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Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470

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On the mechanical and shrinkage behavior of cement mortars reinforced

with carbon nanotubes
A. Hawreen a,⇑, J.A. Bogas a, A.P.S. Dias b
CERIS-ICIST, DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
LAETA, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s

 CNTs aspect ratio and dispersion process highly affect the CNT-mortar performance.
 CNTs are more effective in mortars with low w/c and early testing ages.
 Shrinkage and fracture toughness of mortars highly improve with CNT incorporation.
 Increment in compression, flexion and elastic modulus of CNT-mortars.
 CNTs provide efficient crack bridging and enhance quality of aggregate-paste ITZ.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper investigates the reinforcement efficiency of mortars produced with different types of carbon
Received 8 November 2017 nanotubes (CNTs) in terms of their mechanical strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, elastic modulus, frac-
Received in revised form 28 January 2018 ture toughness, shrinkage and microstructure. The incorporation of 0.05–0.1% of CNTs was able to reduce
Accepted 21 February 2018
the early shrinkage up to 62% and increase the flexural strength and fracture energy up to 33% and 65%,
Available online 27 February 2018
respectively. Well-dispersed CNTs could improve the post-cracking resistance of mortars, being able to
effectively bridge microcracks up to around 1 lm wide. Microscopic analysis shows that CNTs can poten-
tially improve the quality of the cement matrix in the aggregate-paste interfacial transition zone.
Carbon nanotube
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mechanical strength

1. Introduction research concerning cementitious composites reinforced with

CNTs is still recent.
The first polymer nanocomposite using CNTs as fillers was Some research investigations on mechanical characterization
reported in 1994 by Ajayan [1]. Since then, CNT/polymer [2,3] have been recently conducted, especially concerning the incorpo-
and CNT/metal [4,5] composites have been widely investigated ration of up to 1% of CNTs by weight of binder in cement pastes
for Young’s modulus, tensile strength, fracture toughness and [6,7,10,11,13,14]. Li et al. [7] investigated the mechanical beha-
strain/stress sensing. The positive effect of the incorporation of viour of cement pastes reinforced with 0.4–0.5% of surface modi-
CNTs in the mechanical properties of ceramic matrices has also fied CNTs and reported 19–25% improvements in the flexural and
been reported [6–8]. These findings suggest that cementitious compressive strength. Incorporation of pristine CNTs led to lower
materials can also benefit from the incorporation of CNTs due to compressive strengths as compared to plain mixes. The low effec-
their significant mechanical properties [9]. In fact, some studies tiveness of CNTs in mechanical strength reinforcement of cement
have shown the contribution of CNTs towards improving the initial pastes [11,15] or mortars [16] was also reported by other research-
shrinkage [6,10], mechanical properties [6,11], durability [12] and ers. Nevertheless, some authors could attain strength improve-
microstructure [6,7,13] of cementitious matrices. Nonetheless, ments as high as 35% when CNTs were well dispersed in the
cement matrix [6,17,18]. Konsta et al. [10] found up to 35% lower
⇑ Corresponding author. shrinkage in cement pastes with 0.028–0.048% of CNTs as com-
E-mail addresses: (A. Hawreen), pared to plain pastes. A greater contribution of CNTs was found
(J.A. Bogas), (A.P.S. Dias). in the toughness of cement pastes and mortars. Zou et al. [19], Li
0950-0618/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
460 A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470

