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Activity Sheet

Week 1-Day 1
Reading Comprehension
Respond appropriately to the messages of the different
authentic texts

Study Skills
EN6SS-IIa1.3 EN6SS-IIa1.4
Gather relevant information from various sources (glossary or

EN6A-IIa-16 EN6A-IIa-17 EN6A-IIa-18
Observe politeness at all times / Show tactfulness when
communicating with others / Show openness to criticism

To the Learner

Did you enjoy your previous activity sheets? I am sure you did.

Let us learn more about authentic texts.

What do you think are examples of authentic texts? Can you name some?

Let’s Learn This

In this lesson, you will read an editorial text. Take note of the important
details including the message of the text.
Read the first two paragraphs of the editorial text. As you read it, list down
words that are not familiar to you. For the second time that you read it, figure out the
message of the first two paragraphs. For the last time that you read it, state your
reaction or response on the message of the paragraphs.

Go ahead, eat them

(The Philippine Star) | Updated July 7, 2017 - 12:00am

President Duterte is in the mood for

eating kilawin again. The President,
in a meeting Wednesday with local
officials in Davao del Sur, showed a
mobile phone with photos of two
Vietnamese hostages decapitated
by the Abu Sayyaf. This was hours
after the bodies of Hoang Thong
and Hoang Va Hai were found by
villagers in the town of Sumisip in

“I will eat your liver if you want me to. Give me salt and vinegar and I will eat it in
front of you,” Duterte said, addressing the Abu Sayyaf. “I eat everything. I am not
picky. I eat even what cannot be swallowed.”

The President had issued a similar warning in April, saying he could be 50 times
more vicious than the Abu Sayyaf, after the terrorists clashed with government
forces in Bohol. The Armed Forces of the Philippines, which has seen dozens of its
members decapitated by the Abu Sayyaf, does not have the appetite for ceviche a la
Duterte. But the beheading of the two Vietnamese ship crewmembers is a reminder
to the AFP about the continuing threat posed by the Abu Sayyaf in conflict zones
outside Marawi.

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The Supreme Court, in its ruling upholding the validity of the President’s Mindanao-
wide martial law Proclamation 216, has linked Abu Sayyaf attacks together with
depredations committed by other terrorist groups to the rebellion that the SC deemed
as sufficient justification for declaring martial law. The response to the rebellion
should not overlook the threat posed by the Abu Sayyaf in the island provinces of
Basilan and Sulu, where the group is still holding other hostages for ransom, most of
them foreigners.

Security officials have admitted being surprised by the ferocity of the Maute fighters
in Marawi. AFP resources are focused on the battle to rid Marawi of Maute terrorists
and find the Abu Sayyaf’s Isnilon Hapilon, reportedly the Islamic State commander in
the Philippines, who is believed holed up in the ruined city.

The beheading of the Vietnamese could be a diversion to reduce pressure on the

terrorists still in Marawi. But it is also a reminder that government forces cannot ease
up on the Abu Sayyaf in other parts of Mindanao. AFP members must make good on
the threat of their commander-in-chief to eat the Abu Sayyaf alive.


Let’s Try This

Task 1: Listing Uncommon Words

Below is a glossary for the editorial that you read. A glossary is a list of words and
their definitions. Let’s go back to your word list a while ago. Find the meaning of
each word on your list in the glossary.


Abu Sayyaf – "bearer of the sword" in Arabic, is a militant organization based in

the Southern Philippines. It seeks a separate Islamic state for the
country's Muslim minority.
beheading – to cut off the head of (someone) especially as a punishment
ceviche – a dish of raw fish marinated in lime or in lemon juice often with oil,
onions, pepper, and seasonings and served especially as an appetizer.
deemed – to think of or judge (someone or something) in a particular way
decapitated – beheaded
ferocity – a very fierce or violent quality
Kilawin – ceviche
vicious – very violent or dangerous
Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Task 2: Re-reading for Details

Read the first two paragraphs of the editorial again. This time, refer for the meanings
of the unfamiliar words in the glossary. Then answer the questions about the
paragraphs. Be sure to show openness in listening to your classmates’ answers.

