Englands Obelisk Cleopatras Needle Inscriptions

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Englandss Obelisk.

-Cleopatra's-Qtbnpatra'z 1HHGOH


The figures and hieroglyphs enclosed in the four squares on the pyramidion represent, invariably, on the right side, couched upon a standard, king Thothmes Ill., in rhe shape of a sphynx, presenting offerings to a
god seated opposite him, viz: on sides I. and II., Turn, and on IIL and IV. the hawk-headed Sun-god! bearing the solar disk.
Above t~1e sphynx are three vertical lines of hieroglyphs reading left to right: "Great god, lord of both countries2; (Ra-men-kheper) a; giver of life eternal."
Under the sphynx the inscription is: [The-Strong Bull, crowned in Uas 4 ; Son of the Sun, (Thothmes. )]
The lines above the god read, on sides I. and II. : "The great god, lord of the great temple; chief of the gods; Tu m, lorcl of On 5 ; giver of water." On sides liT. anrl IV . "Lord of earth; lord of heaven ; great
god; Harmachis 6; giver of life eternal."
The hieroglyphs before the standard appear to mean, on side I. : "A gift of pure water." Side I I. . "A gift of wine. " Sides III. and IV. : "A gift of frankincense ."

Horus.7 [Strong Bull, Horns. [Strong Bull, •" Horns. [Strong Bull, Ilorus. [Strong null,
Son of Turn.] King of son of Kheper-ra.] King beloved of Ra.] King of beloved of Thoth .] King
the two countries.2 (Ra- of the two countries. the two countries. (Ra- of the two countries. (Ra ·
meses 8)9. vVatcher over (Rameses). The golden meses). Lord of the fes- meses). Son of H. a; born
both countries. 2 Lord of Horns, director of years; tivals, like his father Ptah . of the gods; holding th e
the diadems. Chastiser of the most great and power- Son of the sun.(Rameses). four countries. Son of
foreign nations. Son of ful. Son of the sun (Ra- Son of Tum, of his flesh ; the sun. (Rameses ). Vic-
the S~m.Jo (Rameses). meses). The eyes of men beloved of his father ; torious by his strength ;
Who extends the south behold what he has done. born of Athor ; guide of val iant victor ; bull of
to the Great Sea ; the Nothing has been said the two countries. Lord prin ces; king of kings.
north to the four poles of against him. Lord of the of the two countries. Lord of the two countries.
heaven. Lord of the two two countries. (Rameses) . (Rameses). Son of the ( Rameses). Son of th e
countries.2 (Rameses). 9 Son of the sun. (Ra- sun. (Rameses). Giver of sun. ( Rameses) ; Le loved
Son of the Sun 10 ( Ra- meses) . Lustre of the life like the sun. of Tum 'and of On, &c.
meses) .9 Giver oflife like sun, Ra.
t he sun.


rtorus. [Strong Bul , - Hon\:, . [Strong Bwf, llorus. [ Belovecl of
Horus. [Strong Bull,
crowned by Thoth.] King beloved of Ra.] King of Truth .] King of the two
crowned in U as. 4] King countries. (Ib-men-khe-
of the two countries. of the two countrie3 (Ra- the two countries. ( l{a-
men-kheper). He mul- men-kheper). His f.'lther pc r); making offerings
(Ra - men- kheper). He
tiplied, lord of the gods, Tum set up his nam e beloved of the gods ;
made this tribute to his placing offerings on the
father Harmachis. These festivals of the Persea tree within the precincts, in
in the midst of the temple th·e palace of On giving a ltar of the spirits of On ;
two obelisks he built aRd making offerings to their
stood up, and tipped them of the Phoenix ; he is his him the seat of Seb, th e
son ; he is the sacred and dignity of Kheper-ra. Son majesties both times; that
with gold, at the time of
divine body whose limbs of t he sun. (Thothmes) . he might repose through
his first Thirty-years' -fes· t hem with a sound life
t ival. As he desired it , extend everywhere. Son Of 'the spirits of On be-
of the sun. (Thothmes) loved-eternal. hundreds of thousands of
he did it. Son of the Sun .
of Harmachis beloved. thirty-years' cycles, an<l
(Thothmes). very many festival s. Son
o f the sun. (Thothmes) ;
of Ihrmachis beloved ;
everliving, &c.

Horns. [Strong Bull , Horns. [Strong Bull,
Horns. [Strong Bull, Horns. [Strong Bull,
beloved ofThoth.] King son of Ptah.] King of th e son of Ptah.J King of
beloved of Ra.] King two countries. (Rameses). the two countries. ( Ra-
of the two countries. of the two countries.
vVatcher over both coun - meses) . The golden Hor-
(Rameses). Lord of the (Rameses). Son of Ra,
tries. Lord of the dia- ns; director of years; the
festivals, like his father born of the gods, holding
dems. Chastiser of foreign most great and powerful.
Ptah-Tan en Son of the the two countries. Son of
nations. Son of the sun . Son of the sun.(Ram eses) .
S un. (Rameses). The the Sun (Rameses). He
(Rameses). He goes daily Out of their countries he
Strong Bull, like the son places his frontiers and
into the house of Tum , led captive the Rutennu
of heaven, against whom sets up his throne-house
and is seen in the house and Peti to the thron e
none can stand. The where he likes, by his vic-
of his father. Lord of the of the house of his father.
Illustrious. Lord of the tories and strength. Lord
two countries. (Rameses). Lord oft he two countries.
two countries. (Rameses). of the two countries (Ra- ( J{ameses). Son ol the
meses). Son of the sun. Son of the sun.(Rameses).
Son of the Sun, (Ra - Like the sun. sun . (Rameses). Be-
meses). (Rameses). Lustre of the loved of Shu ; the great
The small imcription sun, Ra.
god ; like the sun, &c.
mz the extreme left reads :
King of the two countries.
(Ra-user-kheper-ra) King
(Seti, i.t. the Second) &c.

1- Whose usual name is" Ra.' ' 2. Upper and Lower Egypt. 3· The readings of the cartouches or name-scrolls are enclosed in curved brackets, and those of the square standards in square brackets. · 4 Thebes.
5· On or An is the Egyptian appe!lati?n of the city better kt;?wn as Heli~polis (the cit~ o~ the sun), _the original site of this obelisk. 6: R eprese n~ed by a ha,~k Lea_ring the sola r _dis~; 7· l{epresented by a sparrow -
hawk with a regal crown. 8. 1lus rs Rameses II ., called The Great. 9· The mstgma of a kmg are one standard and two cartouches. 10. flus phrase ts eqmvalent to "km g .

The im;criptions on the lower part of the obelisk have been mostly obliterated, and the obelisk is fractured as indicated on side IV.
In trying to arrange the above translations so as to bring out as clearly as possible the connection between the hieroglyphs and their meaning, we have been greatly assisted by the scholarly translation of DR. BrRCH,
of the British Museum.

An Eleg-ant Model of this Obelisk has been designed, and can be obtained, price 2s. 6d, of the London. Stereoscopic and Photol;rap!tic
Company, 54, Cheapside, and I08 & I IO , Re~t;nzt Street, London.

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