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A Project Report On

Implementation of Eight Functions of HRM in Creative Engineering


4th Semester (Morning)
Section (A)
Batch 2017-2021 (fall)

Submitted By Submitted To
Naveed Asad (33) Sir Umer Chaudhary
Muhammad Tariq (23)

Department of Computer Science

Minhaj University Lahore
Functions of HRM
 Strategy and Planning
 Compliance
 Talent Management
 Training and Development
 Performance Management
 Total Rewards
 Safety and Health
 Employee and Labor Relations

Strategy and Planning

Strategy and Planning covers the key area of an organizations that what strategies company
implements and what are the plans that are used to achieve the goals and objectives set by the
company. This functions has five sub functions which are discussed below:

Creative Engineering uses SWOT Analysis tool to check the overall present condition of the
organization before making a strategy for the new fiscal year. In SWOT analysis company check
what are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats firm faces because of macro
competitive factors. Metro examines all its internal and external factors which are responsible for
its growth as well as its bad condition. This technique help them to point out the problems and a
solution to that problems. Creative engineering has a very excellent analyzing program. Before
making a strategy company analyze its complete performance in the last year and according to
result of that analysis develops strategy.

Creative engineering follows Competitive Strategies that identifies how to build and strengthen
the business’s long term business competitive position in the market place. In this competitive
strategy there are three strategies which are implemented in the organization
Cost Leadership: This means becoming a low-cost leader in the market industry.Creative
engineering is providing low cost but quality things to its customers.
Differentiation Strategy: Creative Engineering take the whole customers as a market but makes
themselves different from other because they look especially towards wholesale dealers and
Focus Strategy: In future they are planning to implement focus strategy to focus on retailers.
It will convince and force them to come to their company just to admire its services and respect
to them.

In Creative Engineering, to check the effectiveness of the strategy they link all the implementations
they made to the strategy and objectives. They examine whether the company achieves its goals
by following the applied strategy. They continuously evaluates the performance to check if
strategy is hitting the targets. To monitor the effectiveness of the strategy they establish base value
before strategy implementation and after implementing they track progress. Then they check to
meet the targets whether resources are used more than the targeted value or not. After the
completion of a strategic plan they review whether they should follow the same strategic plan as
effective or some changes are still required in this strategy to overcome past mistakes.

Creative Engineering Strategy Based Performance Metrics approach to check whether the
strategy they are applying in there organization is effective or not and is this strategy giving the
required outcomes and result to the organization. This metrics aims towards succession of the
strategy on continues basis. They check whether business goals are being satisfied or not. This
practice helps them to improve their performance by changing in their strategy.

Creative engineering uses technology to achieve its goals and objectives. When they plan and
made a strategy for the organization they focus to use latest technology. Technology plays a key
role in the development and achieving their goals. Technology removes all the possible barriers
between the company and its customers. They always want to upgrade them to the latest and
upcoming technology.
Compliance is a driver for Creative Engineering’s integrity, reputation and sustainable growth.
They are ready to facilitate its employees and labor in any issue they are facing in the organization.
If someone has an issue he can contact to their Officer.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Creative Engineering They have diverse workforce and they are offering the same opportunity to
all employees and applicants regardless of sex, age, race, creed, ethnic background, sexual identity,
disability, religion of belief.

Federal Laws
Creative engineering have a strict policy on Federal Laws like SECP, Human Rights Laws, Labor
Laws and they are determined to follow all the rules and regulations regarding anything. This
department always monitor the legal issues and resolve them they check if someone is violating
the federal laws and give them punish.

State Laws
Creative Engineering under the supervision of Legal Department, determined to follow all state
level laws as well .They have same policy on state level laws as in Federal Laws .
Local Laws
Creative Engineering under the supervision of Legal Department, implementing the local laws as
well. Local laws which are locally made by the district government for the organizations and

Talent Management
Creative Engineering Company always admire great talent and hire staff of excellent expertise and
experience. They also encourage young talent in their organization for internships, direct-entry
level positions and graduate programs. They have an excellent Talent Management System. By
this their recruitment, interviewing, selection and hiring is done

Their recruitment process is that first they check about the vacant spaces in the organization. They
inform the internal staff and employees about the vacant job by an email and try to hire internally
from the organization. After this practice they post ads on and LinkedIn about the job
description and also contact to the third party recruiting companies and job fairs are also held in
different sites. They also used walk in interviews but this is encouraged for operational level jobs
In Creative Engineering Company after receiving job applications and resumes the HR
Department short lists application with different screenings by comparing job descriptions with
the applicant information, qualifications and experiences. After undergoing this process the final
list of candidates is prepared and they are informed by the HR Department to come for the
interview. Interviews are conducted face to face individually or by an interviewing panel
consisting two members HR Manager and Concerned Department Manager. In interview they
check they strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and then moved them to the selection

After conducting interviews of candidates, next step is selection of the candidates. Selection
Criteria in Creative Engineering is to short list the candidates by screening them and job analysis
by checking their complete eligibility for the job.
Hiring at Creative Engineering are of four different categories:
 Hiring on Permanent Basis
 Hiring on Contracts
 Hiring as Part Timers
 Seasonal Hiring
Training and Development
Creative Engineering focus on the training and the development of the employees and staff
working in the organization and specially on the new job holders. They train their staff and
employees in a professional skills and other operational training and also other development
programs to groom their personality.

