 482
554 Valarmathy P.S. 150 158
555 Vanaja N 144 407

556 Vanajamani V 443 474
557 Vara Guna Valli V. 301 362
558 Vasantha M. 429 342
559 Vasanthi G.L. 273 282
560 Vasugi A. 431 119
561 Vasuki V 529 581
562 Vathani P.K. 194 143
563 Vedachalam G. 202 388
564 Veerapandian S. 220 515
565 Veerasekaran R. 198 359
566 Velammal U 506 403
567 Velumani K. 417 59
568 Velvizhiyal P 448 281
569 Venkatachalam R. 188 198
570 Venkataraman M. 35 534
571 Venkateswaran R 222 469
572 Vijay V. 91 112
573 Vijaya Raju S 44 423
574 Vijayalakshmi K. 246 318
575 Villisamy K. 405 261
576 Vimala Margaret Kalaiselvi C. 103 152
577 Vimala N. 271 242
578 Wiebe,Paul D 369 16
579 Yamuna T.V. 249 56
580 Yasotha N. 552 570
581 Yuvaraj S. 499 32
582 Zarina Rahim 463 328
583 Zubeeda Banu 434 313


Annotations for 31 village studies together with a note to the coded statement are provided

(i) Caste, Agrarian Structure, and Agrarian Transformation:

1. Alexander, K. C. (1975): Agrarian Tension in Thanjavur, National Institute of Community

Development, Hyderabad.

This study attempts to understand the phenomenon of agrarian unrest in Thanjavur district
by conducting a survey in few villages in two taluks Mannargudi and Mayavaram where
agrarian unrest was high and low respectively. The study notes that the basic difference
between the two areas is in terms of influence of the Communist Party in these areas - it
was high in Mannargudi and weak in Mayavaram.

2. Arputharaj, C. and Vallinayagam, S.S. (1980): Changes in Land Ownership Pattern

in a Decade-Tamil Nadu, Research Study No.69, Agricultural Economics Research Centre,
University of Madras, Madras (Mimeo).

The main focus of this study is to understand the factors underlying the changes in land
ownership pattern over a decade 1970-’71 to 1979-’80. A sample survey has been conducted
in two villages in Coimbatore district. A sample of 90 holdings has been chosen for this
purpose. The study notes that there has been a decline in number of holdings as well as
area owned by large farmers, while small and medium farmers have gained. A major
finding of the study is that in a majority of cases (52%), partition of lands was responsible
for the decrease in area and that partitions were not made with any motive to circumvent
legislation. Sale of farmland was another major factor that led to a decline in area. By and
large sale of land was resorted to repay debts or to meet social obligations. Data is provided
only for the entire sample and not for individual villages.

3. Athreya, V.B. et al (1990): Barriers Broken: Production Relations and Agrarian

Change in Tamil Nadu, Sage Publications, New Delhi.

This study analyses and brings out the contrasts in production relations and agrarian change
across two distinct ecotypes. Three villages in a wet area and three villages in a dry area
in Tiruchirapalli district are chosen for the study. A sample survey of the agrarian population
of these villages was conducted in the year 1979-’80. The study argues that production
relations cannot on their own explain processes of agrarian change - factors relating to
ecology, as also the state policies would have a strategic role to play.

4.Gough, Kathleen (1981): Rural Society in South East India, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge and

5. Gough, Kathleen (1989): Rural Change in Southeast India, 1950s to 1980s,Oxford
University Press, Delhi.

These two books deal with the economic and political change in Thanjavur district. The
books are based on fieldwork conducted in two villages during 1951 to 1953 and again
from February to October 1976. In this important and detailed work on Thanjavur, Gough
argues that capitalist development in agriculture over the period has not brought prosperity
to the majority of the people.

6. Hara, Tadatiko (1981): Studies in Socio-cultural change in rural villages in

Tiruchirapalli district; No. 2, Institute for the study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and
Africa, Tokyo (Mimeo)

Coded Statement1 :


03 05 -5 1 3- 1 0 1- 06 07 4-1 1 1 5- 2 3 ---


-- -- --- 5- 1 1 --- 1-- 1 1 1 --1 2 8


1 1 2- 0- -- --- 1-- 1 5 2- -- --- ---


--- -- -- -- --- -1- -- --- 1 1- 11-


0- -- -- 1-- --- --- --- 1 1- -- --


-- --- --- 16 1 1 1 -- --- --- --- --

This is a socio-economic study of two villages - Esanakorai and Peruvalanallur situated in

different agro-economic zones of Tiruchirapalli district. The major objective of the study
is to understand the changes witnessed by the villages over time. The main emphasis is on
studying changes in land tenure, land holdings across different caste groups as also the
settlement pattern of the villages. Data sources for the study are historical as well as
contemporary: resettlement registers of the colonial period, information from descriptions
in temples, government publications of the post-colonial period and the data generated
from the field study are used. Study throws some light on migration from these villages
over a long period of time.

7. Subbiah, S, et al (1981): Studies in socio-cultural change in rural villages in

Tiruchirapalli district, India, No.4, Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of
Asia and Africa, Tokyo (Mimeo).
Coded Statement:


03 05 -- 13 1011 06 07 --- 1 1 7- -- ---


-- -- --- 5- -- --- -2- 000 0-0 9 2


-- -- 0- -- -- 0-- 3 35 -- --- ---


--- -- -- -- --- 00- 0- 0-- --- ---


00 0- 0- --- --- --- --- --- 2 2 00


-- --- ---- 1 5 1-- -1 --- --- --- --

This study analyses the structural and spatial pattern of the most important resource base
viz. land in a dry village, Mahizambadi. The study documents the highly skewed distribution
of resources. Study gives detailed information on caste structure, land ownership, land
transactions, irrigation, livestock as well as some salient features of the population as
regards literacy and demography.

8. Sundari, T.K. (1991): Caste and the Agrarian Structure: A study of Chingleput District,
Tamil Nadu, South India, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi and Centre
for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram.

The main concern of the study has been to understand the relationship between caste and
agrarian structure, as it exists today and the manner in which this has changed over time.
The study captures the interaction between caste, land-labour relations and material
conditions of agricultural production in Chingleput district by a survey of villages combined
with archival work. The study notes that caste is still very much a factor to reckon with
and it enters work arrangements between landowners, tenants, and wage labourers. A
major finding of the study is that caste class configuration of a village become significant
in defining the balance of forces between landowners and wageworkers. Given that labour
market is divided on caste lines the study argues that it may not be feasible to bring all
wageworkers as one interest group.

9. Naidu, V. Chandrasekara (1988): Some Aspects of Agro-Economic Transformation

in Tamil Nadu - A Case Study of Enathimelpakkam Village, Working Paper No.86 Madras
Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

The main objective of the study has been to capture the processes responsible for the
prevalence of poverty in the village. The study notes that despite the adoption of modern
technology in agriculture and the inflow of huge amounts of public assistance over a
period of time there is mass poverty in the village. The study concludes that the high cost

of cultivation that has to be borne by marginal and small farmers, reduction in employment
opportunities, high rate of inflation, high level of landlessness of households are the major
factors that explain high levels of poverty in the village.

10. Naidu V. Chandrasekara (1995): Enathimelpakkam Revisited 1993-’94, Working paper

No.127, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

This study is on the basis of a survey conducted in 1993-’94 and attempts to capture the
changes experienced by the village since the first survey, 1985-’86. The study notes that
there has been a shift in the concentration of absolute poverty from agricultural to non-
agricultural households in the village.

11. Naidu, V. Chandrasekara (1992): Verkadu - Study of A Backward Agricultural

Village In Tamil Nadu, Working Paper No.109, Madras Institute of Development Studies,

12. Naidu, V. Chandrasekara (1995): Verkadu: A Resurvey, Working paper No.128, Madras
Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

This resurvey attempts to record the changes experienced over the period 1985-’86 and
1993-’94 in Verkadu. A major development in the village has been with regard to its
workforce - about 60 percent of the workforce now depends on non-agricultural
employment available outside the village. The study notes that the traditional pattern of
agriculture practised in Verkadu could not absorb the growing labour force. This led to a
very high level of poverty in the village. Lack of adequate employment opportunities
within the village resulted in large sections of the village population taking up non-agricultural
employment outside the village.

ii. Rural Credit:

1. Backstrand, Goran and Anders Turesson, (1983): Economic and Social Aspects of
Agriculture in India - A Case study of Chinnathadagam Village, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm.

The main aim of the study is to understand the socio-economic environment of a village
and within this the environment in which agriculture is practised. The study notes the
sharp inequality in land distribution in the village. The study also records the higher level of
production, productivity and income of well-irrigated lands compared to irrigated lands.
Given this, the inequality in wealth is perpetuated when marginal farmers are excluded
from institutional finance especially for digging a well and for purchasing a pump set,
comment the authors. The study is not very detailed and the survey of 39 households is
done over a period of two months.

2. Heyer, Judith (1981): Attempting to Reach the Rural Poor’. The Small Farmer

Development Agency in Varandur Village, Working Paper No.22 Madras Institute of
Development Studies, Madras.

The main focus of the study was to see the impact of Small Farmer Development Agency
in Coimbatore Region in 1980. SFDA operates through existing credit institutions and is
responsible for making subsidised credit available to small farmers, marginal farmers and
agricultural labourers to make them economically viable. There are some eligibility criteria,
which have to be fulfilled by the households to become a beneficiary under this scheme.
The study discusses the problems with the criteria and the functioning of SFDA.

3. Rogaly B.N. (1985): A Study of Commission Agents in Dindigul with special reference
to producer Credit, Research Report Number 5, Credit for Rural Development in Southern
Tamil Nadu. University of Reading, U.K.

As the title suggests, the study attempts to understand the informal credit system by a
survey of Mandi owners in Dindigul and farmers in two villages near Dindigul and officials
in regulated market. The study makes some interesting observation on the relationship
between Mandi owners and farmers.

4. Swaminathan, Madhura (1986): ‘Rural Credit in Two Villages in Madurai District’,

Final Research Report No.1 Credit for Rural Development in Southern Tamil Nadu, University
of Reading, UK.

