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The analysis of the movement of the operator is called motion study. Motion study is commonly
defined as the study of motions used in performance of an operation. It is for the purpose of eliminating
all unnecessary motions and building up a sequence of the most useful motions. Motion study, which
was developed by Gilbreth, was employed largely for improving methods.

An analysis carried on with the purpose of:

 Finding the most economic way of doing this work.
 Standardizing the methods.


Best way and method of maximum efficiency are the objects of this first phase of motion study.


After the best method for doing the work has been determined, this motion must be standardized. The
particular set of motions, size, shape & quality of material, the particular tools, jigs, fixtures, gauges
and the machine or piece of equipment must be defined specified. The conditions surrounding the
workers must be maintained after the way is standardized.


In 1885, Gilbreth, as a young man of seventeen, entered the employ of a building constructor. In
those days brick construction constituted an important part of most structures. So, Gilbreth began
by learning the bricklayer’s trade. Promotions came rapidly and by the beginning of the 20th century,
Gilbreth was in the contracting business himself. From the very beginning of his connection with
the building trades Gilbreth noted that each craftsman used his own peculiar methods in doing his
work, and that no two men did their work in exactly the same way. Furthermore, he observed that
the worker did not always use the same set of motion. The bricklayer, for example, used one set of
motions when he worked rapidly, another set of motions when he worked slowly, and still a third
set when he taught someone else how to lay brick. These observation led Gilbreth to begin
investigations to find the “one best way” of performing a given task. His efforts were so fruitful and

his enthusiasm for this sort of thing became so great that in later years he gave up his contracting
business entirely in order to devote his entire time to motion study investigations and applications.
It was apparent from the beginning that Gilbreth had a knack for analyzing the motions used by his
workmen. He readily saw how to make improvements in methods, substituting shorter and less
fatiguing motions for longer and more tiring ones. He made photographs of bricklayers at work,
and from a study of these photographs he continued to make progress in bringing about increased
output among his workers. For example, Gilbreth invented a scaffold which could quickly and
easily be raised a short distance at a time, thus permitting it to be kept near the most convenient
working level at all times. This scaffold was also equipped with a bench or shelf for holding the
bricks and mortar at a convenient height for the workmen. This saved the bricklayer the tiring
unnecessary task of bending over to pick up a brick from
the floor of the scaffold each time he laid one on the wall.
Formerly, bricks were dumped in a heap on the scaffold and
the bricklayer selected the bricks as he used them. He
turned or flipped each brick over in his hand in order to find
the best side to place on the face of the wall. Gilbreth
improved the procedure. As the bricks were unloaded from
the freight car, Gilbreth had low-priced laborers sort them
and place them on wooded frame or “packets” 3 feet long.
Each packet held 90 pounds of brick. The bricks were
inspected by these men as they unloaded them. They were
Frank Bunker Gilbreth Sr.
then placed on the packet side by side, so that the best face 1868-1924
and end were uniformly turned in a given direction. The
packet were next placed on the scaffolds in such a way that the bricklayer could pick up the bricks
quickly without having to disentangle them from a heap. Gilbreth had the mortar box and the
packets of bricks arranged on the scaffold in such a relative positions that the bricklayer could pick
up a brick with one hand and a trowel full of mortar with the other at the same time. Formerly, when
the bricklayer reached down to the floor to pick up a brick with one hand, the other hand remained
In addition, Gilbreth arranged for the mortar to be kept of the proper consistency so that the brick
could be shoved into place on the wall with the hand. This eliminated the motion of tapping the
brick into place with the trowel. These changes, along with others which Gilbreth developed, greatly
increased the amount of work which a bricklayer could do in a day. For example, in exterior
brickwork, using the “pick and dip” method, the number of motions required to lay a brick were
reduced from 18 in the old method to 4 1/2 in the new method.


The equipment needed for time study work consists of timing devices and auxiliary equipment. The
devices for measuring times are:
 Decimal stopwatch
 Motion picture camera (with constant-speed)
 Cyclegraph
 Cronocyclegraph
The auxiliary equipment consists of observation board, tachometer and slide rule.