et al. [20] and Stynoski et al. [21] found that the addition of 0.033– 70% of the mixing water and Dolapix PC67 (CNT:Dolapix of 1:1 for
0.125% of CNTs resulted in fracture load, fracture toughness index CNTPL, 1:0.5 for CNTCOOH and 1:0.25 for CNTOH), by means of a
and crack mouth opening displacement up to 51%, 19% and 52% mechanical procedure consisting of 4 h of magnetic stirring, fol-
higher than those of specimens without CNTs, respectively. lowed by about 30 min of sonication. The chemical method was
To sum up, depending on the type, amount and dispersion pro- not considered for CNTSS and CNTSL, since these products were
cedure of CNTs, as well as the studied property, different efficiency previously supplied in aqueous suspensions, but they were also
of CNTs-reinforced cement based materials has been reported in subjected to stirring and sonication.
literature. Further research is thus necessary to better understand
the CNTs potential in reinforcing cementitious matrices. In addi- 2.3. Mix compositions and sample preparations
tion, studies have been essentially focused on the reinforcement
of cement pastes, with less knowledge about the efficiency of CNTs Mortars with different w/c (0.35, 0.45, 0.5 and 0.55) were pro-
in mortars and concretes, where aggregates are also present. That duced to cover a wide spectrum of cementitious compositions.
said, this paper aims the mechanical behaviour of cement mortars From a previous study [6] concerning the mechanical characteriza-
with different types of CNTs and a wide range of distinct composi- tion of cement pastes with 0.015–1%, by weight of cement, of the
tions. Mortars were characterized in terms of mechanical and same CNTs used in this study, the optimal amount of CNTs was
shrinkage behaviour. The dispersion efficiency and participation achieved for 0.1% of CNTSS of lower aspect ratio and 0.05% of the
of CNTs in the reinforcement of mortars were analysed by means other types of CNTs with higher aspect ratios (CNTPL, CNTSL,
of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). CNTCOOH and CNTOH). Based on this previous study, mortars
were produced with the same optimum CNTs content. For shrink-
age tests, the amount of CNTs varied between 0.1 and 1% in order
2. Experimental programme
to analyse the effect of higher CNT contents. Mortars were pro-
duced with 1:3 cement to sand ratio, in which siliceous natural
2.1. Materials
sand consisted of 70% coarse and 30% fine sand, for better granular
packing. Mortars with w/c of 0.35 and 0.45 were produced with
Five types of CNTs were supplied by Timesnano Company
1.2% and 0.15% of SP (by weight of cement), respectively. In paral-
(Table 1). CNTSL and CNTSS, with distinct aspect ratios, were sup-
lel, reference cement mortars (RCM) without CNTs were also
plied in suspension form at CNT concentrations of 5% and 9%,
respectively. They were previously dispersed in water with the
Mortars were produced in a traditional multi-speed planetary
aid of a polyethylene glycol aromatic imidazole surfactant-
mortar mixer. The dispersed CNT suspension was gradually added
TNWDIS. Pristine CNTPL had the same aspect ratio of CNTSL, but
to the cement and mixed for 3 min. For mortars with w/c of 0.35
it was supplied in powder form. CNTCOOH and CNTOH, also sup-
and 0.45, SP was added to the cement paste after mixing 1 min.
plied in powder form, were initially acid treated to render –COOH
In another mixer, fine and coarse sands were mixed and saturated
and –OH sidewalls functionalization, respectively. CNTOH pre-
with the remaining 30% of mixing water. Then, the cement paste
sented the highest aspect ratio. The CNTs were selected in order
was added to the saturated aggregates and mixed for more 2
to cover and study the influence of different factors, namely the
min. For each composition, test and curing age (see 2.4), three pris-
aspect ratio, the surface functionalisation and the deliver condition
matic specimens of 40  40  160 mm were produced. For shrink-
(powder form or previously dispersed in aqueous suspension).
age test, steel pins were incorporated at the centre of both ending
Aspect ratios considered in this study are in the range of those usu-
surfaces of each prism, to allow the shrinkage measurements.
ally considered in literature [17,22].
The specimens were compacted in a common mortar moulding
To disperse the powder form CNTs (CNTPL, CNTCOOH and
compaction table and then covered with a plastic film until 24 h.
CNTOH), the anionic commercial surfactant Dolapix PC67
After demolding, all the specimens, except those for shrinkage test,
(Zschimmer-Schwarz) was used. This surfactant was selected
were water-cured in a chamber with relative humidity over 95%
based on a previous study [23]. Portland cement type I 42.5R
and temperature of 20 ± 2 °C until testing. The specimens used
according to EN197-1 [24] and a polycarboxylate based superplas-
for shrinkage tests were placed in a controlled chamber with a
ticizer, SP (MasterGlenium SKY 548) were used in mortar produc-
temperature of 22 ± 2 °C and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5%, based
tion. Aggregates consisted of 0.25/3.35 coarse sand and 0.125/1.0
on LNEC E398 [25].
fine sand.
2.4. Testing procedures
2.2. Carbon nanotubes dispersion
For compressive and flexural tests, samples were tested at 7, 28
The dispersion of powder CNTs in water was performed accord- and 90 d according to EN 1015-11 [26]. The samples for compres-
ing to Guedes et al. [23]. The required CNT content was mixed with sive strength test were obtained from the two remaining parts of

Table 1
Characteristics of CNTs (provided by supplier).


Commercial name TNIM8 TNIM6 TNIM6 TNIMC6 TNIMH4
Form as supplied Suspension Suspension Powder Powder Powder
Purity (%) >90 >90 >90 >90 >90
Outer diameter (nm) >50 20–40 20–40 20–40 10–30
Inner diameter (nm) 5–15 5–10 5–10 5–10 5–10
Length (mm) 10–20 10–30 10–30 10–30 10–30
Aspect ratio 300 667 667 667 1000
True density (g/cm3) 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
COOH (%) 1.36–1.5
OH (%) 2.48
A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470 461

the beams tested for flexural strength. The ultrasonic pulse velocity (m); d - beam depth (m); b is the beam width (m); a0 - notch depth
(UPV) and dynamic modulus of elasticity were determined at the (m).
same ages, following the recommendations of EN 12504-4 [27] The dispersion and interaction of CNTs with the cement matrix
and ASTM E1876 [28], respectively. The UPV was measured by were analysed by means of SEM, using samples of about 10  10 
direct transmission in specimens, by means of the portable ultra- 10 mm, collected from broken specimens after the mechanical
sonic non-destructive digital indicating tester (PUNDIT). The time tests.
taken by an ultrasonic pulse to travel through the sample was mea-
sured with accuracy up to 0.1 ms, using 54 kHz transducers posi-
tioned in the middle of each opposing specimen’s face. The 3. Results and discussions
dynamic modulus of elasticity was determined by impulse excita-
tion of vibration, using the GrindoSonic system equipment. An The average values of hardened density, q, flexural strength,
elastic impulse was transmitted to the test specimen and then fctm, compressive strength, fcm, dynamic modulus of elasticity, Ed,
converted by the detector to an electrical signal, which is used to and ultrasonic pulse velocity, UPV, at 7, 28 and 90 d are presented
compute the dynamic modulus. According to LNEC E398 [25], in Table 2. The coefficient of variation, CV, for each test is also indi-
shrinkage was monitored by a length comparator with a gauge cated. In general, CV was similar in reinforced and non-reinforced
length of 5 mm and a precision of 0.01 mm. Shrinkage was first mortars. Minor differences were found between the hardened den-
measured at 24 h and then daily up to 7 d, every two days up to sities of RCM and CNT-reinforced mortars, being lower than 4%.
30 d, every 15 d up to 90 d and monthly up to one year. This suggests that the surfactants used to disperse the low amount
Toughness test was performed in notched beam specimens of CNTs adopted in this study didn’t introduce significant extra air
under three-point loading, according to RILEM TCS [29]. Prior to in mortar mixes. Nevertheless, slightly lower densities were found
testing, specimens were notched with about 13 mm crack at half in mortars where the manufacturer’s surfactant was introduced
span. A deflectometer with 1 mm precision and 5 mm course was (CNTSS, CNTSL).
installed to measure the mid-span deflection. In addition, a
dynamic clip-on extensometer was also installed to measure the 3.1. Flexural strength
Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD) [30]. The samples
were then loaded until failure, and deflection, CMOD and the max- The incorporation of CNTs was effective to increase the flexural
imum failure load were recorded. The fracture strength, rf, and sta- strength of mortars (Table 2) due to the pore filling with CNTs in
tic Young’s modulus, Es, were calculated based on the maximum the spaces between the hydration products [6,7,31], the generation
load values [22] and the load–CMOD curves’ initial linear elastic of extra nucleation sites on CNTs for the faster and more uniform
segment [30], respectively. The fracture energy was calculated growth of C–S–H [6,12] and the retention of microcrack propaga-
from the area under the load–deflection curve based on the RILEM tion provided by CNTs bridging them ([6,12,32], see 3.7).
[29], according to Eq. (1).

