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The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Chapter I: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

The term "Artificial Intelligence" is exceptionally broad in the scope. Artificial

intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent

machines that work and reacts like humans. Artificial Intelligence is also defined as the

simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. It works

by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and intelligent algorithms,

allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns or features in the data.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Mainly, there are four types of Artificial Intelligence based on Functionalities

1. Relative Machines

The most basic types of AI systems are purely reactive and have the ability neither to

form memories nor to use past experiences to inform current decisions. Deep Blue, IBM’s chess-

playing supercomputer, which beat international grandmaster Garry Kasparov in the late 1990s,

is the perfect example of this type of machine.

2. Limited Memory

This limited memory system can see in the past. Few of the decision-making functions in

self-driving cars have been designed this way. For example, they observe the speed and direction

of other cars. This cannot be done in just one moment, but it is necessary to identify specific

items and monitor them over time.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
3. Theory of Mind

This type of AI should be able to understand people’s emotion, belief, thoughts, and

expectations and be able to interact socially even though a lot of improvements are there in this

field this kind of AI is not complete yet.

4. Self-Awareness

An AI that has its own conscious, super intelligent, self-awareness and sentient (In simple

words a complete human being). Of course, this kind of bot also doesn’t exist and if achieved it

will be one of the milestones in the field of AI.

What are the different applications of Artificial Intelligence?

1. Biometrics

Biometrics uses methods for specific identities of humans based on one or more internal,

physical or behavioral symptoms. Particularly, In computer science, biometrics is used as

identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in those

groups that are under surveillance.

2. Virtual Agent

A Virtual agent is a computer-generated, animated, artificial intelligence virtual character

that acts as an online customer service representative. It leads an intelligent conversation with

users, responds to their questions, and practices fairly non-verbally. An example of a specific

virtual agent is Louise, who is a virtual agent of eBay, created by a French/American developer,


3. Computer Science

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
AI can be used to potentially determine the developer of anonymous binaries. AI can be

used to create other AI. For example, around November 2017, Google's Auto ML project to

evolve new neural net topologies created NASNet, a system optimized for ImageNet and COCO.

According to Google, NASNet's performance exceeded all previously published ImageNet


4. Human resources and recruiting

There are three ways AI is being used by human resources and recruiting professionals:

to screen resumes and rank candidates according to their level of qualification, to predict

candidate success in given roles through job matching platforms, and now rolling out recruiting

chatbots that can automate repetitive communication tasks. Typically, resume screenings involve

a recruiting or other HR professional scanning through the database of resumes. Now startup like

pomato is making machine learning algorithms to create continue resume screening process


5. Agriculture

Here is a dangerous fact everyone is knowing that the world will need to produce 50

percent more food by 2050 because we are eating every day! The only way to do it is possible if

we use our resources more carefully. It is being said that, Using AI we can fight against these

dangerous problems. Artificial Intelligence will help farmers to get more output easily and

speedily with fewer resources.

6. Health Care

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

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Marco L. Sultan
When it comes to saving our lives, so many organizations and medical care centers are

relying on AI. In healthcare, AI has helped a lot of patients around the world. Few of these

examples are

An organization called Cambio Health Care has developed a clinical decision support

system to prevent stroke, which can warn the doctor when there is a risk of heart stroke.

Another such example is Coala life which is a company that has a digitalized device that

can find cardiac diseases. Similarly, Aifloo is another company developing a system to watch

how people are doing in nursing homes, home care, etc.

7. Banking

AI in banking is growing faster than you thought! A lot of banks have already adopted

AI-based systems to provide customer support, detect anomalies and credit card frauds. An

example of this is the HDFC Bank.

AI is growing faster than you think! Many banks have already adopted the AI-based

system to provide customer support, detect freak and credit card fraud. For example, HDFC

Bank has developed an AI-based chatbot called EVA (Electronic Virtual Assistant), built by

Bengaluru-based Senseforth AI Research. This AI based chatbot has approached over 3 million

queries of customers and solved every query within less than 0.4 seconds.

There are infinite applications of Artificial Intelligence in different fields. These are just

few of them.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
Skills for Expertise in Artificial Intelligence

You have to majorly focus on the below-given skills for expertise in AI

 Logical thinking

 Reasoning skills

 Problem-solving skills

 Knowledge Engineering

 Ability to manipulate and move objects

Chapter II: Body and Analysis

A set of questions were asked to a group on Facebook mainly named Artificial

Intelligence Enthusiasts. The group was chosen because most of the members of the group have

background on Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. There were 16 respondents in total

and all of them answered all the questions. The questions are listed below.

