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Collected by Mrs Trang Anh

Facebook: Mrstranganh87


1. Nothing is in......proper place.
A. their B. its C. a D. the
2. When will these kids learn......properly?
A. behave B. to behave C. behaving D. to behaving
3. She......her arms and the child ran towards her.
A. spread B. widened C. stretched D. enlarged
4. Smoking can increase the......of developing heart disease.
A. possibility B. risk C. capacity D. ability
5. The work he......early in his career has never really been better.
A. did B. worked C. produced D. made
6. The yard had been enclosed......iron railings.
A. around B. round C. in D. with
7. Wherever she led, they.......
A. went B. came C. approached D. followed
8. I haven't seen much of her in the......few weeks.
A. pass B. passed C. passing D. past
9. The only real...... is rest.
A. treat B. treating C. cure D. curing
10. Doctors cannot.......a cure if the disease has spread too far.
A. affect B. effect C. do D. help
f 11. They suggested.......for a swim in the lake.
A. go B. us to go C. to go D. we should go
12. She apologized......late.
A. to arriving B. in arriving C. for arriving D. their arriving
13. She told him she......the film.
A. saw already B. have just seen C. had seen D. already seen
14. The guard told the prisoner…....
A. not shouting B. not to shout C. no shouting D. to not shout
15. "I'm......a teacher when I grow up," said the little girl.
A. being B. studying C. going to D. going to be
16. We have lived in this town........fifteen years.
A. since B. for C. last D. before
17. He said that if she.......on time, he would pay her.
A. arrived B. would arrive C. is arriving D. has arrived
18. Peter asked what time the post office….....
A. closing B. to close C. close D. closed
19. The have escaped.
A. is believing B. is believed C. believes D. had been believed
20. As I.......along the beach, I saw Tom.
A. had cycled B. was cycling C. am cycling D. have cycled
21. Denise suggested that I.......her.
A. vis iing B. to visit C. should visit D. would visit
22. Lucia was surprised when her guests.......late for the party.
A. came up B. turned up C. looked up D. put up
23. Although he's my friend, I find it hard to.......his selfishness.
A. get out of B. come up with C. take on D. put up wit
24. I think a plain blouse would.......better.......that skirt.
A. go - with B. put - with C. come - with D. go - to
25. All the ideas were good, but Michael.......the best plan of all.
A. put on B. got on with C. came up D. came up with
26. Tim noticed how cold it was when he.......the plane.
A. got off B. took off C. went off D. went out of
27. "If you don't find your book in this room, why......."
A. don't look for it somewhere there? B. not look for it somewhere else?
C. you not look for it some other where? D. you not look for it some elsewhere?
28. "Have you ever seen a live rhino?.......can you describe it?"
A. If so, B. If you are, C. If you do, D. If you have,
29. "I don't want that student in my class."
"If he....... really such a problem, I'll take him into mine."
A. will be B. were C. is D. was
30........, a child will develop personality problems.
A. If being ill-treated B. If ill-treated
C. If be ill-treated D. If he be ill-treated
II. Find a suitable word/ phrase for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons?
B. She's got a degree in geography
C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
1. A. She managed to.......the keys as they fell.
B. 'Throw me over that towel, will you?"OK......!'
C. The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to.......the drips.
2. A. Sue.......the map out on the floor.
B. The bird.......its wings.
C. Papers had been........out on the desk.
3. A. He.......all his money on a game of cards.
B. They.......everything for their liberty.
C. He.......his life to save her.
4. A. Her eyes used surprise.
B. They may have to.......the road to cope with the increase in
C. We plan to.......the scope of our existing activities by offering language courses.
5. A. The hotel offers a friendly.......and personal service.
B. Use music and lighting to create a romantic....... .
C. There was an.......of mutual trust and respect between them.
6. A. All existing models will be the new design.
B. Teachers will never computers in the classroom.
C. She.......her husband as the local doctor.
7. A. Please find.......a cheque for £100.
B. Do not use this substance in
C. Please complete the.......application focm.
8. A. He.......her into the house.
B. I think we're being.......
C. She....... her mother into the medical profession.
9. A. Writing letters seems to be a thing of the..........
B. From.......experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time.
C. Let's forget about who was more to blame - it's all.......history.
10 A. The dog was gnawing at a.........
B. She had a beautiful face with very good.......structure.
C. His comments about her size were a bit close to the.......
III. Fill each gap with suitable word from the box.
proper revising better resurfaced coast carted
risk atmospheres past enclose
1. Please follow the.......procedures for dealing with complaints.
2. The group was considered to be national security.
3. Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to.......themselves.
4. All the old hostilities.......when they met again.
5. The rubbish is then.......away for recycling.
6. We walked along the.......for five miles.
7. These plants love warm, humid.......
8. She felt his arms.......her.
9. I used to go there often in the.......
10. I'm.......Geography today.
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. The building was..........destroyed by fire. COMPLETION
2. .........was slowly destroying him. FAIL
3. Sugar is the.......of healthy teeth. DESTROY
4. The whole row of houses is scheduled for........... DEMOLISH
5. The television isn't working......... PROPER
6. She was.......her own and her children's health. RISK
7. ........are replaceable - your family isn't. POSSESS
8. If your passport is stolen you should apply for a.........immediately. REPLACE
9. Greed is a disease of modern…...... SOCIABLE
10. There is no known cure but the........can be treated. ILL
V. There is at least one mistake in each sentence. Correct all the mistakes you can find.
1. We should have had a properly discuss before vote.
2. How many money do we need to do the job proper?
3. Patients should be made aware the risks involved with this treatment.
4. Some of the villages have lived here all their life.
5. Low hedges enclosed with the flower beds.
6. Follow to me please. I'll show you the way.
7. The past month has really busy at work.
8. She must be craziness to lend him money.
9. I spent the weekend revise for my exam.
10. I don't go out at night. I like revision my lessons.
VI. Choose a suitable word from the box to fill each gap.
A. barely E. constantly C. created D. destroyed E. drop
F. every G. factors H. items I. natural J. pests
K. preserved L. result from M. result in N. rise O. widespread
Famine is a prolonged food shortage that causes (1)........hunger and death. Throughout history, famine has struck
at least one area of the world (2).......fev years. Most of the developing nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America
have (3)........enough food for their people. Millions in these countries go hungry. When food production or imports
(4)........for an,y reason, famine may strike and thousands or millions of people may die.
Marry famines have more than one cause. For example, the great Bengal famine of 1943 in Eastern India was
caused by both (5)........and historical events World War II (6).......a general food shortage and led to the cut off of
rich imports from Burma, which had been occupied by the Japanese. Then a cyclone (7)........much farmland.
Famine struck, and more than 12 million person died.
Nearly all famines (8)........crop failures. The chief causes of crop failure included drought (prolonged lack of
rain), too much rainfalland flooding and plant diseases and (9)....... Many others (10).......may also help create a
II. Turn these sentences into Reported Speech.
1. "I'm going to Paris next month," the boy said.
2. "He speaks very good English," said his mother.
3. "She comes from Italy," his wife said.
4. "He escaped from prison yesterday," the policeman said.
5. "They are building a new hospital in the village," said the Mayor.
6. "I've just bought a new computer," said the man.
7. "I'll help Joe as much as I can," said the woman.
8. "I work eight hours a day except when the children are on holiday," said Mary.
9. "I haven't seen a film for ages," said Tom.
10. "I think I have met you somewhere," the woman said to the man.
VIII. Turn the sentences into Direct Speech.
1. Mark invited Sam to the cinema.
2. Pierre suggested that they should all go to the beach.
