Dieletric Properties

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JFS: Food Engineering and Physical Properties

Dielectric Properties of Vegetables

and Fruits as a Function of Temperature,
Ash, and Moisture Content

ABSTRACT: The dielectric properties of 15 vegetables and fruits were measured at 2450MHz from 5 to 130 8C. Equa-
tions were developed as a function of temperature, ash, and either moisture content or water activity, and compared to
literature equations. Dielectric constant of vegetables and fruits decreased with temperature and ash content. How-
ever, ash was not a factor in the equations produced separately for fruits. Dielectric loss factor changed quadrically
with increasing temperature: first decreasing and then increasing. This transition temperature decreased with ash
content. Ash increased the dielectric loss factor. Garlic and potato gave unusual results, which could be explained by
the behavior of solutions of inulin and potato starch, respectively.
Keywords: vegetables, fruits, dielectric properties, dielectric constant, loss factor

Introduction the exact samples used. Because of this, they were limited to a max-
Food Engineering and Physical Properties


dielectric properties in addition to thermal properties of foods.
The dielectric properties, or complex relative permittivity, are com-
imum of 70 °C for most equations. Sun and others (1995) also cre-
ated predictive equations for the dielectric constant of all foods
using the literature data available. They did not separate out fruits
posed of 2 parts: ␬⬘, the dielectric constant, and ␬⬙, the dielectric loss and vegetables. For meats, it has been shown that subgrouping
factor. The stored electromagnetic energy in a food item is affected produces better results (Sun and others 1995). Thus, there is still a
by the dielectric constant and dissipation of this energy into heat lack of dielectric property data for fruits and vegetables at pasteur-
is a function of the dielectric loss factor (Mudgett 1995). These 2 ization to sterilization temperatures.
parameters are important in determining power absorption and Some vegetables and fruits are microwave processed. Predictive
penetration depth during microwave heating. equations for their dielectric properties at sterilization temperatures
The dielectric properties of vegetables and fruit available in the are necessary for microwave processing. The objective of this study
literature include: corn (Nelson 1978), grape juice (Garcia and others was to generate predictive equations for the dielectric properties of
2001), banana, orange, peach, tangelo (Seaman and Seals 1991), and vegetables and fruits at 5 to 130 °C as a function of temperature, ash
pea puree (Tong and others 1994). Nelson and others (1994) mea- content, and either moisture content or water activity.
sured dielectric properties of 23 kinds of fresh fruits between
200MHz and 20GHz at 23 °C. The Debye equation and its deriva- Materials and Methods
tives were used to analyze dielectric properties of fruits and vege-
tables over a range of frequencies at room temperature (Kuang and
Nelson 1997). However, during the microwave heating process, the
grocery store in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. Vegetables included
carrot, parsley, spinach, radish, turnip, yam, potato, garlic, parsnip,
temperature of the product changes. Thus, the temperature depen- and broccoli. Fruits included cucumber, apple, pear, banana, and
dence of fruits and vegetables must also be measured. corn. The samples covered a moisture range of 57.30 to 95.89% and
There are several studies that create regression equations of the an ash range of 0.26 to 1.56% (Table 1).
dielectric properties for only 1 food item as a function of either com- The dielectric constant and loss factor were measured using an
position or temperature. Equations have been developed for the open ended coaxial probe and a network analyzer (85070B and
dielectric properties of grapes over a range of temperature and mois- 8752C, Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto, Calif., U.S.A.) interfaced with a
ture levels (Tulasidas and others 1995). The dielectric properties of computer. The probe lies facing upwards inside a cylindrical jack-
maple sap and syrup have been shown to follow the equations devel- eted stainless steel sample holder (2.5 cm inner dia, 3 cm height),
oped by Tulasidas and others (1995) (Favreau and others 1997). Pre- which is connected to an oil bath (RTE 140, Neslab Co., Newington,
dictive equations for fresh and dried apples, mushrooms, strawber- N.H., U.S.A.) that adjusts the temperature of the sample (Figure 1).
ries, parsley, and chervil have been developed as a function of The sample holder was placed between 2 steel plates and sealed
temperature (20 to 60 °C in 20-degree intervals), moisture, and den- using bolts. O-rings were placed between the sample holder and the
sity, but not of ash content (Funebo and Ohlsson 1999). plates to prevent moisture loss. A temperature probe connected to
Two studies predict the temperature dependent dielectric prop- a temperature acquisition unit (HP 34970A, Hewlett-Packard, Palo
erties for a wide range of food items. Calay and others (1995) devel- Alto, Calif., U.S.A.) was fit permanently into the upper plate and
oped equations predicting dielectric properties of fruits and vege- reaches into the center of the sample. The samples were placed
tables as a function of moisture and temperature. They used the underneath a weak spring that held the sample against the probe
dielectric properties of foods from literature and published values if the samples shrunk, and prevented liquid accumulation. This
for the composition of the samples instead of measuring them for ensured that the sample, and not the expelled liquid, was being

