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J Wood Sci (1998) 44:432-437 © The Japan Wood Research Society 1998

Y o s h i n o r i K o b a y a s h i • I k u h o Iida • Y u j i I m a m u r a
Ugai Watanabe

Drying and anatomical characteristics of sugi wood attacked by bacteria

during pond storage

Received: September 25, 1997 / Accepted: April 22, 1998

A b s t r a c t Seven species of bacteria were isolated and iden- the water movement using biological, physical, and chemi-
tified from ponded sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) cal methods, practical and useful technologies have not
logs, and six species showed potent wood-degrading activi- been fully established because of high costs, long processing
ties. To evaluate the effects of these isolated bacteria on the time, uneven effects, and the need for special treatments or
drying and anatomical characteristics of wood, small fresh expensive equipment.
blocks of sugi were immersed in water suspensions contain- Utilization of fungi, 3'12bacteria, 4'1>1~ and enzymes 5'~6'17to
ing bacteria for 1-7 months. The permeability and drying improve drying and pressure impregnation have been
properties were evidently improved. Most of the encrusting discussed from the viewpoint of biological pre-treatment.
substances adhering to the cell lumens and the pit chambers Biological treatment is assumed to be an economical and
were removed, and the pit membranes were destroyed. ecological method that does not require special equipment.
These anatomical changes due to bacterial activity were Among the treatments, bacteria have been expected to im-
assumed to improve the permeability of sugi wood. prove water movement, and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) observations revealed that bacteria accumulated
Key w o r d s Bacterial degradation • Log pond-storage • on wood long stored in pond water covers and destroys the
Water movement - Drying property pit membranes. 18'19
In this paper the effects of bacterial activity on woods
stored in log ponds for a long period are discussed, seeking
the possibility of improving wood drying. Micro-organisms
Introduction were collected from logs stored in log ponds for a long
period, and the species involved in the perforation of pit
Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) is one of the major membranes and the removal of substances that occlude pit
species in plantation forests in Japan. It is also one of the apertures and cell cavities were isolated and identified. To
wood species refractory to drying I and pressure impregna- accelerate bacterial activity in wood, the bacterial suspen-
tion. 2Though many attempts 3-xIhave been made to improve sion was introduced into the fresh wood blocks. The effects
on the permeability of wood blocks is discussed along with
their anatomical characteristics.

