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Political Earthquake

When everyone was bickering about the next president of USA, and all the poles were in the favor of
Ms. Hillary Clinton giving the clear indication that she would be the next president of United States of
America. Suddenly news that jolted the majority of Americans was the unprecedented victory of Mr.
Donald J Trump. His victory was unparalleled with many of the analysts because of the racist and
islamophobic views of Donald Trump. Apart from that some states where the democrats have robust
grip from many years added fuel to this disaster.

Since 1998 Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were the states where the democrats had strong
hold but the 2016 elections and its shocking results completely changed this trend and Trump got 47.9%
of votes where Clinton managed to secure 46.9% of the total votes. In these states the Native Americans
were losing their dominance over the African and Latin Americans trump targeted those whites and was
able to secure maximum votes.

The basic reason behind the victory of Trump was his strategic planning. Instead of asking the whole
country to vote for him, he targeted a niche and resultantly a huge number of silent voters stood behind
him and it ended up in Donald’s victory and a complete catastrophe. Furthermore Trump focused on the
middle class people who were making less than $50,000 annually. He assured them to drag down the tax
from 35% to 15% and provide more jobs to those people. He exhorted them to vote for him and got the
required votes. According to the statistics, in 2008, democrats had the lead of about 10 million votes. In
2012 the number reduced to 6 million and in 2016 the number is nearly equal.

Another reason behind the victory of Trump was, millions of people had made the decision of not
voting. Some of them didn’t cast the ballot on principle; others couldn’t decide who was better between
them. The number of voters was lowest since 2000 in 2016 elections. The majority of 46.9% didn’t
bother to vote. 25.5% voted of Hillary Clinton, 25.6% for Donald Trump and 1.7% for Gray Johnson. In a
nutshell Donald trump’s victory was a political earthquake which jolted the majority of Americans. In
fact, Trump didn’t win the elections but Clinton lost it.

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