The stop watch is the most widely used timing device for time study. The decimal-
minute watch and decimal hour watch are the two types of stop watches that are
widely used for this work.
The decimal-minutes stop watch has the dial into 100 equal spaces, each of which
represent 0.01 minute. The hand making one complete revolution per minute. A
smaller dial on the watch is divided into 30 spaces, each of which represents 1
minute. The hand making one complete revolution in 30 minutes. The hands of
watch are controlled by the slide A and the winding stem B. The staring stopping
of the watch are controlled by the slide. It is possible to stop the hand at any point and then start it
again from that position. Pressure on the top of the stem B returns the hand to zero, but it starts off
immediately upon releasing the stem. The hand may be held zero either holding stem down or by
pushing the slide A away from the stem.


The time for the elements of an operation can be obtained from motion pictures of the operation made
with a synchronous motor-driven motion picture camera of known speed, or by placing a micro
chronometer in the picture when operation is filmed.

The camera speed most frequently used is 1000 frames per minute,
which permits the measurement of time in thousands of minutes. A
motion picture of an operation forms a permanent record of the method
used as well as the time taken for each element of operation. Moreover,
the film may be projected at the exact speed at which the picture was
made, and a check may be made of operator’s performance. In other
words, the operator’s speed or tempo may be rated that is, related to
standard performance. Camera speeds greater than 1000 frames per
minute may of course be used; also, a time-lapse drive may be used to
take pictures at 50 or 100 frames per minute.

Gilbreth developed the technique of Cyclegragh for the study of the motion path of an operator. It is
possible to record the path of motion of an operator by attaching a small electric bulb to the finger,
and, or the other part of the body and photographing, with a still camera, the path of light as it moves
through space is recorded. Such a record is called a Cyclegraph.

Gilbreth also developed the technique of Chronocyclegraph for the study of the motion path of an
operator. If an interrupter is placed in the electric circuit with the bulb, and if the light is flashed on
quickly and off slowly, the path of the bulb will appear as a dotted line with pear-shaped dots indicating
the directions of the motion. The spot of light will be spaced according to the speed of the movement,
being widely separated when the operator moves fast and close together when the movement is slow.
From this graph it is possible to measure accurately time, speed, acceleration and retardation, and to
show direction and path of motions in three dimensions. Such a record is called a chronocyclegraph.


In 1947, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers established as standard the five symbols. The
set of symbols is a modification of the abbreviated set of Gilbreth symbols in that the arrow replaces
the small circle and a new symbol has been added to denote a delay. Although industry has been slow
to adopt the ASME symbols, the use of these symbols seems to be increasing.

Original ASME symbols

Operation Transport Inspection

Delay Storage

Many years ago the Gilbreth devised the set of symbols shown in the table which they used in making
process charts. In recent years the abbreviated set of four symbols shown are widely used, and they
are all that are needed for many kinds of work. These symbols serve as a special sort of short-hand to
aid in listening quickly or activities in a process.


A large circle indicates an operation and represents the main steps in the process. The transportations,
storages, and inspection are more or less auxiliary to the processing operation. Usually a part, material
or product is modified or changed during the operation.

A small circle indicates transportation. Transportation occurs when the part or object being studied is
moved from one place to another. It is often desirable to show the means of transportation by placing
a letter inside small circle. For example:

= Man, =Hand truck =Power truck =Conveyor


A triangle indicates a storage or delay. If it seems desirable to differentiate between temporary and
permanent storage “a” or ”p” may be placed inside of the triangle. Storage considered a permanent
storage when a requisition must be obtained to withdraw it.

A square indicates an inspection for either quantity or quality. The quantity inspection may consist in

measuring, counting or weighing. A quality inspection may consist in testing the part to see whether it
meets a predetermined standard, and it may also rake from grading.

Two symbols may combined when two activities are performed at the same work place or when they
are perform concurrently as on activity.
For example:
The large circle within the square represents a combined operation and inspection.