Y. Kobayashi ( ~ )
Institute of Wood Technology, Akita Prefectural College of
Agriculture, Noshiro 016-0876, Japan
Tel. +81-185-52-6985; Fax +81485-52-6976 Materials and methods
e-mail: koba@iwt.apca.ac.jp
I. Iida Identification and cultivation of bacteria
Department of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University, Kyoto
606-0823, Japan Sugi logs 30cm in diameter and 3m in length were im-
Y. Imamura - U. Watanabe mersed for 2 years in a log pond located in Nara at a mean
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji 611-0011, Japan temperature of 14.5°C. Small blocks of 10 (T) × 10 (R) × 10
(L) mm cut from the heartwood of the log were put on
nutrient agar medium (Nissui seiyaku Co.) at 30°C to iso-
Part of this report was presented at the 4 0 th annual meeting of the late the inhabiting bacteria. After the development of bac-
Japan Wood Research Society, Tsukuba, April 1990; the 41St annual
meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Matsue, April 1991; and teriai colonies, the agar medium was placed in sterilized
the IUFRO XX World Congress, Tampere, August 1995 water to abtain a suspension of bacteria. The suspension
was placed on another fresh agar medium, and streak cul-
tures were r e p e a t e d two times to purify the colony. The
Results and discussion
colonies were divided into seven groups depending on the
Identification and characterization of bacteria isolated
features of the configurations. Bacteria were identified by
from p o n d e d logs
the o x i d a t i o n - f e r m e n t a t i o n ( O F ) test, G r a m stain, and
other enzymatic activity tests for each isolate growing on
Seven configurations of bacterial colonies were found in
agar m e d i u m at 20°C. Each isolate was k e p t alive on small
logs stored in the log pond. T h e y were distinguished and
glass plates at 20°C.
identified as Pseudomonas sp. (bacillus-type, A, B, C, D1,
D2, D3) and Staphylococcus sp. (coccus-type, A1) as shown
Bacterial t r e a t m e n t of w o o d specimens in Table 1.
W h e n o b s e r v e d by SEM, a large n u m b e r of bacteria
T h r e e m e t h o d s were e m p l o y e d for the bacterial treatment: were detected in the lumens of tracheids and ray paren-
(1) natural ponding of logs; (2) immersion of wood blocks in chyma cells of the logs stored in the p o n d for 2 and 3 years
p o n d water from the log pond; and (3) immersion of w o o d and i m m e r s e d in the bacterial suspensions. Figure 1 shows
blocks in bacterial suspensions from isolates. The natural bacillus-type bacteria (D1) accumulating a r o u n d the bor-
p o n d i n g was applied to green sugi logs 30 cm in d i a m e t e r d e r e d pit a p e r t u r e in the tracheid of h e a r t w o o d stored in
and 3 m in length for 3 years in Nara. The immersions in the suspensions of the different species of bacteria. The
p o n d water and bacterial suspensions were conducted using average values of their lengths and diameters were 1-2/~m
small w o o d blocks with the dimensions of 10 (T) × 10 (R) × and 0.3-0.5~m, respectively. Figure 2 shows the coccus-type
50 (L) mm. These wood blocks were cut from red and black bacteria (A1) adhering to the cross-field pit m e m b r a n e in a
heartwoods of fresh sugi logs and then sterilized with ethyl- tracheid of h e a r t w o o d stored in a suspension of the various
ene oxide gas for 2 days after seasoning. T h e small speci- species of bacteria. The coccus-type bacteria had an average
mens were p r e p a r e d from s a p w o o d and h e a r t w o o d from the d i a m e t e r of about 0.5-1.0#m, which was the same dimen-
center of the length of the log and were subjected to a test sion as the coccus-type bacteria previously r e p o r t e d for
of drying properties. loblolly pine. 2° Incidentally, the sizes of the pit a p e r t u r e and
Before immersion of the w o o d blocks, they were auto- the p o r e of margo of the b o r d e r e d pit m e m b r a n e in sugi
claved for 15rain at 121°C and then d i p p e d in 500cc of wood were described to be 2 - 6 # m and 0.01-1.0#m, respec-
distilled water. Bacterial suspensions of 100cc, each con- tively. 21 T h e r e f o r e the bacteria detected in this study are
taining different species of bacteria, were mixed into the assumed to be able to move freely through the large pores
sterilized water. The wood blocks were then stored at 20 ° . of the pit apertures and pass through the interstices of the
21°C for periods ranging from 1 to 7 months. unaspirated pit m e m b r a n e s of sapwood.
W h e n the w o o d blocks of 10 (T) × 10 (R) × 50 (L)
m m were i m m e r s e d in the water suspensions containing
S E M observations

