Acknowledgement: Dr. Gurrala Venkateswara Rao, The Head of Division of Computer Science and

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All of what I learnt, experienced gained, is unquestionably impossible without the push given
by the following mentors. Ever encouraging and supportive, all of them helped my light shine
brighter. Indebted would be a small word. Nevertheless, a heartfelt gratitude to

Dr. Gurrala Venkateswara Rao, the head of Division of Computer Science and
Engineering and other faculty members for giving me an opportunity to learn and do this

And to all the concerned professors and fellow interns, without whose efforts, my journey
in RK INFOTECH wouldn't have been this fruitful.

I would like to thank Yellapu Jhansi who helped us a lot in successful completion of our
internship and internship report.

I once again extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

Your Sincerely,


About Organisation

Schedule ofthe internship (Training)

Internship activities



Assessment of


I have done my internship in INFO BASE SYSTEM which is a start-up company in
Hyderabad. Internship cum training is an opportunity where we will be learning the new
things application of the knowledge gained. In this program we have undergone for 5
weeks of training cum internship. The purpose of this program is to enhance our
knowledge and use them to build the application.

Photo sharing is an attractive feature which popularizes Online Social Networks

(OSNs). Unfortunately, it may leak users’ privacy if they are allowed to post,
comment, and tag a photo freely. In this paper, we attempt to address this issue and
study the scenario when a user shares a photo containing individuals other than
himself/herself (termed co-photo for short). To prevent possible privacy leakage
of a photo, we design a mechanism to enable each individual in a photo be aware of
the posting activity and participate in the decision making on the photo posting. For
this purpose, we need an efficient facial recognition (FR) system that can recognize
everyone in the photo. However, more demanding privacy setting may limit the
number of the photos publicly available to train the FR system. To deal with this
dilemma, our mechanism attempts to utilize users’ private photos to design a
personalized FR system specifically trained to differentiate possible photo co-
owners without leaking their privacy. We also develop a distributed consensus
based method to reduce the computational complexity and protect the private
training set. We show that our system is superior to other possible approaches in
terms of recognition ratio and efficiency. Our mechanism is implemented as a proof
of concept Android application on Facebook’s platform.

InfoBase Systems is an Australian owned Queensland based software organisation with

its Head Office based in Brisbane (Toowong). The organisation has been in operation
since 1986. InfoBase Systems has developed its own suite of applications branded
InfoBase Financials and the R&D activities relating to this are carried out from the
Brisbane offices. This software suite is the prime focus of InfoBase Systems activities
and currently addresses the requirements of a number of industries which include:

· Convention Centres

· Retail and Distribution Head Office.

· Retail Outlets

· Wholesale Suppliers

· Service Industries

· Import Merchants

· Law Agents (Queensland, NSW)

· Information Brokers

· Public Administration

· Queensland Government.

Wednesday,May1 Introduction
Thursday,May2 History of HTML
Friday,May3 Basic Syntax and basic concept of HTML
Saturday,May4 Basic concept of CSS
Monday,May6 Basic concept of Java
Tuesday,May7 Data structures condition statements
Wednesday,May8 Practice session of above topics
Thursday,May9 Introduction to new software called Netbeans
Friday,May10 Explained Various other data structures
Saturday,May11 Summary of the week that was explained
Monday,May13 Introduction to Functions
Tuesday,May14 Basic programs of functions
Wednesdy,May15 Explanation of JDBC
Thursday,May16 Various operations on java classes and programs
Friday,May17 Weekly assignment
Saturday,May18 Summary of the week that was explained
Monday,May20 Explained about data mining
Tuesday,May21 Motivation towards web development
Wednesday,May22 Started developing web based application
Thursday,May23 Techniques to develop application using front end
Friday,May24 Techniques to develop application using back end
Saturday,May25 Development of web application
Monday,May27 Development of web application
Tuesday,May28 Development of web application
Wednesday,May29 Documentation preparation
Thursday,May30 Some questions about about the project
Friday,May31 Evaluation

Web development
Web development refers to building website and deploying on the web. Web development
requires use of scripting languages both at the server end as well as at client end.

Web Development Process:

Web development process includes all the steps that are good to take to build an attractive,
effective and responsive website. These steps are shown in the following diagram:
Web development tools:
Web development tools helps the developer to test and debug the web sites. Now a days the
web development tool come with the web browsers as add-ons. All web browsers have built
in tools for this purpose.