Ao þ mgd0 3.1.1. Influence of type of carbon nanotubes

GF ¼ ð1Þ
ðd  a0 Þb The type of CNTs highly affected the flexural strength of mor-
tars. This is due to the fact that CNT dispersion and reinforcement
where: Ao - total area under the load–deflection curve (N/m); mg - efficiency are mainly controlled by the characteristics of CNTs
beam self-weight (kg); d0 - deflection at final failure of the beam (structure defects and aspect ratio) and dispersion technique

Table 2
Density, q, flexural strength, fctm, compressive strength, fcm, dynamic elasticity modulus, Ed, and ultrasonic pulse velocity, UPV, of mortars.

Mix w/c CNT (%) q fctm fcm Ed UPV

kg/m3 MPa CV MPa CV GPa CV km/s 7/28/90 d CV
28 d 7/28/90 d (%) 7/28/90 d (%) 7/28/90 d (%) (%)
28 d 28 d 28d 28 d
RCM_0.35 0.35 0 2347 9.6/10.3/10.4 2.5 68.1/72.1/73.6 0.7 43.5/45.0/45.0 0.1 4.4/4.4/4.5 0.6
CNTSS_0.35 0.35 0.1 2335 11.8/13.1/13.3 2.5 76.8/84.3/86.8 1.0 45.0/47.5/47.7 3.0 4.5/4.5/4.6 0.2
CNTSL_0.35 0.35 0.05 2319 10.9/12.7/12.0 2.2 72.7/75.8/77.9 1.5 42.1/43.4/44.8 2.1 4.3/4.4/4.4 1.0
CNTCOOH_0.35 0.35 0.05 2349 11.4/12.1/13.0 2.4 72.4/83.1/86.2 1.5 44.7/47.1/47.1 0.7 4.5/4.5/4.6 0.9
CNTPL_0.35 0.35 0.05 2406 12.1/13.3/13.6 1.0 80.6/88.8/90.4 1.3 45.8/49.7/49.7 0.9 4.5/4.7/4.7 0.1
CNTOH_0.35 0.35 0.05 2440 11.1/11.6/12.0 0.6 76.8/85.3/88.1 1.6 46.7/48.7/48.3 0.5 4.5/4.6/4.6 0.5
RCM_0.45 0.45 0 2338 7.1/8.9/9.6 2.6 45.3/56.4/57.9 1.0 36.9/37.4/38.7 1.3 4.2/4.3/4.4 –
CNTSS_0.45 0.45 0.1 2310 9.3/10.6/11.1 0.8 53.2/64.7/65.8 1.3 39.6/40.8/40.8 0.3 4.3/4.4/4.4 0.6
CNTSL_0.45 0.45 0.05 2295 7.9/9.9/10.2 1.6 46.7/56.5/57.5 1.8 36.3/38.7/36.8 3.3 4.1/4.2/4.2 0.3
CNTCOOH_0.45 0.45 0.05 2393 9.3/10.4/10.5 2.0 58.4/63.0/66.7 1.6 39.6/41.5/41.9 0.6 4.3/4.4/4.4 1.1
CNTPL_0.45 0.45 0.05 2368 9.3/10.5/10.6 2.0 55.4/65.2/65.7 1.2 36.9/41.2/43.6 0.2 4.2/4.4/4.3 0.6
CNTOH_0.35 0.45 0.05 2392 8.3/10.0/10.5 0.5 52.6/63.6/67.6 0.5 39.2/41.8/43.5 0.7 4.2/4.3/4.4 0.1
RCM_0.5 0.5 0 2311 6.8/8.3/9.2 3.4 38.1/51.3/52.4 2.6 35.0/36.2/37.6 1.7 4.1/4.2/4.3 –
CNTSS_0.5 0.5 0.1 2316 9.0/9.9/10.2 0.5 46.3/58.8/61.5 1.0 38.0/38.3/39.0 0.3 4.1/4.2/4.3 0.1
CNTSL_0.5 0.5 0.05 2277 7.4/8.8/9.2 1.9 43.0/52.9/56.5 1.2 34.5/35.5/37.5 2.4 4.0/4.1/4.2 0.1
CNTCOOH_0.5 0.5 0.05 2356 8.5/9.5/10.1 3.9 45.1/55.6/57.0 0.9 37.0/37.2/40.4 1.3 4.0/4.3/4.3 0.5
CNTPL_0.5 0.5 0.05 2396 8.2/9.8/10.1 0.8 45.6/58.8/59.5 1.6 36.7/40.2/43.1 1.4 4.1/4.4/4.4 0.3
CNTOH_0.5 0.5 0.05 2369 8.4/9.5/9.7 3.0 46.6/59.6/63.5 2.4 36.8/39.5/40.8 0.8 4.0/4.2/4.3 0.2
RCM_0.55 0.55 0 2300 6.5/7.6/8.4 2.7 36.9/48.8/50.6 2.2 34.5/35.2/35.7 1.0 4.0/4.1/4.2 –
CNTSS_0.55 0.55 0.1 2262 8.3/9.2/9.3 2.2 38.9/51.0/52.0 1.6 37.1/37.8/38.8 1.0 4.0/4.1/4.2 0.2
CNTSL_0.55 0.55 0.05 2282 7.2/7.8/8.5 2.6 34.7/44.3/44.7 1.7 30.0/34.1/35.1 1.6 3.7/3.9/4.0 0.2
CNTCOOH_0.55 0.55 0.05 2386 7.9/8.7/9.0 2.0 43.7/55.4/57.7 2.1 33.6/38.9/37.6 1.8 4.0/4.2/4.2 0.8
CNTPL_0.55 0.55 0.05 2345 7.8/8.8/9.3 1.9 42.1/54.5/58.1 0.8 34.4/36.6/38.8 0.3 3.9/4.3/4.3 –
CNTOH_0.55 0.55 0.05 2351 7.7/8.6/8.9 4.9 41.4/51.8/54.5 1.4 33.4/36.5/37.1 1.2 4.0/4.2/4.2 0.5
462 A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470


