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Exasperating Justice

n the current political dispensation in India, both the central and However, in a particular caste context, theoretically speaking,
state governments have been on a spree to expand the social there is an advantage to the expansive nature of the quota system.
basis of the quota system, making it more inclusive by inflating The cognitive reason behind such a policy could be seen to be pro-
and even encroaching on the original list of Scheduled Caste (SC) ceeding ahead by providing alternatives to the upper-caste, non-
and Scheduled Tribe (ST) reservation beneficiaries. These govern- Dalit, non-Other Backward Classes group, particularly in govern-
ments have provided economic backwardness as the justificatory ment jobs. However, such faculty of reasoning that necessarily
reason in support of their decision for such expansion. Arguably, scaffolds the quota system, by its very logic, becomes germane to
this reason is inadequate inasmuch as the economic backwardness both internal and external exclusion. Reservation, if practised
criterion adopted by these governments leaves out social groups with the spirit and dynamics of competition through opportunity
that are much more economically backward from their quota con- structures, would lead to internal differentiation, as it has hap-
sideration. The question that has to be raised is: Why does the lexi- pened in the case of the SCs/STs to some degree in a limited sphere.
cal difference principle stop at the 10% and 13% castes? This princi- The conservative argument may favour such internal differentia-
ple would expect the government to start from the most economi- tion on the ground that it will motivate a person to dissociate
cally backward social groups across the social spectrum. The an- themselves from caste consciousness and would help them even-
swer to this question possibly could be found in the politics of the tually become an individual; an individual who could exist purely
new quota system. According to this politics, the minorities may not on their calibre rather than caste. The quota could provide an ena-
be the key to the electoral success of the party currently in power. bling condition to step out of caste consciousness to the extent that
In addition to this, the new quota policy has another rough it will demolish the social morality based on caste, as one member
edge to its angularity. The quota for new reservationists tends to would compete with another on a modern basis. However, this
deviate from the “progressive” principle that was visualised by would not happen automatically; the individual is likely to fall
the Constitution makers. In the original constitutional frame- back on caste resources in terms of individual crisis emerging
work, the quota system was introduced with the purpose of keep- from the failure to cope with the challenges thrown up by moder-
ing in control the particularly upper-caste bias that was thought nity. This could be called the “conceit of modernity” which cannot
to be a hindrance in appointing qualified candidates from the be controlled by an individual’s success through reservation.
scheduled categories. It is for this reason that India unlike the At another level, the expansive nature of justice is supposed to
United States (US) adopted the reservation quota rather than eliminate stigma that came to be attached to the very concepts
affirmative action, which is only an initial enabling condition through overlap with the sociological identity of the beneficiary of
that is expected to ultimately realise the outcome or actual place- the quota. The upper caste, then, did use the social justice and
ment in the service. Put differently, affirmative action, does not Dalit terms quite interchangeably. Thus, before the new quota
guarantee the outcome. The new quota policy that would be soon system, one could find the anti-reservationist assigning derogatory
underway may neutralise the element of caste-based bias on the meaning to the principle of social justice, which made this term
ground, that both the selector as well as the competitors, by synonymous with Dalits and vice versa. One is hoping that the
and large, would share the same dominant social background. new quota system would prevail on its beneficiaries to adopt
The question then would be whether the selectors will adopt a an egalitarian attitude towards the principle of social justice by
more abstract criterion of recruitment, or the more biased crite- restoring the universally normative meaning to this principle.
rion such as sub-caste within the upper castes. Social justice as a concept will begin to enjoy universal respect
Both the beneficiaries of the new quota as well as the govern- as a result. We will not see in the future the tragedy that sought
ment conferring these quotas on them often fail to realise that to reduce social justice as an abstract principle to its immediate
such provisions are limited only to the government sector. This, sociological entity, such as Dalits and Adivasis. An egalitarian
by implication, is also an indirect admission that the members attitude will bring epistemic relief to the concept and some ease
of these castes find the market and the private sectors to be bar- to the estranged social relations.
ricades of exclusion. This kind of policy seeks to insulate the
private sector from interrogation by these reservationists, who
are forced to excessively rely on government jobs.

Economic & Political Weekly EPW JUly 20, 2019 vol lIV no 29 9

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