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Boon or Bane ; Usage of mobile phones inside the classroom in the selected grade

10 students in

CINHS A.Y 2018 – 2019

In our present generation technology is become popular to everybody like you

can see them everywhere because its become inconvenient.


-Mobile phones can make an easy job to the students like they can take a photo
of the lecture If they are running out of time.

-If the question in the assignment is very difficult to answer the students can
easily research to answer the certain topic .

-Were can be more advance to the lesson even though we don’t have books, like
us. we study on public school the books are not enough for us students.

-With mobile phones parents will be less worried since they can easily check on
their children,and students can easily call for their parents in times of emergency.

-Mobile phones can be used as a paper and pencil.students can used their phones
for taking down notes and even for saving reminders.

Sample of apps that can help us to study blue – allows users upload class study materials, create electronic
flashcards to study and share with others, and practice quizzes

2.evernote – A tool that allows you to capture a note or memo in any format
blackboards , magazines , receipt and more and converts them into editable ,
shareable texts ,

3.My homework student planner – is a digital student planner that lets you track
your classes , homework , test ,and project so you never forgot an assignment
4.oxford dictionary – the mobile version of the oxford university , oxforf English

-Cell phones can cause distraction.Students can easily be distracted because they
wanting to use the cell phone.

-Sometimes they become addicted to use cell phone and play online games even
though the teacher is lecturing in front of the class.

-Cell phones can be used in cheating.Text messaging is the new note

passage.Students can exchange text messages with test answers on them without
the teachers knowing.

-Cell phones can be use in bullying.Students can take a video or a pictures of their
classmate that can be humanism

-Cell phones can be health hazards .Constant exposure to the radiation emitted
by mobile phones may be bad for the Students

-Cell phones can be detrimental to school safety . Cell phones can cause chaos
during bomband other threats because of the parents rushing o the school our
present generation technology is become popular to everybody like you can see
them everywhere because its become inconvenient.

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