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One major learning about marketing

I have read the entire reading on chapter 14, Personal Selling and Sales Promotion. The study
has highlighted various aspects of the personal selling. The one key take-away from the same
has been how to manage sales force. The sales force is the life line of the company and it is not
only important to hire good sales person but also how to manage them (Jordan 2009). This is
one key aspect that I have learned about marketing. There has been excessive focus on the
customer which is not wrong but is also equally important to take care of the sales force in
order to ensure that the good people don’t leave the company and work for competitors.

Sales force management has taught us that it is not only important to focus on the recruitment
of the right candidate but also important to train them and ensure that they are compensated for
their work. One these things have been taken care of then it becomes important to not leave the
sales force in isolation but to provide supervision as well. This will help in finding out the result
and behavioral aspect of the sales team. The last part here is to evaluate them in order to look
into retraining and compensation aspect.

One major learning about myself

Earlier, I used to believe that the role of the company is to hire right people and then leave
them alone and this will deliver the result. From this course, I have learnt that I was wrong. It
is not only important to hire right people but equally important to train and supervise them.
This has changed my thought process and now I know that as a manager it is equally important
to provide guidance to the team and look at their training aspect as well.


Jordan, J (2009). Sales Management Best Practices: Six Essential Processes. Manage Smart.

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