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Section 4 Cardiology

Chapter 22
Lead aVR: The Neglected Lead

M Chenniappan

INTRODUCTION Moreover as all the depolarization are going away from this lead,
all waves are negative (P, QRS, T) in this lead (Figure 1).
Lead aVR, one of the 12 electrocardiographic leads, is frequently
ignored in clinical medicine. In fact, many clinicians refer to the
12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) as the 11-lead ECG, noting the ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC SIGNIFICANCE OF aVR
commonly held belief that lead aVR rarely offers clinically useful
Coronary Artery Disease
information.1 The augmented limb leads were developed to derive
more localized information than the bipolar leads I, II and III could Localizing the Level of Obstruction in
offer. For this purpose from the existing limb electrodes, new leads
Acute Coronary Syndrome
aVR, aVF and aVL were constructed, being unipolar leads looking at
the right, left and lower part of the heart with the reference electrode Lead aVR can be very useful in identifying left main coronary
constructed from the other limb electrodes. Thus, the purpose of lead artery (LMCA) obstruction.4 Ischemia of the basal part of the
aVR was to obtain specific information from the right upper side of interventricular septum is the electrocardiographic explanation
the heart, such as the outflow tract of the right ventricle and the basal for the occurrence of ST-segment elevation (STE) in this lead.
part of the septum. In practice, however, most electrocardiographers In this situation, owing to the dominance of the basal ventricular mass,
consider lead aVR as giving reciprocal information from the left the ST-segment vector in the frontal plane points in a superior direction,
lateral side, being already covered by the leads aVL, II, V5 and V6. leading to STE in leads aVR and ST depression in the inferior leads5
This has been the reason that lead aVR has become largely ignored.2,3 (Figure 2). Lead aVR also helps in differentiating between LMCA and

Figure 1: Normal electrocardiogram showing all complexes negative in aVR

Section 4 Chapter 22  Lead aVR: The Neglected Lead

Figure 2: Left main coronary artery disease showing ST elevation in lead aVR more than V1

Figure 3: Proximal left anterior descending artery disease, lead V1 showing ST elevation more than lead aVR

proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) disease. ST elevation Left Ventricular Aneurysm (Goldberger’s Sign)
in aVR more than in V1 is suggestive of LMCA disease and vice versa
In patients with anterior wall MI with persistent ST elevation in chest
is suggestive of proximal LAD disease6 (Figure 3). In distal occlusion
leads and tall R in lead aVR are indicative of ventricular aneurysm
of the LAD, not involving the proximal septal area, no ST elevation but
(Goldberger’s sign). In acute ST elevation lead aVR usually shows
rather depression in lead aVR is observed7 (Figure 4).
negative QRS8 (Figure 6).

Atrial Infarction Left Anterior Fascicular Block and Inferior Wall

In the presence of acute inferior wall myocardial infarction (MI) PR- Myocardial Infarction
segment elevation in inferior leads and PR-segment depression in When there is predominantly negative QRS in inferior leads the
lead aVR are suggestive of atrial infarction (Figure 5). dilemma is whether it is Inferior MI or left anterior fascicular block
Cardiology Section 4

Figure 4: Distal left anterior descending artery disease showing ST-depression in aVR

Figure 5: Atrial infarction showing PR elevation in inferior leads and PR depression in aVR

(LAFB). If lead aVR shows initial ‘r’ it is inferior MI; if there is a Ventricular Tachycardia
terminal ‘R’ in lead aVR it is LAFB (Figures 7 and 8).
A dissociated negative P wave in lead aVR is especially useful in
Arrhythmias the wide QRS tachycardia in diagnosing a ventricular origin of the
Identification of the presence, configuration of the P wave and arrhythmia.9 In ventricular tachycardia, there is a tall R in lead
its relation to QRS is of particular importance in the diagnosis of aVR (due to caudocranial activation), which is not usually seen in
tachycardia. supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) with aberrancy (Figure 9).

