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Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker is the most critically endangered species

out there. It lives in the Southeastern US and in parts of Cuba. It is a
huge woodpecker that was extinct until 2004. Even now there are only
a handful of the woodpeckers that are still around. It is a very
vulnerable animal.

The Amur Leopard

The Amur Leopard is a rare leopard found only in northern Russia’s

Primorye region. This region is very snowy and cold. At one time the
leopard was also found in Korea and China, but the leopard is obsolete
in those areas. According to Census records there are only around 20
adult Amur leopards in existence in the world today.

The Javan Rhinoceros

The Javan Rhinoceros is another of the top endangered species. There

is an estimated 40 to 60 animals still alive today, those residing in
Indonesia along the Ujung Kulon National Park. The animal is so
desired because of its horn.


More than 100 different species of Lemur are found, all of which are
endangered. These animals live on the Island of Madagascar. This area
is found on the southeast coast of Africa. There are almost no Lemur
remaining today, of any species. Although they are not on the list of
critically endangered species there are few of these animals that are
found anywhere.

Northern Right Whale

The Northern right whale is the most endangered of the whale species.
It is found around the Atlantic coasts of Canada as well as the US,
with approximately 350 different whales still found. This whale is
needed for its oil as well as its easy production process. It is a
protected whale.


Vaquita is a family of porpoise and its population declines by by 15-25%

a year since 1945. There are only 500-600 species left and lives only in
the Gulf of California, specifically, in the stretch of water between
Mexico and Baja California.Climate change is one the reason which
affects their food availability and habitat.

Black Rhinoceros

Black Rhinoceros is another species that has got its name registered in
the list of endangered species that are going to be extinct forever.
Only few thousand species black rhinoceros are left on this
planet.Climate change and poaching are believed to be two major
reasons for the drop in count of this species. Black rhinoceros were
hunted by poachers who take advantage of their horns and sell them
for extremely high profits.
Mountain Gorilla

It is estimated that around 302-408 mountain gorillas are left in this

world making it another species among the group of endangered species
list. Due to their aggressive behaviour, people started having
misconception that they pose a great risk to their safety. They started
hunting them down and despite repeated conservation initiatives,
their population is still not secured from poachers.


Baiji and Vaquita are two aquatic animals that have been listed among
most endangered species list. The Baiji is found in the Yangtze River in
China and therefore is called as Yangtze River Dolphin. Only three
Yangtze River Dolphins were found in an expedition done in 2007.
Despite various initiatives like creation of natural reserves along the
middle and lower areas of the Yangtze River, they have not been
effective in preventing incidental deaths of the Yangtze River


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