34th Weight Awards

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6:-151201 8-WL&SPorts
Government of India
Cfi*ne for I i?0
|n Pottal
Ministry of Communications
Tcchn$lc'{rv hlYrorr
'rq DePartment of Posts,
(Welfare & SPorts Section)
M$ffiHffi \ Dak Bhawar\ Sansad Marg
New Delhi-l10001.
.^, lc'h
t.R" Dated Y?" .04,2019
G.H" I

All Fleads of Postal Circles'

Sub: 34th All India Postal Wei htliftirrn. Powerliftins

& Best Phvsique Tournament
of nnal results - regardin


your attention towards the decision taken in the 2l't

I am directed to invite
soorts Board tr,teeting vi iepxi-qs in r.t*a
to circulateltre Departmental records in various

;;"*,;;, *JJri rc displayed on the deparrmental web site.

postal weightlifting, powerlifting & Best Physique Tournament
All India
2. The 34th
pn*ailani Indoor Siadium, Dispur, Guwahati from
2Al8- 19 was organized at Bhogeswar;
05. 02.2019 to 08.02.2079.

3. Ttre opening Ceremony y7a5 In4rrgurated by Shri Biswana'th Tripathi' ex-Member

(P\anrring &IIRD) on 05.02.2019.
The valedictory tunction was conducjed_oL 08.02.2019 at Bhogeswari Phukanani
Indoor Stadium, Dispur at 15:00hrs. Shd GolapRabha, Mr. World was invited as Guest of
Honour. The CPMG Assam Circle was present on the closing ceremony. Dak Kesari
AwardlBestplayerAward/lVledal ceremony/Pize distribution & Memenlos to all concerned.

5. The Weightlifting and Best Physique Competition_ were conducted by the Assam
Weightlifting Association. The tournament was conducted as per rules and regulations of the
Department & Weightlifting, Powerlifting and Best Physique Association.

6. The final results are as under:-

The results of the WEIGHTLIFTING Championship ire as under:

55 KG Category

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

Rakesh Kumar Raiasthan 75 9r r66 28 First

Pradeep Kumar Odisha 70 91 161 25 Second
Sanjay Moyek4{ Maharashtra 42 50 92 23 Third
61 KG Category

Name Circtre Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

K. Gowri Babu Telengana 95 t22 2t7 28 First

Ashok Khinchi Raiasthan 65 75 r40 25 Second
Shyam Kumar lJttar 30 30 60 23 Third

67 KG Category

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

Amit Sharma Raiasthan 99 t2l 220 28 First

M. Yellayya Telengana 90 t2l 2tr 25 Second
S. Manikandan Tamilnadu 9s r 15 210 23 Third

73 KG Category

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Tstal I Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

Kapil Singh Rajasthan 118 150 268 28 First

I Krisana I Telengana
_si"V 90 135 22s \ 2s \Second
Yadav I

B.Rajesh Kannan Tamilnadu 85 I l0 195 23 Third

81 KG Category

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

C.Nirmal Raj Tamilnadu 98 t20 2t8 28 First

Jugen dra Phukan Assam 94 115 209 25 Second
Raju Nag West 73 r05 178 23 Third
89 KG Cfiegory

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

Rajbir Dhaka Haryana t20 139 2s9 28 First

Bharth K.S. Karnataka ll4 t45 25,9 25 Second
P. Natesan Tamilnadu 95 130 225 23 Third
POWERLIFTING Championship are as under:
The results of the

59 KG Category

Circle Squat Bench Deadlift Total Fosition

Press Weight(KG)
230 140 210 s80 First
Rajesh Madhya
Shukraware Pradesh
t70 100 180 450 Second
Basanta Odisha
t30 80 130 340 Third
S.S. Thombre Maharashtra

66 KG Cilegory

Circle Squat Bench Deadtift Total Position

Press Weight
235 140 230 605 First
Anil Gujrat
Kerala 237.5 137.5 212.5 587.5 Stt*a
VV Third
227.5 110 220 557.5
K. Stephen Telengwua

74-KG Category

Circle Squat Bench Press Deadlift Total Position

160 250 670 First
Shailendra Madhya 260
Savetiya Pradesh
rl7 .5 175 512.5 Second
M. Chandra Telengana 220
lzz.5 187.5 510 Third
K. Jaiganeshmani Tarnilnadu 200

83 KG Category

Bench Deadlift TotaI Position

Name Circle Squat
Press Weight
155 212.5 617 .5 First
T. DharmaraJan Tamilnadu 250
155 225 s90 Second
Devender Delhi 210
80 2r2.5 507 .5 Third
J. Chandra Telengana 215
96 KG Category

Snatch Clean & TotaI Total Fosition

Name Circle
(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

100 110 210 28 First

Ratul Baruah Assam
180 25 Second
Malaya Ranjan Odisha t) 105

Pati 23 Third
Karnataka 7T ll 148
K. Ganesh kini
I02 KG Category

Clean & Total Total Position

Name Circle Snatch
(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

90 110 200 28 First

Sourabh Mehta Rajasthan
t77 25 Second
L,alitKumar Patel Uttar tl 100
65 90 155 23 Third
Sekhar Saha West
109 KG Category