Section 4 Chapter 22  Lead aVR: The Neglected Lead

Figure 6: Left ventricular aneurysm showing Q, persistent ST elevation in chest leads and tall R in aVR

Figure 7: Left anterior fascicular block showing terminal R in aVR

Cardiology Section 4

Figure 8: Inferior wall myocardial infarction showing initial R in aVR

Figure 9: Ventricular tachycardia showing tall R in aVR

Supraventricular Tachycardia Pre-excitation Syndrome-related Narrow

During SVT lead aVR is helpful in determining the site of origin of Complex Tachycardia
the tachycardia or the tachycardia pathway.10 Any SVT with atrial
activation in a caudocranial direction, such as atrioventricular nodal In a report, Ho et al. reported that STE in lead aVR assists in the
tachycardia [atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (AVRT)], left ultimate identification of the mechanism of these narrow QRS
atrial tachycardia (AT) or a circus movement tachycardia using a complex tachycardia, including atrioventricular nodal re-entrant
paraseptally located accessory pathway for ventriculoatrial activation tachycardia (AVNRT, i.e. typical paroxysmal SVT), AVRT [i.e. Wolff-
will typically show positive P waves in lead aVR. Parkinson-White (WPW)-related narrow-complex tachycardia]
Section 4 Chapter 22  Lead aVR: The Neglected Lead

Figure 10: Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia due to pre-excitation showing positive retrograde p in aVR resulting in apparent ST elevation

and AT. Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia (WPW-related Malpositions and Technical Errors
tachycardia) was differentiated from AVNRT and AT with a sensitivity
of 71% and a specificity of 70%—STE in lead aVR was found to be Dextrocardia
strongly suggestive of WPW-related narrow complex tachycardia11 Dextrocardia is a type of cardiac malposition in which the major
(Figure 10). axis of the heart (base to apex axis) points to the right. Hence, the
P wave and QRS complex in lead aVR would be positive and there
Left Atrial Tachycardia and Rhythm is nonprogression of “R” from V1 to V6 on left side and progression
During ATs and ectopic atrial rhythm, a positive ‘p’ in lead aVR with R waves in right-sided chest leads (Figure 13).
negative ‘p’ in V5, V6 are suggestive of left atrial origin12 (Figure 11).
Dextroversion or Shifting of Mediastinum
Acute Pericarditis In dextroversion or in shifting of mediastinum the heart is pushed to
the right with the chambers in their normal positions (left ventricle
Lead aVR can also be useful in the patients with suspected acute
on the left and right ventricle on the right). Here lead aVR shows
pericarditis.13 Two electrocardiographic findings in this lead are of
negative “P” and negative QRS with nonprogression of R from V1 to
diagnostic significance, including reciprocal ST-segment depression
and PR-segment elevation. PR-, ST-segment discordance is suggestive
of acute pericarditis where as in acute MI there is PR-, ST-segment Technical Dextrocardia
concordance (Figure 12).
When the limb placement is wrong (right arm-left arm lead reversal)
it can cause technical dextrocardia in the ECG. Lead aVR will show
Tricyclic Antidepressant Ingestion positive “P” and positive QRS but there will be normal progression of
Early electrocardiographic findings in tricyclic overdose include R from V1 to V616 (Figure 14).
sinus tachycardia, QRS complex widening greater than 100
milliseconds, right axis deviation, and characteristic R wave changes Tension Pneumothorax
in lead aVR.14 The R wave changes in lead aVR that are indicative of The electrocardiographic changes are more common in left
tricyclic poisoning include an increased amplitude of the terminal pneumothorax, with or without tension, including a right QRS axis
R wave and an increased R wave to S wave ratio.15 QTc prolongation deviation, low QRS voltage, reduced precordial R-wave voltage, and
in this condition is primarily due to QRS widening. Progressive QRS anterior T-wave inversion.17 Marked PR-segment elevation in inferior
widening identifies high-risk patients for Torsade de Pointes. leads and reciprocal PR-segment depression in lead aVR had been

Cardiology Section 4

Figure 11: Left atrial rhythm showing positive P waves in aVR and dome and dart p in V1

