Internationalcollaborationinsecondary Level Education: Globaleducation

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T h e J o u r n a l o f T e c h n o lo g y S t u d ie s

I nte r na tio na l C o lla bo r a t io n in S e c o nda r y L e v e l

E du c a tio n
B y Dr. Tom L ove la nd, Dr. H ide tos hi Miya k a w a , a nd Y os hita k a H ira ya m a

G loba l E duc a tion total control over information and their local
Over the last 20 years, the economies of the economies. A utocratic countries such as China
world have been linked closer and closer togeth- and Iran are trying, unsuccessfully, to block their
er. T he passage of the North A merican Free citizens’ access to information through the
Trade A greement (NA FTA ) and the creation of Internet. E conomic meltdowns in A rgentina and
the E uro currency in E urope are just two exam- T hailand in the late 1990s had far-reaching
ples of how the world economies are becoming impacts on the economies of other countries.
intertwined (McL aughlin, 1996). Transnational B usinesses find that they have to adapt to the
corporations have operations scattered across the new business world or fade into obscurity.
globe to take advantage of access to raw materi- Workers find that they need new skills to
als, information, and labor. T hese corporations compete globally.
recruit and want to preserve their productive
global workforce (B ranson, 1998; Franks, 1998). T he interconnectedness of the world has
T he largest transnational corporations have been aided by the proliferation of personal
budgets greater than many individual countries. computers and the Internet. Inexpensive e-mail
T he world is viewed by these corporations as a allows people from different countries to com-
single global marketplace (B ranson, 1998). municate instantaneously with each other.
T he increasing vitality of the global economy Organizations, educational institutions, and
has meant change for countries, businesses, and governments have contributed to the explosion
workers. Countries find that they no longer have of cross-border information exchange.
These changes and new realities have been High school students are preparing them-
described as a new age of interdependence. selves for college and future careers. Students in 11
This interdependence evolved from world trade discrete subject courses are not given the bigger

The Journal of Technology Studies

and international capitalism (Hughes & Ortero, picture about the internationalization of the
1989). Interdependence is most evident in the world. Students miss the connections of how
areas of international trade, environment, all of these areas are interlinked. An opportunity
politics, telecommunications, transnational cor- exists in the schools to solve this dilemma.
porations, and international travel (Fish, 1982). Secondary-level technology education classes
The new global culture is placing new demands offer a curriculum that encompasses the study
on the people of the world. Production is no of technology with links to all academic classes.
longer restricted to geographical location so A technology education lab filled with Internet
workers need to be more globally astute. accessible computers and equipment is the best
According to Scarborough (1991), citizens need location to use distance learning tools and
to understand the changing technologies, work- research to create a curriculum that teaches
place adjustments, and competitive pressures. students about international culture, values,
Fish (1982) confirmed this by stating that and understanding. This program is accom-
people need to be more aware of and more plished by creating a collaborative program for
effective participants in the global economy. the students to unite with partners in other
countries. The goals of this collaborative effort
Lauda (1992) declared that students are to teach students in both countries to be
throughout the world are internationally under- more respectful of each other’s cultures, to
nourished because education systems are too create long-term friendships between the
narrowly focused on rigid content areas and teenagers, families, schools, communities, and
national issues. Globalization is a focus that the countries, and to see the relevance of studying
business world has embraced while education global issues and perspectives. McLaughlin
has tended to be more inwardly focused (1996) summarized the importance of global
(Scarborough, 1991). education by stating “global education attempts
to teach people how to live in a world that is
Global education is the means to teach the
increasingly interconnected and interdependent.
world’s citizens about the globalization trends.
This method of education works to establish
According to the U.S. government report
cross-cultural understanding and to develop
Critical Needs in International Education
cooperative attitudes needed to solve world
(National Advisory Board on International
problems” (p. 15).
Education Programs, 1983), “it is in our
schools, however, that the greatest progress can The Japan-Florida Teens Meet Project
be made. International and intercultural studies Yumegakuen High School or Dream High
should receive more attention and higher priori- School in Tsu City, Mie-ken, Japan, was estab-
ty” (p. 7). The report goes on to promote the lished in 1997 as the first school in Japan that
learning of international awareness, cultural has comprehensive courses as a forerunner of
sensitivity, and communication skills from for- Japanese education reform. High schools in
eign language and intercultural studies. Franks Japan offer either academic courses for students
(1998) found the following: who go on to university studies or vocational
courses for students who go into immediate
As the world grows increasingly interde-
postsecondary employment. The new compre-
pendent, we discover even more oppor-
hensive courses at Yumegakuen High have led
tunities to learn and work from each other
to a mixture of students and curricula that is
about cooperative education. All over the
unusual in Japan. Due to this educational reform
globe, nations face a critical need to devel-
being conducted by the Ministry of Education,
op and maintain a supply of their most
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
valuable resource: trained and productive
(Monbusho), Yumegakuen High School is
workers. Work-integrated education has
equipped with high tech computers and telecon-
emerged as a viable means to that end. (p 72)
ferencing facilities. An international studies In late spring of 2000, plans were presented
12 teacher at the school was looking for a partner to the students about an international space sta-
school in foreign countries and registered the tion project. American and Japanese students
The Journal of Technology Studies