These tools allow the web developer to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript etc.. These are
accessed by hovering over an item on a web page and selecting the “Inspect Element” from
the context menu.

Skills Required:

For being a successful web developer, one should possess the following skills:

Understanding of client and server-side scripting.

Creating, editing and modifying templates for a CMS or web development framework.
Testing cross browser inconsistencies.

Conducting observational user testing.

Testing for compliance to specified standards such as accessibility standards in the client

Programming interaction with JavaScript, PHP, and JQuery etc.

Data mining is also used to develop the web-based applications


2.1 Software Environment

The project experimental setup desires software system package Windows 7 and JDK one.6
and MySQL 2008 Databases. And to boot true cat server, SQL YOG required.

2.1.1 Java Technology

Java technology is used for programming language and a platform for both.

2.1.2. The Java Programming Language

With most programming languages, you either compile or interpret a project with the
goal that you can run it on your PC. The Java programming dialect is irregular in that a project
is both arranged and deciphered. With the compiler, first you make an interpretation of a system
into a middle of the road dialect called Java byte codes — the platform-autonomous codes
deciphered by the translator on the Java platform. The translator parses and runs every Java
byte code direction on the PC. Aggregation happens just once;

understanding happens every time the project is executed. The accompanying figure outlines
how this works.

Fig.2.1. Working of Java Program

You can consider Java byte codes as the machine code guidelines for the Java Virtual
Machine (Java VM). Each Java translator, whether it's an advancement device or a web
program that can run applets, is an execution of the Java VM. Java byte codes make "compose
once, run anyplace" conceivable. You can incorporate your project into byte codes on any stage
that has a Java compiler. The byte codes can then be keep running on any execution of the Java
VM. That implies that the length of a PC has a Java VM, the same system written in the Java
programming dialect can keep running on a Solaris workstation, Windows 2000, or on an iMac.

2.1.3. The Java Platform

A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a project runs. I've specified
probably the most prevalent platforms like Linux, Windows 2000, Solaris, and MacOS. Most
platforms can be depicted as a mix of the working framework and hardware. The Java platform
varies from most different platforms in that it's a software-just platform that keeps running on
top of other hardware-dependent platforms.

The Java platform has two components:

• The Java VM (Java Virtual Machine)

• The Java API (Java Application Programming Interface)
You’ve been acquainted with the Java VM. It's the base for the Java stage and is ported onto
different equipment-based platforms.

The Java API is a huge collection of ready-made software components that offer many useful
abilities, such as graphical user interface (GUI) widgets. The Java API is assembled into
libraries of related classes and interfaces; these libraries are known as packages.
2.1.4. Functionalities of JAVA API

The taking after figure delineates a system that is running on the Java platform. As the figure
demonstrates, the Java API and the virtual machine protect the system from the hardware.

Native code is code that after you compile it, the compiled code runs on a particular hardware
platform. As a platform-free environment, the Java platform can be somewhat slower than local
code. Notwithstanding, brilliant compilers, all around tuned translators, and in the nick of time
byte code compilers can convey execution near that of local code without debilitating

2.1.5. Working Java Technology

The general common sorts of programs written in the Java programming dialect are applets
and applications. On the off chance that you've surfed the web, you're likely effectively
acquainted with applets. An applet is a system that holds fast to specific traditions that permit
it to keep running inside of a Java-empowered browser. However, the Java programming
language is not only to write adorable, enlivening applets for the Ib. The broadly useful,
abnormal state Java programming dialect is additionally an intense software platform. Utilizing
the liberal API, you can compose numerous sorts of programs.

An application is a standalone program that runs straightforwardly on the Java platform.

An uncommon sort of utilization known as a server serves and backings customers on a system.
Illustrations of servers are Ib servers, intermediary servers, mail servers, and print servers.
Another particular project is a servlet. A servlet can practically be considered as an applet that
keeps running on the server side. Java Servlets are a well-known decision for building
intelligent web applications, supplanting the utilization of CGI scripts. Servlets are like applets
in that they are runtime expansions of uses. Rather than working in programs, however, servlets
keep running inside of Java web servers, arranging or customizing the server.
The Java platform contains Application programming interfaces (APIs) for 2D and

3D graphics, servers, collaboration, telephony, accessibility, animation, speech and

more. The following figure says what is in the Java 2 SDK.