Figure 12: Acute pericarditis showing PR elevation and ST depression in aVR

reported left tension pneumothorax.18 Right tension pneumothorax Predictive Value of ST-Segment Elevation in aVR
less frequently presents with abnormal ECG findings.
In the context of widespread ST depression + symptoms of myocardial
Acute Pulmonary Embolism ischemia:
• ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 1 mm
Although most patients with pulmonary embolism present with
only sinus tachycardia or normal finding, it is well-known that acute indicates proximal LAD/LMCA occlusion or severe 3VD
pulmonary embolism may give rise to certain electro-cardiographic • ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 1 mm
changes, including arrhythmias, alteration in conduction, a shift in predicts the need for coronary artery bypass graft
axis of the QRS complex, and changes in morphology of the P wave, • ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to V1
QRS complex, ST segment, and T wave as well as the “classical” S1Q3T3 differentiates LMCA from proximal LAD occlusion
electrocardiographic pattern.19 Acute right ventricular overload could • Absence of ST elevation in aVR almost entirely excludes a
also manifest as STE in lead aVR and terminal R wave (Figure 15). significant LMCA lesion.
Section 4 Chapter 22  Lead aVR: The Neglected Lead

Figure 13: Lead aVR showing tall R and positive P in mirror-imaged dextrocardia. Note the progression of R waves in right-sided chest leads

Figure 14: Technical dextrocardia showing positive P and tall R in aVR but normal progression of R waves in left-sided leads

In the context of anterior ST-elevation MI: Magnitude of ST elevation in aVR is correlated with mortality in
• ST elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 1 mm is highly specific patients with acute coronary syndromes:
for LAD occlusion proximal to the first septal branch. • ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 0.5 mm was
In patients undergoing exercise stress testing: associated with a fourfold increase in mortality
• ST elevation of greater than or equal to 1 mm in aVR during • ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 1 mm was
exercise stress testing predicts LMCA or ostial LAD stenosis. associated with a 6–7-fold increase in mortality
Cardiology Section 4

Figure 15: Acute pulmonary embolism showing ST elevation and terminal R wave in aVR

• ST-segment elevation in aVR greater than or equal to 1.5 mm has Hurst’s the Heart, 10th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000.pp.1361-
been associated with mortalities ranging from 20 to 75%. 71.
8. Kosuge M, Kimura K, Ishikawa T, et al. ST-segment depression in lead
aVR predicts predischarge left ventricular dysfunction in patients with
CONCLUSION reperfused anterior acute myocardial infarction with anterolateral ST-
Since its entry in the late 19th century, the ECG has emerged as a segment elevation. Am Heart J. 2001;142(1):51-7.
clinical tool, providing valuable diagnostic information in many 9. Wellens, HJ, Bar FW, Lie KI. The value of the electrocardiogram in the
situations, which has helped the physician not only in diagnosis differential diagnosis of a tachycardia with a widened QRS complex.
Am J Med. 1978;64(1):27-33.
but also to plan appropriate management in acute and chronic
10. Bar FW, Brugada P, Dassen WR, et al. Differential diagnosis of
situations. Many physicians are tuned to look at routine things, tachycardia with narrow QRS complex (shorter than 0.12 second). Am J
but subtle changes in the most neglected lead aVR give a crucial Cardiol. 1984;54(6):555-60.
information in many situations which otherwise is not evident in 11. Ho YL, Lin LY, Lin JL, et al. Usefulness of ST-segment elevation in Lead
the routine leads. So, in addition to routine evaluation of ECG, one aVR during tachycardia for determining the mechanism of narrow QRS
should pay a careful attention to lead avR which provides essential complex tachycardia. Am J Cardiol. 2003; 92(12):1424-8.
diagnostic and prognostic informations not only in cardiac situations 12. Saoudi N, Cosio F, Waldo A, et al. A classification of atrial flutter
and regular atrial tachycardia according to electrophysiological
but also in many noncardiac situations.20
mechanisms and anatomical bases; a Statement from a Joint Expert
Group from The Working Group of Arrhythmias of the European
Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and
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