fctm, CNT/ fctm, RCM




w/c 0.35



1.2 w/c 0.45

w/c 0.50

1.1 w/c 0.55
Fig. 1. Flexural strength of CNT-reinforced mortars (0.1% of CNTSS or 0.05% of other types of CNT) related to the flexural strength of RCM, as a function of w/c and type of CNTs
at 28 d.

[6,12]. Fig. 1 presents the flexural strength of each CNT-reinforced CNTCOOH can be related with its higher aspect ratio and the sub-
mix relative to that of RCM, at 28 d. sequent worse dispersibility.
Except for mortars with w/c of 0.35, in which CNTPL was
slightly more effective, the remaining mixes with CNTSS were able 3.1.2. Influence of w/c
to attain the maximum flexural strengths, being about 19–27% In general, the same type and concentration of CNTs con-
higher than those of RCM at 28 d. Short CNTs are less likely to tributed more to the increase of flexural strength in mortars with
agglomerate, being possible to effectively disperse greater w/c of 0.35 than in those with higher w/c (Fig. 1). For example,
amounts of CNTs. Nevertheless, mortars with only 0.05% of CNTPL comparing to RCM, the strength increments at 28 d in mortars with
of higher aspect ratio could attain similar mechanical behaviour, CNTSS and w/c of 0.35, 0.45, 0.5 and 0.55 were 27%, 19%, 20% and
since it led to about the same free spacing between CNTs as found 21%, respectively. These results may be explained by incorporating
in mortars with the double amount of short CNTSS [12]. In fact, SP in mortars with low w/c, which assisted the cement and CNT
more fibers bridging microcracks with greater bonding strength dispersion. In fact, the use of SP allows the more effective break-
may be attained with well dispersed CNTs of higher aspect ratio. down of cement agglomerates, which eventually contributes to
The lowest strength improvement was found in mortars with the better dispersion of CNTs. In addition, the greater amount of
CNTSL. This confirms the great relevance of CNT dispersion proce- CNTs incorporated in mortars with lower w/c and higher cement
dure, because mortars with CNTSL and CNTPL showed very differ- content also contributes to their higher performance, since the
ent results despite involving the same types of CNTs with identical amount of CNTs is defined by weight of cement. For example, mor-
aspect ratio. For example, in mortars with w/c of 0.35 the strength tars with w/c of 0.35 had more 15% of CNTs per volume of paste
increment with 0.05% CNTPL was about twice as that of identical than mixes with w/c of 0.45.
amount of CNTSL. In this case, the surfactant and sonication proce-
dure used to disperse CNTPL (Dolapix PC67) were more efficient 3.1.3. Influence of curing age
than those adopted by the manufacturer for the same type of In general, the maximum increase of flexural strength in CNT-
CNT (CNTSL). Also considering the results obtained for CNTSS, it reinforced mortars was attained at 7 d, regardless of the w/c
is concluded that the adopted commercial surfactant was less (Fig. 2). This phenomenon is related with the influence of CNTs
effective for CNTs of higher aspect ratio (CNTSL). on the morphology of the cement hydration products, being able
Slightly lower increments were found in functionalised to accelerate the hydration process at early ages due to the CNTs
CNTCOOH-mortars when compared to CNTPL-mixes with CNTs of nucleation effect [6,12]. The nucleation effect of the CNTs used in
identical aspect ratio. For mortars with CNTOH of greater aspect this study was also shown by thermogravimetric analysis [12].
ratio, the strength increment was even lower. Some reasons can Only for w/c of 0.35, the relative strength of CNTSS and CNTPL mor-
be attributed to the lower performance of functionalised CNT- tars were similar to slightly higher at later ages. In these composi-
mortars: the CNT functionalisation process can introduce CNT tions with SP, the good dispersion of cement particles is also
structural defects, leading to lower reinforcement efficiency; the attained in RCP mixes and the nucleation and acceleration beha-
simultaneous presence of surfactants may counteract the interac- viour promoted by CNTs is less prominent.
tion between treated CNTs and C–S–H; acid treated CNTs can lead Except for w/c of 0.35, the relative flexural strength tended to
to the degradation of the mechanical properties due to formation decrease with the testing age, being lower at 90 d. No particular
of expansive ettringite (3.7), which weaken the formation of C– reason was found for this downward trend, but the progressive
S–H [6,32,33]. The slightly lower efficiency of CNTOH than strength recovering of RCM, in which the hydration process was

w/c 0.35 w/c 0.45 w/c 0.50 w/c 0.55



7 28 90 7 28 90 7 28 90 7 28 90
Age (day)