They conduct different training sessions and program for their employees and other staff. There
are different types of training like external training, internal training, training for new recruits.
They arrange different seminars, workshops and conferences. They also train them to different
courses keeping in their mind about the objectives and goals of the company
 To Improve employee relations and soft skills
 To upgrade skills via external and internal training
 To increase work performance
 To skill unskilled and partially trained employee
 Time Management
 Company Knowledge and Company Skills
 Terms and Conditions of the Company
 Organizational Goals

Creative Engineering Company focus specially to the development of the company as well as the
development of the employees. To safeguard the productivity and motivation of its workforce and
to ensure a future-oriented succession planning structure.
Career Planning
Creative engineering has a consistent career and succession planning system in the organization.
So they are able to fill a large share of its managerial positions with its own workforce. Young
talents are identified early on in their career, regularly assess through the annual evaluation and
supported in their personal career development.

Performance Management

Creative engineering has a best performance management system because it’s a big
organization so this evaluation department is also big and on yearly basis employees
reviews and feedback is collected

Its is a unique tool used to establish a culture of feedback and performance appraisal .This
tool helps them to get feedback of the employees from the management
 Facilitate communication between employees and administration
 Identify which employee need training
 Identify the good or bad performance of an employee

After the appraisement of the employees those employees which have bad performance and they
need help in there development Company helps them to overcome their difficulties they are facing
in their jobs and to achieving the targets. Company arranges different training and seminars so
they can improve their performance and get a better place in the organization and easily achieve
their targets.

if the employees facing any difficulties performing their jobs and duties their behavior with other
or any other problem. In this situation manager takes action and call a meeting to resolve the
problem of the employee.

Total Rewards
Creative engineering always facilitates its employees, labors and other staff in any possible
manner. They provide different compensations, benefits and by recognizing them for their best

 A Basic Salary
 Short-term incentives or bonuses
 Long-term incentives plans (LTIP)
 Employee Benefits

Company is giving benefits to its employees. Benefits can include but are not limited to
employees only are group insurance, retirement benefits, sick leave, vacation (paid and
non-paid), social security, profit sharing, and many other benefits.
They give those recognition and other awards for their outstanding performance Best
Employee Award is given to the employee for his best performance and goals achievement.

Work-Life Balance
In this organization working hour policy is strictly followed by all top most team to the
lower level staff and labors. Work- life balance is maintain in the organization and the work
is only done within the office hours and after that everyone has a liberty to go home and in
case after that hours labor and workers are still doing work as double shift then are paid
double of their wages

Health and Safety

Creative Engineering provides almost all health and safety facilities to its
employees, labors and other technical staff. They make sure that everyone in the
environment of the organization is fully protected and safe.

Employee Safety
Company places high priority on ensuring fair working conditions for all employees. . A
Special structure is organized for this system head by the Occupational Health and Safety
Office. This helps them in reducing accidents at workplace and also helps to eliminate the
stress taking factor for the employees at workplace. In a safe and healthy environment they
can focus on their work and the company’s goals and targets can be achieved

Company make sure all possible security measures are taken in the organization. There are
checking points at the entry point, walk through gates, CCTV cameras all over to monitor
the situation and a control room where cameras are monitored. There are some security
guards fulfilling their duties.

Work Compensation
In occupational safety system if any worker faced any injury or disability during the job
at workplace the company not only compensate him but also give him strength to face the
injury. In the organization all working hands are insured by the company itself so in case
of any accident the company takes the responsibility and try to compensate the victim in a
possible manner.

Labor Relation with Employees

Creative engineering is determined to maintain a peaceful environment in the organization so
they plays a big role in labor and Employees relationship.Company is concerned with preventing
and resolving the issues which arise out and are affecting work situation. They try to maintain a
work environment because growth and goals can achieve in this environment

Their labor policy is flexible as they give liberty to them their rights and try to balance the situation
and to protect their respective rights and harmonious work environment. The labor Relation
Officer is responsible for policy implementation
In case of any mishaps, disputes between the labor and management Company called out
different investigations to find the solutions and to check the actual situations and after that
investigation disciplinary actions are taken against the accused as well they try to resolve the
issues between both the parties satisfying them This investigations helps and reduce the intensity
of the dispute and a peaceful environment is detained.
Labor Right:
Their wages and other compensations are fully ensured by the organization. Labor Unions can
directly approach the management in any issue relating to their rights or if their rights are being

Creative Engineering is providing and ensuring Employee Rights just like Labor Rights some
of which are below
 Safe Working Conditions
 Right to form Unions
 Equal Employment Opportunity
 Compensations and Benefits

 They can be a leading Company in market but for that they need some changes
in their strategy and planning.
 They can use monthly basis report system instead of yearly basis so they can find
out their pros and cons every month.
 Their communication system with the local employees is week so they should
work on it.
 They should have to focus on their social system to increase their wages.

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