3. Zoraya advised her to tell the truth.
4. Susanne encouraged Tom to mend it.
5. Jeff apologized for being late.
6. Gabriela accused Roy of stealing her bike.
7. Erika denied taking the book.
8. Alberto admitted breaking the window.
9. The waiter recommended us to try the pasta.
10. The teacher reminded Nicole to phone her mother.
IX. Turn the sentences into Reported Questions.
1. "Can I see you tomorrow, Pat?" asked Linda.
2. "Who do you think will win, John?" asked David.
3. "How much do I owe you?" Peter asked Trfr. Black.
4. "Elena, when did you last see Carlos?" asked Jane.
5. "Have you ever been to Delphi?" Phi! asked Mark.
6. "Donald, will you be around on Friday?" asked Tom.
7. "Why didn't he come to school?" asked Michelle.
8. "Does John like steak?" asked Daniela.
9. "Did they arrive on time?" asked Sally.
10. "Where have you been all morning, Ali?" asked his mother.
X. Turn the sentences into reported request.
1. "Don't do that!" Liz said to the boy.
2. "Please take a seat, ladies," said the manager.
3. "Please don't smoke in these seats," the air hostess said to the passengers.
4. "Would you open the window, Tricia?" said the teacher.
5. "Go up the road and turn first left," the old man said to the driver.
6. "Hand over the money!" said the bank robber to the clerk.
7. "Leave me alone, all of you!" said Diana.
8. "Can you give me a lift to the airport, Sheila?" said Bilk
9. "Type these letters^first," said Mr. Harrap to his secretary.
10. "Patrick, could you possibly lend me $10?" said Mark.
XI. Make sentences based on given hints.
0. teacher/ told/ students/ there/ examination/ following week.
 The teacher told the students that there would be an examination the following week.
1. Students / said / they / not / happy / hear / news.
2. The teacher said / students / had / follow / school plan.
3. They / had / work/hard / during / Christmas.
4. She / said / she / not / ready / examination.
5. Other students / said / they / happier / if / teacher / delay / exam.
6. The teacher said / time / not / changed.
7. All students / made / sad / news.
8. One of / students / told / teacher / it / Christmas / following week.
Then rearrange the sentences in the above into a suitable order. One sentence has been done as an example.
0. The teacher told the students that there would be an examination the following week.
1. ...................................................................................
2. ...................................................................................
3. ...................................................................................
4. ...................................................................................
5. ...................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................
XII. Turn these sentences into reported speech. One example has been done for you.
0. "Don "t get up late!" said the mother.
 The mother asked the boy not to get up late.
1. "Don't cry like a baby like that!" said the man.
2. "Come in and take a seat, please!" said the woman.
3. "Please don't smoke in here!" the safety guard said.
4. "Would you open the door, Tim?" said Mary.
5. "Don't come to t^ass late again!" said the teacher.
6. "Can you give me a helping hand, please?" said the girl.
7. "Could you possibly lend me some money?" said the lady.
8. "Do your homework first!" said the father.
9. "Don't worry about that," said Tom.
10. "Can you carry the box for me, Lyn?" said the woman.
XIII. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of one of the reporting verbs: ACCUSE, ADMIT,
only once.
1. When he.......................stealing the car, he was arrested.
2. He.......................for being rude yesterday, so we forgave him.
3. We.......................Tony to run in a race, although we didn't think he would win.
4. Peter.......................they would all have coffee at his house.
5. Amanda.......................breaking the plate, but we didn't believe her.
6. The doctor.......................Tim to stay in bed for a while.
7. We.......................the policeman how to get to the station.
8. Recently his colleagues.......................him of stealing some money.
9. Yesterday my not to be late again.
10. They....................... me to stay at the Royal Hotel.
XIV. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the following statements.
It is a common saying that we do not fully value a thing until we lose it. We often value the love and worth of a
friend when he has been taken from us by death more than when he was with us in the flesh, it is only when we
have left school or college that we understand the greatness of our opportunity of education, which has gone
forever and it is the sick and the ailing who realize the value of good health. When we are young and strong, we
cannot imagine what it is to be weak and ailing. We are so used to vigorous health that we take it for granted. The
organs of our body work so smoothly that we scarcely know we have lungs and liver, heart and stomach. But when
any of these gets upset and gives us pain and sickness, we learn by bitter experience what an unspeakable blessing
it is to be well.
Loss of health makes us miserable and a burden to ourselves and our friends. It cripples our efforts so that we
cannot accomplish many of the good and great things we might have done. It spoils our life. What must we do to
keep our health?
We must be moderate in eating and drinking and wise in the choice of plain, wholesome simple food. Gluttony
has killed thousands, and strong drink tens of thousands. We must, when young, get plenty of sleep, which is
"nature's sweet restorer", and not try to bum the candle at both ends. We must live as much as possible in the open
air and keep our rooms well ventilated. We must get sufficient and regular physical exercise, and keep our bodies
clean. And we must avoid bad habits and secret sins as we avoid the devil, and keep our thoughts clean and our
bodies pure. Our ideal must be the sound mind in the sound body.
1. According to the passage, we often appreciate our friends.........
A. only when they are with us. B. only when they are good to us.
C. only when they passed away. D. only when they live a long way from us.
2. We do not take care of ourselves because.........
A. we are always in good health. B. most of the diseases can be cured nowadays.
C. we are so accustomed to good health. D. We are so busy making a living.
3. Poor health makes us.........
A. useless. B. unable to fulfill our expectations.
C. a shame to our friends. D. fail to become famous.
4. According to the author, having plenty of sleep when we are young.........
A. is wasting our time. B. can help us regain our strength.
C. may cause loss of health. D. can reduce our vigour.
5. The best title for the passage is.........
A. Health and Human Aspirations. B. Health and Our Success.
C. How to Keep Our Health. D. The Value of Health.
XV. Write sentences based on the given clues.
1. If he / have / time/ he / be able to / spend / holiday / Brazil.
2. She / come / if / her mother / come back / on time.
3. If it / not rain / we / go camping.
4. If you / not go / bed / early / you / be late / school / next morning.
5. She / look/ beautiful / if / she / smile / broadly,
6. If he / work / hard / he / pass / exam.
7. if children / obedient / parents / be pleased.
8. I / not shout/ you / if / you / not / make noise.
9. If he/have / money / today / he/buy / car.
10. if / electricity / cut/ I / go for / walk.
XVI. Look at the situation. What happened next? Complete the reported commands or requests.
1. The students were talking noisily in the hall. All of a sudden the teacher came in.
The teacher told......................................................................
2. John wanted to park his car outside the hospital, but a policeman came along.
The policeman told him............................................................
3. A girl was trying to carry some very heavy books. She met a friend.
She asked her friend.................................................................
4. There was no bread in the house, but your parents were very busy.
They asked yo'u..................................................... on your way home.
5. I often phone my friend late at night, but one day he said to me, "My parents don't like it when
people phone very late."
He asked me..........................................................................any more.
6. We were in the classroom, when the teacher realized she had left a book in the library.
She asked one of us...................................................................for her.
7. My friend borrowed some money from me. I really needed it.
1 asked soon as possible.
8. I didn't do my homework, so I couldn't give it to the teacher.
The teacher told me................................................the next day.