classroom at the Web site of ePALS would work on transnational student teams to
( ePALS is dedicated conceptualize, research, design, and construct
to creating partnerships between schools across a 1/20th scale model international space station.
the world. When the teacher signed up in The students had to design a sustainable envi-
October 1999, there were 36,000 classrooms ronment built for teenagers living long term in
registered. As of July 2003, 81,514 classrooms space. The teams focused on essential modules
were registered. of the international space station: living space,
water-based systems, command, solar power,
Several weeks after this teacher registered and scientific experiments. Two initial balsa-
with ePALS, a technology education teacher wood modules, including command and water-
from Ridgewood High School in New Port based systems, were completed by the American
Richey, Florida, wrote to suggest a collabora- students and shipped to Japan in early June
tion. It was a very nice and interesting offer 2000. During the 2000-2001 school year,
because besides the educational purpose of the advanced technology studies students completed
teleconference, the American teacher showed the rest of the modules for shipment to Japan.
understanding toward the idea of promoting the The design of the international space station
school’s image within the local community. modules was developed using a WebQuest for-
The school is new and relatively unknown in the mat. This was placed on the World Wide Web
community of Tsu-City. It was thought that the for
collaboration could help recruit good students students and parents to access outside of school.
who would be suitable for these wonderful The main JFTMP Web site is at http://www.tcp-

A video teleconference test was held on Two teleconferences were held in the fall
November 18, 1999, for the two teachers to of 2000. New students in both countries were
meet live to discuss curricula and ideas. The introduced to each other. One of the teleconfer-
students in the two classes decided to call their ences included 100 fifth graders from a local
collaboration the Japan-Florida Teens Meet elementary school in Tsu City. A Japanese
Project (JFTMP). Activities were developed for foreign exchange student at Ridgewood began
the students to work on group projects and indi- participating, adding to smoother communica-
vidual assignments. On December 14, 1999, tions and understanding. Over the next several
students with guests met their overseas friends years, media in both countries reported about
for the first time live through a video teleconfer- the teleconferences and collaborative activities.
ence. This event included welcoming statements Yumegakuen High School received good
by the two school principals, introduction of publicity and attracted more students. In the
guests (school board members, parents, district spring of 2000, about twice as many students
technology supervisors, reporters), some student took the entrance exam than there were
activities, and question/answers. One of the openings for admission.
activities the students did was a math dollar/yen
conversion exercise. Students researched what In January 2000, the American teacher
the current conversion rate was and then calcu- received a grant from a local foundation to
lated the cost of teen merchandise in both dollar travel to Japan in the summer of 2001 for two
and yen denominations. Comparisons were then weeks with eight Ridgewood students. Five of
made about the availability and costs of items the eight students traveling were from the tech-
the teens were interested in. The teen items nology education classes. Two days were used to
were randomly pulled out of a hat to add some visit Yumegakuen High School so the students
excitement to the event. This first teleconfer- could meet and participate in shared activities.
ence was a great success and the media During the visit there, the Japanese and
favorably reported it. American-built components of the model inter-
national space station were assembled and put
on display. The event was covered extensively Obstacles to Collaboration 13
in the Japanese press. A photo was taken of the There are obstacles to the success of inter-