Fig. 2. Flexural strength at 7, 28 and 90 d of CNT-reinforced mortars (0.1% of CNTSS or 0.05% of other types of CNT) related to the flexural strength of RCM with different w/c.
A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470 463

slower, may explain this over time reduction. Other hypothesis is 3.2. Compressive strength
that for later ages the influence of the quality of the aggregate-
paste transition zone (ITZ) may become more relevant (3.7). Basically, for the same reasons pointed out for flexural strength
results, it is shown that CNTs could also contribute for the com-
pressive strength enhancement of cementitious materials (Table 2,
3.1.4. Influence of aggregate Fig. 3). As previously reported by other authors [6,7,14,34], it was
Contrary to cement pastes, mortars reinforced with CNTs are confirmed that the addition of CNTs led to a lower increase in com-
also affected by the presence of fine aggregates. For common pressive strength (up to 23%) than in flexural strength (up to 29%),
mortars produced with normal weight aggregates the stiffness at 28 d.
of aggregates should be higher than that of surrounding matrix. Except for CNTSL, the compressive strength improvement
Therefore, the strength is mainly affected by the cement paste obtained at 7 and 28 d varied between 5 and 29%, depending on
and the quality of the aggregate-paste ITZ. Comparing to other the w/c, age and type of CNTs (Fig. 3a and b). Mortars with
results for cement pastes reported in literature, the contribution CNTCOOH, CNTPL and CNTOH shown similar to slightly higher
of CNTs tends to decrease in reinforced mortars [6,14,19]. Taking compressive strength improvements than those with CNTSS of
into account pastes with the same w/c and type and amount of lower aspect ratio (Fig. 3). This is not in line with the flexural
CNTs, Hawreen et al. [6] found >20% higher strength increase strength results. In this situation, the eventual better dispersion
than that obtained in this study for mortars. On the one hand, and more efficient force transfer provided by CNTSS did not prob-
the mixing procedure for mortars is more complex and difficult ably compensate the slightly lower density and higher void con-
to be implemented than that used for cement pastes, which tent of these mortars. In fact, the compressive strength may be
may result in poorer dispersion. On the other hand, the presence 4–5% reduced for each 1% of extra air voids in the cement matrix
of fine aggregates disturbed the uniform dispersion of CNTs due [35]. Since the role provided by CNTs was shown to be less effec-
to their much greater size that affect the CNT spacing and compli- tive in compressive strength than in flexural strength, namely on
cated their efficient reinforcement of the matrix [12]. However, the bridging effect and retention of crack propagation, the influ-
SEM analysis showed reasonable dispersion of CNTs, with no ence of air entrainment becomes more relevant. For example, the
occurrence of big agglomerates (3.7). In addition, since the failure maximum strength increment (29%) at 7 d was attained in the
path usually travelled through the paste and contour around mortar with w/c of 0.45 and 0.05% CNTCOOH, which had the high-
aggregates, the mechanical strength was affected by the est density among all the mortars with the same w/c (Table 2).
aggregate-paste ITZ. In these terms, if CNTs were not able to also Also based on flexural results, we may conclude that mortars
improve the strength of these regions, namely the aggregate- with longer CNTs (CNTPL) could attain similar to slightly higher
paste bonding strength, their reinforcement efficiency would be mechanical performance at lower contents as mortars with higher
lower in mortars. concentration of shorter CNTs (CNTSS). Once more, the lowest







fcm,CNT/ fcm,RCM



w/c 0.35

1.0 w/c 0.45

w/c 0.50
0.8 w/c 0.55





fcm,CNT/ fcm,RCM





w/c 0.35

w/c 0.45

1.0 w/c 0.50

w/c 0.55







fcm,CNT/ fcm,RCM



w/c 0.35


w/c 0.45

1.0 w/c 0.50

w/c 0.55
Fig. 3. Compressive strength of CNT-reinforced mortars (0.1% of CNTSS or 0.05% of other types of CNT) related to the compressive strength of RCM, as a function of w/c and
types of CNTs at (a) 7 and (b) 28 and (c) 90 d.
464 A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470

strength improvement was found in mortars with CNTSL. As for 60

flexural strength, similar increments were observed in treated 50 R² = 0.92
CNTCOOH-mortars when compared to the most effective CNTPL-

Ed (GPa)
mixes with CNTs of identical aspect ratio. Contrary to what was 40
found in flexural strength, mortars with CNTOH did not show 30 RCM
worse behaviour. Again, in general, it is confirmed that the addition CNT
of the same type of CNTs had higher influence on the strength 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
increase of mortars with low w/c and early age (7 d). fcm (MPaa)

3.3. Dynamic elastic modulus Fig. 4. Compressive strength vs dynamic modulus of elasticity of RCM and CNT-
The incorporation of CNTs was effective to improve the dynamic
modulus of elasticity of mortars, although the maximum incre-
ment was in general lower than 10% (Table 2). This modest
4.6 R² = 0.89
enhancement of elastic modulus, when compared to other

