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Project Management

Quantum Computing
Project for:

İstanbul Aydın University

Assist. Prof. Dr. SEMİH YÖN

Project by:

Arzu Kaya-B1405030030

Tripitra Wira Rasmidianto- B1805.030116

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2

Table of Figures............................................................................................................................................. 3
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1 Computing .................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 What does computing means? ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 What is conventional computing? ......................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 What is unconventional computing? ............................................................................................ 6
2 Quantum Computing: ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 How Does It Work ........................................................................................................................ 7
3 Future Implication .................................................................................................................................... 10
4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 10
References ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table of Figures

Figure 1: Classics Machine Processes-Neamann Architecture ........................................................ 6

Figure 2:Transistor ........................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3:Transistor as button........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4:Transistor as button........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5:Bits ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 6:Qubits ................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 7:Magnetic field of electron .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 8:Entanglement of atom ........................................................................................................ 9

Technology has been an indispensable part of our lives over the past few years. The
developments in the technology of the computer have shown an improvement over the last century
and have undergone many changes in this process. During this development, computers developed
capacities so that they could reach more speed and perform more at the same time. These
developments separated as generations of computers. These developments have reached until fifth
generations of computer’s were using same computational system which is known as conventional
system. In the end of the fourth generation, creating such a new computer systems like ; quantum

The needs of mankind have varied throughout the history of the world.

These requirements led to the birth of technology at the same time, which together with many
technological developments enabled the production of new products. Technology literally means:

“The purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of goods and
services, and in the organization of human activities”1

The greatest technological advance that allows us to make sense of technology or to define: it is

1. Computing
1.1 What does computing means?
“In a general way, we can define computing to mean any goal-oriented activity requiring,
benefiting from, or creating computers. Thus, computing includes designing and building
hardware and software systems for a wide range of purposes; processing, structuring, and
managing various kinds of information; doing scientific studies using computers; making
computer systems behave intelligently; creating and using communications and entertainment
media; finding and gathering information relevant to any particular purpose, and so on. The list is
virtually endless, and the possibilities are vast.”2

1.1.1 What is conventional computing?

Conventional computers are machines that follow a well described set of instructions to process
data. Conventional computers are referred to as Von Neumann computers or classical machines.

Figure 1: Classics Machine Processes-Neamann Architecture

Conventional computers have two tricks:

1- They can store numbers in memory.

2- They can process stored numbers with sample mathematical operations.

1.1.2 What is unconventional computing?

“Unconventional computing is computing by a wide range of new or unusual methods. It is
also known as alternative computing. The term of "unconventional computation" was coined
by Christian S. Claude and John Caste and used for the first edition of the international Conference,
Auckland, New Zealand 1998.”3
Unconventional Computing systems are not based on conventional computers stems which
are known as a Turing machine model or as the Von Neumann Architecture for electronic
computers model.

High energy consumption, researchers push into a new computing technology. So,
unconventional computing created.

There are varies types of unconventional computing. But in that report, we will examine
the quantum computing.

2. Quantum Computing

A quantum computer is a computer that has come to the end of the normal computer
development process. The normal computer processor, now called transistor, is made up of small
wicks coming from 50 atoms. These transistors are now almost at the limit of normal computer
development because they reach the limit of the maximum reduction, so in the future, the human
son will work in the remote workings, the internet network scanning, giant probabilities etc.
Quantum computer work has been started for use. Quantum technology provide to processing on
photon, electron, quark. Quantum computers process the information in which is stored on photon,
electron, quark.

“A digital computer thinks in two states: zero and one (or off and on). A quantum computer uses
"combinations of zeroes and ones" to creates multiple states. It can be a zero, a one, both at the
same time, something in between them, or it can be a mysterious zero/one state that you can't really
determine, Chow says. Because quantum computers think differently, they can quickly solve tasks
that regular computers can't do, such as working with billions of variables at the same time, like
the interaction between molecules in chemistry. They are also great for machine-learning tasks.
These computers are expected to help find new drugs, new forms of computer security, and become
smart computers that can think and reason. ”4

2.1 How Does It Work

Figure 2:Transistor

Transistor is the main component of computer that used to process every single activity in
computer. Transistor is a switch or a button that open or block the information, the information is
in form of binary, either zero or one. So, the more transistor we have in a computer the more
information that computer can deliver or as user perspective, the faster the computer will be.
Current computer scientists have found a problem to develop current computer due to the
size of transistor have meet the maximum point of its size (smallest size) which is 14 nm. So, the
number of transistors that exist in computer can’t be added up due to the size matter, except a big
computer or supercomputer. Some scientists trying to look for alternatives and some found a
quantum computer.