The Journal of Technology Studies

JFTMP students that day with their completed national collaborations. According to
model space station. A JFTMP goal was to have Weinbaum and Rogers (1995), “such projects
that photo flown to the international space sta- require a rethinking of traditional school sched-
tion with a Japanese astronaut. A photo of the ules, as well as providing opportunities for
astronaut holding the JFTMP picture in space teachers to learn new material, design curricula,
would then be enlarged and put on display in plan with their colleagues, and reflect on the
both schools. effectiveness of their practice” (p. 22).
Obstacles in the JFTMP program were summa-
A decision was made to make a video rized into several categories: time difference,
project the centerpiece of the 2001-2002 school school year schedule, language barriers,
year. The video, Smoke and Mirrors, was a dra- and difference of interests.
matic anti-tobacco story that had scenes taped
in both countries and in both languages. Two The prime obstacle was the time difference
different versions of the video were produced. between Florida and Japan. This obstacle was
In addition to memorizing their English dia- overcome by the Americans coming back to
logue, the American students had to learn school in the evening to meet live with their
Japanese for the same scenes. The Japanese had Japanese partners who were in their regularly
to learn their lines in Japanese and English. scheduled first period class the following day.
American students edited the English-only ver- The Japanese don’t observe daylight savings
sion and the Yumegakuen students edited the time so it became important to check an interna-
Japanese-only version. Both videos were pre- tional time zone Web site to make sure the
miered during a teleconference in March 2002. meetings started at the correct time.
The videos were partially funded by the
Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT) Another obstacle was the difference in
organization in Florida. school schedules. The school year in Japan
starts in April,whereas American schools start
The Future of JFTMP in August. JFTMP started in 1999 and some of
In addition to the video projects, the teach- the active Japanese students have already gradu-
ers are collaborating on expansion of the ated from high school and are now studying at
JFTMP Web site. They are working to include college. When the American students came to
more schools in their international collaboration Japan, most of their e-mail friends had graduat-
because of their belief that high school students ed. A secondary goal of the JFTMP Web site
benefit from this experience. American students was to keep graduates informed about current
are taught critical thinking skills, but Japanese collaborative activities.
students are expected to be docile. Now in the
age of information technology, Japanese teach- Some challenges were related to the nature
ers are beginning to realize the importance of of the distance learning technologies them-
critical thinking. Japanese businesses are realiz- selves. The use of ISDN lines cost the schools
ing that having docile workers is not helpful to about $200 per teleconference. The two schools
their companies in the global economy. This shared responsibility for these costs although
doesn’t mean the companies need argumentative both schools had to justify the phone costs to
workers. They need workers who think differ- administrators outside of their schools.
ently and share their ideas. These different ideas
Language was a major source of concern
can be used creatively by the companies and/or
prior to the teachers talking live with each other.
classrooms to generate better ways of doing
It was helpful to the Americans that the
things. This is how society can improve. The
Japanese teacher fluently spoke English.
JFTMP is designed to make the most of interna-
Ridgewood High is in a rural suburban area
tional collaboration and friendships.
with little opportunity for native Japanese
speakers for translation assistance. The language technology, business, society, and home.
14 barrier is a continual hurdle, but English is the Schools are no exception and are now trying
target language for Japanese students to learn hard to adjust to the information society.
The Journal of Technology Studies