Coded Statement:


10- -- 1 6- 301 1 12- 4-1 --1 5- 26 0-


1 1 -- 8- 5- 3 1 --- --- 0-- --- 3-


-- 12- 0- -- -- -- 6 3 -- --- ---


--- -- -- -- 0 0- 000 --- --- 0-1 0-1


0- 00 0- 0-- 0-- 0-- -- 00- 11 -0


-1 --- --- 2- 1- -- --- --- -1 1 -1

This is a study of two villages Konur and Gokilapuram located in contrasting agro-economic
zones of Madurai district. The objective of the study is to understand the functioning of
the credit market - formal and informal- at the village level as also to see the impact of
IRDP on its beneficiaries. A detailed survey of households is conducted in both the villages

and information on credit, indebtedness and the operation and impact of IRDP is provided.
An important observation of the study as regards IRDP is that plans and schemes that are
centrally charted out are not modified either to meet the needs of specific regions or to
meet the requirements of different sections of population.

5. Wellard, Kate (1985): A Study of the Madurai Agricultural Development Branch of

the State Bank of India (with special reference to crop loans for paddy cultivation) Research
Report No. 9. Credit for Rural Development in Southern Tamil Nadu, University of Reading,

This study aims to understand the functioning of ADB by studying a sample of farmers in
one village - Mathur. The study gives information, for the sample, on the size holding of
farmers who are given loans, their cost of cultivation, income from agriculture and other
activities, and loan returns. No other information on the village is available. There are some
details on the performance of ADB in Madurai district.

iii. Primary Sector

1. Blase, F.W. (1982): Coastal Village Development in Four Fishing Communities of

Adirampattinam, Tamil Nadu. Working Paper - 19, Bay of Bengal Programme, Madras.

The main interest of this study has been to identify a ‘target group’ who can be assisted by
the BOBP in such a manner as to raise the income and standard of living of the group.
Four fishing communities of Adiramapattinam were surveyed. The needs of the fishermen
were identified as credit, education, and drinking water. BOBP has responded to their
needs by extending small loans, arranging for non-formal classes and water taps.

2. Drewes, Edeltraud (1982): Three Fishing Villages in Tamil Nadu, Working Paper 14,
Bay of Bengal Programme, Madras.

The objective of the study has been to understand the socio-economic situation of three
fishing villages near Chennai. Within this the emphasis is on understanding the economic
role and status of women. All the women - 300 in number - were interviewed in these
villages in March 1981. The main finding of the study is that in all the three villages the
landings of fish are too small for fish merchants to enter. This has given room for the
women of the village to take up fish marketing. This role played by the women has
enhanced their status. The study also points out that given the small scale of fishing
activity in these villages, unless additional fresh resources are identified it is difficult to
conceive of programmes that would bring about overall improvement.

iv. Demography and Fertility:

1. Aiyappan, A. and Mahadevan, K (1988): Population and Social Change in an Indian

Village, Mittal Publications, Delhi.

Coded Statement:


17 01 1- 12 3181 05- 241 1-- 83 ** 0-


11 11 --- -- -- --- 112 667 --- 221


-- 2- 6- -- 3- 1-- 155 --- ---


--- -- 6- -- --6 -6 6 767 6 6- 1 1- --


6- 66 66 777 --- --- 6-6 --- 11 00


11 666 --- 1- 1-- 11 777 111 --1 -1

This study is a resurvey of a satellite town - Mangadu of Chennai city. The original survey
was conducted in 1956 while the resurvey was conducted in 1988. The main focus of the
resurvey has been to document the changes with regard to demography and health. Within
this there has been an emphasis as regards adoption of family planning techniques. The
study provides lot of useful data on demographic aspects for the scheduled castes as well
as caste Hindu population of the village. But there is very little analytical exercise and
hence the reader is completely in the dark about factors underlying the noted trends.
However this study shall provide an excellent basis for a resurvey.

2. Pillai, Mahadevan and Namboothiri D. Narayanan (1972): Caste, Status and Fertility
in a Rural Area of Tamil Nadu, Bulletin vol. No.1 Gandhigram Institute of Rural Health and
Family Planning, Gandhigram.

The study attempts to understand the relationship between socio-economic status and
fertility and see how this relationship is mediated through the system of caste. A survey
was conducted in 28 villages, in Madurai district, and the respondents were drawn from
different caste groups. The study concludes that major caste groups show persistent and
marked differences in family building patterns. The study notes that caste has become a
sub-culture within the society and the fertility behaviour of an individual is more in
consonance with the norm of his caste.

v. General Village Studies

1. Athreya, V.B. (1984): Vadamalaipuram: A Resurvey, Working Paper No.50. Madras

Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

Coded Statement:

0 1- 1- 1 6- 3 011 1 0- 4 2 1 -- 5 3 1 5 0 0


-1 -- 7-- --- -- --- 1 1- 6 6 6 --- 1 2 8


-- 1 2 8 6 6 -- 3- 7 7 7 7 3- -- 7 7 7 6 6-


666 -- 6- -- --6 6 6- 6-6 6-- 6 6- 6 6


6- 6 6 6- 6 6 7 --- 6-- 6-6- -6- 1- 6 6


12 --- --- 1- 1-- 11 -7 7 -1 1 --- --

Vadamalaipuram has been surveyed in the years 1916, 1936 and 1958. The present survey
was conducted in the year 1983 with the main purpose of studying the nature of
transformation witnessed by the village economy. The study’s finding is that while the
economy of the village has experienced some major structural changes, viz. modernisation
of agriculture, rise of manufacturing activity, increasing concentration of landholding - the
standard of living of the mass of the population has not improved.

2. Athreya V.B. (1985): Gangaikondan 1916-1984: Change and Stability, Working Paper
No.56. Madras Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

Coded Statement
01 08 1- 1-- 3 0 11 1 0 11 431 -- 8- -- 00
-1 -- 6-- -- 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 000 --0 2-
-- 2- 00 -- 2 3 111 553 -- 111 0--
1 1 1 1- -- -- --0 00- 1-1 1-- -0- -0
0- 00 -- 1 1- 0-- 0-- 0 1 0 1 0- 11 00
11 --1 1-- 1- 0-- -- --- --- --- --

Gangaikondan has been surveyed thrice earlier in 1916, 1934 and 1958-60. The present
study is a result of a survey conducted during 1983-84 in the village. The focus of the
study has been to analyse the changes that have been experienced by the village economy
over time as also to provide a picture of the village economy as it is today. The study
concludes that given the inequality in the distribution of assets, the benefits of the process
of development experienced by the village economy have not been widely distributed.
Important changes witnessed by the economy are: area under tenancy has declined sharply;
yield of paddy - the most important crop - has increased by about 50% over the last two
decades; a development of the livestock economy; and an increase in non agricultural

3. Guhan, S (1983): Palakurichi: A Resurvey, Working Paper No.42. Madras Institute

of Development Studies, Madras.

Coded Statement:


0 1- 1- 16 3011 10- 3 2 1 -- 5 2 -- 0-


-1 -- 1 3-- 9- 21 --- 1-- 6 6 6 -7- 2-


-- 2- 6 6 -- 3- 7 7 7 1 3 2 -- 7 7 7 6 6-


666 -- 6- 6- --- 6 6- 7-7 6-- 6 6- 6 6-


6- 6 6 -- 7 7- --- 6 6- 6-6 7 6- 11 66


-1 777 111 1- 1-- -- -7 7 1 1 1 --- ---

Palakurichi was first surveyed in the year 1917 and then in 1936-’37. The present study
is on the basis of a survey conducted in the year 1983. The main purpose of the study is
to analyse growth and change in Palakuruchi. The study notes that while the village
always reported high concentration in land ownership this feature became entrenched and
poverty and inequality remained intact overtime. The main changes experienced by the
village economy are: increase in non-farm employment, unionisation of agricultural labourers,
introduction of second cropping, and introduction of tractors.

4. Guhan, S. and K. Bharathan, (1984): Dusi: A Resurvey. Working Paper No.52,
Madras Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

Coded Statement:

0 1- 1- 16 3011 1011 321 -- 8- -- 0-


11 -- 1 0-- -- 11 -- 1 2- 001 --0 2-


-- 2- 00 -- 2 1 101 1053 -- 111 0--


--1 -- -- -- -- 00- 000 0-- 00- --


0- 00 -- 6 6- --- --6 666 -6 6 1-- 000


11 111 --- 1- 0-- -- -1 1 -1 1 --- --

Dusi, one of the five villages studied by Gilbert Slater, was first surveyed in the year 1916-
’17 and was resurveyed subsequently in the years 1937 and 1961. The present study was
conducted during 1983-’84 and records the emergence of weaving since about the early
1960s as a major aspect of the transformation that Dusi has undergone. More than half the
households are involved in weaving. While the study notes a remarkable improvement in
literacy, housing, electricity, water supply, health and communications overtime, there is
no remarkable reduction in the levels of poverty.

5. Guhan, S. and Joan P. Mencher (1982): Iruvelpattu Revisited, Working Paper No.28,
Madras Institute of Development Studies, Madras.

Coded Statement:

0 1- 1- 1 6 3 011 0 9- 331 -- 5 3 -- 0-


-1 -- 9-- -- -- 3 2- 1 2- 0 0- --- 2-


-- 2- 0- -- -- --1 1 0 5- -- 111 ---


1 1- -- -- -- --0 0 0- 1-1 0-- 1 1- --


0- 00 -- 7 7- --- 7 7- --- -6- 11 00


-1 11 1-1 1- 6-- -1 077 -1 1 --- --

The village Iruvelpattu has been surveyed in the years 1916,1936-’37 and 1981-’82. The
focus of the present study is to analyse the changes experienced by the economy of the
village since 1916. The main finding of the study is that the pattern of poverty has remained
more or less same in the village in spite of additional employment created by widespread
use of modern techniques in agriculture.

vi. Others

1. Agricultural Economics Research Centre (1984): Problems in Growth of Oil Seeds:

A Study of Groundnut in Tamil Nadu. University of Madras, Madras.