The End

1. B (its) 2. B (to behave) 3. A (spread) 4. B (risk) 5. C (producec
6. D (with) 7. D (followed) 8. D (past) 9. C (cure) 10. A (affect)
1l.D ' 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.B
21.C 22. B 23.D 24.A 25.D 26.A 27.B λ 28.D 29.C 30.B
1. catch 2. spread 3. risked 4. widen 5. Atmosphere 6. replaced 7. enclosed ' 8. followed 9. past 10. bone
1. proper - 2. risk 3. better 4. resurfaced 5. carted
6. coast 7. atmospheres 8. enclose 9. past 10. revising
1. completely 2. Failure 3. destroyer 4. demolition 5. properly
6. risking 7. Possessions 8. replacement 9. society 10. illness
1. We should have had a proper discussion before voting.
2. How much money do we need to do the job properly?
3. Patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment.
4. Some of the villagers have lived here all their lives.
5. Low hedges enclosed the flower beds.
6. Follow me please. I'll show you the way.
7. The past month has been really busy at work.
8. She must be crazy to lend him money.
9. I spent the weekend revising for my exam.
10. I don't go out at night. I like revising my lessons.
1. O 2. F 3. A 4. E 5.1 6.C 7. D 8. L 9. J 10. G


1. The boy said that he was going to Paris the following month.
2. His mother said that he spoke very good English.
3. His wife said that she came from Italy.
4. The policeman said that he had escaped from prison the day before.
5. The Mayor said that they were building a new hospital in the village.
6. The man said that he had just bought a new computer.
7. The woman said that she would help Joe as much as she could.
8. Mary said that she worked eight hours a day except when the children were on holiday.
9. Tom said that he hadn't seen a film for ages.
10. The woman told the man that she had met him somewhere.
1. "Would you like to come to the cinema with me, Sam?" asked Mark.
2. "Why don't we all go to the beach?/ Let's all go to the beach," said Pierre.
3. "If I were you, I'd tell the truth," said Zoraya.
4. "Go on, Tom, you can mend it!" said Susanne.
5. "I'm sorry I'm late," said Jeff.
6. "You stole my bike, Roy!" said Gabriela.
7. "I didn't take the book," said Erika.
8. "Yes, I broke the window," said Alberto.
9. "You should try the pasta," the waiter told us.
10. "Nicole, don't forget to phone your mother" said the teacher.
1. Linda asked Pat if/ whether she could see her the next the following day.
2. David asked John who he thought would win.
3. Peter asked Mr. Black how much he owed him.
4. Jane asked Elena when she had last seen Carlos.
5. Phil asked Mark if/ whether he had ever been to Delphi.
6. Tom asked Donald if/ whether he would be around on Friday.
7. Michelle asked why he hadn't come to school.
8. Daniela asked if/ whether John liked steak.
9. Sally asked if/ whether they had arrived on time.
10. Ali's mother asked him where he had been all morning.
1. Liz told the boy not to do that.
2. The manager asked the ladies/ women to take a seat.
3. The air hostess asked the passengers not to smoke in those seats.
4. The teacher asked Tricia to open the window.
5. The man told the driver to go up the road and take the first left.
6. The bank robber told the clerk to hand over the money.
7. Diana told them all to leave her alone.
8. Bill asked Sheila to give him a lift to the airport.
9. Mr. Harrap told his secretary to type those letters first.
10. Mark asked Patrick to lend him $10.
1. The students said that they were not happy to hear the news.
2. The teacher said that the students had to follow the school plan.
3. They had to work hard during Christmas.
4. She said that she was not ready for the examination.
5. The other students said that they would be happier if the teacher delayed the exam.
6. The teacher said that the time would not be changed.
7. All the students were made sad by the news.
8. One of the students told the teacher it would be Christmas the following week.
1. The students said that they were not happy to hear the news.
2. One of the students told the teacher it would be Christmas the following week.
3. She said that she was not ready for the examination.
4. The other students said that they would be happier if the teacher delayed the exam.
5. The teacher said thai the time would not be changed.
6. The teacher said that the students had to follow the school plan.
7. All the students were made sad by the news.
8. They had to work hard during Christmas.
1. The man asked the woman not to cry like a baby like that.
2. The woman asked her guests to come in and take a seat.
3. The safety guard asked the visitors not to smoke in there.
4. Mary asked Tim to open the door.
5. The teacher told her students not to go to class late again.
6. The girl asked the boy to give her a helping hand.
7. The lady asked the man to lend hersome money.
8. The father asked the boy to do his homework first.
9. Tom asked her not worry about that.
10. The woman asked Lyn to carry the box for her.
1. admitted 2. apologized 3. encouraged 4. suggested 5. denied
6. advised 7. asked 8. accused 9. Warned 10. recommended
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D
1. If he has time, he will be able to spend his holiday in Brazil.
2. She will come if her mother comes back on time.
3. If it doesn't rain, we will go camping.
4. If you don't go to bed early you will be late for school next morning.
5. She looks beautiful if she smiles broadly.
6. If he works hard, he will pass the exam.
7. If the children are obedient, their parents will be pleased.
8. I won't shout at you if you don't make noise.
9. If he has money today, he will buy a car.
10. It electricity is cut, I will go for a walk.
1. the students to stop talking/ be quiet.
2. not to park there/ to park somewhere else
3. to help her with the books/ to carry the books for her
4. to buy/ get some bread
5. not to phone late at night
6. to get/ fetch it from the library.
7. ίρ give it back/ to return it to me
8. to give it to him/her

I. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the words in parentheses.
1. Water was found at a....................of 30 feet underground. (deep)
2. The house beautiful countryside. (surround)
3. What makes you want to become a ................... in the future. (science)
4. The couple have split up and are now living ............... (independent)
5. The hours of waiting seemed............... (end)
6. Researchers have recently made some important new................... (discover) the main industry of the area. (fish)
8. I had an..................meeting with a friend on the way to work in the morning. (accident)
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.
1. If I (know)................his phone number. I would call him.
2. I (not / buy)................that coat if I were you.
3. If the machine (stop)............, you press this button.
4. I (help) if I could, but I'm afraid I can't.
5. According to the timetable, if the train leaves on time, we (arrive) 5.30.
6. We would need less money if we (live) the country·
7. If it (be)...........fine tomorrow, we will go to the coast.
8. You're always tired. If you (not / go) bed so lateevery night, you (not /be)............... tired
all the lime.
III. Fill in each gap with an appropriate preposition.
1. The children are divided................small groups.
2. This book will provide you................all the information you need.
3. It is similar in taste................a banana.
4. What was the cause................the fire?
5. There is now growing concern................their safety.
6. His parents keep him well supplied................ cash.
7. Don't behave................a child.
8. This paragraph refers................the events of last year.
IV. For each situation, write a sentence with should or shouldn't, using the prompts given.
take a rest play computer games so much
look for another job have it cut
give up smoking go to a dentist
apply for this job go out in such bad weather
1. They are in need of a bilingual secretary. You...........................................
2. Lan looks tired. She.....................................................................................
3. This work is exhausting you. You..............................................................
4. Tam plays games all the time. He never does his homework. He..............
5. Linda has a bad cold. She............................................................................