Figure 4:Transistor as button Figure 3:Transistor as button

As shown in figure 3 and 4 transistor works as a button, either block or transmit the
information, either 0 or 1. This system of delivering information called bits or binary which consist
of zero or one. In transistor, once information is delivered, it is moving from one point to another
point which is same with particle of quantum. In quantum computer, particle can transfer
themselves without transistor using quantum tunneling. So, this tunnel is the thing that we utilize,
quantum computer doesn’t need transistor, quantum tunneling make the electron moves, like what
is happened in transistor. So, basically the way quantum computer works is most likely the same
with current computer, current computer using transistor and quantum computer use quantum
tunneling, and both of them work principally the same which is delivering information.

Figure 5: Bits Figure 6: Qubits

As explained in previous page, current computer using binary system or bits which is 0
or 1 to deliver the information, in quantum computer it called qubits. Unlike bits, qubits have
different system of delivering information, it has zero, one or any number between zero and one,
so the probability of having zero and one could be 20 and 80 percent, could be 40 and 60 percent,
etc. The stage of having uncertainty between zero or one called preposition. This proposition is
work like a magnetic field, so it has XYZ axes to move.

Figure 7:Magnetic field of electron

This qubits work is complicated yet prospective for the future. In conventional computer,
from 16 combination of bits, we can only use one to transmit the information, but in quantum
computer, from 16 combination we could use all 16 combination to deliver the information. So,
quantum tunneling works a lot better in comparison towards the current transistors.

The last properties that need to be understand is that every single atom have a tendency to
bond to another atom or what we called in chemistry as chemical bonding. This also happened in
quantum computing while transmitting the information from one place to another, and it influence
the properties of the other particle.

Figure 8:Entanglement of atom

3. Future Implication
1. Health and medicine. Current professional doctor facing a problem of finding a cure of Alzheimer,
Ebola, HIV etc. this is because calculating the atom in the molecule is absolutely, computationally
hard things to do because there are a lot of atoms and molecules, even it’s hard to calculate it with
supercomputer. But in quantum computer, it will calculate better cause they have the same
properties which is quantum properties.

2. Encryption code. It could create a private key that can encrypt from one location to another with
quantum realm, and it is so hard to be hacked because it is using quantum properties, if it was
hacked then the hacker must break the law of quantum.

3. And lastly, teleportation from some place to another, without send it physically. It’s sounds like
science fiction, but it is possible in the future.

4. Conclusion

It's a little confusing, isn't it? Because our way of thinking is shaped according to our daily
experiences and the world in which we have these daily experiences has been defined by the laws
of classical physics so far. Consequently, the concepts of quantum physics may initially be
somewhat reversed. In order to understand the subject, we need to get rid of a number of
preconceptions belonging to the world that we see and feel in our eyes.

Charles Bennett, one of the pioneers of this subject, likens the da quantum knowledge Bu
to the knowledge we get in our dreams. If you tell this to someone else after dreaming, you forget
the dream that you see after a point and you actually start to remember what you are saying. That
is why it is not everyone's fee to interpret the dream. What will be the correct interpretation of
dreams or the correct calculation of quantum states? Which areas are we going to use them when
quantum computers, which are a fridge size, will shrink one day and become stamps?

Let me answer this question with a little story. There's a scientist named Faraday. He
succeeded in converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. So, he made a dynamo. They
asked her a similar question: What about the master, good and what will this do? What is the use
of this to the world? Be After a moment of surprise, he answered the question: What's the benefit
of a newborn baby to the world?


6. Halacy, Daniel Stephen (1970). Charles Babbage, Father of the Computer. Crowell-
Collier Press. ISBN 0-02-741370-5.

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