2.1.6. JDBC

In an effort to set a free database standard API for Java; Sun Microsystems created Java
Database Connectivity, or JDBC. JDBC offers a bland SQL database access system that gives
a predictable interface to an assortment of RDBMSs. This predictable interface is accomplished
through the utilization of "module" database availability modules, or drivers. In

the event that a database seller wishes to have JDBC bolster, he or she must give the
driver to every stage that the database and Java run on.

To get a broad acceptance of JDBC, Sun construct JDBC's structure in light of ODBC.
As you found before in this part, ODBC has across the board support on an assortment of
stages. Constructing JDBC in light of ODBC will permit sellers to put up JDBC drivers for
sale to the public much speedier than adding to a totally new availability solution.

JDBC was proclaimed in March of 1996. It was released for a 90 day public review
that was ended June 8, 1996. Due to the user input, the final JDBC v1.0 specification was
released soon after.
The rest of this segment will sufficiently cover data about JDBC for you to recognize
what it is about and how to utilize it viably. This is in no way, shape or form a complete review
of JDBC. That would fill a whole book.

You can consider Java byte codes as the machine code instructions for the Java VM (Java
Virtual Machine). Each Java interpreter, whether it's a Java advancement instrument or a web
program that can run Java applets, is an execution of the Java VM. The Java VM can likewise
be actualized in hardware. Java byte codes make "compose once, run anyplace" possible. You
can accumulate your Java program into byte codes on my stage that has a Java compiler. The
byte codes can then be run any usage of the Java Virtual Machine. For example, the same Java
program can run Solaris, Windows NT, and Macintosh.

2.2. Java web Application

A Java web application produces intuitive site pages containing different sorts of markup
dialect (XML, HTML, and so on) and dynamic content. It is ordinarily involved We segments,
for example, Java Server Pages (JSP), servlets and JavaBeans to alter and briefly store data,
collaborate with databases and web administrations, and render content because of customer

Because a large number of the errands included in web application advancement can be tedious
or require an overflow of standard code, web structures can be connected to reduce the
overhead connected with basic exercises. For instance, numerous structures, for example,
JavaServer Faces, give libraries to templating pages and session administration, and regularly
advance code reuse.

2.2.1 Java EE

Java EE (Enterprise Edition) is a broadly utilized stage containing an arrangement of facilitated

innovations that fundamentally decrease the expense and multifaceted nature of creating,
sending, and overseeing multi-level, server-driven applications.

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB): a managed, server-side component structure utilized to

encapsulate the business logic of an application. EJB technology enables rapid and simplified
development of transactional, distributed, portable and secure applications depending on Java
Java Persistence API (JPA): a framework that accepts developers to maintain data utilizing
ORM (object-relational mapping) in applications built on the Java Platform.
2.2.2. Web Server and Client

Web Server is software that can handle the customer demand and send the reaction back to the
customer. For instance, Apache is a standout amongst the most generally utilized web server.
Web Server keeps running on some physical machine and listens to customer request on
specific port.

A web client is a software that assists in corresponding with the server. The absolute
most generally utilized web customers are Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and so forth. When
I ask for something from server (through URL), web customer deals with making a solicitation
and sending it to server and after that parsing the server reaction and present it to the user.

2.3. MySQL:
MySQL, the popular Open Source SQL database management system, is
introduced, published, and supported by Oracle Corporation.

The MySQL Web site is giving the updated information about
MySQL software.

3.1 User Requirements

Requirement Specification plays an important role to create quality software solution.

Requirements are refined and analysed to assess the clarity. Requirements are represented in a
manner that ultimately leads to successful software implementation. Each requirement must be
consistent with the overall objective.
3.1.2 Software Requirements
The software requirements specification is produced at the end of the analysis task. Software
requirement is a difficult task, only decided after testing whether it fits the requirements.
• Operating System - Windows XP
• Coding Language - Java/J2EE(JSP,Servlet)
• Front End - J2EE
• Back End - MySQL
3.1.3 Hardware Requirements
This is an IoT project so hardware plays an important role. Selection of hardware also plays an
important role in existence and performance of any software. The size and capacity are main
• Processor - Pentium –IV
• RAM - 4 GB (min)
• Hard Disk - 20 GB
• Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
• Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
• Monitor - SVGA


