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PHINMA Southwestern University Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences

Teacher/Facilitator Lesson Plan Grade 12

Day # 4

The Discipline of Counseling Worksheet

Learning Objectives:
1. Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of counseling.

Introduction (5 Minutes)
A. (Instructions to the facilitators: Distribute the worksheets for the day. Read the directions before them.)
B. (Instructions to the teacher: While on the class you may use POST IT, CIRCULATE, NO OPT OUT, and RIGHT IS RIGHT.)

Review: (10 Minutes)

Good day! It is time for another exploration! I hope you enjoyed our previous lesson. Alrighty! Let’s start? Now, focus and
recall the 5 goals of counseling and write them on the spaces below. We learned this on our previous topic!

1 - 5

Answers: 1. Behavior 2. Relationship 3. Manage 4. Decision Making 5. Development

Concept Notes: (10 Minutes)





Developmental Activities: (10 Minutes)

Directions for the Teacher: Ask the students to read and answer the activities. Circulate.

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PHINMA Southwestern University Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Teacher/Facilitator Lesson Plan Grade 12
Day # 4


LISTENING. Imagine you are trying to tell a story of you ending in a situation
PRINCIPLE is a fundamental you did not want to a friend and instead listening to you, your friend judged you
truth or proposition that serves and gave negative comments, what would you feel?
as the foundation for a system Bad isn’t it? That is exactly what a counselor should
of belief or behavior or for a not do. A counselor DOES NOT give any
chain of reasoning. interpretations and premature suggestions to deal
Also, it is a fundamental source with the problems of the client. He only listens and
or basis of something. understands the concerns being presented because
most people want and need to be heard and
understood, not advised, right?
RESISTANCE. Whenever a change happens to you, do you easily cope with it? Do you easily
accept it? Sometimes, we don’t especially if we are so used to something that suddenly changes.
That is normal. Changing human behavior is not easy. People change at different rates depending
on how prepared they are to the changes. And because of this, a counselor shall never judge his
client’s resistance to change, but rather he shall keep patient in the coping up process of the client
about the changes.
RESPECT. We all see people who are weird, I know you met one
too, but others judge and sometimes laugh at a person because he
acts different from the others. Do you want to be laughed at? Of course not, because everyone is
different from one another, but even so, we shall not judge any individual because he is different.
This trait is also common to counselors. They don’t judge, and they always respect everyone no
matter how different he is from others. This basic element is very important for the therapy to
EMPATHY AND POSITIVE REGARD: Whenever someone listens to us without discrimination and
judgement, we feel loved and respected and it results to EMPATHY. Because the counselor listens without
discrimination, and understands the feelings and perspective of the client, the
counselor gives empathy.
CLARIFICATION. This one speaks an attempt by the therapist to clarify what
the client is either saying, feeling, or expressing so the client may learn something
or better yet understand his issues better. REMEMBER that therapist only help
the clients to solve their problem, on their own. Confrontation and interpretation are also part of
this principle but they are more advanced principles and we won’t go into them except to mention
their existence.
TRANSFERENCE. To whom do you easily open up share your secrets and
deepest wants? I know you share that to a person so close to you, a person who will not judge you, right?
This is also applied by ounselors in therapy sessions. Transference is the act wherein the counselor
pretends or projects like your most trusted person so you will easily open up your problems. It helps you
make the listening and sharing of problems easier.
COUNTERTRANSFERENCE on the other hand is the reaction and emotions of the counselor towards
other people important in his life applied to the client to make the process friendlier. These two makes the relationship of the
counselor and the client much stable making the healing process easier.
If you have further questions or queries, feel free to ask teacher!

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PHINMA Southwestern University Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Teacher/Facilitator Lesson Plan Grade 12
Day # 4

Guided Practice: (15 Minutes)

To Teacher: Ask the students to read and answer the task below by writing counseling, social work, or communication as options on the
space provided. Circulate.

Here is our first activity. Sure, this will be fun because we will be having a group activity below is our instructions.
1. The class will be divided into groups with 5 members each.
a. Each group will choose any of the principles of counseling.
b. Using the principles chosen discussed, role play showing the counselor- counselee scenario.
c. The group that best shows a look-like counselor-counselee scenario will get the highest score.
Independent Practice: (10 Minutes)
Directions for the Teacher: Ask the students to read and answer the activities. CIRCULATE.

Hurray! Now that we are through with our first activity, let’s go and do some more. This activity will require you to think
harder. Make a scenario with a therapist and a client performing each principle. Construct a scenario for each with a maximum
of 10 sentences each. Put each act or scenario on the boxes below.

Counselor: Ok, tell me your
problems and I will listen to you.
Client: My parents are fighting
Counselor: Ok, continue…
Client: And it hurts me…
Counselor: and what do you do
about it?


Answers may vary.

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PHINMA Southwestern University Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Teacher/Facilitator Lesson Plan Grade 12
Day # 4

Closure Activity: (10 Minutes)

Instructions to the teacher: Before the session ends, ask the students to ponder and think of answers on the following questions below.
Amazing! I know you are enjoying our activities, and so for your next, kindly answer this activity to further understand our
1. If you are in a session with a therapist, will you open-up if the therapist shows all of the principles of counseling?
Why or why not?
2. Among all the principles of counseling, which do you think is the most important and might make any client open-
up about his feelings easily and why?

Answers may vary.

Enrichment Activity (10 Minutes)

Ask the students to read and answer the activities. CIRCULATE or move around the room so you’ll ensure that students are doing the

Congratulations! We are almost done! In your own opinion, what are the 5 qualities a therapist must have and explain why
you chose that specific quality.





Answers may vary.

Explore Activity
Undeniably, every day we learn something better, so for tomorrow’s learning why don’t we take a peek of what we are to
study? In preparation to that, here’s another activity for additional knowledge.

Living in the present situation of the country where poverty exists almost anywhere, the poor sometimes resort to bad deeds
to continue living and thus their virtues are dying. You as a student, what are your values? What values did you parents live
with that was passed onto you? Give at least three (3) and explain how you practice it in your school.


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PHINMA Southwestern University Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Teacher/Facilitator Lesson Plan Grade 12
Day # 4

For assessment, facilitators and expert teacher may use this rubric for checking essays included in this module.
Features 4 (Expert) 3 (Accomplished) 2 (Capable) 1 (Beginner)
Written in an Written in an interesting Writing had little style or Writing had no style
Quality of extraordinary style and style and voice; voice; gives some new or voice; no new
Writing voice; very informative somewhat informative information but poorly information and very
and well-organized. and organized. organized. poorly organized.
So many spelling,
Virtually no spelling, Few spelling, A number of spelling, punctuation, or
punctuation, or punctuation, or punctuation, or grammatical grammatical errors
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. errors. that it interferes with
the meaning

True or False
Directions: Write YAY! if the statement is correct and BOO! if it is wrong. Write your answer beside each

______ 1. Counselors shall instruct their clients what to do for the client’s problems. – False

______ 2. Counselor shall always clarify what the client meant. – True

______ 3. Counselors shall not show respect to a client who is rude to him. – False

______ 4. Counselor shall always show empathy to his clients. – True

______ 5. Listening must not always be done especially if the client’s lie. – False.

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