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Introduction to Musicology

Music Historiography
Music history writing – the writing of music history

Music as a work – not a performance but the full ideaology of it

Conductor vs Composer

How is the history of music written?

Should it follow a narrative?
Does it consist of one strand of development or several?

Interpretation of the past informed by the present

- The past – its broader patterns, movements, causes and effects
- Affords objectivity – never totally objective

Oral vs Written
- Beware of simple/complex reduction of oral/notated binary

Narratives in History
- Music as a national identiy – fragmented ideas together

Periodisation (romantic / baroque / classical etc)

- Is it a true representation
- Continuity vs Rupture

Carl Dahlhaus
- Beethoven – Rossini twin styles

Musical Historicism
- Antiquarianism
o Fascination with the past

Read intro to Taruskins 5-Volume – Oxford History of Western Music


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