The main objective of the study is to understand the problems in the growth of groundnut
production in Tamil Nadu. 200 households in eight villages lying in Salem and South Arcot
districts have been surveyed in the year 1981-82. The study shows that a major problem
encountered by the groundnut farmers is inadequate availability of seeds. Use of old seeds
result in poor yield of the crop. Another major problem encountered by the groundnut
farmers is lack of any assured price for their produce.

2.Aiyasamy, P.K. and Natarajan, B. (1980): Employment Pattern of Labour Force in

Coimbatore Taluk, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University, Coimbatore.

Coded Statement:


0 6- -- 1-- 1071 0304 --- -- 81 08 0-


-- -- --- -- -- -2 2 --- --- --- 4-


-- 1 6- -0 -- --- --- 3 3- -- --- ---


--- -- 11 -- --- 1 1- --- 0-- 0 0- 00


0 0- 00 00 0 1- 0-0 0 1- --- --- 11 00


-- --- 1-- -- --- -- --- --- --- --

The objective of the study has been to identify the socio-economic characteristics of rural
labour force and to investigate the pattern of employment and unemployment. Four
villages in Coimbatore taluk are randomly chosen and 100 households are surveyed in
each. The main finding of the study is that the extent of unemployment got minimised
substantially in villages having fairly stable irrigation facilities or those that adopted labour
intensive crop and successive crop rotation complemented by dairying or those that
possessed industrial centres.

3. Arputharaj, C. and R. Rajagopalan, (1978): Impact of High yielding varieties
Programme in South Arcot District, Tamil Nadu, Research Study No.58, Agricultural
Economics Research Centre, University of Madras, Madras (mimeo).

The study on impact of High Yielding Varieties programme in South Arcot district is on the
basis of a sample study of 100 farmers selected from 4 villages in South Arcot district.
The survey has been conducted in the year 1975-76. The report provides information only
for the sample as a whole and not for individual villages. The study finds that all cultivators
irrespective of the size of holding have adopted high yielding varieties and that there has
been significant increase in the production and yield of paddy. The study further notes that
cultivation of new varieties has led to an improvement in incomes and standard of living of
the farmers. These findings are corroborated by another study conducted by the author
using similar methodology, in Chingleput district. The reference to this study is as follows:

4. Arputharaj, C. and Rupchand A.J. (1979): Impact of High Yielding Varieties

Programme in Chingleput District, Research Study No.59, Agricultural Economics
Research Centre, University of Madras, Madras (mimeo).

5. Asokan, S. (1992): Agrarian Change and Water Management in Kumbapettai Village,

Thanjavur District, Irrigation Water Management, Anna University, Madras (Mimeo).

The study analyses agrarian change and water management in the Kumbapettai, a village
earlier studied by Kathleen Gough, in the context of inter-state water dispute between
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The study finds that the absence of an assured flow of water
in the river Kudamuruti has necessitated a shift to single cropping from the earlier practice
of double cropping; groundwater is being tapped on a large scale as an additional and more
reliable water source; there has been a change in the cropping pattern, favouring sugarcane
over paddy.

Coded Statement:

05 09 1- 1-- 11 31 1 8- -5- 1 1 4- 3 ---


-- -- --- 9- 1- -- 1-- 0-0 --- 2-


-- --- -1 3- -- --- 12 24 0- --- ---


--- -- 00 -- --- --- --- --- 00- ---


-- -- 0- --- --- --- --- -0- -- --


2- --- --- 1 5 1 2 2 -- --1 2-- --- --

A Note to the Coded Statement


1 22 1 4 1 2 3 1 4 2 22 23 2 4 1 1 1 5 3 2 8 0 2


1 2 1 2 20 3 4 19 20 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 0 10 12


4 2 1 10 12 0 6 1 2 2 3 0 5 2 12 2 3 6 6 0 -6 0 0 5


2 2 1 1 5 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 2 1 6 6 1 2 0 2 6 2 * 2 0 2


0 0 2 2 2 2 6 * 6 2 6 6 2 6 0 1 1 1 6 6 1 2 0 -


1 2 1 2 1 5 1 6 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 1 1 2 - 1 -2 6 0

As far as possible, the BOXES have been arranged in homogeneous, subject groups, as

‘ORIENT’ to ‘MAPS’ relate to the orientation of the research and the fieldwork methods

‘VL POP’ to ‘COMM’ comprise information on the economic geography of the village.

‘RNFLL’ to ‘SOIL’ describe the natural environment of the village.

‘M-L RT’ to ‘IRRG 2’ relate to type of agriculture practiced.

‘AG INP’ to ‘LV STD’ contain data presented in forms which derive directly from the
conventional economists’ approach to the analysis of the village

‘DEMOG’ to ‘HSEHLD’ include demographic information.

‘OCCPS’ to ‘LABOUR’ cover information on labour use and employment.

‘SCHOOL’ AND ‘EDU’ relate to educational variables.

‘MEDIC’ TO ‘FOOD’ contains data on health and nutrition.

‘LAN RL’ TO ‘ATTDS’ relate broadly to ethnographic concepts.

‘PLTCS’ TO ‘COOP 2’ are miscellaneous categories.

Source: More, Mick, et al (1976): Village Studies: Data Analysis and Bibliography. Vol.1, India,
1950-1975, Bowler Publishing Company Ltd, Essex, UK.

The full meaning of the abbreviated HEADINGS and the key to the code numbers and
symbols used for each ITEM are explained fully below and the user should refer to these
while working through this explanation and the examples.

The reader may use the coded statements in a number of different ways; some examples
are given below:

EXAMPLE 1: In the hypothetical coded statement given above the user will see that there
are three ITEMS of coded information given under the heading DEMOG, i.e. 0 2 6. From
the explanatory notes below it will be seen that three separate ITEMS of information are

(a) = village age/sex structure

(b) = fertility rates
(c) = infant and/or total mortality rates

It is clear therefore that the study has some information on all these three subjects. The
precise nature of this information can be ascertained by reference to the Coding Scheme
used for all three ITEMS, i.e. S.C.S. 3:

0 = quantitative data for aggregate

2 = quantitative data for aggregate and groups
6 = quantitative data for groups

The coded statement indicates therefore that for item (a) village age-structure, there are
some quantitative data for the whole village: for item (b) fertility rates, there are quantitative
data for the whole village in aggregate and for some groups within the village, and that for
item (c) infant and/or general mortality rates there are quantitative data for a group (or
groups) within the village comprising less than the total village population.

EXAMPLE 2: Here we assume that the reader has found one (or more) village studies
which may be of particular interest for his research purposes, for example, a village in the
Delta area of Andhra Pradesh, (see 0071); the main interest is in socio-economic stratification
and the incomes of the poor; it would be useful to obtain some information on the distribution
of land holdings and wage rates paid, and the reader wishes to know whether there are also
quantitative data on these subjects in the village study in question.

To find the likely location of information on land distribution, refer to the description of the
logic of the ordering of boxes outlined above. The appropriate information will most likely
be found within the groups of BOXES ‘M-L RT’ to ‘IRRG 2’. From a scan of the ITEMS
under these headings it is clear that information on the distribution of operated holdings is
given under ‘LAND 1’ ITEM (b). The code scheme applicable to that item is ‘Standard
Coding Scheme 3’ (S.C.S. 3). Referring then to the description of the Standard Coding
Scheme 3’. It is obvious that various forms of quantitative data could have been coded.

Actually coded in BOX `LAND 1’ ITEM (b) is the number 0 for our chosen village 0071,
which according to the Standard Coding System indicates quantitative data for the village
aggregate. It is clear therefore that there are data likely to be useful for our purposes. The
process of finding out about the availability of data on wage rates is similar. The following
steps are necessary:

i. : identify from the description of BOX HEADINGS the precise BOX HEADING and
ITEM required: i.e. ‘LABOUR’ (b)
ii. : check the Coding Scheme for that ITEM; i.e. S.C.S.3;
iii. : identify from the Coding Scheme the code numbers indicating the type of
data required; (in this case, Code 0, or, even better, Codes 2 or 3):
iv. : compare desired codes with those given under the HEADING ‘LABOUR’,
ITEM (b) in the coded statement for village 0071 (Code 2 is given).

EXAMPLE 3: The user may approach the coded section differently, using it, for example,
to identify all villages with given characteristics for which other information is desired.
Assume that out interest lies in the effect of a regular bus service on the take-up by
villagers of urban jobs; for simplicity we will confine investigations to the State of Gujarat.
We wish to identify firstly villages, which have a bus service and secondly, the sub-set of
the later for which information is available on occupational patterns. The first step is to
see whether our primary sorting criteria (presence of a bus service) has been specifically
indexed and included in the Topics Index. A quick check of all likely headings (e.g., buses,
transport, and communications) shows that it is not; the villages with public transport
facilities must be identified by an eye-scan. The following steps are then taken:

i. : identify the appropriate HEADING and ITEM, i.e. TRANSPORT (b) = motorised
public transport.
ii. : refer to the Coding Scheme used for that ITEM (S.C.S.1) for the code number
indicating the presence in the village of motorised public transport i.e. the number 1;
iii. : scan all the coded statements for Gujarat (nos.0231-0297) for villages having code
no.1 under the HEADING ‘TRNSPT’, ITEM (b). The following village studies are
relevant: 0232-7, 0239-45, 0247, 0249, 0253, 0264, 0276, 0278-9, 0280, 0283, 0285-
7, 0296-7.
iv. : Then identify, in the same way described in example 2 the location and type of
information on occupational patterns. Assume that code numbers 0,2, or 3 are required
for ITEM (a) under the HEADING ‘OCCP S’ and then,
v. : Identify from the sub-set of villages in (iii) above, those having the ‘code numbers 0,
2, or 3 for ITEM (a) under the HEADING ‘OCCPS’ i.e 0232-3, 0235-7, 0239-43,
0247, 0249, 0264, 0276, 0278-80, 0283, 0285-7.

In this way, therefore, the Coded Statements can be scanned to identify village studies
with data on any required number of the variables used.