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Questions for Paragraphs 1-2:

1. Who had a meeting with the local officials of Davao del Sur?
2. Where did the meeting happen?
3. What did President Duterte show in the meeting?
4. What did President Duterte say about the pictures in his mobile phone?
5. Who was President Duterte addressing in his statement?
6. What do you think President Duterte meant when he said:
“I will eat your liver if you want me to. Give me salt and vinegar and I will eat it
in front of you,” Duterte said, addressing the Abu Sayyaf. “I eat everything. I
am not picky. I eat even what cannot be swallowed.”

Task 3: Reacting
Complete the statement by answering the questions in the parentheses about the
first two paragraphs of the editorial.

Paragraphs 1-2 say that (What do the paragraphs say?)

The author’s opinion is (What does the writer mean? What
is the writer’s opinion on the first two paragraphs?) I think,
(What can you say about the idea? What is your reaction to
the idea of the first two paragraphs?).

Let’s Study This

Authentic text refers to texts which provide real-life examples of language used in
everyday situations. An editorial text is an example of an authentic text. An editorial
text is an article that expresses the writer’s opinions about a current issue.

There are four steps on how to read an editorial text.

1. Know the meaning of unfamiliar words. Highlight or copy the words that you
are not familiar with. Know their meanings and re-read the paragraph/s where
they are found. This will help you understand the meaning of every paragraph.
2. Read for the message of the text.
3. Determine the writer’s opinion.
4. Express your own reaction about the writer’s opinion.
An editorial text has a caricature. A caricature symbolically pictures the writer’s
opinions about an issue. Study the caricature in the editorial “Go ahead, eat them”.
Remember that:
 each figure stands for a concept or a character (person, agency,
country, and the like relevant to the issue being discussed).
 the sizes of the figures/images signal the degree of power or authority.
 each figure must be interpreted as a symbol of something else. It must
not be interpreted literally.

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Let’s Do This

Task 4. Reading the Editorial Text

A. With your partner, read the third paragraph of the editorial text. List down
words that are not familiar to you. Refer to the glossary on Let’s Try This
for their meanings.
Words I Do Not Know Meaning from the Glossary

B. Answer the following questions about the third paragraph.

1. What did the AFP see?
2. How should the AFP take the beheading of the two Vietnamese ship
crewmembers, according to paragraph 3?
3. What does the sentence “the AFP does not have the appetite for
ceviche a la Duterte” mean?

C. Discuss with your partner the message of the third paragraph. Then
complete the statement below. Be sure to show openness to criticism and
tactfulness when communicating with others.

Paragraph 3 says that ____________________________________.

D. Determine the writer’s opinion based on the third paragraph. Express it by

completing the sentence below.

We think the writer believes that ___________________________.

E. Express your reaction to the writer’s opinion stated on the third paragraph.
State it using the sentence that follows.

In our opinion, __________________________________________.

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Let’s Do More

Task 5. Reading the Editorial Text Again

This time, continue reading the fourth paragraph of the editorial text. Be sure to
follow the four steps in reading an editorial text. Fill in the outline with the correct

I. Paragraph’s meaning: _______________________________________

II. Writer’s opinion: ___________________________________________
III. My reaction to the author’s opinion:__________________________

Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Task 6: Picture of a Thousand Words

Study the caricature from the editorial text. Indicate what or who is represented or
symbolized by each figure. Write your responses in the matrix below.

Figure Who or What is Symbolized/Represented

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Let’s Test Ourselves

Task 7: In a Nutshell
Read the fifth and sixth paragraph of the editorial text. Then complete the table that

Idea of the Paragraphs Writer’s Opinion My Reaction

Prepared by:


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(For Teachers’ Use Only)

Task 1: Listing Uncommon Words

Answers may vary.