234 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003 © 2003 Institute of Food Technologists
Further reproduction prohibited without permission
Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. . .

measured. The sample holder was sealed to prevent any moisture Table 1—The moisture, water activity, and ash content (wet
loss as steam. A thin metal sheet was placed between the sample basis) of samples.
and the spring to prevent the spring digging into the sample. Sample % Moisture aw % Ash
The sample (a cylinder 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm) was initially refrigerated Vegetables
to 5 °C and the oil in the jacketed sample holder cooled the sample broccoli 92.37 0.999 0.93
holder and probe to 5 °C. The sample was placed in the sample carrot 89.97 0.996 0.78
holder after everything had reached 5 °C. The first measurement garlic 57.30 0.983 1.48
parsley 87.75 0.997 1.47
was made when the temperature reading was stable. The oil bath
parsnip 79.67 0.993 0.97
was then increased to 5 °C above the temperature of measurement. potato 75.19 0.990 0.85
When the sample reached the desired temperature, the dielectric radish 95.82 1.000 0.63
properties were measured and the oil temperature increased anoth- spinach 90.35 0.994 1.56
er 5 °C. Thus, the temperature difference in the sample is from the turnip 93.84 0.998 0.53
yam 81.50 0.993 0.93
stated temperature to 5 °C warmer. It took 5 to 6 min for the oil bath Fruits
to raise the temperature of the sample holder 5 °C. The entire run apple 84.89 0.990 0.26
took 2.5 to 3 h. A temperature range of 5 to 135 °C was measured in banana 76.67 0.985 0.72
5 °C intervals at 2450MHz. All measurements were performed in corn 78.86 0.995 0.61
triplicate, with fresh samples. cucumber 95.89 1.000 0.39
pear 83.78 0.992 0.28
A sample was bored from most of the vegetables and fruits. The
exceptions were leafy vegetables and corn, which were chopped using
a blender, and garlic, which was mashed. The probe and sample
holder was stabilized so that the probe could not be moved any time method to employ when the data are expected to exhibit significant
during calibration or measurement. The sample holder (Figure 1) was random errors (Calay and others 1995). The equations and all pre-
removed from the probe for calibration with the short, then replaced dictors included in the equations had a significance of p < 0.001.
for the rest of the calibration and sample measurements. Calibration Quality of fit was assessed from adjusted coefficient of determina-
was performed using a short, air, and water before every test. The tion (R2adj) of the equation. The data were analyzed using JMPin