Standard Coding Scheme

The coding schemes applicable to the ITEMS in the coded statement are explained in full
in the section below ‘Interpretation of HEADINGS’ and ITEMS. However, three
Coding Schemes have been used frequently for several ITEMS throughout the coded
statement; they are the Standard Coding Schemes abbreviated here and below to S.C.S.1;
S.C.S.2; and S.C.S.3.


Information coded under this scheme relates to the presence in or near the village of
specified public institutions or facilities (e.g. main roads, co-operative etc.) and whether
the villagers used them ‘significantly’. The village boundaries used for this category are
generally defined on administrative criteria; failing those, accepted customary definitions
are used. An example of every facility or institution may of course always be found
somewhere outside the village; the concern in this coding is to indicate only when such
facilities/institutions are used to such an extent by the villagers that it may be said that their
general life styles are influenced. For example the fact that two village boys were attending
a high school in a distant town would not have been coded, but the fact that 10 percent of
village teenagers attended a secondary school in a nearby town would have been coded.
Four symbols have been used for this Coding Scheme:

1. Facility/Institution is present within the village

2. Facility/Institution is present outside the village and used significantly by the villagers.
* Facility/Institution is absent
- No Information


Items coded under this scheme refer to the availability of certain kinds of information of a
very general nature about the village or the village population as a whole e.g. means of
transport, kinship, inheritance practices, climate, or health and medical practices. Such
information is, where given, almost always presented in a non-quantified form. A very
generous definition has been used of the concept of data ‘being available’; for example, a
short paragraph, which states that village political institutions are dominated by a particular
faction or caste is considered sufficient to be coded “data available” on “political
relationships”. It is recognised that such a generous conception of data available will not
be found helpful by all users. The alternatives were (a) to adopt a more rigid definition
which would have resulted in ‘burying’ the brief piece of information which can so often
prove useful, or (b) to classify data by some measure of ‘detail’ or ‘extent’ – this proved
unworkable. Only 2 symbols are used:

1. Data are available

2. Data are not available


Items coded under this scheme relate to the availability of certain kinds of information,
mostly of a demographic/economic/land use nature, for which we might expect both to
find significant differences among the households/individuals comprising a village population
and to find information on these differences in village study reports. For example, included
under this heading are indications of the type of data available in the reports on mortality
rates, patterns of labour use, ownership of livestock etc. Information is classified by type
as well as by availability. There are two dimensions along which ‘type of information is

The first is whether data are presented, wholly or partly in quantitative form, or whether
only non-quantified data are available. The term ‘quantitative’ includes both varying scales
of measurement (simple numbers, weight, area, monetary value, time, etc.) and varying
forms statistical presentation (totals, ratios, average, frequencies etc.).

The second dimension is the classes) of the village population to which the data refer.
Two (of a very large possible number) of classes are used: ‘aggregate and ‘groups’. Each
concept requires some explanation.

‘Aggregate’ refers to the largest possible group (within the context of the village population),
to which the data could by definition refer. This is to often the total village population. For
example, information on mortality or on food intakes is necessarily of this type. In other
cases, the concept applies, by definition, to only part of the village population: under the
item entitled‘ Wages/conditions of employed labour’ we could by definition find data relating
only to that section of the village population which works for wages; information on the
‘average wage rate for all labourers’ would be entered as ‘aggregate’ data. Similarly,
information on ‘Use of Irrigation’ can logically refer only to that section of the population,
which operates land. Information coded as ‘aggregate’ may take one of three forms:

(a) a general statement, quantitative or non quantitative, relating to the whole of the
relevant population (e.g. the total death rate is X; the average proportion of irrigated
land per farmer is Y); (b) a series of statements about each of a number of sub-
categories which collectively constitute the aggregate (e.g. average daily per capita
food intake for men is A, for women is B, and for children is C); (c) a series of
statements about each of all the individual units (persons or households) which
constitute the aggregate (e.g. total income of each village household). Information
relating to a sample of the total population is coded as ‘aggregate’ only if it is felt that
the sample is of a reasonable size and correctly taken.

The term ‘Groups’ refers to some sub-category of the relevant ‘Aggregate’. Data are
coded as available for ‘Groups’ whether they refer to only one ‘Group’ or to all defined
‘Groups’. ‘Groups’ are commonly defined according to one of the following criteria: sex,
age, social status, size of farm owned or operated. In fact, most of the quantitative data
coded under Groups’ in this volume, especially under items relating to agriculture and the

economy, indicate the presence of information for all `groups’ defined according to criteria
of occupation or farm size.

Nine symbols are used for items coded under this scheme:
0 Quantitative data available for Aggregate only.
1. Non-quantitative data available for Aggregate only.
2. Quantitative data available for both Aggregate and Groups.
3. Quantitative data available for Aggregate and non-quantitative data for Groups.
4. Non-quantitative data available for Aggregate and quantitative data for Groups.
5. Non-quantitative data available for both Aggregate and Groups.
6. Quantitative data available for Groups only.
7. Non-quantitative data available for Groups only.
- No information

Interpretation of the Headings and items

The abbreviated HEADINGS used in the coded statements are explained below. Under
each of these HEADINGS, two or three numerical ITEMS are given. The first number is
classed as Item (a) in the sections below, the second number as Item (b) and the third,
where included, as Item (c). For several ITEMS reference must be made to the three
Standing Coding Schemes described above. Some further explanatory notes are given at
the end of the section.

Two symbols have been used thr4ougout for all ITEMS in addition to those listed below.
They are:

- : no information is given
* : the phenomenon in question is absent.

ORIENT – Orientation of the Village Study

Item (a) The primary orientation of the written report as indicated by the substantive
content and analytical focus.

01 = General Socio-Economic
02 = Social Anthropology
03 = Social Structure
04 = Political Structure
05 = Agriculture and Land Use
06 = Employment/Labour Utilisation
07 = Migration
08 = Land Tenure/Labour Reform
09 = Irrigation

10 = Income/Expenditure/Credit
11 = Marketing
12 = Agricultural Extension
13 = Diffusion/Communication
14 = Education
15 = Decision-making
16 = Attitudes/Psychology
17 = Demography
18 = Electrification
19 = Food Consumption
20 = Nutritional Status
21 = Health
25 = Cooperatives
16 = Family Planning
22 = Others

Item (b) The secondary orientation. Codes as for (a) above.

STDY T – Types of Study

Item (a) Primary methodological approach
1 = Re-survey – village has previously been studied
2 = Re-survey, where the first survey was conducted by the same person(s)
organisation and the results of the first survey are to be found only in this re-
survey report.
3 = Longitudinal – the village has been studied continuously or over more than two
spans of time during a period of years.
4 = Comparative – the research explicitly compares more than one village.
5 = Historical = the history of the village is a major focus of the research

Item (a) Secondary methodological approach. Codes as for (a)

METHOD – Fieldwork method of data collection

1 = (Structured) Questionnaire
2 = Observation
3 = Written records
4 = Measurement/Weighment
5 = Mapping
6 = Key Informant
7 = Food Measurement/Weighment
8 = Anthropometric observations (for health data)
9 = Clinical observations (for health data)
Item (b) Secondary method, Codes as for (a) above
Item (c) Other methods Codes as for (a) above

Item (a) Main form in which data are presented in the report

1 = Mainly quantitative
2 = Mainly non-quantitative
3 = Both quantitative and non-quantitative

Item (b) The population sample from which the data are primarily derived
01 = All households/individuals1
02 = All adults
03 = All men
04 = All women
05 = All children
06 = All of some other groups smaller than the total village population
07 = Random sample of all households/individuals
08 = Random sample of all adults
09 = Random sample of all men
10 = Random sample of all women
11 = Random sample of all children
12 = Random sample of some other group smaller than the total village population
13 = Stratified sample of all households/individuals
14 = Stratified sample of all adults
15 = Stratified sample of all men
16 = Stratified sample of all women
17 = Stratified sample of all children
18 = Stratified sample of some other group smaller than the total village population
19 = Other sample

Item (c) Reliability of the data?2

1 = Good
2 = Fairly good
3 = Fair
4 = Data probably not very reliable
5 = Assessment Impossible

FLD YR – Year (s) of fieldwork

Item (a) The first calendar year during which fieldwork was undertaken3

01 = Before 1970 08 = 1981 15 = 1988 22 = 1995

02 = 1970-75 09 = 1982 16 = 1989 23 = 1996
03 = 1976 10 = 1983 17 = 1990 24 = none [for item (b) only]
04 = 1977 11 = 1984 18 = 1991 25 = no data
05 = 1978 12 = 1985 19 = 1992
06 = 1979 13 = 1986 20 = 1993
07 = 1980 14 = 1987 21 = 1994

Item (b) The second calendar year during which fieldwork was undertaken or two
calendar years, to the last calendar year in which it was undertaken.
Codes as for (a) above.

FLDWRK – Resources invested in fieldwork

Item (a) The period of time during which main data collection took place
1 = Less than one month
2 = Between one and three months
3 = Between three and six months
4 = More than six months

Item (b) The number of field workers engaged in data collection4

1 = one 5 = Five
2 = Two 6 = Six
3 = Three 7 = Seven or more
4 = Four

Item (c) Whether or not field staff was largely resident in the village during the period of
1 = Resident
2 = Non-resident

Item (a) Map of the village residential area (a)5
Item (b) Map of village fields
For coding details see S.C.S.2
VL POP – Village Population size and settlement pattern

Item (a) Size class of village population

0 = 0 to 100 5 = 1,001 to 1,500
1 = 101-250 6 = 1,502 to 2,000
2 = 251-500 7 = 2,001 to 3,000
3 = 501-750 8 = 3,001 or more
4 = 751 - 1000

Item (b) Village Settlement Pattern6

1 = Nucleated: all houses are grouped together
2 = Semi-nucleated: at least 50 % of houses are nucleated, the rest dispersed
3 = Nucleated with hamlets: at least 50 % of the houses are in one cluster, with most
of the remainder in one or more smaller cluster(s)
4 = Multi-cellular: houses are grouped in two or more clusters, each comprising less
than 50% of the total
5 = Dispersed: more than 50 % of the houses are scattered.

