27.10.2017 (Spl. Drive-SSR, 2018) PDF

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No. 23/LET /ECI/FUNC/ERD-ER/2016 Dated: 27th October, 2017


The Chief Electoral Officers,

(Of all States/UTs- except Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh)

Subject: - Special Drive during SSR, 2018 through house to house visit by BLOs regarding.

Reference: 1. Commission's letter of even number dated 23rd/24th/25th October, 2017 on

the above subject.

2. Commission's letter of even number dated 25th October, 2017 regarding

training of Nodal Officer /SLMTs on 1st November 2017.


I am directed to refer to the Commission's letters under reference, on the

subject cited to organize a special drive of house to house visits by Booth Level Officers
during the period of SSR 2018 in order to improve the health of the electoral roll with
thrust to enrol every eligible citizen. The objectives of the Special Drive are: -

1. Maximization of registration of eligible voter.

2. Improving the fidelity of electoral rolls by
a. Correcting the errors in ERs
b. Removing the entries of Dead and Permanently Shifted Electors
c. Identifying Overseas electors/Un enrolled Indian Citizens living abroad
3. Systematic and Quality BLO field verification of Forms received during SSR 2018.
4. Obtaining information about Polling Stations (PS)
a. Mapping Assured Minimum Facilities (AMF) Status
b. Voters Observations on existing PS
c. Identifying and Mapping Alternate Building(s) suitable for Polling Station.
d. Post Office Details for Part
5. Obtaining Family details/ contact details/ GIS Coordinates (With Smart Phone)
to provide better Electoral Services
6. Identifying Future Voters for focused voter education under SVEEP.

Commission has decided to follow Saturation of Part Approach for the Special Drive
in which BLOs are supposed to visit Door-to Door of every house and to collect all
information for the family being visited by them.
2. Main activities of BLOs during the proposed drive: BLOs will perform the
following tasks during their house to house visits: -

(i) Distribution and collection of filled in Form 6 to/from citizens eligible for
enrolment but left out during earlier revisions (Born on or before 1st January
(ii) Distribution and collection of filled in Form 6 to/from citizens eligible for
enrolment on 01.01.2018 (Born between 2nd January 1999 and 1st January 2000)
(iii) Collection of updated details of permanently shifted electors and distribution
and collection of Form- 7.
(iv) Distribution/collection of Form-8 to/from the electors whose entries are
incorrect in draft electoral roll,
(v) Collection of details of EPIC/Distribution and collection of filled in Form EPIC
001 for issue of duplicate EPIC.
(vi) Field verification in respect of all forms received during
a. the period for filing claims and objections,
b. during door-to door visit.
(vii) Collection of details of citizens going to be eligible on 01.01.2019 (Born between
2nd January 2000 and 1st January 2001)
(viii) Mobile number and Email Ids on a family-wise format.
(ix) Collection of longitude and latitude of the household through mobile app to
capture the Lat/Long as point value.
(x) Collection of details of Polling Station/ alternate building suitable for PS/ Electors
Feedback/ Post Office details with coordinates
(xi) Collection of details of overseas Indians from the concerned families.

3. Use of Smart Phone by BLOs for above activities: -

A mobile app has been developed by ECI IT Division which will be used by BLOs
during this Drive for entire process, if they are having android based Smart Phones. The
main advantage of using Mobile based data collection would be reduced no. of visits by
BLOs to ERO offices, direct data entry of information to save time and effort. In order to
incentivise the BLOs for use of Smart Mobile phone, following options, may be exercised,
based on the network connectivity and capability of BLOs in handling digital gadgets -

(i) BLO who opts to use his own Smart phone for complete data collection during the
drive will be allowed an honorarium of Rs. 500/- after successful completion of the
(ii) BLOs who opt to purchase android based smart phone of required minimum
specifications and commits to use it for the next 3 years for Electoral Roll work will
be allowed onetime grant of Rs. 1500/- per annum and a lump sum of Rs. 250/- per
annum for data charges.


4. Pilot project for Full AC Saturation Approach: CEOs may identify 5 ACs in each
state, to implement pilot project of Mobile based Booth Level ER Management (BLO Net) as
a proof of concept. Android based smart Mobile sets of required specifications one each for
every BLO may be procured for these 5 ACs following the state financial procedure code
under appropriate Electoral Roll head, which may be rotated for other ACs later. Maximum
price for mobile set shall not exceed Rs. 4,000/- per piece. In this case, no honorarium will
be paid to BLOs. The Android based smart mobile phone must have the following
minimum features: -

• Battery life minimum 4 hours

• 8GB Storage Space·
• Android 19 (Kitkat) or above
• PDF reader
• Dual Processor

5. Formats for collection of Field Visit Information: BLOs while undertaking house to
house visits, will perform various tasks. Detailed description of the BLOs duties is as
follows -

(i) Collection of details of existing electors of household - the BLOs will first collect the
name of all existing electors of the household and then indicate serial no. of the said
electors in the draft roll of the concerned part, given to him. He will also collect
mobile no., mobile type, e-mail ID of the electors. In case of any correction of entries
in the existing roll, the BLO will give Form 8 to fill the same after mentioning a
reference number thereon. These Form 8 shall be given a specific reference number
for tracking the submission and disposal of the Forms. The specific reference
number will be given in the following Format -

Spl. D/State Code/AC No.JPS No./Serial No.

