HW 1 Ethics

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On Ethics

1. Common Morality

Common Morality is the dominant set of moral ideas in our culture, based historically
on Judeo/Christian Morality. There are two (2) levels of Common Morality; the first order
and the second order. The first order is the principles and judgments about what is right
and wrong. It will depend on the person since we will all have different principles and
judgments because we are all raised differently. We lived in different places; the culture
practiced in one area may not be the same culture you practiced in other areas. The
second order is the principles about how we judge individuals. These are influenced by
intention, voluntary/involuntary, and culpable/inculpable ignorance.

2. Personal Morality

Personal Morality is usually closely related to the common morality but may differ,
especially in controversial areas. We may think Euthanasia is okay even though common
morality says it is wrong. The moralities may not agree in one argument.

3. Professional Ethics

Professional Ethics are governed by impersonal standards that are created by their
profession, stated in codes, and enforced by law. It is supposed to enable engineers to
better serve the public. These standards are applied to all engineers regardless of their
personal morality. It requires a degree of separation from the client. One relates to them
as a professional, not a person. Apply equally to all engineers so the client can count of
the engineer to provide ethically responsible service, even if the client has no prior
knowledge of the engineer.
B. On Obligations

The proper diligence of a good father of a family is the one who strives hard just to
provide his family the best life he can offer. It is believed that how you treat your
employees at work is the same as how you treat your family at home. If you care for your
employees that are also the amount of care you give your family. So, your reflection of
how you treat your family depends on how you act in your workplace.

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