Town – Information on the nearest town7

Item (a) Distance (in km) of the village from the nearest town8

0 = 0 - 2
1 = 2.1 - 5.0
2 = 5.1 - 10.0
3 = 10.1 - 20.0
4 = 20.1 - 30.0
5 = 30.1 - 50.0
6 = 50.1 - 70.0
7 = 70.1 - 100.0
8 = 100+

Item (b) Population of nearest town9

0 = 0-5,000
1 = 5,001 - 10,000
3 = 15,001 - 25,000
4 = 25,001 - 50,000
5 = 50,001 - 100,000
6 = 100,001 - 250,000
7 = 250,001 - 500,000
8 = 500,001+

RD RL – Road and rail communications

Item (a) Distance (in km.)1 0 of village (centre) from the nearest main road
0 = 0 - 0.49 (i.e. road is in the village)
1 = 0.5 - 1.0
2 = 1.1 - 3.0
3 = 3.1 - 6.0
4 = 6.1 - 10.0
5 = 10.1 - 15.0
6 = 15.1 - 30.0
7 = 30.1 - 50.0
8 = 50.1+

Item (b) Distance (in km.) of village (centre) from the nearest railway station/halt
0 = 0 - 0.49 (i.e. station/halt in the village)
1 = 0.5 - 2.0
2 = 2.1 - 6.0
3 = 6.1 - 12.0
4 = 12.1 - 25.0
5 = 25.1 - 50.0
6 = 50.1 - 75.0
7 = 75.1 - 100.0
8 = 100.1+

Item (c) Presence in the village of metalled road1 1
For Coding details see S.C.S.1

TRNSPT – Transport Facilities

Item (a) Mean of conveyance used by villagers
For coding details see S.C.S.1

Item (b) Motorised public1 2 transport

For coding details see S.C.S.1

COMM – Commercial Institutions

Item (a) Retail1 3 outlets
Item (b) Credit Institutions1 4 (excluding co-operative credit institutions. Which are treated
For Coding details see S.C.S.1

RNFLL – Rainfall
Item (a) Average annual rainfall (in cm.)1 5
1 = 10 20 = 200
2 = 20 21 = 210+
3 = 30
4 = 40 etc.
Item (b) Degree of seasonal concentration of rainfall: the percentage of average annual
rainfall falling in those months in which rainfall exceeds the simple monthly average i.e.
annual average 161 6
1 = 40%
2 = 50%
3 = 60%
4 = 70%
5 = 80%
6 = 90%
7 = 100%

Item (c) Availability of information on rainfall for consecutive years

1 = Monthly rainfall for 8+ years
2 = Annual rainfall only for 8+ years
3 = Monthly for 6 or 7 years
4 = Annual rainfall only for 6 or 7 years
5 = Monthly rainfall for 4 or 5 years
6 = Annual rainfall only for 4 or 5 years

TERRN – Terrain
Item (a) Primary feature of the terrain of the village and its immediate locality

1 = High altitude (2,000+ metres above see level)
2 = Mountains
3 = Hilly
4 = Undulating/sloping
5 = Plain
6 = Plateau
7 = Valley
8 = Forested
9 = On river bank
10 = On coast/lake shore
11 = Flood-plain/river delta
12 = Arid
13 = Swamp/waterlogged whole or part of the year
14 = Bush
15 = Parkland, (i.e. light tree covering)
16 = Grass land
19 = Rocky/broken
20 = Eroded
21 = Prone to flooding

Item (b) Secondary feature, codes as for (a) above

Item (a) Relative fertility of the village soil1 7
1 = Obviously fertile/good
2 = Obviously infertile/poor
3 = Intermediate
Item (b) Technical data on soil type/structure/composition1 8
For Coding details see S.C.S.2
M-L RT – Man-Land ratios (hectares of village land1 9 per head of village population)2 0
Item (a) Total village land
0 = 0 - 0.20
1 = 0.21 - 0.40
2 = 0.41 - 0.60
3 = 0.61 - 0.80
4 = 0.81 - 1.00
5 = 1.01 - 1.25
6 = 1.26 - 1.50
7 = 1.51 - 2.00
8 = 2.01+
Item (b) Net cropped2 1 village land. Codes as for (a) above
Item(c) Gross cropped village land.
Codes as for (a) above

Item (a) Prevailing system of land tenure: rights held by those who operate the land2 2
1 = owner-operator2 3 system: at least 70% of the land operated by the villagers is
2 = Intermediate systems: between 29% and 69% of land operated by the villagers
is owner-operated
3 = Landlord systems: 30% or less of the land operated by villagers is owner-

Item (b) The most common form in which rent is paid

1 = Cash
2 = Produce2 4
3 = Labour

Item (c) The second most common form in which rents are paid. Codes as for (b) above

Item (a) distribution of land owned
Item (b) Distribution of land areas operated
Item (c) Tenancy: incidence, type, rents etc.
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Item (a) Spatial location of cultivated plots2 5
Item (b) Fragmentation of land holdings into separate plots
Item (c) Land transactions: sales, mortgages, etc.
For coding details see S.C.S.3

PRO 1 – Produce2 6
Item (a) The most important commodity produced by villagers
1 = Wheat
2 = Rice
3 = Maize
4 = Millets and Sorghums
5 = Other Cereals (e.g. barley, oat, rye)
6 = Potato (Trish or white) Root crops
7 = Other root crops. (including cassava/manloe, yams, sweet potato, cocoyama,
ginger, Excludes vegetables, e.g. carrots, beetroot)
8 = Vegetables (includes all leafy vegetables, gourds and related plants and all
European vegetables. except pulses, i.e. the bean/pea family. Excludes
9 = Groundnut (or peanut)
10 = Other Oil seeds
11 = Pulses (i.e., bean/pea family)
12 = Cotton

13 = Coffee
14 = Tea
15 = Tobacco
16 = Sugar cane Cash
17 = Jute, Flax and other plant fibres products2 7
18 = Silk
19 = Wool
20 = Milk and other animal products, including hides, skins and carcasses
21 = Other cash crops (excluding tree crops)
22 = Banana/Plantain
23 = Olives
24 = Rubber
25 = Oil Pal,
26 = Coconut (and Copra)
27 = Cocoa
28 = Fruit Tree Crops
29 = Other Tree Crops (e.g., arecanut, casuarina, and betel. Includes those used
wood and those tapped for ‘toddy’, palm sugar, or similar sap products)
30 = Fodder crops
31 = Other agricultural/Forestry products
32 = Fish and other Sea/Lake/River products
33 = Manufacturing, Artisan and Mining products

Item (b) The second most important commodity produced.

Codes as for (a) above

Item (a) The third most important commodity produced
Item (b) The fourth most important commodity produced.
Codes as for PROD 1 (a) above

CSH PR – Cash Products

Item (a) The most important commodity sold2 8
Item (b) The second most important commodity sold
Codes as for PROD 1 (a) above

Item (a) Areas under different crops/cropping patterns
Item (b) Cropping calender and/or the crop rotations pursued
For coding details see S.C.S.3

AG SYS – Agricultural systems2 9

Item (a) The dominant type of agricultural system practiced in the village

1= Shifting cultivation: land is left fallow for several years between intervals of
2= Permanent cultivation with short fallow: most arable land is cropped at least
once a year, but at least 30% pf the net cropped area is left fallow throughout
the (average) year.
3= Permanent cultivation: nearly all land is cropped at least once a year
4= Intensive cultivation: 50% or more of the net cropped at least twice a year.
(i.e. the gross cropped area equals at least 150% of the net-cropped area).
5= Fishing
6= Animal-rearing: this is included where animals are an important source of income
beyond their role as providers of manure and draft power. Animal rearing is
defined to be ‘important’ if it is the main occupation of at least 20% of the
active population or the secondary occupation of at least 50%.
7= Permanent tree crops

Item (b) The second most important type of agricultural system practised in the village.
Codes as for (a) above.

CULT T – Techniques of soil cultivation

Item (a) Primary method used to till the soil
1 = Hoe, digging-stick, spade of other manual method
2 = Animal-drawn plough
3 = Tractor

Item (b) Secondary method used to till the soil

Codes as for (a) above

AG TEC – Features of agricultural techniques

Item (a) Mechanised devises
Item (b) draft animals
Item (c) Other aspects of techniques used
For coding details sec S.C.S.3

IRRG 1 – Irrigation
Item (a) Percentage of the net cropped is of the village, which in normally irrigated,
(rounded to the nearest figure)
2 = Some, but less that 2 ½
3 = 5%
4 = 10%
5 = 20%
6 = 30%
7 = 40%
8 = 50%

9 = 60%
10 = 70%
11 = 80%
12 = 90%
13 = 100%
14 = No precise data; probably 2 ½ - 30%
15 = No precise data; probably 31-70%
16 = No precise data; probably 71-100%

Item (b) Main source of irrigation water 3 0

1 = River/stream: any natural flow, including controlled rivers
2 = Canal
3 = Wells
4 = Tube-well(s)
5 = Pond/Tank/Reservoir; Lake
6 = Small scale system of channelling rain-water to selected plots

Item (c) Secondary source of irrigation water

Codes as for (b) above

IRRG 2 – Irrigation
Item (a) Means of Irrigation
Item (b) Use of Irrigation facilities
For coding details see S.C.S.3

AG INP – Agricultural* inputs3 1

Item (a) Use of chemical fertilizers
Item (b) Use of manure
Item (c) Use of ‘new seeds 3 2
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Item (a) Farm output measured by weight or volume
Item (b) Farm output measured by monetary value
Item (c) Non farm output (quantity, volume of value)
For coding details see S.C.S.3

MARKET –Marketing or farm and/or non-farm output

Item (a) Amount of produce marketed
Item (b) Prices at which produce is sold
Item (c) Form of marketing: agency, form of contract, location of transaction, etc.
For coding details see S.C.S.3

STORE – Storage of farm and/or non-farm output
Item (a) Timing of sales/length of storage
Item (b) Storage methods
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Item (a) Total incomes (net or gross)
Item (b) Income sources
For coding details see S.C.S.3