THERBLIGS (Definition of Fundamental Hand Motions)

That part of the cycle during which the eyes or the hands are hunting or groping for the object. Search
begins when the object has been found.
The original list of the Gilbreth motions contained the therblig find. Since find occurs at the end of the
therblig search, and since it is a mental reaction rather than a physical movement, it is a seldom used
in micro motion analysis work. Therefore find is omitted from the list of fundamental hand motion

2) SELECT (St)
The choice of one object from among several. In many cases, it is difficult if not impossible to
determine where the boundaries lie between search and select. For this reason it is often the practice
to combine tem, referring to both as the one therblig select.
Using this broader definition, select then refers to the hunting and the locating of one object from
among several. Select begins when the eyes of hands begin to hunt for the object, and ends when the
desired object has been located.
Example: Locating a particular pencil in a box containing pencils, pens and other articles.

3) Grasp (G)
Taking hold on an object, closing the fingers around it preparatory to picking it up, holding it or
manipulating it. Grasp begins when hand or the finger first make contact with the object, and ends
when the hand has obtained control of it.
Example: Closing the fingers around the pen on desk.

Moving the empty hand in reaching for an object. It is assumed that the hand moves without resistance
toward or away from the object. Transport empty begins when the hands move without load or
resistance, and ends when the hand stops moving.
Example: Moving the empty hand to grasp a pen on the desk.


Moving an object from one place to another. The object may be carried in the hands or fingers, or it
may be moved from one place to another by sliding, dragging, or pushing it along. Transport loaded
begins when the hand begin to move an object or encounter resistance, and ends when the hand stops
Example: Carrying the pen from the desk set to the letter to be signed.

6) HOLD (H)
Retention of an object after it has been grasped, no movement of the object taking place. Hold begins
when the movement of the object stops, and ends with the start of the next therblig.
Example: Holding bot in one hand while assembling a washer onto it with the other.


Letting go of the object. Release load begins when the object starts to leave the hand, and ends when
the object has been completely separated from the hand or finger.
Example: Letting go of the pen after it has been placed on the desk.

Turning or locating an object in such a way that it will be properly oriented to fit into the location for
which it is intended. It is possible to position an object during the transport loaded. The carpenter, for
example, may turn the nail into position for the using while he is carrying it to the board into which it
will be driven. Position begins when the hand begins to turn or locate the object, and ends when the
object has been placed in the desired position or location.
Example: Lining up a door key preparatory to inserting it in the keyhole.

Locating an object in a predetermined place or locating it in the correct position for some subsequent
motion. Pre-position is the same as position except that the object is located in the approximate
position that will be needed later. Usually a holder, bracket or special container of some kind is used
for holding the object in a way that permits it to be grasped sassily in the position in which it will be

used. Pre-position is the abbreviated term used for preposition for the next operation.
Example: Locating or Lining up the pen above the desk-set holder prior to releasing it. The pen may
then be grasped in approximately the correct position for writing This eliminates the therblig position
that would be required to turn the pen to the correct writing position if it were resting flat on the desk
when grasped.


Examining an object to determine whether or not it complies with standard size shape, color or the
other qualities previously determined. The inspection may employ sight, hearing, touch, odor or taste.
Inspect is predominantly a mental reaction and may occur simultaneously with other therbligs.
Inspection begins when the eyes or other part of the body begins to examine the object, ant ends when
the examination has been completed.
Example: Visual examination of pearl buttons in the final sorting operation.


Placing an object into or on another object with which it becomes an integral part. Assemble begins
as the hand starts to move the part into its place, and ends when the hand has completed the assembly.
Example: Placing the cap on Mechanical pencil


Separating one object from another object of which it is an integral part. Disassemble begins when the
hand starts to remove one part from the assembly, and ends when the hand separated the part
completely from the remainder of the assembly.
Example: Removing the cap from Mechanical pencil.

13) USE (U)

Manipulating a tool, device or piece of apparatus for the purpose for which it was intended. Use may
refer to an almost infinite number of particular cases. It represents the motion for which the preceding
motions have been more or less preparatory and for which ones that are supplementary. Use begins
when hand starts to manipulate the tool or device, and ends when the hand ceases the application.