The model that is being followed is the SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE
MODEL, which states that the phases are organised in order. First of all the feasibility study is
done. Once that part is completed, the requirement analysis and project planning begins. If
system exists once, then modifications and addition of new modules is needed, analysis of
present system can be used as basic model.
The design starts after the requirement analysis is completed and the coding begins after
the design is completed. Once the programming is completed, the testing is done. In this model
the sequence of activities performed in a software development project are

• Project planning
• Requirement definition
• Design
• Development
• Integration and testing
• Installation and acceptance


• For instance, now a days I can share any photo as I like on OSNs, regardless of whether
this photo contains other people (is a co-photo) or not. Currently there is no restriction with
sharing of co-photos, on the contrary, social network service providers like Facebook.
• In existing they provided a tool to enable users to restrict others from seeing their photos
when posted as a complementary strategy to protect privacy.

• May leak users privacy if they are allowed to access photos which is shared by user
Photo sharing added, the situation becomes more complicated


In this project, propose a novel consensus-based approach to achieve efficiency and privacy at
the same time.

The idea is to let each user only deal with his/her private photo set as the local train data and
use it to learn out the local training result. After this, local training results are exchanged among
users to form a global knowledge.


Secret sharing photo unknown person cannot access the photos and any data its access
permission only.


Software design sites at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied
regardless of the development paradigm and the area of application. Design is the first step in
the development phase for any engineered product or system. The designer’s goal is to produce
a model or representation of an entity that will later be built. Beginning, once system
requirements have been specified and analysed, system design is the first of the three technical
activities – design, code and test that is required to build and verify software.

During design, progressive refinement of data structure, program structure and

procedural details are developed, reviewed and documented. System design can be viewed
from either technical or project management perspective. From the technical point of view,
design is comprised of four activities – architectural design, data structure design, interface
design, procedural design.

4.2 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is accompanied once the difficult is obviously understood. The
feasibility study which is a great level lozenge version of the whole system analysis and design
procedure. The independent is to define whether the planned system is possible or not and it
benefits us to the least expense of how to resolve the problem and to govern, if the Problem
is wealth solving.

The following are the three important tests that have been conceded out for feasibility

• Technical Feasibility
• Economic feasibility
• Operational feasibility

fig:4.3.1.CLASS diagrams




Find friends

Share Photo

view Request

Access permissions

Access request


Fig 4.3.2 use case diagrams


4.3.3:sequence diagrams


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Photo sharing is one of the most popular features in online social networks such as
Facebook. Unfortunately, careless photo posting may reveal privacy of individuals in a posted
photo. To curb the privacy leakage, I proposed to enable individuals potentially in a photo to
give the permissions before posting a co-photo. I designed a privacy-preserving FR system to
identify individuals in a co-photo. The proposed system is featured with low computation cost
and confidentiality of the training set. Theoretical analysis and experiments were conducted to
show effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme. I expect that our proposed scheme
be very useful in protecting users’ privacy in photo/image sharing over online social networks.
However, there always exist trade-off between privacy and utility. For example, in my current
Android application, the co-photo could only be post with permission of all the co-owners.
Latency introduced in this process will greatly impact user experience of OSNs. Moreover,
local FR training will drain battery quickly.
Internship Evaluation
Intern Details :
Name Kadari Sudheer

Registration Number 1210716243

University GITAM deemed to be University,


Date of Joining May 01, 2019

Date of Leaving May 31, 2019

Evaluation :
S.No Evaluation Criteria Maximum Marks Marks Allotted

1. Technical & Logical approach 5 5

2. Performance 5 5

3. Professional Knowledge 5 5

4. Learning Aptitude 5 5

5. Discipline, Honesty & Integrity 5 5

6. Presentation 5 5

This is to certify that Jalagam Lokesh Naidu has successfully completed the assignment on Face Recognition and has
secured 30 out of 30 for the same.

Evaluated by :
Mentor Mr.Vamsi
Designation Founder & CEO
Organization’s Name RK INFOTECH
Organization’s Address Plot no.1024,4th floor,Repunjaya,hitech-city,
Hyderabad-500081, Telangana.
Phone 040 64505666
Email ID


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