6. Your hair looks awful. You.....................................................................

7. Mr. Nam has a bad cough. He.................................................................
8. There's a cavity in your tooth. You..........................................................
V. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. The first letter of each word has been done for
The earth has a tremendous amount of water, but almost all of it is in the oceans. The (1)
o...............cover about 70 per cent οΐ the earth's surface. They (2) c............about 97 per cent of all the
water on earth, and are the source of most precipitation (3) t...............falls to earth. Ocean water is
too salty to be used (4) f..........drinking, agriculture, or industry.
But the salt is left behind during evaporation. (5) a.........the precipitation that falls to earth is unsalty
Only about 3 per cent of the (6) w.............on earth is fresh water and most of it is not easily
available (7) It includes water locked in glaciers and ice-caps, (8) m............than 2 per
cent of the eartth’s surface. About half of 1 per cent of the earth's water (9) i...........beneath the earth's
surface. Rivers and (10) l...........contain only about one-fiftieth of 1 per cent of the earth's water.
VI. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.
1. We don't visit you very often because you live so far away.
If you.......................................................................................
2. That book is too expensive, so I'm not going to buy it.
If the book...............................................................................
3. We don't go out very often because we can't afford it.
If we.........................................................................................
4. It's raining, so we can't have lunch on the patio.
If it...........................................................................................
5. Water these plants or they will wither.
If you........................................................................................
6. I have to work late tomorrow, so I can't join your party.
If I.............................................................................................
7. Unless you study harder, you won't pass the final exam.
If you ........................................................................................
8. I've got a lot of work to do, so I can't go home for lunch now.
If I..............................................................................................
VIl. Read the reading selection and then answer the questions below it.
Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their
feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group offish a "school". They don't study, but they travel
together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.

Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are
happy or said or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk
when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot
hear these sounds because they are very very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study
Sometimes people can catch a dolphin for a large aquarium. (An aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People
can watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphin don't like to be away from their school in an aquarium.
They are sad and lonely.
There are many stories about dolphins. They help people. Sometimes, they save somebody's life.
Dolphin meat is good, but people don't like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck.
Many people believe this.
1. Can dolphins talk with words?
2. How do dolphins show their feelings?
3. Are dolphins mammals or fish?
4. When do they say "Welcome"?
5· Do they make more sounds above or under water?
6. Can people hear a dolphin’s sound? Why or why not?
7. How dow a dolphin feel in an aquarium?
8. Which sentences is NOT true?
A. A dolphin can save people’s life.
B. People like to catch dolphins.
C. Dolphins bring good luck.
D. A dolphin can talk with sounds.
VIII. Put the words which have the same vowel sounds in the right column.
hear tour usually engineer care sure
chair idea share poor beer dear

/diə/ /eə/ /uə/

...................... ...................... ......................

...................... ...................... ......................
...................... ...................... ......................
...................... ...................... ......................

The End

I. 1. depth 2. surrounded 3. scientist 4. independently 5. endless 6. discoveries
7. Fishing 8. accidental
II. 1. knew 2. wouldn't buy 3. stops 4. would help
5. arrive 6. lived 7. is 8. didn't go - wouldn't be
III. 1. into 2. with 3. to 4. of 5. for 6. with 7. like 8. to
1. You should apply for this job.
2. She should take a rest.
3. You should look for another job.
4. He shouldn't play computer games so much.
5. She shouldn't go out in such bad weather.
6. You should have it cut.
7. He should give up smoking.
8. You should go to a dentist.
V. 1. oceans 2. contain 3. that 4. for 5. and 6. water 7. to 8. more 9. is 10. lakes
1. If you didn't live so far away, we would visit you more often.
2. If the book weren't so expensive / were cheaper, I would buy it.
3. If we could afford it, we would go out more often.
4. If it wasn't raining, we could have lunch on the patio.
5. If you water these plants, they won't wither.
(or) If you don't water these plants, they will wither.
6 If I didn't have to work late tomorrow, I could join your party.
7. If you don't study harder, you won't pass the final exam.
8. If I didn't have much work to do, I could go home for lunch now.
1. No, they can't. 2. They show their feelings with sounds.
3. They are mammals.
4. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school.
5. They make more sounds under water.
6. No, they can't. Because they are very very high.
7. It feels sad and lonely. 8. B
/iə/ /eə/ /uə/
engineer bear tour
idea care usually
beer chair sure
dear share poor