Task 2: Re-reading for Details

Questions for Paragraphs 1- 2:
1. President Rodrigo R. Duterte
2. Davao del Sur
3. Photos from his mobile phone
4. These are the bodies of Hoang Thong and Hoang Va Hai. They are
Vietnamese who were decapitated by the Abu Sayyaf.
5. The Abu Sayyaf Group
6. President Duterte threatened the Abu Sayyaf.

Task 3: Reacting

Paragraphs 1-2 say that in the light of civilian killing, President Duterte is brave
enough to face the Abu Sayyafs and make them pay the consequences of their
doings. President Duterte is even willing to “eat them alive” or employ the principle of
“an eye for an eye”. The writer’s opinion is the Philippine President is not
threatened by the Abu Sayyaf Group. He wants to make the Abu Sayyaf understand
that He is more powerful and will give disciplinary action to these rebels in order to
keep peace and order in the country. I think, (opinions may vary and are all

Task 4. Reading the Editorial Text

Words I Do Not Know Meaning from the Glossary

Answers may vary. Refer to the glossary for word meanings.

A. Answer the following questions about paragraph three.

1. Dozens of its members were decapitated by the Abu Sayyaf.
2. A reminder to the AFP about the continuing threat posed by the Abu
Sayyaf in conflict zones outside Marawi.
3. The AFP is not interested in the idea of killing the Abu Sayyaf members
who kill civilians. Rather, AFP simply wants to capture these Abu
Sayyaf members and leaders and go through the due process of the

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B. Paragraph 3 says that The AFP is not interested in the idea of killing the Abu
Sayyaf members who kill civilians. Rather, AFP simply wants to capture these
Abu Sayyaf members and leaders and go through the due process of the law.
C. We think the writer believes that the Philippine President and the AFP group
have different plans of eradicating the Abu Sayyaf’s killings of civilians.

D. In our opinion, (answers may vary and are all acceptable).

Task 5. Reading the Editorial Again

I. Paragraph’s meaning: The Supreme Court, in its ruling upholding the validity
of the President’s Mindanao-wide martial law Proclamation 216, has linked
Abu Sayyaf attacks together with depredations committed by other terrorist
groups to the rebellion that the SC deemed as sufficient justification for
declaring martial law.
II. Writer’s opinion: The response to the rebellion should not overlook the threat
posed by the Abu Sayyaf in the island provinces of Basilan and Sulu, where
the group is still holding other hostages for ransom, most of them foreigners.
III. My reaction about the author’s opinion: (Answers may vary and are all
Note: Answers in I and II are directly lifted from the text. Teachers should teach the
students, at the very least, to rephrase them.

Task 6: Picture of a Thousand Words

Study the caricature from the editorial text. Indicate what is symbolized or who is
represented by each figure. Write your responses in the matrix.

Figure Who or What is Symbolized/Represented

President Duterte as representative of the Filipinos

Abu Sayyaf Group that rebels against- or contradicts

the President’s governance.

Maute Group that rebels against- or contradicts the

President’s governance.

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Displeasure of the President about the activities of Abu

Sayyaf Group and the Maute Group.

Water level that symbolizes the actions of the two rebel

groups are perceived by the President as “below the

Task 7: In a Nutshell

Read paragraphs 5 to 6 of the editorial text. Complete the table that follows.
Idea of the Paragraphs Author’s Opinion My Reaction

 Security officials have Answers may vary and Answers may vary and
admitted being surprised are all acceptable are all acceptable
by the ferocity of the
Maute fighters in

 The beheading of the

Vietnamese could be a Answers may vary and Answers may vary and
diversion to reduce are all acceptable are all acceptable
pressure on the
terrorists still in Marawi.
But it is also a reminder
that government forces
cannot ease up on the
Abu Sayyaf in other
parts of Mindanao.

Prepared by:


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