so this is a part of the purpose of education and School computers are becoming networked so
the teleconferences. the worldwide Internet is becoming more avail-
able. It is therefore important for the education
Another challenge was in the shifting inter- field to promote effective and efficient use of
ests of the students. Yumegakuen is a mix of computers and to develop new learning content
high school and adult learners. Some of the and curricula.
adult students were mainly interested in learning
about foreign cultures and English rather than Information technology education in Japan
mechanical projects such as the space station. began in 1985. It has been promoted aggres-
The JFTMP program shifted with the American sively and continuously since then. Various
teacher from Ridgewood High School to policies have been adopted such as distributing
Marchman Technical Education Center begin- money to school education budgets and training
ning with the 2002-2003 school year. The newly teachers through in-services. As a result of this
linked Marchman class was television produc- investment and the support of Japanese parents,
tion so the teachers agreed to focus JFTMP almost all Japanese students take information
ideas towards video projects. This shift appeared technology education, a lowersecondary level
to satisfy the interests of the adult and high elective.
school age students at both schools.
In 1999, surveys conducted by Monbusho
Due to a lack of curriculum materials on showed the state of information technology and
international collaborations at the secondary computer usage in Japanese schools. Ninety-
level, the teachers found that they had to devel- nine percent of the 39,096 schools had comput-
op and write the curricula themselves. Plans are er equipment. Of those schools, 22,449 were
underway to expand the core schools to include connected to the Internet. Internet guidelines
more Florida and Japanese high schools into a have been established in 9,477 schools. The
larger JFTMP consortium. This will expand the number of schools with their own Web site was
curriculum resources for all teachers through 7,850. Among the 38,829 schools with comput-
the sharing of ideas and experiences. ers, 27,205 were connected by LAN.

Information Technology Of the 886,768 Japanese teachers, 66%

Education in Japan can operate computers and 32% can teach using
According to Miyakawa (1998), current computers. The subject area with the highest
advancement in communication technology usage and ability to teach using computers is
is allowing for ever increasing access to in technology education. Of the 10,541 tech-
information. This not only promises to nology education teachers, 94.5% of these
change people’s life styles, but also may use computers.
change the value system of society itself.
In such a “technological” society, those There are issues that affect the ability of
who can readily adjust to these changes Japanese schools to participate in collaborative
into technology will do very well while projects with schools overseas. Monbusho is
those less able to adjust may be left addressing these with the following implemen-
behind in the information revolution. tation schedule for information technology:
(p. 29) 1. All public elementary, lower secondary,
and upper secondary schools were con-
The information society is highly advanced nected to the Internet by the end of
in Japan as it is in the United States. The infor- 2001.
mation technology revolution in Japan is press- 2. By 2004, LAN networks will be
ing leaders to consider how to manage the infor- installed in all public schools.
mation society in all fields including industrial 3. By 2004, all private schools are targeted
for Internet connection. in education and what the actual human
4. All 900,000 public school teachers took resource needs are of the U.S. economy. Resnick 15
an in-service Project for Enhancing (1987) concurred by recommending that schools

The Journal of Technology Studies

Teacher’s Information Literacy by the concentrate on teaching people to be adaptive
end of 2001. learners able to negotiate the inevitable transi-
tions that occur in the workplace.
In addition to Monbusho’s plans, Japanese
leaders in the technology education field have High school graduates will be facing a far
raised seven other information technology different work world and will therefore need
issues that should be addressed by educational to learn in far different ways in the classroom.
institutions. Hardware that has functions Global education was chosen as an overall
required for school education should be theme to enable students to work on real-life
equipped in all classrooms that need it. It is projects that increase problem-solving skills,
necessary to make computer equipment avail- create unique team settings, and help students
able for anytime, anywhere, and anyone. become better communicators and international
Effective and efficient educational software citizens. The two JFTMP teachers directly
should be researched, developed, and distributed observed many benefits to the students and
at low prices to schools. Educational objectives schools from participation in collaborative
about information technology should be clari- projects.
fied and all teachers should examine the new For students:
content and methods. Connection charges to • Increased technical skills.
Japanese schools should be substantially • New understandings of applied math
reduced. Teachers and students should be thor- and science.
oughly taught ethics and morals in the appropri- • Better writing and communication skills.
ate use of the Internet. Finally, teacher training • Increased technological literacy.
in information technology should be planned • Increased classroom motivation and
and conducted according to the needs of teach- excitement about learning.
ers. Steps like these can lead to more connec- • New concepts of what a “team” means.
tions between technology education classrooms • Less stereotyping of other cultures.
in Japan and the rest of the world. • Broadened student views and
Benefits of Collaboration • Understanding on the implications of the
There are two major benefits of internation- global economy.
al collaborations: the learning is authentic and For schools:
contextual-based, and student motivation to • Enhanced parental support.
learn increases substantially. Authentic instruc- • Opening communication lines with other
tion is a way of linking classroom work to real education systems.
work situations that employees face out of • Awareness of the advantages of using
school. Blank (1997) referred to authentic new technologies.
instruction as “any instructional strategy, model • Promotion of new and creative school
or technique that involves students in learning curricula.
something that is useful or important beyond the • Raised education standards at local
school setting and that engages them in a man- schools.
ner that helps them construct new knowledge or
develop deep understandings or insights” (p.15). Planning an International
It is a teaching strategy and project-based cur- Collaboration
riculum that mirrors work that adults perform High school teachers interested in initiating
in their employment, home, or community. an international collaboration with a school in a
Weinbaum and Rogers (1995) pointed out that different country face many challenges. Using
situating education in real-life contexts is an the Decide phase of the DDD-E model (Barron
answer to the concerns of vocational program & Ivers, 1998), teachers can systematically
critics who feel there is a gulf between what is develop authentic learning, multimedia projects
with teachers from other countries. will help to increase the teacher’s cultural sensi-
The broad challenges that face teachers during tivity, knowledge of the other education system,
the planning section include: and make for a more polished introduction.
The Journal of Technology Studies