EXPEND - Expenditure3 3
Item (a) Expenditure on food
Item (b) Expenditure on non-food items
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Item (a) Credit (sources/uses/rates of interest)
Item (b) Possession of financial assets and/or liabilities
Item (c) Net or gross changes over time in ownership of productive assets
For coding details see S.C.S.3

GOODS – Possession of goods

Item (a) Livestock
Item (b) Other farm assets and farm implements
Item (c) Consumer durables
For coding details see S.C.S.3

LV STD – Living Standards

Item (a) House types
Item (b) Possession of radios
For coding details see S.C.S.1

DEMOG – Demography
Item (a) Village age-sex structure
Item (b) Fertility rates
Item (c) Infant and/or total mortality rates
For coding details see S.C.S.3

MIGR P – Permanent Migration3 4

Item (a) Emigration from the village
Item (b) Immigration into the village
Item (c) Remittances received and/or sent by villagers
For coding details see S.C.S.3

MIGR S – Temporary and seasonal migration
Item (a) Emigration from the village
Item (b) Immigration into the village
For coding details see S.C.S.3

HSEHOLD – Characteristics of households

Item (a) Household size
Item (b) Household composition and/or structure
For coding details see S.C.S.3

OCCP S – Occupational pattern by economic sector3 5

Item (a) Sectoral distribution of primary occupations3 6
Item (b) Sectoral distribution of secondary occupations
For coding details see S.C.S.3

OCCP F – Occupational pattern by economic function3 7

Item (a) Functional distribution of primary occupations
Item (b) Functional distribution of secondary occupations
For coding details see S.C.S.3

EMPLOY – Aspects of employment

Item (a) Employment of villagers outside the village
Item (b) Presence in the village of industrial employment3 8
Item (c) Generational changes in occupational structure
For coding details see S.C.S.3

LAB TL – Use of labour time3 9 in all economic activities4 0

Item (a) Aggregate data on the input of labour time for a full year
Item (b) Input of labour time, disaggregated by types of activity, for a full year
Item (c) Input of labour time for a period less than a year
For coding details see S.C.S.3

LAB AG – Use of labour time in agricultural4 1 activities

Item (a) Aggregate data on the input of labour time for a full year/agricultural year
Item (b) Input of labour time, disaggregated by types of activity, for a full year/
agricultural year
Item (c) Input of labour time for a period less than a full year/agricultural year4 2
For coding details see S.C.S.3

PARTIC – Labour force participation4 3

Item (a) Labour force participation
Item (b) Labour force participation rates
Item (c) Relative labour contributions of family4 4 and hired labour
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Item (a) Communal or exchange labour practices
Item (b) Wages and/or conditions of hired labour
Item (c) Labour productivity in the performance of specific activities4 5
For coding details see S.C.S.3

SCHOOL – Availability of Schools 4 6

Item (a) Primary4 7
Item (b) Secondary
For coding details see S.C.S.1

EDU – Education and Literacy

Item (a) Educational attainments of the village population and/or rates of current school
Attendance4 8
Item (b) Literacy status of the village population
For coding details see S.C.S.3

MEDIC – Medicine
Item (a) Health/medical practices of the villagers4 9
For coding details see S.C.S.2
Item (b) Modern health/medical institutions5 0
For coding details see S.C.S.1

Item (a) Child rearing practices
Item (b) Prevalence of disease/infestations
Item (c) Sanitary practices and conditions
For coding details see S.C.S.1

Item (a) Food Consumption
Item (b) Food sources
Item (c) Nutritional status
For coding details see S.C.S.3

LAN RL – Language and Religion

Item (a) Language spoken by the village population5 1
1 = Villagers speak the national language5 2
2 = Villagers do not speak the national language

Item (b) The religion of the villagers5 3

1 = Budhism
2 = Budhism with other religion(s)

3 = Christianity
4 = Christianity with other religion(s)
5 = Hinduism with other religion(s)
6 = Hinduism
7 = Islam
8 = Islam with other religion(s)
9 = Sikhism
10 = Sikhism with other religion(s)
11 = Non-major religion(s)5 4
12 = Non-major religion(s) with Budhism
13 = Non-major religion(s) with Christianity
14 = Non-major religion(s) with Hinduism
15 = Non-major religion(s) with Islam
16 = Non-major religion(s) with Sikhism
17 = Confucianism
18 = Confucianism with other religion(s)

ETHNOG – Ethnographic details

Item (a) Social/groups categories
Item (b) Kinship system(s) and/or relations
Item (c) Inheritance practices
For coding details see S.C.S.2

Item (a) Religious/mythical beliefs/practices of the villagers
Item (b) Religious institutions5 5
For coding details see S.C.S.1

ATTDS – Attitudes of villagers

Item (a) Attitudes towards family planning
Item (b) Attitudes towards social and/or political issues
Item (c) Attitudes towards economic issues and/or agricultural practices
For coding details see S.C.S.3

PLTICS – Politics
Item (a) Intra-village political relationships
For coding details see S.C.S.2

Item (b) Elective political institutions5 6

Item (c) Members of political institutions operating at the supra-village level5 7
For coding details see S.C.S.1

COOP 1 – Cooperative facilities5 8
Item (a) Marketing cooperatives
Item (b) Service cooperatives5 9
Item (c) Credit cooperatives
For coding details see S.C.S.1

COOP 2 – Membership and use of cooperative facilities

Item (a) Membership of cooperatives
Item (b) Use of cooperative facilities
For coding details see S.C.S.3

Explanatory Notes

1. This includes studies not based on any defined sample, but relating to the village
population as a whole.

2. A subjective - and therefore very approximate - assessment of the relative overall

reliability of the data contained in the report. Assessments are based on data contained
in the report on fieldwork methods, on internal consistency, and in very many cases,
on judgements, on the research work of various research institutions visited for his
very purpose by members of the team responsible for this bibliography. A major
factor affecting the assessment is the length of time during which the fieldworkers
lived in the village. Reports written by the person(s) who conducted the fieldwork
are in general felt to be more reliable than those in which the writer played little or no
role in the fieldwork.

Note that this assessment of data reliability is independent of the clarity of the data
presentation, the sophistication of the analysis and the palatability of the conclusions

3 This refers to the survey reported in the publication(s) annotated, i.e. in the case of
re-surveys, it does not include the data of the first survey.

4 The presence of two persons each for half the period of fieldwork is equivalent to the
full-time presence of one person.

5 Sketch maps are included.

6 It was not always possible to assign villages with complete confidence to one of the
five categories enumerated.

7 The definition of ‘town’ varies widely from country to country, and sometimes within
countries (See UN Demographic Yearbooks). A settlement of 2,000 persons may be
a fairly large village in one area, and a town in another. We have accepted the definitions

of ‘town’ given in the reports. This is not as inconsistent as it may at first seem:
settlements are usually designated ‘towns’ when they fulfil mainly urban functions
(administration, trading, tertiary services in general). There is more consistency in
international usage that is implied by simple comparison of minimum population sizes
required for urban status.

8 The distance is generally measured from the outskirts rather than the town centre.

9 Town population is taken as that enumerated in the decennial censuses.

10 This refers to the actual distance travelled on the ground, and not to a national link on
a map.
11 Main road is defined to be a well-used road, with public transport facilities, and
usually connecting two major settlement centres. There is clearly potential for
conflicting interpretations.

12 ‘Public’ implies that villagers are in practice able to purchase transport, regardless of
whether or not there is formally a public transport system.

13 ‘Retail outlets’ are defined as permanent institutions (i.e. excluding hawkers) selling
goods produced outside the village.

14 This includes all persons/institutions giving loans for profit.

15 Measured at the recording station nearest the village, calculated with reference to as
many years as data are available, and rounder to the nearest number ending in 0.

16 The total is rounded to the nearest number ending in 0.

17 A very subjective and relative categorisation. Some weighing is given to such factors
as workability, which, while not affecting fertility in a direct sense, contributes to the
determination of agricultural potential.

18 There should be sufficient information for the soil scientist to be able to make some

19 The total area of the village is preferably defined on administrative criteria; failing
that, customarily accepted boundaries are used. In India the administrative (revenue)
village nearly always corresponds meaningfully to a settlement and to the bulk of the
lands owned/operated by persons living in that settlement.

20 ‘Not cropped’ refers to the actual physical area, which is cropped at any time during
the agricultural year. The ‘gross cropped’ area refers to the summation of the areas
cropped in each season of the agricultural year. ‘The gross cropped’ area refers to
the summation of the arrears cropped in each season of the agricultural year. For

example, take a village with 100 hectares of arable land divided into two areas A and
B each of 50 hectares, and having two cropping seasons in the year. If area A is
cropped in the first season and area B in the second season, the net cropped area is
100 hectares. If, however, half of area A is cropped again in the second season, the
gross cropped area is 125 hectares.

21 For present purposes, the area ‘cropped’ includes the area sown to crops, which fail
to mature. Included in both net and gross cropped areas is the area of land fallowed
for a short-term; i.e. one year; land fallowed for longer periods is not included.
Permanent crops (e.g. tea and similar shrubs), or crops in the ground for two or
more agricultural seasons (e.g., sugar cane), are counted only once.

22 Land operators are the persons primarily responsible for day-to-day decision-making
and management.

23 ‘Ownership’ entails: (i) a claim to a portion of the usufruct legitimised by the concept
of ‘property rights’ rather than by claims of religious or political hegemony (tithes or
taxes); (ii) ‘de facto’ rights to control the use of land. Persons holding a mortgage
over land are not treated as owners. Persons holding land nominally ‘owned’ by
superior political authorities (the State in parts of India) are considered owners if they
have the ‘de facto’ ability to sell and lease land. Persons occupying land under
customary tenure are considered to be owners. Thus the emphasis of the concept of
ownership used here is on ‘de facto; control over the use and usufruct of land, and is
intended primarily to distinguish ‘owners’ from ‘tenants’.