Example: Writing one’s signature in signing a letter (Use pen), or painting an object with spray gun.
(Use spray gun)


Example: If the left hand made a long transport motion to the left and right hand simultaneously made

a very short transport motion to the right. An unavoidable delay would occur at the end of the right
hand transport in order to bring the two hands into balance.


Any delay of the operator for which he is responsible and over which he has control. It refers to delays
which the operator may avoid if he wishes. Avoidable delay begins when the prescribed sequence of
motions is interrupted, and ends when the standard work method is resumed.
Example: The operator stops all hand motions.

16) PLAN (Pn)

A mental reaction which represents the physical movement, that is, deciding how to proceed with the
job. Plan begins at the point where the operator begins to work out the procedure to be followed has
been determined.
Example: An operator assembling a complex mechanism, deciding which part should be assembled


A fatigue or delay factor or allowance is provided to permit the worker to recover from the fatigue
incurred by his work. Rest begins when the operator stops working and ends when work is resumed.



“Time study is used to determine the time required by a qualified and well trained person working at
the normal pace to do a specific task.”
Time study is used to measure work. The result of time study is the time in minutes that a person suited
to the job and trained in the specific method will needed to perform the job if he/she works at a normal
or standard tempo. This time is STANDARD TIME for the operation.


Although time study has had greater use of determining time standards in connection with wage
incentive plans, time study is now being used for a numbers of other purposes. Time study may be
used for:

1. Determining schedules and planning work.
2. Determining standard costs and as an aid in preparing budgets.
3. Estimating the cost of a product prior to manufacturing it. Such information is of value in preparing
bids and in determining selling price.
4. Determining machine effectiveness, the number of machines which one person can operate, the
number of men needed on a gang, and as aid in balancing assembly lines and work done on a conveyor.
5. Determining time standards to be used as a basis for the payment of a wage incentive to direct labour.
6. Determining time standards to be used as a basic for the payment of an indirect labour, such as
handlers and setup men.


The equipment needed for time study work consists on:

1. Stopwatch
2. Motion pictures camera
3. Time recording machine
4. Observation Board


For some years machine have been used to a limited extent in this country and abroad for recording
time on paper tape moving through the machine at uniform velocity.
The time recording machine consists of a small box through which a paper tape is drawn by an electric
motor at a uniform velocity of 10 inches per minute. The tape has a printed scale in tenths of an inch,
and therefore one division on the tape equals 0.01 minute. The time study machine has two keys which,
when depressed, print marks on the tape. The beginning of an element is ordinarily recorded by
pressing one key.
This time recording machine may be used instead of a stopwatch, and it enables the analyst to measure
shorter elements than he/she could with a stopwatch. The machine seems to be most useful where short
cycles are to be timed and where the operator follows a given routine without the introduction of many
foreign elements.


A light weight board, slightly larger than the
observation sheet, is used to hold the paper and the
stopwatch. There are many different arrangements, but
it seems best to have the watch mounted rigidly
somewhere near the upper right hand corner of the
board and the observation sheets held in place by some
form of clamp at the side or top of the board.
While taking Time Study, the observer should hold the
board against his/her body and the upper left arm in
such a way that the watch can be operated by the thumb
and index finger of the left hand and arm, leaving
his/her right hand free to record the data.
The observation sheet is a printed form with spaces provided for recording information about the
operation being studied. This information usually includes a detailed description of the operation, the
name of the operator, the name of the study observer, and the date & place of the study. The form also
provides spaces for recording stopwatch reading for each element of the operation, performance rating
of the operator, and the computations. Spaces may be provided for a sketch of the work place, a
drawing of the part, and specifications of the material, jigs, gauges, and tools.


1. Discuss the operation to be timed with the foreman of the department.
2. Make certain that the operator has been informed that a time study is to be made.
3. Secure the cooperation of the operator. Explain to him/her what you are going to do.
4. Make certain that the operation is ready for the time study.
5. Obtain all necessary information and record it on the observation sheet.
6. Make a sketch of the piece and of the work place.
7. Divide the operation into its elements and list these on the observation sheet. If necessary describe
the method more fully on a separate sheet, listing the beginning and ending points for each
8. Estimate the number of cycles to be timed.
9. Record the time of day as the study is begun.
10. Start the stopwatch at the beginning of the first element of the cycle. Read and record the time of
each element of the cycle.
11. When the study is completed and when the stopwatch is read at the end of last element, read and
record the time of the day on sheet.
12. Rate the operator and record these ratings on the observation sheet.