Clean & Total Total Position

Name I Circle Snatch
(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

ll5 t45 260 28 First

, Firoz Y\Inus Khan I Uttar
\ \ Pradesh
115 215 25 Second
ffiMottto \Tu*riltad" 100
67 95 t62 23 Third
'i. I enottra
I Pradesh

+109 KG Category

Name Circle Snatch Clean & Total Total Position

(KG) Jerk(KG) Weight(KG) Points

Rajasthan 105 134 239 28 First

nnagwan Singh
K. Rammohan Rao Telengana 85 r07 t92 25 Second
Tamilnadu 7r 9r r62 23 Third
I. Udaya Kumar
93 KG Category

Bench Deadtift Total Position

Name Circle Squat
Press Weight
1,63 207.5 605.5 First
Assam 235
Prasanta Nath 602,5 Second
R.shiry Telengana
I)U 200 597.5 Third
Rajesh Kumar

105 KG Category

Bench Deadtift Total Position

Name Circle Squat
Press Weight
170 290 770 First
Kerala 310
270 707.5 Second
Tamilnadu 28s 152.5
a .a,F

26s 624 Third

Andhra 250
S. Koteswara Rao

120 KG Category

Bench Deadlift Totat fTosition

Name \
Circle Squat
Press Weight I
I rh'tcttce
vllEllvl I vv
Jharlfiand 270 220 270 760 First

245 125 210 s80 Second

P, Devasigamoni Tarnilnadu
Andhra 220 r20 220 s60 Third
Abhisek Ghose

+120 KG Category

Circle Squat Bench Deadlift Total Position

Press Weight
340 210 230 780 First
Dipankar Assam
280 L47 .5 275 702,5 Second
C.H. Mahesh Andhra
Tamilnadu 300 r45 200 645 Third
The results of the tsEST PHYSIQUE Championship are as under:

55 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Arun K.P. Kerala First
Guru Deepak Kamath M. Karnataka Second
Kartick Chandra Dolui West Bengal Third

60 KG Category'

Name Circle Position

Vaddi Srikanth Odisha First
G.S. Gengadharan Tamilnadu Second
S. Thombre Maharashtra Third
65 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Abhishek Mohanty Odisha First
R . Rajkurnar Tamilnadu Second
Mahipal Gulia Delhi Third
70 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Nipartanda Haz,arika Assam First
Somen Dey Jharkhand Sesond
Abhijit Das West Bengal Third

75 KG Category

Name Circle Position

S.M. Aberkar Maharashtra First
M, Nagraj Karnataka Second
Ujjal Roy Jharkhand Third

80 KG Category

IYame Circle Position

Biswajit Pratihari Odisha First
Manjeet Delhi Second
Umesh Purohit Rajasthan Third
85 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Maharashtra First
S. B. Magdum
Tamilnadu Second
D. Vivek
Ratan Kumar Paul West Bengal Third
90 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Maharashtra First
K.B. Mulmule
Odisha Second
Swayan S. Ha{lsbanqen
West Bqte! Third
Suiit Samad@

100 KG Category

Name Circle Position

Tamilnadu First
Andhra Pradesh Second
K. Ashish
Maharashtra Third
Washim Shaikh
+100 KG Category

Nnme Circle Position

Kerala First
r Melvin Vincent
Aiay l(umar Delhi Second
r P. Esaldcimuthu Tamilnadu Third

4inal rgsults of the 946 All India Postal WeightlifJine / Powerliftine & Best Phvsique
Tournlpent' 2018-19 are as under:

First Rajasthan Circle

Second Telengana Circle


First Tamilnadu Circle

Second Telen gana Circle

Best Physique

First Maharashtra Circle

Second Odisha Circle


Best Awards of the Tour4ament are as under:

Sl.No. Name of the Player Name of the Circle Award

I Kapil Singh Rathore Rajasthan Best Weightlifter
2. Rajesh Sukraware MadhyaPradesh Best Powerlifter

Shri Biswajit Pratihari of Odisha Circle got the DAK SHREE Award for
Best Physique.

Rajasthan Circle got the overall best Circle (WL/PL & BP).

(Ddisy Barla)
Director (Welfare & Sports)
& Honorary Secretary to the
Postal Sports Control Board,
Department of Posts.
Copy to:

(i). Army Postatr Service, 1 CBPO, New Delhi

(i1). CGM, Business Development Directprate
(iii). CGM, Postal Life Insurance Directorate.
(iv). Rafi AhqredKidwai National Postal Academy'
\' /' AII Postal Trcining Centers
(vi). i..t"ttty, Postal Services Board-'
(viy The General Manager, CEPT, Mysore with the request for uploading on the Website
K{oaiupost under caption Employee corner and sub heading Awards and championships.

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