UPTET Syllabus

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उत्तर प्रदे श शशक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा

सम्पूर्ण शसलेबस
By Electronic Study
• UPTET के बारे में :-
• The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board organizing
UPTET (Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) for
recruitment of teachers at Primary and Upper
Primary Level.
• It is the great opportunity for aspiring teachers.
• UPTET Exam Pattern 2019-2020
• UPTET Examination will be conducted in offline mode
• Exam is held for two levels Paper I (Primary Level) and
Paper II(Elementary Level).
• Each paper will be consisting of 150 questions, one mark
for every question.
• There is no negative marking wrong answer.
• 2 hours and 30 minutes is total time allotted for the
UPTET examination.
UPTET Paper I Exam Pattern 2019-20 (Primary Level)
SUBJECTS No. of Questions Total Marks

Child and Development , 30 30

Learning & Pedagogy

1st Language (Hindi) 30 30

2nd Language 30 30

Mathematics 30 30

Environmental Studies (EVS) 30 30

Total 150 Questions 150 Marks

UPTET Paper II Exam Pattern 2019-20 (Elementary Level)
SUBJECTS No. of Questions Total Marks

Child and Development , 30 30

Learning and Pedagogy

Hindi Language 30 30

One Language from Following: 30 30


1.Mathematics/Science 60 60
2. Social Studies/Social Science

Total 150 Questions 150 Marks

UPTET Child Development & Pedagogy Syllabus 2019
• Child development & Pedagogy (बाल शिकास और
अध्यापन ):
• The section will consist of 30 questions from the
following sections.
• Child Development (बाल शिकास) Topic (15 Questions):
• Development Concepts and its relationship with learning (विकास की
अिधारणा और इसका सीखने के साथ संबंध)
• Influence of Heredity and Environment (आनुिंविकता और पर्ाा िरण का
• Principles of the development of children (बच्चं के विकास के वसद्ां त)
• Socialization Processes: Social World and Children (Teacher, Parents and
Peers) (समाजीकरण की प्रविर्ा: सामावजक दु वनर्ा और बच्चं (विक्षक, माता
वपता,एिं साथी))
• Kohlberg, Piaget and, Vygotsky: Constructs and Critical Perspectives
• Multidimensional Intelligence (चहुँ ओर बौद्धद्क विकास)
• Language & Thought (भाषा और विचार)
• Critical perspective of the construct of Intelligence
(बौद्धद्क विकास के विए गुणात्मक वििेचन)
• Concepts of Child Oriented and Progressive
Education (बच्चं कच केंवित करते हए प्रगवतिीि विक्षा
की अिधारणा)
• Gender as a social construct: Gender Roles, Gender
Bias and Educational Practice (एक सामावजक वनमाा ण
के रूप में ; विंग भूवमकाओं, विंग-पूिाा ग्रह, विंगी भेद और
िैवक्षक अभ्यास)
• Distinction Between Assessment for learning and assessment
of Learning; Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation, School
Based Assessment, Perspective and Practice, (सीखने और
सीखने के आकिन, नजररए और व्यिहार के बीच भेद, स्कूि
आधाररत मूल्ां कन, सतत एिं व्यापक मूल्ां कन),
• Formulating appropriate questions for assessing readiness
levels of learners विक्षावथार्चं की तत्परता के स्तर के आकिन
करने के विए; For Enhancing/improve the learning and critical
thinking of classroom and for assessing learner achievement.
(सीखने और कक्षा में महत्वपूणा सचच कच बढाने के विए और विक्षाथी की उपिद्धि
का आकिन करने के विए उवचत प्रश्चं का प्रवतपादन)
• Concept of Inclusive Education and Understanding Children
with Special Needs (समािेशी शशक्षा की अिधारर्ा और बच्चों
की समझ का आकलन) (05 Questions):
• Addressing the Creative, Talented, specially abled
Learners,(बुद्धद्मान, रचनात्मक, वििेष रूप से विकिां ग विक्षावथार्चं
का संबचधन)
• Addressing the requirements of children with learning
difficulties ‘impairment’, etc (सीखने की कविनाइर्चं, दु बािता
आवद के साथ बच्चं की जरूरतचं का संबचधन)
• Addressing learners from diverse backgrounds including the
Deprived and Disadvantaged (विवभन्न पृष्ठभूवम से संबंध रखते
