Crocels Community Media Group NMH Rates

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 Please enter the name as it appears on the DSA‐QAG NMH Register Crocels Community Media Group (T/A AspieLink)

Q2. Date Rates Last Updated 01/01/2021

The table below shows NMH rates. The greyed out cells indicate that the NMH provider does not offer these services. 
Note: The rates displayed are per hour.
Remote Delivery
Standard Rate Distance Learning Only (e.g. Video call ‐ Facetime, Skype 
 (in ‐person)  (in‐person, in‐home) or similar)
Role Net VAT Total Net VAT Total Net VAT Total
Band 1 Support Assistants
Practical support assistant £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Library support assistant  £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Workshop / laboratory assistant £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Proof‐reader / text checker £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Band 2 Enhanced Support Assistants
Note taker £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Study assistant £ 138.55 £ 27.71 £ 166.26 £ 138.55 £ 27.71 £ 166.26 £ 138.55 £ 27.71 £ 166.26
Examination Support Worker £   23.55 £    4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26 £   23.55 £   4.71 £   28.26
Band 3 Specialist Enabling Support
Communication Support Worker (CSW) £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86
Band 4 Specialist Access and Learning Facilitators
Specialist Mentor ‐ Mental Health Difficulties (MH)  £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86
Specialist Mentor ‐ Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)  £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86
Specialist one‐to‐one Study Skills and Strategy Support ‐ 
£   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86
Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) 
Assistive Technology Trainers (AST) £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86 £   56.55 £ 11.31 £   67.86

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