1. There is a wide......of patterns to choose from.
A. vary B. various C. variety D.
2. I wanted to tell him the truth, but back.
A. held B. took C. brought D. fetched
3. Regular exercise will improve blood.......
A. running B. circular C. circulate D.
4. They are passing new laws to......wildlife in the area.
A. conserve B. protest C. shield D. shelter
5. Without plants water would soon as it falls.
A. of B. off C. down D. on
6. The disease a rapid rate.
A. running B. flying C. expanding D. spreading
7. Rapid......would cause frequent floods and leave little water during dry seasons.
A. run-off B. run-in C. run-out D. run-
8. These days it is impossible to open a newspaper without reading about the damage we
the environment.
A. taking B. doing C. making D. creating
9. We cannot clean up our......rivers and seas overnight.
A. polluted B. polluting C. pollution D.
10. She's very sensitive......criticism.
A. to B. with C. in D. about
11. This broken cup cannot.......
A. repair B. to be repaired C. be repaired D. repairing
12. The man is thought........before his last book was published.
A. to have died B. to dying C. have died D. to die
13. You clean the bathroom.
A. declared B. imagined C. supposed D.
14. No mistakes.......made.
A. has been B. have been C. is D. to be
15. I don't mind.......waiting for a few minutes.
A. to be kept B. keeping C. being kept D. being
16. It is.......that Mr Can Chinh Truong retired in October, 2014.
A. known B. told C. knowing D. spoken
17. Sheila is understood.......won the first prize.
A. having B. to having C. to has D. to have
18. The new motorway.......and built last year.
A. planned B. was planned C. was planning D. had
19. The a London studio last week.
A. were taken B. have taken C. was taken D. have
been taken
20. We were made.......all the cleaning in the house.
A. to do B. do C. doing D. done
21. When the boy.......the car he was badly injured.
A. is hit by B. was hit by C. hit D. was
22. "The Lewis children know a lot about farms. " ~ "They should. They the country. "
A. brought up B. brought around C. brought down D. brought to
23. Monkeys belong to the group of primates.
A. know B. knowing C. known D. to know
24. Paper money.......for over a thousand years.
A. used B. is used C. has used D. has
been used
25• The heat of the sun.......transmitted to the earth by radiation.
A. had B. was C. has D. is
26. He is known.......a man who keeps his word.
A. for B. as C. in D. at
27. Western doctors.......Chinese hospitals have been startled to see patients.......serious operations
without a conventional anesthetic.
A. that visit - underwent B. visited - undergoing
1 C. visiting - undergoing D. which have visited - undergoing
28. The trade talks which had begun between the two countries were......when the war began.
A. broken down B. broken in C. broken off D. broken
29. Bread is usually.......wheat.
A. made of B. made with C. made by D. made
30. "I have just finished correcting the term papers." ~ "I'm certain your efforts........"
A. are by your students always appreciated B. always are by your students appreciated
C. are always appreciated by your students D. are appreciated always by your students
II. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box.
spread - constantly - figures - imprisoned - clean-up - variety
policy - audience - eliminated - eroded
1. We want our work.
2. The police have......two suspects from their investigation.
3. Fashion is......changing.
4. Crime......are rising rapidly.
5. The......of the river is going to take months.
6. Some young mothers their own homes.
7. They have had a significant change in......on protecting animals.
8. The disease mosquitoes.
9. An......of millions watched the wedding on TV.
10. Her confidence has been repeated failures.
III. There is at least one mistake in each sentence. Correct all the mistakes you can find.
1. He resigned in a variety of reason.
2. Credit cards eliminate" the necessary to carry a lot of cash.
3. We are constant on the lookout to new ideas.
4. We're considering to buy a new car.
5. Spinach is a value source of iron.
6. She played with great sensible.
7. Many animals breeding only at certain times of the year.
8. He cared for her than she realized.
9. I'm sure you'll all join me to wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marry.
10. His book reached an even wider audience when it was done into a movie.
IV. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. Thousands of hectares of forest are......each year. DESTROY

2. All the English teams were eliminated in the early stages of the....... COMPETE

3. Opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally......activities carried out in Wales.
4. The disease is spreading with alarming....... RAPID