Food Engineering and Physical Properties

probe was calibrated at room temperature. The dielectric constant software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, N.C., U.S.A.).
and loss factor were calculated from the phase shift and the magni- In addition, temperature dependence of each vegetable and fruit
tude of the reflected signal by the software provided with the probe. was accessed separately to develop an equation for each. The equa-
Ash content of the samples was determined by dry ashing at tions were derived for each sample using the same significance
500 °C in a muffle oven (Thermolyne, Dubuque, Iowa, U.S.A.) over- criteria as for the general equations.
night according to AOAC (1995), Part 940.26. The moisture content Dielectric properties of potato starch suspensions with and with-
of the samples was determined by drying in a vacuum oven (Na- out salt were measured and compared to the dielectric properties
tional Appliance Co., Skokie, Ill., U.S.A.) according to AOAC (1995), of potatoes. Twenty % (w/w) potato starch (Avebe Inc., Princeton,
Part 934.06, using 6 h at 75 °C and 65 mmHg. Water activity was de- N.J., U.S.A.), with and without salt (Morton International, Chicago,
termined using a water activity analyzer (CX-2, Decagon Devices Ill., U.S.A.), was added to water and mixed continuously for 10 min
Inc., Pullman, Wash., U.S.A.). The moisture, ash, and water activi- at 25 °C. Dielectric properties of 20 and 41% (w/w) inulin (Imperi-
ty of the samples is presented in Table 1. al Sensus, Sugarland, Tex., U.S.A.) solutions were measured to be
The response variables, dielectric constant and loss factor, were compared to garlic. Inulin was dissolved in 25 °C water for 10 min,
fit by using multiple regression from combinations of temperature, with continuous mixing, allowed to hydrate for 24 h, then measured.
wet basis ash, and either moisture content or water activity. The
fitting principle was least squares, which is the most appropriate Results and Discussion

Dielectric Constant
The dielectric constant of vegetables and fruits decreased as
temperature increased (Figure 2). Most of the water in vegetables

Figure 1—Sectional view of stainless steel sample holder for

open-ended coaxial probe dielectric properties measure- Figure 2—The effect of ash concentration and moisture on
ments dielectric constant of vegetables and fruits at 2450MHz

Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 235

Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. . .

Table 2—Predictive equations for the dielectric constant and the loss factor of the samples at 2450MHz.
Dielectric constant
Overall ␬⬘ = 38.57 + 0.1255·T + 0.4546·M – 14.54 · A – 0.0037 · M · T+0.07327 · A · T
Vegetables ␬⬘ = –243.6 +1.342·T + 4.593·M – 426.9 · A + 376.5 ·A2 – 0.01415 · M · T – 0.3151 · A · T
Fruits ␬⬘ = 22.12 + 0.2379·T + 0.5532·M – 0.0005134 · T2 – 0.003866 · M · T
Dielectric loss factor
Overall ␬⬙ = 17.72 – 0.4519 · T + 0.001382 · T2 – 0.07448 · M + 22.93 · A – 13.44·A2 + 0.002206 · M · T + 0.1505 ·A · T
Vegetables ␬⬙ = –100.02 – 0.1611 · T +0.001415 · T2 + 2.429 · M – 378.9 · A + 316.2 · A2
Fruits ␬⬙ = 33.41 – 0.4415 · T + 0.001400 · T2 – 0.1746 · M + 1.438 · A + 0.001578 · M · T + 0.2289 · A · T
T = temperature (°C), M = moisture (%), A = wet basis ash (%)

and fruits exists as free water, and the dielectric constant of free Corn and cucumber were grouped together with fruits rather
water decreases with temperature (Mudgett 1995); thus, this was than with vegetables. This was done because, physiologically, they
anticipated. are fruits. However, from the R2adj it was not clear if they fit better
The higher the moisture content, the higher the dielectric con- with the fruits or with the vegetables.
stant. This was expected, since water is a strong polar solvent in The average percent error of prediction was 6.20% for dielectric
most foods and reorients in response to changes in field polarity; constant. The best fit was for cucumber (0.94%). The largest outlier
therefore, it is the major component of the food that contributes to was spinach (12.17%). Potato showed a very different trend from the
the dielectric constant (Ryynanen 1995). Using water activity as the rest of the samples with a sudden increase from 65 to 70 °C. This
independent variable instead of moisture content did not change corresponds to the gelatinization point of potato starch, which is 62
R2adj of the equations considerably: a change occurred only in the to 68 °C (Whistler and Daniel 1985). A suspension of 20% potato
third decimal place. Therefore, only equations using moisture con- starch with and without salt was measured to see if the dielectric
tent are presented. constant increases as gelatinization takes place (Figure 3). A sim-
Food Engineering and Physical Properties