The BLO can cause online submission of the Form by the elector or send a
photograph of the filled in Form through the mobile app. In case of dead and
permanently shifted electors Form 7 will be given to the family members to get their
names deleted. These Form 7 shall also bear a reference number and submission of
the Form will be made on the lines of Form 8 mentioned above. (Format I)
(ii) Distribution and collection of Form 6 to/from unenrolled members - In addition to
the collection of required details in Format II, the unenrolled members will be given
Forms 6 with request to submit either online or offline for enrolment. A reference
number shall also be given to Form 6, being distributed to the unenrolled members
of household. (Format II)
(iii) Collection of details of prospective eligible voters, enrolled/unenrolled overseas
electors will be done in Formats Ill, IV and V respectively. In respect of unenrolled

overseas Indian the family members will be distributed Form 6A with reference
(iv) Collection of details of existing polling stations, alternative building for probable
polling station in the same polling area and post office within the same polling area
- The Commission has directed that while making house to house visits the BLOs
will also make survey to check whether any suitable any government building like
school, community centre etc. is available in the polling area under his jurisdiction.
They will collect information about such buildings in Format VII to consider the
same as probable polling station in the next rationalization of polling station. They
will also collect information regarding existing polling station and post office within
the same polling area in the Format VI and Format VIII.

1. The BLOs who opt to use their own smart phone given by DEOs will send the
details and data of latitude and longitude of households/polling stations/post
office and photograph of polling stations/post office through the mobile app
provided by IT Division.
2. The BLOs not using mobile app or using SMS gateway and working with paper
will collect all information detailed above except the data of latitude and
longitude and photograph of polling stations/buildings.

Yours faithfully


AC-(No./Name) Part-(No./Name) Section-(No./Name)


H.No. Postal Address. _

Name of Head of Family S.No.__ Gender RelName* __ RelType"__ Mob: Mob types Alt No.@ E-mail, _
1 Existing electors in the Roll - Details of enrolled members -

Name S.No.in roll Mob Mob Type Email Modification of Dead (Mention Permanently
entries, if any reference of Shifted (Mention
(Mention Form 7) reference of
reference of Form Form 7)

*Rel Name: Name of Relative

.IRel Type: Type of relationship, like father, husband etc.
@ Alt. No.: Alternative number (landline tel.no./alternative mobile no.)
$Mob type: Type of mobile, like android or ordinary
Format II 0

Rel Type Mobile Mob Type Email reference no. of

Name Rel Name S.No. of Rel
Form 6

*Rel Name: Name of Relative

.fRel Type: Type of relationship, like father, husband etc.
@ Alt. No.: Alternative number (landline tel.no./alternative mobile no.)
$Mob type: Type of mobile, like android or ordinary
Format Ill ()

3 - ELIGIBLE VOTERS ON 01/01/2019 (DOB between 2/1/2000 to 1/1/2001)

Name DOB/Age Gender Rel Name S.No. of Rel Rel Type Mobile Mob Type Email Student or Student Address

*Rel Name: Name of Relative

,/Rel Type: Type of relationship, like father, husband etc.
@ Alt. No.: Alternative number {landline tel.no./alternative mobile no.)
$Mob type: Type of mobile, like android or ordinary

Passport Nation/A
Name S.No.in roll DOB/Age Gender Relation Name S.No. of Relation Rel Type Mob Mob Type Email
No. rea Code

"Rel Name: Name of Relative

v"'Rel Type: Type of relationship, like father, husband etc.
@ Alt. No.: Alternative number (landline tel.no./alternative mobile no.)
$Mob type: Type of mobile, like android or ordinary

Relation S.No.of Mobile
Name DOB/Age Gender Passport No. Mobile Email reference no. of
Name Relation Type
Form 6A

*Rel Name: Name of Relative

.IRel Type: Type of relationship, like father, husband etc.
@ Alt. No.: Alternative number (landline tel.no./alternative mobile no.)
$Mob type: Type of mobile, like android or ordinary
~ -

Existing Polling Station
6' Whether the
Sr no. & Whether located elector has two Whether the
Whether located Whether
Name of Address of within distance of cross any polling station
in Govt. building located at
Polling Polling station 2kms from river/nullah to is easily
or Private building ground floor
Station electors house reach the polling accessible
Alternative building for probable polling station in same polling area
Whether Whether Whether more
Name of Address of located in govt. or convienient then * Lat/Long of * Photograph of
building building same polling private the existing the building the building
area building polling station

*Lat/Long and photograph will be uploaded by the BLO with smart/android mobile through mobile app
Post office Within the same polling area
Details of Pin code(s)
Name & address of * Lat/Long of the
being currently catered * Photograph of the
post office building
by of the post office building

*Lat/Long and photograph will be uploaded by the BLO with smart/android mobile through mobile app

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