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Daughter (Prudence): But I’m fifteen years old. I want to hang out with my
friends. How come I can’t come after midnight? All my friends
Mother (Heart): You are not as old as you think, and if it’s okay for your friends
to go home late, it’s not the case for me! You are my daughter
and while you live in this house you will do as I say.
Daughter (Prudence): It’s not fair. You just want me to do what you want, I am
a good daughter.
Mother (Heart): Let’s see good daughter. How come you don’t have good grades
in mathematics? How come you don’t wash the dishes when I
tell you to do it? How come you don’t go to bed early?
Daughter (Prudence): Mom! ... ( kunot noo)
Mother (Heart): Shut your mouth, and listen to your mother!.. You should do
what I tell you to do, not what you want to do it.
(Prudence gets angry and starts to read a magazine)
Daughter (Prudence): Okay whatever you say. I am not perfect.
Mother (Heart): You know what? I have to go, it’s getting late for work. Clean the
bathroom and the living room, and wash your clothes. Oh, and
don’t open the door to strangers.
(Mother leaves)
Daughter (Prudence): (furious) Blah, blah, blah, blah, I am not going to do
anything. I wish I had another mother.
( Prudence hears a voice)
Voice (JM): Your wish is my command.
( Prudence jumps up to the sofa and covers her head with the
Daughter (Prudence): Who are you?
Voice (JM): I am your fairy godmother!
Daughter (Prudence): That’s not true. You are a male. (hinahanap ang
Voice (JM): Shut up!.. (with action na pagirl) Little girl this is such a
great opportunity. You asked for a wish and you woke me
up, so tell me what kind of mother do you want?
Daughter (Prudence): Please, don’t call me little girl.
Voice (JM): Okay young lady, tell me what you want.
Daughter (Prudence): Let me think…
Voice (JM): Make it fast sweety!...
Daughter (Pru): Wait!. Uhhh…. I want someone that let me do what I want
to do, and someone that buys me everything I want, and
everything I like.
Voice (JM): Your wish is my command.
(Mother 1 (Daphnie) enters very nicely dress and she sits
in the sofa to read a magazine.)
Daughter (Pru): Wow!. Listen Mom.
Mother 1 ( Daphnie): Little girl, don’t call me Mom. I spend a lot of money in
plastic surgeries just to look younger, and you call me
Daughter (Pru): I’m sorry, I just want to tell you that I want to go out with
my friends, and I want to come home late, and I need
some money to buy things that makes me look as
beautiful as you.
Mother 1 ( Daphnie): (She gives Pru her credit card). Take it, and do whatever
you want to do.
Daughter (Pru): Do you remember that the other day I told you about a
girl that was.
Mother 1 (Daphnie): I already gave you what you wanted. I don’t have time to
listen to your stories. I’m going to the beauty shop. Bye!..
(Mother 1 leaves)
Daughter (Pru): What is wrong with my mother? Do I know her? Oh no,
this is not fair Fairy!..
Voice (JM): Why are you yelling? Tell me how things went with your
new mother?
Daughter (Pru): You exaggerated. I wanted to talk to her, but she wouldn’t
let me.
Voice (JM): What do you want then?
Daughter (Pru): I want her to be nice to me. I want her to love me and to
listen to me. ( Nag-isip) Oh! Wait… I think a father might
be the answer to my problems.
Voice (JM): Are you sure that’s what you want?
Daughter (Pru): I am sure! Come on do it!
(Father1 Prince enters)
Father 1(Prince): My dear daughter, Im back, I missed you so much! Tell me
what you want.I will do everything you asked for. Anyway
what’s up!
Daughter (Pru): Oh Father, relax, everything is fine. I just wanted you to
do different, but not too different! (Nakahawak sa ulo ang
dalawang kamay naguguluhan)
Father 1 (Prince): Sweetheart, tell mewhat youwant to eat. What do you
want to tell me? Tell me everything.
Daughter (Pru): Oh Father, stop it, I can’t breath!
Father 1 (Prince): Do you need some air, sweety? I’ll turn on the air
Daughter (Pru): No Father, I don’tneed some air. It’s just that…..
Father 1(Prince): Are you tired? Sit down, I’ll take off your shoes. Do you
want a massage, sweetheart?
Daughter (Pru): No, Father, you don’t understand.Do youknow what? Go
to the store and buy me something to eat, I am hungry.