Ash was negatively related to dielectric constant (Eq. 1, Table 2). ilar increase was observed for potato starch as for whole potato.
In general, the higher the ash content, the lower the dielectric con- When salt was added, the gelatinization temperature slightly in-
stant (Figure 2). Ash is mostly composed of salts that bind water creased. Roebuck and others (1972) observed that gelatinized starch
molecules and decrease their ability to reorient themselves in re- has a higher dielectric constant than a starch suspension with the
sponse to the changing electromagnetic field direction. This low- same water content. They explained this through hydrogen bond
ers the dielectric constant (Hasted and others 1948). stabilization that facilitates polarization of water molecules by the
Similar trends were observed when vegetables and fruits were electromagnetic field.
evaluated as 2 separate groups: the dielectric constant increased Another unusual sample was the garlic. Dielectric constant of
with increasing moisture. The dielectric constant of vegetables garlic increased up to 55 °C as opposed to the other samples that,
decreased with ash content (Eq. 2, Table 2). However, ash was not in general, decreased as temperature increased. Garlic contains
found to be significant in affecting the dielectric constant of fruits approximately 30% oligofructosaccharides, mainly in the form of
(Eq. 3, Table 2). This may be because of the low levels of ash present inulin (Van Loo and others 1995). These oligosaccharides bind
in the fruits (0.26 to 0.71%) as compared to the vegetables (0.53 to water. The dielectric constant of bound water increases as temper-
1.56%). Separating the fruits and vegetables increased the R2adj of ature increases (Calay and others 1995). Gels of 20 and 41% inulin
the equations, which may be due to differences in the physiolog- gels were measured to see if they cause similar trends (Figure 4). The
ical structure between fruit and vegetables (Eq. 2 and 3, Table 2). 41% inulin sample matched garlic very closely and showed the same
increasing then decreasing trend with temperature. Funebo and
Ohlsson (1999) suspected that pectin, which is another high molec-
ular weight hydrophilic compound, may bind water, causing predic-

Figure 3—Temperature dependence of dielectric constant and Figure 4—Temperature dependence of dielectric constant and
dielectric loss factor of potato and potato starch suspensions dielectric loss factor of different concentrations of inulin in
at 2450MHz comparison to garlic at 2450MHz

236 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003

Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. . .

Table 3—Predictive equations for the dielectric constant and the loss factor of individual vegetables and fruits as a function
of Temperature at 2450MHz
Dielectric constant Dielectric loss factor Transition
a b c a b c temperature
a+bT+cT2 a+bT+cT2 R2adj (°C)
broccoli 74.18 –0.1208 –0.0005129 0.989 20.89 –0.02420 0.001174 0.915 10.3
carrot 77.94 –0.2068 0 0.906 21.68 –0.1040 0.0016 0.927 32.5
garlic 43.47 0.1743 –0.001143 0.848 19.62 –0.09577 0.001250 0.957 38.3
parsley 56.42 –0.08378 0 0.646 16.45 –0.04048 0.001434 0.938 14.1
parsnip 65.31 –0.1323 0 0.928 22.40 –0.1385 0.001332 0.893 52.0
potato – – – – 17.79 –0.1357 0.001370 0.893 49.5
radish 77.31 –0.2166 0 0.909 20.36 –0.1825 0.001517 0.846 60.1
spinach – – – – 14.17 –0.02897 0.001176 0.989 12.3
turnip 66.93 –0.1528 0 0.727 17.99 –0.1965 0.001471 0.907 66.8
yam – – – – 17.59 –0.1192 0.001371 0.899 43.5
apple 64.63 –0.05240 –0.0005831 0.960 17.23 –0.2407 0.001348 0.974 89.3
banana 68.73 –0.08229 –0.0005706 0.994 21.28 –0.1536 0.001450 0.895 53.0
corn 60.86 –0.03792 –0.0005502 0.950 19.02 –0.1355 0.001004 0.883 67.5
cucumber 77.82 –0.2136 0 0.992 18.41 –0.2474 0.001746 0.916 70.9
pear 71.06 –0.05229 –0.0008304 0.896 20.95 –0.2498 0.001453 0.854 86.0