1. Will Artificial Intelligence be a threat to humanity?

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
There were 8 respondents who answered Yes and 8 who answered No. The reason that

this is equal is because people have different insights about what can Artificial Intelligence do.

AI could be considered a threat, but not really right now. AI isn’t the superhuman, all

powerful being that everyone thinks it is. AI, at least at this current moment, is nothing more

than a series of algorithms working to output an answer that is as close to correct as possible.

The vast majority of AI (in video games at least) have a series of possible outcomes that are

selected based upon the current circumstances the AI is dealing with.

It can get ridiculously complex in its algorithms, but it will never truly learn from its

mistakes. People can beat it the same way over and over again, and it will never, ever learn.

2. What are the benefits/advantages and risks/disadvantages of having AI?

Two answers from the sixteen respondents are written in this research as they have the

complete answers.

Respondent 14: Advantages

 AI would have a low error rate compared to humans, if coded properly. They would

have incredible precision, accuracy, and speed.

 They won't be affected by hostile environments, thus able to complete dangerous tasks,

explore in space, and endure problems that would injure or kill us.

o This can even mean mining and digging fuels that would otherwise be hostile for


 Replace humans in repetitive, tedious tasks and in many laborious places of work.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
 Predict what a user will type, ask, search, and do. They can easily act as assitants and

cna recommend or direct various actions.

An example of this can be found in the smartphone.

 Can detect fraud in card-based systems, and possibly other systems in the future.

 Organized and manages records.

 Interact with humans for entertainment or a task as avatars or robots.

An example of this is AI for playing many videogames.

Robotic pets can interact with humans. Can help w/ depression and inactivity.

Can fulfill sexual pleasure.

 They can think logically without emotions, making rational decisions with less or no


 Can assess people.

This can be for medical purposes, such as health risks and emotional state. Can

simulate medical procedures and give info on side effects.

 Robotic radiosurgery, and other types of surgery in the future, can achieve precision

that humans can't.

 They don't need to sleep, rest, take breaks, or get entertained, as they don't get bored or



 Can cost a lot of money and time to build, rebuild, and repair. Robotic repair can occur

to reduce time and humans needing to fix it, but that'll cost more money and resources.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
 It's questionable: is it ethically and morally correct to have androids, human-like

robots, or recreate intelligence, a gift of nature that shouldn't be recreated? This is a

discussion about AI that's popular in the days.

 Storage is expansive, but access and retrieval may not lead to connections in memory

as well as humans could.

They can learn and get better with tasks if coded to, but it's questionable as to if this

can ever become as good as humans can do such.

 They cannot work outside of what they were programmed for.

They could never, or, at least, seemingly never with our technological perceptions,

recieve creativity that humans have.

 This can prevent sympathizing with emotions for human contact, such as in being

nurses. This can also reduce wisdom can understanding.

 This can prevent common sense occuring. Even if coded with common sense and to

learn, it seems hard for them to get as much common sense that humans could.

 Robots, with them replacing jobs, can lead to severe unemployment, unless if humans

can fix the unemployment with jobs AI can't do or severly change the government to


 As seen partially with smartphones and other technology already, humans can become

too dependent on AI and lose their mental capacities.

 Machines can easily lead to destruction, if put in the wrong hands. That is, at least a

fear of many humans.

AI as robots can supercede humans, enslaving us.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

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Marco L. Sultan
Respondent 15: Advantages

 Less Errors: errors are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy with a greater

degree of precision is a possibility.

 Faster Decisions: Using Artificial intelligence, decisions can be taken very fast.

 Daily Applications: In today’s era, A.I. is used in many applications just like Apple’s

Siri, Window’s Cortana, Google’s OK Google. Using these type of applications we can

communicate with our device using our voice. Which makes our work easy.

 No Emotions: The complete absence of emotions makes machines to think logically

and take right decision where in humans emotions are associated with moods that can

affect human efficiency.

 No Breaks: Unlike humans, machines can work 24/7 without any break.

 Medical Applications: Increasing the integration of A.I. tools in every day medical

applications could improve the efficiency of treatments and avoid cost by minimizing

the risk of false diagnosis.

 Taking risks on behalf of humans: In various situations, Robots can be used instead of

Humans to avoid the risks.