The anatomical changes in the sugi wood attacked by

mixed or single species of bacteria were observed by S E M Table 1. Species of bacteria isolated from ponded logs
(Hitachi $450). Small specimens of 10 (T) × 10 (R) × 5 (L)
Test Bacteria isolated
m m were cut from three kinds of sugi w o o d t r e a t e d by
bacteria for the S E M observations. (1) O n e set of specimens A,B,C D1,D3 D2 A1
was p r e p a r e d from logs stored in the p o n d for 2 and 3 years.
Gram stain N N N P
O t h e r sets were cut from small specimens i m m e r s e d in (2) OF test O - F
p o n d water or (3) separate suspensions of seven kinds Motility test + ND ND -
of bacteria at 20°-21°C. The specimens were dried by the Growth in anaerobic condition - - - +
solvent exchange m e t h o d using an alcoholic series, Growth in aerobic condition ND ND ND +
Growth on MacConkey's agar + + + ND
acetone, and p e n t a n e at r o o m conditions before the S E M Oxidase test ++ + - -
observations. Citrate test + + + ND
Maltose test - - - ND
Xylose test + - - ND
Test m e t h o d for drying p r o p e r t i e s Nitrate reduction test - + + ND
DNase test - - ND
Amylacidase test - + + ND
F o r the drying tests, two sets of specimens of 10 (T) × 10 Alginine test + + + ND
(R) × 50 (L) m m were p r e p a r e d in the same way as Endospore formation ND ND ND -
for S E M observations from (1) the 2- and 3-year p o n d e d Acid-fast stain test ND ND ND -
Catalase test ND ND ND +
logs and (2) the wood blocks treated by solutions of the
VP test ND ND ND +
various species of bacteria. The samples were left u n d e r
conditions of 60°C drying t e m p e r a t u r e and 65% relative ND, not determined; N, negative; P, positive; OF, oxidation-
humidity until an equilibrium moisture content of 10% was A1, Staphylococcus sp. (coccus); A, B, C, D1, D2, D3, Pseudomonas sp.
attained. (bacillus); D2, possibly Achromobacter

Fig. 1. Bacillus-type bacteria (D1) accumulating around the bordered

pit aperture in a tracheid of sugi heartwood stored in a suspension of
different species of bacteria Fig. 2. Coccus-type bacteria (A1) adhering to the cross-fieldpit mem-
brane of sugi heartwood stored in a suspension of the various species of

the various species of the identified bacteria, occluding faster the drying speed of heartwood compared to that of
substances in the tracheids and ray parenchyma cells sapwood, in which the drying was easy and fast originally.
disappeared within 7 months due to the bacterial The accelerated drying speed might depend on improved
activity. permeability due to storing in water. 22
An interesting observation was that the bacillus-type In sugi wood the microfibrillar structure of the margo in
bacteria tended to concentrate in the tracheids and the the bordered pit membrane is so densely and heavily en-
coccus-type bacteria in the ray parenchyma cells. It is crusted with extractives, especially around heartwood, that
possible that bacteria move with the flow of the solvent materials such as preservatives can hardly be impregnated
introduced by the drying procedure, but the same features into practical dimension lumbers when using the conven-
were detected in specimens prepared with and without tional pressure method. Figure 4 shows the untreated bor-
the solvent exchange method. This finding indicates that dered pit membrane with no visible openings due to the
the anatomical changes of ponded wood depend on the encrustation with heartwood extractives. These encrusta-
species of the colonized bacteria, possibly because each tions were found to be more intense in black heartwood
species can attack the specific extractives or portions of than red heartwood. Therefore, to improve the water move-
the wood. Johnson and Gjovik reported that the half- ment in sugi heartwood, decomposition of these encrusting
bordered pit membranes and the ray parenchyma cells of substances or destruction of the pit membranes (or both)
loblolly pine were completely destroyed by coccus-type are necessary.
bacteria. 2° After immersing the small wood blocks in the bacterial
suspension for 1 month or the practical-size logs for more
than 2 years, bacteria were observed to penetrate the inner
Effect of bacterial activities on drying properties and part of the wood, suggesting that they could move through
anatomical characteristics of wood the tracheids, pit chambers, and ray parenchyma cells.
Figure 5 shows the bacillus-type bacteria adhering to the
The opening of the pits of tracheids or ray cells by bacteria bordered pit membranes of the small sugi heartwood
should contribute to the improvement of wood drying espe- specimens stored in the log pond for 2 years. The
cially at the stage of free water movement. Figure 3 shows microfibrillar spaces in margo were enlarged; and the ex-
the drying curves of the sapwood and the heartwood treated tractive substances, which should encrust the membrane
by ponding. Sugi wood is one of the species refractory to before treatment, disappeared completely. In the ray paren-
drying because of its heavy encrustation and the existence chyma cells, only accumulation of the coccus-type bacteria
of extractives around the pit membranes and cell lumens. was detected, and the cell contents were assumed to be
From Fig. 3, it was assumed that the longer the ponding, the decomposed.
Fig. 3. Drying curves of sugi sap-
wood and heartwood stored in the
log pond for 2 and 3 years Sapwood Heartwood
~, [] 2 years [] 2 years
200 t A 3 years

.,-, 150


0 I I I I

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30
Drying time (hr.)