24 Payment in produce typically, but not necessarily, coincides with share-cropping, i.e.
payment of a fixed share of the crop.

25 Accurate scale maps of fields and plots qualify as quantitative data.

26 Included here are all goods, agricultural and non-agricultural, produced by villagers.
The relative importance of different products is measured ideally by reference to the
monetary values. Where data are not given on output values, relative importance is
estimated by using data as exist on cropped area, yields, income sources, etc.

Commodities are coded here only if they are ‘important’ defined such that they must
account f9or at least 20% of the total value of villagers’ output. Thus a code (*)
indicating ‘phenomena absent’ rarely means that no other commodities are produced
at all, by simply that there are no others of ‘importance’.

Goods produced by enterprises located outside the village and using the hired labour
of villagers (e.g., factory-made products) ate not considered here.

27 Products, which are usually produced on a large-scale only if destined primarily for

28 Calculated ideally by reference to the monetary value of sales. Where there is necessary,
estimation is conducted as described in note 26 above. Only commodities accounting
for a least 20% of the total monetary value of all sales are included.

29 ‘Agricultural system’ is used as convenient shorthand for the broader concept of

‘system of biological exploitation of the environment’: it includes fishing. Seven
types of ‘agricultural’ system have been designed. The difference between them is
largely a matter 1-4, which are different points on a continuous of cropping intensity.
The categorisation proved, however, to be very workable, and rarely required judgement
on finely balanced issue. Where two or more systems were practiced in the village,
relative importance was defined by the relative contributions to total output (in monetary

30 Before being used in the field, irrigation water may pass through more than one of the
listed irrigation devices, i.e., it may emanate directly from a lake, which is fed from a
canal system. Where possible, both devices are coded. If lack of space dictates a
choice the device ultimately of most importance (i.e. in our example, probably the
canal), is coded.

31 Quantities, areas, values, etc.

32 ‘New seeds’ indicates new strains associated with the ‘green revolution’.

33 The concept of ‘expenditure’ normally includes imputed values for home-produced

item of consumption.

34 Data refer to recent rather than historical events.

35 Examples of ‘economic sectors’ are: agriculture, dairying, sheep rearing, fishing,

artisan production, services, white-collar occupations, and trading.

36 Occupational specialisation is unusual in the villages included in this bibliography.

There are a number of ways of distinguishing primary, secondary, (and tertiary)
occupations” the relative income earned, the proportion of working time spent at
each, or some more subjective assessment. For bibliographical purposes once can
but accept the varying definitions adopted in the original studies.

37 ‘Function’ refers to relationships to the means of production: self-employed, employer,

wage-labourer, share cropper, etc.

38 For present purposes an ‘industrial’ establishment is one in which at least 12 persons

work in one place in manufacturing and/or processing.

39 Data may be presented in a variety of forms: in person-months, weeks, or days, the

latter sometimes standardised in eight-hour or ten-hour days.

40 Housework and related activities (food processing, collection of water and firewood,
preparation of dung-cakes for firing) are excluded from the category ‘economic

41 Data coded here may sometimes relate only to crop production and processing,
excluding other activities such as animal-care, repair of implements, and marketing.

42 The labour input into agriculture may at certain times of the year be so low that it can
reasonably be excluded from consideration.

43 The distinction between ‘participation’ and ‘non-participation] often has very limited
meaning where family farming prevails, where much food processing is undertaken
by women who are considered as not economically-active; and where climatic
conditions and disease reduce the effectiveness of work undertaken. The concept is
however widely used in the reports included in this bibliography, sometimes
supplemented with an intermediate category of ‘part-time participant’ or ‘helper’ (as
opposed to self-supporting worker’).

44 The concept of family labour’ includes all non-hired labour e.g. exchange labour.

45 Data coded here would take the form, for example, of average area of cereals harvested
per man-day; a simple calculation of total output per man-day of work of all kinds is

46 ‘Schools’ are defined to mean all educational institutions, regardless of how, or by

whom, organised, except those, which teach only, or almost entirely, religious doctrine
and fail to teach literacy in the language of daily usage.

47 ‘Primary’ refers to the age groups between about five and eleven years of age. Indian
‘middle schools’ are usually categorised as ‘primary’.

48 School attendance is invariably lower than registration statistics imply.

49 This includes data on types of remedies used, relationship of practices to religious

beliefs, use of medical facilities, etc.

50 This broad category, covering nutrition advisers and midwives as well as doctors and
nurses, refers to practitioners using ‘modern’ ‘western’ concepts/training/drugs; it
is intended specifically to exclude ‘traditional’ practitioners.

51 The language habitually used by the majority of the population.

52 The ‘national language’ is defined as the language of the bulk of the population and of
administration in the relevant polity; in the Indian case the polity is the individual state.

Intelligible dialects of the national language are treated as part o0f the national language.
The aim of this categorisation is the identification of linguistic and ethnic minorities.

53 It was occasionally difficult to decide how to classify minority religions (e.g. tribal
animism, Christianity) deeply influenced by Hinduism.

54 For the purpose of this bibliography the category ‘non-major religions’ includes all
religions except those named (i,e., Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism
and Confucianism).

55 ‘Institutions’ is defined broadly to include human religious functionaries and places

of worshi9p or religious veneration.

56 This refers only to institutions formally representing all the population (and therefore
elected by adults) or all village households (and therefore elected by household heads
usually adult males).

57 These institutions may be representative bodies, formal political parties, or other

institutions, which play a primarily political role, e.g. many youth movements.

58 This includes only permanent institutions with some formally defined structure.

59 i.e., co-operatives supplying inputs for farmers (fertiliser, seed) or raw material for
persons engaged in processing (e.g., coir for coir weavers).


Annotated Index to Census Villages, 1961


1. Ayyangarkulam (Monograph No.1). Five miles from Kancheepuram town off

Kancheepuram – Vandavasi road, Kancheepura, taluk. Main village with Harijan
colony. Electrified. Population 1437 in 335 HHs. Major castes: Sengunthar Mudaliar
(62.2 per cent), Nattar (14.3) and Valluva Pandarams (SC) (9.8). Handloom silk
weaving major source of non-agricultural employment. Tank and well irrigation.
Mainly paddy cultivation. Panchayat dominated by Sangunthars.
2. Sunnambukulam (Monograph No.23). 6 ½ miles from Gummidipundi, Ponneri taluk.
Adjoins Pulicat Lake. Main village and four hamlets. Electrified. Population 2331
in 532 HHs. Major castes: Vannia Reddiars (55.0), Bharathava Chettis (10.0) and
Beri Chettis (12.0). Lime sell collection provides important source of subsidiary
employment, the industry is dominated by a few Beri Chettis. No irrigation except
for a few wells. Paddy, dry crops and casuarinas. Vanniars dominate in Panchayat.

South Arcot

3. Arkavadi (M.No.27). Interior village 6 miles from Manulurpet on Thiruvannamalai

– Thirukoilur road, Kallakurichi taluk. Main village with Harijan colony. Not electrified.
Population 728 in 150 HHs. Major castes: Vanniars (58.0), Reddiars (14.0) Parayars
(SC) (14.0), Konars (6.5). Limited irrigation from wells and channel from
Musukundha River. Groundnut, millets and paddy. Vanniars dominate in Panchayat.
4. Thadagam (M.No.9). Interior village 19 miles from Gingee and 3 ½ miles from
nearest roadside village of Mallanpillaipetral, Gingee taluk. Linear settlement around
hillock. Adjoins reserved forest. Not electrified. Population 1404 in 303 HHs.
Major castes: Vannia Goundars (77.0). Oddars (9.0), Thuluva Naickers (6.0). Tank
and well irrigation. Groundnut, millets, paddy. Collection of firewood from reserved
forest is source of supplementary income. Vanniars dominant in Panchayat.


5. Aladipatti (M.No.13). Hill village at altitude of 2500 fest n Arunoothumali, Salem

taluk. Kombur at foothills is 17 miles from Salem on Harur road. Main settlement

Source: Guhan, S. (1985): Thirty one villages of Tamil Nadu: The 1961 Census Monographs, Digest Series
No. 4, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai.

within walled enclosure with huts scattered among fields. Not electrified. Population
709 in 160 HHs. Mainly populated by Malayalis (ST). No irrigation. Millet cultivation.
Telugu Chettiars control informal land leases.
6. Arkasanahalli (M.No.3). Interior village 6 miles from Thoppur Ghats on Madras-
Calicut road, Dharmapuri taluk. Main village with 6 hamlets. Not electrified.
Population 1486 in 298 HHs. Major castes: Vanniars (53.5), Okkaligas (15.3),
Gollas (14.7). SC (Mainly Murasu Parayar, 12.1). Limited irrigation from wells on
riverbed of Hagavathi and percolation wells. Millets and paddy. Vanniars and
Okkaligas dominate in Panchayat.
7. Iswaramoorthipalayam (M.No.17). 16 miles from Attur on Attur-Rasipuram road,
Rasipuram taluk. Main village and one hamlet. Electrified. Population 2351 in 535
HHs. Major castes: Vanniars, Kurumbars, Jangama Pandaram, and Kongu Vellalas.
Well irrigation covers about a fourth of cultivated area. Tapioca (introduced by
Kongu Vellalas) gram in garden lands as cash crop for sago industry, millets in dry
lands. Weaving and stoneware pot (kalchatti) manufacture are subsidiary occupations.
Panchayat and co-operative society dominated by Vanniars.
8. Kanakagiri (M.No.6). 12 miles from Salem on Madras-Calicut highway, Sankari
taluk. Main village and 6 hamlets. Electrified. Population 1537 in 325 HHs. Main
castes: Vanniar (20.6) Kongu Shanars (17.6), Kongu Goundars (17.2), Senguntha
Mudaliars (14.2), SC (Pallar, Chakkiliyar, Parayar, 13.7). Limited tank and well
irrigation. Groundnut millets, paddy, other cash crops. Weaving and Palmyra tapping
important subsidiary occupations. Kongu Goundars is the dominant landholding
caste. Panchayat controlled by Vanniars, Goundars, and Sangunthars.
9. Pappanaickenpatti (M.No.22). 12 miles from Attur at foot of Periyakalrayan Hills,
Attur taluk. Ten hamlets. Not electrified. Population 1787 in 353 HHs. Main
communities: Malayalis (ST. 79.7), Gollas (8.1) also Muslims, Telugu Chettiars,
Vanniars, and Kavara Naidus. Few wells. Predominantly millet cultivation. Malayalis
are mainly engaged in transport of minor forest produce from the hills to marketing
centre in the plains. Telugu Chettiars, Kavara Naidus, and Muslims control land.
Malayalis is the majority in Panchayat.