 Public Utilities: Self-Driving cars, which would greatly reduce the number of car

crashes. Facial recognition can be used for security. Natural language processing to

communicate with humans in their language.


 High Costs: The hardware and software need to get updated with time to meet the

latest requirements.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
 Unemployment: The increasing number of machines leading to unemployment and job

security issues. As machines are replacing human resources, the rate of people losing

their jobs will increase.

 Can’t think out of box: Robots can only do the work that they are programmed to do.

They cannot act any different outside of whatever algorithm or programming is stored

in their internal circuits.

 Can’t feel Compassion and Sympathy: There is no doubt that machines are much better

when it comes to working efficiently but they cannot replace the human connection

that makes the team. Machines cannot develop a bond with humans.

 High dependence on machines: In today's generation, most of the people are highly

dependent on Applications like Siri. With so much assistance from machine, if humans

do not need their thinking abilities, these abilities will be gradually decrease. In future

with the heavy use of application of artificial intelligence, human may become fully

dependent on machines, losing their mental capacities.

The two respondents clearly states that Artificial Intelligence makes our lives easy in

the way that it is helping us do a lot of things in our everyday lives. Also, Artificial

Intelligence downsides are unemployment, high costs and not being creative. Since

machines currently lack moral and emotional values, valid judgments concerning what is

right or wrong cannot be effectively made. Regarding having the ability to be creative, it is

true that machines can assist with creating and designing; however, they cannot match the

power of thinking within the human brain as well as the originality present in a creative


The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
3. How does Artificial Intelligence affect our lives?

100% of the respondents said that Artificial Intelligence is everywhere now. Thus, it

affects us in every way.

Artificial Intelligence is everywhere, and it is making a huge difference in our lives

every day. AI is influencing the way we live and how we interact with the world, and there

is much more to come in the years to follow with more improvements. Sometimes AI is less

obvious, like when you make an abnormal purchase on your credit card and don’t get a

fraud alert from your bank. As AI becomes more deeply integrated into our lives, it will

become the new infrastructure powering a second industrial revolution.

4. What can Artificial Intelligence do in the future?

Respondents said that Artificial Intelligence can do everything in the future.

Below are predictions of 7 Tech Experts that Artificial Intelligence will do in the future.

1. Increase security

In the opinion of Nicholas Horbaczewski, CEO & Founder at the Drone Racing League,

drones will change the way we live. Somehow they represent now what mobile phones were in

the ’90s. Drones are devices able to move objects very rapidly and, especially, they can fly.

Package delivery, emergency responses or urgent delivery of medical products, anything will

become immediate with drones. Horbaczewski consider them also a central point in the security

field: they will make the world safer thanks to the possibility of inspect places otherwise difficult

to control. Drones will become part of our daily lives and will change it radically, as well as

smartphones and internet did.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
2. Generate new services (and possible social issues)

Martin Ford, author of NY Times, says that Artificial Intelligence will improve our

ability of solving problems and generate new ideas. It is likely that in the following ten years AI

and robotics will be completely integrated in the business operations and will have a great impact

on organizations’ efficiency: new products and service based on AI will be created, as well as

new markets and customers. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence may eliminate certain jobs,

which will become automated, and may create critical situations in terms of privacy, security and

military applications. According to Ford, in ten years the debate about possible issues deriving

from the application of AI will be central both at political and social levels.

3. Empower businesses

Matthew Kamen, VSP of Engineering at Foursquare, thinks that the applications of AI

are “stuck” at this moment, and they are limited to reproduce what human beings already can do,

or what humans trust to let them do. In ten years these trust barriers against the AI technology

will decrease progressively and our addiction to algorithms and intelligent machines will grow.

Kamen believes that AI technologies will bring a great change in enterprises and in the

development of consumer-based applications, by giving to analysts, developers, marketers and

many more professionals the chance to interact and understand users much better.

4. Improve healthcare

In the healthcare field, according to Serkan Kutan – CTO of Zocdoc, intelligent machines

would be very useful. Many doctors work too much, they can’t see all their patients and can’t

keep up-to-date with the new studies and advancements for lack of time. For that, AI could give

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

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Marco L. Sultan
a great help, especially for all what is related to patients data analysis and diagnostics. Indeed,

machines would have a faster and immediate access to a larger set of clinical data and the doctor,

by delegating that part of work, will have more time to interact with his patients and improve


5. Facilitate sustainability

Nikita Johnson, Founder of RE.WORK, declares that Artificial Intelligence will have a

serious impact on every single industrial field and everything we do. But at a higher level, fields

like sustainability, environmental problems and climate changes, AI and Machine Learning

would be at the forefront. There are many areas in which the machines could help a lot and

create improvements, especially if we talk about the great challenges of our century like

urbanization, population increases and energy. So, Artificial Intelligence will be used not only to

increase business productivity but also for higher and more significant purposes.