mechanical properties, was already expected since the mortar stiff-

ness is also controlled by the type and volume of aggregates, which 4.0
do not vary between different mixes of equal w/c. In fact, unlike 3.8 CNT
compressive and flexural strength, the modulus of elasticity is less 3.6
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
affected by the paste quality. As indicated in 2.3, the volume of
fcm (MPa)
sand is about 50–60%. Therefore, the reinforcement provided by
CNTs can only improve part of the mortar (cement paste), which
Fig. 5. Ultrasonic pulse velocity vs compressive strength of RCM and CNT-mortars.
leads to lower global variation of the modulus of elasticity. In addi-
tion, these dynamic tests were performed in unloaded and
the UPV was measured in uncracked specimens with minor contri-
uncracked specimens, not allowing the full contribution of CNTs,
bution of the bridging effect of CNTs. For these reasons, the incre-
namely through their bridging effect.
ment of UPV in reinforced mortars was only up to 6% (Table 2). In
In general, the effect of CNTs in the dynamic modulus of elastic-
many cases the difference of UPV between mortars was even lower
ity improvement followed the same trends found in flexural and
than 3%, which is within the test variability.
compressive strength. Mortars with CNTSL had the poorest perfor-
As the compressive strength and UPV are both affected by the
mance, showing only up to 4% increase of modulus when com-
paste microstructure, a good correlation (R2 = 0.89) was obtained
pared to the 11% improvement attained with the same aspect
between these properties (Fig. 5). This is valid, because no signifi-
ratio CNTPL, due to the difference in their dispersion process.
cant differences were introduced on the type and volume of aggre-
Again, greater amount of short CNTs (CNTSS) could be better dis-
gates between mixes. The major variations occurred at the w/c and
persed than lower amounts of CNTSL with higher aspect ratio, pro-
type of CNTs, which only affected the microstructure of the cement
viding reduced CNT free volume of cement paste and better filling
of nanosized voids. As for the use of functionalised CNTs
(CNTCOOH and CNTOH), increments of about 12% were found as
compared to that of RCM. 3.5. Fracture toughness
Unlike for flexural and compressive strength, the maximum
increment of dynamic modulus of elasticity was obtained for mor- Relevant increments up to 54%, 65% and 31% in rf, Gf and Es
tars with w/c of 0.45, regardless of the type of CNTs. This can be were obtained in CNT-reinforced mortars, respectively, when com-
partly attributed to the greater amount of sand in mortars with pared to RCM (Table 3). The strength increase can be attributed to
w/c of 0.35 than in mixes with w/c of 0.45, being 59% and 56% in the various factors previously mentioned, namely the effects of fil-
volume, respectively. Therefore, any paste improvement has a ler, nucleation and bridging. However, the bridging effect should
slightly greater influence in mortars with w/c of 0.45. be the mechanism that contributes most to the fracture energy.
It is recognized that the quality of the aggregate-paste ITZ The highest Gf of CNT-reinforced mortars was essentially justi-
affects the modulus of elasticity, namely by influencing the micro- fied by the increment obtained in the flexural peak strength. Con-
crack propagation in this region [36–38]. According to Neville [39], sequently, higher residual strength for a given net deflection and
rigid aggregates can better participate in modulus of elasticity CMOD were obtained in CNT-mortars. The higher strain capacity
when improved aggregate-paste bond is achieved. From the of CNT-reinforced mortars is also shown in Fig. 6. In addition,
obtained results, it is only possible to conclude that the incorpora- greater increase of the fracture strength (rf) than of fctm (Table 2)
tion of CNTs helped to improve the global modulus of elasticity. was attained in CNT-reinforced mortars when compared to RCM.
The effect of CNTs on the ITZ is better analysed in 3.7. A high linear This means that CNTs were able to improve the post-cracking
correlation was found between the modulus of elasticity and com- behaviour of mortars, showing their positive action on the reten-
pressive strength (Fig. 4), even taking into account different types tion of crack-propagation (Fig. 6).
of CNTs, w/c and testing ages. This high correlation shows that The post-peak behaviour was similar between different mor-
compressive strength was essentially affected by the characteris- tars, showing low deformations and hence low ductility, regardless
tics of the cement paste and ITZ. Otherwise, the aggregates partic- of the type of CNTs. Nevertheless, as mentioned, reinforced mortars
ipation would lead to different trends and lower R2. evidenced greater post-peak residual strengths (Fig. 6). In sum, the
greatest reinforcement contribution of CNTs occurred in the pre-
3.4. Ultrasonic pulse velocity peak behaviour of mortars. In fact, CNTs are only able to provide
their bridging effect at nanoscale, involving very small microcracks
The UPV mainly depends on the square root of the modulus of with up to about 1 lm wide ([12], see 3.7). In these terms, the first
elasticity and density of materials [40]. Therefore, since these microcracks can be retained and their propagation and develop-
two properties were slightly influenced by the incorporation of ment of macrocracks are delayed. However, as soon as the maxi-
CNTs (Table 2), the same is expected for UPV. On the other hand, mum strength is attained and macrocracks are developed, CNTs
A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470 465

Table 3
Fracture strength (rf), fracture toughness (Gf) and static elastic modulus (Es) of mortars at 28 d.

Mix w/c CNT CNT rf Gf Es

Type % MPa CV (%) D (%) N/m CV (%) D (%) GPa CV (%) D (%)
RCM_0.45 0.45 – 0 3.2 5.7 0.0 70.7 1.7 0.0 13.8 4.0 0.0
CNTSS_0.45 0.45 CNTSS 0.1 4.7 2.7 45.0 103.3 2.1 46.0 16.2 5.2 17.0
CNTSL_0.45 0.45 CNTSL 0.05 4.0 3.9 22.0 87.7 8.2 24.1 12.7 3.5 8.0
CNTPL_0.45 0.45 CNTPL 0.05 4.9 4.5 49.8 106.2 1.9 50.2 17.9 3.9 30.0
CNTCOOH_0.45 0.45 CNTCOOH 0.05 5.0 3.1 54.4 116.9 4.6 65.2 18.1 2.9 31.0
CNTOH_0.45 0.45 CNTOH 0.05 4.5 5.9 40.0 94.6 1.7 33.8 16.7 3.8 21.0

(a) 1.4 (b) 1.4

1.2 1.2
1.0 RCM 1.0

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 CNTSS
0.4 0.4 CNTPL
0.0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Deflection (mm) COMD (µm)

Fig. 6. (a) Load-deflection and (b) load-CMOD curves of mortars with w/c of 0.45 and 0.1% of CNTSS or 0.05% of other types of CNT.