tive equations to produce unexpectedly low numbers based on the others (1995) were higher than the predicted values, and the pre-
water content of the sample. diction became worse as the temperature increased (Figure 5). Pre-
Our data were fit into literature equations to see how closely they dictions by Funebo and Ohlsson (1999) were higher than the mea-

Food Engineering and Physical Properties

predicted dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. In general, sured values and showed little temperature dependence. The data
Calay and others (1995) predicted the dielectric constant of vege- that they used to derive their equations were collected at 20, 40, and
tables and fruits higher than measured. The fit became worse as the 60 °C. Measuring at only 3 temperatures may not be enough to de-
temperature increased. This may be because the data that they used fine temperature dependence. The predictions by Sun and others
to produce their equations were not collected at high temperatures. (1995) were lower than the measured values at temperatures below
Average error of prediction was 15.65%. The predictions by Sun and 80 °C, and higher for the temperatures above that.
others (1995) were lower than measured. The worst fit was for low Equations that predict dielectric constant of each vegetable and
moisture samples from 5 to 60°C. As the temperature increased, the fruit as a function of temperature were produced (Table 3). These
fit improved. The average error was 13.20%. equations can be used to obtain the temperature dependent dielec-
As an example, the predictions for cucumber are presented (Fig- tric properties of fruits and vegetables if the composition of those
ure 5). Equations derived by Funebo and Ohlsson (1999) included samples are close to those in this study. These equations were more
density as a factor. Density of cucumber was measured according accurate than the combined equation. Some of the vegetables (po-
to the method described by Mohsenin (1986) to compare our pre- tato, spinach, yam) could not be fit to an equation for the dielectric
diction (Eq. 1) with their equation. The prediction by Calay and constant with reasonable accuracy, therefore they were left unre-

Dielectric loss factor

For most of the samples, the effect of moisture on dielectric loss
factor was negative at temperatures lower than 34 °C (Eq. 4). Above
that temperature, dielectric loss factor of vegetables and fruits in-

Figure 5—Comparison of measured to predicted values of the

dielectric constant of cucumber using literature equations at Figure 6—The effect of moisture and ash concentration on
2450MHz dielectric loss factor of vegetables and fruits at 2450MHz

Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003—JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 237

Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. . .