10. Nellithorai (M.No.23). Hill village in 11 hamlets at elevations of 1000 to 2000 feet in
Nilgiris, 3½ miles to interior from Mettupalayam, Avanashi taluk. Electrified.
Population 1005 in 256 HHs. Main communities: Irulars (ST, 57.1) and Okkaligas
(25.8). Irrigation from Coonoor river channel and wells. Areca nut topes, paddy
and millets. Areca nut topes owned by absentee owners in Coimbatore and
Mettupalayam; informal leases with Okkaligas. Panchayat dominated by Okkaligas.


11. Hallimoyar (M.No.20). Hill village at altitude of 1300 feet, 3 miles to interior on
forest pathway from Thangumarahada, Coonoor taluk. Single settlement. Not
electrified. Population 191 in 44 HHs. Main communities: Irulars (ST 69.6),
Okkaligas (15.7), Panaithar (8.9), Badagas (5.8). Irrigation from jungle stream.
Paddy and kumri cultivation of millets. Land controlled by non-tribesfolk. Badagas
is dominant in panchayat.


12. Kadambangudi (M.No.15). Interior village 3 miles from Solangampetti on Thanjavur-

Thiruchirapalli railway line. Thanjavur taluk. Main village and 2 hamlets. Population
717 in 163 HHs. Main communities: Udayar (26.9), Kallar (21.9), Mutharajah
(21.9). Padmadilar Chettiars (9.5), Christians (7.0). Grand Anicut canal main irrigation
source supplemented by tank. Predominantly paddy (two crops). Some handloom
cotton weaving. Udayars main landowning community and dominant in Panchayat.
13. Kunnalur (M.No.11). 1½ miles off Tiruthuraipundi-Pattukottai road, Thiruthuraipundi
taluk. Main village and 2 hamlets. Not electrified. Population 1749 in 402 HHs.
Main castes: Pallars (Vaikkarar, 58.4), Thevars (22.1). Irrigated by Cauvery delta.
Severe drainage problems. Predominantly paddy (single crop). About two-thirds
of cultivated extent under lease from Vadaranyam Devasthanam. Panchayat reflects
caste composition by informal agreement.
14. Vilangulam (M.No.25). Coastal village 6 miles from Sethubabachatram, Pattukottai
taluk. Main village with one hamlet. Not electrified. Population 1247 in 309 HHs.
Main communities: Pallars (22.9), Christian Pallars (9.7), Thevars (22.1), Kallars
(10.8). Irrigation by Grand Anicut canal and tanks. Predominantly paddy (mostly
single crop). Due representation for Pallars in Panchayat.


15. Ariyur (M.No.31) 12½ miles from Karur, Karur taluk. Main village and 3 hamlets.
Electrified. Population 1618 in 404 HHs. Main communities: Kongu Goundars
(63.7) SC (mainly Chakkiliyar, 21.7). Limited well irrigation. Millets and gingelly
main crops. Cotton spinning and weaving subsidiary occupations.
16. Thenbaranadu (M.No.2). Hill village in 16 hamlets located between 700 and 3200
feet in the Pachamalai, 10 miles from Uppliapuram, Musiri taluk. Not electrified.
Population 1826 in 397 HHs. Exclusively inhabited by Malayalis (ST). No irrigation
except from two small tanks. Predominantly millets.
17. Thiruvellarai (M.No.4). 9 miles from Srirangam off Tiruchirapalli-Thuraiyur road,
Lalgudi taluk. Main village and 2 hamlets. Electrified. Population 2184 in 512 HHs.
Main communities: Muthurajah (61.9), Sengunthur Mudaliar (5.8), SC (10.6). Limited

well and tank irrigation. Millets, groundnut, paddy (single crop) Diamond dressing
provides subsidiary occupation. High level of tenancy. Panchayat reflects caste
composition by informal understanding.


18. Perivur (M.No.24). Hill village at elevation of 4000 feet, 9 miles to interior from
Kanalikadu, Kodaikanal taluk. 20 hamlets. Not electrified. Population 2449 in 613
HHs. Main communities: Telugu Chettiars (44.6), Pulayars (ST, 33.3), Mannadiar
(11.1), Coffee, Cardamom, Plantain, and citrus plantatio0ns. Mannadiars dominate
in land ownership and Panchayat.
19. Sirumalai (M.No.5). Hill village at altitude of 3500 feet in Sirumalai, Dindigul taluk.
3 hamlets. Not electrified. Population 1920 in 413 HHs. Main communities: Pandya
Vallalas (31.4) Balija Naidus (17.5), SC (26.3), Pulayar (ST 4.2), Coffee, Plantain
and citrus plantations.
20. Thiruvalavayanallur (M.No.30). 14 miles from Madurai of Madurai-Dindigul highway.
Main village with two Harijan colonies. Electrified. Population 542 in 139 HHs.
Main communities: Muslims (Rowthers and Pattanians, 30.8), Pandya Vallalas (24.5),
SC (33.8). Tank irrigation linked to Periyar system. Predominantly paddy (single
crop). Mat weaving provides some subsidiary occupation. High level of tenancy.
Vellalas is the dominant group in the Panchayat.
21. Vilpatti (M.No.5). Hill village, 5 miles from Kodaikanal town, Kodaikanal taluk. Main
village and 4 hamlets. Electrified. Population 3189. Main communities: Reddiars,
Pillais, Mannadiars, and Mudaliars. Potato and Plantation crops.


22. Athangarai (M.No.12). Coastal village at statuary of Vaigai 12 miles from

Ramanathapuram, Ramanathapuram taluk. Main village and one hamlet. Not
electrified. Population 1721 in 357 HHs. Main communities: Muslims (37.5), Maravar
(35.2), Valayar (5.5), Idayar (5.1). No irrigation. Millets. Fishing important
subsidiary occupation; controlled by Muslim master fishermen. Muslims and
Maravars are dominant in Panchayat.
23. Golwarpatti (M.No.25). 8 miles from Sattur, 4 ½ miles to interior from Sattur-
Virudhunagar road, Sattur taluk. 10 hamlets. Electrified. Population 2013 in 501
HHs. Mainly populated Pallars (72.7) and Christian Pallars (15.2). Limited tank
irrigation. Millets, paddy, cotton. Panchayat informally chosen by elders with
representation to hamlets.
24. Visavanoor (M.No.14). Interior village 15 miles from Ilayankudi, Paramakudi Taluk.
8 hamlets. Not electrified. Population 3091 in 649 HHs. Main communities:
Christians (61.9), Idayar (22.9), Muslims (8.1), Maravar (6.2). Limited irrigation
from rain-fed tanks. Millets, paddy, some cash crops. Cooperative society and
panchayat dominated by Maravars.


25. Kilakottai (M.No.21). Interior village 3 miles from Tirunelveli-Madras Road, Kovilpatti
taluk. 3 hamlets. Electrified. Population 1398 in 276 HHs. Mainly populated by
Pallars (44.9) and Christian Pallars (41.8) belonging to Veeranattur and Devandrakular
subdivisions. Limited well irrigation. Millets and cotton. Veeranattars dominate
cooperative society and panchayat.
26. Pudukulam (M.No.10). 10 miles from Tirunelveli town off Cape Comorin road,
Tirunelveli taluk. 8 hamlets. Not electrified. Population 1609 in 331 HHs. Christians
(mainly Nadars, 47.4) Maravar (16.9), Nadar (8.2), SC (11.8). Limited tank irrigation
linked to Nanimuthar project. Paddy, cotton. Nadars are dominant in the Panchayat.
27. Ravanasamudram (M.No.7). 10 miles from Ambasamudram off Tenkasi road,
Ambasamudram taluk. Single settlement. Electrified. Population 2479 in 573 HHs.
Main communities: Muslims (48.5), Saiva Pillais (12.0), Brahmins (10.4). River
irrigation from Ramanadhi. Mainly paddy (2 crops). Mat weaving and beedi rolling
important subsidiary occupations.


28. Kadukkara (M.No.13): 10 miles from Nagercoil in valley surrounded by Vellimalai

and Pothigamalai, Thovala taluk. Linear settlement around hillock. Electrified.
Population 1769 in 370 HHs. Mainly populated by Nanjilnad Vellala Pillais (80.1).
Irrigated by channel linked to Perunchani dam. Paddy and coconuts. Temporary
migration for estate labour.
29. Kaduthachery (M.No.16). 5 ½ miles from Nagarcoil, 1½ miles to interior on Manakudi
road, Agastoeswaram taluk. Single settlement. Electrified. Population 464 in 130
HHs. Mainly populated by Parayars (Sambavars 45.5) and Christian Sambavars
(53.7). Irrigated by tank linked to Vadasery River. Paddy (2 crops). Large extent
of absentee landownership and tenancy.
30. Kottuthal Ashamkulam (M.No.19). 6 miles from Kuzhithurai Vilavancode taluk. Main
hamlet on roadside and scattered homesteads in Palmyra groves. Not electrified.
Population 1406 in 229 HHs. Main communities: Nadars (66.4), Christian Nadars
(22.3). Virtually no irrigation. Coconut, tapioca. Palmyra tapping and jaggery
manufacture provide subsidiary occupations.
31. Kootumangalam (M.No.8). 2 miles from Kolachel, Kalkulam taluk. Houses located
amidst coconut topes. Electrified. Population 703 in 117 HHs. Main communities:
Krishnavagayar (56.1), Nadars (25.0). Mainly coconut groves with some paddy.
Coir rope making important subsidiary occupation.


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