Father 1 (Prince): Sure sweetheart, what do you want to eat?
Daughter (Pru): Buy whatever you want. Bye Father!..
(Father1 leaves)
Daughter (Pru): What is wrong with you fairy godmother? Why doyou
give mewhat I don’t want to have?
Voice(JM): Sweety, you told me that you want someone who cares
for you. Who loves you and who listen to you.
Daughter ( Pru): Yes, I know, but not that much. Maybe someone strict,
but at the same time someone who cares for me and
loves me.
Voice (JM): Very well. I am giving you what you asked for.
(Father 2 enters)
Father 2 (Aaron) (Angry) Stand straight!.. (Prudence stands straight as
asoldier) Do you want to eat something?
Daughter (Pru): (frightened) Yes.
Father 2(Aaron): You have to say. Yes, Father!..
Daughter (Pru): Yes, Father!..
Father 2 (Aaron): From now on, food will be served at 12pm sharp. You are
not allowed to go out after 10pm. You will watch
television from 5 to 6 pm, and youwill go to bed at 8
o’clock. Understood?
Daughter (Pru): Yes, Father! But can I go to bed a little bit later, and can I
go out with my friends?
Father 2 (Aaron): You must follow the rules. There will be no changes. And
now you must clean the house. I have to go shopping. And
when I come back I expect everything to be really neat, if
not you will be punished. Understood?
Daughter (Pru): Yes, Father!
Father 2 (Aaron): Oh, and I do all this because I love you.
(Father 2 leaves)
Daughter (Pru): I can’t believe it! What is wrong with you fairy
Voice (JM): What is your problem? I give you what you want, and you
get angry at me!
Daughter (Pru): Yes, because it’s not fair. I trusted you and you are having
fun of me.
(Daughter -Prudence cries)
Voice (JM): It’s your wish that I grant! That’s it I’m done with! I will
turn your life back to normal.
(Minagic ni fairy godmother)
Mother ( Heart): Prudence, the house is still messy, what are you doing
the whole time I’m gone?
(Prudence is confused while running away from home.
She’s in a park with many questions in her mind, until
she got hungry and decided to go home).
Daughter (Pru): Mom, I’m hungry!. Mom.. Mom.( Hinanap sa room,
kusina, Cr.)
*knock, knock * !!! (JM as an uncle)
Daughter (Pru): (opens the door) Uncle why are you here?
Uncle (JM): Come with me.
(Pumunta sila sa hospital, morge. Binuksan ni Prudence
ang kumot sa mukha ng patay).
Daughter (Pru): Mom!... huhuhu huh u… WHAT HAPPENED!..
Uncle (JM): (Hinawakan sa likod) Your mother is so worried and she
went looking for you. She’s in a hurry that didn’t noticed
there is a truck coming in her way.
Daughter (Pru): hu.huhuhu… (Umiyak ng malakas)
(Lumabas ng morge c Prudence, nagpakita c fairy
Daughter (Pru): This is all your fault.
Voice (JM): Listen Sweety, I just wanted you to seewhat you haveat
home. You don’t have to be looking somewhere else what
you already have. Now tell me, does your mother cares
for you?
Daughter (Pru): Yes, she cooks my favorite foods.
Voice (JM): Does she listen to you when you havesomething to tell
Daughter (Pru): Yes, she’s always there for me.
Voice (JM): Look, when we are young, we don’t see that our mother
is taking care of us, and that is a way of showing love.
When you grow up, then you can take your own
Daughter (Pru): Well, yes, but I get mad because I want to go out and she
won’t let me.
Voice (JM): Being a mother is a full time job. Even if she not with you
she prays for you all the time, and she’s doing her best so
you can be comfortable. Each one of ushas the best
mother in the world.
Daughter (Pru): Will you give me another chance?
Voice (JM): Fine this is your one and only last chance. What do you
want sweetie?
Daughter (Pru): I want my mother back, I want to be with her.
Voice (JM): Your wish is my command! I guess this is goodbye
Daughter (Pru): Yeah. Thanks for everything.
(Lumabas si Mother –Heart sa pinto… nagtataka)
Mother (Heart): What happened? Why are we here? What we are doing
he---? ( sabay yakap si Prudence)
Daughter (Pru): Mom, I’m sorry for all I have done. I love you Mom.
Mother ( Heart): I didn’t really get what’s happening here, but I’m glad that
you finally understand.

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