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PREMBLE:-(1) As per Para 2 of the Finance Department UO note

dt.29.05.2019. (1) The works sanctioned prior to 01.04.2019 but
not grounded are cancelled and (2) Works grounded but
expenditure is less than 25% of Originally estimated value shall
be reviewed afresh and no payment shall be done in this regard
before obtaining orders afresh from appropriate authorities.

(2) The Pay & Accounts Officer have to clear the bills subject to
certifying the bills as per guidelines by the DDO concerned.

Though the originally estimated value of the work is criteria to

arrive whether the expenditure is less than 25% or not, the following
aspects are also to be looked into for prescribing appropriate
certificate to ensure that the spirit of the guidelines of UO note are
followed by the DDOs concerned.

Nature of Agt. Suitability of the Certificate
1. Where the Agt. consisting for Certified that the expenditure incurred against
group of works sanctioned under the Agt is Rs.___________ up to LS
multiple estimates ___________ bill and it is not less than 25%
of the Originally estimated value of each work
covered in the Agt.
2. Where the Agt. consisting of single Certified that the expenditure incurred against
work with multiple HOA under the Agt. under different HOA is
single estimate Rs.______________ up to LS ________ bill
and it is not less than25% of the originally
estimated value of the work.
3. Where the Agt. consisting of single Certified that the expenditure incurred against
work under single. the Agt. is Rs._________ up to LS _______ bill
and it is not less than 25% of the originally
estimated value of the work.
4. Where the work is awarded to Certified that the expenditure incurred against
another agency invoking PS 60 or the Agreements (original agency and
61 to APDSS subsequent agencies) is Rs.________ and it is
not less than 25% of the originally estimated
value of work irrespective of the fact of
recasting of balance work with current SSRs.
5. In case of EPC works where the Certified that the expenditure incurred against
works covered under two or more the EPC Agt. is Rs._________ and it is not less
Agreements under one Project than 25% of the each originally sanctioned
Estimate. estimates of various works awarded under the
(Note:- When more than one DDO
operating the Estimate under different
Agreements, the certificate needs to be
furnished by the SE under whose control
the DDOs are working. )

Further the following points needs to be examined for consideration for payment of bills without any
fresh review.

1).Bills raised under Direct Debit Heads but pending for payment at Government Level:-The Bills
relating to the works sanctioned under CAPITAL Heads are being received through CFMS and after
approval by the PAO ,the payments are being made at Government Level. Though the Bills covered the
Value of work Done not less than 25% of the Originally Estimated value and the Final bills are approved
by the PAO, the payment is not made at Government level.

2) Bills passed under Revenue Heads but not pending at division level for want of BRO :-The bills
relating to the works sanctioned under certain Revenue Heads/CSS/MSS are passed for submission to
the PAO through CFMS, but the same are could not be sent to the APPROVER and pending at
divisional level for more than six months for want of allotment of Grant .

3). There are certain works in respect of which the value of the work done and measured either by
31-03-2019 or by 29-05-2019 exceeds 25% of the originally sanctioned estimate value but not billed for
due to pending clearance from the QC authorities/for want of Suppl Agts etc., shall also be considered
subject to certification from the SE for the works costing Rs 50 lakhs and above and from the EE for the
works costing below Rs 50 lakhs.

No fresh review is needed in respect of said three category of works .

Apart from the above work bills, the following nature of bills are essential required to be admitted
for payment without subjecting to the conditions stipulated in the U.O Note.

1). Liabilities of Annual Maintenance works for all previous years including the year 2018-19.

2) Electricity Consumption bills of functional and Non -functional Buildings and Pumping Schemes
which are being charged to the Works estimate .

3) Bills relating to the Q.C.Charges

4).Decretal payments.

5).Hire charges of the Vehicles permitted by the HOD and chargeable to the works estimate

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