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Institute ID: IR-E-U-0621

Institute Name: National Institute of Technology Puducherry

Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital & Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Financial Year 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Utilised Amount Utilised Amount Utilised Amount
Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)
4610696 (Fourty six lakhs ten 278794 (Two lakhs seventy
Library thousand six hundred and ninty eight thousand and seven ninty 0 (Zero)
six only) four only)
10386254 (One crore three 7851576 (Seventy eight lakhs
55961 (Fifty five thousand nine
New Equipment for Laboratories lakhs eighty six thousand two fifty one thousand five hundred
hundred sixty one only)
hundred and fifty four only) and seventy six only)
Engineering Workshops 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero)
8875237 (Eighty eight lakhs 7907172 (Seventy nine lakhs 338675 (Three lakhs thirty
Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (excluding
seventy five thousand two seven thousand one hundred eight thousand six hundred and
expenditure on Land and Building)
hundred and thirty seven only) and seventy two only) seventy five only)
Annual Operational Expenditure
36673821 (Three crore sixty 32084777 (Three crore twenty
38515699 (Three crore eighty
six lakhs seventy three lakhs eighty four thousand
Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) five lakhs fifteen thousand six
thousand eight hundred and seven hundred and seventy
hundred and ninty nine only)
twenty one only) seven only)
Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables, other 6293092 (Sixty two lakhs ninty 8490831 (Eighty four lakhs 3203230 (Thirty two lakhs
running expenditures etc. (excluding maintenance of hostels and three thousand and ninty two ninty thousand eight hundred three thousand two hundred
allied services) only) and thirty one only) and thirty only)
398770 (Three lakhs ninty 1143817 (Eleven lakhs fourty 38347 (Thirty eight thousand
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops eight thousand seven hundred three thousand eight hundred three hundred and fourty seven
and seventy only) and seventeen only) only)


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