विक्षाथी सुविधाहीन और िंवचत विक्षावथार्चं कच पढना)
• Learning and Pedagogy (शशक्षा और अध्यापन): 10 Questions will be
asked from following topics:
• How children think and learn, How and why children failed to
achieve success in school performance (कैसे बच्े सचचते और सीखते
हैं ; कैसे और क्ूुँ िे स्कूि में सफिता प्राप्त करने में असफि हचते हैं |)
• Basic processes of teaching and learning विक्षण और सीखने की
बुवनर्ादी प्रविर्ाओं;, {Children’s Strategies of Learning सीखने के बच्चं
की रणनीवत;, Learning as a Social Activity एक सामावजक गवतविवध के
रूप में सीख; , Social Context of Learning विक्षा का सामावजक संदभा}
• Child as a problem solver (समस्या का हि वनकिने िािे) and a
‘scientific investigator (एक ‘िै ज्ञावनक अन्वेषक’ के रूप में बच्े )
• Factors contributing to learning (सीखने के विए र्चगदान के
कारक) – personal and environmental (व्यद्धिगत और
पर्ाा िरण)
• Motivation and Learning (प्रेरणा और सीख)
• Cognition and Emotions (अनुभूवत और भािना)
• Alternative Conceptions of Learning in Children बच्चं में
सीखने की िैकद्धिक धारणाएं , Understanding children
‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process सीखने
की प्रविर्ा में बच्चं की ‘त्रुविर्चं’ कच महत्वपूणा कदम के रूप में
• गशर्त :-
• Content (20 Questions):
• Number System (संख्या प्रणािी) – Knowing our
numbers, Playing with Numbers, Whole Numbers
(पूणा संख्या), Negative Numbers and Integers,
• Algebra (बीजगवणत) – Introduction to Algebra, Ration
and Proportion (अनुपात समानुपात)
• Geometry (ज्यावमवत) – Basic Geometry Ideas (2-D),
Understanding Elementary Shapes (2-D, 3-D)आकार और
स्थावनक समझ, Symmetry – Reflection, Construction
(Using Straight Edge Scale, Protractor, Compass)
• Mensuration (क्षेत्रवमवत) – Sphere, Cone, Cylinder,
Triangles, Circle, Rectangle, Square, etc
• Data Handling (डािा है नडविंग)- Arithematics (Time &
work & Distance, Profit and Loss, Simple and Compound
Interest, etc)
• Pedagogical Issues (10 Questions):
• Nature of Mathematics/ Logical Thinking (गवणत की प्रकृवत /
तावकाक सचच; बच्चं की सचच और तका पैिना, अथा और विक्षा बनाने
की रणनीवतर्चं कच समझना)
• Community Mathematics (सामुदावर्क गवणत)
• Place of Mathematics in Curriculum (वसिेबस में गवणत का
• Evaluation through formal and informal methods (औपचाररक
और अनौपचाररक तरीकचं के माध्यम से मूल्ां कन)
• Language of Mathematics(गवणत की भाषा)
• Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching – उपचारात्मक विक्षण
Prepared by – Mahesh Mishra
Follow me on
Telegram @Electronic Study
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UPTET Language I (Hindi) Syllabus 2019
• भाषा समझ (15 सिाल):
• एक गद्य र्ा नािक र्ा एक कविता समझ पर प्रश् पूंछे जाते
है वजसमे , वहं दी व्याकरण, अनुमान और िाद्धिक क्षमता से
सम्बंवधत प्रश् भी हचते है (गद्य पिां ि सावहद्धिक, िैज्ञावनक,
असंबद् र्ा कथा इिावद से हच सकता है )
• भाषा शिकास का अध्यापन: (15 सिाल)
• भाषा विक्षण के वसद्ां त
• सीखना और अवधग्रहण
• सुनने और बचिने की भूवमका;
• भाषा के प्रर्चग और कैसे बच्चं के विए उपर्चगी है
• भाषा कच सीखने और अपने विचारचं कच मौद्धखक र्ा विद्धखत
रूप में व्यि करने के में व्याकरण की भूवमका
• विवभन्न कक्षाओं में भाषा के विक्षण की चुनौवतर्ाुँ ;
• भाषा की त्रुविर्ां और विकार
• भाषा कौिि
• भाषा की कविनाइर्ाुँ
• उपचारात्मक विक्षण
• भाषा समझ और प्रिीणता का मूल्ां कन: बचिने , सुनने ,
पढने और विखने के द्वारा
• विक्षण अवधगम सामग्री: पाठ्यपुस्तक, मल्टी मीवडर्ा
सामग्री, कक्षा के बहभाषी संसाधन
• Uttar Pradesh TET Language II (English) Syllabus 2019-20
• The sections will have 30 questions each from the
following topics.
• Comprehension (15 Questions):
• Two unseen prose passages will be given in question
paper and questions will be related to grammar and
verbal ability, passages.
• Passage will be following types – Discursive or literary or
narrative or scientific, etc.
• Pedagogy of Language Development (15 Questions):