6. Make humans smarter

John Stecher, Group Managing Director at Barclays Investment Bank, says that

computing power will increase progressively, by giving us more power in training our Artificial

Intelligence models. In addition, the amount of data analyzed will grow exponentially and that

allows us to monitor more elements in our platforms and in the world in general. Combining that

with Artificial Intelligence, we will have the ability of making more intelligent predictions about

future behaviours and events and train smarter knowledge systems and models. Stecher thinks

that the worries of many specialists about risks involved in the application of AI technology were

groundless, because training a machine is similar to educate a child; if you teach him well, for

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

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example what is wrong and what is right, he will grow and become a productive member of the

society who cares about people and future as a human being.

7. Inspire artists

Stephanie Dinkins, Transdisciplinary AI Artist, thinks that in ten years the intelligent

algorithms will be part of most decisions made, small or big, and that artists may be involved in

Artificial Intelligence. Even if that concept may sound daunting, it is just a matter of starting to

use and explore AI potentials. Dickins encourages the artists to exploit AI with the purpose of

create beautiful and expressive artistic works like they would make with any other medium. On

the other side, she refuses completely the idea of the technology that becomes the artist. AI must

be considered as a tool to increase human thought and develop creativity, not something to turn

creativity or ethics over to the machines. According to the artist, what developers of AI should

ask themselves is how can AI systems be used to increase productivity while respecting human

diversity, dignity, and our cultural specificities?

Chapter III: Conclusion

Artificial intelligence is awakening fear and enthusiasm in equal measures. Some have

likened the advances in AI to “summoning the devil” and there are concerns that AI threatens

to end humanity. AI can scare people, perhaps due to the science fiction notion that machines

will take all of our jobs; ‘wake up’ and do unintended things. However, where some see

danger, others see opportunity!

This research pulls together information from a series of articles on Artificial

Intelligence and its impact on the future world of work.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
It’s likely that the upwards trend in capabilities of AI systems will continue; that

systems will eventually become capable of solving a wide range of tasks (rather than a new

system having to be built for each new problem), and that the adoption of AI within many

industries will continue. AI is currently unable to reproduce human behaviour or surpass

human thinking; it’s likely to stay a complementary workforce tool for a very long time to

come. However, steady gradual improvements in AI could reach a point where AI exceeds

current expectations. The continued development of AI will depend on moral public opinion

regarding the benefits and acceptability of it, on businesses continuing to gain competitive

advantage from using it, and continued funding for research and development of it.

It is difficult to determine where this technology might create new jobs in the future,

yet easier to see which tasks AI might take from humans. It’s likely that any routine,

repetitive task will be automated. This shift to automation has happened for centuries, but

what is different today is that it affects many more industries. It’s likely that we will adapt to

technological changes by inventing entirely new types of work, and by taking advantage of

our uniquely human capabilities.

In a future where benefits and risks are ‘incalculable’, it will be how humans choose to

use the technology that decides whether it’s good or bad. To harness the power and benefits

of Artificial Intelligence, we need to decide what we want Artificial Intelligence to ‘learn’

and/or do, and what questions we want them to answer. It is clearly important that controls

and goals for AI are set, and that a lot more empirical work needs to be done to gain a better

understanding of how goal systems (in AI) should be built, and what values the machines

should have. Once this is done, it will provide an idea of what sort of things should be put in

a regulatory framework, or whether existing regulatory frameworks are robust enough.

The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans
Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan
If AI is seen to contribute to business success via enabling a better understanding of

customers, along with a more rapid response to their needs, then its uptake within the world of

work is likely to continue. In the future, many tasks will have the opportunity of input from

AI. However, rather than replacing humans, it is the combination of AI and humans that is

likely to bring the greatest benefits to the working world. Therefore, we might conclude that

it will be how AI ‘interacts’ with humans that will influence its role in the future world of

work. If human values are carefully articulated and embedded into AI systems then socially

unacceptable outcomes might be prevented.



The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan




The Effects of Artificial Intelligence on Humans

Science, Technology and Society
Marco L. Sultan

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