13. Sign and date the study.
14. Check to make certain that a sufficient number of cycles have been time.
15. Plot data on control chart.

OPERATION Drill 1/4" Hole OP. NO. C-20
PART NAME Motor Shaft PART NO. MS-155
EXPERIENCE ON JOBS 18 Months on Sens. Drill MATERIAL S.A.E. 2315
ELEMENTS SPEED F EED 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
T 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.12
1 . Pick Up Piece and Place in Jig
R 0.12 0.29 0.39 0.54 0.66 0.77 0.92 8.01 14.00 0.32
T 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.11
2 . Tighte Set Screw
R 0.25 0.41 0.51 0.68 0.77 0.89 7.04 0.14 0.26 0.43
T 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04
3 . Advance Drill to Work
R 0.30 0.45 0.55 0.72 0.82 0.93 0.08 0.18 0.29 0.47
T 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.52 0.53 0.59 0.56
4 . Drill 1/4" Hole 980 H
R 0.87 0.99 3.11 4.23 5.36 6.51 0.60 0.71 0.88 11.03
T 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03
5 . Ralse Drill from Hole
R 0.91 2.02 0.14 0.26 0.39 0.54 0.63 0.74 0.92 0.06
T 0.06 .06.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.08
6 . Loosen Set Screw
R 0.97 0.08 0.21 0.32 0.45 0.60 0.69 0.80 0.99 0.14
T 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.07
7 . Remove Piece from Jig
R 1.05 0.17 0.29 0.40 0.54 0.68 0.76 0.88 10.08 0.21
T 0.13 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.11
8 . Blow Out Chips
R 0.18 0.27 0.41 0.54 0.67 0.80 0.89 9.00 0.20 0.32
T 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12
10. (1)
R 11.44 0.56 0.69 0.82 0.87 17.01 18.09 0.21 0.31 0.42
T 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.13 0.15 0.12 0.11 0.12
11. (2)
R 0.56 0.70 0.81 0.93 0.99 0.11 0.22 0.36 0.43 0.53
T 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
12. (3)
R 0.60 0.74 0.85 0.96 16.03 0.15 0.26 0.40 0.47 0.57
T 0.54 0.53 0.55 0.52 0.57 0.54 0.50 0.53 0.55 0.54 0.54
13. (4)
R 12.14 13.27 14.40 15.48 0.60 0.69 0.76 0.93 21.02 22.11
T 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
14. (5)
R 0.17 0.30 0.43 0.51 0.63 0.72 0.79 0.96 0.05 0.14
T 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.05 0.60 0.06
15. (6)
R 0.23 0.36 0.49 0.58 0.69 0.77 0.85 20.02 0.10 0.20
T 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.08
16. (7)
R 0.31 0.44 0.58 0.66 0.77 0.84 0.93 0.08 0.18 0.28
T 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12
17. (8)
R 0.45 0.56 0.68 0.75 0.89 0.98 19.08 0.19 0.30 22.40
T 1.11
1.11 100% 1.11 5% 1.17
TOOL, JIGS, GAUGES: Jig No. D-12-33
Use H.S. Drill 1/4" Diameter
Hand Feed
Use Oil - S4


1. Motion study is analysis of the ( ) of the ( ).
2. How is motion study commonly defined?
3. What are the two purposes of motion study?

4. Who developed motion study?
5. Answer the two of the four devices for measuring times mentioned in this chapter.
6. Draw the therbligs symbols of operation, transportation, storage &delay, and inspection.
7. Time study is used to determine the ( ) required by a ( ) and ( )( )
person working at the normal pace to do a specific task.
8. Answer the two of the six uses of time study mentioned in this chapter.
9. What is observation board?


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