5. They are talking about the......of her confidence. ERODE

6. She is very sensitive to other people's....... FEEL

7. She was blind to the feelings and......of other people. SENSE

8. He's a......of anger and sensitivity. MIX

9. It is the sheer......of the situation. AWFUL

10. Within weeks, his......had spread throughout the team. CONFIDENT

V. Find a suitable word or phrase for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons?
B. She's got a degree in geography
C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
1. A. The building was fire.
B. Vitamin C is heat.
C. You hopes of happiness.
2. A. This tool can be used in a......of ways.
B. I was impressed by the......of dishes on offer.
C. We all our diet.
3. A. The cliff face has been the sea.
B. The rocks have......away overtime.
C. Her confidence has been repeated failures.
4. A. Her decision to continue shows great strength of.......
B. In spite of what happened, he never lost live.
C. She always wants to impose her...... on other people.
5. A. Worn-out car tyres were stacked in.......
B. There's......of time before the plane leaves.
C. I've tell you.
6. A. Fragile - handle with.......
B. She chose her words with.......
C. How much do men share housework and the......of the children?
7. A......she was sorry for what she'd said.
B. Let's go to the theatre first and eat.......
C. Shortly......he was seen in a bar in town.
8. A. We take offering the best service in town.
B. I looked what I had achieved.
C. Success in sport is a source of national.......
9. A. The......were clapping for 10 minutes.
B. The debate was televised in front of a live.......
C. The target......for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.
10 A. It is a......achievement.
B. The weather was absolutely.......
C. You've got the job......!
VI. Change the sentences below into passive voice. One example has been done for you.
1. Parents look after their children.
2. I saw a strange man in the garden last night.
3. Do you like candies?
4. They eat potatoes every day.
5. She cleans the floor every morning.
6. He will solve the problem soon.
7. We are doing our homework.
8. Were you cooking dinner at 8 o'clock yesterday?
9. He is writing a book on biology.
10. She was watching a film.
VII. Change the sentences below into active voice.
1. Oil is obtained from under the ocean by workers.
2. A big house is being built in this garden by the family. .............................................................
3. The cart was drawn by horses.
4. They will be helped by that kind woman.
5. Grass is eaten by cows and buffaloes.
6. The lesson was explained by the teacher.
7. Grammar is taught by Mr. Brown.
8. A hole was being dug in the garden by him.
9. Coffee is being made by the maid.
10. The box will be moved away from the window by us. .............................................................
VIII. Use the active or passive form to complete this passage.
Radioactivity (0. discover) was discovered in 1896 by Becquerel. His discovery was an accident.
Bacquerel (1. find)......some film he used to take photographs. It (2. damage).......He thought the film
had been exposed to light and that was why it (3. spoil)....... He (4. discover)......that uranium
bisulphate, which (5. keep) the same drawer as his photographic equipment, had caused this to
happen. As soon as the radiation (6. know)......, it. (7. find) other chemical elements.
The first experiments in radioactivity (8. design) show the type of radiation from radioactive
materials. Positive, negative and neutral charges (9. find) these experiments.
IX. Fill in the blanks with the future passive form of the verb.
We have just received this report from the capital. The state budget for transportation (1. cut)
......beginning in January. As a result, subway fares (2. increase)......from 75 percent to 90 percent and
night police patrols (3. reduce) 75 percent.
In contrast, legislators agreed to spend $100 million for the development of three twenty-story
office buildings. They (4. build) the center of the city. Underground parking and shops (5.
include) the design.
City planners hope that the project (6. complete)......within five years. Turning to medicine, another
test tube baby (7. born).......within the next few days. Mrs. Glenda Stevens entered the hospital last
night, Doctors expect that a baby girl (8. deliver) the end of the day. Some doctors are afraid
that the negative effects of these procedures (9. not know)......until years from now when it may be
too late. It is certain that ethical questions (10. ask)......for years to come.
X. Complete the passage with a suitable word from the list below.
A. abruptly B. as C. because D. benefit E. discharge
F. exhaust G. garbage H. gradually I. individuals J. or
K. protects L. provides M. purity N require O. too
Everyone wants to reduce pollution. But the pollution problem is (1).......complicated as it is
serious. It is complicated (2).......much pollution is caused by things that benefit people. For example,
(3).......from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. But the automobile
(4).......transportation for millions of people. Factories (5).......much of the material that pollutes air
and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people.
Thus, to end (6).......greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many
things that (7).......them. Most people do not want to do that, of course. But pollution can be
(8).......reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount
of pollution that such things as automobile and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce
laws that (9)........businesses and (10) stop, or out down on certain polluting activities.
XI. Some of the sentences are NOT correct. Tick (√) the right ones and correct the wrong
ones. One example has been done for you.
1. Miho always wanted to have a dress designed especially for her.
2. Have you had a meal prepare for you?
3. Ron is going to have repainted his house after the summer vacation.