Fig. 5. Broken pit membranes and bacillus-type bacteria (arrowhead)

adhering to the membranes of sugi heartwood stored in the log pond
for 2 years

Fig. 4. Heavy encrustation of the pit membranes in the heartwood of

untreated sugi wood

Effect of isolated bacteria on improvement of although one species (coded C) showed small acceleration
drying properties effects on drying as described above in the SEM
The bacteria isolated from the stored wood showed uneven Figure 7 shows the improved drying rate of heartwood
effectiveness on wood drying. Figure 6 shows the drying treated by bacteria coded D1. In the stage of free-water
curves of the specimens treated by the isolated seven movement, the drying speed of the treated specimen was
species of the bacteria for the same period. Hardly any extensively: increased up to twofold that of the untreated
differences in effectiveness were detected between coccus- specimen. An improvement in water movement during
and bacillus-type bacteria and among the species employed, drying was observed, especially in black heartwood,
which contained heavy encrustations in the cell lumens teria, destruction of the pit membranes and decomposition
and pit chambers usually resulting in hard, slow of the encrustation were observed with six of the bacterial
drying. species, as was seen in the ponded logs. The exception was
After the small black heartwood blocks were immersed the bacteria coded C (Table 1).
in the water suspensions containing various species of bac-

1 50~ AI : Staphylococcus sp. (coccus)
The effects of bacterial attacks on the permeability and
1~ A,B, C, DI, D2, D3 :
Pseudomonas sp. drying characteristics of sugi wood were confirmed by sub-
*-~ ~ (bacillus) jecting the wood to natural ponding and to an artificial
treatment using water suspensions containing bacteria. The
longer the ponding, the faster was the drying rate. However,
~I00 the acceleration effects on the drying rate differed depend-
ing on the species of bacteria. Seven bacterial species were
isolated from the ponded logs, six of which had a powerful
influence on improving the permeability and drying charac-
teristics of sugi wood. The bacteria were observed by SEM
around the pit apertures and on the pit membranes in
tracheids and ray parenchyma cells. Most of the encrusting
so substances adhering to the cell lumens and the pit chambers
were removed, and the pit membranes were destroyed after
immersion in water suspensions containing the bacteria.
The improved drying characteristics were observed not only
in the red heartwood but also in the black heartwood of sugi
l B (D1, D3) It is thus confirmed that bacterial treatment improves the
I, , I , I , I , drying characteristics of sugi wood. Therefore it should be
0 studied in regard to practical applications. It is also impor-
0 50 I00 150 200 tant to improve the efficiency of the treatment.
Drying time (hr.) Acknowledgments We thank Mr. Takeshi Kubo, Mr. Hideyuki
Yamada, and Mr. Kazuo Watanabe of the Nara Prefectural Forest
Fig. 6. Drying curves of black heartwood separately treated by seven Experiment Station for their assistance in collecting samples. We are
species of bacteria. deeply grateful to Prof. Hikaru Sasaki and Dr. Orlando R. Pulido at the
Note that the curves of A1 and D2 showed tendencies similar to those Institute of Wood Technology,Akita Prefectural College of Agricul-
of A, and the curves of D1 and D3 were similar to that of B ture, for their advice during our discussions.

Fig. 7. Improved drying rate for

two types of heartwood treated 25O
Heartwood colored in Red ] ~ Heartwood colored in B l a c k
by bacteria (D1)
Treated ] ~ -~" Treated
"-~ 2 0 0 ---o Untreated ~ ~ o - - - Untreated



so O'o,Qo.o
0 50 l O0 I 50 0 50 l O0 l 50
Drying time (hr.)
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