It will cover questions from following topics:
• Principles of Language Teaching
• Role of speaking & listening; Function of Language
and how children use it as a tool
• Learning and Acquisition
• Evaluation Language comprehension and proficiency:
listening, speaking, writing and reading.
• Challenges of teaching language in a diverse
classroom; language difficulties, errors and disorders
• Critical perspective on the role of grammar in
learning a language for communicating ideas verbally
and in written forms
• Remedial Teaching
• Teaching Learning Materials: Text Books, Multimedia
materials, multilingual resources of the classroom
• UTET 2019 General Science Syllabus
• Content: (20 Questions)
• Food: Source of Food, Components of Food, Cleaning
• Natural Phenomena
• Materials: Materials of Daily Use
• The World of the living
• Moving Things People and Ideas
• How Things Work: Magnets, Electric Current and Circuits.
• Natural Resources, etc
• Pedagogical Issues (10 Questions):
• Natural Science (Aims and its Objectives)
• Nature and Structure of Sciences
• Understanding and Appreciating Science
• Innovations
• Approaches/Integrated Approch
• Remedial Teaching
• Text Materials/ Aids
• Problems
• Observation/ Experiment/ Discovery (Method of Science)
• Evaluation cognitive/ effective/ psychometric
UTET Environmental Studies (EVS) Syllabus 2019
• Content: (20 Questions)
• Family and Friends पररिार और दचस्तचं: (Relationships ररश्चं,
Work and Play कार्ा और खेि, Animals जानिरचं, Plants पौधे )
• Things we make and do (चीजें जच हम करते हैं )
• Food (भचजन)
• Water (पानी)
• Shelter (घर)
• Travel (र्ात्रा), etc
• Pedagogical Issues: (10 Questions)
• Concept and scope of EVS,
• Significance of EVS integrated EVS,
• Scope & relation to Science and Social Science,
• Approaches of presenting concepts,
• Activities
• Experimentation/Practical Work
• Learning Principles
• Teaching Material/Aids Problems
• Discussion
• Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
UPTET Social Sciences/ Social Studies Syllabus 2019
• From History, Geography, Social and Political Life
Section – 40 questions will be asked.
• Total marks for Social Studies is 60 marks. Other 20
marks for Pedagogical Issues topics in Social Studies.
• History:
• The Earliest Societies
• When, Where and How
• The First Farmers and Herders
• Early States
• The First Empire
• First Cities
• New Ideas
• Contacts with Distant Lands
• Culture and Science
• Political Developments
• New Kings and Kingdoms
• Social Change
• Architecture
• Sultans of Delhi
• Creation of an Empire
• Regional Cultures
• Rural Life and Society
• The Revolt of 1857-58
• The Establishment of Company Power
• Women and Reform
• Colonialism and Tribal Societies
• Regional Cultures
• Challenging the Caste System
• Indian After Independence
• The National Movements
• Geography:
• Agriculture
• Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication
• Air
• Water
• Globe
• Planet: Earth in the Solar System
• Resources: Type of Resources (Natural/Human)
• Environment in its Totality: Natural and Human Environment
• Geography as a social study and as science
• Social and Political Life:
• Government
• Diversity
• State Government
• Local Government
• Democracy
• Making a living
• Unpacking Gender
• Understanding Media
• Indian Constitution Understanding
• Parliamentary Government
• The Judiciary
• Social Justice and Marginalized
• Pedagogical Issues:
• Sources – Primary and Secondary Types
• Concept and Nature of Social Studies
• Class Room Processes,
• Evaluation
• Inquiry / Empirical Evidence
• Projects Work
• Problems of Teaching Social Science/ Social Studies
• Activities and Discourse
• Developing Critical Thinking
धन्यिाद 
Prepared by – Mahesh Mishra
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