4. We are having the trees in the garden cutting down.
5. When are you going to have the curtains wash?
6. I have a hairdresser to cut my hair every two months.
7. What about getting a cleaner wash your clothes?
8. 1 don't like ironing so 1 have a woman to do it for me.
9. When is he going to have his bicycle repaired?
10. Why didn't you have jour films develop yet?
XII. Turn these sentences from active to passive.
1. They hold the prize giving in that hotel every year.
2. A cyclone has brought down all the trees we grew last year.
3. We raise fund in school to help poor people.
4. They made all the arrangements for their wedding.
5. How often do you milk the cows on the farm?
6. He collects such things as stamps ang key rings.
7. He has just renewed his passport.
8. Did they invite you to their wedding?
9. The men have started to build a bridge across the river.
10. She opens all the windows every time she gets home.
XIII. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. All the students.....................for their behavior tomorrow morning. (punish)
2. The the meeting yesterday.
3. Electricity.....................while we were having dinner last night.
4. All the week.
5. My a skillful painter for three days.
6. The b-icycle.....................on my way to school.
7. Cars free of charge.
8. Carpets.....................every month to make sure it is clean enough. (clean)
9. Since their arrival, we.....................excited.
10. The a car accident last week.
XIV. Put the words into the correct order to make passive sentences.
1. Fortnight the before sent the were a wedding invitations.
2. Passport the officials be my I stamped hope will by airport
3. Week number at delivered newspapers were no last 25.
4. cannot without help be problem the solved government's.
5. pitch the flooded to cancelled match the had be rain when
6. The will results published the in journals scientific of experiments leading be
7. presented he large party his at retirement was a with cheque
8. travel be must June by arrangements completed all 17th.
XVI. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the following questions.
A recent investigation by scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey shows that strange animal
behaviour might help predict future earthquakes. Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-
kilometre radius of the epicenter of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about
wildly; dogs yelped and ran around uncontrollably.
Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental changes early as several days
before the mishap. In 1976 after observing animal behaviour, the Chinese were able to predict
devastating quake. Although hundreds of thousands of people were killed, the government was able
to evacuate millions of other people and thus keep the death toll at a lower level.
1. What prediction may be made by observing animal behaviour?
A. an impending earthquake B. the number of people who will die
C. the ten-kilometre radius of the epicentre D. environmental changes
2. Why can animals perceive these changes when humans cannot?
A. Animals are smarter than humans.
B. Animals have certain instincts that humans don’t possess.
C. By running around the house, they can feel the vibrations.
D. Humans don't know where to look.
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Some animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake.
B. By observing animal behaviour scientists perhaps can predict earthquakes.
C. The Chinese have successfully predicted an earthquake and saved many lives.
D. All birds and dogs in a ten-kilometre radius of the epicentre went wild before the earthquake.
4. In this passage, the word "evacuate " mostly means........
A. remove B. exile C. destroy D.
5. If scientists can accurately predict earthquake, there will be........
A. fewer animals going crazy. B. a lower death rate.
C. fewer people evacuated. D. fewer environmental changes.
XVII. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains a form of "have something done". Do not
include the agent.
0. A tailor made my dress last week. I had my dress made last week.
1. A barber cut his hair this afternoon.
2. Someone has stolen my computer.
3. The dentist took out two of my teeth.
4. I haven't been to a hairdresser's for a long time.
5. Helen's publishers have just published her book.
6. It's time someone repaired your motorbike.
7. Someone broke into my house last month.
8. Peter cleaned the house for me yesterday afternoon. ...............................................
9. When did John paint your house?
10. The builder has just built a shed for me.
XVIII. Complete the sentences using the words given in brackets, beginning as shown.
1. 'Why don't you wait by the phone box, Brenda?' said Leslie.
Leslie the phone box.
2. Although he overslept, Clive wasn't late for work.
Despite............................ on time, Clive wasn't late for work.
3. I haven't eaten food like this before.
This is the............................ this sort of food.
4. After a long chase, the police finally succeeded in arresting the thief. (to)
After a long chase, the police finally.....................................the thief.
5. Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week.
(ought) her parents last week.
6. His handwriting is so small 1 can hardly read it.
He......................................................I can hardly read it.
7. Somebody has to pick the visitors up from the airport.
The visitors...................................... from the airport.
8. I wish I hadn't told him what we were planning to do this evening, (regret)
I.............................................................................for this evening.
9. Everyone was surprised to see Geoff leave the party early,
To.....................................................................the party early.
10. All the witnesses said the accident was my fault.
All the witnesses said that.................................the accident.