• Fitting the project within the scope of

It is important for teachers to communicate
district and state curriculum mandates.
openly and clearly about goals and project ideas
• Finding a sister school with similar
with their partners. Projects will need to be
interests, curricula, and distance learning started in incremental steps for several reasons.
technologies. Overly enthusiastic American teachers may
• Assessing their school’s distance learning be intimidating to teachers from other cultures.
technologies. Education systems in other countries may have
• Developing the prerequisite skills to use their coursework rigidly set by a national cur-
these technologies. riculum that makes it difficult to accommodate
comprehensive collaborative projects. Finally,
Setting Instructional Goals other cultures may be used to thoughtful,
The first task for the teacher is to set team-based decision making. American teachers
instructional goals. According to Barron and will need to be aware of and respectful of these
Ivers (1998), instructional goals may include differences.
responding to different student learning styles,
promoting cooperative learning, enhancing Development of Prerequisite Skills
vocational-academic integration, developing The third stage of the decision process is to
critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, develop the prerequisite multimedia skills with-
and fostering presentation and speaking skills. in the teacher and the students to improve the
project’s success. These skills may be technolog-
Broad and content-specific instructional ical and related to global communication.
goals were developed for the JFTMP collabora- Thach and Murphy (1994) found that
tion. The first goal of the collaboration was to
prepare students for careers in the global econo- the distance learning instructor needs skills
my by having the project mirror projects done in and knowledge in eight major areas: 1)
the workplace. Broad instructional goals for this communication and feedback, 2) promoting
collaborative effort were to teach students in interaction between and among learners, 3)
both countries to be more respectful of each teamwork and collaboration, 4) administra-
other’s cultures; to be more aware of the cultural tive and support services, 5) conducting
differences; to create long-term friendships learner needs assessments, 6) distance
between the teenagers, families, schools, com- learning technology and its impact on
munities, and countries; and to see the relevance learners, 7) identifying learning styles, and
of studying global issues and perspectives. 8) developing a systems perspective of
thinking. (p. 16)
Deciding on the Project
After developing the instructional goals, the Distance learning technologies include
teacher now selects and designs a multimedia Internet (research, e-mailing), desktop telecon-
classroom project. International collaboration ferencing (NetMeeting, CUCMe), video tele-
projects are complicated and require compre- conferencing (Picture-Tel, ISDN lines), and
hensive preparation and design. Teachers have interactive multimedia (PowerPoint, Web page
the choice of joining an education-based net- design). The teacher should take in-services or
work with developed curricula, projects, and classes or use study time to master these tech-
preselected international classrooms or develop nologies before attempting to teach them to
their own original international collaboration. students. Fortunately, American students have
According to Bradsher (1996), “identifying been exposed to and have access to many of
overseas schools with the means and desire to these technologies. In some cases, the students
pursue a project that fits your curriculum and will be the expert and the teacher the learner.
students’ needs and interests can take a lot of All students should be familiar with basic com-
time” (p. 50). Before contacting a teacher from puter skills and the skills required for the
overseas, the American teacher should study the specific multimedia project.
culture and education system of the country he
or she wishes to collaborate with. Initial studies American students will need an introduc-
tion to and practice in global communication intelligence, student motivation to learn increas-
skills. Their written communication with part- es. Students experience success and conclude
ners through e-mails will need to be clear, con- that school is relevant in their lives.