are no longer able to retain them and a suddenly abrupt failure Again, the lowest improvement was found in CNTSL-mortars,
occurs. This suggests that the global fracture behaviour could be which confirms the inadequate dispersion of these CNTs. Mortars
rather improved with the additional incorporation of fibers, more with CNTSS and CNTOH showed similar increments of rf, Gf and
adequate to retain the subsequent development of bigger cracks. Es, being about 40–45%, 34–46%, 17–21%, respectively, when com-
In addition, comparing to RCM, a relevant increase of the Es was pared to RCM.
found in CNT-reinforcement mortars, especially in those produced
with CNTCOOH, CNTOH and CNTPL. This increase was up to about 3.6. Shrinkage
3 times higher than that of dynamic modulus of elasticity, Ed. Note
that Es was determined in loaded and cracked specimens, which The shrinkage of CNT-reinforced mortars produced with differ-
contributed to a better effectiveness of the bridging mechanism ent amounts (0.1–1%) and types of CNTs and w/c (0.35, 0.45, 0.5)
provided by CNTs. Moreover, for cracked specimens under tensile are presented in Fig. 7. Shrinkage values at 2, 7, 90, 180 and 365
stresses, the aggregates have less influence on the beam stiffness d are summarized in Table 4. As expected, shrinkage was lower
and the effect of CNTs is more noticed. in mortars with lower w/c, which had lower evaporable water,
Unlike flexural and compressive strength tests, maximum rf, Gf denser microstructure and greater paste content.
and Es of CNT-mortars were obtained with the addition of Shrinkage of cementitious materials can be controlled by reduc-
CNTCOOH, being 54%, 65% and 31% higher than those of RCM, ing the source of shrinkage (cement hydration and evaporation of
respectively. These increments were slightly higher than those capillary pore water) or increasing the restriction effect to free
found in mortars with pristine CNTs (CNTPL) of the same aspect shrinkage. This restriction effect is provided by the stiffness of
ratio, being 50%, 50% and 30% higher than RCM, respectively. This the cement matrix and, most of all, by the aggregate skeleton. In
suggests that CNTs with higher aspect ratio and greater surface general, the incorporation of CNTs was effective to reduce the
area to volume ratio allowed higher pull-out tensile strengths shrinkage of mortars. On the one hand, the small diameters of CNTs
and greater strain capacity, being more effective in crack retention. (10–50 nm), due to their filler and nucleation effect, promote the
In addition, functionalised CNTs may develop higher bond decrease of the amount of fine pores between the hydration prod-
strengths with the surrounding hydration products of cement ucts. As a consequence, the capillary stresses are reduced, resulting
pastes [7], leading to higher pull-out strengths. However, this in lower shrinkage [10]. In this case, CNTs can act as reducing
was not confirmed in the compressive and flexural strength tests, source of shrinkage in mortar. On the other hand, the microcrack
in which other factors, such as the nucleation and filler effect were bridging effect provided by CNTs increases the matrix stiffness,
also relevant. restricting the shrinkage deformation.
Despite its slightly worse toughness behaviour, high fracture The incorporation of CNTs was more effective at early ages,
energy increments were also achieved in mortars with CNTSS of which is in accordance with the mechanical results (Table 2). In
low aspect ratio. As mentioned, higher amounts of this type of general, the greater shrinkage reduction occurred before 7 d,
CNTs are easier dispersed in the cement matrix. The highest flexu- being 10–90% at 2 d and up to 62% at 7 d, depending on the type
ral strengths (Table 2) found in mortars produced with this type of and amount of CNTs and w/c. After 7 d, the reduction of shrinkage
CNTs confirms that the dispersion of greater amounts of nanotubes in CNT-mortars was less relevant and suffered little variations
was effective and hence, the filling and nucleation effects could be until 1 year. The long term shrinkage reduction was 2–21%
more relevant in these mixes. However, in toughness tests the (Table 4). Again, this behaviour can be related with the accelera-
bridging effect is more determinant than the other effects of filler tion of the hydration process at early ages in CNT-reinforced
and nucleation. mixes [6,41].
466 A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470

Age (day) Age (day) Age (day)

(a) (b) (c)

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
0 0 0
RCM_0.35 RCM_0.5
-100 -100 RCM_0.45 -100
CNTSS(0.1) CNTSS(0.1) CNTSS(0.1)
-200 -200 -200
CNTCOOH(0.1) CNTSS(0.5) CNTSS(0.5)

ε s (µm/m)
ε s (µm/m)
-300 -300
εs (µm/m)

-400 -400 CNTPL(0.1) -400
-500 -500 CNTCOOH(0.1) -500
-600 -600 -600
-700 -700 -700
-800 -800 -800
-900 -900 -900
-1000 -1000 -1000

Fig. 7. Shrinkage of mortars with different types and amounts of CNTs and w/c of (a) 0.35, (b) 0.45 and (c) 0.5.

Table 4
Shrinkage, Ɛs, of mortars after 2, 7, 90, 180 and 365 d.

Mix w/c CNT (%) Ɛs,2d Ɛs,7d Ɛs,90d Ɛs,180d Ɛs,365d

mm/m D mm/m D mm/m D mm/m D mm/m D CV
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) %
RCM_0.35 0.35 0 55 – 207 – 430 – 531 – 594 – 4.3
CNTSS(0.1) 0.35 0.1 47 14.3 211 1.9 375 12.7 438 17.6 484 18.4 2.7
CNTCOOH(0.1) 0.35 0.1 31 43.5 156 24.7 409 4.8 445 16.2 495 16.6 4.5
CNTPL(0.1) 0.35 0.1 47 14.9 150 27.5 422 1.9 453 14.8 500 15.8 3.6
RCM_0.45 0.45 0 109 – 390 – 773 – 812 – 922 – 2.0
CNTSS(0.1) 0.45 0.1 43 60.6 150 61.5 566 26.7 641 21.1 727 21.2 2.2
CNTSS(0.5) 0.45 0.5 52 52.2 219 44.0 688 11.1 722 11.1 750 18.6 1.0
CNTSS(1) 0.45 1.0 10 90.4 250 35.9 742 4.0 805 0.9 844 8.4 0.7
CNTCOOH(0.1) 0.45 0.1 78 28.4 217 44.5 672 13.1 742 8.6 789 14.4 1.8
CNTPL(0.1) 0.45 0.1 47 57.0 291 25.4 656 15.1 734 9.6 750 18.6 2.2
RCM_0. 5 0.5 0 78 – 359 – 773 – 875 – 984 – 1.7
CNTSS (0.1) 0.5 0.1 47 40.0 250 30.4 680 12.1 750 14.3 797 19.0 1.9
CNTSS (0.5) 0.5 0.5 70 10.0 328 8.7 828 7.1 875 0.0 891 9.5 2.2
CNTSS(1) 0.5 1.0 68 12.9 328 8.6 868 12.2 922 5.4 969 1.6 1.4