1. C (variety) 2. A (held) 3. D (circulation) 4. A (conserve) 5. B (off)
6. D (spreading)7. A (run-off) 8. B (doing) 9. A (polluted) 10. A (to)
11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. A
21. B 22. A 23.C 24. D 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. C
1. variety 2. eliminated
6. imprisoned 7. policy
3. constantly 8. spread
4. figures 9. audience
5. clean-up 10. eroded
1. He resigned for a variety of reasons.
2. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash.
3. We are constantly on the lookout for new ideas.
4. We're considering buying a new car.
5. Spinach is a valuable source of iron.
6. She played with great sensitivity.
7. Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.
8. He cared for her more than she realized.
9. I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing Ted and Laura a very happy marriage.
10. His book reached an even wider audience when it was made into a movie.
1. destroyed 2. competition 3. destructive 4. rapidity 5. erosion
6. feelings 7. sensitivities 8. mixture 9. awfulness 10. confidence
1. destroyed 2. variety 3. eroded 4. will 5. heaps 6. care 7. afterwards 8. pride 9. audience 10.
1. Children are looked after by their parents.
2. A strange man was seen in the garden last night by me.
3. Are candies liked by you?
4. Potatoes are eaten every day.
5. The floor is cleaned every morning by her.
6. The problem will soon be solved by him.
7. Our homework is being done by us.
8. Was dinner being cooked at 8 o'clock yesterday by you?
9. A book on biology is being written by him.
10. A film was being watched by her.
1. Workers obtain oil from under the ocean.
2. The family is building a big house in this garden.
3. Horses draw the cart.
4. That kind woman will help them.
5. Cows and buffaloes eat grass.
6. The teacher explained the lesson.
7. Mr. Brown teaches grammar.
8. He was digging a hole in the garden.
9. The maid is making coffee.
10. We will move the box away from the window.
1. found 2. was damaged 3. was spoiled 4 . discovered
5. was kept 6. was known 7. was found 8. were designed 9. were found
1. will be cut 2. will be increased 3. will be reduced 4. will be built 5. will be included
6. will be completed 7. will be born 8. will be delivered 9. won't be known 10. will be asked
1. B 2. C/B 3. F 4. L 5. E 6. J 7. D 8. H 9.N 10. I
1. √
2. Have you had a meal prepared for you? 3. Ron is going to have his house repainted after the
summer vacation.
4. We are having the trees in the garden cut down. 5. When are you going to have the curtains
6. I have a hairdresser cut my hair every two months. 7. What about getting a cleaner to wash your
8. I don't like ironing so 1 have a woman do it for me.
9. √ 10. Why didn't you have your films developed yet?
1. The prize giving is held in that hotel every year.
2. All the trees we grew last year have been brought down by a cyclone.
3. Fund is raised in school to help poor people.
4. All the arrangements for their wedding were made.
5. How often are cows milked on the farm?
6. Such things as stamps and key rings are collected.
7. His passport has just been renewed.
8. Were you invited to their wedding?
9. A bridge across the river has been started to build (by the men.)
10. Every time she gets home, all the windows are opened.
1. will be punished 2. was solved 3. was cut 4. will be paid 5. has been painted
6. was repaired 7. be parked 8. are cleaned 9. have been made 10. was hurt
1. The invitations were sent a fortnight before the wedding.
2. I hope my passport will be stamped by the airport officials.
3. No newspapers were delivered at number 25 last week.
4. The problem cannot be solved without the government's help.
5. The match had to be cancelled when rain flooded the pitch.
6. The results of the experiments will be published in the leading scientific journals.
7. He was presented with a large cheque at his retirement party.
8. All travel arrangements must be completedlty 17th June.
1. Mary hates being treated like a child. 2. I don't like being pushed.
3. My little sister enjoys being complimented. 4. Sue can't stand being ignored.
5. He forgets being punished at school.
6. She is looking forward to being sent to America by our company.
7. She spent one hour being shown how to prepare a meal.
8. I don't remember being made to work hard as a child.
9. The dog loves being taken for a walk along the river.
10. He is used to being treated like a president.
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B [Notes: epicentre: the point on the earth’s surface where the effects of an
earthquake are felt most strongly (tâm chấn)]
1. He had his hair cut this afternoon.
2. I had my computer stolen.
3. I had two of my teeth taken out.
4. I haven't had my hair cut for a long time.
5. Helen has just had her book published. 6. It's time you had your motorbike
7. I had my house broken into last month. 8. I had my house cleaned yesterday.
9. When did you have your house painted? 10. I have just had a shed built.
1. (that) Brenda waited/ should wait 2. not waking/ getting up
3. first time I've eaten 4. managed to arrest
5. ought to have written 6. has such small writing (that)
7. have to/ must be picked up 8. regret telling him our plans
9. everyone's surprise, George left 10. I was to blame for

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