The Journal of Technology Studies

cise, and punctuated properly. During the video
teleconferences, normal American teenage When global education, international col-
habits of wearing baseball caps, having arms laboration, and authentic/applied learning
folded, using slang, or wearing provocative projects are incorporated with increased use of
clothing may be seen by foreigners as extremely computer-mediated communication technolo-
rude and offensive. When speaking with non- gies, student interest and motivation to learn is
native English speakers, it is important to slow enhanced. All students, gifted to specific learn-
down, not raise voices, and give plenty of time ing disability, can benefit from exposure to this
for translation. Students will need to be made instructional strategy. The role of the teacher is
aware of these communication skills. The crucial. Instructional strategies should be
importance of projecting a friendly, team-orient- designed to include computer-mediated commu-
ed image with respect for cultural diversity can nication technologies. The benefits to students
not be overstated. far outstrip the planning that is required.
Computer-mediated communication can form a
Assessing Resources powerful integrated model of human learning
At this fourth stage, teachers begin looking and intelligence. This model provides teachers
at their classroom resources to see if there are with the tools to meet high standards. The out-
hardware or software gaps. They would begin come of comprehensive planning is students
by thinking about how many computers they with better attitudes and understandings of the
will need to keep the students productive. They cultures and values of students in other parts of
will need to know how many of the computers the world. Students will become lifelong learn-
will have Internet access. What level of Internet ers, adaptable to change, and better prepared for
access should the teacher allow the student is their future work and careers.
another important question. If Web sites with
classroom photographs are being considered, a In the initial phase of an international col-
copyright talent release form will have to be laborative project, the teacher will need to work
written and distributed to parents. Teacher funds diligently to plan and organize before presenting
may need to be set aside for the cost of the the project to their students. This planning stage
ISDN lines used during teleconferences. includes setting the instructional goals, deciding
Overseas mailing costs for curriculum materials on the project, developing prerequisite skills in
will have to be arranged. Software might have themselves and their students, and assessing
to be installed and tested. If the computer and their resources. The benefit of this planning will
distance learning technologies are outside the be an international collaborative project that
classroom, the teacher will have to set exact affects learners and teachers in profound ways.
times and schedule these with the schools in According to Jensen and Loveland (2000),
both countries. The teacher will also need to “when learning environments mirror the restruc-
investigate educational Internet sites for tured work that students will eventually enter,
resources. The technology studies teacher spent they provide students with opportunities to see
countless hours looking at NASA sites on the how what they are learning in school adds value
international space station. Before writing URL to their lives” (p. 371). The new interconnected-
addresses into student handouts, a teacher ness of the world is a reality that teachers can
should check all to make sure they are still utilize to develop projects that will prepare their
operative. students for the career world they will be facing
upon graduation. According to Thach and
Conclusion Murphy (1994):
The use of computer-mediated communica-
tion is increasing exponentially in the United Suddenly, separate cultures, laws, regula-
States. Whether schools realize it or not, this tions, and customs have been brought
increased use of technologies works to engage together in a kaleidoscope of learning.
learners in ways that increase understanding and The result is chaotic, fun, challenging, and
student success. When instructional techniques anxiety-producing; it challenges all of those
enlist more than a learner’s logical/mathematical who work in the field of distance education
to broaden their perspectives, to strive for of Eta Field Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau.
the implementation of best practices; Dr. Hidetoshi Miyakawa, DTE, is a profes-
and to encourage collaboration while sor of technology education and director of the
The Journal of Technology Studies

respecting individual, group, and ITEA-Japan International Information Center at

institutional integrity. (p. 17) Aichi University of Education in Japan. He is a
member-at-large of Epsilon Pi Tau.
Dr. Thomas Loveland is a professor in the Mr. Yoshitaka Hirayama teaches
Technology Education Department at St. International Communications at Yumegakuen
Petersburg College in Florida. He is a member High School in Mie, Japan. He is a member of

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Development, National Institute for Work and Learning. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service
No. ED 381 666)

T h e J o u r n a l o f T e c h n o lo g y S t u d ie s

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