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Disease List

1. Seizure and febrile seizure

2. Epilepsy and Status Epilepticus
3. Headache (tension, migraine, cluster, trigeminal neuraglia)
4. Vertigo and Meniere’s Disease
5. Meningitis and Encephalitis
6. Bell’s Palsy
7. Aphasia
8. Hydrocephalus
9. Encephalopathy and Encephalopaty Hypertension
10. Coma
11. Cerebral Palsy
12. Neurovascular Disease
13. Spinal Cord Injury
14. Complete Spinal Cord Transection
15. Parkinson’s Disease
16. Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia, Alzheimer
17. Guillian Barre Syndrome
18. Myastenia Gravis and Eaton Lambert Syndrome
19. Herniated Nucleus Pulposus
20. Spina Bifida
21. Neurogenic Bladder
22. Erb’s and Klumpke paralysis
23. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
24. Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
25. Peroneal Palsy
26. Nociceptic. Neuropathic and Reffered Pain
27. Poliomyelitis
28. Acute Poisoning
29. Post Traumal Amnesia
30. Insomnia and Hipersomnia
31. Psychosis
32. Major Depressive Disorder
33. Bipolar Disorder
34. Anxiety and Panic Disorder
35. Personality Disorder
36. Somatoform and Dissociative Disorder
37. PTSD
38. Baby Blues Syndrome
39. Autism Spectrum Disorder
40. Social Phobia and Agarophobia
41. Systemic Disorder with Neurogical Manifestasion
42. Complication of Infectious Disease in Central Nervous System
43. Malignancy in Nervous System
44. Cerebral Concussion and Cerebral Contusion
Cerebrovascular Disease




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