For mortars with w/c of 0.45, the best balance between a rea- was not possible to achieve highly uniform dispersions, being
sonable dispersion and an effective reinforcement was found for found some regions with almost no CNTs and others with closely
0.1% of CNTSS, having 1 year shrinkage reduction of 21%. The spaced CNTs (Fig. 8d). The mechanism of crack bridging was clearly
shrinkage reduction did not significantly vary for CNT concentra- identified for all types of CNTs, namely CNTSS (Fig. 8a–c), CNTPL
tions up to 0.5%, but decreased to only 8% when 1% CNTSS was (Fig. 8d), CNTCOOH (Fig. 8e) and CNTOH (Fig. 8f). In general, the
incorporated. A similar trend was found for w/c of 0.5. This is predominant fracture mode involved the CNT pull-out (Fig. 8b
attributed to the greater tendency to agglomerate of high CNTs and d) or the CNT breakage after some pull-out (Fig. 8a and e).
concentrations. At low crack widths, CNTs could bridge the cracks without failure,
The shrinkage of mortars was slightly affected by the type of being able to effectively transfer the force across them (Fig. 8c and
CNTs. For mortars with w/c of 0.45, the incorporation of 0.1% of f). In fact, it was found that this active bridging could only occur for
CNTSS, CNTPL and CNTCOOH resulted in 21%, 19% and 14% lower crack openings up to around 1 mm width.
shrinkage as compared to that of RCM, respectively, at 1 year. Although all mortars showed ettringite, slightly higher amounts
Smaller differences between these mixes were found for w/c of were found in those with functionalised CNTOH and CNTCOOH
0.35, in which the reduction varied between 16% and 18%. In gen- (Fig. 8e and f). The acid treatment of functionalised CNTs leaves
eral, it can be concluded that all tested types of CNTs were equally sulfate ions behind that may persist on the surface or inside the
efficient and shrinkage curves showed the same configuration over nanotubes, even after the neutralization treatments [32]. The for-
time. Only mortars with w/c of 0.45 and CNTCOOH showed slightly mation of ettringite crystals may cause localized debonding, fol-
higher shrinkage than those produced with other types of CNTs, lowed by strength reduction [42], which may justify the slightly
which is in line with the mechanical results. lower mechanical strength found in mortars with functionalised
CNTs. However, mortars with CNTOH and, in especial, CNTCOOH
3.7. Microscopic analysis showed high performance in fracture toughness. As shown in
Fig. 8f, this indicates that microcrack bridging was relevant, prob-
In general, CNTs were reasonably dispersed (Figs. 8 and 9), with ably due to the high aspect ratio and good nanotube/matrix inter-
only some few cases of punctual agglomeration. Nevertheless, it action of functionalised CNTs.
A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470 467

Fig. 8. SEM images of mortars with w/c of 0.5 and (a),(b),(c) 0.1% of CNTSS and 0.05% of (d) CNTPL, (e) CNTCOOH and (f) CNTOH [arrows indicate CNTs (") and ettringite ( )].

Fig. 9 shows that, at least in some areas, nanotubes could be gates during loading. In fact, on average, within the first 5 mm of
well distributed in the cement paste with CNTs spacing the surrounding matrix, no CNT could be found in microcracks
ranging 1–4 lm in mortars with w/c of 0.55 and 0.1% CNTSS. (Fig. 10). Especially for dense aggregates, the cement paste could
According to a previous work [12], for the same type and amount not penetrate the few pores in the siliceous aggregate and CNTs
of CNTs, the theoretical spacing estimated in pastes with also were not able to bridge the cracks developed very near the aggre-
w/c of 0.55 was 3.8 mm, which is within the range obtained in this gate surface. However, this does not mean that the cement matrix
study. in the ITZ was not globally improved in CNT-mortars. In fact, the
CNTs were reported to reduce the proportion of crystalline C–H ITZ average size in common cementitious materials may vary
[12] and increase the amount of high stiffness C–S–H [10], which between 40 and 50 mm, although the weakest zone is limited to
may benefit the reduction of porosity at the aggregate-paste inter- 5–10 mm [43,44]. On the one hand, as found in thermogravimetric
face. However, due to their nanosize, it may be difficult for CNTs to analysis [12], less large crystalline C–H seems to be formed in the
significantly improve the aggregate-paste bonding strength or to presence of CNTs, which would favor the development of preco-
efficiently retain the large microcracks developed around aggre- cious cracks and preferential failure planes. The filler and nucle-
468 A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470

Fig. 9. (a) and (b) SEM images of CNT spacing in mortars with w/c of 0.55 and 0.1% of CNTSS [arrows indicate CNTs (")].

Fig. 10. (a–c) Aggregate-paste ITZ in mortars with w/c of 0.5 and 0.1% CNTSS [arrows (l): distance between the aggregate and the nearest identified CNTs]. No CNTs were
found near the aggregate surface. (d) Scheme of CNT microcrack bridging in ITZ at orthogonal cracks from aggregates [CNTs are pointed ("), which are not in the same scale of
the background].

ation effect of CNTs may also contribute to the greater quality of mechanical and durability performance of mortars. In sum, the
the ITZ around the aggregate. On the other hand, the effective incorporation of CNTs can delay the aggregate-paste microcrack
bridging provided by CNTs was confirmed in the orthogonal cracks development, which is usually the ignition for the mortar failure.
that propagated from the aggregate surface (Fig. 10). However, as mentioned, the CNTs should not be able to signifi-
As shown in the scheme of Fig. 10d, the CNTs can assist the cantly improve the bond between the surface of the aggregate
retention of crack propagation in the ITZ, which improves the and the cement paste.
A. Hawreen et al. / Construction and Building Materials 168 (2018) 459–470 469

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