creased with moisture (Figure 6). The moisture-dielectric loss factor therefore it acted as if it had less ash. There is no specific literature
relationship reported in the literature is complex. Funebo and available about inulin; however, methylcellulose, cellobiose, and
Ohlsson (1999) indicated that dielectric loss factor peaked at a other sugars have been shown to bind salt (Braudo 1985). This hap-
moisture content between 44 and 67% at 2800 MHz. Nelson (1987) pens due to “coordination centers” composed of hydroxyl groups
found that dielectric loss factor of grains decreased linearly with attracting cations. Southgate (1978) indicates that some dietary
moisture content at 20, 300, and 2450 MHz. Dielectric loss factor of fibers also bind ions. Broccoli and carrot had lower transition tem-
maple syrup also decreases with increasing moisture content (35 to peratures than predicted, as if the samples had higher ash.
98%) at 2450 MHz (Favreau and other 1997). For low moisture con- The dielectric loss factor increased with ash content as expect-
tent foods, dielectric loss factor usually increases with increasing ed (Figure 6). Ash increases the dielectric loss factor by increasing
moisture content until 20 to 30%, levels off, and may decrease for the ionic component of the dielectric loss factor. Equations that
higher moisture contents in the dielectric and the microwave region predict dielectric loss factor of each vegetable and fruit as a func-
(Schiffman 1995). At high moisture levels, it was reported that di- tion of temperature were produced with higher R2adj values (Table
electric loss factor increased with increasing moisture content at 3). Unlike for the dielectric constant, these were all quadratic equa-
3000 MHz (Bengtsson and Risman 1971). This occurs because the tions.
effect of moisture content on the dielectric loss factor is both fre- The loss factor was predicted with an average error of 13.22%.
quency and temperature dependent. Literature also shows that it is more difficult to predict loss factor
The dielectric loss factor decreases then increases with increasing than dielectric constant (Sun and others 1995, Calay and others
frequency (Mudgett 1995). The dielectric loss factor is the sum of 2 1995). Best predicted samples were parsnip (3.76%) and corn
components: ionic, ␬⬙␴, and dipole, ␬⬙d loss. This minima occurs be- (4.43%). The worst were yam (27.0%) and potatoes (24.47%), which
cause of the opposite effects of ionic and dipole loss. The curves for were both lower than would be predicted. Dielectric loss factor of
both losses shift to higher frequencies at higher temperatures thus potatoes was similar to the loss factor of a 20% starch suspension
as temperature increases at 2450 MHz, the dipole loss decreases with 1% salt (Figure 3). Both yam and potato are high starch vege-
and ionic loss increases. For apples, this minima shifted from 1000 tables. The dielectric loss factor of starch-salt solutions is lower than
MHz at 22 °C to 2000 MHz at 60 °C (Feng and others 2002). This would be predicted based on salt content because of a starch-salt
explains both the fact that the dielectric loss factor decreases then interaction (Bircan and Barringer 1998). Therefore, the dielectric loss
Food Engineering and Physical Properties

increases with temperature, and the fact that the loss factor decreas- factor of the high starch vegetables is lower than would be predicted
es with increasing moisture below 34 °C but increases above it. based on the ash content.
Dielectric loss factor of fruits and vegetables changed as a sec- When the vegetables and fruits were separated into 2 separate
ond-degree function of temperature (Figure 6). They first decreased groups, the R2adj values improved (Eq. 5 and 6). The dielectric loss
with temperature then increased. Because of the difference in tem- factor decreased with temperature at temperatures lower than
perature dependence of the dipole and ionic loss components, the 56.9 °C for vegetables.
dielectric loss factor of an ionic solution generally decreases as the The data for dielectric loss factor were compared to equations in
temperature increases to an intermediate transition point and then the literature. Equation of Calay and others (1995) predicted our
increases with temperature (Mudgett 1995). The transition temper- data with an average error of 34.91%. Their predictions had high
atures, Tt, where the dielectric loss factor changes from decreasing errors at high temperatures and did not reflect the increasing loss
to increasing with temperature were calculated for our data. Tran- factor with temperature. The predictions were better at tempera-
sition temperatures decreased with ash concentration. There was tures below 55 °C. The equation did not contain a T2 term to reflect
a negative linear relationship between transition temperatures and the curved nature of the response of dielectric constant to temper-
ash (R2 = 0.9687) (Figure 7). Garlic, carrot, and broccoli were clearly ature. Sun and others (1995) could not produce an equation that
outliners and were deleted. Without their deletion, the R2 was could reasonably predict dielectric loss factor of fruits and vegeta-
0.7292. Garlic had a higher transition temperature than predicted, bles.

Figure 7—The effect of ash on transition temperatures at Figure 8—Comparison of measured to predicted values of
2450MHz. The data from carrot, broccoli and garlic were the dielectric loss factor of banana using literature equa-
deleted to obtain the correlation. tions at 2450MHz

238 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 68, Nr. 1, 2003

Dielectric properties of vegetables and fruits. . .

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termined by a cavity perturbation technique. II. Measurements on food mate-

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