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Talent Management

Nishat Group of industries always admire great talent and hire staff of excellent expertise and
experience. They also encourage young talent in their organization. They have an excellent Talent
Management System. By this their recruitment, interviewing, selection and hiring is done.

Their recruitment process is that first they check about the vacant spaces in the organization. They
inform the internal staff and employees about the vacant job by an email and try to hire internally
from the organization. After this practice they post ads on, and
Newspapers about the job description and also contact to the third party recruiting companies and
job fairs are also held in different sites. They also used walk in interviews but this is encouraged
for operational level jobs only.
In Nishat Group of industries after receiving job applications and resumes the HR Department
short lists application with different screenings by comparing job descriptions with the applicant
information, qualifications and experiences. After undergoing this process the final list of
candidates is prepared and they are informed by the HR Department to come for the interview.
Interviews are conducted face to face individually or by an interviewing panel consisting two
members HR Manager and Concerned Department Manager. In interview they check they
strengths and weaknesses of the candidate and then moved them to the selection level.

After conducting interviews of candidates, next step is selection of the candidates. Selection
Criteria in Nishat Group of industries is to short list the candidates by screening them and job
analysis by checking their complete eligibility for the job.
Hiring at Nishat Group of industries are of four different categories:
 Hiring on Permanent Basis
 Hiring on Contracts
 Hiring as Part Timers
 Seasonal Hiring
Training and Development
Nishat Group of industries focus on the training and the development of the employees and staff
working in the organization and specially on the new job holders. They train their staff and
employees in a professional skills and other operational training and also other development
programs to groom their personality.

They conduct different training sessions and program for their employees and other staff. There
are different types of training like external training, internal training, training for new recruits.
They arrange different seminars, workshops and conferences. They also train them to different
courses keeping in their mind about the objectives and goals of the company
 To Improve employee relations and soft skills
 To upgrade skills via external and internal training
 To increase work performance
 To skill unskilled and partially trained employee
 Time Management
 Company Knowledge and Company Skills
 Terms and Conditions of the Company
 Organizational Goals

Nishat Group of industries Company focus specially to the development of the company as well
as the development of the employees. To safeguard the productivity and motivation of its
workforce and to ensure a future-oriented succession planning structure.
Career Planning
Nishat Group of industries has a consistent career and succession planning system in the
organization. So they are able to fill a large share of its managerial positions with its own
workforce. Young talents are identified early on in their career, regularly assess through the
annual evaluation and supported in their personal career development.

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